Revealing Trading Industry Secrets! All Retail Traders Must Learn To Use This Institutional Edge!

Revealing Trading Industry Secrets! All Retail Traders Must Learn To Use This Institutional Edge!

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Hello I want to thank you for watching this  webinar it is an exceptionally important   webinar for each and every one of you if you  are inspiring to become a successful trader   if you were going through different courses  till now and trying to figure out what the   market is going to do what is going to be the  direction of the market and how you should trade   believe me you do not know the rule that I'm about  to talk to you about this is the most important   rule in trading and it is going to change your  life so please listen I'm going to talk to you   about the role of the institutional traders I have  learned it myself from being exposed to traders   professional traders and institutional traders  went through the rules and finally found out the   way that they trade and specifically this one  very important rule which I am about to discuss   so when we're talking about trading when we're  talking about the direction of the market   you always need to understand that the direction  of the market is dictated by the institutional   traders now why is that because eighty percent of  the volume in the market comes from institutional   traders they move the market not you not I not  the investors who are buying and holding we are   all together twenty percent of the volume in the  market now if you do want to understand where the   stock that you're buying is about to move whether  it's going to move up or going to move down   you need to understand the systems in  which according the institutional traders   are bound to work with now what do I mean bound  to work with you need to understand that a person   a trader who works for let's say Goldman  Sachs he does not create the rules himself   he's sitting in the morning meeting at 8:30am one  hour before the market is open and he's being   told by his boss you need to buy this you need to  sell that and normally they're buying or selling   very large quantities not like you and I may  buy or sell 200 shares 400 shares 1000 shares   they are trading very large quantities and  therefore they need to obey to very specific rules   and when a trader like that just you know starts  working he signs a book there's rules in the book   and he must follow the rules and therefore  whatever he does is dictated by the rules of   the firm in which he works now some rules are very  specific some rules are wide open to everyone in   the industry now I'm going to talk to you today as  i mentioned earlier about very specific one very   specific rule which has to do with the S&P 500  and has to do with the direction of the stock that   you will be trading in fact I'm going to suggest  that this rule is going to make you understand the   direction of the stock that you are about to trade  before it makes the move so I'm going to give you   some sort of a crystal ball that will show you how  you're about to trade and what you are supposed to   be doing based on a very very simple and specific  goal and this all has to do with the S&P 500 and   the direction of the S&P 500 now let's try and  understand how the institutional traders are   moving the market at first they need a customer  they're going to buy or to sell a large quantity   of shares so who's the customer the customer  could be a huge fund a big fund or a small fund   these funds usually manage billions of dollars  of maybe employees of some big company whatever   now this fund just decided they want to buy a  share something doesn't matter let's say happen   and their advisors just advise them that they  should buy Apple because they believe that it's   going to go sky high whatever reason now they just  decided they want to buy some but you know you and   i we may be buying 100 shares or 1000 shares  of 10,000 shares but a big fund who needs to move   billions of dollars is not going to buy less than  half a million 1 million or 2 million shares now   they don't do it themselves it's impossible if  they will try and buy the stocks themselves like a   large quantity one million shares they're probably  going to drive the price high and they don't want   to buy at a high price so they would go to one  of the big players like let's say Goldman Sachs   and they will ask them to buy let's say one  million shares now how does the deal go?   Goldman is going to buy the shares normally  the ongoing rate is around three cents per share   and you need to know that and if Goldman going  to buy the the shares at a very good price which   needs to be determined and we're going to start  talking about it right now then they're probably   going to get a bonus now the bonus may go up to  another 10 cents or so so in total they could make   up to 13 cents now the trader who buys the shares  the one million is not going to finish buying it   them all today it's a job that's going to take  him a week two weeks three weeks depending on the   volatility of the market depending on the  volume of the stock that is about to trade and   anyway he wants to buy it at a great price because  that's the way where Goldman is gonna make an extra   commission and the trader himself is going to  make his own commission at the end of the month   in his salary so the trader is looking to buy the  shares at a great price now there's very there's   a lot of rules that has to do with how low does he  really buy the shares now intraday there's several   rules like VWAP for example which you need  to know about I'm not going to discuss it today   it's called volume