Protecting assets and increasing productivity with OneDrive for Business at Microsoft

Protecting assets and increasing productivity with OneDrive for Business at Microsoft

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Greetings. Welcome, to today's IT showcase, webinar protecting, assets and, increasing productivity with, onedrive for business I'm. Mike Nesselrode a senior program manager at Microsoft. Hi. I'm Ian Quan a senior. Service engineer at Microsoft. Together. We manage a cloud storage services, for, Microsoft, internal, users. Good. Today. We're going to talk with you about cloud. Storage and synchronization. Security. And compliance how. We deploy, and communicate with our users and our journey ahead at the. End there's, a resources slide that. Will link to additional information, if you, would like to delve. Further into some of the topics that we'll be talking about today and while. We have some time set, aside at the end for Q&A feel, free to type your questions in the Q&A window as they come up and, I'll keep an eye on them we'll answer as many as we can throughout the webinar with. That let's, jump in, right. Off mic. So, why, onedrive, why why did we decide to deploy onedrive, within, Microsoft, we, started, historically, we've used a number of the. Tools that Microsoft. Has offered and. We had quite the the. Environment and and quite a number of options, for our users that. Didn't. That, generated. A number of questions oftentimes. And some canned some user confusion, as to which tool was, best to use in a given scenario, so. In, an effort to both save IT costs, from from a management and support perspective as well. As. Helping. The users understand, which tool to use when we were, looking for a single, solution that would really meet all of their needs so. We started working with the, onedrive product, group to, address, some, of the concerns some, of the the capability. Gaps that the that, our users were sharing with us and. As, those have been addressed we've really been able to. Fully. Enable, onedrive, and. Our users really are finding, that, they can share their. Content they can co-author, and collaborate, very, easily. And it's it's really been a great a, great, addition to our tool set in. Addition, there's a separate initiative around office, 365. And and moving the entire company towards, that that, really does open up some of those other capabilities that, I was mentioning such. As the collaboration, and the ability to share, your content broadly. Across. Teams and get. More people involved. In your in, your work basically. And collaborate, across the team.

Along. With the collaboration capabilities we, also gain some some, enterprise-grade security and. Compliance tools. And, controls, young, do you want to talk a little bit about those, I certainly. So. Basically. A security, and compliance. Perspective. We. We, constantly, scan, with. Data prevent, data, loss or, data, leak and, also. That, notify, users make, sure. The. File protection, is in place and. Our. Robust, policies. Also protect. Work files really well. And then, we have some of the best features in onedrive for business as, well so typically. You. Want to say something more oh I was I was waiting for you to talk about the encrypted, data and those aspects but as, I as I touched on when we. Incorporate office 365, it, really. Does open up the, co-authoring, and the collaboration, capabilities. For our users at. The same time we talked a little bit about some of the security the. Encryption the data is actually the files are encrypted both. In, the cloud mmm, excuse me and in transit, between. The cloud and the local device when you're syncing content back and forth and, also, there's some security, capabilities, we'll talk about a little bit later that, allow, us to monitor. And audit what, users are doing with with different files and content as well to, help prevent over, sharing and other corporate. Challenges, in that sense yes. For that actually. The disk. Level file, encryption. Is. That we, use enterprise, ID, encryption. Technology, by, level and also we use BitLocker, for, Drive and disk level encryption. As well and then, also onedrive. For business back-end. Has. Capability. For, the admins. To configure, more settings, for powerful security, features. Ok. Very good well thanks young and. He'll stalk excuse me again mmm let's talk a little bit about how onedrive for business works, and some of its newer capabilities. Now. If you've never used onedrive. Or you're. Not used to cloud, storage and sync capabilities, I like, to describe it with really, having. Two components, one is the cloud storage which, which. Comes with a number. Of the, great benefits that that onedrive, itself has which allows you it allows you to, share. Your files and your content, with other users both internal. To the company and, external, it. Allows you to. Co-author. And. And collaborate, on that same content.

The. The one limitation, if I had to say that there was a limitation there is that you need to be connected to the Internet and that's, where the sync client comes, in and that's really the second part of how, I described onedrive. For business the. Sync client runs. On your local device and allows you to sync content between the cloud and your local device. That. Allows, you to work offline anywhere, anytime anyplace. On any device really so. For example if you are, creating. A new file or even changing the file on your on your local machine and you're offline. The. Next, time that you connect. To the internet the. Sync client will automatically, take your changes, and sync them to, the copy of the, file. That's in the cloud at, the, same time if any of your colleagues have changed, the cloud. File, those. Changes, will also sync, to your local device so you now, effectively, have the, master copy again both on your local device and in. The cloud it's readily, accessible to anybody from any device. The. Benefit there too is if you then decide. To log on from any other device whether it's your phone or another laptop, or even a desktop PC you'll. Again have access to, all. Of those files of the master copy they. Will sync to your local device if you've got sync enabled and once, again you can you can continue editing offline, if necessary, so, it really is a. Great. Tool a great, capability gives, you great opportunities, to work broadly. If you're not co-located with, with, your colleagues, to. Collaborate, across the internet very easy to share instead of as. As we all used to do taking, a file and attaching it to an email and emailing it around and then having to manually manage all, of those updates, right I will, say there are some new features that, have come out with with, onedrive that. That, change. Just. A little bit how those. Those, processes, work young, do you want to talk maybe a little bit of a pals on demand yeah absolutely so. With. Windows, 10, onedrive. For business, added. Or introduced. Files. On. Demand feature that. Means simply say easily say a file. Even if files is actually. On cloud Internet online, but, you. Can see in your file explorer. And locally, so, that means not, entire file is. Not saved in local disk because so if as you see there screenshots, on the other side. The. For. Example in my wonderful, file folders, right click and. Property. You can see that is. Actual. Five, sizes like over eleven gay but.

