Mechanic Shop Brings In $866K/Year with 4 Employees

Mechanic Shop Brings In $866K/Year with 4 Employees

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would you guys like to know how you too can make up to 117 000 a month with your own mobile mechanic shop today we're here with levi the founder of cascade mobile fleet who's going to share all of his tremendous knowledge with you guys i'll show you how in seven years we've made sixty to seventy thousand dollars a month doing mobile mechanic work with only four mechanics wow so keep watching to find out all this and a lot more [Music] so levi we're standing in front of your original truck unit when you first started the business tell our audience when and why you started cascade mobile repair so i was working for a fleet repair company a national one and i felt like there was a little bit of a an issue with the customer service side of it okay i found an opportunity basically that i wanted to hit and kind of went on my own i started working i was working evening shift there and then i bought this truck for six hundred dollars that's it and i would load up my tools in this and then i would go home before my evening shift at that company started i would put all my tools back into my personal truck go to work sneak them back into my toolbox at work and then work my night shift there and then do it all over again over and over again until i could not do it anymore i couldn't afford to go to work i had to work for myself gotcha so you saw something that you wanted to improve on yes and that's really what pushed you to get into yourself there's a major lack of customer service in this industry okay and i felt that it was necessary to change what was your initial investment to get officially started how much did you put in 600 bucks for a truck i'd say well you had to do tools or anything i had all the tools i i was a mechanic for 12 years before i see yeah so you had everything yep but your own vehicle correct from there i had to build up more expensive tools diagnostic computer and ac machine welders more air compressors etc what would you say for those watching who don't have all the tools what would be the biggest expense to get started that's kind of a tough subject you got to go where you're going to what industry you're going to niche in with automotive you can do a lot of stuff with just basic tools if you're getting into heavy truck you're still going to need an air compressor that's about 2 000 bucks a diagnostic computer for all the computer systems and everything that cost me almost 13 000 wow just for the computer 2500 a year for subscriptions wow okay that was a big one so this business isn't necessarily cheap to get into would that be a correct statement you can absolutely do it i did it i had nothing i had my hand tools that i had already bought that i had you know worked with for years you can buy everything you need to start a truck repair company or automotive at harbor freight at that's good craftsman you can start with something you know and that's what we hear about yeah that it's possible i mean it's so easy you just determination dedication and honesty to your customers okay now later on in the video you're going to share an incredible hack with you guys give us just a little taste of what that's going to be about it's going to help a lot with your billing turnaround okay that's important levi where was your revenue last year so last year we made eight hundred and sixty six thousand three hundred and fifty one dollars wow you know your numbers a little bit uh how did that grow from year one can you just break it down real quick for us year one i made seven thousand dollars gross and full year full year i mean it was i started in september so from september to december uh and i was still working full time and had a kid are you intending to continue to grow from the 800 what's your plan yeah absolutely i plan on going as far as we can go i'm not going to hold back on anything but i don't want to grow uncomfortably if that makes sense because it's just you and for employees me with four employees yes got it okay do you intend to hire more how do you take the next step to break that million dollar ceiling i'm always trying to hire the biggest issue right now is the lack of diesel mechanics in this area i i can only take on the amount of work that my guys can handle and i don't want to stress them out and have them working themselves to death because i care about their lives too it's an interesting industry because you mentioned off-camera can you mention that again to our audience in terms of the lack of diesel mechanics there's about a thousand automotive mechanics for every five diesel mechanics that's insane yes [Music] tell us what kind of skills and experience you need to run a successful mobile mechanic shop yeah honestly it comes down to you know being fluent with your hands being able to be creative when i was a kid i was always taking things apart my mom didn't like it so started early yeah yeah i just it like you know man does the vcr not work you know no well i got it there you go that's where you start don't play with toasters you know just working with your hands getting creative uh when you're on an emergency road call and something's broken you've only got what's with you you want to do everything you can to safely get that guy off the freeway and then you can focus on the correct repair well someone's just starting out for example right who doesn't take apart toaster or anything like that but just likes this industry uh what would your advice be and tip for them to acquire those skills isn't there schooling training that you need to go through to do this you don't need schooling at all you can there is some technical colleges that offer the programs but if you don't want to spend the money on it i would recommend going and getting paid as an apprentice yeah it's gonna be a cut okay we've got one now i'm paying him 20 bucks an hour and but he's learning he's learning and he's getting paid to learn you know and you don't get that at college you have to pay them to learn and you're sitting