Power Lead System Income Proof & Results - Top Home Based Business - Residual Income

Power Lead System Income Proof & Results - Top Home Based Business - Residual Income

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Hey. What's up it's Paul Farmer topology, farmer, dot-com. And submit today I'm gonna be sharing with you my, power. Lead, system, income proof and results, for, the week the previous, week and, for. Those of you that don't know, I've. Been with power lead system since 2015. Before. I go any further car, lead system is a marketing. Tools and. Training. Platform. Basically. It. Provides, marketers. Doesn't. Matter what you're promoting, you. Can be an MLM be, an affiliate marketer. Whatever, it is even, brick-and-mortar. Power. Lead system can help you get more leads and, make. More sales with. Their systems, with their. Capture. Pages sales pages and, training. That. They provide their tools they provide. So. A few things you want to keep in mind with power lead system, and I'm just going to get to the results, are if. You want to create a full time income I want. To create a full time income you prefer to do it quickly, you. Definitely want to purchase all the products, and these are the products, so you. Want to purchase gold you. Want to purchase freon secrets, and, you want to purchase social. Profit, Academy, and I will come back to that in. A minute, I'm. Gonna power lead system since. 2015. April. Of 2015, so. See. We're coming up on three years now almost three years in. This program, my, first. Couple. Years I really, didn't do much of anything, it wasn't, until September, of 2017. Late. 2017, that. I decided, I wanted to run with this thing I really wanted to to. Make this a profitable. Business something. That could create a full time income. I've. Been a fan of the program for a very long time I just wasn't marketing, it because I had some people tell me it, didn't produce and, didn't convert it. Was too complicated, all. These different, things that kind, of steered. Me in a different direction and, I, ended up going into all, these, different, programs that, I really didn't need to ever go into because really power lead system is all you really need. You, know once, you build up an income and of course you can start going to different things power. Leases is actually built to promote other things, that's what it's built to do but. It's built to make it so it's simple, for you and create another streaming income not complicate, things and try to promote everything under the Sun all at, once I mean. At, different, times which. Can be very. Unproductive. It. Will it does not produce very good results so. But. You, know power I knew him for the longest time you, know it's a great program, you can just be a customer, 30 bucks a month use all the tools all the training, - the upgraded, training of course but, you. Get a lot of value for very little okay, now, as an, affiliates, you, can start earning from this very powerful, compensation. Plan and. What. I'll do is I'm gonna go through, I'm. Going to show you my results first because, I know most, of you will click off the videos just how people are so, I'll show my results and then I'll come back and go over the details okay, so here we go here, are my results. These. Are my results for this week so far the week started, on. Sunday. Sunday. This is Tuesday making, this video on Tuesday the 13th, of March. You. See them at five hundred ninety five dollars which is okay I prefer, to see that number a little higher but it's okay. People. Are coming through the, business. Is growing you. If you watch back a few of my videos you can see it's pretty consistent the, numbers are pretty consistent every single week, so. I'm. Not go over these numbers a little bit later let's go to last week I did. A 2200. This is for the week this is for the week of March. 4th to March 10th okay, 2200. And. You. Can see my numbers there and I'll go over those in just a minute just want to show just a few more things as. You can see once I hits. I'll. Just scroll back to where I started taking, this thing seriously which. Was in. September. November September right here September. Obviously. I wasn't taken seriously here you can see I made 21 bucks 50. Bucks and then, all the sudden we start jumping for, thirteen seven thirty two thousand, fifty five okay. So we start jumping, now, what happened, here is I. Decided. To, take this thing seriously and I, decided, to purchase, all the, products, that is, key, okay, so, you. Know I'll just kind of build with my foundation so you have some weeks that are in the thousand. 2006, hunt it ranges. When. We hit the the, holidays, it went down a little bit less people were doing traffic again, I was building my foundation. But. As soon as the. Holidays, were over as you can see, boom. 3470, that. Was my first week of January. 2000. So you know everyone. Is over 2000, this was a lower week, this. One was actually over, 2000, but some. People dropped off in between and it. Would drop back down just. Under 2000. But you can see it's very consistent. Every. Week I'm hitting about. $2,000. Mm. Or more okay, so it's.