The. Only, 270. Megabyte, is saved and locally so the other arrests of 10 plus gig is in online, so, you save your storage, that's. A good feature but if you don't have any internet near collection at some point and you really, need the your core offline then, or as you can, you, know configures, right-click that particular folder as you see the screenshot, and always. Keep on this device that, way you can work. On all planning, so. That's. Our file on-demand. Feature. We, have and, then also. As. Far as our user adoption. One, thing we emphasized, for the users is that we, promote it the users that hey you, can have a 5. Terabyte. Quota. That's quite a bit of size so. That attract, users to use onedrive for business and. Also other like, advanced, features advices, we have is we, improve the special characters, or, in file. Names such as. Expression. Mode exclamation, mark and ampersand, you can add on to the file name we, still have a little bit of limitation, for specific, characters. Such as percent, or a back. Stretch for, slash and things, like that have actually, windows prevent, that there are some you always limitation, yes and there also we we, actually, increased, the. Single file size, sync limit, usually. We had a 2gig only right but we now we increased. To 15, gig, that, means the multimedia files can, be synced and. What. Else we have also we increased maximum. File. A path, I sorry the path, no, Mac. Pedophile folder names to. 400. Characters instead of 200, previously, and then as a, share point now use, same, sync client, engine, like onedrive. Use. You. Can just sink content, easily from SharePoint to onedrive for business as, well yep absolutely, and those are those are great topics actually those. Young. Touched a little bit on how, we're marketing, this to our to our users internally, and those. Were the, top four. Or five. Challenges. That they were facing really. Before we could migrate and start to encourage, everybody to to migrate to onedrive days yeah we had a lot of challenge on that yeah but, but now that the product the prototype really did a great job delivering those and along with some performance. And reliability improvements. That, they write that they delivered we really have weave so. We're in an opt-in environment, for our users we. Allow them to choose to use this we have not forced them to use it and we've, been able to grow our user base in the last year and a half over. Fivefold, from from roughly 20,000, users to about a hundred thousand users now and, we're continuing, to grow that yeah, but Mike we still have some special case education, that, that requires some. More you, know dynamic, performance, perspective. Or 70, perspective, we, have to keep on their data in some, other. Technology. So that's a very few percentage, but we still have that user base but. And also prop group is you. Know the researching. And continuously. Improving. Adding. More the. Restricted, characters, if possible such things like that so the new things coming up in, time right yeah absolutely, and yeah we continue to work with both our users to understand where their challenges, are and share. Those and pass them along to the product group and encourage the, resolution. Right get those addressed so you want to go for security, and compliance next, I do let me but before we go there I did get a question on on one of the previous topics, and I want to bring this up so. The question is what. Let. Me let me summarize, this a little bit but what happens when two people are making, a change to a document, at the same time, whose. Change. Takes, priority and and. Whose data will be lost and. And while. This. Can you know just thinking, through it you can see where this might be a problem.

In. Office. 365 handles. This in a couple of different ways depending on which application you're, and let. Me take Excel, for example because that one, was. One, of the later ones actually to to get this capability, they, struggled with it initially. But. But now it's in there and it works fantastic particularly. When you're using the office 365, web, applications. It'll, show you if you happen to be in a in a Cell on a spreadsheet. It'll. Show you that somebody else is actually in that cell typing, as as, you're looking at it it highlights the cell puts, their initials next to it and tells you that somebody else is there so, hopefully that, helps. You prevent overwriting. What somebody else is working on. But. There. Are occasions where, let, me take if you go back to. PowerPoint. For example. It. It, will. Sometimes. Allow. You to change a, certain. Section and if, somebody else happens to be mid-sentence. Typing typing, their own change ID hitting Enter that, can, come through and overwrite, yours so. It's it's not perfect, and. Honestly, I don't know the exact rules as to who you know which takes precedent, I think usually it's, whoever's, first is what gets saved and then, if the second person making, a change hits. Enter then. Those changes, will will come through and typically, over right, now. Let me let me take a step back and say that's that's when you're doing this real time and you're both connected, to the to the file online. If. Somebody, happens to be making a change offline. And and, is, not connected to the Internet. When they go when, they do connect to the internet and the sync client tries to sync that file, with. The cloud version, if. There's a conflict, it'll actually pop up a little message telling, you that there's a conflict and, it'll give you the opportunity, right to address it however, you may want to address it it'll you can open both files and, and see what the conflict is you, can change choose, to save, two different versions of the file until, you can resolve the conflict or you can choose to accept one, file as as the, primary and and.

