Prime Minister's Questions: 10 October 2018

Prime Minister's Questions: 10 October 2018

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Order, questions, to, the Prime Minister joanna, cherry. Question. Number one mr. speaker the, Prime Minister, Thank, You mr., speaker mr.. Speaker immediately, after, Prime Minister's, Questions, I along with other members of this house will, be watching a parade of 120. Members of British army into Parliament they're, representing, the breadth of the 50,000, regular and reserve Army personnel this. Is an opportunity, for us to thank them for their tireless work to keep our country safe. This, afternoon, Mr Speaker I will be hosting reception, for world mental health day I'm delighted, that this week the UK hosted, the first-ever global. Ministerial. Summit on mental health with, a landmark, agreement to achieve equity for, mental health this. Morning I had meetings with ministerial, colleagues and others in addition to my duties, in this house I shall have further such meetings later today Joanna. Mr.. Speaker the Polish community have long made a valuable contribution, to Scottish, society. My. Polish constituent. Is a young man who's lived in Scotland since he was six yet. When he applied for job seekers allowance last, month he, failed the habitual, residency, test. Even. The DWP. Cannot. Understand, the kafka s letter he's been sent, like. The Windrush scandal, is this, the shape of things to come for EU citizens, and the United Kingdom. Can, I say to the honourable lady as she knows first, of all as part of the negotiations with, the European Union we, have already come to agreements, about the rights that will be available to those EU citizens, who are living here in the United Kingdom already, we, have set, out very clearly what will be the, situation for, those who come to the, United Kingdom during the, implementation period, and I. Also was, able to update. People a few weeks ago to make clear that in a no deal arrangement. As well, we will also ensure, that, we look after those EU citizens, who have come here and made their, home here as for the individual, case I'm sure that the Department Work and Pensions will be looking into this in some detail this, is Pauline Latham.

The, Government taking to encourage, more tourists, to enjoy the performing arts outside, of London. Can. I can I first of all thank my, honourable, friend for highlighting, the, issue of, performing arts and that there indeed there are some great, performing. Arts to be seen around the country but. She's also our performing, arts ambassador. So I congratulate on her on her work on that. And. We're, committed to supporting the UK's tourism, industry, and spreading. The wealth it produces, across the country which, we set out in our tourism action. Plan but, we are providing, funding, for the Performing Arts throughout the country that includes, investing. 78, million in a new theatre and arts complex, the, factory, which is a home for Manchester, International Festival, that, will encourage international, collaborations. Investment, in visitors and five, million in the redevelopment of Costin, Hall the Southwest's, major concert, venue to make it fit for the 21st century Performing, Arts being encouraged, around the whole country, Jeremy. Corbyn. Thank, You mr. speaker I'm sure the whole house will join me in expressing our deepest sympathies, to the people of Sulawesi in Indonesia following. The earthquake and tsunami in which 1500, people have died, we obviously wish them well on their, rebuilding. Of their communities, and could we also take this opportunity to thank all those officers. And ratings and the Royal Navy who did so much to help during the emergency at that time. Mr.. Speaker today, is World, Mental Health Day and today. There, are 5,000. Fewer mental health nurses, than there were in 2010. The. Prime minister said last week that austerity. Is over. When. Will austerity, be over, for the mental health services. First. Of all can I join. The right honourable gentleman in expressing our. Condolences. To those who were affected and our thoughts with all those who were affected by, what happened in Indonesia, I'm pleased to say that obviously the Department for International Development was able to respond. To that I understand, that the Dec appeal is now up to ten million pounds, as well and as, the right honourable gentleman said obviously we were able to put. Support. In kind in through, the support that was available from, our armed forces and, indeed from others and I commend all those who have been working so hard in that in. That area now, he raises, the issue of mental health and I'm pleased he's raised the issue of mental health because, this is a government that is actually ensuring that mental health is given the attention. It. Is it, is it is this government, that has ensured. That there, will be parity, of esteem for, mental health and physical health in the National Health Service and it is this government that is putting record, levels, of funding, into mental, health but, I say to the right honourable gentleman if, he's saying to me do, we still need to do more mental health and I say yes we do that, is exactly, why we are setting out further steps, today particularly. To improve the mental health of children and, young people but, also I'm very pleased that my honourable friend the member Farouk is, taking on the responsibility, as the Minister for Suicide Prevention the first time a government has had a minister, appointed to such a post this, government, takes mental health seriously, that's why we're putting record, levels of funding into mental health. Mr.. Speaker it was a labor amendment, to the Health and Social Care Act, that put parity, of esteem on, the face of the legislature, it was opposed by her government. And. If, and. If she thinks that mental. Health spending is going well then maybe she should have told the health secretary this, because. This morning he said it's still way, off where, we need to be the. Royal College of Psychiatrists has. Found the income. Income. Of. Income. Of mental, health trusts, in England was lower than it was six, years ago and children. Are being sent as much as three hundred, miles away for, urgent, treatment it, needs, urgent, action.

