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greetings and salutations youtube this is sage aka sage the urban witch and i'm coming online for you guys to do a pick a car reading in my own special way of a one card quickie so please do at this time select a card between one and three or you may choose more than one if you like also want to let you guys know for those of you who are new to my channel that again my name is sage aka sage the urban witch and i am an empath an introvert a healer a starsee a mystic a magician and a witch and i do read for this special collective so chances are if you come across my channel and you see a dice or tarot or any other type of message that resonates with your spirit at that particular time chances are you may be a magician or witch okay however if the readings still resonate but you don't consider yourself to be a magician or a witch then chances are you are highly evolved spiritually however you operate outside of any major religion or organization and you consider yourself to be more spiritual rather than religious okay also want to let you guys know for those of you who are new to my channel that i do read for all signs and my readings are timeless so once again when you come across my channel and you see or hear a message that resonates with your spirit at that particular time they know that it was meant to be okay one last thing you guys what i have here is a spirit jar and rather than allow random spirits to come to me to dictate the flow and message of reading because i am a hardcore channel or any medium what i have here is a spirit jar with pre-written and pre-channel questions and whatever question that i pulled from the jar that would be the message of the day that spirit and i would like to impart to you guys as my viewers okay so that's how we do that guys so let's get started and i do hope that you guys are doing well today you and your families okay hope that all is well wishing you all love peace prosperity protection and wellness okay so this one says who around you needs to mind their own business and i know that's right who around you needs to mine their own business this is a very very interesting question you guys for those of you guys who are a part of my collective vibe tribe you star seeds you chosen ones you mystics those of you guys who no matter how much you guys mind the business that pays you you know you're tending to your own affairs if you are engaging in some type of new project honey you're so focused on what you're doing you don't have time to compete with other people you compete with no one but your own self in terms of you know how far you're trying to make it to the finish line okay however for the life of you you can't seem to understand how you keep attracting people okay through no fault of your own people who are just so damn nosy when it comes to you okay now some of you guys you don't know these people from a can of paint others of you guys these are people that you have no more dealings with or people that you wouldn't even want to get to know okay and some of them is like the only reason why you know them is because you were in a four situation such as you know them because of work okay you have to see a little raggedy uh cranky nosy asses okay pardon my canadian french but whatever the case may be dear one you got people around you guys who certainly need to mind their business and for the purpose of this reading we're gonna tap into spirit and we're gonna find out who it is okay so let's find out what is the what's up okay spirit can i get some channel messages please for who around my viewers need to mind their own business around my viewers need to mind their own business spirit thank you spirit message received for some of you guys i'm hearing nosy neighbor nosy neighbor okay some of you guys have a nosy neighbor whether you live in an apartment complex or whether you live in a gated community whether you live in a home whatever the case may be you guys may have a neighbor to the left of you to the right of you a couple of houses down and they may be over you if you live in an apartment two damn nosy dear one is what i'm hearing from spirit this particular person i just got a vision from spirit so you guys be mindful of your mail because i just saw a vision of someone uh when the mailman is coming to your mailbox outside or if it's inside of a complex that this particular neighbor is trying to be chummy chummy chummy and talk to the mailman so that he can kind of eyeball the mail and see what your first and last name is as a particular post office mailman or male person male lady is putting your mail in the mailbox okay whether it be in the lobby of your apartment complex dear one or whether it be you know in your mailbox outside your home okay nosy mofo right here is what i'm hearing from spirit for some of you guys it is a lady and for some of you guys it is a male okay now caveat if this is a male i'm hearing from spirit this mofo is real nosy and trying to get your first and last name dear one because this person is interested in trying to commit some type of identity theft okay some type of credit fraud or something of the sort so be very very mindful of your mail dear one and particularly spirit also wants me to iterate because this is a very nosy nosy mofo who needs to mine uh his or her business particularly when you guys order things online from amazon or wally world or whatever the case may be spear says be mindful of your packages there uh and if you know that you're going to be out on the time where you are expecting a delivery spirit is saying it may be a good idea to reroute the package