Prime Minister's Questions: 12 February 2020

Prime Minister's Questions: 12 February 2020

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We're now come to publicist, questions, dr., Julian, Lewis, will. My right honourable friend kindly, list his engagements, for today. Mr.. Speaker the whorehouse will want to join me in sending, our deepest, sympathies to all those affected. By the weekends flooding, my. Right or my friend the local government secretaries announced the activation, of the government's emergency. Bell wind scheme to right financial, support, for qualifying, affected, areas in the north of England. And we continue to work closely with, our partners to help those affected and, above all to keep people, safe mr. speaker this morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house I shall close those meetings later today. Close. Question. One, mr., speaker on the, defence, and security review. Prime. Minister Mr Speaker we will continue to transform, the UK economy through, the budget in March, and the comprehensive spending review later, this, year the timing of that integrated, review will be announced shortly -. Julie Lewis I'm grateful for that reply mr. speaker. May, I urge, the prime minister to recall what happened to the last combined. Security, and, defence, review which, was done within a, straitjacket. Of fiscal. Neutrality. It meant, that every extra, pound spent on cyber or security, was, a pound to be cut from, the conventional. Armed forces, therefore, will, he try to ensure that. The next attempt, at a combined, security and, defence review will, not face such a straitjacket. And will be concluded. Before rather, than after the, comprehensive. Spending, review to. Speak. I understand, very well the point my right honourable friend makes and I can assure. Him that the integrated review will be the deepest review Britain's security. Defence and foreign policy. Since, the Cold War and I can also assure him that by, transforming. This, country's, economy and by raising productivity we. Will ensure, that. Both defence. And security. Are amply. Provided, for lane, of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn. Thank. You mr. speaker. Thank. You mr. speaker I joined with the Prime Minister in. Expressing. Sympathy and support to those that are victims of flooding and thank, you to the Environment, Agency and all the emergency services, that are doing their best to help people mr.. Speaker our thoughts are also, with those who suffer from the corona virus, and also with the Chinese community in this country who are I'm sorry to say facing. Increasingly. Alarming. Levels of racism within our country and as, this virus, spreads I also want to thank public health workers, who are helping those affected and raising. Awareness about, the danger, of this virus, mr.. Speaker does, the Prime Minister, think that someone, who, came to this country at the age of five and, was, in and was. The victim of county lines grooming. And compelled. To, carry drugs, released. Five, years, ago and never. Reoffended. Deserves. To be deported. Mr, Speaker I think the whole country, I would agree that while I cannot comment on individual. Cases it. Is entirely, right, that foreign. National. Offenders, should, be deported from, this country. In. Accordance, with the, law. Surakameth. And the government has learned absolutely nothing. From, the Windrush scandal. This. Cruel, and callous government, is trying to mislead the British people into. Thinking it's solely deporting. Foreign nationals, who are guilty of murder, rape and other very serious offenses.