Now. Mr.. Speaker people in every, village town and city know that violent, crime is rising. Twenty-one. Thousand, police officers have, been cut seven. Thousand, placing community support, officers have gone, when. Will austerity, be over for, the police. At. All in relation to the mental, health issue. I've just said that I think there is more for us to do on mental health and as part of our. As. Part, of our long-term plans. In the National Health Service we, will. And, I might remind the right honourable gentleman that our plans, for the National Health Service will see. 394. Million, pounds. More a week going, into our National, Health Service. He asked. Me then, he asked me about the issue of policing. And of course what, we have seen is this government has made including the. Precept, on council tax that made, 460. Million more, pounds. Available. For, policing in this, in, this current year and if he's so concerned, about. Funding for policing why, did the Labour Party oppose that extra money. Mr.. Speaker if austerity. Is over for the police then. It doesn't seem that she's told the police Federation, about this because they are currently, taking, the government, to court for, failing, to implement the decision, of the independent. Pay review, body our dedicated. Police officers, and PCSOs. Deserve, better than they get from this government in. The last year, in, the last year the in, the last year, the. Thank. You mr. speaker in, the last year the Education, Secretary has, been rebuked, four, times, by. The statistics, watchdog. For, making false claims about education. Funding, I know, the Prime Minister is a stickler, for accuracy. So, given her commitment, to ending. Austerity. Can. She confirm, that, austerity is now over, for all teachers. Who. Will receive, the independently. Recommended, three point five percent pay rise. Gentlemen. That in his regards, the issue of, of. Policing. And he talked about the police pay award in fact this award does represent the highest consolidated. Pay award since. 2010. Now, he then goes on he, then goes on to talk about he. Then goes on to talk about about.

Funding, For schools and what is happening in relation to schools, he knows the announcement that has been made in relation to the teachers pay award but I might just remind, him that school funding this year is at a record high, with the extra 1.3. Billion. With. The extra 1.3. Billion we've, put in this year and next per-pupil funding is being protected in real terms, I recognize. I recognize, the pressures that schools are under, but, I also recognize, that we now see, 1.9. Million more children in good and outstanding schools. Think. Compared, to 2010. And part, of that part of that is because of the reforms we've put forward into, education, including. The free schools and academies free, schools and academies which, the Labour Party, would abolish. The. Reality, is that over, half of teachers, are getting another, real terms pay, cuts, next, year they've, been subject, to eight years of pay freezes and pay rises cap below inflation. It's no wonder as, a chronic shortage of teachers and the governor's again failed, to hit its recruitment, target, for new teachers, the. Conservative, leader of Northamptonshire. Said. And I quote they. Couldn't, cope with the levels of cuts the. Conservative, leader of Somerset, says I feel. Abandoned. There are no solutions coming, so. Will the Prime Minister listen to her own counsel leaders, and end. Austerity, as she, promised, last week. Or. Can I say to the, right honourable gentleman first of all in relation, to teachers. In our schools in fact there are more teachers in our schools now and we, see more people applying to to, be teachers, and I, recognize the, very hard work that our teachers, put in day, in and day out and, the good results, that our children are getting are a result of their. Hard work and the hard work of their teachers, he refers to Northamptonshire. County Council. Of course, the independent, inspection was clear that failures. At the council were not due to a lack of funding. We. Have bat councils. We, have fat councils, in England, between. 2015, and 2020. 200. Billion, pounds, are available, to deliver the local services that their communities, want, to see so, we're going to see an increase of 1.3, billion in the money available to councils, over the next two years extra. Money was announced. At the conference. In relation, to our party conference in relation to social care and councils. Have access to over nine point, six billion, pounds. Of, dedicated. Funding in relation to this and there's, a 31. Million increase for rural services, yes, we. Have had to make tough decisions and, yes, councils, have been asked, to make tough decisions the. Reason, we had to do that the, reason we had to do that. Because. The, reason we had to do that was because of the state of the public finances. And the economy, we were left by the labor government. People. People. Have made sacrifices and. They, need to know that their hard work has paid off and, yes. Better. Times are ahead. It. Might be a good idea mr. speaker if the Thai Prime Minister took a few minutes out of a very busy day to, listen to some teachers and the stress they're going through and. The number of newly qualified teachers. That feel they cannot carry on anymore and leave the profession, that they love the. National Audit Office has found that local government, funding from central, government has been cut by 49. Percent, since, 2010. And next. Year government. Funding for councils, is going to be cut by a further. 1.3. Billion the. Institute for Fiscal Studies has, said that 75, percent of the, Social, Security cuts announced in 2015. Have yet, to come into effect. 2.7. Billion, will be cut from working age benefits, next, year alone, can. The Prime Minister confirm, this. Swinging, austerity. On the lowest-paid, and the disabled, people in our society will, now end, as she, said last, week. Can. I say to the right honourable gentleman but, what we see in the changes that we're putting forward in relation to welfare reform is encouraging, people into work and making sure that when they get into work work, pays and, and. I might also say to him that, there are 2.4. Billion, pounds. Of unclaimed, benefits, under the legacy, system of the Labor Party, that. Will be paid to people under universal, credit. 700,000. People getting, the benefits, they're entitled to. Under Universal, Credit for, the future, and he, asked me he, asked me about what this government is doing in relation, to the. End of austerity, and I've been, very clear that there are better, times ahead for people, we will see we, will see debt, falling and we will see support for our public services, going up, austerity. Is, being brought to an end. What. Is not being brought to an end is fiscal. Responsibility. Mr.. Speaker the, poorest, third of households will. Lose. 745, pounds, a year if these, cuts go ahead just.