to the post the nearest post office or to a friend or a family member's home dear one that you trust that would be able to keep your package for you because i'm also hearing that this nosy ass neighbor dear one is a porch pirate or someone that will steal your packages when they know that you are not home okay also maybe a part of this person trying to commit some type of identity theft okay credit card fraud identity theft okay so you are being targeted dear one by a very nosy neighbor uh you know they may be watching what type of vehicle you drive they may be a little bit envious of the fact that you're holding it down if you are a single person if you are a single mommy or even if you are in a relationship or married in some way shape or form they see that compared to them you have more okay so they want to try to take advantage of you in some way shape or form this may be a particular neighborhood one that uh belongs to you has been someone trying to really you know ha ha you know try to get into your good graces want to be you know chitty chatty with you and this and that beware dear one spirit is saying this is the main one that is trying to get uh information off of you uh trying to lower your uh lower your guard there with a false uh false friendship false flattery and things of that nature this particular neighbor wants to commit some type of identity theft okay and this mofo needs to mind his business okay this is a person i'm hearing from spirit uh that needs to mind their own business okay particularly because they're up to some shady okay all right so we're gonna come out of the channel messages thank you spear for that very detailed and very important channel message okay spirit wants me to reiterate to you guys for those of you guys who learned through repetition so please go back into review the channel message okay because whatever nuggets you picked up on the first go round you will definitely pick up more on the second or third particularly for those of you guys where you know uh that this channel message resonates with you in terms of having a neighbor uh who needs to mind their own damn business particularly as it relates to them trying to get all up in your business dear one to find out your first and your last name to commit some type of identity theft or identity fraud or something of the sort or you know still in your packages there okay all right so we're going to come out of the channel messages guys into the reading and this should be very very interesting so let's tap in so for those of you guys who chose card one and you want to know who around you needs to mine their own business uh-huh we have the four of cups we have the four cups okay i'm hearing from spirit this is someone dear one that you have rejected in the past and someone that you continue to reject okay however they cannot take no for an answer uh this is a particular person that is always trying to you know lower your guard in some way shape or form perhaps this is a person that is trying to come into your life to present him herself as a friend however this person will very much so be some type of exploiter some type of manipulator someone that is a fake friend but they're trying to get something out of you dear one for some of you guys it's like they're trying to uh really benefit or benefit from and exploit your uh wealth of knowledge there you guys are very gifted and very talented and one particular niche or field okay could be spiritually gifted uh could be you're very gifted in terms of some type of uh natural talent or gift you can be very intelligent very articulate and in some way shape or form this person wants to use you like say for example if you guys are very uh very talented with the gift of gab or you're a very uh brilliant writer okay and speaker perhaps this person is looking for someone to be a ghostwriter to help him or her write a book so they'll try to come all up into your inner circle dear one as a fake friend or someone that they want to collab with you or something other sort so that they can try to get in where they fit in and use you for a particular gift okay this is the type of person dear one that spirit is telling me they need to mind their own business concerning you guys because they have no when they're trying to come to you dear one to form some type of fake uh fraudulent partnership friendship or business network or something of the sort they really do not have your best interests at heart okay and not only that dear one but in addition to them trying to use you they're so nosy that they're constantly trying to monitor you uh you know i spy you know all on your social media you know cyber lurking and things of that nature okay looking at your website looking at your ebsy page looking at all of your social media your tick tock your instagram your youtube okay very very nosy ass person this person is trying to i'm hearing from spirit trying to find what are your weaknesses what are your vulnerabilities what is it that you feel or that they can sense maybe be maybe something that is missing uh in your life for example you could be very prosperous in terms of a business however they may peg you as being someone that you're really looking for support system you're really looking for you know your vibe you're looking for friends who are on your level so this particular person you know they're really watching you guys of social media like a hawk you need to know this these nosy ass this nosey ass person who needs to mind their own business okay they're really watching your social media like a hog dear one because they're trying to find any type of telltale signs of any