A Very powerful, powerful, program, as long. As you're consistent with, it as long as you're focused, it will pay for you and right now I'm at 595, now. That, that's only a couple days in. The. Mornings just beginning this is going to start taking off I promise you, really. Fast so if. I go back here. Alright. Let's just break some of these things down okay let me go to a better week cuz let's. Go to this week it's. My previous, week okay, so. Where. You see pls, residual, commissions, gold what. That means is the, person paid, fifty. Three ninety seven, a month okay that's what the gold would the affiliate, is if, you want to earn the power lead system that's what you do, plus. So. That I earn twenty dollars residual, income on every, in there and. Then I earned 50 percent, matching bonus. Fifty. Percent matching bonus on. Every. Person that comes into my business every. Single person, at, the gold level the 53, 97. That's it for it for your business, that's your monthly cost fifty, three ninety seven, of course you. Want to do advertising you, might want to get some third-party tools to. Help with your business but other than that that is your business cost which is basically. Nothing, fifty, three ninety seven, to run a business you just can't do it anywhere else but, especially. If you do brick and mortar it's not going to happen there's, no possible. Way so, you. Know I find, it comical, when people come to me is like oh oh it's, fifty three ninety seven, a month that's too much money and. I'm not trying to insult you but, you gotta understand, that if you want a profitable, business you're, paying fifty, three ninety seven, for your business that's. Your business cost that's, a joke it's like nothing okay. But. Remember you get fifty percent matching bonus this, really adds up I can, tell you in. My residual, income, I have, I've now crossed. The five thousand, mark so I'm just over five thousand. Residual. Income at the fifty percent matching bonus, so. This is absolutely, grown growing. Residual. Income what's. Great about rigid residual. Income, is it comes in every month no. So. Maybe I have a slower solar, weeks or month but, my residual income keeps coming in that's. Gonna pay the bills right, that's what that is. And then, and then some but then the rest of the stuff so now, we go to Dimond, and this. Is a great product, great training, on how to get traffic. It's. 147. One-time, so your only monthly is 253 ninety-seven. 147. One-time. It, pays you $100. Okay. Every, sale you make $100. If. It's not a passive now I'm not gonna go deep into all that because that gets confusing I will put a little. Compensation. Plan video in, here like cards, so you can see that but. Uh, very. Simple, okay $100, these, add up did, 550, last week that's actually less than before but. They. Fluctuate you know you can't control what people are going to do 25%. Match. Includes. In total okay so what that means is if my team member. Has, purchased diamond. Instead. Of me getting 100 bucks I'm. Gonna make $25.00. That's, what that means so those add up to so when your team starts getting these now, if they don't upgrade to this, then.

You Get the hundred dollars it's gonna roll up to you but if they do you get 25 not bad now. Social. Profit Academy, we also call it platinum, this is really where you want to be you want to have all of these point, blank you want to have all of these to, position yourself to make the most money create, a full-time income this. Is where you want to be this. Is 497. One-time. And. It. Pays you. $400. Commissions. And these, really add up quick as. You can see I had to so, that's a hundred dollars right there plus. I had the. Social profit, Academy's. Generation. 2 and what that means is if, my team is getting platinum, sales and they, have the Platinum level they. Have the Platinum membership to, training, then. I earn, $50. Every single time so as you can see they've. Had a few. Uh few, of, those last week ok so as, you, can see this really is a powerful comp plan it has a lot of leverage built into it I'm not going into the passives, right now because, those are really start adding up click but. This. Is a very powerful powerful, program, ok so let. Me jump back over here to the getting started. So. So. What you want to do. Is. You. Want to be. Sure when you get started as, long as you can do. Whatever you can honestly do whatever you can you. Want to purchase all the products, and the. Reasons are what I just show you you're gonna make the most money you're gonna position yourself, to make the most money that's why it's so important, to do that so. When you come in here this is all gonna be read if, you come in as a gold, affiliate. This, is gonna be green, washing. To me red, because you need to purchase the affiliates separately, it's 2397. So it's $30, to be a customer. 2397. To. Be an affiliate, yeah, those two up is 53, 97, a month that, positions, you to tap into the. Power lead system compensation, plan then, you just want to go down the line free guys secrets, 147. One time let me say it again one time and, social profit Academy one time 497, so a total of about seven, hundred dollars and you are, good, to go, you are setup the only other thing you need to do is get a domain you can purchase it in here it's 1297, for the year or you go to GoDaddy or Namecheap and purchase one or behind. One and transfer, it right in okay that's pretty much what you need to know about, this business that's, pretty much you, know that the success steps, you need to take the. Rest of it we give you the training we give you everything you need to, be successful. Now, let me just show you how simple this is okay, so before I do that though let's go to the trainee let's show you what's in here so as an affiliate as a volte affiliate you're, gonna get this just. Training here this is English free leads. 2017. Well actually it's going to be 2018, here but, this is a phenomenal, social, media, course, so let's, say you don't have paid. Traffic, money, you don't have a marketing, money that's, okay I didn't have any money when I started either in fact, when I would platinum, cuz, the biggest mistake I made was not going platinum biggest, mistake I made was playing small that, was the biggest mistake I made that's why I made so little for so long because, I didn't take it seriously, once, I upgraded, to platinum that's. When things, change, for me I had a mindset shift I now knew I could earn more it was now worth, my time. So to speak to really promote this now I watch many people coming to this program and even, though I tell, them even though I lead by example, they, still start at the lowest level and they still say oh well I just want to test it out and see how it works and, that's. Just shooting yourself in the foot that's all that's doing if. You. See the proof and we have tons of group tons of results on, you video every week if you see that it works, for.