Neglect, The changes on, the other file so it does give you some option, there. Into. How you handle that right, yeah, I think, it's a lot of UX is improved. So kind of user friendly s cues of action so understanding, what's going on so that's that's a big one of the big improvement, in wonderful. Business today. Now yeah so you know go on the security and compliance yeah he's so thank you you stole my transition, there yes oh good say yes let's let's move forward to, talking. A little bit about how we handle how we keep our data secure, engine, client and. And yeah actually some of this topic is yours oh yeah that's right so sorry, I'm, slightly over there quick jumping here so, basically. It's. No brainer right so we have the. Wonderful. Business, is part of office. 365, service. Strategy, and, also Missouri our users using in those ten enterprising. Environments, so we have quite, a bit of, security. Features in in place so, files, are always encrypted, by default and. Policy. Is based the. The, control safeguard, is can. Really protect, our corporate data and, then. Another. One thing is you. Know as you know the big, privacy. Issues in, European, Union's. The, GDP our, general. Data protection, regulations. So, office, 365. Is a hundred percent compliant. For GDP our therefore. One, drive is, compliant. So. Those, thing is a key, high-level the. Security, compliance. Okay. And then maybe, you can cover this Mike for we, make use of accountability, accountable. And we can provide, provision, strong policies, make sure we, don't actually make. Users, make mistake right, yeah we try to help our users so we do have a very open. Environment and, that we trust our users to to. Maintain, their. Content, and not over share or, accidentally. Share and. But, we do have so. We have policies, where where, we make them accountable we hold them accountable and they're, well aware of. Those of those controls. Beyond. Beyond. The the expectation. That is placed on the individual user we, do have some tools that. Help prevent. Data loss. And also give. Give. Our, security, team a little bit of extra visibility into, what, a user is doing with, a given file and. That's so I'm really referencing the windows information. Protection that. Is gone later yeah we're gonna touch on that I think another, slide or two here, but. It really does it gives the gives. IT the ability, to identify. Corporate, owned content, so anything, any file really that's created on a corporate device by, default, is is, corporate, owned and. And, the user has the opportunity to say no that's really a personal, file if, they happen to be doing that on their machine and they can change that ownership and and, then store it off on their personal onedrive if they like, but. That information that transaction, is actually, audited and, and. Captured, so that our security team can't, keep an eye on those things and if we do find that that some corporate, IP has, been over. Shared we can track down what. Exactly happened, and, and try to put policies. And, processes in, place so that it doesn't happen again, but I don't want to go too far into that because I think the next slide young did you want to talk a little bit further about some of those controls, that, we have a place definitely, Mike, probably. Is a good idea to share what, we do in back end as. Far as serviettes service engineering, perspective so. We. Provisioned. The data loss prevention.

We Call this DLP, you. Could say there are leak prevention, as well so. This tool will, do in backhand. Constant. Scanning. So. Onedrive. For business files. Supposed, to be work. Files and, business files for. For specific, to individual. Mostly, unless you want to share right so. DLP. Does. Constant. Scanning, and identify. Any sensitive. Data such as a, PII. Right personalized, identifiable. Information, so, for example like a social, security number, and/or. Customers. Like, credit. Card numbers and such so. DLP. Automatically. Detect identify, and. Tact at the same time you. Can actually configure admin, can configure. The. Automatic, notification. That. Sensitive data if you get DLP find it to the. File owner to. Make sure the sensitive data is, not. Really, shared. Wrongfully, so, the, user owner, can do. Next. Step either. Delete or it's. Okay it's protect just I know what I'm doing, type of thing so that that's the key things and then really, helping them yeah exactly so that is a DLP so those, those part of things not just wondering for business but we using this DLP, solution. In. SharePoint. Site. As well okay. And so. Continuously. For, this is extension, of the, data. Loss data leak provision. You, mentioned, the windows information, protection yes so let's. Next, slide I put it together screenshot. So. Maybe. You. Know we did. Silent. Deployment. In internally, right. Rs3. Yeah, right okay so. As, you see that the slide the. Windows information, protection. Use. Enterprise. ID encryption. Technology. So, onedrive, for business is. Considered, as, corporate. Owned, asset. Right so, if you look at the onedrive for business. Politics. For local. The. Directory. All the, files folders, ownership, i'll ownerships is cropped, at, and. Just see that in screenshot in the slide so, that means the file is owned by Microsoft. Whereas. My. Personal. Onedrive is. Ownership. Is me. So in. Microsoft, we are opt-in we are not really I, shouldn't. Say fully. Managed, we are kind. Of semi, managed that we user a week give users a, lot of freedom so. Our. Users can use onedrive personal, as well alongside. With a bit onedrive for business so. If you look at the onedrive, personal. All files are yours. So if you move somehow. You feel want to move your. Wonderful. Business work files through your onedrive you can do it, but. We audit. We track that event, very. Thoroughly so, just, in case any data. Leak. Incident. Happened we, know what. To next to staff to protect, our asset, so, the users know, that and I'm. Not sure exactly the how. We configure as, far as a user notification. Once you move to the file from onedrive. For business to onedrive and, typically. Sometimes we say hey this is the wrong location I, agree that kind of stuff, I think, the whip has those kind of capability.

