Prime Minister's Questions: 24 October 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 24 October 2018

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Order, questions to, the Prime Minister. Mr., Paul Sweeney, number one mr. speaker, the. Prime Minister. Thank. You mr., speaker mr.. Speaker it has been announced this morning that. So Jeremy Heywood, is sadly, standing. Down as cabinet secretary, and head of the civil service to, concentrate, on his recovery from ill health. Jeremy. Has been an exemplary, public servant, over more than three decades, serving. With the highest distinction prime ministers and ministers, of all parties, in the finest, traditions, of the civil service as. He steps down he, can look back on a contribution, to public life few. In our country, can match and I'm, personally, very grateful to, him for the support he has given me as Prime Minister since, my first day in number 10 I'm, sure, the whole house will. Join me in offering our very best wishes to Jeremy, and his family. Mr.. Speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in additions, to my duties in this house I shall have further such meetings, later today mr.. Paul Sweeney. To. Teenage brothers from my constituency, Samara, and arriba have lived in Glasgow since the youngest was five years old, there, are no naturalised, glass regions but, they live in constant fear of deportation to, a country where they fled in fear of their lives their, school friends that spring Byrne Academy rallied to their cause by, launching a petition, that has now been signed by over 90,000. People and was recently presented to, the Home Office by the skill and the moderator of the Church of Scotland however. This action has. Been met with callous, indifference, when. The leader of the Opposition met the children in August he was appalled by the lack of compassion shown by the Home Office towards, these boys have, been kept in limbo for years while, the Prime Minister note review this case and meet with these boys to witness it firsthand what. Life is like at the sharp end of this government's, hostile, environment. Prime. Minister, every. Case in. Relation. To people's. Right, to stay here in the United Kingdom is looked at extremely, carefully, and I will certainly ensure, that the home office looks again at this case, Sir, David Amos. Music. Be the food of love we could certainly do with a lot of music, just now so. In that regard will, my right honourable friend join me in welcoming, Sir, Michael Parkinson. Who. Opened, the United, Kingdom's, first jazz, center, in Southend on Saturday. Inspired. By Digby, Fairweather, displaying. Wonderful, jazz memorabilia, and music, and is, that not yet another, reason, why Southend, should be declared. Prime. Minister. Can. I can I say to my, honourable friend I have been known of course to move to a little bit of music myself. Can. I thank you. Can. I thank him for highlighting. This this. Excellent, new Center I'm extremely, pleased, I'm, extremely pleased that the Center was opened by my constituents.

Uh Michael Parkinson. He. May know that culture is one of the key strands of the government's Great Britain campaign that's about promoting arts or across the whole of the UK to, global audiences, and we, like to see in support events around the country showcasing. The excellent, range of Performing Arts we are we have and I'd like to join my humble friend in welcoming this new jazz center and I know once again the bit he has put in in relation to Southend, Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker, I do join, the Prime Minister in thanking the former head of the civil service jeremy hayward for his public service wish. Him well in his recovery and i have to say in, my conversations. With him what an impressive well informed, and dedicated, public servant, ears and, i really do hope he, gets through this very, difficult condition. He's in at the present time. Mr.. Speaker the prime minister says austerity. Is over, the. Conservative, leader of Walsall council, says austerity, is alive and kicking who's, right. I, say. To the, right honourable gentleman indeed. After a decade of working people, decade, of austerity, people, need to know that their hard work has paid off and because, of their sacrifices, there are better days ahead, so. We. Will be setting out our approach. We, will be setting out our approach in the spending review next year what, does it mean I'll tell you what it means it means debt going. Down as a share of the economy and. Support for public services, going, up but. I have to say that unlike labor we will continue, to live within our means and we won't go back to square one. Mr.. Speaker this process, hasn't been very convincing to Mike Bird the conservative, leader of Walsall Council, who says never, ever believe, what you hear from central, government austerity. Is not over, our. MP seem to have lost a lot of confidence in her and server counselors, as well and, not far away in Derby, the conservative, Council, says, financial. Outlook, is, extremely. Challenging, with government austerity measures confirmed, as continuing. Will, the Prime Minister try and clear up these cheer, up these gloomy, Tories, in Derby, and confirm. To them that next, week the budget will cancel, the 1.3. Billion cut, planned, for, local government next year. Actually. We're making 1.3, a billion, more money available in the in these, next, two years to councils, and I'm pleased to say I'm, pleased, to say. I'm. Pleased to say the council tax is down in real terms it's, under the last Labour, government. But. If he if he if he wants to sort of make statements, about what should be in the budget perhaps we ought to look at his. Past predictions. He. Said that our plans would, mean a million people, losing their jobs what, have we seen. 3.3. Million. He. Said he, said our plans would need Greek levels, of youth unemployment and, what have we seen youth, unemployment, is at a record, low. So. You you'll. Find out what's in the budget next week but there's one thing that we know for certain labour, will still make a mess of the economy. Mr.. Speaker the Prime Minister didn't get round to mentioning, the record numbers of people on zero hours contract. The. Record, levels. The record, levels, of in work poverty. Meaning. People in work after, access. Of food bank and wages. Lower in real terms than they were eight, years ago and that, her government has cut 49. Percent from, local governments, since, 2010. Staffordshire. Police have lost five hundred, officers, on. Sunday, the, Chief Constable Gareth, Morgan said, sorry to, his police colleagues, and their families, as they had to cancel rest, days just. To maintain the, service he, apologized. His officers, will, the Prime Minister apologise, to the police as well. That, he talks about the police and about what is available for the police, of course what we saw at the last election was a Labour Party saying 300 million more pounds should be made, available to the police what we have done is made available, 460.