This, Is clearly not the case take. The example of a young black boy who came to the UK aged five, and is. Now being deported, after serving, time for a drugs offense if. There was a case of a, young boy white boy. With. Blond hair who. Later dabbled, in Class A drugs and, conspired. With a friend, to beat up a journalist, would. He deport, that boy, or, is it mr.. Speaker is, it one role for. Young black boys from the Caribbean, and another, for, white boys from, the United States. Mr. Speaker I think quite frankly that the right, honourable, gentleman demeaned, himself and by the way this works. Choose the reputation. For Smerch is the reputation of, the Windrush generation. Who, came to this country to work in our public, services, to teach our children in, this country to make lives better for the people in this country he has no right to conflate. Them with, those. Today. Jeremy. Corbyn, the Windrush generation, have been disgracefully. Treated by a government, that deliberately, created, a hostile environment. And. Whilst. Whilst. The government, was fighting, to deport people who legally came, to this country as children the. Foreign secretary, refused, to tell the family of Harry Dunne the, reason, why the u.s., is blocking, the extradition of, a woman who is alleged, to have killed him I now, ask a prime minister strike. This question, is Anna. Sakuni's, being shielded from justice, because, she's, a former, CIA officer I. Think. The house will know that not. Only the foreign secretary, but I and at every level of government we have tirelessly, sought the extradition of answer, coud ask for justice in this country and we will continue to do so. It. Is, widely reported, that Alice Icarus is in fact a CIA operative, now. We know, that the, foreign secretary misled, the Dunn family, who. Are being denied, justice. By the US, government, will. The prime minister commit, to, his removal, from office tomorrow, in his reshuffle. Mr.. Speaker the right honorable gentleman knows very well that, the, Foreign Office have, been. Told that answer, coulis was notified to the UK government as a spouse with no official, role, and we will continue without, fear or favor, to seek justice for Harry Dunne and for his family. We'll continue to, seek the extradition, of an cicadas from the United States Jeremy. Corbyn this, morning, Charlotte. Charles Harry's, mum said we thought we'd bridge the gap with the government, but, they've not been honest, with us mr.. Speaker this is only the latest case of our country's one-sided, extradition, treaty, with the USA, this. Lopsided. Treaty means. That US can requests, extradition. In circumstances. That Britain cannot, while. The u.s. continues, to deny justice to Harry Dunne will, the Prime Minister, commit today to seek, an equal, and balanced. Extradition. Relationship. With, the United States. Mr, Speaker I, to, be frank I think the Honourable gentleman has a point in his. Characterization. Of our institution arrangements, with the United States and I do think, that. There is a there are elements of that relationship. That are unbalanced, by certain and as I certainly think that it is worth looking at but here that is totally, different from. The case of Harry Dunne and answer. Kunis and we continue, to seek the extradition of an sakuni's, to face justice. In this country. It's. Everything to do with the relationship, with the USA, that Terrace acordes has not been extradited back to Britain because, the u.s. refuses, to do it because of this, lopsided. Treaty I'm glad the Prime Minister at least acknowledges. That. This. Deep disparity.

With The u.s. is about to be laid bare when the courts decide, whether. The WikiLeaks, publisher, Julian, Assange will, be extradited, to the US on charges, of espionage, for, exposing. War, crimes the, murder of civilians, and large-scale. Corruption. Will. The Prime Minister, agree, with. The parliamentary, report that's, going to the Council, of Europe, that, this extradition, should. Be opposed, and, the, rights of journalists. And whistleblowers. Upheld. For the good of all, of us. Mr. Speaker I I'm not going to comment on any individual. Case but it is obvious, that the rights of journalists, and whistleblowers should. Be upheld on this will clearly continue. To do that, paavo, Thank. You mr. speaker, my. Wife is a volunteer, with local, Samaritans, and my right honourable friend will know what good work they do in helping keep people, safe in such field and the rest of the UK online. With. My right honourable friend agree that today's announcement that, we are putting off calm at the helm of a strong regulatory regime, sure, as we are delivering on our commitment, to make the UK at the surface place in the world to be online. Well. Mr Speaker I thank my, right my honourable friend for raising. That point and as we deliver gigabit, broadband, for every part of this country. Including. To, the people of Sedgefield, Mr. Speaker we will also ensure that the UK is the safest place to be online. Thank. You mr.. Speaker, in northern, Syria. Displaced. Women, and their children are, literally. Freezing. To death, there. Are reports, of babies, dying due. To the extreme, conditions and. 45,000. People were, being stranded, with. Nowhere to go mr.. Speaker the. Syrian war is, considered. To have caused the. Biggest wave of displacement. Since. The Second World War. Can. The Prime Minister tell the house what. Responsibilities. His government, has taken for. This humanitarian, crisis. Mr.. Speaker I think the whole house will know what, I think I said several times in this, house that the UK leads the world in. Supporting. The, crisis, and supporting, the, humanitarian. Relief efforts in Syria, 3.2. Billion pounds, this country, has committed, to that cause. Mr.. Speaker the question was about the children, that are literally, freezing. To death that wasn't an answer from the Prime, Minister and of course in. 2017. As. Foreign, secretary this. Prime minister enacted. A policy of. Accepting, the city in dictator Assad's, rule over. The country, Assad. Has delivered death and, destruction, on, his people a man, who has gassed his. Own civilians, the. Humanitarian, situation has. Reached crisis, point and there, are no concerns, of all-out, war is. The message the Prime Minister, wants to send out from this house today that. This UK, government, is washing its hands of the Syrian people, I'm, not he has contained, for, Assad's, regime to. Continue enacting. These, atrocities I. Really. Think that the right honourable gentleman needs to consult his, memory, better because he, will find that this country, and this government has, persistently. Called. For, the end of the Assad, regime, and indeed, has, led the world has, led the world in denouncing, the cruelty of the Assad regime, towards. Towards. His own people that has been continuously. The policy of the British government. Dick. Russell Thank. You mr. speaker the. Prime Minister, join, me in supporting, a new initiative that I'm launching in my constituency, of Watford to. Train mental health first aiders, across, schools workplaces, in, the community, across. The whole constituency, to tackle, loneliness. And challenge, mental health stigma and, perhaps if, I may may I ask if you could find time in his diary to join me at the launch. I. Thank. My honourable, friend for what he's doing to champion, mental health services. In in, in. Watford, and we are massively, increasing. Support, for good mental health in schools and if I can I will, do my best to, come, to the launch of his or his event Vicky's folks strong. Evidence. Gathering of research, on the 26th. Of March the youth violence commission will publish its final recommendations. The, overwhelming, verdict. From victims, youth, workers, community, leaders, and other stakeholders. Is that, short-term solutions, do not work, violence. With, units, are a welcome, first step but, they need long-term, funding and leadership, from, the top will, the Prime Minister, commit to this funding and will he attend our report, launch and to hear direct, from victims, and experts. About how we get to grips with this crisis.

