Pompeo stresses importance of Arms Embargo expiring on Iran

Pompeo stresses importance of Arms Embargo expiring on Iran

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I want, to start my remarks as I often do on matters, relating to China as many of you saw I met with young, Joo che last, week in Hawaii. We, had a very, frank discussion, about, the, Chinese Communist Party's unprovoked, aggression on, a number of fronts and I pressed him for more, transparency, on Kobin for, the good of the world, we're. Concerned. By Beijing's, behavior, and we're not the only ones and. He and I talked about that our friends and partners are finding their voice and taking, action to counter China's malign. Activities particularly. In Europe. Within. The past week I spoke. To EU foreign ministers and, also to a democracy forum in Copenhagen, they. Clearly recognized, the threat that China poses, to the free world and to, the rule of law after. The EU China summit this week both president shell and president, von der Leyen publicly. Echoed many of the concerns that I've expressed previously. While. I was meeting with young, the, g7, released a statement condemning. Baizhang, Beijing's, crackdown, in Hong, Kong. The. World's leading telecom, operators, including, Spain's telefónica as well as orange oh - geo, Bell, Canada Telus and Rogers and many, many more are becoming. Clean telcos. Disconnecting. From the Chinese Communist Party infrastructure. They're. Rejecting, doing business, with tools of the CCP surveillance, state companies. Like Huawei, I'll. Speak more about how we're working to consolidate Europe's awakening, to the folks to. The folks at the German Marshall Fund in just a few days. It's. All good to start but we have to keep at it the empty promises and tired platitudes, of the Chinese Communist Party put forth that last week's China Africa summit won't create the. Free and prosperous future that, the African, people deserve, and the. US will keep speaking up for the Chinese people - last. Week CCP, authorities sentenced human rights lawyer and defender Yuwen. Chun to, four years in prison we. Continue to call for the release of all of those justly, in prison in China for. Exercising, their basic human rights and their fundamental, freedoms. Last. Item on China positive, one in case you all think. I only criticize, them the. CCP, is raising, the protecting status of penguins and removing them from its official list of animals used for approved. Traditional. Medicines, I think. That's great news I called on the CCP to take similar steps to, respond to other endangered, species and shut down high-risk, wildlife, wet markets, permanently. Moving. On today I have Nathan with me we're, releasing our annual, country. Reports on terrorism I hope, everyone, sees that this administration, has taken on, terrorist, threats that other administration, simply downplayed, we. Designated, the IRGC including, its goods force as terrorist, organization, the first time the authority has ever been used on a foreign government, we. Kept pressure on Iranian proxies like Hezbollah, by encouraging our partners to designate, or ban them as Paraguay. Argentina and, now the United Kingdom did just. Last year. Last. Year too we held the first of two ministerios focused specifically. On counterterrorism, in the Western Hemisphere no. Administration, is forced closer ties in our hemisphere and alliances, working on important problems like. Counterterrorism, as we have done. The. Defeat Isis coalition has remained, strong it's completed the destruction, the so-called physical Caliphate, in Iraq and Syria and thanks. To our great US military, Abu Bakr al-baghdadi is dead, now. To be clear there's still counterterrorism. Work to do Isis and al Qaeda branches, and affiliates in Africa Venezuela, and Cuba cozy. Ties with terrorists, and increasing, eln attacks in Colombia are problems. That remain but. We're undaunted in our pursuit, of bringing terrorists to justice. I'm. Pleased, today. To announce that the State Department has, increased, our reward offer now up to ten million dollars for, information about the location of the new leader of Isis.