type of vulnerabilities or weaknesses so that they can shape-shift and present themselves to be the type of person that they think that you would want or welcome okay into uh your life okay and then they would begin the business of trying to exploit you for your gifts your talents or some type of information or wealth wealth of information uh that you have and for some of you guys uh for your money but this person is trying to uh you know hit you from your emotions okay there's a need they are trying to figure out what is a need that you that you need to have feel what type of emotional need what type of lack is there in your life concerning your heart concerning your emotions okay uh concerning you know a sense of you feeling fulfilled okay the person is trying to hit you uh from the emotional realm okay also trying to be very uh exploit exploitative as well too is what i'm hearing from spirit very manipulative to person here uh this particular person uh who lacks i'm also hearing from spirit lacks a type of foundation in their life so they're trying to use you okay uh as a type of cheat sheet okay they feel as though they won't have to work as hard work is long or some of them hell they feel as though they won't have to work at all if they are able to uh weasel their way up into your life into something you know in some way shape or form okay for some of you guys this person has been someone that you have rejected this person could also be someone that they already know from jump that they are not on your level however this is why they're trying to go through a very sneaky means to try to you know uh mirror your swag okay uh to be some type of doppelganger okay uh to be someone that can really copy you and mirror you and try to you know show up at something that she would deem to be a friend uh a listening ear okay a companion a lover a business partner okay and spirit is saying this is a particular person dear one that needs to mine their own damn business okay because the only reason why they're focusing on you and trying to gather information you know from you okay is because they want to you know use you in some type of way okay and get some type of benefit off of you is what i'm hearing from spirit and i also just heard cloud chaser cloud chaser okay yeah okay so those are some of the things those are some of the uh particular traits dear one of the person who is around you who needs to mind their own business okay so for those of you guys who chose card one you or this particular person could very well be a tourist pisces aries capricorn libra and gemini someone arising okay and i'm also hearing leo moon and leo rising interesting okay thank you spirit that's for those of you guys who chose card one now for those of you guys who chose card two and you want to know who around you needs to mine their own business uh we have the six of cups in reverse the six of cups in reverse okay thank you spirit right off the bat i'm hearing from spirit it is someone that you guys have known in your past and someone however that you have given the cut off to you may no longer talk to this person because you have befriended this person both online and offline okay you may have blocked this person shut them out in some way shape or form go on no contact and you have determined that for whatever reason whoever this person was and regardless of the fact that you know you may have known this person it may have been superficial and it may have not it may have been uh to a certain type of uh level of substance however you for whatever reason uh came away from this person because you determined that uh where you're headed in life and where this person is is no longer in alignment okay in other words you guys you kind of outgrew this person uh in other words you realize that in some way shape or form this person was holding you back okay um also some of you guys i'm hearing from spirit this person may have very well been a little bit toxic okay a little bit negative this person was holding you back holding you down okay uh this person was stressing you out in some way shape or form okay is what i'm hearing from spirit i'm hearing burdens burdens okay and so uh this is the particular person dear one uh that spirit is telling me and they need to mine their own business okay they're all up in your business dear one because they're trying to figure out okay who has taken their place okay now that you have cut them off now that you are no longer their friend now that you're no longer that uh doting daughter or son that used to you know allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated by this person uh financially emotionally okay uh running their errands burning your energy and time devoting it to this person being this person's doormat and martyr and caretaker and nurturer okay now they want to figure out okay well since you cut me off uh who else has taken who has taken my place who are you giving your time to your energy to your money to your compassion to okay this is what this particular person this is what they want to know and this is why they're all up in your business and this is the person that needs to mine of their own business is what i'm hearing from spirit definitely someone from the past also for one of you guys one or two spears giving me a university vibe this could be a particular uh classmate or even a weird-ass professor uh-huh a weird-ass professor dear one who was all up in your business okay uh somehow or another they got a hold of your uh social media handles or social media platforms probably through uh your email or through your phone number you know i i need to do i need to do