As Well mm-hmm, so, do. You want to add on some no I was just gonna throw out there and honestly I'm not sure if it's if it's whip or one of the other information protection, tools that we have but I do recall, seeing in some of the office applications, the, the header bar across the top that's, Ryan's, users hey if this is confidential, information you. Know please mark it as such and, that helps helps, whip and some of the other tools better manage and control yeah. Sort of service it because we call AB CI 5 classification. Information, so it's similar to a whip extension, of protecting. Files yeah, and information. So. That's kind of a brief information. I think we we, have those resources. Added. Later custom. I mean you, guys want to see more around, more about windows information, but yeah we do that I, think the last slide one of the last slides in the deck will have links to some more content particularly. Around whip and several of the others right, so let's jump on to how we deploy and, how we communicate, okay. Let me actually I'm scanning, real quick I want to I. Am, getting a number of questions here and I and, one or two of them I saw an I thought would that be good to touch on sure we, may have to come back I don't want to I don't aside track too much but we may have to come back and get to some of these ok, for. Example somebody is asking in there Bo 365, tenant onedrive is still showing a terabyte of space. Allowed, is. The default 1 terabyte and can we increase per user as needed to 5 and. I have to be honest I'll have to research that one I know that we. Have five terabytes available, to us right and I believe that's managed, the folks that are actually managing the SharePoint, that's. Behind the. There really provides the the storage, locations, for for. Onedrive for business those, are the guys that that, have been able to increase. It to five terabytes I believe, you, have that same, capability I don't know if there's a specific, voice licensing, level probably the license yes, but the full licensing, you have a full Enterprise, license, five. Terabyte, is is, it available, capacity. So. You can actually compute a five terabytes I'm not sure this particular, audience. Their. Company has that kind of license right we would probably have a capacity of that so what I would recommend for, you if you're still seeing that and and whoever, asked that question reach. Out to to, the, onedrive product. Group team, either. Through your, support channels I know, they have a variety of social. Networking. Available, and the TAM team reach, out and and those folks will make. Sure that you get the right information to make sure that you have the right license or or, you. Know that your you're getting the capability, that you're supposed to have all, right. Okay. Let me we. Have some more but but those aren't yet some of them are getting ahead of us actually on our conversation, here so let me skip ahead a little bit okay, and yes you did say so let's talk about deployment and communication, so, okay, so as. I. Think as young and I have both talked, about, we. Run. The shop we run the the onedrive for business capability. Really, as an opt-in. Tool. An opt-in capability, that the users right. Now don't have to sign in and don't have to use they're strongly encouraged, to and and, we do again, every time we work with the product group and and have some of those capability, gaps addressed, or where, as performance, and reliability are, improving, we, send. Marketing. Communications. To our users to. Encourage them to sign in themselves, and start using the tool we. Do have actually quite a few that, we talked a little bit about. Quintuple. Our. Client. Sink or sink client usage from. From 20,000, users to a hundred thousand users we, actually also have a hundred and fifty thousand users using. The onedrive storage location. The the, cloud storage. They. Just not all of them have adopted the sync client so there's. We, tailor, our communication. To. To. Encourage, and and try to bring up all the great new capabilities and. User. Scenarios, user experiences. That they can expect when they sign in. So. Having said that there, are I. Mentioned. Earlier that we did have earlier. Tools that. We legacy. Tools let's tell them that that, that we have migrated, away from as we've pushed everybody into well as we've encouraged, everybody to use. The onedrive cloud. Storage. And, sync client and, so, some of those tools such as what. In telomere and work Direction. Home run. History. Work, folders, that kind of Windows File syncs overseas right yeah requires quite a bit of on pram the. Infrastructure, so, exactly. And they didn't you know they while they each had their their.

Strong Points, they also everything. Seemed to have its own limitations. So it really has been a big success for us to to get one, tool that one solution that really, cover all of the needs you, did talk touch on a few corner cases that we're still are trying to yes take. Away for, we moving to onedrive. Is it bottom for, us is is no-brainer because we, do not want, to manage bunch of servers on, prime storage, and, the, resources support, so, that's a big thing so in. The beginning and, we, had a little bit of skeptical, on the, performance. And things, like that so use a complain, you, may hear that as well but, as. Product. Is improved. Right and. Well. How I described, new next-gen. Sink line right so, that gives, us a lot seamless, synchronization. Success, ratio go high and so users kind understand oh yeah this is good and then, for, IT, for, us there's no way I mean I, don't want to manage this bunch of this all, so, is that all, 365. Cloud, solution, which is onedrive for business is. A good option for us yeah and you may you you. Folks if you're going through this as well may run into some of the same challenges we did. Users. That did try to use onedrive. And the sync client in the past probably. Have a kind, of a bad taste in their mouth yes I'm the Greek because the performance wasn't always there with the with the legacy sync client and and. The reliability B is the group of people we it was called groove yeah. Not. To be confused with the music, tool. That was called group, but. What. We found was actually as we were migrating, users I think specifically, when we migrated users from from work folders to, onedrive for, business there. Were a few that that reached out and were, concerned about some of the issues that they had seen years. Before when they tried to use it and we. Encouraged them to say to try it again and and let them know that hey there had been actually quite, a few enhancements. And, improvements to, it and and to. It to a person I think three people in particular wrote, back and said you. Know oMG, this is this is world's, better than it used to be right and, and it really has. The. Feedback that we get through some of our internal social networking has, been way. More positive than. It than it was in the past and I think that sort of organically, you know despite all of our marketing efforts and everything else as, users. Hear of other users success, stories and and how happy they are with the tool that. Just sort of organically.