This Week and the Prime Minister should listen to them the equality, and human rights commissioners reported, the situation, facing those with disabilities, has got worse and their rights are being violated in. Our society, 8, years, of painful austerity. Poverty. Is up, homelessness. And deaths on our street is up living. Standards, down public, services slashed and a million, elderly are not getting the care they need wages. Have been eroded and all, the while mr., speaker all the while, billions. Were found for, tax giveaways, for big corporations. And the super-rich. The Prime Minister. Mr Speaker the Prime Minister, declared she, is ending, austerity, but, unless the budget, halts, the cuts, increases. Funding to public services, gives, our public, servants, a decent, pay rise then, isn't the claim that austerity. Is over simply. A great, big conservative. Con. Can. I say to the, right honourable gentleman actually wages, are going up we've increased the national living wage as well there. Are 1 million fewer people in absolute, poverty under this government. Under, Universal, Credit 1, million, disabled, households, will get 110. Around 110. Pounds a month more as, a result of being on use, of Universal Credit and he talks about carts I'll tell him about some cuts that have been of benefit to working, people in this country what. About the 18 point five billion, pounds, of income, tax cuts. This under, this government what, about the cuts that those in their household, bills that, 11 million households, will see as a result of our energy, price cut cut. And. And. What. About the 46. Billion, of cuts. Through freezing fuel, duty but, has made a real difference to, people's lives but. We know we. Know what would really hurt working, people, ladybirds. Plans would cost 1 trillion, pounds. 1000. Billion pounds. Of people's, money, uncontrolled. Borrowing, spiraling. Taxes, working. People paying the price of labour yet again labour taking, us back to square one. Well as always I'm determined, to find plenty of time for backbenchers. Mr., Steven Hammond. Thank. You mr. speaker I know my right honourable friend recognizes, how it is how important, is that every child has the opportunity of the best start in life the. Last 3 years I've been campaigning, to ensure that summer ball and creme of premature, children have that opportunity. The. DA's recent, report contains some statistical, oddities. And progress, seems to have stalled would, my right arm offend agree to meet with we meet. With me and some parents to discuss this matter. Thank. You thanks. To my honourable friend for raising what is I know an important issue and an important, issue for many parents and we, are concerned, that some. Some are born and prematurely. Born children whose parents choose, to delay their entry to school until compulsory, school age may, be missing the essential teaching in a reception, year I understand, the DfE, is looking, at how best to make changes, without creating unintended, consequences. Elsewhere, in the system and it's important, that they look at it in that sense and I know that the minister from the department will be very happy to meet with my under friend to discuss this e'en. Blackford. Mr.. Speaking as you well know what to D is what old mental. Health awareness T and I want to congratulate the, Prime, Minister, on her appointment, of a Minister for suicide. Prevention indeed, in Scotland, we, have an odd minutes for mental health and look, forward to working closely with the new UK Minister, in this important, issue, does the Prime Minister agree with me that, we must all work to eradicate policies. And circumstances. That lead to people that believe that suicide is that only option oh. Can. I say to the right honourable gentleman I think this is this, it is right that we take this issue with suicide, as seriously.

