Mobile on Air: The Business Value of an App

Mobile on Air: The Business Value of an App

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Hi. Everyone my, name is Timmy Mohsen and I'm a global product lead for Google, specifically. I lead our app campaigns, product. App. Campaigns, from Google help you promote your iOS or Android, app on Google search YouTube. Play and more, app. Campaigns, from Google uses machine learning technology, to, optimize your ads and help, you reach the audience that's most interested. In apps like yours, you. Know oftentimes when people think of mobile apps they, think of games I think. Of games they play while commuting before. Going to bed or honestly even at work. However. Many. Of the biggest and most successful apps, in the world and, actually nothing to do with games you. Know many of the most successful apps in the world are, for companies, and businesses that you drive to or walk to monthly, or. Even daily. You. Know for example some, of the most popular, apps out there for restaurants, we would from which we get our food, stores. From which you order clothing, or other goods or. Banks, which we call our visit to check our balances, or make a deposit. Goal. This presentation, is to share with you have. Apps are driving, impact for businesses beyond gaming companies and. Specifically, I'll talk about how apps are driving revenues for businesses, and, how big businesses become more cost efficient, as well. Yeah. As such a company's, app should. Be top of mind, not. Only for people in marketing but. Also for the chief financial officer. The. Head of customer service, and also for other leaders, in the organization for. Girls a job function. Now. Because an app can deliver value across, your organization's, leadership how. Company is marketing, their app should, matter to leaders across the company as well and. Not just matters, matter to leaders in the marketing, department or in, the app development, department, the. Agenda for this presentation, could be broken down to three parts the. First part, will be about how apps are more than a marketing story you. Know how often your app is downloaded and, used matters. More, than, just to the person who's in charge of marketing and also, more than just to the person who is in charge of active, RIT. For. The second, part of the presentation, I'll.

Give A few vertical or, industry-based, stories, about how an app can help drive profitability, for a business. Then. Finally, what I'll do is I'll talk about some of the features we have in our app campaigns product, that, help that can help get your app noticed. Downloaded. And ultimately, used. Getting. Your app used, can. Truly help dry the financial, success of your business. So. That further ado let's, get started on the first part of this presentation. Why, marketing, your app should matter to more than just your marketing team. You. Know oftentimes, marketers. And people in the organization, will, judge the value or, success, of their mobile app by, single, metric known, as ma use our monthly, average users, however. Apps, can impact metrics, well beyond the commonly known Mau metric, you. Know for example an app, can impact your bottom line of financial, metrics, your. Company's app can drive revenue and also help your company decreases. Costs. Specifically. Around reducing costs, your. Your, company's app can, help you reduce your customer service costs because. Solving a customer, service issue can be done very efficiently via. Company's, mobile app than having to call someone, or chat. Them online a. Company's. App can also propel. The growth of your sales figures the. Company's app can help increase the average order, value for, a typical transaction or. Increase, the average ticket value for a business transaction. And. Finally, a company's app can help improve customer, sentiment, for a business you. Know for example a company's, app can help improve your on location, experience, that are actually at that store. Improving. The on location experience, can help motivate repeat. Visits from those same customers which, ultimately drive, sales. Now. In addition to the mobile app team and to the marketing team the. CFO. In the head of sales or chief revenue officer at, times should. Really care about how a company is mobile app is marketed. A mobile. App can increase the average order, size and. Increase the average order value of, how. Your transactions, are flowing into the door or. Through the app a. Company's. Mobile app can be a great, lever to. Help a company at Reve its financial metrics and drive sales. You. Know in fact we saw a Mexican food restaurant so. That its app borders, actually, had a 20%. Higher ticket, value than in store owners and, also. A hamburger, restaurant so. That the average order size was. 25%. Greater via, mobile app or. Online. Orders than via phone orders. Larger. Order values and larger ticket sizes are something that the CFO, and the head of sales absolutely, want hands down a. Company's. Mobile app can absolutely help drive revenue for the company. Apps. Matter so much more than I may use and monthly average user count. How. Your company's app is. Advertised, should not only be part of marketing's, agenda, but, also part of the CFOs agenda as well, so. In addition to the head of sales in the CFO the CEO. Or, the chief operating officer and a company's individual, franchise, owners should, care about how the, app is marketed for the company many. Restaurants, and coffee shops actually, use their app to, enable customers to order food and coffee at a time now. Growing the share of mobile orders compared to regular in-person. Orders, allows. A company to actually create a stickier, relationship, and a deeper bond with the client, getting. A customer's line-of-sight, into. The number of orders coming through via app can. Allow a franchise. Owner on the other end to, better predict order volume. Franchise. Owners can they use that same information to. Load balance machine usage and, actually queue up food, and drink items in advance this, saves time for everyone, involved, and, above all being able to better predict, order value and, load-balanced.