Mr, Speaker I do think that she's right you've got to do both and that's why we're also putting 200 million pounds into, the youth endowment. Fund as, well as supporting, violence reduction units. But we are also mr. speaker putting, 20,000, police on the streets of this country. Giving. Them the powers which, that gentleman opposes, to take knives off the streets with stop and search. Thank. You mr. speaker the Prime Minister's may transport, connectivity. A main priority for this government would, he agree with me that connecting, my constituent, of Southport with, Preston through the burst coke curved link would only give my constituents, greater access to the rail network but, would help us to unleash, our economic, potential. What. He's done to campaign. For the restoration of the busco curves and I. Sound. To me like a great idea, I will. Make sure if he what he needs to do is put forward a, accosted. Business, plan, and I'm sure my Rhydon friend The Chronicle Secretary will be looking at it very carefully, Sean. Hodge. Speaker does, the Prime Minister agree with me and. 10,800. Of my constituents. Who signed petitions, but, the building of a gasification. Plant in Washington, would be terrible, for the people of Sunderland, due, to the public health concerns, air quality, and would indeed be a blot on the landscape of, Sunderland, that now is a frequent, visitor to. Sunderland I'm, sure he. Shares my concerns, on this matter and will he therefore support, me and my constituents. Who were caused the building of this plant. Well, Mr Speaker I will certainly look into the matter that that, she raises and. We will make sure of course that if there is a problem with the gasification plant that that she describes and that Sunderland, continues, to, prosper and to, lead the UK economy. Has. The potential to become one of the most strategically. Important, ports, in the UK. For the export, of renewable technology, as well as wind turbines, where. My right honourable friend. Consider. Visit and Blythe where I'm sure you'll get a warm northern, welcome. For. Himself the, strength to applies within free forms. The. Answer was in the question mr. speaker. He. Makes an excellent point about the, potential, of life that, I must I must remind, him that the allocation, of Freeport's, will be, decided, in an entirely fair and. Every. Day an estimated, 280. Shop workers will be victims of violence, at work but, my local co-op a staff, member was hit with a glass bottle now the corpse a good employer and want that to stop so they and other local, retailers, engaged. With the government's called for evidence around violence towards shop staff seven, and a half months later they, are awaiting a response Prime, Minister we commit today to publish your response to the call to evidence and will you meet with me and a group of shop.