in class and i've hired people from college that have zero experience in the field never changed oil on anything before like not even a lawnmower okay and they can't figure it out honestly you got to be mechanically inclined you got to want to be creative it is a sort of creativity part of your brain i guess that in part stupidity i guess i don't know okay no thanks for sharing that what is your monthly overhead and what's the most expensive and give us the actual numbers yeah so i spend about thirteen thousand dollars bi-weekly on labor bi-weekly okay yeah so 26 grand a month just in labor and then the shop you know that's going to be depending if you have a shop i started without a shop like i said the truck yeah that's important to know because you can start without one correct depending on where you're at in the world or the country warehouse space is going to vary this one we're at 76.50 a month that's 9 000 square feet we've got overhead cranes we got air and we got all the voltage you ever needed okay the next expense is going to be parts now that is basically the only thing that we as a company and every company is different but we do it on a net 30. we're not paid for the job until the job's completed and billed so we buy the parts for that job from our vendor and then we don't have to pay for that bill until the calendar month is over 10 days after that calendar month which gives you time to collect from clients yes absolutely and so that helps a lot now some customers are on duel and receipt others are a net 45 depending on the size of the company honestly i've got fortune 500 customers and they're going to want to wait 90 days for payment i've got mom and pops that will pay the day they get the check the bill so kind of you know you got to find where you want to be there okay [Music] levi what was the most challenging aspect of starting a mobile mechanic shop i would say just uh people giving you a chance and the opportunity okay any tips on that from just experience yeah i mean just persistence can and uh being honest really okay yeah and then when you started uh talk to us about how you decided on your target audience like what is the evolution of that wine yeah you know at the beginning i was willing to take on anybody anything just to get my name out there you know and build the reputation of a solid diesel mechanic i was willing to do anything for anyone that would give me the opportunity and i think you have to do that nights weekends three o'clock in the morning it didn't matter okay uh now it's evolved into um we we've got a set area we don't want anybody with less than five trucks and we don't want anybody with more than 200 and 200 is really tough you know we got 75 we're doing a quarter million with a customer that's got 75 units that's trucks and trailers and that's like the honey hole that's perfect for yes and that's what you want to focus on yeah nothing else absolutely okay any any reason why just in a nutshell you're traveling less so if you're going on-site to a customer's location you want to be able to build as much work as possible at that location because every time you have to clean up and drive to a different spot then you've got a half hour and clean up you've got one to five hour depending on where you're going we've got customers in south seattle it can take two hours one way to get there i can see how everything just starts to add up pretty exponentially i know that you've grown over seven years why don't we walk over to your other truck kind of show your audience what that looks like so this was 600 bucks 600 and it got the company started i've made over a half a million throughout the years in that truck and then this unit right here yep uh what did you buy this thing for so this was a package deal i got three trucks for thirteen hundred dollars from one of my customers because they expense these trucks out they were considered salvage with the way they were writing off their taxes got you okay um each truck had an issue one truck was garbage need an engine so i got rid of that one the other one needed a transmission and this one needed an oil change okay so it wasn't too bad very lucky that's not going to happen with everybody obviously but because of the customer relationships that i had built with my customers from day one you get opportunities absolutely all of this was built with no debt there's no loans in this company this was all just reinvesting throughout the first three to four years of the seven i didn't take any pay how long did it take you to break even what was that point well i mean when you're invested 600 bucks it's one job right okay so but i didn't pay myself for three years like i had mentioned and the reason why is because i wanted to reinvest everything i possibly could and i hired my first employee at two years i wish i would have done it way before that because then i had two trucks going and then i could cover twice as much work but you have twice as much work on the back end too and that's the secret but it's definitely gonna keep you busier with the paperwork what are the advantages of having the mobile mechanic side of your business versus the shop number one is going to be overhead okay you know it doesn't cost much to have a service body pickup or even a box truck you can buy for you know 10 grand a used one or a couple thousand bucks for a pickup truck as compared to a monthly expense of not only the building but the lights the heat i mean this thing's not insulated it gets expensive here in washington so yeah it's just the overheads overhead the top top one top reason okay absolutely we'd love to hear from you guys if you want to comment below about how you structure your business if you have a shop and a mobile site or just mobile tell us a little bit about how you're doing it any tips and success comment below we appreciate that what's the process of you acquiring a new job somebody makes a phone call first is there a website walk us through the evolution of estimating understanding all those details at the beginning it was me reaching out and telling people that i provide a service that they don't