Machine Usage and also queue up food and drink items in advance can. All result in less time spent for customers, waiting in line for their food and drinks and, this is something that's pleasing not only for customers but, actually for the franchise owner is announced the staff themselves. You. Know in addition to franchise, owners the, head of customer service, should also care about how a company is at mark app is marketed, when. A company's app is, used, to order food in advance the. Store's employees are, much, better prepared to handle a rush of customers now. Being better prepared, to handle of russia' customers, should, allow the store's employees to, better serve their customers in the end what do you think about it you. Know moreover, now. By pinging by, by seeing in advance and being able to pay an advance via the mobile app the. Store can free up the time of its cashier, is another staff who are normally at a desk taking orders or at a counter taking orders, this. Freed up time can then enable the cashiers and staff to, actually focus, on the quality, and the accuracy, of the food order versus. Having to rush through their work and multitask, by taking orders processing. Them and actually assembling them at the counter. Also. By allowing people to order ahead and pick up their food in the store and leave. Without taking up the staffs time the, overall foot, traffic in a store can be reduced and. What that could mean is less, crowded, stores and the, perception, of shorter lions can, result in increased traffic actually coming in through the door because the people don't think they have to wait as long and this, could then lead to higher sales. In. Addition. To the franchise, owner and the head of customer service, the. Head of human resources should. Also care, about how their company's app is marketed now. Companies are using their app to more and more work with dispersed, and remotely located employees. When. Doing this companies, are seeing lower turnover, higher. Profitability, and, higher productivity. And. We all know that hiring, and managing, employee turnover is really, costly so. Using your app to, connect, with employees and keep in close touch with them can, really help reduce turnover. Yeah. In addition using. Your app to, keep your employees up to date on new products, you're offering and new, items that are in stock or honestly what's on the.