Grows The user base and and really I think that's that's what little, growth and or so the some. Users kind, of the habitual. The. Way they saved or stole. Files rank of my documents. Or desktop, so, they, don't really like, to have different locations so one. Dry product, group actually, added that functionality, right, you can act change. Even. If you save my documents, and desktop you can configure that into. Onedrive. Business, so all everything, is a sync rise to one for business is a back dog so, that kind of featured the user like as well don't get too ahead of us we have we have slides later where we're gonna that's, older remapping, right and we will talk about that a little bit do you want to us some different migration, I do want to talk yes so we can talked a little bit about how we encourage our users to, to, opt-in right as we call it. But. I also want to talk about the migration, path along, the way we've touched, on some of the new capabilities that, have, been deployed and. We've talked really about. Stuff. That's that's impacting. A user directly, you talked about the the file size or the or the total. Storage size or the the max path and. How some of those things those are those are a little bit more direct and a user will see a problem when. They're when they're unable to sync there. Are some other capabilities, that. Have, over. Time been added, to the, new or, next, NIC they call it next-gen sync client they we really want to call it the onedrive sync client at this point. And. No longer distinguish, it is the current sync client is to go forward sync client. But. Over time it has also. Gained. Some, capabilities, that users aren't necessarily, going to interact, with on a daily basis so. For example what. We used to call my sites or really, your standard, the. Stores, the. Cloud stores basically, showing what, you basically, SharePoint is it's the it's the real the, base capability. To sync your, cloud storage to your local device that, I talked on talked, about earlier when, we first. Migrated, users from the legacy. Sync client to the. Current, sync. Client again I don't wanna call the next gen sync client it. Was a it was a very difficult process the way it was managed and the messaging, to the users, was. Not clear, we ended up with with quite a few a couple hundred calls.

To Our support team right as users, were confused, and struggling, with the situation, but. The product group and IT learned. From that and and actually now, we've, we've since gone through a few more transitions, the new sync client now of course, syncs SharePoint. Sites. Team. Sites and and, even, information IRM. Protected site information race managed sites, those. Things have all been now deployed. And and, we've migrated, users, without. Any of them even knowing we're. Able to do it very silently. In the background, you. Know the the tool itself goes out and monitors and looks and says look if this user is using the old sync client to sync a team, site or an IRM site, we're. Gonna shut that off and we're going to tell the new sync client to take over right all of it happens seamlessly there, might be a brief. Clock. Or pause. As the, new sync client takes over and and does, a little bit of adjustment and. Then starts to sync all of the content but it really has become seamless, and, there and there is one more, capability. Like the excuse me that we are about. To deploy we're in the process of testing it's probably still a few months away the. Ability to sync on Prem SharePoint. Content it's. Still something that's managed, by the old sync client right because the new one doesn't quite do it yet but. That too I'm very, confident that this will be something like many. Of the other capabilities that were, able to deploy and. The users really have no idea that it's happened other than suddenly. Now they've got much better performance much, better reliability, and. Things are just working, as they should really, in the background for them so. I had, a very positive. Changes. And growth in our in our migration, path as more. And more users are, taking. This on yeah this is a great point Mike so I, think the we. Should also cover a bit for our communication. Right absolutely, and change for the audience, how they can in their environment, right so for us, do. You want to come without the yeah sure I can take that one as well yeah, so we, like, to in, a lot of ways I'm. Gonna say over communicate but really it's following, some best practices, to ensure that, our users are well or as aware, as possible, of these, changes before they happen even if we're confident, that. Some. Of the migrations are going to be fully transparent for a fully invisible, for the users we, do want to make sure that they're aware in advance so that we don't impact. Somebody during. In the middle of a big presentation, right we don't want somebody giving a big, presentation, to suddenly have no, access to their content so. We do send emails, and, messaging. Typically. A few, weeks in advance to let users know that a, change is coming what, the benefits, of that change are for them what what experiences. They can expect to gain from. That change and then we, also. Try to remind the, user just, as the. Changes about to happen or also sometimes. During all right if they happen to have some. Of the I think we'll talk about it just a little bit later but when we talk about some multi geo alright. Account, migrations, we, let. The users know if there's a there's a there's a down time for them where, we are trying to synchronize, files between, a couple of different data centers and, so, for them that's a couple of hours where they shouldn't be accessing, and changing their files so, we we send them a message during, that time period right as well and let them know what's. Going on right, I think the next slide talks just. Talks about some of the. It's. These really, yeah. A pretty, way of talking about some of the best practices where, you really spark the campaign you get that you raise that interest by by letting the the users or your audience know what. The benefits are going to be for, them give. Them some indication, of when it's going to happen and. Then igniting, the engagement, when you actually do it you. Know get. Them get them more involved and aware of the. Changes and actually when it's going to happen and then adding to the bonfire we, have. Tying. It back to our opt-in. Marketing. Campaign, anytime. There's there's a new capability, or a new, user experience or, we get some positive feedback from other users we, try to turn that into another marketing, message, to. Put it out in front of our entire audience so. That they, will. Gain you know grow some excitement as well and perhaps choose, to opt in on their own right, and also we target, some specific, groups so, deep dive and. Sometimes. We use cafeteria. Revenue, our venue right and then, kind, of give them to.