Me Why. Would it work. For you it. Will I'm not doing anything fancy I'm telling promise, you that anyway. And and if I am I share what I do anyway, so it. Was free leads ok so, here, we have a social profit, not social, media. Training basically. Teach you how to how to attract. People to you and what. To say to them ok, to get them to, come, into your business to. Get them to purchase you to get them to want, to be around you ok very powerful training three four hundred dollars outside. Of power lead system yet, this hasn't affiliate for free you. Don't have to pay for it's part, of the package, okay roadmap. To riches this is where it, really opened, my eyes really, showed me how powerful, this program, was and what, the residual, income, by itself could do this really breaks down what the company's about company. Started, actually, under. Priceless, possibilities, in. 1996. That, actually our software, component, and then, in. 2013. Power. Lead system actually became. God. Started it was, was more so. It's been around for a while this is a solid program it pays on time every, time without, fail, so. You don't have to worry about any of that nonsense, believe. Me I've been in programs, before that don't pay you that, make every excuse in the book that ignore, you and, don't you know just, all that nonsense you don't want to deal with any of that that's why I'm with power elites is because I don't want to deal with that nonsense I don't want to know oh well, we're gonna pay you but not today or or, we're. Waiting for this or waiting for that or any of that no you need to get paid so, that's. What this is about they pay you on time but. They read, about it they. Have a plan in there about, how just. The $20, residual, income can add up to a $10,000. A month. Residual. Income. $10,000, a month plus. Of. Course results not typical you. Know put that, kind of thing income disclaimer. Then. We have power VIP, club where there's actually more capture. Pages. More training, just. More and, that's included, as well and then.

These To come. These are the UPS braids as a social profit Academy, that's the 497, one time what, that is it's a training, on how to do Facebook PPC, how. To sell t-shirts, how. To do e-commerce, all, that it's in there and this, one is on how to get different ways to get traffic, very. Good trainees they have all kinds of free training here, and. Trainee. Here as well okay so you're. Covered in the training the, other thing I want to show you is and, it has a built an autoresponder though. I do recommend, using a third-party like Aweber or get, response it does have a an autoresponder, built, into it, it. Has. Postcards. I mean just all kinds of things in your contact, manager if. You go the emails emails, are actually pre done pre-written, so. If I go into view edit campaigns, here and. I should I'm going to show you some of these emails see, these are all pre-written, ready to go and there's all kinds, of them you can select. So. We have like, for. Example that one and. Then. They're. Just all cards. Let. Me see ie, there's, a a happy Father's Day I mean there's everything, you can think of in here and, it's as simple as scrolling, and, selecting. What campaign, you. Want to go out okay so. There's. A bunch in here. You. Can create your own you, can do email, broadcasting. All kinds of stuff in here so, you, see we just find. I'll. Find the one I use is, here. That's. Okay we'll just, just. Grab this one this. One's ready to go see, everything, is ready already, populated, all you do is, set it up so what. I do how, this works, if, you use the tools do whatever you want but just getting started, if you want to make this simple. What. We do is we use a funnel. And what. The funnel does is makes. Example, it does to television selling for you it puts your, product. Business, or service in front. Of people. 24/7. 365. Days, of the year and what. It does is first it collects information so. It, gives it gives, something away and people, want you, know it provides something that people want so they put their information and they want to know our information, and, it's gonna go to a sales page which. Does. To tell you consoling for you while. You are sleeping while you're at work while you're at the beach while you're at the movies while you're doing whatever you're doing this. Is going to work for you it's already, done you, don't have to create it it's. You, don't have to write any of this stuff you don't have to create the video you don't have to put this graphics. Together you know how to do any of this this is all done. And it converts, great, okay. And at the bottom there's I start my free trial you, get a seven, day free, trial, you, try this thing out test drive the whole system. You don't like it of course you can quit but I think that's foolish to be honest but that's your choice. Especially. With everything we provide but that's how the system works and then, from there we have an email campaign this is not the email campaign but we have an email campaign that. Actually goes out for 30 days for. 30 days it's already pre-written already, done and it. Goes out on your behalf, okay with your links and everything so that's, how simple it is now, basically what you want to do is you want to run you, want to do traffic, either pay traffic, advertising. Or free, I suggest, doing both we teach you everything so let me just show you that we. Have a group it's. Called freedom. Takers. Where. Though a group went, okay. There we go freedom, takers, and. In, this group we provide you with training. Step-by-step, training. Results. Everything. You could ever need social. Proof is in. This, group, we do a live training every, Sunday, where. We share our results share. How we got and all, that fun stuff so what I'm going to do so I'm just gonna do the photos, cuz, this is a very live, group. Lively. Group a lot, is going on in here people, are always posting, results, in here so. Let's just see where, we're at so very the first thing I, see here is me. I'm, welcoming. Someone in who just purchased, the Platinum. Level four, four and that that's gonna equal four hundred dollar, Commission's for them it's, not just me though here's, another one Platinum membership someone. Else just came in and, purchased. Platinum. Came all in that, means. They're. Gonna earn four hundred well they came all in so they're gonna earn all levels, twenty dollars a hundred dollars in, for our dollars there's another platinum, that's four hundred dollars.