Coordinator. For counterterrorism sales. Will. Today. Spend some time with you working through talking, you through his. Team's report he's. Here with me to answer all the questions you have I mentioned. Previously for, a moment the Maduro regime a few comments on venezuela, over. The last two weeks the illegitimate Venezuelan, Supreme Court has decreed. A new regime, aligned, electoral, commission and stole. The name and branding of two major political parties, replacing. Their leadership with murderers lackeys. These, are unconstitutional, actions. They make a mockery of democratic. Processes and the, Venezuelan people are fighting to protect those. Very freedoms that they so, richly deserve. The. Best pathway out of the Venezuelan crisis, is through a broadly, acceptable, transitional. Government to administrate, free and fair, presidential, and parliamentary. Elections. The. Maduro regime has also mismanaged, Venezuela's, abundant, natural resources to, the point that a country with one of the world's largest, oil reserves must, import. Gasoline. From. Iran, today. The United States is sanctioning, five Iranian, ship captains who delivered, around a million, half barrels of Iranian gasoline, to Venezuela, in support. Of the illegitimate Maduro, regime. These. Captains assets will be blocked and they won't be able to operate in US waters. Mariners. Who do business with Iran and Venezuela will, face consequences from the United States of America. We. Will continue to support the, National Assembly interim president gray though and the Venezuelan people in their, quest to restore democracy. Turning. To another rogue actor the, Islamic Republic of Iran last. Friday the IAEA, Board of Governors adopted, a resolution calling. On Iran to provide the IAEA inspectors the information, and access its, obligated, to provide I want. To thank director grossy, and his team for their faithful, work. Iran's. Denial of access to, IAEA, inspectors, and refusal, to cooperate with, the IAEA investigation. Of potentially, undeclared, nuclear material. And activity, raises. Serious questions about Tehran's. Efforts. And what, it is precisely, that, they are trying to hide. Iran's. Refusal to cooperate is wholly, separate, from, the jcpoa, this. Is simply, about, whether Iran is honor gets owned legally, binding safeguards, obligations. If. Iran, fails if, it fails to cooperate, with the IAEA, obligations. The, International, Cuba team must be prepared to take further action. Today. A special representative hook, is briefing members of the United Nations Security Council on our, diplomacy, to prevent the arms embargo from expiring, on. Iran in October, this year without. Action, on the 18th of that month Iran. Will be able to purchase advanced, weapon systems and become, the arms dealer of choice for terrorists and rogue regimes all throughout, the world this. Is unacceptable. Quran, has been under arms restrictions, by the United Nations since back in 2007. And, one, of the greatest failures, of the, Iran nuclear deal was, to allow these restrictions, to expire without regard, to how the regime behaved. The. Resolution, that we will present to the UN Security Council would, extend the conventional, arms embargo, on the leading state sponsor of, terror, our. Focus now is to work with Security, Council to pass this resolution, but. In the event it doesn't happen I would. Remind the world that the Obama administration's, officials said very clearly that the United States has the unilateral, ability, to snapback, sanctions into. Place, two. Quotes first, from President Obama he said if. At any time if. At any time the United States believes Iran has failed to meet its commitments, no. Other state can block our ability, to snap back those. Multilateral. Sanctions and then. My predecessor, secretary, Kerry said look. If we're not happy we, can go to the Security Council and we. Alone. We. Alone, can force a vote on snapping, back of those sanctions, the. Legal options and the Security Council are clear are great. Preference, is to have a Council resolution, that, would extend the arms embargo but.

