NVSBE 2017: Michelle Cunningham - Small Business Certifications

NVSBE 2017: Michelle Cunningham - Small Business Certifications

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My. Name is Shelley Cunningham, I'm with an organization called Missouri, PTAC. It's. PTAC stands for procurement Technical Assistance, Center, we. Are an organization, that's actually funded by the Department, of Defense to help, business, especially small, businesses. Navigate. Through, the federal market and become, federal contractors. We. Are a non-profit all of our counseling. Services, there are at no cost and we, do have p tax, in every state and we'll talk a little bit more about. What. We offer in, terms of service but, one of the things that we do offer is, help, with certifications. And that's why I'm here today we're going to talk a little bit about smaller. Disadvantaged, businesses, eight, a company's HUBZone, and a few others. So. The, federal certifications. We're, not going to touch on state and local today, but. We are going to talk about self, certifications. Or self, designations. We're. Going to talk about certifications. From SBA, those, three more. Formal, certifications. Eight a HUBZone. And, women-owned small business. And then, of course verification, with, the Department, of Veterans Affairs and I'm, sure most of you know that piece but we will be covering that lightly. With. Any of these certifications. I encourage. You to either work with your local p-tech and/or read the actual. Regulations, you. Can only get so far with information, on the SBA website. Before. You really need to ask. A, few more questions for. Your, better understanding. So. Why get certified. Well certifications. Document, a special, status that helps you compete, in the federal marketplace, if. We look at the total, acquisition. Spending, and I. Like to take a number of about four hundred fifty, billion dollars. The, federal government, has small business, goals. If, we break that down into category, twenty-three percent of that spend. Is. Gold, to do business with small businesses. Five. Percent with small. Disadvantaged, businesses, and that. Includes, eight a companies.

By. Percent, with women-owned small business. 3%, with HUBZone, and 3%, with service-disabled. Veteran-owned. Small businesses. Now. Back, when I started with PTAC about seven years ago the, spend in, federal, procurement was, around five hundred and fifty billion dollars, in 2010, and so. With sequestration, budget. Cuts it, kind, of has come down to the four ten for 25 but, again. It changes every. Year. Just. So we're all on the same page, I know a lot of times acronyms, get thrown out and do especially during these government, sessions, and you and you miss some key. Understanding, if you don't know what that definition is. Next. Codes so. That stands. For North American, industry, classification system. Each. Business will, identify. With. At least one, primary naik's code but you can identify with, several there. Are six digit codes and they, are integral. To understand, the whole federal process. So. What's a size standard, so you hear that a lot as well well. Each next code has, a size, standard, that's just actually, defined by the average receipts, or average. Number of employees, it, depends, on which, industry. You're in typically. Manufacturing. Ningke's codes, will. Include. Average. Number of employees. Small. Business. So. You are a small, business if, the size of your concern, falls. Within the size standard, of the self-assigned. Makes code. And. Last. But not least is that system. For award management Sam. This. Is the vendor registration, that. You need to be in in order. To win, federal, contracts, and. There. Are several things you'll be doing in that Sam system, one. Of them is identifying. Your next and the other is. Entering. Your average. Sales. Over. The last three years as well. As your, number of employees, over the last 12 months. So. As a p-tech. Counselor, I get asked the question quite. Often, where. Do I certify. As a small business. Sometimes. A prime contractor. Will tell that small business I want to see your small business certification. Well. There, is no actual, certification. It is a self certification, in, Sam it's. Calculated. For you based on your input of, your Naik's code your, sales in your number of employees, I, don't. Know if you can make out the chart, but. Once you are registered in that Sam system. It. Will show all. The your Naik's codes, what. The corresponding. Size, standard, which is in the third column and whether. Or not you are a small, business in, that size standard. So. This is a screenshot, of, an actual client that I work with in Kansas City and. It's. Interesting because they've. Identified, six. Different Naik's codes here some. The, first one has a size standard, of 1500. So number of employees, but. The rest of them are volume. Or. Basically. Sales volume, so. In the first three they. Are small, in that Naik's code in the. Last three they're not. So. I put, this up here just to drive home the point that you can be a small business in one makes code and a, large business in another, that.

