Mastering Stop Loss

Mastering Stop Loss

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we go now one of the main things i want to talk  about today is all around stop losses again for   those of you guys who do not know me my name is  Navin Prithyani i am the senior trader at Urban Forex also the ceo and mentor at Urban Forex  and ceo of black tower investments in hong kong   and ceo of anticipate don't participate dmcc in  dubai okay i can list the credentials on and on   and on but that's not why you're here and one one  of the main things that i'm known for is to make   complex things easy okay is to make complex things  easy so here's what we're gonna do this is not   your typical webinar so feel free to interact with  me when i say typical webinar i don't sit here and   talk stories and stories and stories and bore the  hell out of you we're gonna go straight into it   actionable things that you can use all the time 60  minutes on the clock let's get started here we go   okay let's start off by a little  whiteboard here we go let me get the   the chat out so i can see your messages as well all right okay doing a circle  on my screen can you guys see it yeah okay perfect perfect let's get  started okay so now i'm gonna run through   something very very basic really really quickly  how many of you guys here know your basics okay we got some people  saying yes i know some basics   how many guys feel you don't know your basics okay i see one person saying i hope so okay all  right here's what's important about the basics   unfortunately us as human beings we think if  something is so simple so easy we tend to brush   it off rather than seeing how much power is behind  that so let's talk about one thing in general okay   what's one major thing when it comes to stop  loss what do people say when if this happens   let me draw it for you if i say the prices  are going down they pull back they go down   and then they go up pull back and they go up  and if you buy it from here where are people   putting stop losses where are putting stop  losses where are people putting stop losses recent low right right here they're  putting their stop losses right there   correct okay what they're talking about is  what's the most recent low that he's made   and i'll put my stop losses there some people say  that as okay well that's actually within my 30   pips anyways that i normally do so my stop-loss is  there okay so far so good everyone with me so far   okay let's put this to the test hey  consider this urban forex mythbusters   okay let's put this to the test so let's start  with basic knowledge okay basic knowledge of do   you know what you're doing in the markets to begin  with to begin with once we identify the basics   you'll have a solid understanding of wait a minute  i can't use my stop loss like that it won't work   in this situation so let's start with that what  are the three different states of the market   what are the three different states of the market all right we got trend we  got range and we got channel right these are the three different states of the  market when they invent a fourth state you please   let me know but until then for the longest  of time we run within these three states   okay so far so good no not united states  they're definitely not united these three at all   okay so there are three different states now basic  stuff a trend higher high high or low sequence and   support resistance technically always gets  honored it gets honored it doesn't break it   okay that's when you know you're in a trending  state in a ranging state support and resisting   holds it doesn't let you through right that's  a ranging state final state is a channel   which means support and resistance gets violated  but it doesn't mean the market's turning around   violated but it doesn't mean it's turning around  it just has to do a very deep pullback very deep   pullback very deep pullback and when he makes  a new high it's slightly higher so far so good fair enough everyone understand a channel  state this is the stuff that we draw like this   right all right now let's do the fun stuff now  okay here's the fun part now how many guys would   be like this is easy stuff brown man why are  you teaching me this stuff am i gonna waste   60 minutes of my time because of this nonsense  how many guys are feeling like that right now right basics basics don't don't tell me basics  i'm a pro i make more money than bill gates   don't teach me basics okay so let's go into  it a little bit deeper a little bit deeper   okay and let's trust the reason why you're here  you're here because there's a hole somewhere   that you want to fill that you want to find out  is there more to it than what i already know so   let's go into it a little bit deeper so when  you have a ranging market and in that ranging   market you got pinballs boing boing boing  boing boing boing and then the range breaks okay the range breaks now if the price comes back down to here should i buy i'm asking a very simple basic question support  equals resistance resistance equals support   okay i see many yeses many knows this is what we  call basics is the basic knowledge cemented well   in the understanding now if we simply look at  it as a technical pattern yes you're supposed   to buy now if i buy this here's the question if i  buy this where am i normally putting my stop loss   what we just talked about we would put it here  your recent low right we would put it right there   and saying that's my stop loss correct so i'm  gonna put that there stop loss okay here's the   thing once this thing broke out how do i know  this thing is going to go full-blown trend mode and it's not going to be a channel mode how  do i know