necessarily need at that moment nobody thinks about repairing or maintaining their vehicles until something breaks right now we've got such a strong customer relationship with our customers to the point where i just have to answer the phone we've got a great relationship our customers trust us they understand that we're going to be out there on x days to fix their vehicles and maintain everything that they have and repair it so it's safe on the road so if i have an issue with my truck i make that phone call you show up how do you how do i know what it costs you have a system broken down per hour yeah it's per hour we have an agreement either it's a verbal contract or written contract with each customer depending on the size of that company and what they're comfortable with uh that's our hourly rate our markup on parts what's your hourly rate let's list our hourly rate right now is 130 dollars and we're probably low on that market standard i think uh dealerships right now are almost 200 an hour wow and what about your markup on parts my markup on parts is 30 wow okay [Music] you guys make sure you check out our podcast forward slash podcast we talk to people like levi and other incredible business owners and ask a lot more detailed questions so without further ado let's jump back into the interview and talk about you know for those wanting to get into this business what would be a must-have piece of equipment really you just need standard sockets wrenches you can't do anything without sockets wrenches of course standard and metric um most vehicles now are all metric uh so they go millimeters instead of inches a grease gun is very important honestly you could start just getting the client base with a grease gun and some tubes of grease and that's it 100 bucks an inspection right and then i mean dude you could do 10 of them in a day easily just greasing just greasing and inspecting trucks yeah interesting uh and in building up that relationship with your client you have to have a relationship it's not transactional you want to know you know what they're doing that week and don't don't stalk them right but you know just ask them hey what do you got planned this weekend i'll be in here greece and inspecting all your trucks what are you doing for memorial day weekend i can't tell you how many times i did that when you first got going yeah tell us how you built your customer base any particular marketing strategies that were productive for you yeah so the most productive thing for me was going on google maps with satellite image okay and overlooking warehouses and seeing how many different trucks and semi-trailers were parked there when the satellite image was done that's it and then i would just see what company it was and i'd start calling hey who's in charge of the fleet management i did probably 100 calls a day for a good six months wow and before i knew it i mean i had to quit my job i didn't know what to do what else can you share that's pretty cool so you just basically looked for images of industrial houses to see a lot of trucks and then you if it was a high traffic area you know there's small companies like fence companies and whatnot they all need everything's got trucks everything anything else do you want to share in terms of building customer base initially let's get started calling them do a follow-up every once in a while but don't get crazy you know i would call maybe once a week until i got a hold of the person i needed and then just take notes of it you know and kind of feel out their personality and see what they wanted and see how they kind of rolled with jokes and whatnot did you feel like you had to get past the gatekeeper at some point oh absolutely it depends on the size of the company but yeah any suggestions for our viewers on how to do that first of all you're gonna you know you you're gonna get the assistant walking in the door doesn't always work she doesn't you're almost never gonna get it that way because you're catching them off guard if their assistant does get a hold of them just say hey can you take a note for such and such person i have uh x y and z questions about this truck and eventually they're going to get a post-it note on their computer saying hey call this guy [Music] has your marketing strategy changed as the company evolved what can you share on that people love hearing marketing yeah spreading your company's name anything absolutely i mean we've got shirts and sweatshirts we give them to all of our employees and then friends family anybody who asks for one you're never going to make money on a shirt or sweatshirt at least that's the way i feel it helps if they can at least help cover the cost but that's pretty much our marketing we paid for advertising on a couple of roadside repair websites at the beginning and it helped but it wasn't finding the clientele that i wanted so i discontinued that and honestly cold calls was my best marketing plan and the way it's changed here is i don't do it anymore i've got such a tight relationship with the clients that i have they just they're loyal we're loyal to them and at this point in time i don't need to find new customers it's a good place to be yeah consistent business yes yeah and we can grow and get up to six employees with our current book of business what are your services what do you do as a business so we offer mainly on-site repairs maintenance we'll do breaks dot inspections which is a federal inspection safety-wise for vehicles semi-trucks and whatnot trailer repairs uh on-site services with the brakes the oil changes uh if there's light out and we just had our guys take off to the side of the freeway for an emergency road call for an air leak for a brake system on a semi okay so you're mobile you've got the shop the shop we do major engine repairs uh differentials transmissions clutches okay uh and that's all primarily on semi trucks we've got a couple small things in here right now we're doing uh cadillac security systems on gas vehicles for a couple customers pretty broad spectrum yeah we'll do just about anything truck repair but you know no body work no no upfitting stuff uh