another type of reading to really address these weird ass weirdo professors here because we have a lot of them and some of their energy has been popping up in my readings okay a lot of you guys who are college bound uh whether you're at the university now or whether you were and you graduated and gotten your degree or even if you didn't even if you had just some years of experience at the university level in terms of your academic studies okay i'm sure a lot of you guys uh may have experienced particularly if you are chosen one uh you have bumped into at least one or more uh weird ass weirdo professors okay uh these mofos are so weird these be online uh stalking and surveilling their current students their former students okay uh watching their social media all up in their business they want to know who you're dating they want to know what type of job you have what you got going on in your life where you live how much money you're making uh what you look like they just wanna what your habits are your your hobbies they just wanna be all up in your business these people are weird now they're weird okay and for some of you guys for those of you guys who chose car 2 uh spirit is saying one or two of you guys and there's a nosey ass professor okay current or former uh who needs to mind their own business why are they all up in your business spears saying some of them are sexually attracted to you and uh they will definitely be watching you okay because they trying to get up the nerve to figure out when would it be most appropriate uh for them to drop in your dms or to you know uh talk to you some of them may be talking to you now they may be catfishing you for others uh they want to try to uh manufacture some type of chance encounter if you still live in that university or college town well they can bump into you dear one because they want to date you okay uh they're sexually attracted to you they have been sexually attracted to you for some time okay this also applies to same-sex opposite sex whether you are into same-sex opposite sex or not okay uh they're into your asses okay that's the point uh that spirit wants to make here okay uh yeah they're watching you guys they were sexually attracted to you uh when you were on campus when you were in their class okay uh when you were working under them in some type of assistantship okay a professorship research assistant yeah uh-huh spirit said it may particularly be one uh who gave you the most trouble the one that vexed you okay the one that made your academic life uh more harder than it had to be like they were trying to haze you trying to make you jump through hoops and like you were you know uh crossing over uh to the sands uh through some type of sorority of fortuitous fraternity or some okay this is the particular one okay watching your social media like a hawk okay heavy as weird as weirdo vibes here okay these people are out of touch with reality some of them you know their whole life is the university campus this is all they know they live in a bubble okay very unrealistic expectations a lot of them are are lonely and weird and miserable okay don't have no type of human contact all they know is books and research and and labs and and then when they get in contact with a young bright eye bushy tail a student such as yourself okay you know that the wires that aren't too crossed correctly there okay they get to popping off in the in the brain and they thinking all types of okay they're just some weirdos okay i might do a future reading on it if you guys would like me to do a future reading on some of your weird ass weirdo professors and what they may be up to okay drop a comment down in the comment section okay if i get enough of you guys i might do one okay but spirit is telling me for those of you guys who chose cartoon uh this is the particular person uh that you uh that needs to mind their own business okay concerning you okay for others of you guys it could be a first love a first love okay uh someone that has since grown toxic and that you no longer have any dealings with for some of you it could be a baby mother baby father okay that is trying to keep tabs on you all up in your business uh strictly because uh they feel as though you are a possession and even though when they were with you and in a relationship with you they couldn't treat you right uh for the life of them but they don't want anyone else to treat you right either okay so this is some type of uh uh weird ass weirdo as well who thinks that he owns or she owns or possesses you and that uh they can have you and play around with you and be a revolving door in your life but they don't want you to go off and experience real love okay they want you to be down with that struggle love boy girl ghetto the devil is a lie okay yes this is the person spirit is telling me uh who needs to mind their own business instead of minding yours okay for those of you guys who chose cartoons some of you guys this is an uncle thank you spirit a stream just came in for some of you guys this is an uncle uh trigger alert uh uncle who is very weird okay very weird very sexually inappropriate okay needs to be looking at women his own age women outside of the family instead of you okay weird weird cringy ass vibes right here okay i'm getting cringy petty vibes here yeah for some of you guys this is an uncle uh i'm hearing watching your ass on facebook watching your ass on tick tock he got somebody in the family to show him how to get online into stalking spy this is a weird ass weirdo uncle this may apply to one of you guys okay now for the rest of you guys for those of you guys who chose cartoon you were