weight average price and it is  a very important tool for institutional traders   but I'm going to talk today about the S&P 500  which is rule number one the most important   important rule and the rule that you need to know  in order to survive in trading not only to survive   but to succeed and as I mentioned earlier to have  this amazing crystal ball that's going to show you   where the stock that you are about to buy or maybe  short if you want to make money from the fact that   it may come down sometime you need to know this  rule which I'm about to explain so let's take a   look at the S&P 500 I'm going to show the S&P 500  as it was traded today and we'll try to understand   how does the S&P 500 moves and what is the stock that  you are about to trade is going to do in relation   with the S&P 500 500 so let's take a look at my charts  right now now here we can see the s p 5 this is   in fact the SPY the ETF of the S&P 500 which is the  exchange traded fund but again it represents the   500 biggest stocks in the market now why are we  watching the S&P 500 we are watching the S&P 500   because again it's the most important tool of  the institutional traders now here's the rule   if an institutional trader wants to buy a stock  now let's go back to the fund that instructed   the institutional trader to buy one million  shares of Apple then he needs to watch the    S&P 500 at all time he's only allowed to buy apple  stocks only when the S&P 500 is ingrained meaning   the S&P is moving up only then is the trader  allowed to click the button and buy Apple shares   now as long as the S&P is not moving higher he's  not allowed to do so now always remember eighty   percent of the volume in Apple is going to be  originated by institutional traders   who are buyers and institutional traders who  are sellers there's not just buyers let's say   sometimes there's could be 50 buyers and 50  sellers so if you're watching the S&P 500 right   now and you're watching it coming down or up  it's based on how many buyers and how many   sellers are at the same time now notice the  relationship between the S&P 500 and Apple   you can see that apple is in fact following the   S&P 500 now take a look at all of these points that   I'm about to show you look at point number one  you can see how apple moved in relationship with   the S&P 500 now take a look at point number two  and point number three and four and five and six   and seven and eight and nine ten now what  are we saying here Apple is relatively weak   the S&P 500 was moving in between green and red apple  started in red and at that point is still in red   and then tried to move higher but as you  can see everything that Apple did today   has to do with the direction of the S&P 500 now  who's moving who is the S&P 500 moving Apple   or is it Apple that is moving the S&P 500 Apple  is a big company it is an important part of the   S&P 500 but you need to remember there are 500  companies within the S&P 500 so it's not the tail   that is moving the dog it's the dog that is moving  the tail so everything you're seeing here in Apple   is something that was originated by the s p 500  now my claim is and i'm about to prove it to you   that the S&P 500 was the one who made the first  big move and then came Apple which means the    S&P 500 was showing the way in which Apple is about  to move and again as I mentioned earlier it is   your crystal ball now so just imagine this if  I'm going to teach you a way and I'm going to   do it right now and I'm going to show you that in  life right now if I'm going to teach you the way   to anticipate the move of Apple whether you go  long you bite when the stock is moving higher   based on what you expect to happen soon because  the S&P 500 made the first move or maybe later you   could shout it based on the move of the S&P 500 again  if the S&P 500 is coming down now just imagine this   I'm gonna give you a tool here  that will as i mentioned earlier   change your life starting today what I do expect  you to do as a homework after this session is over   is watch the S&P 500 with different companies with  different shares not just Apple it's not it's not   just going to affect Apple if it will affect  every stock that is over ten dollars and one   million shares of volume a day which means around  four thousand different stocks in the market   they're all going to move according to the S&P 500   and you will get some kind of a pre warning that   something in the stock that you are about to trade  is going to happen again this is your crystal   now take a look at what happens during the  trading session what happened today and how   I traded it and again you could do exactly  like i do but now we're seeing the intraday   we're looking at what happened during the trading  session and what you can notice here is that the   S&P 500 is coming down and Apple is coming down  and no surprise right here we saw that earlier   we saw the result we also saw that Apple is going  to go with the market the whole day the first   move as you can see right here is the S&P 500  look at the S&P 500 how it breaks up right now   now there is a delay Apple is going to make the  move after the S&P 500 format and it starts moving   up right now that's why I am buying Apple I'm long  Apple and the reason I am long Apple is because I   knew it will move with the S&P 500 I knew that  the first move is going to be made by the S&P 500   and look now how Apple is joining the S&P 500  now it's a fast quote of what happened but you can   see it all happened first in the S&P 500 then the  institutional traders who are the buyers in apple   today who are supposed to be buying large quantity  and who are trying to get the average