we don't do lift kits or anything like that on vehicles it's mainly commercial vehicles okay [Music] are you using any social media platforms if talk to us how important that is for this particular industry this business yeah so with this industry it's not very important but i do have some sort of a presence we have a facebook we have an instagram we used to have a website but the clientele's not there google maps is is probably the most important thing to have why tell us more well because if somebody's stuck on the side of the road or there's a fleet manager for my industry in specific you know they just got the job they're like hey i've got 75 trucks and i need somebody to come in on site to do dots and oil changes well they're going to say truck mechanic and everett mobile truck repair in this area and then we're generally going to be one of the top two or three that pop up are you spending uh money to to rank at the top just seo so how much is that costing you per month awesome okay that's just me posting pictures on google that's all it is talk to us about insurance and special licenses yeah right you have a shop do you need a different license to be mobile as well under the same umbrella no you don't but you do need the coverage from insurance the vehicles the liability insurance standard stuff standard stuff yeah that's about 15 000 a year for my company when i first started it was a lot less and you know if you've got a good insurance broker they'll work with you on payments to where you can do the monthly bill with air conditioning whether it's automotive heavy truck or anything you need to have a 609 certification okay to buy the freon to do air conditioning jobs can't buy without it can't buy it without it and then another thing that you would need certification for or just the experience more or less is to do dot inspections you have to have a minimum of one year experience in a commercial shop or fleet repair business in order to sign off on them now they're not going to know that until an accident happens but as the mechanic who signed off on that paperwork if any of those items resulted in a car accident you as the mechanic are liable well okay but you don't have to do that that's a choice right that's the truth an optional service you want correct yes it does bring in a lot of revenue because of the repairs needed sometimes to pass the dot inspection okay so say a truck needs two drive lines and three sets of brakes done in order to be safe and on the road well now you've just made seven thousand dollars okay because you did that inspection so it's worth working to get that certification or that absolutely but yeah you just got to look at things [Music] levi what's one important factor uh that has contributed to growing your revenue employees that's really yeah because then i can get more done in a given day i can send two trucks out at one time make sense so just that and being honest with your customers making sure that your employees are happy that they want to show up and they want to show up on time clean uniforms i subscribe to a uniform company they provide us with new uniforms every week but being honest with your customer i would say you know if hey these parts aren't showing up on time or we misdiagnosed something it was my mistake owning to it owning up to your mistake they're going to want to know that they're not going to want some long drawn-out excuse of why it couldn't work okay that makes sense [Music] in terms of uh employees you know we have four but tell us how you anything special that you do to treat them to keep them sticking around here uh how much do you pay them things like that so you know from our entry level apprentice it's going to be at the bottom and you can't find anybody for less than 20 bucks an hour right now and that's pushing it and you know we range from there up to about 40 bucks an hour and i give them bonuses uh twice a year if they ask for time off i try to work with them as much as i can and i'm honest with them if i don't like what they're doing i'm going to tell them if they don't like what i'm doing they're going to tell me so you pay the employees 40 bucks at most i thought diesel mechanics get paid like i don't know 150 bucks an hour or something like that was that the shop the shop does gotcha so you built that expenses behind that got it okay so you bill at the 130 to 150 yes employees get paid 20 to 40. yes and then obviously a lot between there yep yep that goes somewhere else okay that's good to know i didn't yeah and you know some jobs for instance if the job takes two hours to do and the or pays two hours to do but the mechanic takes four hours to do it right i'm eating that not really they're still getting paid by the hour gotcha and that happens from time to time you mentioned something off camera left where you mention it now too in terms of like your customer base right how do you stay in touch with them today do you have an email list do you bless them every so on i mean where are you at you're seven and maybe how is that different from when you started okay yeah absolutely so i think of it the way i want to be contacted i don't want to be blasted with a bunch of junk mail i'm not going to answer this i'm just going to delete them i do that with my own vendors and people yes it's deleted sorry i've built a relationship with a lot of my customers where i can just text them i can shoot them a quick email hey checking in when you know how many miles has this truck gone since last service uh there's there's customers like i've noted before they want us in there every single week greasing and inspecting every single vehicle they have there's other customers they only want to send quarterly so every three months those ones i'm going to shoot them a quick call if they don't answer i'll shoot them a text or an email do you have a software or like a plan in writing that you follow or is it just kind of it's you just got to flow off the customer everybody's different everybody has different jokes that they like everybody has different personalities and you got to run off of your customers personality right we're all human we're not robots let's talk briefly about a business plan yes when you got the idea to venture out on your own did you first sit down and write a business plan can you share that story with us what exactly did you do it was more of a mind bump it wasn't necessarily a business plan because of that it was i had no intentions on bringing on investors at the beginning i had no intentions on any loans i wanted to see i'm kind of stubborn so i wanted to see what i could do without anybody's help that only goes so far though so i wish i would have built a business plan at the beginning if that makes sense um and i would recommend anybody to do it and anybody that tells you not to they probably haven't built a successful business well on that note you guys check out our blog