Million. Four, hundred and sixty more pounds, to the police. Can. I also say to the, right honorable Gentry if he wants to talk about figures, I actually have a book here that's, edited, by the Shadow Chancellor. And. In an article by an economic. Advisor to the Labour Party, he, says about their last manifesto. The numbers did not add up. That this was a welcome. That. This was a welcome, feature and, largely. Irrelevant, weight. Male it may be irrelevant to the right honourable gentleman the Shadow Chancellor, but, it's not irrelevant to the people whose taxes. Go up whose jobs are lost and whose children have, to pay Labour's debt. Only. One party, costed, their manifesto, in the last election, and it wasn't the Tory party. And for all she says mr., speaker, for all she says about police, the reality, is there, are 21, thousand. Less police officers, than there were eight, years ago and. She, should listen to the chief constable of the West Midlands, who says criminals, are taking advantage of, these cuts and I quote we're, struggling, to deliver a service the public, I think, the criminals, are well aware of how stretched, we are two. Weeks ago the prime minister told the house that, people on universal. Credit will be protected. The, very next day the. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions said, some, people will, be worse off on universal. Credit which. Statement, is true Prime. Minister. Remind. The gentleman, what I made, clear to the house was that those people, who are moved through. The manege migration, process, onto universal, credit will indeed have the protections, of I think it's a round three billion pounds of transitional, protection, but. Let me just turn in what happens, under Universal Credit. The, shadow foreign, secretary says, no no no because they don't want to know. To. 200,000, more people, into work. 700,000. People getting. The extra, money they're entitled, to and 1, million, disabled. Households, get more money per, month, we're, not replicating, the old system because the old system, didn't work this. Is a system, that helps people in to work and make sure work pays. Mr. Speaker I think the Prime Minister, is completely. Out of touch with the reality of what, universal, credit is about. 50. Pounds per week worse, off weeks. Waiting for the first payment when they move on to universal, credit people, going into debt people losing their homes people stress, that beyond belief, because they can't make ends meet and having to access a food bank just to feed their children that. Is the reality of universal. Credit. Mr.. Speaker, eight years, of Tory austerity, means there are 40,000. Nurse vacancies. In the NHS, the, numbers, of students, applying for nurse training has fallen by over, 16,000. Since, the cut in the nurse bursaries, the, Prime Minister told us austerity, is over will, the government take the necessary, step next week in the budget of restoring. The nurse bursary, so those who want to become nurses on our NHS, can realize their ambitions Prime. Minister, the. Right honourable gentleman mentioned, in universal, credit to the weights that people have in order to get their first payment we. Announced in the budget last year that, we were reducing the, period of time that people had to wait for, their first payment, and what did the right honourable, gentleman in the Labour Party - they, voted, against.