Shelf Right now your store can, really help drive sales, how. Your app is marketed. Is not only important, to the app development team and the. Getting team but, higher yap is marketed, also. Matter is a ton to the head of human resources, you. Know we mentioned CFO. We mentioned the head of customer service, and we mentioned how to human resources but. Also the. Board of directors themselves should, care about how a company's app is marketed it's. Really, common now for a company's mobile app and the, company's digital experience overall to, be mentioned, in quarterly earnings calls or in press articles, we're, seeing this happen more and more, corporate. Boards, are recognizing, you know that a mobile app can truly propel, the revenue of a business, if. You think about it right now some. Of the most valuable companies, or their public or private are, actually app first companies. So. Far in this presentation I talked about how the different leaders in a business should. Care about a company's mobile app and how its marketed, next. I'm gonna move on to sharing examples of, how, mobile apps have helped companies in a variety of industries, a, company. Can use its mobile app to reduce the costs involved with addressing, customer service, questions so. An example here is in the telecom industry Vodafone. Used app campaigns, from Google to drive the downloads, of their app now. Vodafone, use their app to improve the customer service, and reduce. Customer service call volumes and wait times this, is great for everyone involved. Vodafone. Created a case study with Google on their use of Google's app campaigns, product, to promote their app and, actually improve the company's business operations. Vodafone. Actually saw 42, percent lower call Vimes per month and saved. Eighty four thousand, calls a year and eleven. Thousand, two hundred hours of, call time, just imagine, the costs, associated with those metrics and how, those costs went away by, being able to service customers through a mobile app and digital experience. You. Know in the travel industry hotels, are using, their mobile app to, ease and improve the booking experience, and make, the check-in process faster. For hotels and everyone involved, hotels. Are actually seeing that a larger, and growing portion of bookings, are actually coming through the app and, through a website or obviously through phone in. Addition, hotels are using, you know the ability to check into your room through the mobile app to actually speed, in the checking process I actually just use this in a recent vacation with my family you. Know checking in through the digital app and proves the check and experience for both the hotel guests and the hotel staff, checking. In through the mobile app for a hotel seems valuable, time for the guests and for the staff alike, just. Think about going to a hotel having, a cart full of luggage and waiting in line for five 10 or even 15 minutes that. All can be alleviated by checking in ahead of time and then going to the digital check-in desk or using. Keycard 'less entry via the app, we're. Seeing that many hotels are enabling their guests to replace also their lost key cards via, the hotel's mobile app you. Know allowing a hotel's guests to check-in via the mobile app and also replace, a lost key via the mobile app saves. A lot of cost and a lot of time for the hotel, most. Importantly, an above all these. Features are great for improving the guests experience, and that's what all people. In the travel industry want in. The. Financial, industry mobile, apps are helping banks drive, down costs, banks. Are finding, that addressing, customer service, tickets and answering. Questions or, getting the information to a customer via the mobile app versus. Via, an in-person or tell a transaction, can, drive a lot of savings, in. Addition, getting a client download. And, getting a new user app on, someone's. Phone allows. That bank to actually create a stronger and stickier, bond with its own customer, it, really improves that customer relationship, that you have now. Via the banking app and and, customer, can you know quote-unquote visit, the bank any time of the day or night instead. Of actually having to physically, go to the bank to deposit a check or dispute. A transaction, you, know. Also we're saying that banks across the globe are using a mobile app to, help them improve their cost structures.

Banks. Are finding that by driving customers, to the app they. Can actually shift foot traffic away from the retail branches, and actually, use the square footage at their retail branch for, better things than, just solving simple customer service transactions. This. Can result as we've talked about in more efficient, usage, of a bank's physical space. Most, importantly, having a great mobile app allows, a bank to help their em customers, save time and this, could end up in a more favorable, sentiment, between the customer, and his, or her banking provider. Mobile. Apps have been driving increases, in customer service customer, satisfaction, for the quick service restaurant, industry to Just, Between 2016. 2018, the. Volume, of mobile orders placed through mobile apps has. Increased, by a hundred and thirty percent and this, number is only growing, as the years pass on, now. These stats are really compelling, ordering. Through a Quick Serve restaurants mobile. App is a more favorable. Method of placing an order or coding a customer surveyed. Calling. Back to an earlier slide in this presentation, ordering. Through an app can increase, customer satisfaction an, able. Employees to be more productive in, the store and improve. Order accuracy, this. Also allows employees, to better forecast volume. And anticipate. Changes in demand for. Example if you know that you're gonna have a big lunch rush today for X Y or Z reason and, you're seeing that through the mobile app and a, large order coming in 1530, even 60 minutes advance your, staff can better plan ahead which, will make the customer service and end experience better for everyone, not, only the customers themselves but, from having less stressed-out employees. You. Know if we take a step back you. Know overall business's, mobile, app can really address top. Customer, pain points I mean, no one likes waiting. In long lines to order food and then waiting, again in, another line to have to pick up your food this. Can be solved, via a quick service restaurant. Apps order. Ahead and pick up without waiting functionality. This. Is something that we're seeing really, drive the qsr, our industry going forward. Also. No one likes waiting in long queues at a hotel lobby to check-in for their room or waiting, for a long line, in order, to checkout at the end of your stay no, one wants to leave their room early or come back from the beach a half hour ahead of time just, so you can get in the checkout line and still, make your shuttle back to the airport that's not optimal for anyone involved, the. Mobile app for hotel can address this customer, pain point too, so. Just really think and consider how much it costs, the hotel. Can save by alleviating, long checkout lines and, by. Making their checkout staff more productive, and also in the end making customers happier and having, that guest want to come back a. Question. I hear often is why do I need a mobile app I already have a great, desktop, website and I officially have a great mobile website. You, know I respond with you know it's great that you have these fantastic, options, for people to interact with your business via the web that's great it's, awesome that you have these things however. When you think about the data and you think about your own personal usage a mobile. App and a great mobile app experience is. Extremely important. To the success for your business, data. Points show that over the course of its first year that, company's app will, Jennifer eight three, and a half times more revenue, than that same company's, mobile. Website on a per user basis. Just, thing about the the, time it takes to check out an input, credit card data and do everything click by click via, mobile website versus. Having that information saved, and stored in a mobile app in. Addition you. Know for retail apps specifically, in the, first 18 months of, an app's launch, retail. App users, actually. Buy 33%. More frequently, than on app users by. 34%, more, items, than nine app users and, actually in the end spend 37, percent more than. Non app users so, the numbers are there and the proof is there for why mobile apps and marketed them is really important whether. You're in the retail industry or.