forward slash blog we've got an incredible amount of resources that will help you write a successful business plan anything unique about how you order parts where your order parts any tips suggestions to our audience who are in the same industry yeah so i want the right parts the first time okay because there's so many options on commercial vehicles that you can change throughout the building process of the vehicle from the original owner an automotive car you can go to o'reilly's or napa or any small store like that i get some stuff from there i usually spend about 3 500 bucks a month from parts house like that most of my expenses my parts my big items are oem specific so i need to go to peterbilt kenworth which are both paccar products different shops like that and then there's also aftermarket industrial shops you know we have a battery vendor so i use interstate batteries and dealer for them as well do you pay on the spot or do you have any special relationships with them where they i don't give you discounts but give you time to pay them back can you share anything on that so generally they'll give you uh 10 below uh list price and then they have a net 30 billing system so that means that anything i purchase in that month i get a bill on say september 1st and then i have to pay by september 10. that's good yeah how does that help you in the business that helps tremendously uh i don't have my cash being tied up in these parts and it gives me time to build the customer and then get collect payment from that customer [Music] how many clients do you have you mentioned off-camera that's i think important to know yeah you're seven like you 300 clients or where are you at no we're at about 25 to 30. and with that we manage a thousand units wow so we've got customers with three trucks we've got other customers with 75 and i'm actually in negotiation with a trailer leasing company that leases to the postal service they're going to have 180 trucks here or trailers on site that need maintenance so you're at that point when you're like 25 clients with that many yeah that's plenty i mean there's room to grow in that and we're not milking those customers for every penny they have we don't want to do that we're going to do everything we can to keep them comfortable and keep their trucks safe we don't want to over expend their budget because then they're not going to want to work with us so we make sure that their vehicles are safe reliable and on the road and then um that it's budget-friendly as well yeah it's awesome to hear that you're very customer based i mean that's important in every business you know their jokes you know what they like what they don't like that's incredibly important you guys absolutely this is the time actually to share with our audience the hack yeah that helps with billing so tell us what that hack is and how it changed your business absolutely uh i pushed it off for a long time because i was like man the the cost of buying each employee an ipad with internet on it and then getting the software for billing there's a great software we use it's called full bay everybody's ipad that's connected to the internet or even their cell phone they can build the job right then and there and it's got all of our inventory in it and then you can also email and request from a vendor what parts you need oh wow and it sends them an email directly and then all of that's combined into there and then we can bill so much faster so the hack is get all of your employees mobile ones and that bad with the software and connectability yep yep you got to have a quick turnaround on your billing if you push it off this is where my procrastination that's a big word now that was an issue because it's like oh i don't want to do the paperwork i just want to go fix another truck right when i was by myself and then it would take me a week and i was like well i did that last week i'll just wait a little longer and then it was two weeks right and i didn't ever want to do the billing part and it was really impacting me because if those guys are 30 40 days out on paying a check that's that's a long time with no money so now we can have the job build to the customer the second they click done nice and it goes directly and it's inclined and it's period you just wait for the check yep that's awesome implement it execute it guys the resources are gonna be in the description below [Music] all right quick fun blitz time with levi first question what's your favorite business book man i'd say my favorite business book is probably gonna be profit first you know the author i don't okay that's fine people he's got a long last name okay if you had to send one thing to space that's proof of human life what would it be just like elon sent his beautiful roadster yeah that's a tough one let's just say a model a ford from henry ford okay yeah tell me about one not so great habit of yours that you want to just get rid of uh it'll be procrastinating okay now at this stage of success what would what advice would you give your teenage self don't be shy okay last question why should someone not do what you're doing right now if they don't like uh the elements the weather and getting dirty and busting a knuckle every once a while don't even try okay because that'll happen often oh yeah does this industry have a seasonality to it i would