We Are determined to ensure that that arms embargo, continues. To. Change gears just a bit and then I'll take some questions. We, also asserted ourselves as a force for good throughout, the world it's not just about the dangers we face last. Week we released an. Additional, 93, million dollars to boasted boast, boost, Kovan assistance. Throughout the world bring, the State Department, and USAID is assistance, total to more than 1.3. Billion dollars more. Than 1-hundred across, more than 120. Countries, tomorrow. Interagency, leaders, will convene the private sector counterparts as, part of our program called Asia edge or. Enhancing. Development, and growth through energy Asia's. Energy demand is projected to increase by 60 percent in 21. And, we're proud to work through our revamped Development Finance Corporation to help Arab countries with American, companies, the, best partners for helping meet that need, also. Tomorrow. Senior. Adviser to the president of Anka Trump ambassador, John Richman I will unveil the 2020, State Department, trafficking, in persons report. Crushing. Human trafficking, at, home and abroad has been a high priority for President Trump, in our administration, and you hope plenty more tomorrow about how we will continue to do that, one. Last item, as. The country begins to reopen the department is getting our passport, team back on the field in the, coming weeks they will aggressively tackle. Applications. That were put on hold because of the pandemic and provide, fast and efficient service for Americans that, they rightfully expect now. Happy to take some questions. That's. Not remotely serious. Nighted. States has been clear about our expectations we've been clear about our goals we, asked, the Islamic Republic around to behave like a normal nation we're. Happy to engage in conversations, with them when the time is right but. The. Conditions, that suggest some how we. Give. A bunch of money to the Iranian so they can't foment terror around the world that's simply ludicrous. It's. Just not how this administration, behaves. Good. Morning. I'll. Take them in reverse or on Lebanon we've our policy is very clear, we. Are fully. Prepared to support a government that conducts. Real reforms, and. Operates. In a way that is not beholden, to Hezbollah, when. That when that comes when the government demonstrates. Whoever. That is demonstrates. Their willingness and capacity to, do that I think, not only the United States but the whole world will move. In to assist the Lebanese government get its economy back on its feet we're. Prepared to do that it's the right thing for the Lebanese people it's what the protests, that, are taking place not only in Beirut but all around Lebanon are asking, for real, reform real change a fundamental. Shift away, from Hezbollah. As the, governing power inside, of Lebanon. Second. For Libya, we've. Worked closely with. Our European partners to try and get these talks, restarted I was. In Berlin now several months back the. Mission set remains the same to, get. The fighting to stop to reduce the number of arms flowing there from any place whether that's from the, Turks from, the Russians from anyone to reduce the footprint. Of the military, conflict and then to find a political solution to, resolve to get a stable peaceful. Situation, in, Tripoli, and in Libya more broadly we're. We're still hopeful that we can get all, of those who have an interest there to the table to have these discussions and, come to a political resolution. First. Question was about Sudan I spoke, with the Prime Minister just a, couple, of hours ago we're, working very closely with them to try and come to a solution so that we can get the right outcome for their, new leadership and for, the Sudanese people I don't have any details that I can share with you only that my. Team on the ground there is working very closely with the Sudanese. Leadership to try and get a really good outcome and I'm hopeful, that that will be forthcoming. In the weeks, ahead. I. Don't. Know, by. The way it's not a threat that what. I would have made clear is US policy it. Is unacceptable. It's unacceptable for the Europeans to have equipment, inside, of Iran move into Iran that can threaten the people of Europe, people, from Belgium Denmark. Are. A threat because the expiration, of an arms embargo on the world's largest state-sponsored, terror, I'm.

Hopeful That the whole world will, accept the proposition that, this, arms embargo, needs to be extended, there'll. Be an arms merchant, - not only will they take, weapons systems, and and purchase high-end weapon systems from Russia and China but, they'll sell their weapon systems all across the world - this. Is not the this a rogue regime they shouldn't have the capacity, to do that and I am very hopeful that the whole world when we when, we come to the point when, this decision must be made that, they will come, to the same understanding that the United States has that this is dangerous for the world for, this to have expired. Sure. Go ahead. We. Are out working diligently. To make sure everybody, understands, the risk that's associated with the arms embargo expiring, this, is really dangerous for the whole world for, the region the Gulf states know it - there's, tremendous support, for what it is we're trying to do I think I think, all but a couple of nations understand, that this should not expire, and there's, going to be a discussion about how it is that we extend it. How. Concerned are you about, the, potential ramifications of. Annexation and do you favor an incremental, approach or, an immediate annexation, of 30% as proposed in the white house peace, plan and very quickly are. You trying. To, discourage. Or encourage. European. Nations to, keep the United States off their list of countries, for travel then they said that they're. Not looking to open travel, with us when they reopen. And. How can you argue that. So. As for your second question we've been working, with countries all across the world including our friends, in Europe and the EU proper. To. Determine. How it is we can best safely, reopen, international, travel it's, important, for the United States to get Europeans. The capacity, to travel back to the United States is important, very important for the Europeans to fully reconnect, with the American, economy as well I think leaders. All across those two places understand, the importance of this and so we've, been working with them for quite some time on this I am confident that we will find a a set. Of conditions that create a sufficient. Health and safety protections. Sufficient. Travel opportunity, that will get the private, sector that's important in this too we have to make. Sure that we have all of the elements in place to reopen travel, between the EU and the United States we're working on finding. The right way to do that the right timing to do it the right tactics. To have in place we, certainly don't want to reopen a play that jeopardizes, the United States from people. Traveling here and we certainly don't want to cause problems anyplace, else I'm very, confident in the coming weeks we'll, figure that out as between not only the United States and the EU but. The United States and other parts of the world too State, Department Department transportation Homeland. Security, are all working to, develop plans and methods by, which we can begin to get a global travel back in place. Your, your, first question was about Israel. We. Unveiled, a Middle, East peace vision. Some. Number of months ago now and we're, continuing, to work down that path the, decisions, about Israeli. And extending. Sovereignty, in other places are decisions, for the, Israelis, to make and. We are talking to all of the countries in the region about how it, is we can manage this process forward our end state objective, is I think the objective that the. Prime. Minister has certainly acknowledged, he wants right he wants our Middle, East peace of vision to be successful, the, Gulf states have all indicated, that they are, hopeful. That we can put that in place I regret. Only that the Palestinian, Authority has, refused. To participate, in, that right. They simply they, simply have rejected this out of hand we simply, ask that they come to the negotiating, table based on what's. Outlined in the vision. For peace and they, have chosen not to do they've chosen to to, threaten to bluster to, assert. That they're going to deny the. Ability to do security, proper that's not good for the Palestinian. People it's. Dangerous, for the people that live in those places too, what. We've asked, is for them. To come together for Israel, and the Palestinian, people to come to the table to negotiate a path forward and to find a resolution to this decades-long. Challenge, I remain. Hopeful that in the coming weeks we, can begin to make real, progress towards, achieving that great. Thank, you all very much, have a good day. Thank. You all thanks Nathan Thanks. Thanks. Morgan thanks, everyone for being here this morning I won't repeat, significant.