Makes Sense to everybody okay. So, other, self. Certifications. In Sam there. Is a box where you can check small. Disadvantaged, business. There's. No explanation in, Sam on what that means so it's, up to the, applicant. To. Actually, look up 13. CFR, 1:24 to. See what that means. Some. Of the descriptors. Of a small disadvantaged, business for that self designation, is 51%. Unconditionally. Owned, and controlled by, a, US citizen, that is socially, and economically. Disadvantaged. Your. Net worth has to be under. 750,000, and that. Does exclude equity, and home and business you. Must be small in a primary, Naik's and you. Man it must be managed full-time, by, a disadvantaged. Owner now. I know several. Clients just, assume they're small and disadvantaged, and so they check that box, but. Remember, your Sam profile. At the end when you submit, it you, are. Testing. To the fact that you are telling the truth on all of these items so you want to make sure that you understand, what you're checking the box for. Other. Self certifications. In Sam. You. Can check the box for a Native American owned, minority-owned. Women-owned. Veteran-owned. And service-disabled. Veteran-owned. Again. These are self certifications. Or self designations. If a protest, is filed after, after, a contract, is awarded. You. Will have to provide some evidence of status, but at the point of self certification you do not. So. What are the benefits of, self, certifying, and Sam well, of course you, want to. Bid. On small business set-asides. So. When the government puts out a bid that's set aside specifically. For small business. Your. Sam registration, showing, you as a small business allows. You to bid and when that be. Allowed, to win that contract, and, remember. There's a 23% goal for, for, all small, business. From, across, the government, now, individual, agencies, will have higher goals I think, the VA put, out some information earlier, today that their small business goal is around forty four forty five percent. There, is also the. Opportunity for service-disabled, veteran-owned small business, to bid on set asides for. Non VA and, non FAA. Procurements. So. Later on we're going to talk about the. CVE, verification. For va procurements. So. Right now there is a disconnect. In the federal government, and really. We're working with two different certification. Programs, so. If the Department, of Defense puts out an SD, vo vo, SB set aside your Sam. Registration. Acknowledging. That you're a service disabled, vet is. What you need to, bid and potentially. Be awarded, that opportunity. And, there's. A lot of confusion around that that's, piece, of it. And. Again that goal is three percent. The, second benefit of course is subcontracting. Opportunities so. In a prime contractor. That. Has. A, subcontract. Subcontracting. Plan or a required subclass, subcontracting. Plan, also. Has. Goals. To meet and those. Have been negotiated. Before. The, final award of their contract. So. Now we're going to head into the more formal certifications. Again. The Sam registration is, fairly easy to do P. Tech's can, help with that if you ever need assistance. SBA. Small, Business, Administration. Maintains. And. The. 8a, certification, the. 8a is a business. Development, program. I hear. The SBA. Staff all the time, tell me it's not a contracting. Program, it's, a business development, program the. Purpose is to provide business, assistance, and contracting. Preference for small disadvantaged, businesses. And. It's a nine-year program, it. Comes in two phases once, you are accepted into the, certification. Program the first four years is a, developmental. Phase and then. The five years is a transition. Phase. Very. Important, there's a one-time eligibility. For, the company, and the individual, claiming disadvantage. So. If you, are interested in, applying for, the 8a program you. Want to make sure it's at the right time, for. Your company, how. Long have you been in business. Do you really know, your market etc you. Want to have a good grounding. Before. You head, in and and go, through the a day because those nine years, go. By very quickly. I had. A PTAC client. Just, last week that. Was you in year 7 and. She. Finally had the energy and commitment to, really market herself, and so.