As We have done particularly. And have been obviously concerns, raised, about the number of young, men who who. Commit suicide and. It is important obviously people, in a range, of different circumstances. Find themselves, in. A position where they think. About committing suicide we, must do everything that we can to ensure that, people are prevented, from committing suicide and, that the support is given to people in those circumstances. Mr. Speaker I am glad that the Prime, Minister agrees, with you because as, reported, by the independent. Nearly. One in every two women taking part in the UK. Government's, work capability assessment. See, they have attempted suicide, after or. During the process, a series. Of secret. Internal, inquiries, into these reveal that, conservative, ministers, were, repeatedly, warned of the, policies, shortcomings. Will. The Prime Minister commit today to ensuring. That her new minister of suicide, looks, at the impact, of her government's, own social security policies. And at, long last Prime Minister scrapped. The, appalling work, capability, assessment. But. Can I can I say to the, right honourable gentleman first, of all of course this was the, these were assessments. That were introduced by previous government, it, is important, that we get these it, is important, that we get these. Assessments. Right. I think it is right that we are encouraging, people into the workplace and wanting, to ensure that those people are in the workplace who. Are able, to be in the workplace are given the support to enable them to do that that, is what we want to do I think it is right that we've maintained assessments, of course we look at the impact of those assessments we look at the quality of those assessment, that's work that the DWP does, on. A regular basis, but I think it is important, that we are undertaking, those assessments. On, in Raich Thank. You mr. speaker. Former. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and head of the financial, conduct authority Andrew. Bailey have joined the, old party group for fair business bank Li's calls for action against, the bankers, who cost the UK taxpayers, trillions. Of, pounds throughout the financial crisis, none. Of whom have. Been fined banned, or, prosecuted. Despite, clear, evidence of, guilt, of fraud. And malpractice. Would. My writer more friend do all she can to, urge and enable regulators, and our crime agencies, to hold those, responsible to account. Well. If. I can give my honourable friend the assurance, that since. The financial crisis, of course we have been looking at that regulatory. System, we've created designed, ensure that we've built one of the most robust regulatory systems, in the world it is, designed specifically, to ensure financial stability and, to protect taxpayers, now, there are a number of measures that we've introduced, in relation, to the responsibility. Of those. At, the top in organisations. In 2016. We, brought into force the senior managers and certification. Regime to hold those at the top personally, responsible for wrongdoing. Legislation. Was also introduced alongside this, regime which ensures bosses whose reckless, misconduct causes, their institution, to fail face, up to 7 years in prison and while of course these reforms, are very recent and it will take further time before we see the, full impact of these reforms I can say that, last year we did see the FDA issuing, total fines of 229. Million pounds, against. Individuals, and firms who'd broken FCA's, rules, but, if I can reassure my honourable, friend that, we will of course continue to remain focused on ensuring that we do build a fair, and, balanced, banking system and looking if there is more that needs to be done at what we should be doing. Mr. speaker does the Prime Minister, agree with her work and Pensions, Secretary but. Half of loan parents, and around two-thirds of working age couples with children under, universal. Credit will lose the equivalent, of two thousand, four hundred pounds a year and if we are to believe the Prime Minister's promise, to, end austerity, well, she promised, today to, reverse the three billion patterns worth of cuts that are built into the universal credit. Right. Honourable lady that, in relation, to those people who are being moved on to universal, credit as part of the manage my Gration we are of course undertaking. That that will start later. Next year it will be done on a initial. Small-scale, basis to ensure that we get that right but, we are putting protections, in transitional. Protections, in for those people, so people who are moved on to universal, credit as part of that process will not see any.