Accomplishments. Like a secretary highlighted, in his announcement but. I do want to emphasize a few key points from the 2019, country, reports, on terrorism, ensure. That the United States and our partners took, major strides, last year to defeat and degrade international. Terrorist organizations, in, Iraq and Syria we destroyed, Isis's, so-called, Caliphate, and eliminated. Its leader now. We're taking the fight to Isis and al Qaeda affiliates. Around the world, intensifying. Our efforts to. Ensure that we are able to protect American. Lives and American interests globally, we're. Particularly focused, on Africa, in, 2019. Isis. Affiliated, groups were active across the continent, including in the Sahel the lake chad region and east, africa, as. For al-qaeda its African affiliates, are among the world's most dangerous terrorist, groups including. Al-shabaab. In the Horn and Jane, M in the Sahel, the. United States is working closely with our partners particularly. France to, address these evolving threats in Africa and we expect. The global defeat, Isis coalition, to apply its hard word expert, hard-earned, expertise. In this, continuing, fight. It. Won't be a surprise as the secretary, mentioned that. Iran remained the world's worst state, sponsor, of terrorism in, 2019. Through. The malevolent, actions of the IRGC and, terrorist, proxies like Hezbollah, in Lebanon and ketab, Hezbollah in Iraq Iran. Continue, to use terrorism as a basic, tool of its statecraft not. Only in the Middle East but around the world as the. Secretary, noted we continue, to lead the world in the fight against Iranian terrorism, in April, of 2019, we designated, the IRGC as, a foreign terrorist organization. The first time we've ever applied, such a designation to, part of a foreign government and. Throughout. The year countries, in Western Europe and South America joined, us in designating, all of Hezbollah, as a terrorist organization. Rejecting. The false distinction, that the group can be divided into a political wing and a military, wing that. Effort continues. Germany. Just banned Hezbollah, in its entirety a few months ago and the, Austrian Parliament recently enacted legislation calling. For tougher action against the group, let. Me briefly highlight, a few more significant, accomplishments. From 2019. In September. President Trump, issued an order enabling, the state and Treasury Department's. To more effectively, sanction the leaders of terrorist organizations as. Well, as those who train for terrorism it. Was the most significant, update, and expansion, of our terrorism, sanctions authorities since, 9/11. Another. Major effort was the repatriation. Prosecution. And rehabilitation. Of Isis fighters and family members to make sure they can never again return to the battlefield the. United States is leading by example, bringing, back our citizens, and prosecuting. Them for any crimes they've committed as, of. December, 2019. The United States had repatriated. A total of 23 Americans, from Syria and Iraq eight. Adults and 15 children with, six of the adults, facing, criminal charges. The. United States also played a major role in building our partners capacity, to detect disrupt, and dismantle terrorist networks. We, provide capabilities. That no other government can match and we want to be the security partner, of choice our. Ultimate goal is to enable governments, on the front lines to address the terrorist, threats they face without. Needing to rely on the United States for continued, assistance. Early. In this administration we, identify, key priorities, and efforts, to synchronize, strengthen, and expand. The actions needed to counter terrorist threats using all tools, of national, power both. Civilian, and military, the. Resulting, successes, are clearly, reflected, in this year's country reports on terrorism, with. That brief summary I'd be happy to answer some questions. It's. Evolved, we're. Seeing a continued, evolution in. Isis, from a. Entity. That purported, to control territory, to. One that is instead of Network a global network that reaches. Every. Inhabited, continent, and, this, network not only plans. And commits attacks, on, its own it. Also continues, to inspire individuals. To, commit attacks of their own devising and as, an example of that I would, refer you to the, Easter, Sunday attacks, in Sri Lanka last, year a grool. A gruesome, and vivid example, of what Isis inspired terrorists. Are capable, of doing and so as Isis evolves into a global, network that lacks a physical. So-called, caliphate. It's important, for the United States and, our partners to evolve as well in using, a different set of tools to get at this challenge. Sometimes. Military, force is the appropriate tool we saw that in Syria and Iraq but. Oftentimes in, this new stage of the fight we will be prioritizing, law enforcement, to prosecute, isis-affiliated.