Another Industry. Finally. We've seen that 78%, of customers actually prefer browsing, via, a mobile app than, via another option. Navigating. Through a mobile app is much more intuitive and much easier times, than having to click on a mobile website so. Do a quick check point here so far, in this presentation, I discussed why the different business leaders and a company should care about the company's mobile app and then. It talked about how a company's app is. Marketed and why is the marketing of that app should add our to everyone in the company not just people in the marketing, function and then. Went on to share examples, of how mobile apps have helped companies in the telecom. Travel. Banking. Quick. Serve restaurant, and retail industries, now. I'm going to move on and give some examples of how companies have used Google app campaigns, that, drive the success of their businesses. Our. First, case study highlights. Denny's, Bank in Turkey that. Is Bank leveraged ad groups and Google app campaigns, to increase the registration. Count of its banking app, the. Bank used app campaigns, from Google to drive four and a half times the registration, value well. At the same time getting, a 90 percent decrease. In cost per acquisition this. Is a really, impressive stat and story, our. Next case study is actually also for a bank in Turkey the. Bank saw an 11 percent boost in consideration, and a, 5 percent boost in awareness after using Google's app campaigns, the. Bank tailored different creative, messaging, strategies, based, on the specific, interest, groups of its, users they. Had different creative strategies for gamers, social. Butterflies, and a, creative group for shopaholics. The. Bank grouped all of their creative assets for their campaign by theme tailored. To these different groups in. The, end the, bank saw the 54%. Of all paid, installs, during their launch came. From Google the. Bank also saw that Google installs were, coming in at 16%. Lower. Average cost per install than, from other social media, marketing, channels. Trendy. All a large mobile commerce company in Europe use Google app campaigns, as max conversions, product, to, boost their app install volume. Trendy. I'll use max conversions, one of our beta products and saw, that it generated a hundred, and seventy eight percent boost, in installs compared. To their always-on, evergreen. As they say regular marketing, campaigns, try. T all use Google's, app campaigns, product, and this, resulted, in the company reaching, the number one ranking, in the App Store, during, 10 riyals peak period, that there for, LaMotta. An online, fashion retailer operating in several, countries, pivoted.