price as low   as possible because that's how they're going to  get their extra commission are starting to happen   so they were kind of surprised by the S&P 500 jumping  up like it did and then they would start buying   Apple and now Apple is bound to follow the S&P 500  the S&P 500 was my crystal ball now look this is   a profitable trade I just made some money selling  at the point where I thought I should sell and at   that point the S&P 500 already made the move and  Apple just made the difference came up with S&P 500   at a certain delay now this delay could be a  few seconds still plenty of time for you to buy   after the S&P 500 made the move it could be a few  minutes and sometimes it's just a little bit too   close in together like if the S&P 500 is going to make  a slow upside move then sometimes you will just   not get the opportunity to buy Apple now it's  not just about buying the stock it's also about   finding some kind of a technical formation but I'm  not going to get into this explanation right now   what is more important for me is that you will  understand right now that what you should do at   all times is watch the S&P 500 and anticipate  the move of the stock that you are about to   trade like just like I did right now in Apple  so I just made a few thousand dollars trading   apple with the direction of the S&P 500 five element  you can do the same now let's see another example   that was my second trade in Apple today now  at this point you can see that the S&P 500 all   of a sudden is about to break down it's about to  happen now just imagine what will happen to happen   so I'm looking at the S&P 500 500 and I'm seeing  the S&P 500 holding at the highs and at some   point crashing down now it's not a big  crash it's just an unpleasant downside   move but again just imagine what Apple is about  to do we've seen it earlier with you know that   it moved with the market now take a look what  happened and I'm shouting Apple at this point   now why am I shorting it because I'm expecting  apple to continue and follow the market the market   as we call it is the S&P 500. whenever i say  the market I'm in the S&P 500. So the S&P 500   moves slower Apple is following the S&P 500 here's  my second successful trade now again not every   move of the S&P 500 you're supposed to go long  or short Apple you need to take a look at very   specific technical formation have a little bit  more experience and I just want you to understand   this is not as simple as it may seem it may sound  to you like wow okay so I just got the idea that   the S&P 500 is going to make the first move Apple is  going to make the move afterwards yes it will but   it's it does not end here you need to gain a lot  of experience you need to understand the direction   of the market and I'm going to give you homework  soon so just to make sure that you do that and you   do that successfully whenever you come across  a stock that you want to trade based on the   direction of the S&P 500 now let's move to your  homework your homework are extremely important   I want you to go through a boot camp it's not  easy it's hard I want you to sit at home and   do not trade i want you to have the S&P 500 in  the middle just watch the chart of the S&P 500   and put up another two or three charts of stocks  that you would like normally like to trade could   we happen could be other stocks and follow  the intraday move of the S&P 500 and try to   imagine what's the stock that you could have  traded don't trade it or maybe demonstrate it   try to imagine what the stock is about to do now  I promised you this if you're gonna sit down doing   this for three long days because it is hard work  it is a boot camp and you do that for hours every   day just watch the relationship between the S&P 500  and the stock that you could have traded by the   end of the three or four days you will have the  exact idea where you should move in and move out   based on the ideas that you accumulated during the  trading session and again don't trade it just try   and have the idea of what is the relationship  between the S&P 500 and the stock and did you   have enough time to move in long or did you have  enough time to move in short and exactly with   what were the relationship does it work all day  does it only work in certain technical formations   the answer you will find the homework is all  yours I did my job here explaining you what the    S&P 500 is all about and again I will  repeat that one more time please remember   this is the most important tool as  a trader you could move in and out   the institutional trader cannot do that they  must keep buying as the S&P 500 is moving higher they   cannot say the same day large quantities they will  drive the stock price down you can move in and out   you can piggyback them and then make your  decision move in and out whenever you like   that's your advantage as a trader that's how you  should trade based on the S&P 500 now as long   as the S&P 500 is the most important tool of the  institutional trader which dictates one of their   most important tool and it's not the only rule you  need to learn more but as long as you understand   that your chance to succeed are much much higher  now let's try and understand what I just said   if you follow the trend let's say you watch you  just watch Apple and you want to decide whether   you go long or you go short you could buy or you  could sell Apple at different points during the   day let's just say you do not watch the S&P 500  what is your advantage you have an advantage you   look at technical entries technical exits you look  at the volume changes you look at the buyers and   the sellers if you are the trader you know