Terrorists. For the crimes they've committed. Counterterrorism. Finance to cut off the flow of money to, Isis and its affiliates, around the world counter, messaging so that we can deal Ajith amis the radical, ideology, that Isis uses to inspire, the, next generation of, recruits and. Border security measures to ensure that Isis, fighters are not able to enter the United States or cross international borders where. They could wreak havoc Thanks. Yeah. Well. I'm. Not gonna play the Washington DC rumor mill game the, position of this administration has. Been clear from the get-go religious. Liberty is one, of the most fundamental priorities. Not only of the United States historically. But of this administration, and we have done more. Than any predecessor. To raise the profile of this issue, ambassador. Brownback, has, launched the International Religious, Freedom Alliance, the vice president, has been outspoken on this issue and, religious freedom means religious, freedom for all, it means religious freedom for, faithful. Muslims in China who. See their mosques, demolished, by the CCP, it, means religious, freedom for faithful Muslims in China who are rounded, up and herded into camps. Purportedly. For vocational, training. Doctors. And professionals don't need vocational, training religious. Freedom is a core American value, and this administration is, going to continue to advance that value including. In our relations with China. Yes. So let me take that second, part first we. Are concerned, and as we lay out in the report, remain. Concerned about a rise in what. We call racially or ethnically motivated terrorism. Since. 2015. Which was when this global trend really began to intensify, we're. Particularly concerned about white supremacist, terrorism, and, this administration is, doing things that no previous administration. Has, done to counter this threat, last. Earlier, this year we. Announced the designation, of the Russian Imperial movement, a st. Petersburg based white. Supremacist, terrorist group that has trained people to commit acts of terrorism in. Scandinavia. This, is the first time it, was a historical, development, because it was the first time the United States has ever used it sanctions, tools to, confront, the threat of white, supremacist, terrorism, of, course our fight against, white supremacist, terrorism, globally, is, not limited to sanctions, that's a an important, tool but we have other tools that we've been using as well including.