Reduction, In their they will be protected we know all this, thank. You very much mr. speaker last. Week access. Community, Trust working, in conjunction with other Lowestoft, voluntary, groups and Waverly district council launched. The finised project, which will provide emergency, accommodation, for the homeless not, chewing not just during the period of below zero, nighttime, temperatures, but, for the whole winter period, from first November, to 28, February on, world. Homeless, Day will, the Prime Minister build on the rough sleeping, strategy, and provide. A long-term, funding, system, so, that charities, such as access Community, Trust and innocent Mungo's can, put in place bespoke. Initiatives. That, prevent, homelessness before. Anyone actually has to sleep that. Is. Absolutely right to raise this issue because we don't want to see anybody having. To sleep on the streets that's why we have committed, to. Ensuring. That we eradicate. We end rough sleeping by 2027, half, it by 2022, it's, why we've we've we're. Supporting. Various projects, around the country to do this I recognise. The point that he makes about the local. Authorities, their, involvement in this their need to build capacity and, capability, in their, teams to ensure that, they're able to do with this and the role the voluntary sector can, play in this as well we're. Investing, over three million pounds a year with the voluntary sector groups to train and advise local authority teams to be able to address these these, issues we want to ensure that rough sleeping, becomes a thing of the past mr. Carmichael. Mr.. Speaker members, of the Scottish women's Federation, and the National, Federation of, fishermen's organizations. Are jointly. Lobbying, Parliament, today they, asked for a very simple, undertaking. From the Prime Minister namely. That in negotiating, the brexit deal, she, will not treat away the, right to fish in UK, waters, well the Prime Minister gives our fishermen, that undertaking. Recognize. The, important, important, of the fishing industry which. It plays across the UK but particularly in Scotland, and can I reassure him that as we are going through these negotiations, we'd be very clear, but, once the. EU. Rules no longer apply to the United Kingdom we, will be an independent. Coastal, state and we, will be making, those decisions we're we controlling access to our own waters and we, will be seeking to gain a fairer share of quotas Henry, Smith yeah, mr.. Speaker in 2005. For then Labour government, closed accidents, and emergency, at cruelly. Hospital I'm delighted that my, right or my friend has committed, to additional, resources for, the National Health Service including part of the brakes but a brexit excerpt dividend, what. Can I get an insurance that, the. Upcoming. NHS. Plan will include a return, of local. Services at its hearts yeah. Yes, can, I say to my own boyfriend that absolutely, I can give that assurance obviously, the long-term, plan for the National Health Service is being developed by the National, Health Service in conjunction, with clinicians. And people at a local, level but is absolutely. Clear that we need to ensure that we recognize, the importance that those community, services provide.

And As, my honourable, friend says it is this government that is not only putting in place a long-term plan, to support the National Health Service but also that, longer-term funding for the National Health Service which will see the biggest cash boost ever in the national history of the National Health Service. Thank, You mr. speaker and modern slavery is a scourge in our society, affecting thousands, of victims including. John who was living in an attic in Alden and forced. To work without any pay by, his gun matters for six years will, the p.m. join. Me in congratulating the, work of is like the coop group who, offer paid work, placements, to help victims rebuild their lives, what can the prime minister also explain why then. It's taken the government five, months, to get round to recruiting, the anti-slavery, commissioners, post yeah. Can. I say to the Honorable gentleman I think as he will know modern. Slavery is an issue which I have taken a particular interest, in and worked on particularly, and, I'm proud of the, I'm proud of the impact on modern slavery Act is having. But. Sadly we do see people being, effectively, enslaved, continuing, to be effectively enslaved in this country we're seeing more cases where people are being prosecuted the criminals are being prosecuted but. We do need to ensure that the support is available I certainly commend the. I think was the coop that he referenced, and other businesses, who are working to help people who've been the victims of modern slavery my right or my friend the international development secretary tells, me that when she chaired a session at Unga in relation to modern slavery this question, of the role of the private sector was one that was particularly given a prominence, and we will continue to do all we can to ensure we're dealing with the issue of modern slavery, to kill his claw. Mr.. Speaker it's obvious, that the biggest. Task facing the prime ministers winter is firstly. To obtain a compromise. Agreement with. The other, 27, European. Governments. On the terms of our withdrawal and. Then to. Win the approval, of this house a majority. In this house for. That same agreement or something like it in a meaningful vote, on, the terms of our departure, does. She equally, except, that the maths makes it obvious, that that. Majority can only be obtained. If the agreement. Retains. The support of the pro-european. Conservative. Back bay in, this house and also, wins the support of a significant, number of labour, backbenchers. Pro-european. Back benches on, the other side of the house which, would reveal, that, the hard-line Euroskeptic. Views of the, Bennets on the labor front bench and. The right-wing nationalist snow party, are, a minority. Will. See therefore proceed. Courageously. On. That basis, in the formidable, task that. Lies ahead. Friend, what we are working to is to, ensure that we get a good agreement, for the United Kingdom an agreement, which delivers, on the vote that the people took in the referendum to, leave the European Union to bring an end to the jurisdiction, of the European Court to, bring an end to free movement to bring an end to sending vast sums, of money every, year to the European, Union that does it in a way that protects jobs that ensures no hard-fought, between North Ireland and Ireland, I would.