that what if this thing is like a   channel he goes up slightly higher that means  he wants to come down here and then take off what happens to your stop-loss then simple question right simple question now does the  logic of put your stop-loss below your recent low   work in this particular case no no so can  you always use the feeling of i need to   put my stop-loss there and what happens in  this scenario is if it comes down to here it   stops people out and then it goes how many of you  guys had that experience ever in your past saying   and i just got stopped out and  then the trade work that mother right you get that feeling sometimes right  like it's like why is this happening to me   why is this happening to me and it's not happening  to you because you have bad luck or someone is   after you they don't know your ip address and  where you live exactly like today we're gonna   mess with this guy no no one's doing that  no one's doing that it's just a matter of   what you know versus what you should know it's  just a lack of knowledge yeah exactly okay so   don and diore yeah lack of knowledge  that's correct that's correct   all right so here we go now let's talk about  certain things let's talk about certain things   okay now stop losses are used  in various elements right okay so we talked about recent low recent  highs and now we know we can't really do that   because there's no logic to  it there's no logic to it   let's start with something interesting  right now here we go ready the markets are coming down should i buy it okay all of you guys are saying  no good i don't see one person saying yes good should i buy it should i buy it so now let me understand one thing  because i'm reading all the text right   earlier here we said no because we  don't know it's going to go for a bye   now that we know it's a buy the  answers are like oh it's too late so it seems like we can't ever trade well  there's never going to be a trade ever   all right let's take it a little step further should i buy it now okay i'm seeing a lot of yeses now more yeses than  noes let's say i buy it now where's my stop-loss okay so let's work with that theory of below  my recent low so first things first the trade   has moved significantly away from the low i'm  just joining here my stop loss is down in hell   with the devil is just chilling with  him having a pina colada down there   and i'm expecting for me to make any money  i need this movement to continue more to continue more that is the only way i'm going  to make any money and to form to continue more   this much i make a risk to reward of simply one is  to one if my risk is a hundred dollars then this   profit is a hundred dollars that's very  dangerous that's very dangerous because   don't forget you have to pay spread so one is  to one is not a profitable game in the long run so far so good so let's let's talk about something  a little bit more basic how many of   you guys know how the forex markets  operate how about that how about that   let's take it even deeper take it  even deeper into the basics let's just   really get into the nitty-gritty today and  be like all right let's do this let's do this   okay so here's what the markets are doing okay  ready the markets i'm gonna put this as euro usd   okay here we go euro usd a currency  everyone's familiar with the chart is   doing this boom boom boom boom boom boom boom  boom boom boom boom okay i want you to tell me   how many people with serious serious money are  saying when my m a my m a with the settings of 9.6   when the price goes above my m.a 9.6 i  will buy how many people are doing that okay interesting how many people are saying when  my fibonacci from the top to bottom retraces 50   i'm going to sell or buy how many people are saying when i get a  higher high higher low sequence i will buy   how many people are saying when i see a  news come out and it's good i will buy   how many people are saying yeah but  this is an overall downtrend i will sell do you guys agree that there is  all kinds of people out there   all kinds of people out there correct okay okay let's start with that let's start with  that moment right there you are aware that there's   every type of trader out there every type of  trader out there right doing all kinds of stuff   so how do you make money so how do you make  money and where is the golden strategy of   it's not 9.6 ma it's 9.7 ah of course no   no right like like that's gotta be ridiculous  like you should know by now that's ridiculous correct so far so good so first things first that  feeling of i need to find a strategy that's going   to make me rich overnight you take that out of  your brain and you throw it out the window saying   get out get it out there it's not happening period  now if you feel oh well in that case i can't trade   forex then that might be the answer however  that's not what i'm trying to show you guys   here i didn't invite you to this webinar to be  like all right i i think you should quit forex   i want to show you the information so you can make  an educated decision based on what you know based   on what you know okay shall we go deeper now a  little bit deeper now you guys have heard of apple   not the fruit the company  you guys have heard of tesla you guys have heard of amazon okay let me ask you this if you look  at a stock chart for any one of these   and the stock chart is doing this is that  good for the company or bad for the company huh very good very good if it does this is that  good for the company or bad for the company good got a bunch of geniuses in here let  me switch it around just a little bit here we go when the market  goes up is that good or bad ah something so simple people just overlook  