And. Then it talks about, if. There's an end to austerity actually, we should be doing more for the National Health Service can I remind the right honourable gentleman it is this government that has announced that, we are going to be putting. 394. Million, pounds, a week more into, the National Health Service the, last, election, labour said, that. With, 2.2. Percent, more money into the NHS. Each, year it would, be the envy of the world but. I can tell the house we're not putting 2.2, percent in we're. Not putting 2.5. Percent, in we're, not putting 3 percent in we're, putting an extra three point four percent in. That will deliver for people, up and down this country. Mr.. Speaker. Applications. For nurse training, dropped, by 12%. In September. That's the reality of taking, away the nurse bursaries those, that want to become nurses cannot. Afford to go into debt in order to do a job they want to do and we all need them to do mr.. Speaker this, government is simply not being straight with the public they. Promised, an end to austerity they. Can't even fool their own councilors they, promised the NHS, an extra 20 billion we don't know where it's coming from or when it's coming GP. Numbers falling health, visitor, numbers falling and nurse. Numbers, falling also, they promised universal, credit would protect every one of. The Work and Pensions section. Let the cat out of the bag people, will be worse off the, Prime Minister claims she's ending, austerity, so, will she confirm, that. He next week's budget there will be more. Police on our streets more, nurses, in our Hospital, and. Elderly. People in desperate. Need of care, will, not go ignored. And forgotten by. Her government. Right. Honorable gentleman what. Have we seen under, this government we've seen more money being available to the police we've seen more money for the health service more, money for social care money, going into local authorities, more money going, into our, schools, and at the end of this Parliament at, the end of this Parliament will be spending five hundred, million pounds more in real, terms on people of working age and children in our, welfare system but. Let's actually look at what we now know about what, the Labour Party's, alternative, is because. We now see. We. Now see as. Reported. By a respected. Academic, that. By their own admission. Labour's. Plans would cost. 1000. Billion, pounds. That's. The equivalent. The, equivalent. Of. Thirty. Five. Thousand. Pounds, for every, household, in this country, we, know what that would mean higher. Debt, higher taxes, fewer jobs labor, just, taking, us back to square one. Belmonte. And metroid, special, schools do a fantastic, job of educating Sen, children, in my constituency, but. In the last decade they've, had to contend with an explosion, in pupil, complexity, emotional. Behavioral. And medical, does, the Prime Minister agree that we need a careful, examination about. What lies behind these, seismic changes, so, that in years to come we can deliver the best possible, outcomes for all our children. Raising. What is a very very, important, issue and it, is absolutely, vital that we have for these children the right combination, of, education. Health and care provision, that is going to provide them to ensure that they have the support the. Education, that's right for them and they're able to reach their, full potential just, as other children and our reforms, both to special, educational, needs and disabilities system. Are key to this but, the point my little friend raised is about research and the increase in complexity, I think is a very important, one and the Department of Education, and police say does have a number of research projects, in fields. Relating, to these children and young people and we're committed to building. Up that rich body of evidence on the identification, and, on, the outcomes, and educational, experiences, and the. Department. Is also scoping, new work that would help again, to lead to our understanding of these issues so we can ensure these children get the right support that they you. Mr.. Speaker. Kidnapping. The. Killing and the mutilation, of the, respected. Saudi journalists about Khashoggi, has.

Rightly Shocked the world a killing. That has all the hallmarks of, being. A premeditated, murder Angela. Merkel has, announced her government will no, longer to prove new, arms, sales exports, to, the Saudi Kingdom that is model. Leadership, the. UK government, must take decisive, action words. Of condemnation, will. Not do well. The Prime Minister, finally, commit to ending the seal of arms, to, Saudi Arabia. Prime. Minister. Mr, Speaker it. Might. Be helpful for the house if I take this opportunity to update the house on this on this petition particular, issue because as I told the house on Monday we, condemn the killing of the journalist Jamarcus Oggy in the strongest, possible terms and, after, his disappearance we made clear that Saudi Arabia must, cooperate with. Turkey and conduct a full and credible investigation the, claim that has been made mr. khashoggi died, in a fight does, not amount, to a credible explanation so the does remain remain, an urgent, aid to establish exactly what has happened in relation to this the, Foreign Secretary on the foreign ministers and our ambassador have, been making our position very clear to the Saudi Arabians, I myself, expect, to speak to King Salman later today and, I can update I can update the house that no Minister or official is attending, the investment conference in Saudi Arabia and my right honourable friend the Home Secretary, is taking. Action against all suspects, to prevent them entering the UK and if, these individuals, currently. Have, visas, those visas will be revoked today. I'm afraid the Prime Minister said nothing about arms sales condemnation, won't, do is action, which our mr. speaker the, Saudi Arabia regime is responsible, for multiple human. Rights violations. Critics. Face death, by, crucifixion. Teenagers. Tortured, women, imprisoned. For, campaigning, for their human rights, the brutal, bombardment. Of Yemen, push, in that country, to the brink of famine and no the, state-sponsored, murder, of, Jamal keshiki, what, more evidence of, criminality. Does. The Prime Minister need before, she fully commits, to, ending, the sales of arms, to the brutal regime, and Saudi, Arabia.