Practice, How to not. Campaign so that actually, effective as well but, a lot of users typically. Email, kind, of invitation, things, like that we tried a lot but you guys may try that but a lot of users they don't really read the emails so it's an actual, interactive. Hands-on. Invited. Or we, don't do that anymore but in, a long day quite. A lot ago we actually give them some you, know meal card you, know coffee card things like that so anyway so whatever, it works. Yeah. We do so. We don't do that so much for encouraging. People to opt-in anymore we do still, some guerrilla marketing, or, not guerrilla I'm sorry girl is surveying, to. To get out and talk with users and and, in, some cases introduce, them to the tool and and have them walk through it in other cases users are well experienced, and, it's an opportunity for them to show us what. Challenges. What issues they're running into and, we can then take that information back, to the product group and try to get those issues. Or concerns, addressed. Right. So, I touched a little bit on the, multi geo yes. Architecture, and migrations. There yeah, do you want to talk a little bit about what we're doing there yeah, definitely. So, Microsoft. Internally. We were, single. Tenant. Before. Even. Partially. Today because, the only reason what, we kept, the single. Tenant. Was. Capacity. In. Other, agile, data center in global, it was 100% available, so, we kept these in North America site specifically. San Antonio, there's most capacity. Available site, as your site and, also we have Chicago disaster. Recovery site, however. Our. User, base is grow and. Localization. Is coming, up and perform especially performance. Tuning things like that it's coming to inform all day from to Asia, or Europe or. Africa to, North. America is sometimes hitting the with, you know latency, so, to prevent. That give more user experience, we. Are now actually. Deploying. Multi, geo tenant. The architecture. So but, in north america is, our main, the. Master, infrastructure. Of course and, then also we kept as well as the disaster. Recovery in chicago site as well so, the master infrastructure. We. Do control, the. And. Then manage the, mystery. Look. Either. Locales. Right so of, course the north, america infrastructure, covers North America mostly Redmayne, and the, North America in South America and that we have, Europe. The. Edge, or datacenter all, 365. Site covers. Europe Middle East Africa and, then, APJ. We have a Singapore, the. Author exclusive, our data center it covers, the APEC, region so it's user base is about including, our employees, in vendors. North. America South America about. 110,000. Europe. 50,000. A pack. Around. 60,000. Right so so we covered lots, of other information workers. Fire. Sink and cloud storage solution it yeah that's a great point and we're actually in the process of migrating some of those accounts now yes we have validating, and testing as y'all yeah we're. Building out some of the some of those data centers and and that's, right the information, from, an IT perspective that's, you, know so it's great for the user right, to sort of have their data in the region where they're primarily. Working, and. And so from an IT perspective we're, also. Managing. That to to try to centralize a, user's. Full. Profile. So it's not just their onedrive storage, account, that we're that we're moving to. The region's we're also doing that with with their exchange accounts, for right for Outlook. And. Any share points they might be managing alright are also being especially business areas Skype, as well the Skype accounts so it's it's really a. Larger. Move, to, to, sort of I, don't want to say centralized but but but centrally. Locate, a user's profile, right, and all of their information, region where they're working right exactly.

Though Okay. There have been a few I've, missed, a few I apologize, I'm, getting a lot you're scrolling through there, are a few questions yes and I wanted to touch on some, here I Paula, sommore we've, covered, a little bit but let me see here. When. We talk about back, up when we talk about syncing, data to, the cloud somebody's. Asking how is backup and recovery handled. So for example if. A user deletes, a folder but then realizes, a month later they still need the data and, that's a great question this is one when. I first joined this, team I ran, into I had to support somebody and. It. Was it was it was really cool actually in a lot of ways like on your Windows desktop you, have your recycle bin and. And. Your. Online storage, of cloud storage in onedrive has, that same I don't know if they call it a recycle bin or it's a trash bin I don't know what the name of it is but they have that same concept and in fact they have I don't, know if I'm allowed to tell this or not but I actually have two levels of it so, it, operates like. Your desktop recycle. Bin does in the sense that if you've, deleted a folder and, a. Month later you decide who I really. Needed some of that content you just go back into that into, that recycle, bin and it. Should be there mm-hmm, the. The second, level it protects, you even again, if you if you have looked at that trash bin in the past and said you know what I know I'm, never gonna need this stuff and I'm gonna delete it and then a, month later decide you actually do need it there's a second, level to it and you can it's, it's you'll. Probably have to ask somebody to find the link but if you scroll really to the bottom of I, think it's the bottom of the page of the primary recycle, bin there. Should be another link that allows, you to look at previously. Deleted files. And also, we. Do have a. Previous, version feature. As, well yes. So if you change, something, in, the file for example Excel, the word and oh shoot, I need a you, know fact you're back in time their, contents and then you can do that right for specific file yes. That. Well of course we have some mutation, a, period. If you change within, 30 days you. Can always go back in that, in time right so that's pretty convenient. Feature we have so. That's kind of things, and any other Christian maybe you know there is one more than I'm going to touch on before we before we move forward. So, is there, a special deployment, tool that does the onedrive st. client upgrade or does it happen via Windows updates. It's. Actually even different than that the, product group is managing, right. These upgrades so in, a lot of ways. You. Know they're pushing, the changes they have now there's a there's a ring structure that, the product group uses to manage and different. Partners, different customers, are, in different rings based, on how. They've negotiated with, with the product group and how this is all managed. So so from a timing perspective of how these things get deployed, but. They now as they've I talked. Earlier about how, we've grown, through, the migration process. And how, that's becoming more and more seamless. So. The product group really has taken that in and said look if we can do this without, negatively. Impacting our, customers. Let's. Just let's give them the goodness as soon as it's ready and and. Push it out to them I understand, that there are there, are so, the, way we operate internally. To Microsoft, is a little bit different than how external, customers might, experience this, we. We'd. Dog food everything, that that the product group has so so pretty much as soon as it's ready, to go, they're. Pushing it out to to, all of our internal users so, that we can start to uncover any issues that they're ready before it gets deployed to external customers I, know. That there are some, controls and some, well. Controls, that can be established with external customers that, allow them to pause when, when. The, product group is ready to push a new capability if. If, a particular customer has said you, know what we want to be able to do some maybe internal, testing or see if there are any other issues that come up before, we adopt I. Think, they are allowed to pause for some period. Of time I don't want to say it's months. It. Might be a few weeks before. Then, it, does get pushed and they need to accept it, and also we, should cover a little bit on the support side right so the frequent, version change for. Specially internally, we got we actually eat the dog food, oh yes. So we going through some pain people final. Release so. For, the support we did it internally. Maybe the two ways money is in, app, support, which is in there right so you can right, click or, now, new, UI started, out in the report problem, things like that then product.