Hope That when, we come. Back I am you know we're working for that deal when, we come back with, a deal I would hope that everybody. Across, this whole house will. Put the national, interest, first. But, everybody, across this whole house will. Look not, only at, a good deal for the future of the United Kingdom, but will also remember that, having given the decision as to whether we stay in the European Union, or not to the British people the, British people having, voted to leave it is our duty to ensure that we leave. Thank. You mr. speaker yesterday we marked the start of DB loss Awareness Week, Oliver. Gale was 24. Weeks old when he lost his life to cancer on Christmas, Day 2010. Since. Then his peers and in Jennifer through the charity love Oliver have, raised well in excess of half a million pounds, to, fund the research and, the childhood cancers, and to, provide much-needed emotional. And practical support for. Families affected, by, these terrible, illnesses, the, prime minister will know having met them in 2016. From a thermocouple they are most, you join with me today and thanking. Them for all that they have done. It's. Very good of him to raise this issue and also, I would like to pay tribute to all the members across this house who, have put, a clear emphasis. On. This issue and ensured that in. Baby loss Awareness Week and outside, baby loss Awareness Week we, recognize the tragedies. That take place sadly. Take place and the, circumstances, for too many families in this country and I'm very happy to pay tribute to his, constituents. And the amazing. Work that they have done in raising. The funds that he has referred to this, is something we don't want to see anybody having. To face and having to deal, with but, that out of such a terrible. Tragedy has come the good of that fundraising, which can help others, I hope, that his constituents are proud of what they've done James, he'd be. In. Somerset we've been working for years to pay down the huge debts left by the Lib Dems when. Many. Essential services, are now having their funding withdrawn will, the Prime Minister meet with me and Somerset, colleagues to discuss this, challenge and will she look favorably, on a bid, to fully retain business rates from April 2019. Fireball, friend that obviously. I understand. That the issue around the business rates and the the bits. That she's, referred, to from Somerset and others are being currently looked at and being being, assessed and a decision will be announced alongside, the local government finance settlement, later this year. I'm. Sure that Minister in MHz LG, will be willing to meet with my honourable friend and others, to discuss this further I can say to my little friend that I have already received representations. From a Somerset Member, of Parliament on, this on this particular issue and I think it's and, but I'm sure MH CLG ministers will be happy to sit down and discuss the details with my honorable friend o, speaker. Had 2010. The. National debt after. The crisis, of the banks stood. At. 768. Billion. Pounds. Now, that the Tories have been in 10 years albeit five, years with the wishy-washy Liberals. Than. The Prime Minister, till, the house. What, the debt is, yes. What. Can I say to the. Honorable, gentleman he raises the issue of debt and it's important, issue to raise what, this government is doing is, seeing that we were actually yes. We will actually doesn't. Need to ask me the question is he's got the figure already what, this government is doing is ensuring that debt is, going to, fall and what, we crucially have seen what, we crucially, have seen is a.

Reduction, In our deficit, of, 3/4. Saying under this conservative. Government, but. The Honorable gentleman shouldn't, look quite so pleased with himself when. He starts, to think about what a Labour government would, do to our debt in the future. James. Gray speaker. The 120, soldiers who will march into the north. Door Westminster Hall straight after P and Q's are, actually representing the 3,000, who are currently deployed in 28. Different countries around the world and, I'm delighted the Prime Minister I hope colleagues from across the House and staff around the palace will be there to, welcome them out to thank the for all they do but, will he altered that time remember to lots of people first the, family is without whose support their. Deployment would not be possible, second. Those who are returning, from overseas injured, both mentally, and physically, and thirdly, those comrades who will never return. That. He puts his point, extremely, well of course we, are proud of everything that our servicemen, and women do and we, will be pleased I and other members of this house will be pleased to welcome those servicemen, and women and to, give, that thanks and to, them in the way that we can here in this house but he is absolutely right we should never forget the families, who, of, those servicemen. And women and we, should ensure that we are supporting, those families, we, should also recognize the, importance of supporting those who do return with, injuries, some, of those injuries of course physical, and some, mental and ensuring. That we recognize, both physical, and mental injuries. Is important. And we should never forget those, who have laid down their lives for our freedom and, for our security. I'm. Sure, the whole house would have been horrified at, the sight of mothers, feeding. Their chicks with, plastic, to, death because. Of the tons of waste that we pump into, our oceans every day we, must take urgent action, on this but, our waste system, is broken, will. The Prime Minister, commit. Today to, working. With me to. Stop this Tide. She's. Raised a very important, issue this question of plastics is one which, the government is taking extremely, seriously, as she will know we, have four measures in our 25 year environment, plan in relation. To. Elimination. Of pledge to eliminate all avoidable. Plastic, waste microbeads. And straws for example, there, are shortcomings, in the current regulations, around plastic, recycling, and how, we incentivize better, design, of packaging, and material, choices and we'll be consulting, later this year on our, proposals, and of, course we, will look at any ideas, that come from from members, of this house as to how we can ensure that we are dealing with the scourge of plastic. Tandon, Dean has just won an award for, her commendable.