The, Right honourable gentleman we are concerned, about the humanitarian, issues, in the Yemen that we are actually the third largest humanitarian. Donor, to. The Yemen and our, support has provided, significant. Support, to millions, of men. Women and children in the Yemen I might. Remind the right honourable gentleman that, yes we do support the sound alert coalition, military, intervention in Yemen that was recognized. As being recognized, by the United Nations Security Council and, it. Came at the request of the legitimate, president Hardy, now, in relation to defense, exports, the procedures, we follow are among the strictest, in the world they. Were introduced. They. Were introduced. In the year 2000, by the late Robin cook they. Were updated, in 2014. By the conservative, led coalition, government, to reflect our obligations, under the arms trade treaty and a. License, will not be issued to Saudi Arabia or any other destination, if to, do so would be inconsistent with any provision, of the consolidated, EU and national arms export, licensing. Criteria. And in, July 2017. The High Court ruled that as sales, to a Saudi Arabia, were compliant, with, those regulations but, of course we keep these under review. Lot. Of members still waiting to contribute, and we must try to accommodate, them Richard Graham. Mr.. Speaker last week the Shadow Chancellor visited, Gloucester, saying that my constituency, had suffered from austerity, in fact Labour's, high unemployment has, been slashed, investment. Manufacturing. And apprenticeships, are strongly up a new, Center, for the Homeless established. To NHS, trusts rated current. And. A new Gloucester, transport, hub funded, by the government opens, tomorrow. Does. My right honourable friend agree, that although we must do more all, of what we've achieved so, far would, be severely, damaged, if the option leadership had, their chance to impose on us again economic. Bankruptcy. And constituents. Better off on benefits, than in work. Frenchie's. Absolutely. Right if he looks at the record, if this got but first of all may I say my congratulation. On the work that he has done and pay tribute to the work that he has done with, the charity, having having a voice in Gloucester we've I believe Bishop, Rachel I think this isn't this challenge he is doing important, work in Gloucester but he's absolutely right, we see overall employment, at a near record high youth unemployment as, I said earlier a new record low and real, wages rising that, is the benefit of a Conservative, government taking, a balanced, approach to our economy, and the one thing we do know is that the Labour Party, would undo, all of that load and leave right got our economy, and a mess once again, Gordon. Marsden. Can. I get the Prime Minister some brief relief from brexit, and ask, her about dogs. Last. Week behind her last week Debra's select committee with its specific breeds, said. That the dangerous. Dogs actually the specific, breeds definition. Was not fit for purpose with. The hundreds, of hundreds, of pit bull-type dogs, confiscated. Yearly, and destroyed. With no impact on the dog bite numbers so. Will the Prime Minister, asked the Defra secretary, to act urgently on, the committee's. Recommendations. And, not take the approach of the Lords minister who told them and even a good tempered, dog, had to be put down as, collateral, damage, my. Wonderful bull terrier type dog was, rescued from the streets and to think of her being destroyed, because, her face didn't fit in court, is chilling. We've, heard quite a bit about the dog situation but I think we're going to hear more the Prime Minister well. Thank you thank you mr. speaker can I say to the Honourable gentleman that I hadn't looked at the detail of the Select. Committee report, on that particular issue but I can assure him, that Secretary, of State for.