To An app first marketing, strategy with the help of Google's app promotion, products, LaMotta. Realized, that the lifetime value or LTV of, its app customers, was, much higher than that of web, only users, so. As such LaMotta, went heavily in app marketing, they, actually hired a dedicated, data, analyst, and app marketing, team to, remove the silos, between their app and web data, this. Case study actually if you read it highlights, the importance, of breaking, down the walls between your, web marketing, team in your app marketing team and, when you look at the lifetime value, of the data across these parties, and then, match that against, how your marketing your app you. Can see that your mobile app can be driving a lot of great revenue results, for your company so. To recap and. Whatever three, broad, topics, in this presentation, first. Thing I did as I discussed why different business, leaders in a company should care about the company's mobile app and how the company's app is marketed, I talked, about the CFO, the CEO. Oh and had a customer service the head of human resources and even the board of directors they, should all care about how it happens marketed because. The app can drive revenue and cost savings. Second. I want to share examples of a mobile apps have helped companies in telecom, travel. Banking, Quick Serve restaurants retail. And so on and so forth I gave, vertical. Specific, examples, about, how apps are driving success, and. Finally, I gave some examples of, how companies, have used Google App campaigns, that, drive the success of their business these. Are the three broad areas that discussing the presentation, so far so. As we recap and close I want, to thank you for your time first of all and I hope that this presentation was interesting, and informative these. Data points really resonated, with you, we. Really appreciate you tuning into this and, I'm gonna sit tight let the next presentation, come and I'll be back for the Q&A thanks. So much and I'll talk to you real soon. Hi, everyone my, name is Chris and I'm a mobile apps manager, here at Google working. Together with some of the largest app clients, in Europe. After. Hearing a little bit about the business value of app by two mean just that I'll. Be taking a look at how apps integrate. Into your overall mobile, strategy, and. What solutions, Google has to offer for, you to achieve your marketing, goals so. Let's. Start by taking a closer look at the relationship, between mobile, and app. The. Lines between web and app continue, to blur as the, mobile journey, spans, across both, web and apps. While. People don't have a strong affinity toward, one format, over the other, absent. Mobile sites are both very, important, as they, serve unique, meat. On. Average, and, what while shopping session contains, at least six visits, to an app and all, mobile site, so. We can see that it's consistent, but, people use both apps and mobile sites, on. Average, one, and two mobile shopping sessions, include, at least one, transition between. A mobile site and an, app, where. An app work, best together. Users. Are spending more than 87%.

Of All mobile time, in apps and by. Implementing, deep links for example which, direct your target customer, directly into, the app instead, of the EM web you. Can see improvements, in conversion, rates by 2x. Mobile. Marketing teams need. To work together to. Provide consistent and seamless, experiences. For, users to avoid abandonment. Understand. Exactly why. Users, are switching, between platforms so. You can solve gaps in experience. Basically. It, requires a tandem, effort among, app and mobile web teams. Take. For example Annie, she's. An outdoor adventurer, on the hunt for a new sleeping, bag that, can handle those winter, temperature, drops. She. Runs a search on her smartphone and sees, that one of her favorite brands is selling a top reviewed sleeping bag for 20%, off. But. When she taps to buy she's. Taken to the mobile site instead, of the app where. She would have already had her payment, and loyalty information. Saved. She. Ends up deciding, to come back to the page later as she doesn't have the time right now to complete. Checkout but. Ends up forgetting, about it completely. This. Is such, a common challenge when it comes to user experience, which, is why it is so important, to have a seamless, and strong, web and app strategy in place. So. Now. That we have a bit of context. On the user experience and, strategy, overall, let's. Take a closer, look at Google's, app promotion solutions. Do, you see this number that's. Six, point three trillion, US, dollars which. Represents, the estimated, value of transactions. In apps by 2021. So. There's clearly a, lot of momentum in the space. Take. McDonald's. As an example. Analysts. Are literally, saying buy, McDonald's. Shares because it's mobile deal app usage, is surging. McDonald's. Really understood, how to create, an effective, marketing strategy, which, seamlessly. Integrated. With their other promotions.