You Don't want to wait till you're 7 you want to be ready on in. That very first year to, start marketing your company. And. Of course there are required, annual, review, so it's not like you get in the program and, SBA doesn't follow up with you to. Be, eligible. You. Need to be at least 51% owned, and controlled by. Socially, and economically, disadvantaged. Individuals. Your. Ownership must, be direct, and unconditional. You must, be a US citizen you. Must. Be small business in your primary makes. You. Must be managed and operated full-time. By. The, disadvantaged. Owner. You. Must demonstrate, potential. For success, and. That's usually two full years in, business and you, have to have access to capital. Now. There are waivers granted, for. The two years in business but they're granted very. Not. Very often at, all and you have to be probably in business at least a year and, principals. Must show good character. Now for, all of the things that we've talked about you, know again for more information, what does good character, mean, you, can find that out on SBA's, website, they do a really good job of detailing, out, the, requirements, for the 8a, program. So. Let's look at a couple of definitions that are very important, within the SBA program. So. We, said owned and controlled. So. What is control, it's defined by multiple, factors. Here. Are some of the things that SBA, looks at in the 8a program. Does. That applicant. The. Socially. Disadvantaged, person, serve as the highest officer, of your company. Do. They control the board if, it's set up to have a board. Do, they make long-term decisions, do, they receive the highest compensation. Do. They possess appropriate. Management experience. Do. They work full-time at the applicant, firm again. All of these things are, making, sure that that business, owner truly, is in control of their firm. So. Again. Part of the, requirement. For eligibility. Is that you must be, economically. And socially disadvantaged. So. Social, disadvantage. Is defined, as those individuals who. Have been subject, to racial ethnic, prejudice, or cultural. Bias within American, society, beyond one's control, and then. As, you can see there are a list of the, various. Groups, that. Are presumed, to be socially, disadvantaged. So. If you're one of these groups, and you own your at. Least 51%, of, your company you've. Already accomplished. That. Piece of it. Now. Outside. Of the presume, group you. May be able to prove social, disadvantage, and there are lots of. Companies. With ownership outside. Of that group that are in the 8a program. To. Prove your social disadvantage, you're, going to have to write a narrative. With. Experiences. And. Again, this is done on a case-by-case basis. There, is no, magic. Words I have. A lot of companies, that will come to me and ask me what they should write it's. A very personal. You, tell, me how you've experienced. That social disadvantage. It. Could be in your career it could be and trying, to get your business started, and. It just varies. But. You have to provide proof beyond a preponderance, of evidence so. The burden of proof is on you as the applicant. To, find, more about social, disadvantage. You can find that in the Code of Federal Regulations. It's. 13, CFR, 120, for. Economic. Disadvantage. So. Economic, disadvantage. Is defined as socially, disadvantaged, individuals, whose ability, to compete has been, impaired by diminished, capital and credit, opportunities. You. Will be providing. Financials. Within the 8a program. Personal, financial statements.

And They. Will look at your assets and, your income and your. Assets cannot. Exceed 4 million and it, can grow to 6 million once, you're in the 8a program. Your. Personal, adjusted, gross income must. Be under. 250,000. So. If you remember, back in the beginning just to mark the box for social. And. SDB, status, in the Sam that, was, 750,000, so you can see what the difference is between self. Designating, and Sam and going, through the 8a application. That, adjusted, gross income is, based on a three-year average so. As business owners, sometimes you have good years and sometimes you have lean years and so. They take that into an account, and. Then once, you're in the 8a program. You. Are allowed to grow that gross, income to 350,000. Your. Adjusted, net worth also, has, to be under. 150,000. There. Are some exclusions, home. Equity and firm equity, retirement. Accounts, and that. Can grow to a. Net worth of. 750,000. After, being emitted in the program. So. What are the benefits of the 8a program. Well. The. Biggest benefit, is the potential, for sole source contracts. When. You are accepted, into the 8a program you. Are assigned an SBA business, opportunity. Specialists. That's going to work on your behalf. To. Help you. Get. Contracts. With. Within, their region. So, that's, why it's important, for you to come into the program with, good experience, and good past performance, so, that s be a business, opportunity specialist. Can actually, recommend, you. But. As far as sole source contracts. Up to seven million for. Manufacturing. And four million for all other contracts. Potential. For set aside contracts, so 8a set asides. Anytime. You see a set-aside that, limits your competition. Specialized. Business, training and counseling from, SBA as well. When. I started, in P Tech in 2010, one, of my first clients, was a. Newly. Established. Business. They had been in business a couple of years, construction. Company and they. Wanted to get into, government, contracting. So. He. Did all the registrations. And certifications. Etc, once he built his business a little bit further he applied to the 8a program and. His. Very first sole source contract, was very small it was about $20,000.