The Environment Food, and Rural Affairs is himself, a keen dog owner as, indeed is the Chancellor of the Exchequer who's, sitting next to me as well and the, Secretary of State will be looking at this issue very carefully. Oh master. Turn, you. Mister. We. Might not make much whiskey, in East Memphis sure but we do enjoy drinking, it and scotch whiskey is the jewel in the crown of our food and drink sector, last year's juicy freezers raise more money for the exchange, just as Scottish conservatives, argued at work and the industry continues to make more positive, investment at our communities, so, isn't the least we can do on Monday it could be to extend that freeze for another year. Thank. My. Friends, for the Lobby that is pushing I'm sure the Chancellor has heard what he said of course he will as. Ever, in relation to the budget everybody, will have to wait until the budget is delivered to find out what is in it but can, I say to the honourable gentleman because he and my. Conservative colleagues from Scotland founded a robust. Campaign, on Scotch whisky duty last year and we were pleased to be able to take the the. Stance. That we did in relation to the duty because we recognize the importance of scotch whiskey to the UK and I have to say it was a record-breaking. Year there, was a record-breaking year in 2017 and in the first half of 2018, scotch whisky exports, increased. Further to nearly 2 billion pounds, this is an important, industry. Hunter's. Denying, delaying, or disrupting, visas, formal, guven and African trade commissioners, Palestinian, academics, artists, at Walmart and Celtic connections, are malawian priests and pupils enhance, her vision of a global Bretton does, she understand. That the visa crisis. And perceived travel, ban only starts to prove that the hostile environment lives on and the brexit, is a small, isolationist. Retreat from the world stage. From. The situation, that he has pointed out there, is no travel ban we, remain open to business we remain open to people from around the around. The world and we will continue to do so under the new immigration system a skills-based immigration, system that will be introducing when we leave the EU David. TC, Davis, Thank, You mr.. Speaker I minister. Women who have got concerns, about proposals. To change the, gender recognition Act, which would allow self definition of gender have. Had their meeting venues, canceled, been, subject, to intimidation. And even. Been dragged into courts, as a result of private prosecutions. With. The prime minister agreed, to, a short meeting with, a victim of sexual violence, who, believes that these plans will, needlessly put, more women in, danger. Prime. Minister my, honorable friend that he has raised what, is a very important, subject I think it is it is right that we are making these proposals, in relation to gender reform but of course it is a very sensitive issue and we do have to make sure that, as any, changes, are made we are taking, into account the potential impact that it could have in relation. To women. And I'm, very sorry to hear of the experience, of the individual, that he that he mentioned. In his question, in, the, run-up to the consultation and during the consultation on the gender recognition act officials. Did meet with over 90 different groups including, LGBT groups women's, groups refugees, and domestic, abuse charities, but this is an important, and sensitive issue and we want voters to be heard and can I suggest to my honourable friend that, I will ask Minister from the government equalities, office who are leading on this particular issue to meet with him and the, individual, concerned to hear correctly their experience yes, Philips.

Thank. You mr. speaker it seems that our laws are lie, rich and powerful men, to pretty much do whatever they want as long as they can pay to keep it quiet so, does the Prime Minister support, the Court of Appeals decision to back non-disclosure. Agreements, which have been used to silence women who've been sexually harassed and others, who have been racially, abused. Honourable. Member that she will understand that I can't comment on a particular case, that is currently before the courts what, I will say what I have said previously is, that, sexual harassment in the workplace is against the law such abhorrent behavior should not be tolerated and, an, employer that allows that harassment of women to go on dealt with is sending a message about how welcome they are and about their value in the in the workplace, so, just as we won't, accept any behavior, that causes people to feel intimidated, or humiliated. In the workplace there must be consequences for failing to comply with the law, non-disclosure. Agreements, cannot stop people from whistleblowing, but. It is clear some employers, are using them, unethically. And the. Government is going to bring forward measures for consideration for consultation. To seek to improve the regulation, around non-disclosure. Agreements, and make it absolutely, explicit to employees, when, a non-disclosure agreement, does not imply, or cannot be enforced. Justine, greening Thank. You mr. speaker at the moment if you pay a mortgage those. Mortgage, payments, every month help you build up your credit. History but. If you pay a rent every. Month it doesn't which just isn't fair but. We can fix this for 15 million renters and the creditworthiness assessment, bill is, something that, could help give, affordable. Credit for, all of us to be able to get on in life including mortgages, to millions more. Renters across the country, will the Prime Minister, take, the opportunity, of the budget next, week to look at whether the government, can give support for this cross party, supported. Bill that has already passed through the Lord's unamended. Prime Minister, I.