And Physical. Stores. So. What does this mean if. You have an app it's, time to let everyone know about it. This. Is why we're looking at Google's app campaigns. Most. Of the heavy lifting is done for, you by the machine, learning in the background, which. Is why they easy to set up they're. Very simple to manage, effective. Driving, results and further, provide, accurate, measurements, of your success, kpi's. The. Main point to keep in mind is that app campaigns, are fully, automated, solutions, but, allow you to find users relevant, for your business goals across, Google's, inventory. This. Means that all your targeting, and bidding, is hundred-percent. Driven, by machine, learning if. We look at targeting, for example, previous. Campaign, types relied on very, limited, one-dimensional, categories, such as device, gender. Or age which. Enabled, combinations, in the hungry. With. Machine learning you. Now have hundreds, of multi-dimensional. Signals which, allows the system to create 300. Plus million combinations, and, achieve, the best possible targeting. For. You. All. You need to select is the campaign goal input. A daily budget target. Bid creatives. And, the campaign can start running. So. Just, hearing that we know creatives. Are a key building, block in the campaign creation let's. Explore, this area a little bit. When. Setting up your campaign you, can upload your own text image, and videos and Google, will combine them all into your final ads. Maybe. Even if you don't have any assets Google, can automatically, generate ads, from the Play and App Store for you so. You have the best chances, of achieving your marketing, goals, I, keep. Hearing questions, around refreshing. Creatives, so, let me give you a few best practices here. Our. Recommendations. Are to refresh. Creatives, every two to three months, start. With replacing, the creatives, with low traffic and you'll find a step by step instruction, on the Google Ads Help Center for this use. Diverse, creatives, with different, themes different, lengths, or orientations. And. Finally, upload. As many creatives. As possible, this, will all mitigate, the negative effects. Of creative, fatigue and ensure, your setup as strongly, as, possible the. App campaigns will then go ahead and show your ads across a vast inventory, including. Google search Google Play. YouTube. Gmail, and AdMob. This. Will really help you position your message to your target audience, wherever, they might be browsing, the Internet so. Let's say you want to start your first campaign to advertise your app which. Type should you go for in.

General Google, is oriented, its entire offering, around solving, needs at various, points, in the app lifecycle the. First, phase that you'll encounter is, pre-launch, where, your goal is to test and iterate as, much as possible before, launching. But, key questions, you'll be asking, are how, can you set up your app for success, and even, get a head start towards your growth goals the, second, phase is your formal, launch and early, growth when. Your goal is to find valuable, users and put your foot, on the gas pedal, key. Questions, will center around how, you can help users discover, your app and how. To find, the most valuable users, finally. Your, app reaches, maturity, you'll. Turn your focus on driving up the retention, and lifetime, value of your users. You. May ask, like, how to best monetize, and grow sustainability. And how, to keep users engaged. Let. Me give you two examples, the. Most basic, campaign type would be the installs campaign, here. You optimize towards a target cost per install that you set and the campaign will drive as many installs, as possible, at this price within, the budget you've set, on. The, other hand if you want to target users, who not only install, your app but also perform, an in-app action, such as a booking, a purchase. Or registration. You, can also choose the action. Campaign. Here. You specify how, much you're willing to pay for the chosen in-app, action, and. The campaign will find as many users, as possible for this goal within, your, budget so. That's. It, let, me summarize a few key takeaways, for you so you're setting yourself up for success when, crafting, your app campaign, strategy, we. Spoke about a web and app the. Lines are blurring between web, and app and with 87, percent of all mobile time, spent in apps it's, more important, than ever to deliver frictionless. Mobile, experiences. Across, web, and app then. We. Looked at the power of machine learning, Google's. App campaigns, are easy to set up simple. To manage effective. Or driving results and. Accurate. Admitting, success, finally. App campaigns are designed to support your advertising, goals best no, matter which stage your app is in or what. Goal you want to achieve let's. Say installs, or purchases, so, before we go to live Q&A I wanted, to share some specially, curated resources. For you without think with Google team we. Have some work from home tips resources. Are navigating, on certain times and, resources. For improving your mobile, experiences, check. Out the tap on the mobile on our homepage called, think, with Google resources after, our live Q&A, thank. You and see you in a second. You. You.

2020-06-05 05:18

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