And. He. Performed that job so well and, the. GSA. Office in, the, Kansas City District. Really. Appreciated. The work that he did and fast. Forward today. He's, quite the success, story and, he's. Doing, probably. Between 15, and 18, million dollars, in, contracts. And so, the 8a program has, really benefited, him, but. Again, it's. It. Doesn't work that way for everyone it really kind of depends on what, your market is what industry, you're in and. How, aggressively. You're gonna be. Out marketing, your company. So. The program benefits, continued. Again. There's a five percent goal to do business with small disadvantaged, businesses, and, 8a is included, in that. Subcontracting. Opportunities with. Prime contractors. And then, opportunities. For teaming and mentoring. And. I see there are quite, a few sessions. On, mentor-protege. Teaming. Opportunities so. Definitely. If that's a new concept to you make. Sure you take a session, on that. The. Application, process, has. Actually, just moved to a, newer. Website, called certified, sba.gov. That. Site, is going to be housing all the SBA, certifications. HUBZone, will be later on. So. At the certified, sba.gov. Site, you, will be filling. Out the, questionnaire and, again they're looking at issues of control and. Ownership, and, then, you'll be required, to upload supporting documents, related. To how, your company is formed, whether, it's a corporation LLC, etc. Some. Of the documents, and again this isn't all-inclusive. But. You'll need financial, statements, balance sheets, taxes. Corporate, documents banks. Signature, cards loan agreements, etc and a resume and so. All of that is, to support that you truly, own and control this. Business, and that you're ready to do business with the federal government. Next. Certification. Is the HUBZone, certification. Again another SBA, program. HUBZone, stands for historically underutilized. Business, zone, the, purpose is to promote development. And employment in economically. Disadvantaged, areas, it, is. Location, based. It's. Based on census, data typically. Hub. Zones are located in. Distressed. Urban areas or, rural communities. There. It is, a three-year formal certification, but. It may be renewed. Indefinitely. So, unlike, the a day which expires, this, one as long as you. Continue. To. Be. Qualified, you can stay in the program indefinitely. One. Thing to note is that you have to maintain the program compliance. When bidding on and be an award at a contract, and then. All other times, in between you have to attempt. To maintain that, compliance. So. To be eligible for HUBZone, you, have to be a small business in a primary, Naik's code. 51%. Additionally. Controlled indirectly, owned again, like all the certifications, they want that 51%. Controlled. And owned your. Principal, office, must be in a HUBZone and. Principal. Office, is defined, as the location where the, most employees work so. If you have multiple locations. You. Need to take a look at which one would be primary. 35. Percent of your employees, must live in a HUBZone. So. Interestingly, enough an. Employee is defined, as a person that works at least 40 hours per month. Independent. Contractors, or 1099, employees are, not considered, employees. If. Some P some companies, want, to bring on 1099 employees to, fulfill that 35% and, they don't count in your 35, percent they. Actually, have to be on your payroll. So. If you have 10 employees and then you, yeah. If you have 10 employees in, Guam. Yes. You. Just hire them as 1099, they're not employed. Yeah. And, there's some other special rules around that and again I encourage you to go out to the SBA because, on their FAQ page they will actually define. What, is an employee and there is some more information about. That other, than just this very high-level. Slide, so. Sba.gov. So. If you just if you just google SBA HUBZone, you'll find everything, about the HUBZone program I. Find. Most companies. If. They have ten employees it's, really hard to get for HUBZone employees and to. Maintain those and so, and. You, know you have to do it when you submit your paperwork, and time of award etc, and if one employee quits now you're down below.