what  I'm talking about if you're not you need to go   through basic education probably but if you're  a trader you do have an advantage you follow the   trend of the stock that you're buying you may  be going short when stocks coming down or long   when the stock is moving higher you do have an  advantage so let's just say that your advantage   brings you to a success rate of 55% maybe 60% so you  will end up winning 60% of the trades losing 40% you   will be making money now just imagine this if you  add to your already existing abilities as a stock   trader watching the trend watching the volume  watching other things if you just add to that   the direction of the S&P 500 now just imagine  the huge difference you although all of a sudden   you're jumping between 55% success rate to maybe  65% from 60% to 70% percent your success rate becomes   much much higher just because you went with the  direction of the S&P 500 it's not just the   direction of the stock that you're trading you  need to take into consideration the direction   of the institutional traders and they are the  ones who are moving the stock that you're buying   so if you integrate everything together all  the ingredients the technical analysis the   direction of the stock the trend and everything  you come to the point where your advantage is   greater than what you used to have until now and  that's the secret of trading now please remember   this is not the only role that you need to learn  there are several rules that you need to take   one of them is VWAP volume weight average price  and there's more and more and more now what should   you do next well first go through the homework  and then if you're seriously thinking of becoming   traders well I do offer you to join probably the  best program in the market today and this is my   trading challenge this challenge comes with all  the education you need in order to become a trader   it comes with several courses which all has to  do with just one important thing giving you all   the knowledge you need in order to become a trader  several amazing classes that will show you the way   to trade correctly and going to touch several  other rules which institutional traders are using   and how can you implement them and do it each and  every day now please remember learning trading   isn't as easy it is as it may sound it is a very  hard occupation it takes time sometimes years to   learn this profession but you do need to start  somehow and i think that my trading challenge   is in fact the best way to do it now wait I why  do i call it a challenge because it doesn't only   come with education doesn't only come with a great  course which will help you become a trader it also   comes with a challenge account now the challenge  account is a ten thousand dollar account in which   you can trade and try to gain real cash price now  you're gonna get a ten thousand dollar account it   is a live account it's not a real account it's a  demo account but it does not look like a regular   demo practice account it's a real-time  live account in which if you will lose $500   you're out of the game but in case you're gonna  make three thousand dollars in profits in 30 days   you will get a cash price of two thousand  dollars now that's an amazing prize for doing   exactly what you we learned to do in the course  that you will join and all of this is just $199   it's just $199 now we price this close recently at  $500 right now i can offer it to you at $199 and not   only that it cost just $199 and this price will go  away soon we're not gonna leave it at this price   i mean right now that's the price $199 so hurry up  and click that button here and join this amazing   course and the practice account but please  remember this is a one-time offer that will   be there for a short time only so join us now for  $199 course which comes with the practice account   start practicing today go through the course  understand the rules learn a little bit more   about trading and then start the real live account  again a demo account but you do have the chance to   gain up to two thousand dollar price if you follow  the rules and if you trade correctly exactly   like I'm going to explain to you through  the course that you will learn now if   you have any questions if something is not clear  anyway click on that link right here and just   contact my team and ask any question you may  like you you will be answered and just make sure   that you understand everything before you sign up  it is just $199 but you know take your time try to   understand if this is the thing that you want to  do do you want to become a trader do you want to   learn more about trading please remember that   most traders lose money and this is mainly because   they do not get the right education so I want to  thank you again for watching this video it was   amazing having you here and i hope you enjoyed  and i hope it was educational and worthwhile   for you and I really appreciate the fact that you  watch this video all the way down here to the end   and uh that's really amazing so thank you again  for watching and take this one-time offer over   here just $199 with a practice account and all the  education you need to become a trader and again   thank you very much you have any question click  on the link here and ask my team any question   you may like there's also a Q&A there which you  can go through so everything will be explained if   you just click on the link here you will get all  the answers you need all contact my team and they   will explain some more so again thank you very  much for watching and I'll see you in the course.

2022-02-15 00:59

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