it's good for euro but bad for dollar   good for euro but bad for  dollar and when it goes down   it's the opposite so can i ask you  one thing can i ask you one thing when the euro starts to go up and we say we didn't  buy it over here we're buying it up here remember   that that idea that we drew that we're not gonna  buy it down here we only know to buy it up there   so if we're buying it up here with the stop  loss over here and we expect it to go further   what we are saying with our own mouth and our  actions we're saying the us dollar is going   to stand by and just take the hit because  another 200 pip movement another 400 pip   movement the banks in the us must be closed  they don't care about their economy they   don't care of what they're doing they're just  going to stand there and twiddle their thumbs is that possible is there any  country who's going to be like oh our   our economy is getting so weak no problem let's  see if my 7.9 ma will make the economy recover   let's see if my 50 retracement is  gonna make my economy recover let's see   if my higher high higher low is going to make  my economy recover good good now you're starting   to open your eyes a little bit to quit with the  simple technical analysis you need to quit that   you need to quit that because that is a zero-sum  game you're gonna make money you're gonna lose   money you're gonna make money you're gonna lose  money you're gonna get nowhere so far so good   everything's making sense so far we're  just touching base on very simplistic   basics right now to make you understand this  is great in stocks and that can continue   but in forex that cannot continue  that's a problem that's a problem   the further it goes that's more of a problem  the further it goes that's more of a problem   so the higher you buy the more dangerous  it is the more dangerous it becomes because governments are not looking at that  fibonacci number they're not looking at that ma   they're not looking at the all these things that  everyone seems to think that it's the golden key   it's the golden key okay so let's take it a step  further okay i want all of you guys any of you   guys and any one person to tell me a product what  is a product somebody buys tell me a name an item   that somebody would buy i'll take whatever i see  first okay i see car iphone milk tv bread okay   let's say tv okay everyone knows what a  tv is big okay all right so let's say a   tv let's start with something simple okay  the tv price right now in whole is 50 okay   is fifty dollars and it trades between fifty  dollars and fifty one dollars the price of the tv   so far so good when it trades between that  price what does this mean what is happening it's a range but what does range mean  there's satisfaction in the market   people are happy to do business in this price  range they're happy to do business which means   hey i wanna buy okay sure i'll sell hey i wanna  sell okay sure i'll buy does that make sense now as a trader can you make  money if the market doesn't move no you can't you can't okay what if i give you  more leverage what if i tell you you know what you   have an account that's 40 or 50 is to one leverage  i'm gonna give you ten thousand is to one leverage   if the damn sucker doesn't move what are  you gonna do throwing more money at it how many lot size do you need to throw on to make  two pips of profit you're gonna die eventually does that make sense no movement no money period  okay so far so good am i am i being too rough   today i'm sorry if it's am i talking a little bit  too loud or anything like that i get carried away   and so if it's too much if it's in your face  you know you tell me i will un in your face okay   okay all right all right let's let's get  in a little bit deeper a little bit deeper   okay all right so that tv that  was trading between 50 and 51   now there's businesses right there's businesses  there is a business let's say best buy a lot of   you guys might know best buy as a retail store  in the us it's a huge retail store and they're   all across all across the u.s now is the sound not  clear can you guys hear me just fine yeah i think  

the sound should be okay okay yeah that's fine  all right so there's best buythere's circuit city   i don't know if circuit city is still around but  there's best buy it's a huge store i think in the   uk it's called curries or something like that you  guys have an idea in dubai yeah sheriff dg that's   quite popular so these are people doing business  now those people who are doing business they   are reliant on that price  better be as stable as possible   why because when they place an order  to china and that shipment comes in   three months later that price better not move  the more stable it is the better for businesses   so far so good traders the opposite is true  traders are like for god's sake give me some   drama this needs to be like a spanish tv show give  me some nonsense drama that people are going crazy   only when there's drama where it becomes like a  tv show like a korean tv series like oh finally   i can make some money because for traders price  does not matter does it matter if price reaches 75   are you gonna freak out for the tv economy as a  trader do you actually freak out if euro touches   1.9 are you going crazy pulling your hair out  and saying my goodness what am i gonna do now traders don't care they're just  they're just saying if it's 75   can i do business between 75 to 85 that's  it that's what a trader is concerned about   so do you understand who you are versus who  businesses are so far so good no it's not about   traders don't have feelings it's not traders are  not evil people they provide liquidity don't don't   just think