Like To think my right on Barret the friend for raising this issue as she, will be aware of course I can't, say what will be in the budget next week but she would have noticed that the Chancellor of Exchequer would, have heard of the point, that she has made, christine. Jardine, thank. You very much mr. speaker and unlike, my honourable friend from eastern Fisher my constituency. Does depend, on the Scotch whisky industry, which is why it's and perhaps suffering, with so many people like myself supporting, macmillan at the moment which go sober but. Other. Under. Threat from brexit, and of course stubborn breaks a tiered isolationism, could see I was faced with a hard boards on the Republic of Ireland and a disconnect, with parts of the country which voted overwhelmingly, for. Remains so is the preeminent, ready to accept the, heart party's narrow-minded. Nationalisms, poses, an existential threat. To the United Kingdom and that, begs a dear belligerence, kids, precut Breton people. Do the Honourable lady. The, Prime Minister can I say to the Honourable lady we are working in the national interest and we are working for a good deal with the European Union that will ensure we can continue to trade across, all industries, that are important to this country such as a scotch whisky Association not, only with the EU but with other countries around the world on good terms that will enhance that, industry, which as she says is important, for her constituency, we're working for a good deal for the whole of the United Kingdom once we're outside the European Union in Caroline, Spellman. Diesel. Engines a much cleaner and comparable, with petrol, can, the Prime Minister use her good offices to help adjust vehicle. Excise, duty, rates which, are having the perverse effect of people hanging on to their older. More polluting, diesel cars, and causing, job losses from, falling sales in the car industry Prime. Minister, thank my friend, for raising this this, issue I think that was a budget page that she was making, to Minister she will know as I've answered before obviously, the. Budget will be announced next week this, is an important issue though because we have seen of course demand, for new diesel cars fall by, 17% in 2017, that, decline actually is in line with other, major European, car markets, demand. Fell for example in Germany by 13%, but. It's. Because, of the health impacts of nitrogen oxide that that we see these changing patterns and that has been important, to take to, take action on this and we, want to ensure that manufacturers. Actually come forward, with cleaner cars as soon as possible, term. Ends. Thank You speaker West. Georgia Police is 904. Your officers, than it did eight years ago the, results a 45, percent rise, in violent. And sexual crimes in my constituency this year and. Now the association. Of police and crime commissioners, warned, that the government's pension shortfall, will cost, 165. Million pounds, and leave 4,000, fewer officers on our streets, in West Yorkshire learned this means another 400, officers lost does. The Prime Minister agree with me that this is a national scandal and, we, should be fighting on fighting.

Crime And not fighting for funding. To. The honourable lady that of course we, have seen an increase in particularly. She reference, the I think the issue around sexual, abuse crimes and own crimes of that sort we have seen an increase in the, number. Of crimes being reported but, that is partly because we've, got, an atmosphere where people are more willing and ready to come forward and, report these crimes she, refers to the issue of the pensions this is an issue that has been known. For some, years. Mr.. Jacob, Riis Mob. Thank, You mr. speaker, there have been reports, today that. The government is willing to agree that the European Court of Justice would. Be the final arbiter in most cases arising. From brexit, as, this would be inconsistent, with the Prime Minister's previous commitments, will she'll forcibly. Denied. Prime. Minister to, the Honorable gentleman I haven't seen those particular, report, I see quite a few reports about claims. About what is happening in relation to brexit I haven't seen those particular reports, but if they are as he has suggested then. They are wrong we have been very clear in the work that we have been doing about, ensuring. That in the future the, juris the European, Court of Justice does not have jurisdiction and. Doniak. See. Mr., speaker this, week's hard, hit in women and equalities committee report on sexual harassment in public, places the, use of NZ is by perpetrators. Of sexual harassment, the pernicious two-child. Policy on women, bearing, the brunt of budget, cuts to services equality. Is stalling under this government and how. Is the Prime Minister going to address it. Prime. Minister. Lady. The position is not so she has set out in her question we do see in fact women with greater opportunities today, we, see more women in the workplace and, we see crucially, through, the work that we've been doing for example on the gender pay gap and the requirement. On companies to report on on gender. Pay that, we are seeing action being taken in relation to that and that pay gap has over the years been coming down but can I also say to her that I absolutely take. Seriously, this issue of sexual, harassment, and bullying in the workplace I think, it is very important, that anybody, in any workplace is, able, to be treated and feel that they are being treated with respect and, dignity and, that action, is taken to ensure that we eradicate. Sexual harassment, and bullying in the workplace Sir. Henry Bellingham. Because. Promise, degrade me but when veterans. Have really been investigated, by both military. And civilian. Authorities, they should never be handed, a masseur, unless. Reserved. Well make new evidence, I like Fang Capanna so for her person engagement, on this issue but, oh she grieved me but what's happened to numerous, Northern Ireland veterans at the moment it's against natural justice it's, damaging, to recruitment, and it's contrary to avert military come. First. Of all that we do owe vast, debt of gratitude to, the, heroism.