Group Has their. Own, the. Support, the. Teams they can support. You directly and then, all internally, also we have a help desk of course users. Choose. To call, help desk or, special. Team internal, team which is my team ops, team then we, support, as well so the, support, is pretty robust, today and. Then I realized from, the. Old sink, Lian to. New sink client those sync synchronization. Issues related, issues there's, a lot we used quite a bit so, so, more like to the internally, a Mike what, we do find. Is more like a bugs. Something. That before, prutte before. Release so, we see the issue. Then the file a bug and Paulo crew we resolve, so, we do as much as we can right so, that's. Kind of and we're feeling the pain to help you yes sorry. I should we're. Not feeling the pain but we do we do like, to help the product rip as much as possible that is the purpose of the right exact to help uncover any issues that there there, may be so. You want to move. On then is they have some more question there there you know there are a lot of questions but I do want to be conscious well, probably some of these will go to the QA right at the end. So. Let's go ahead and move forward so talking, about our journey ahead okay we've touched on it a little bit as, we've, gone here as. As, young. Mentioned early on with, Windows and information. Protection we. Are still running it kind of in a silent mode and as, we. Audit. And observe. Behaviors. Of our users we. Will probably. Modify. Our approach to two that's deployed and and how we look to control. Again. Corporate, content so that it's not accidentally, leaked. When. When not appropriate. Here. We, also, talked about migrating any outliers so there are still a few things that. We're working on we've talked about, being. Able to sync on Prem content. And. Also encouraging. Users more, users to sign, in to, the sync client as we as we push, there. Are. Higher-level. Directions, within the company and, a desire to get everybody, in the cloud and really sinking their content to the cloud so, we will be while, we have the, continuing, opt-in, marketing. Program. Underway. We, are working with the product group on a couple of new capabilities, and that's what this third bullet point really, references. There's. One capability, I don't know what it's formally going to be called when. They do deploy it but, it will allow us to. Automatically. Sign users in to, the sync client with, their network credentials so if the user isn't already signed in when, they sign into the, network and a been attached to to, work in their office. We'll, go look and if they're not yet signed into the sync client we will sign them in and. Through. That start to encourage more usage of the. Sync to the cloud and. Then the next step we and I think we touched on earlier to the known folders and. Known folder remapping, so. If you're not familiar with that term we're. Referencing the, your. Documents. Your. Desktop your pictures those, folders, that that by default appear. In your, file. Explorer, navigation, pane in, general. Those. Or by default, the. Operating system will, create, a folder, in, a specific location, to store the content, if you choose to save it in documents, it'll be stored in a specific location on your hard drive. Remapping. That allows. Us to change the location that those files are stored and we'll. Be able to change that location so that it's in the onedrive. Folder, structure, and in. Doing so. Anything that gets saved into, that structure will. Then sync to, the cloud yeah exactly it's a positive direction on-demand pretty much exactly, that and and it really is, simplifying. For. Our users the, the, ability to get their content into the cloud and and. Of course we don't want to as we talked about with some of the communication, plans, before we don't want to just blindly, do this we're going to share, with them the, benefits, of doing it the fact that they will always have you. Know ready access to this to. That content from any device at any time, it. Allows them you know to quickly. Work on another device if necessary, and, for that matter if if their current machine breaks or it's. Stolen or. Then. They can simply get, a new machine right as soon as they sign in they'll, have immediate access that content is not actually, lost to, them that work product is not lost so those, are none of the benefits and some of the things that were that we're moving towards as, we go forward. There. Are probably a few other things that we've got going there as well but I don't know that I'm allowed to share the point so I'm gonna leave it there and, so, with that we're we're, at the the. Resources slide that we've referenced a few times, audiences. We. Have some resources the link, yeah I think we can share this slice with them you. Guys can go go to the each link if you're interesting so, we cover as well as Windows Information protection right there mm-hmm, and gdpr as, well.