Workers Who have experienced. Violence at work to hear about what happened to I. I, certainly, will make that undertaking, to the Honorable gentlemen I'm glad he raised it we, should not tolerate crimes. Of violence to get struck workers or indeed anybody else therefore I find it paradoxical. That the leader of his party is, soft on the deportation, of serious violent offenders. Thank. You mr. speaker this year we mark the 75th, anniversaries, of VE Day and Vijay there, are. Those who have served our country have my vitamin will friend outline how his new, office of Veterans Affairs is giving our veterans and our families. The support they deserve yeah. I thank, my honourable friend and I can tell him that, our new office of Veterans Affairs, is helping, veterans to. Transition to new jobs to, secure a home a discount. Rail, card will be rolled out by Armistice. Day and veterans. Will get guaranteed interviews, for civil service jobs so we have more veterans, bringing, their talents, to government. His. Junior, Scotland, office minister told the National Farmers Union last, week that substandard, food will, be allowed into the UK under a US trade deal but. It will have to be labeled as such now, the Prime Minister has denied that in the past so, who's telling the truth and which of them doesn't, know what's coming. Mr. Speaker I can assure the Honourable lady that the UK has and, will, continue to, have the highest standards, in the word a the world for, our food. First, grade Thank, You mr. speaker, in. Greater, Manchester frontline. Police officers increasingly, having to resort to using a, pen, and paper because of, the failing, IELTS computer system, this, is putting the police at risk and also. Undermining, their ability, to protect residents, and, vulnerable, children will. Mi'raj one friend the Prime Minister intervened, to solve this problem. Well, mr. speaker my honourable friend is I'm afraid entirely, right and we. Know there are concerns about this system that's why I've asked my are either. My friend the police and crime, Minister. To. Ask, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary. Review. Of the operation, of the system and we'll make sure that, my honourable friend is kept informed. Notes. Of us Thank. You mr. speaker North Lake Park Hospital which serves my constituents, has not met its for our a any target, since August 2014, it's. Been starved, of capital, investment, the short of ITU beds and is, expected, to have close to a 100. Million pound deficit, by the end of the financial year one of the highest in the NHS, when. Can the Prime Minister expect, northmet Park to receive a little government love and attention. With. This because he has the. Algorithm, raises an important point as he will know the. Highest number, of people ever attended. Any in, this country, last, month two million people, the demand is exceptional, I pay tribute I, pay tribute to the work of NHS. Staff, and, we are responding, in this government as he knows with. A record, investment, in the NHS, 34, billion pounds and we are recruiting the, nurses 50,000, more of them that will help to, deal with that crisis. In. The. Last week stall Kiera has reached havoc, along, the whole of Western churches called a Valley affecting. The constituencies, of members across the house would. My right honourable friend the Prime Minister seek, to find time to visit my constituency, where, we'll be Brits the place at which onward Christian soldiers event. Has, been acutely affected and see, for himself the, terrible damage done to people's homes lives and businesses, we'll, each read where the Saints of our communities, and emergency, services have, trod and continued, tutorial, undivided. Toward recovery. Mr. Speaker I obviously. Paid, tribute to the emergency, services, for what they are doing in my honorable friends constituency. And indeed in all the flood-affected. Areas as he knows we have activated, the, bell wind scheme to protect homeowners. Were putting four billion pounds into flood, defences, and I certainly, will do what I can to take up his offer to visit his constituency, and see the scene for myself. Unelected. And unaccountable peers. Being stuffed into the House of Lords by, the Prime Minister is set to rise to, three hundred and twenty-three, pounds. The, monthly, elements, for a single person over, 25 on universal, credits is, 317. Pounds 20. For us is, that the leveling up the prime minister keeps talking about. Agreeing, with these people actually I thought, I do, I do a fine I do a fine I do a find I do find, that it is it is, odd that the House of Lords has chosen to, do that but it is a decision for there. In. Getting the ban on trading. Ivory, on this country with this what he'd be is equally.