That 35 percent mark, so. Yeah. Exactly. So. Let, me see if I covered everything so it is a hard thing, to do because. A. Lot of the HUBZone areas, aren't, necessarily, always where businesses, want to locate and. So. In. The dividing lines my office, in Kansas City is actually listed in a HUBZone but across the street it's not and, so, you really have to look at those maps now. On the sba.gov, website. They. Have, just updated their map programming. And you really can go in plug. In an address and, it will tell you right away whether you're in a HUBZone or not so it's a very very. Good map. So. Benefits. Potential. For sole-source contract although, we don't see that many. And. It's only if one HUBZone, company, can provide the product or service, so this, is unlike the 8 a program where, you see sole-source, quite. Often in the 8a program and. Then. Of course there's limits, on those, sole source contracts, 7 million and 4 million. And. The Ward has to be made at a fair reasonable, price and. Potential. For set-aside, contracts, again, you see HUBZone set asides. Something. Unique to the HUBZone program is on. Full, and open competition. They. Will give HUBZone. Companies. 10%. Pricing. Preference, which. Basically means, that. If. A, large, business is, priced. Ten percent under your business, as. Far as evaluating, the price, portion. Of that contract. You, would be valued. The same or, equal. Federal. Contracting, goal is three percent and, at, the end of the slides, we're going to look at how the government, is doing on HUBZone, and it is the one program, that the, federal, government. Does not meet its goal. There's. Also of course, subcontracting. Opportunities and. HUBZone, is one of the more. Difficult ones, for prime contractors. To meet their goals on. Ptex, do, get calls from prime contractors, every now and then and, there, that's one thing they're always looking for is HUBZone, companies. Opportunities. For teaming, and mentoring, so. Again very similar, to, the other programs, we talked about. The. Application. Process. Eventually, will be on the SBA certify, site, but. It's. In, the old site now but you'll fill out an online application. It's. Very easy to do. Then. The HUBZone office will send an email request, for. Your supporting, documents and, you. Will know what these supporting, documents, are up front so you can begin to prepare those and then, you have ten days to submit those back and again. They'll want, things like your principal, office, lease so. That they can verify that you're actually in a HUBZone. Payroll. Records, so they're going to be looking at your employees and where your employees live. Your. Corporate, documents. HUBZone. Maps, for. Your office and employees, residents. And those can be printed directly from the SBA hubs, on site and then. They may request. Additional information. Or clarification, on what, was already submitted. Moving. On to the SBA, WSB. Women-owned, small business, /. Economically. Disadvantaged. Women-owned. Small business. So. The purpose of this program of course very simply to assist women owned companies, to compete for and win federal, contracts. Again. There are some unique things about this, particular, certification. And that is, not applicable, to all snakes, codes. For. Wo SPS, they, only cover 92, industries, and. 365. Primary. Naik's codes an. Economically. Disadvantaged. It's a little bit different. Up, until I think about a year and a half two years ago, it was about, split evenly, the. Industries, and then, they made some major changes, and shifted, a lot, of those industries to, the woman owned small business. Important. To note that if. You're identifying. As. One of these you. Will only identify yourself. In one group, so. If, you're an economically, disadvantaged. Women-owned small business, you are automatically. A wo, SB. But. If you're only a WSB, then. You don't automatically. Become. An e DW SB, does. That make sense to everybody, okay. To. Be eligible you have to be small, like. All SBA, programs. 51%. Direct ownership, unconditional. Control. U.s.. Citizen, and manage, day-to-day operations. Must. Make long-term decisions. Hold. The highest positions. Work. At the business full-time during normal working hours. But. There is no minimum time to be in business. So. Just. Covering. Back what we talked about that a day they want you to be in business for two years. HUBZone. You can be brand new in business and apply for the HUBZone application, the next day.