There. Are some results people are posting about. What's. Going on we have a traffic, coopera. I talked about traffic, we have a traffic coop so you don't have to think about getting traffic all you do is to make your link pay. For the traffic and the traffic goes out and this is the traffic I use because. It is producing, the best results, okay, very simple you don't have to go look for vendors, you don't have to test you have to spend a lot of money trying to figure it out it's, already done in this group so here's another person who. You. Know is sharing their results, look they had some gold members arrive and. There's. Another platinum, sale as $400. Here's. Some results, here, Goldmember, arrived, gold. And. This just goes on. 24/7. A every. Single day as you. Can see I'm just scrolling through the pictures in our group and, literally. Every day there, are numerous people, posting, about the. Results, they are getting so, this is super-powerful, you, can't go wrong let me just show you one, other thing here and. It's. Your files because in the Files section. More. Training, information, about the coop you have to be a member of our group to. Be, able. To access the coop it's not for everybody to remember our group you're going to be in the coop. But. There's, there's all kinds of training here how, to present your opportunity, updating, your favorite Facebook, settings how to build your Facebook friends and followers we. Got you covered fiver I mean it's all in here so, that's, one of our groups we have another group that is dedicated, just, for. Tottenham. Members okay all end members people who purchased all the products, like I'm saying to do, we. Go back here. So. You, want to purchase all products the gold the. Diamond, and the. Social. Profit Academy when, you do that you. Will then get access to this group and, this is our platinum members group now what this group does is it, we did a two-week. Mastermind. Training, basically. Gave away everything, show. You exactly, what to do how to do it there are more resources, in here we actually have software, that will add friends. Automatically. For you in Facebook in this group so this is a this, is just a bonus you get from doing what you really should be doing in the first place position, yourself to make the most money which, is going all-in and you. Get this as a bonus, okay this is separate from power lead system just what our group does because. We want to see you win and on top of that, let's. Go over here to my group, that, I started. It's. Called DB, freedom project VIP, and. In. Order to be in this group you need to have you, need to be at minimum, diamond. Diamond. Head 147. One-time. Or. Platinum, preferably. Platinum, now. What I do in this group is I share with you my resources. How, I go about building my business and, I, come on and I do live trainings, where I share with you what emails I'm sending what, traffic, I'm using and how I'm, building my business on a daily basis, so you get, that as a bonus as well and. That. Is definitely, something. You couldn't want to have because I literally give you everything okay so. That's. It that's all I got for this week be sure to click the link right below this, video and get, started take, that 7 day free trial, get, plugged into our groups, to. Do what you can whatever you can to position, yourself to make the most money you want to purchase all the products, be. Sure to subscribe to my channel I do videos. Quite frequently, I got a ton, on my channel you feel free to go through them you can you can actually go back and track my journey because I'm doing videos the whole time so you can go back and, see where I was and, where I am now and where I'm going and you can follow along but, better and following along is getting.

In The. System right get into the game and being. A member of the team being, a part of the team and let's do this together this, group here gave me freedom products I have designed, this group to, help you make 2k, plus, in. A month, in, about. I'm. Saying six months, to be just, you know just to be careful right but, honestly. I hit, 2,000, a month well did like my first month so. It. Is doable you, could totally do it with this program, as. Long as you do what I teach what apply what we teach and, get. Started okay so that's all I got thanks for watching and see you on the next one.

2018-03-15 11:26

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