Decisive. In getting, rid of the trophy. Hunting trophies coming into this country, imported, particularly. Of endangered, animals Prime, Minister yes. I thank my honorable friends for what she's doing to campaign, against. Illegal, wildlife, trading. And trophy, hunting and we mean, to end the. Imported, Profis, hunted. Elsewhere. Into this country its Richard Thompson. Thank. You mr. speaker in 2018. Liubov, chinookan, the, wife of vladimir putin's, former. Deputy finance minister, paid, 20,000, pounds for, lunch with, the then Scottish, Conservative, leader Ruth Davidson who, we believe is said to be a noble could. The Playlist have remained the host once more while his government, is yet to publish the Intelligence, and Security Committee. Support, and to alleged Russian interference and, UK politics. As. I, think he as I think he knows very well the report. Will be published as soon as the International Committee, is, reconvened. And, I think as I've told the house several, times before, those. Of a conspiratorial, cast, of mind will be disappointed. By its findings. Mr.. Speaker can I commend the Prime Minister, for the belief, he has in Britain and the massive boost to embed investment, infrastructure. But. With the, landing visa 25 pounds, per passenger at, Heathrow Airport and, with a third runway those fees will rise Heathrow. Airport become the least competitive, Airport, on the entire planet so can i I'm given the delays and the escalation cost can ask the Prime Minister does he agree that it may it may well. Be time, to, review, progress and. To perhaps deploy, those bulldozers, elsewhere, in the country. Well, there's a speaker the House of Commons, voted. To. Give it out buying planning percent effectively, to. The third runway I know a measure that is supported, by our people across this chamber not by me, as it happens I wait. I wait to see the outcome of the various legal processes, that are currently underway to see whether the promoters. Of the third runway can, satisfy their. Legal, obligations. Under, air quality, and indeed noise pollution, Philips. 2015. The number of gp's working in Sunderland, has fallen by 16%, much. Higher than the national average after. Almost a decade of Tory control, our GP, services are, inadequate and, getting, worse who, does the Prime Minister halt responsible, for that. We're. Of course responsible is he and then we take full responsibility but. Overall numbers are up of GPS and we are now recruiting. 6,000. More and we're able to do that because we're running a sound economy, and, investing, investing massively, in, our NHS, across the whole country, Robert courts. As. Coronavirus. Hits the headlines every day with the Prime Minister join. Me in thanking, and paying tribute to the supreme, professionalism. Of those at public health England and in my area and RAF Brize Norton for, bringing home people who've been affected their. Work is often unremarked. But is the admiration of all of us. Mr. Speaker I think my honourable friend puts it absolutely, beautifully, and I, salute. Everybody who's involved in bringing. Home victims. And potential victims of coronavirus. The difficulties, and the rifts that they face and indeed our NHS, so I think of so far done an outstanding job, in preparing and, informing. The country. So ever with Debbie when. Kevin Simpsons partner, of over 12 years died and his, two children lost. Their mother the, family received no bereavement, support payments, at all, because. The parents, were a married the, law denied, that support to the two grieving children. Last. Friday the. High Court ruled that this breached the children's human, rights, so. When will the government obey, the rule of law and legislate. To respond both to that ruling and the, similar ruling by the supreme court in the mclaughlin, case in 2018. Will. There be no further delay, so. We can start supporting the thousands, of similar children, across, our country who, lose their mother and father every. Year. Mr.. Speaker the right honorable John was racist with, me before, and I've undertaken to meet him on that matter we will certainly look at the the, case he, mentions, and and see what exactly our our response should be but he is right to draw attention to this injustice and we will do what we can to remedy jacob, young. On, Thursday. Last week two people were stabbed in red car in broad daylight another.