And. The same with a woman-owned small business. For. Economically, disadvantaged. You're going to have to provide some financials, and. So to be economically. Disadvantaged. Your personal net worth, has. To be under. 750,000, with exclusions. Your. Adjusted, gross income. Averaged. Over three years must be under three hundred and fifty thousand, and your fair market value of assets has. To be under six million. Now. If, your. Company's. Naik's code. Are. Not in, the, EDW, SB. List. Then. There. Really isn't a reason for you to, do the EDW, SB because. The reason, for doing these. Certification. Programs, is to, get set asides. So. The benefits. Potential. For, sole source contract, and again, there has to be only one. WSB. That can provide the product or service, there. Are limits on those sole source contracts, and, the. Award must be, made at a fair and reasonable price, which. Can be very subjective as, you all know in. Addition. For. Sole source contracts, there's a potential for set aside contracts. The, federal contracting, goal for, women, set asides it's 5%. Subcontracting. Opportunities Prime's. Are always, looking for good. WS. B's and e DW SBS and. Opportunities. For teaming and mentoring. The. Application, process. In. The, Sam system again, going back to the beginning of the presentation. You. Can self certify, and check those boxes in, the fam certification. But. You also have. To, you go. In and upload some documents. There. Is an alternate, way of doing, this and it's called a third-party certification. And. Let's get back to the self certification so if your self certifying. You. Will fill out an online form at, certified, sba.gov. You'll. Upload, the required documents, while you're answering the, individual, questions, you'll. Need things like proof, of citizenship. Copy, of your license, or passport. Corporate. Documents. Financials. Again, if you're applying for the economically, disadvantaged. Once. All of those documents are uploaded, again. You can go back to sam and check, the box now. Your woman-owned, and, women-owned. Small business. Or economically, disadvantaged. Again. This allows you to bid on set asides. The. Interesting, piece about this, is at, this stage, no. One comes back and reviews. Your paperwork, or, gives. You any indication that, you. Are certified I think, an email, or a. Form. Comes within that certification, just, said that you're done. When. You are awarded. A set-aside contract. For a woman-owned small business, the, contracting, office, has. To ask for your permission to, view your information, that, you've uploaded and, that, at this point is the only time that happens. The. 2015. National, Defense Authorization Act. It. Was very important, and this happened, almost two years ago but. Congress, eliminated, this self certification and. At. This point in time SBA. Has not responded, in, how, they're going to fulfill. That, elimination, so. At this point in time SBA. Is still so accepting. Self certifications. And. I know it's, very confusing if. You. Decide, to go the third-party certification, route. You. Will pay money. There. Are four, approved. Third-party. Certifiers, that, SBA recognizes.