Work On speech and language services so, she should be a celebrated, denizen of the house Rebecca, Pao. Thank. You so much mr. speaker the question actually isn't I'll save a question, about that for later but this question mr.. Speaker, as, the Prime Minister will know the agriculture, bill comes to the chamber today and. It's a great, opportunity, to rethink, our, land use policy, and the way we run everything, about our lands does, the, Prime Minister agree with me that it demonstrates that this government is leading the way on supporting. A sustainable. Bio, diverse, environment, supporting, our farmers, and food producers and, our, rural communities, especially those, in taunton D I. Congratulate. My friend and commend her for all the work that she does on issues relating to the environment she's, absolutely right leaving, the European Union, leaving the Common Agricultural Policy, enables. Us to take another look at our support for farmers and their, use of the land and to ensure that as we do that we, are looking at issues, such as the impact on the environment and, that we're able to ensure that we do see not. Just that sustainable, environment, and biodiversity that, she that my little friend has referred to but also that we are a, generation. That leaves the planet in a better state than we found it. This. Week that the world is facing ecological. And human disaster. From climate change and, that radical transport. Reforms are vital for our future what, the Prime Minister therefore give her personal, support to the proposed GB Freight route rail scheme which would say some five rail or attorneys off arrows each year cutting, thousands, of tons of co2 and other emissions which, are contributing to global warming and poisoning. The air we breathe. He. Makes a very important, point about the need for us to ensure that we're getting Freight. Off our roads and onto. The onto the railways there are real benefits for, doing that both for the environment but also in relation to congestion. Of, course, we are investing, more money in the strategic freight. Network. I'll have, to look into the specific, proposal, that he has raised. But I can assure him that the the principle, of ensuring that we're encouraging Freight onto our rail and off our roads is a good one. Prime. Minister say that. Britain would be welcomed, into the TPP. With open arms. As. The Prime Minister agree that post brexit it'd be wonderful if, our country could meet Japan's embrace. Can. I say can, I say to my humble friend that, I was obviously, I've spoken to, the Japanese Prime Minister about this issue as I, have spoken to two. Other prime ministers of countries involved in the CP TPP, I'm very pleased that they want to welcome us into that Trade Agreement with open arms and we stand ready to do exactly that it was Karen back. Judge. Was unable to make a secure accommodation order. For, a young man involved, in gangs with, psychiatric problems, and at serious, risk of harm the, judge said an, opportunity, to help him and keep him safe was lost, like, many colleagues I am dismayed frustrated. And outraged, and deeply. Worried that we will have blood on our hands, on World. Mental Health Day will the Prime Minister guarantee, that she will investigate this case make, sure action is taken, and guarantee.

No Other vulnerable. Children, will be left in such a terrible situation in, future. These. Particular. Case that the Honourable lady raises, my right on will friend the secretary State for Health will be happy to meet the Honourable lady to discuss that, particular case. And to look at the issues that it raises we do want to ensure that the support is available, there for vulnerable people particularly for vulnerable young people as I say my modular phone will be happy to meet her to discuss it. Because. The effect of the recent tsunami earthquake and, volcano. Paulo in Indonesia Sulawesi, Islands has been devastating. And the, welcome response, from our embassy in international. Department includes, to RAF, a400m. Aircraft. And supplies and a team of humanitarian. Workers out there now to Manion, mementos, at the Budokan, adilyn two months of anomia a friend, in need is, a friend indeed, would, my right honourable friend join me in sending our condolences to president, jokowi, our, thanks, to british citizens, of JCB, for their help and would she encouraged, if it to do even, more including. Extending, matching. The funding from the deck engine easier tsunami, appeal. Can. I say to my, own my friend that he has raised again. This very important, issue which was referred to by the leader of the Opposition earlier. On and of, course our condolences go to, all those who have lost loved ones in this, terrible, disaster, that has taken place and to those who have been affected in, whatever way, by this disaster we commend all those who've been working there. To bring support to bring aid to bring help to those who are affected and. Recognize. These significant, contributions, has been made by British volunteers. British companies, and by, our, armed forces and, the. Department, of international development has already made some commitments in relation, to matching, funding of the, money. That deck is deck, is raising but will of course be continuing, to look at what support it. Thank. You mr. speaker will. The Prime Minister please update the house on progress. Made to appoint an independent panel panel, members for the inquiry as agreed with among, others the, Muslim Council of Britain on. Islamophobia. In the Conservative, Party I. Say. To the, Honourable, lady that. Issues relating, to any, particular, concerns or allegations that have been raised in the, Conservative, Party are, properly. Investigated, are properly considered, we've done that through our new. Code of conduct, that we have introduced, every complaints been made is being, or has been investigated. An appropriate, action has, been taken, including. In some cases suspending. And expelling, members. But we're also taking, some further steps we're working in conjunction with town mama making. Diversity, training more widely available and, improving. How local associations, deal with, complaints, there should be no place in this country for, discrimination, and it is right that as a political party we, are working to ensure that, we take action when, that is when, there are any complaints that are made about those within our party. In. March colleagues, and I met with the prime minister to discuss sleep, in shifts and. I thank her very much for her focus, and I appreciate that ministers are still in discussions since the Court of Appeal have ruled to not uphold, the Unison case but, in the absence of clarity, some local authorities are now reverting, back to paying, the single through the night rate whereas. We have rightly, said that people should be paid national minimum wage please, could I ask the prime minister in the Middle East to really tackle this as urgently, as possible, also, I'm not sure that HMRC. Or interpreting, the Court of Appeals ruling. Could. I say to my humble friend she's obviously raised an important issue which has she, and others have raised on a number of occasions across. In. This house previously Secretary. Of State for Health and Social Care is looking urgently, at this issue but, there is a case, before as I understand it going to the Supreme Court in, relation, to in, relation to this matter and of course we, will have to consider any outcome, that comes out of court, proceedings, Kris. Bryant in, a few minutes time, 57. Members of all political, parties will be launching an important new report on acquired brain injury, this. Is a hidden epidemic which, affects more than 1.3, million people in our country on average, every single primary school class in this country will have at least one child who has a brain injury in it sometimes.