Some Countering violent extremism tools. To. Use. Former. Members of white supremacist, organizations. Who have, left. The movement because they realized the error of their ways these, people are incredibly, powerful spokespeople. As. We seek to connect them with vulnerable, populations, and dissuade, those vulnerable, populations, from going down a dead-end, path we're. Using the full suite, of counterterrorism. Tools against white supremacist, terrorism that we use against Islamist, terrorists like Al Qaeda and Isis. Speaking, of which your. Question about al Qaeda in Afghanistan, we've. Been very clear with, the American people and with the Taliban, that, we, expect, certain conditions, to be met as, part of our negotiations. We. Have honored, our commitments, with respect to, troop. Presence in Afghanistan thus, far and we expect the Taliban to honor their commitments, to make a clean, break from all, terrorist organizations, our, end state in Afghanistan, is. That it can never, again be allowed to be a platform for terrorist. Activity, that threatens the US homeland that, threatens our people abroad or the threatens our allies or interests. So. I I'm. Very sorry to hear about the loss having. Heard about it now for, the first time I'm not in a position to comment on how, to characterize a particular incident, but as a general matter I can. Tell you that when it one, it is appropriate. And necessary for. Nations, to use force. In appropriate, circumstances, to defend themselves against terrorist threats another. Principle. Is equally true and that is when using military force all. Nations must, comply with the law of armed conflict, to ensure that force is only directed at actual combatants, actual threats and, not at innocent civilians, how those two, related. Principles, apply in a given case I can't, answer that in the abstract but the, u.s. position on, the use of force and the need to comply with the law of armed conflict, has been clear for decades. So. On the second I don't, have anything to share with you on that but if you follow up with us offline I'm sure we can connect you with with the right people who are tracking that. Hong. Kong is has. Been a bastion, of Liberty and. Hong Kong's, prosperity. Is intimately. Connected to its, status as a beacon of Liberty our. Policy. Has been clear and, our expectations. With the Chinese. Communist, Party have, been clear trying, to made certain commitments to the UK it made certain commitments to the world in, connection with the. The sino-british. Declaration. We. Expect China to live up to its commitments we expect China to honor, its word and allow the people of Hong Kong to continue, to enjoy the. Liberties, and, therefore the prosperity, that have made Hong Kong the, envy of that part of the world and indeed the, rest of the world. So. We have a seamless, partnership. With other agencies, that, have responsibility for the domestic, side of the house our. Authorities, at the State Department as you know begins and end at, the water's edge and. We are aggressively, using our authorities, to target foreign, groups and, foreign individuals, regardless, of ideology that. Threaten American, lies and threaten American interests, when, it comes to investigations. Or activity, here in the United States I'd. Refer you to DHS, the, Justice Department, and the FBI all, of whose leadership have made it a top priority to, address, this this rising, threat of white supremacist, terrorism. Or. Other, forms of violence, this, is a priority. That, this administration, has put at the top of the queue as, I said this trend began in. 2015, but. But it took several years it took this administration, coming into power to, really prioritize. Stepping. Up efforts against, this threat here, in, the case of the FBI and DHS but, also abroad where this, department comes into play. Sure. On, Afghanistan. I can't comment on any intelligence, matters but, our, position is not a secret it's not a secret to you or the American people nor, is it a secret to the Taliban we. Expect the Taliban to live up to the commitments they have made including. A break. From any terrorist, organization that, operates in, Afghanistan. That could threaten the United States will.

Be Monitoring, very closely to, ensure that the Taliban does, in fact live up to its commitments and its obligations, under the agreement, with. Respect to Isis. In Iraq. We. As, I said destroyed, the Caliphate as the secretary said destroyed. It -. In. Its entirety but. The ISIS threat still, remains and, so we have to be very mindful of, the, need to keep up the pressure I've. Talked about Isis, networks around the world and, that it is true with respect to those networks. But we also have to keep our eye on the ball in, Iraq in Syria. To prevent any Isis remnants from from reconstituting. To prevent them from continuing attacks, and so we work with partner. Forces on the ground we work with the d isis coalition, we work with the Iraqi government to make sure that, we're able to use the full suite of national, tools of power. Thanks. For the question. It's. It's difficult to rank order the, terrorist threats that we face we. Have to take them all seriously and, we do take them all seriously whether, it's Isis or al-qaeda or. Whether it's Iran a, particular. Concern when it comes to Iran is the fact that it is a state it has the capabilities, and it has the resources of a state and. When you introduce the concept, of state sponsorship. The. Additional. Resources the, additional capabilities, that an SST like, Iran can bring is. A reason, for a severe, concern, and. We're seeing the results of that all around the world last, year we saw or the year before we saw a series of Iranian, plots, to commit assassinations, in the heart of Western Europe we, see Iran, bankrolling, terrorists. In, the Middle East to include Hezbollah. Shia. Militia groups in Iraq that. Are responsible, for attacks on American personnel, their diplomats. And soldiers alike and. That are also involved. Last year in ruthlessly, suppressing, peaceful, political protests, in, Iraq. 109. Times I'm surprised it wasn't a hundred and ten given. The scope of Iranian. Terrorist. Malignity, around, the world there. Was another question in there that I've. Right. And so when. You see Iranian. Fingerprints. On so. Many different terrorist groups around the world it shouldn't, come as a surprise that. Iran, would. Also have connections. To al Qaeda I can't, comment on intelligence matters but what we have said publicly in the past is that after. 9/11. Iran. Failed, to comply, with its obligations, to take into custody an extra, die for prosecution. Al-qaeda, operatives, who were linked to the attacks more, recently we have said publicly that Iran has, allowed al-qaeda operatives, freedom of movement within. Iran to, enable the movement, of fighters and money into. Conflict, zones in neighboring, countries if. Iran wants. To rejoin. The, community of responsible, Nations here's. A start. Crackdown. On the terrorists, that caused 9/11. Crackdown, on the terrorist proxies that. Foment. Violence, around, the world. I. Always. Go for the one on the right.

2020-06-28 10:52

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