Women's. Chamber. When. We bank women, business enterprise, women, Business Council and, El. Paso Hispanic. Chamber. They. Charge you based on I believe, your volume, and sales and so. You could pay anywhere, from three to five hundred dollars to get this third-party, certification, and. That's. Just for the first year there are renewal, fees, so. Definitely. Work with a local PTAC, to see which. Route you should go and what what's important, to you, you. Still have to even with the third-party certification. Upload. Your documents, in the, SBA website and, update your Sam registration, the. Only difference is they will ask you a question. All. Right last, but definitely, not least is. The. Veterans. And service disabled, vets so, currently. There are two. Certification. Programs. SBA. Calls, there's the, service, disabled, veteran-owned, small business. Concern, and. Of. Course the VA has. The veteran and small business and, SDV OSP program. There. Are changes coming. The. 2017. National, Defense Authorization Act. Directed. VA and, SBA, to. Establish. Uniform regulations. With. SBA, oversight. And I. Know there is a VA. Town. Hall tomorrow I think it's around three o'clock. They, may address that I know that VA, and SBA is working, through this. This. Program. To. Try to potentially. Combine, it and. We may. Very. Soon maybe next year see one program, but, as of today there are two separate. Programs. Well it's the actual agencies. That whether or not they recognize, which designations, so the, VA in order for you to do business with a VA or, FAA. They. Want you to have that VA verification. Any other. Agency, outside of the VA and FAA, only. Require, you to be self-certified in Sam. And. If, you see a procurement. That. Is not VA and not FAA. And, they, required you, to be verified. By. The CBE. Center for verification. That's. Really against regulation, and it, could be challenged, and protested. So. So. We don't know at this point whether, the VA will keep the certification. With. SBA. Managing. You, know the process or, whether. SBA, will take over the certification. So. So. The. SBA. Certification. Goes. From. A different, regulation. And as 13 Code, of Federal Regulations. 125. And. We talked about that self certification and, Sam. Right, now and this is listed on their website. The. Business must be small, must. Be unconditionally, controlled, and directly, owned. The. Service, disabled, vet must have service-connected. Disability. Must. Control the management, and daily operations. Must. Hold the highest officer, position. And. Must have the needed managerial. Experience to, run the company. Again, the potential for, being. Self certified, under SBA, is, there. Is potential. For sole source contracts. But. There still has to be at. Least only one SDB, OSB that can provide the product or service and there are again, limits on that and. Then. Very similar to other certifications. Again, benefits, force sigh contracts, the. Federal contracting, goal is 3%. Subcontracting. Opportunities and. Teaming with mentors. The. VA. Verification. Comes. Out of 38 CFR, and, so. The rules and regulations, can be much different, and, the. Requirements, are a little bit different. In, order to do business, with. The VA you have, to get that vets first verification. From. The CDE. Right. Now it's a Rivera. Phi every three years and, the. VA defines, a service disabled, vet as a veteran, who has a, disability, rating letter, issued by the VA. With. A service-connected, rating. Between zero and a hundred percent or, a, disability, determination. From DoD. So. Some of the eligibility, requirements, for the VA. Certification. Or verification, is you must be a small business, you. Must unconditionally control, and directly own at least 51%, of the company you.

Must Be entitled to receive at least 51%. Of, the profits, you must, have good character. And. The, VA defines. Control, as, that. 51%, owner, or owners must. Be. Able to do the long term strategy, and day-to-day decision-making. Must. Hold the highest office, devote, full time to, the business, although. I. Have, seen that rule waived some somewhat. Must. Be highest-paid, let's. Have them needed men managerial. Experience. To run the company and have independent. Business judgment. Again. With any of these certifications. They, want to make sure that it's not a pass-through. The. Benefits. For. VA. Verification. Is opportunity. For sole source contracts. Up. To 5 million in contract, value and the. Award can be made at a fair and reasonable price, to a responsible. Source. Opportunity. For set aside contracts, again. With, the kingdom where. Lawsuit. That was settled over a year ago. The. Vets first, rule or rule of two basically, states that the VA must. Use service, disabled, and veteran owned small businesses. As long as there are two or more. Veterans. Or SDV osp's that can perform that contract. You. Get listed in the VA vendor information pages. So, that's kind of free marketing, to you. There, is a federal. Contracting, goal of 3%, subcontracting. Opportunities and. Opportunities, for teaming and mentoring. Verification. Process, I'm