Unaware. The. Good news is that if we get good rehabilitation. To every single person we can actually save, the NHS 5 billion, pounds, a year, so. I asked the prime minister will she meet with me and others involved in the group and I do mean her, because. Whilst I understand, and that she often wants other ministers, to meet on her behalf and she's very busy this, actually affects our prisons, our schools, our Armed Forces the whole of government we. Can save lives we can give people better quality, of life but we can only do it if we join the doctor. He. Speaks with passion about this issue and rightly this is an important, issue and it, is one which I will in I will ensure that he is able to bring, that information and bring that information. Appropriately. To ministers. Appropriately. To ministers, this is but what I would say to him is he makes a point which, covers, not just this issue but other issues in government too and which, is where my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is, working. To ensure that across issues like this we, do see that joined-up nature, between government. Departments, to ensure that the right action is being taken. Entering. From a sedentary position meet. With you it seems to be his preferred mantra, of the day and doubtless, it will now be recorded, in the official report, was Johnny elphic. Share. My concern, that drugs related, deaths in Kent have doubled in the last three, years in the rise of county lines operations. Mean there are now 48. Separate. Gang operations, in Kent. Does, she agree with me that it's important for the Home Office to put more priority, in making, sure we win the war on drugs yeah. Can. I say to my other friend that he has raised a very important, issue I, understand. The new coordination center is being set up to ensure that the, work which, the National Crime Agency has, been leading, in relation to county lines that. We do see that proper, integration of, work between the NCA and between the forces that are involved I'm pleased, to say that we saw very recently, a case in I think it's Birmingham, where, an individual, was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment, for having effectively, enslaved, three children, on, this to. Sell drugs for them as part, of this, county. Lines approach, that is being taken and pleaded, guilty to that modern slavery but we recognize this has been a growing problem and the home office is taking action. Nearly. 70 percent of all children excluded. From school have special educational, needs or a disability. And a fifth of all children, excluded, are done so with, the reasons cited for their exclusion, as other, other. Is a category, of exclusion, for which no further information is. Held, does. The Prime Minister agree with me that this national crisis, unfolding, is totally. Unacceptable, will. She commit to. Stopping, the use of this category, and that. Encourages, off rolling, in our schools and pres Ofsted. To, ensure, that its, new framework. Supports. And encourages. Inclusive. Schools and an education, for all our children. What. We want to ensure is that for every child they're in the right school setting that is going to be right for them for. Many those, children, with special educational needs it will be a mainstream school for others we'll be in a special school I recognize, the point that the honorable gentleman's making about exclusion, we, do have a concern about exclusions. Which is why a, review, of exclusions, is being undertaken led. By my. Former. Colleague, in this house the former member of a Korean man which who as children's, Minister has a particular, took a particular interest in this area and we will look carefully at the result of that review. Thank. You.

2018-10-15 20:43

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