Yeah. It's kind of useful information, resources. There so you guys can go, there and check it out, okay. Please take a look and and and. Reach. Out through again through your tam or other, connections, if you. Are not seeing. The information that you're looking for, very. Quickly we do have some additional questions so we'll get to those okay. Looks, like we are at the end of of, our time and our and the presentation, formally so, before we start our Q&A, session please. Remember to, type your questions into the Q&A window many of you have already been doing that we'll, do our best to get through as many as we can and it looks like we have about ten minutes left and. We, already have a few questions, to start, us off so let me flip over on my screen and see if we can grab and. So, these are not going to be in any particular order and, I'll have to scroll through a few and see what we can find. Has. Okay so this one is an easy one start. With the start. With the softball I guess has. The new one drive client, been released yet and if, not what is the timeline so, the new client, that we've been referencing, when we talk about the, next-gen, sync client that has absolutely been released that's been out for a, while and a half or two it's been out for quite a while yeah some. Of the capabilities. That we've been talking about have, come through time and, they're always updating, this thing I think it's every few weeks that they've got new capabilities, right and, a little bug fixes and performance improvements. That. They're constantly pushing out so yes that, should be readily available you, should get it you should have it on your on your machine either from Windows, 10. The. OS itself it comes with that or if you. Are. Are on. Office, 365 you, will you will also see the executable, due to that, probably. The easiest way to to. Find it is if, you hit your Windows key on your keyboard and start. Typing onedrive you, should see a desktop, app up here, that, just says onedrive and and that is the. New sync, client, right so in your syncline actually, the same seen client, that. Onedrive. Personal, uses as well and. Now a show point uses, sync client as well and so that's wrong yeah. I. Do, have to throw. A little message out there I don't I think we, are we've. Done a great job of cleaning it up across a, number, of different customer landscapes. And we're working on it with ours as well if, you happen to see a onedrive, for business, app. When, you do that search if it also appears, in the list that references. The old sync, client, it'll be confusing, but that is a yeah, and and, so I try to I want, us to get that cleaned up so that we don't have to talk about anything more but if you happen to see that that that does tend to run the old sync client if you have a choice but if you see both choose. The one that just says onedrive, and that, yeah Boulder, folder. Icon, right yeah, just. A little desktop app yeah I think up there. Okay. So and, if I haven't answered your question this, goes for any of you as we as we go through the questions if we haven't answered it please, type another one in and and we'll try to do a follow-up as well. Okay. So what. Is though this one ties to the to the known folders what. Is the recommended method to, redirect, user. Home folder x' and on a network, share to onedrive and is, there a link anywhere for more detailed information I I. Believe. There. Is a link, for note so. If. You want to look for like No. So. The so onedrive personal, actually. Offers, this right now if you're if you're if you have the little white cloud that tells you that you're running onedrive, consumer. Or onedrive personal, right. Click on it and go to settings and within. I forget which tab exactly, it's on but. In there and maybe there might be the autosave tab. You. Should see an option actually for your pictures your desktop, and your Documents, folder right, and, you can you know play with the the settings there that. Will automatically, do the remap for, you for your known folders and. And frankly that's the capability, they've rolled it out to consumers first, and. And kind, of testing it and building it from there and they're currently working. On enabling. That in the business space as well, before, working also the its business, businesses, environment. Right so if you have Fujin managed you don't want to mess around a lot of stuff you can restrict or. Our, environment is none, managed to a user can look to whatever they want right so we really don't want to push, through, the policy, we, we, make available through, information, page and then so users can do by themselves so, like like, we do like my can I do this my documents, and desktop, we always just you, know put it into onedrive. For business for, example you can do that in manually, as long as it's, you, know restrict. By policy, right yeah. Absolutely yeah so there are and and I don't I don't know if I should tell them how to so you can absolutely do it manually a.

His Young mentioned it depends, you, may want to check with your own ID IT department. Right not to see whether they want you doing that exactly, but. Just. And you can look this information. Online if. You just do very quickly known, folder remapping, I think, that'll come up with multiple pages that'll. Tell you how to do this but essentially in. File explorer if you go to the known folder itself in in the left navigation pane, right, click on it go to properties, I, think. It's the location tab yes OC, user. It'll. It'll show you where it's currently stored, and then if you want to move it to your. Onedrive. Folder. Structure, so that things do start to sink then. You simply have to enter the the new location, right and, there are I highly. Recommend, going. Out to the web and doing, some research there are some recommendations on how you do this if you, aren't. Fully aware of how it's going to move files for you you. Can get yourself in a bit, of a mess so, I, do highly recommend going out and reading more, content on that for. Exactly how it should be done right, before, you before you go do it, okay, so let me let me move forward actually maybe. I'll. This. One's windows information protection, so, until, whip evolves. Do, you recommend companies, look to add any third-party security tools to, our data location, data. Location yeah. Third-party tool a Symantec, originally, the DLP type of these came from Symantec we. Have partnership, with some other third-party tools but we. Do provide, you. Know in application. Capability. So but. It's we that doesn't prevent right. Before. We if you guys can wait until we deploy. Me and then always you can look for the third-party, or different solutions if they're, needed however. We, provide, those, end-to-end the. Protection. Platform, if. You have Windows 10 right. Rs3. I don't, know what your stages you are and. Then that with. Those information, protection is of, as auto box feature anyway, so that's.

Up To you guys right so but for us you know we use whip. We. Use enterprise ID encryption, for onedrive. For business files, and. Then we. Constantly. Improving. Or pushing up more security. Features because today's, environment. Is just you never know just, even, we do a lot of BIOS, level former level connections. In. BitLocker, multi, authentication. Not enough so. It. Just constant battle for SI T yeah, yeah, it is and it's it is a I. Love that you call it a battle yeah because, as one thing is is one, new capability, when my control is deployed it. Seems you know there will always be a way around right and and we're always continually, evolving yeah we do have capacity for that kind of customized, protection. Customized. Compliance. Things like that but we push that to the product group as much as we can so, we don't have to manage so all three six five and to end the. Security. And compliance strategies. Pretty, good so we, don't have to you, know the redundant. Duplicate. Effort numbers, so, we push that and we can save all I key cost you, know we don't have to have bunch of resources to manage so, that's just we, can sleep better yeah, so. That's. Kind of thing we, try me okay, all right very good well, I see that we're now at the top of the hour we'd. Like to thank you all for spending this time with us today, we hope the session has been valuable and. Please be sure to visit

2018-05-17 08:52

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what if two people are working on the same file at a time? Is there an automatic branch that might save both versions in history?

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