sure most of you or many of you are already verified, you, know that it's at the netbiz site and, that. You, have to complete that electronic. Profile, and upload supporting documents. And. It sounds like there may be some changes, to that in. The future as well the. Required documents, depends, on the type of business, legal, structure, that. You have so. Resumes, payroll, bank signature. Cards etc. So. To review. One. Of those original slides. About small business, market, share and, we. Look at the. Size of market for potential, small business, a hundred. And four billion, dollars, based. On four hundred fifty billion dollars. Small. Disadvantaged, business, about twenty three billion and, etc. If. You want to know how those. Federal. Government overall or specific, agencies, are doing, there. Is a website called small. Business data. Gov, and. If. You go out to this website, and. You can drop down the fiscal year on the right there but. It's going to tell you how government, is doing against its goals. Now. On this slide and. I pulled. This screenshot. Probably. A couple of weeks ago but for, fiscal, 2017. And. Not all the data is accumulated, yet. They, are showing about, 386. Billion dollars that have been posted. The. Small business goal of 23%. Not. Quite yet but it's at twenty two point nine so, they'll probably meet, that one as they usually do, small. Disadvantaged, businesses, the. Goals 5% actual. Is eight point six percent. Women-owned. Five percent four. Point five eight percent, they may not meet that goal in 2017. Service, disabled, vets three percent and so. Far they've collected four percent, totals, and as. I said HUBZone. I, don't think the federal government ever meets this goal three. Percent, and it's at one point five two percent, now. Below, this, screen, is, the, major agencies. What. Their individual, goals are for the for those segments, and how, they're doing on those. Particular, goals, so it's really good information for. You if. You're targeting a specific agency, you. Know are they meeting their goals or, are. They meeting you and your socioeconomic, status. To help fulfill their goals. So. Ptex, just very quickly again. We are a resource, for businesses. We. Help with the whole range of government contracting. From registrations. Certifications. We'll walk you through the process review. Your paperwork help. You submit it. Market, research, so, who's buying federal. Who's. Selling to the federal government, today what's. The market like who are your competitors. What. Are these contracts, going for there. Are specific, sites that, you can go to do your own market research but we help lead you to those. Bid. Assistant if you are working on a bid and, you, just want somebody to sit down and walk through all that paperwork with you we can help with that. Proposal. Review. So. Do you want a second, pair of eyes to review your proposal to make sure you crossed all your T's and dotted your eyes. We. Provide education, and training. Some. Of our sites do monthly seminars we, do webinars. Some. Of its at, very low cost some of its free it just depends, on the PTAC, and I. Know we, probably don't have anybody, from Missouri, in the room so.

I Wouldn't be your PTAC counselor, but you can find your local P tag very easily by. Going to our national, website it, looks. Like a P tag but, we call it app tack -. Us org, and. On. That website, there. Is a map you, can click on your state map and it will take you right to. The. Counselors. In your area and you can simply set up an appointment go. To their training etc. So. Having said, that is there any questions. Yes. One. It's. All procurement. Any, bid any awarded, contract. In. All, categories yep, all. Categories. One, thing about the. Post-award. Information. That's that's put, out on the federal website. Most. Of the non DoD, agencies, are hosting. Awards probably. Within 30 days but. The DoD has 90 days and so. You will, see this number if you go in once, a month and look up these numbers you're gonna see them fluctuating. But. This is what the SBA uses. When they work with those individual, agencies. Are. About, meeting their goals so, when they sit down with them and. Talk. With them about their goals for the coming, here this. Is kind. Of just data that they're using is coming from the SBA dashboard. Any. Other question. Absolutely. Absolutely. Now. One, thing about, these certifications. I always find with clients it's like I need to hurry up I need to get this done and then it's a waiting for you, you. Gotta hurry up just to wait. And. Absolutely. When you get, certified. Make. Sure that you establish. A very good connection, with your. SBA. Office. Because. You want to be front and center in their thoughts and, so. That they can help you and speak, about your company, when, working with those local agencies. Anything. Else. Well. I want to thank you for your time and. Sorry. We ran a little bit over, but. If. You want a copy of the presentation email, - - you just leave me a car and I'd be happy to do that thank, you. You.

2018-02-24 03:34

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