people are just coming in and just like  taking money off the market it's not like that   okay so far so good so businesses they care  about the price traders not so much okay now   that we know this a little bit let's go a little  bit deeper a little bit deeper okay from 50 to 51 okay prices start to move now when it starts  to move no trader is involved right now okay a regular trader a regular trader who  generally goes with that notion of show me   first and then i do something show me first  and then i do something right can all of you   guys tell me one thing in asia right in asia  what are some of the biggest careers right now   what's some of the biggest careers when you go  to university what are parents forcing you to do go to i.t go become a doctor engineer mba  why these why these why aren't they selling   i want you to become a shoemaker i want you to  make the best shoelace in the world as possible   why not these because the whole world works  on show me first and then i will do it show me   followed by copy that's how the whole world  operates which means no one wants to do the   research to do this by everyone says oh now  that i know it's going up i want to also join   it i also want to therefore join it only when your  neighbor becomes a doctor and buys a bmw is when   your next generation is going to try to become a  doctor as well that's how it works when you see a   list of the 10 most highest paying jobs you'll be  sure there's demands coming towards that industry   automatically because people don't know what  they're good at so they just want to participate   so far so good and the the markets are exactly  the same show me first and then i will follow   okay all right here we go oh yeah sorry vincent  that's actually a very good point it's 51   on top of 50. okay i was so involved that even  though my numbers are all wrong okay here we go so  

now the markets move okay ready markets are moving  here we go markets move now traders are not in yet   as the markets move the businesses are like what  is happening our tv industry is getting really   really expensive that's not good the tv industry  industry stops participating they're saying oh   hell no i'm not gonna buy at these prices are  you crazy this was the norm this is not the norm so businesses actually stop traders are  now whoa did you see that movement if i   don't buy it i will never get my ferrari if i  don't buy it my dog won't get his own ferrari   okay traders are starting to get greed as this  movement starts to do its thing whether it's   coming comes into an m.a whether it comes  into a 50 fibonacci whether it comes into   i don't know you you name it whatever it  does some system or strategy is gonna say buy   buy prices start to move further because  everyone is now getting in on this   everyone's trying to get in on this but by this  point the majority of the public do not notice it   the public only sees it here  why because now it has coverage now it has coverage which means every  blog article every forex factory post   every friend on the internet that you have  every telegram channel they're all going to   be talking about did you see that movement on  pound usd i caught 200 pips what did you do   right how many guys see people posting screenshots  of a red bar like this and then a green bar   like that and saying that was my risk to  reward i risked one hundred dollars to   make nine million dollars right like the  internet's filled up full of that right   right so this makes people say i also want  to buy i also want to buy and therefore they   start getting involved much higher so far  so good as they're getting involved much   higher i want you to tell me compared to the  stock market is this good for the forex market the stock market can keep doing this and it's  just fine that's normal this cannot sustain   in the forex market it's bad so can i ask you  guys one question to make money what do you need okay you need movement okay   however here's the here's the problem  in forex if you have too much movement the opportunity has now flipped to risk  strange isn't it no one ever teaches this so now let me ask you one more thing let  me let me let me ask you one more thing   when you're in a trade and you're  making profit of let's say 30 pips how many of you guys here have the feeling of  you know what i have my stop loss of 20 pips   i'm in profit i bought it here i'm in profit i'm  gonna move my stop loss to break even to zero   and i'm gonna let this run and say  let's see how much money i make how many of you guys have a feeling of doing  that that idea of let's see how much money i make now i want you to answer that question for  me is let's see a good thing or a bad thing there you go there you go so as a trader in the in  the stock market you're looking for my losses need   to be a lot smaller than my wins and my wins  they better run they better run like the wind   right super fast it needs to go go go go go i want  to make 10 r's on this trade now in forex things   are slightly different you need to get in at a  good spot and you got to get out at a good spot   so let me show you something here ready let's say you're smart enough to  figure out you need to buy this   okay all of you guys are okay it's just a matter  of some education might not be there but let's   say the edu excuse me let's say the education is  there and you've understood that you don't want   to be buying when it's going up you want to be  buying when it's coming down so you can anticipate   the move and not participate in the move correct  so let's say you buy this you figure it out you do   you've done the research and you buy it now that  the buy is performing and you're like okay well   what