Person Was injured in a horrific knife, crime on Saturday evening outside a busy night club figures. Released by the Ministry. Of Justice in January sure that Cleveland force area has the highest number of knife and offensive weapon offenses, per head of population in, all of England and Wales what. Additional support, can my right honourable friend give, to Cleveland Police to tackle this problem and when, will we start to see more police on the streets of Teesside. Mr.. Speaker as I. Think. My own rating. It because knife crime is intolerable, and its recent rise must. Be combatted, that's why we've brought in knife prevention. Orders which give the police the powers where, they suspect. A knife crime is about to be committed to take the, interventions, that they need that's why we're putting 20,000. More police on our streets with, the encouragement and the political, support that they need to carry out stopping, search. The. Oxford. Cambridge so-called, expressway, was in 20th century Road, building solution, to a 21st, century challenge that the election, labor, rightly, pledged to, scrap it I wonder if the Prime Minister's caught up with us and could he announce today whether, that has finally been put to rest and scrapped. I. Must ask the Honorable Joe to wait to contain his impatience, until the. Budget and he will learn more about, the National Infrastructure, plan well, too because. Mr. Speaker I, support, the, Prime, Minister's decision yesterday, to. Go ahead with hs2 though, I have to tell him that if there is little enthusiasm, among my, constituents. For it because it does nothing to improve connectivity. To. Cle. Thoughts, to. Build up enthusiastic, and, a long staple, of Cleveland's code I urge the prime minister, to instruct. LNA, our two inch reintroduce. The direct, train service, from Cleethorpes through, to Kings Cross to. Make. The Gainsborough, brig to Cleethorpes service. Which is at present one day a week into, a 7 day service, to the money back to the mails at school. A. Level, crossing. Speaking. The voice of Cleethorpes has been heard. He's. Made he's made a vivid and compelling case and. As. I stood up to, our table the Chancellor whispered in my ear that we would certainly be looking at it in the infrastructure review. Speaker. The prosperous future of our young people all too often depends, on their, family, well-being and school. Readiness, that. Requires investment, in early years does, the Prime Minister regret, the conservative, cups to around a thousand, short art centers including in my constituency and will, he commit to greater funding, and support for, early youth development, particularly, in our most deprived communities rapid.

Esther Well. She raised an important point that's why we're putting record sums now into, early years funding. 14. Billion pounds, going into education and. It. Is under this government that you will see the biggest improvement, is under this government it's, under this government that we have a robust, strong. Dynamic, economy, the third fastest, growing, in the g7 and we, are able to make those investments in, early as precisely. Because, of our sensible, management. Of the economy the Anderson. That, the Prime Minister agree, with me that the, PF ideal saw my the last Labour government, to build hospitals like Kingsmill in Ashfield at a cost of 1 million pound a week is, nothing short of a national scandal, I, can. He please ensure, that this never happens, again. Mr.. Speaker is one of the many scandals, of the last Labour. Government, that. The PF ideals, remember the PF ideals, that. They did the, PF ideals, that is saddled, the taxpayer, with, 80 billion. Pounds. Worth of debts, in, exchange, for 12 billion, pounds worth of hospital. Assets, that's how labour run, government that's how labour run, the economy let's not let it happen again. Thank. You mr., speaker will the Prime Minister bring to an end the second, outrage. Of a. Witch-hunt, against. Former police officers, who, served Ulster, through the heat of the troubles and I going to fierce the most odious. Prosecutions. For non criminal, misconduct that, wouldn't be tolerated in this part of the United Kingdom it shouldn't, be tolerated in my part of the United Kingdom. Mr. Speaker we will make sure that we give. Encourage. Support for all those who. Face unnecessary. Prosecution. And I'm well aware of the issue that, he raises. Which. Border, Laura, Kiely. Mr.. Speaker today. The equality, and human rights commission has started legal action against the Department of Health and Social Care for their failure, to move. 2200. Autistic, people and people with learning disabilities. Out of inappropriate. Inpatient, units, separately. We have the government's, response to the learning disabilities, mortality, review a review. That is shockingly found that people with learning disabilities. Are dying on average 25, years earlier than the rest of the population. It, seems, that improving, care for people with learning disabilities. And autistic people, is not, a priority, for this government, as. We have no statement.

2020-02-17 14:58

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