this particular person could very well be scorpio taurus leo aries cancer capricorn and sagittarius sagittarius sagittarius was hiding a little bit it might be that weird ass weirdo uncle if you guys have an uncle that's uh give you creepy cringey vibes and he's a sagittarius this applies to you drop a comment down in the comment section okay i'm gonna tell you about some extra things that you need to do okay because this uh uncle here he's doing some things while he watching y'all very inappropriate okay very gross all right i'm gonna leave it at that i'm gonna have to smudge after this some weird ass out here both in the family and outside of the family okay just because you share a bloodline with them don't mean that they always right okay someone may rap too tight and they they don't like you and they watching your ass because they got some mental illnesses and and they trying to figure out why you sane and they crazy all right i digress last but not least you guys for those of you guys who chose car 3 and you want to know who around you needs to mind their own business yeah i said it come through let's see uh-huh we got the page of cups in reverse we got the page of cups in reverse okay i'm hearing from spirit right off the bat there is someone there one that uh is very immature uh but someone that presents himself to be other than what he is i'm getting heavy or she i'm getting heavy uh jekyll and hyde vibes okay uh it's what they do is they present themselves as being one way i'm for the people i love community i love babies i love animals you know i'm all for you know righteousness and wanting people certain communities to do better to level up and this and that this may be one of those fake ass social justice warriors okay or they always talking about there's a certain uh group or population that they're trying to help but they just like to get online and run their mouth because they like to hear themselves talking and they like to get super chat super chats okay they want you to donate and all they do is spend the money and then they talk about you like a doll uh-huh and this is the type of person that's giving off those type of vibes here okay it could be some type of uh wannabe uh motivational speaker i wanna be guru okay yeah uh someone that's a wannabe publisher you know podcaster someone that's a felon criminal record uh in the real world they can't compete with uh you know they'll make their male counterparts okay so they'll often come online and run their mouth and you know compete with women uh-huh this is the type of person i'm getting this type of energy off of this uh card here from this person uh who when it concerns you dear one they need to mind their own business okay some of them are competing with you guys based on them being in a similar niche or field as you for example if you are a life coach or therapist or something other sort uh they are hating because uh they see the influence that you have and they think so lowly of you if you are a woman okay very misogynistic type of energy here okay a very patriarchal okay yeah very made okay because they're always talking about women okay they hate women okay but they always will try to find women to you know fund their campaign okay they'll find women to uh leech off of and to fleece to buy their books and their merch okay and their products and their services okay but yet they they hate you they they have seething rage for you okay yeah this is the type of energy that is coming off of this card here uh the type of person that is around you dear one and where it comes to you uh this person needs to mind their own business competition here they're trying to compete with you okay trying to compete with you based on followers based on numbers okay trying to compete with you based on uh your social media influence okay or uh power that you exude very knowledgeable very intelligent the gift of gab okay some of you guys i'm hearing from spirit i'm getting the word edutainer where you have a combination of your style and your swag where you entertain and educate at the same time you are an edutainer okay well this person is a hater uh this particular page of cups in reverse here they can't do what you do ain't never did you don't have the experience don't have the knowledge don't have the resources okay but see they want to come on your channel come on your platform they try to steal your information your intellectual and creative property and and then they try to run off today little raggedy ass channel and then they try to you know tweak certain words here and there and spend certain things here and there try to make it seem like that the ideas that they stole from you came from them ain't this about a this is the right here this right here okay is what spirit is telling me this is the person that needs to mind their own damn business when it comes to you because they are a clout chaser and they are a copycat uh constantly lurking on your page and on your social media watching your watching you but yet you know it's like it's like a love-hate relationship that they have with your dear one because they hate you but they want to be you they hate you because they ain't you okay and the more they get information uh that they don't know about that they get you know you dropping them gems the way you dropping them and they picking them up the more they hate you because it's like damn they didn't think of it first okay and see what they're doing is they're trying to glean off of you and instead of doing the research for themselves instead of trying to build their own platforms from scratch in an authentic way okay they're copycatting