And Bravery of, the soldiers and police officers, who upheld the rule of law and were, themselves accountable to, it something. Which will always set them apart from and apart. From and above the terrorists, who during the troubles in Northern Ireland were responsible, for the deaths of hundreds, of members of the security forces now. The current, system in Northern Ireland is flawed it isn't working it isn't working for soldiers it isn't working for police officers, it isn't working for victims, and that victims, group of course includes, many soldiers and police officers as well so. While. A number of terrorist murders from the troubles are actively, under investigation, by, PSNI, and other, police forces I'm clear, that under current mechanisms, for investigating. The past there is a disproportionate, focus. On former members of the Armed Forces and, the base and we're, committed to ensuring that all outstanding deaths, in Northern Anna should be investigated, in a way that is fair balanced. And proportionate. I know, the. Prime Minister's already said she doesn't know what's in next, week's budget unless she probably doesn't know she's gonna be Prime Minister next week perhaps that. If. You would agree with me the. Tax reliefs, for private, schools is not a good use of public, money. What. I said was about, the body I wasn't going to tell the house today you have to wait till Monday. Nicky. Morgan. Thank. You very much indeed mr. speaker my right on a friend will remember visiting, the defense National, Rehabilitation Center. At Stanford Hall which. Sits between the, Roscoe, constituency. Of our right arm alone a friend and the constituency of l'Opera. And she. Knows that the N relies. On the, NHS, being able to work with and benefit from the rehabilitation. Of those brain don't brave Armed Forces she, has just spoken about what. It really needs now is for my right or my friends to bring together people, both in national government but also local, NHS commissioners, to get the final decisions to made to, make sure that we have this world-class, facility. To benefit people in need of rehabilitation I. Myself, am NOT going to be going, there but I can see that actually repairs. To injured legs or something that are very important. First. Of all I'm sure the whole house will want to join me in paying tribute to the courage and dedication of, our armed forces and for, the vast majority their. Experience, of serving is positive, of. Course we do see those members of our armed forces who sadly do suffer injuries, which are life-changing and, the. Ability. The, rehabilitation. Capacity. And capability, that has been built up at Headley court and that is now being. Put. Forward in the new Defense National, Rehabilitation Center. Is very, important, it was incredible. To actually meet, people who, had been through that rehabilitation and, see the massive, change had made to their lives this could be a huge benefit. To the National Health Service as well and I'm, thank my right honourable friend for highlighting, this issue the. Question. Of national health service patients, being able to use this Center is one, that is an important, aspect it's in everybody's. Aim. Is to be able to ensure that that can happen I understand my right honorable friend the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care is, in reviewing the proposal for NHS patients to. Benefit, from this legacy of expertise, in the new centre sir Vincent Cable. Does. The Prime, Minister not accept, the, very sensible. Objectives. Of universal credit to. Simplify, benefits, and improve work incentives, were seriously, undermined, by. The 2015. Budget of her friend a former Chancellor. Who, slashed, the work allowance, and that together with administrative. Rigidity. Are now causing enormous, hardship, in families, and single parents so, what she listened to the charities, and her, own backbenchers. Who were urging her to pause, the rollout until, these deficiencies are, remedy. He. Rightly makes the point that what, the Universal Credit System does is introduce a system which is simpler a single, benefit a single claim rather, than something like six claims that people might have been making it is also a benefit, which encourages, and works with people to help them into the workplace and it is also a benefit that ensures that as they earn more they keep more this is a benefit that is good for people as we see from the extra numbers in work on, receipt, of universal. Credit and as. We see from the fact that the. Four people who go on to universal, credit the evidence is that they are then able go on they then go, on to earn more in the workplace, encouraging. People into work making, sure work pays a simpler system those are the benefits of universal credit dr., Caroline, Johnson.