generally say no okay uh steady throughout the year mostly it's solid i mean when most companies are like oh no here comes the winter season for commercial trucks they're like hey all of our drivers got the next week off you want to get some work done and i mean holiday seasons are the busiest interesting because lots of trucks out a lot of trucks everything's breaking down yeah everything's breaking down and then everything sits for a week because everybody's got vacation time or extended holidays i'm sure it's different like in the car right okay i would say the car season's going to go off of the seasons of the year okay you know if you're in the body shop industry winters are going to be super busy for you if you're in the tire industry winters are going to be super busy so for you you're steady because mostly your focus is as you mentioned many times on the commercial side of things right yes okay that's pretty cool um by the way you guys if you love this content we appreciate your support if you like subscribe and hit that bell so that you don't miss any of our amazing content we appreciate you a ton levi tell us why you specifically do more diesel work than the normal cars what's the difference is it earnings revenue yeah that's a big part of it uh so diesel trucks have always fascinated me from a young age i liked how loud and obnoxious they were you know personal preference yeah yeah and and it was big and they get bigger and bigger uh we've got one customer who's got a two trucks that tow a million pounds and you know they average truck toes between 80 and 120 000 so it's big but you know revenue is definitely a big thing there's going to be less emotion attached to the repairs needed on a commercial truck compared to an automotive car somebody's going to haggle you a lot more you know because of their personal finances whether they're good or bad that's going to impact their repairs on their vehicle they're going to want you know the cheapest thing possible not the right thing so you you thought about that before you decided some different client profile essentially that you preferred to work with yeah i prefer the business to business relationships that's just how my personality is that's uh what i thrive in and i wanted to make sure that i didn't you know essentially pigeonhole myself into something i didn't like okay what's one thing you wished you knew before you started this business anything come to mind uh it's very cutthroat like comm it's not competitive not not complicated but if you don't get there at a certain time and you don't hold up to what you said okay they will take it somewhere else because they're losing money every time that truck's broken and down for however many days that's on you right and that tarnishes your relationship with that customer so say you did a a 3 500 clutch repair on a semi truck but it took you eight days instead of the day and a half that you promised they might take the next one to a dealership or to another okay show up do you have any places you go to when you have a problem as a business owner in this industry to go in i don't know networking events or something to to to learn to be more educated to do better yeah i have built relationship with uh some senior shop owners essentially business owners in the same industry so we kind of bounce ideas off of each other hey i'm having an issue with this what would you do there's no real not in this area at least there's not a group a lot of stuff is uh for networking and whatnot will be more towards the automotive personal vehicle industry okay but when it comes to commercial truck repair there's not a lot out there [Music] anything else you want to share in terms of just the process of getting that job and you know the process of figuring out all the other details anything else that's worth mentioning yeah uh account for the little things the zip ties the nuts the bolts the driving the wear and tear on your vehicle getting to that job um and an emergency drive fee and at the beginning i was like oh i don't know if i need to do these drive fees well if you're in the middle of say tearing something apart and you've got all your tools out your guys got all their tools out and there's you know you got air compressor going and everything and you're trying to take a tire off now somebody calls and says hey i'm stuck on the side of the road i need my truck fixed now well now you got to pick all of that up stop the job that you're doing drive there to repair that right because it's an emergency they're on the side of the freeway those are pretty dangerous jobs so you charge a fee for that yes what is that fee uh right now we're at 150. okay

and then just even on uh scheduled maintenance we have a 50 drive fee so it's not very big but it's something to help with the cost okay last but not least uh what's the biggest struggle that you have right now as a business owner you know pandemic this that perhaps the list for you employment pen it's hard to find employees it people who are willing to work in the weather who are willing to work um you know we have two shifts we got the morning in the afternoon and nobody wants to work at night i personally i was willing to do it i would watch the sunset and the sun rise in the same customer's yard right just to get the jobs done and be dedicated make sure it was ready for them in the morning not everybody's willing to do that right it was snowing 20 degrees out i'm still out there changing turbos finding employees i don't expect that from them by any means but just finding employees in general okay well i really enjoyed sharing your story yeah and we appreciate your time levi thank you so much appreciate it well that's a wrap you guys i hope you really enjoyed this episode with levi the founder of cascade mobile fleet incredible story to go from a six hundred dollar investment to revenue of more than eight hundred thousand we do this for you please take and then a second to like subscribe and hit that bell so that you don't miss any of our videos thank you for watching

2022-01-22 01:37

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