and jacking off of your uh particular uh audience members and off of your uh your intellect okay your creativity your information knowledge and resources and then they're trying to take it and spin it off change your word here or there you know to make it seem like it came from them this person is going to be exposed is what i'm hearing from spirit by a number of people not only from some of your followers and not only from some of your uh clients and customers there but from their own okay they're going to rise up and they're going to recognize the difference between uh this person who is the counterfeit and you dear one that is the real one that is the real deal and they're going to expose this person and this person is going to be publicly humiliated is what i'm hearing from spirit publicly humiliated online this is largely a situation of a person being online okay yeah a person that you know they can't hold a candle to you but they always competing with you okay always trying to get your channel shut down always trolling sending people to troll this is a person that will sit back and send his or her flunkies and fly monkeys to come to your channel to stir up some but they always watching your ass they always clock they they helping get your numbers up now they always watching your then they want to go off and try to you know use the information we're going to do a podcast about it uh uh use the information we gonna see if we can write an ebook about it write a book about it uh uh uh use the information we're gonna see if we can do a a seminar about it uh uh uh you you use the information let's see if we can create a product around it a workshop around it you are thieving ass copycat nas a brain of a fruit fly ass okay you ain't got no damn sense common sense street sense books since no type of sense and you stay on whomever uh my viewer is who chose number three you stay on their child jack and they because you can't come up with nothing on your own this person is a weirdo and this person is someone that needs to mind their own business because they're constantly trying to compete with you dear one and they're not on your level yeah instead of just leaving you be and then going off and trying to you know compete with the small dogs okay they trying to roll with horsemen okay and they're not on your level they keep sending their goddamn flying monkeys and and they trolls to your goddamn pages and to your website and to your empty pages to you to your tick tock to your youtube and stuff you know to your twitter and everything yeah that's this particular person that is so as hurt by the fact that you know what you do dear one you do it so well it just comes natural to you and the type of influence and the type of pull that you have where people are inspired by you motivated by you and learning from you okay this particular person whomever he or she is they can't stand it but it's like they have some type of personal vendetta against you now this could be a family member uh-huh that's sending off trolls and flying monkeys to your page trying to constantly harass you get your channel shut down this could also be some weirdo uh who you rejected uh it could be a click or network that you guys rejected or that you expose and you make it clear that there's a difference between you and me i might practice magic and you might practice magic but i don't do what you do and i don't roll with who you roll with and i don't serve who you serve okay don't get it twisted and they mad because uh you not you know you know you're not down with them in a team and you're not recruitable okay you unfuck with the ball yeah and this is the person that's all up in your business that need the money on business and they got some type of click some type of crew that they always trying to send off to stir up some havoc in your life and you need to know dear one your ancestors are kicking off in their ass and in one way shape or form they all gonna tumble down and and fall down like a stack of dominoes is what i'm hearing from spirit okay that's old school so these people must be older people that's you know online trying to stir up you know run amok and they could definitely be spirit over 40 okay yeah because dominoes that that that's old school when you pop that in my head spirit mm-hmm so it's some people that's online acting like they some goddamn uh schoolboy bullies okay in a schoolyard playground with a heart on uh with women in their mail these male okay they out of control they running them up online now yeah they'll never compete with a man they'll never compete with someone like them that's that piss and stand up like them they always with women that's a male yeah yo mama is disappointed in you boy grow up and grow a pear yeah yeah but for those of you guys who chose car three okay i digress for those of you guys who chose car three this is the particular type of person uh concerning you dear one who needs to mind their own business okay and you are this particular person could very well be a scorpio taurus heavy sagittarius leo virgo aquarius and pisces okay and i'm also hearing pisces moon and capricorn moon okay that's all i'm hearing thank you spirit that's for those of you guys who chose card three okay so thank you guys so much for participating by watching my video please do like share and subscribe don't be afraid to leave a comment down below because i do enjoy responding to them when i see them and when i have the time and last but not least dear ones stay blessed not stressed do your part and allow spirits to handle the rest peace

2022-05-13 03:08

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