Conditions. And their families who, struggle to receive, the care what, they need particularly. Respite, care and out of hours community care I was therefore like to draw my writeable, friends attention, to the report by, the AP PG for children who need palliative. Care which I co-chair, with the Honourable member for Newcastle nor can. I ask my writeable friends take a personal, interest in this report so we can work together to, ensure that our most vulnerable children. Can. I say to my uncle friend that this it is, an important, issue and obviously with, her particular experience, is well. Aware of it in a sense that many of us will, not be but I'd like to thank her first of all for the work that she undertakes. As the co-chair of the AP PG for children who need palliative, care and of course I'm sure the thoughts about the whole house of with those parents, who find themselves in this, situation, we. Have made a commitment to everyone at the end of life including children. Setting. Out the actions were taking to make high quality and personalization, a reality, for all and to, end the variation, in end-of-life, care this, covers a whole range of, aspects, including, practical, and emotional support because. That's an important, aspect of good end-of-life, care and that set out of course in our end-of-life. Commitment our ambitions of palliative care framework. But it can be difficult for some commissioners. To develop, suitable care models for children and that's, why I understand, NHS, England is convening an expert group to, develop commissioning. Models which are suitable for this particularly. Vulnerable group, of patients and ensure, they get the support and care they need faisal Rashid. Prime. Minister assured, the hundreds of my, constituents. For in Warrington South who have been trapped in their homes by spiraling, ground rents that the government's, commitment to crack down on unfair. Leasehold, practices, will, be fulfilled, and the, government will restrict some ground rents to zero as promised. By the former, Housing Minister less, than a year ago next. Can. I say to the honourable gentleman we are indeed following up on our commitments, in that area, mrs.. Theresa Villiers. The commitment to another 20 billion from for the NHS, will. The Prime Minister agree it's vital, that the NHS, produces, a plan to use this money wisely to, strengthen frontline care including, expanding, GP, services for my constituents. A. To my right honorable friend she's absolutely right this is the biggest cash boost that the NHS, would have received in its history it is important. That this is actually, it, is important, that this is used, carefully, and properly to ensure that care. For patients is, being improved that, is one of the principles, that we've set out for the 10-year plan that the NHS is working on at the moment and I'm sure the NHS, will be looking carefully at the GP services in her own constituency, Jarvis. Yeah. I'm. Sure the whole house will want to send their best wishes to the Honourable member for Coventry Northwest. Who's. Recovering, from a recent operation. In, his absence and with, with his blessing, we will proceed with the third reading of his organ donation bill this, coming Friday is it a bill it is a bill that will save lives and give, hope to many the, prime minister previously, has been very supportive as has, the leader of the Opposition so can I ask her today please to reconfirm, her, support, for this important, bill on Friday. Another. Members of this house in wishing, the Honourable, member for Coventry Northwest, the very best and. Sue say that we do indeed continue to support this bill as the Honourable gentleman has said it's very important, and it will save lives.

So. Bernhard jenkin, may. I join, my rightful friends, praise. And best, wishes to the retiring cabinet, secretary, Sir Jeremy Harold he. Not only served, many governments, he, also appeared, in front of many, select, committees like my own and was. As popular amongst, members of parliament, as amongst. His colleagues, he, will be missed. The Prime Minister. Could, I thank my. Old friend for the comments that he has made he, is absolutely, right, so Jeremy as I said has, been for, three, month free decades an exemplary, civil, servant, his public, service is second, to none, and I'm sure he enjoyed the, opportunity to, appear, before my honorable friends committee Oh. Imagine. It was probably the height. Of his enjoyment, who. Could possibly have thought otherwise and we're. Grateful to the prevalence of what she said Fiona Renault Sonia. Thank. You mr. speaker, given, the 1.2, million pounds worth of cuts per year since, 2014, to Children's Services, in my, constituency, does. The Prime Minister believe we have adequate resources for. SC nd in Peterborough. Honourable. Lady that we do take the issue of Children Services very carefully, because all children no matter where they live should have access to high quality care, spending. On the most vulnerable children has increased, by over 1 billion since 2010. But of course it's not simply about money it's, about counts, how councils, deliver good and excellent services, and, we need to ensure that everybody, is delivering, according, to best practice and that's why we're improving Social, Work training we're, spreading innovation, and best. Practice, and where councils aren't delivering the standards of service we expect will intervene to make sure they improve thank, you.

2018-10-26 09:43

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