i'm going to do for my stop-loss  is i'm going to use a static stop-loss of 40 pips which is down here okay i don't  want to put it exactly at my recent low i want   to give it some space you know because of spread  because it needs some space to move right you've   heard people do that right let's we're going to  give it some space man got to give it some space   you know can't put it exactly  just in case i get spiked out   all right just in case i get spiked down so i want  to give it some space so you put it at 40 pips now   you're in the buy and the buy starts performing  can you tell me is this buy gonna go here it's strange that all of you  guys are saying no but yet 99   of people need that to happen weird isn't it everyone here is saying no but  yet once you're in the trade 99.9   of the people they just try to hold  on thinking it's gonna reach there really weird really really weird okay something  to think about something to think about now here's   the thing on the buy on the way up on the buy on  the way up what are some of the problems you have   you have this resistance to deal with   you have this resistance to deal with  you have this resistance to deal with you're telling me you're going to go from here  to here and no one is going to step inside   your way the us dollar is going  to sit back and like you know what   let me wait until john finishes his  trade and then we'll fix the economy let me wait you know until lisa gets her take  profit first and then we'll do a stimulus package come on you got to be a lot more serious than  that right so if we take it a step further now   oh you know i'm joking about it obviously  but i want you to really take this in and   be like the market doesn't move the way  we wish it moves the way we wish it moves   correct all right so let me ask you guys  one thing now let me ask you guys one   thing now so now that you know a movement  that begins is the best place to start   a movement that is out there in  the open is the worst place to join correct so we don't want to be getting in when  it's obvious we want to be getting in early stages so far so good all right okay so now let's go back to our stop losses  based on your basic knowledge that you have now   okay your basic knowledge that you have  now when the when the market moves in a   particular direction how do we make money how do  we make money just a fundamental question like   you know a theory give it to me  in a theory how do we make money   we buy we buy obviously we know we don't  want to buy here that doesn't make any sense   right we want to buy it okay if it  comes back down we'll buy it again okay so let's draw this in a nicer way so  let's say the markets were ranging that was   the reason why i draw the range first  is because i want to show you something   brand new that happens in the market  so this is a brand new movement okay   brand new movement coming out of this coming out  of the sky and you're you're looking at this and   you're like i don't know if he's going to stop  above here or if he's going to turn into a channel   and he's going to stop over here i  don't know that so how do we know you need to watch how it comes down   right you need to watch how it comes  down if it comes down struggling compared to how it went up and you  measure left to right you will know   that whatever the case is wherever you  might end up buying wherever that buy   is you know you're at least on  the right side of the market so far so good okay now that is telling you the momentum is still  hot whoever did this up movement still wants to go   as that momentum goes up and it starts to pull  back down again slowly and you're like i think   it's a buy right here and then it does this and  it stops you out because you had a stop loss of 30   pips exactly no logic no nothing stops you out and  then it does this is that by actually incorrect is the word by incorrect no the buy is actually  correct it's just the logic of where you   entered let me ask you one more thing what if you  entered here and you put the same 30 pip stop loss now that nonsense logic of 30 pips works it just  works suddenly but here it doesn't work but the   buy has not changed the buy is still a buy it's a  matter of where you're trading that will determine   if your stop-loss is legit or not me twist  it up a little bit so fixed stop losses now   you know the problems with fixed stop losses if  you've entered in the wrong spot it's gonna fail   so far so good let's go into not fixed  we're gonna do the below the recent low below the recent low okay ready let's do that one now below the  recent low what if the market does this   from this process it jumps up i'm sorry i  clicked on the wrong button from this market   it suddenly does this bam now all those people who  wanted to buy they're like oh no no no i need to   buy this and then they jump onto the buyer right  here and they put stop loss below the recent low can you tell me is the buy wrong no is the stop-loss wrong yes so can i ask you one thing for all  of those people that you hear saying   the market the broker the big boy they just love  to do stop hunting they're not bloody stop hunting   it's the guy who's entering here he feels he's  being hunted over and over again because he   doesn't know what he's doing so he has nothing but  to point a finger at somebody so he can feel good   you can't point fingers you gotta learn so far so good does that make sense you guys  feel that have you noticed that like we can   sit here and just blame the broker blame the big  boy blame somebody but what's what's the point at   the end of the day it's us whose account balance  slightly goes lower slightly goes lower what's   the point of blaming somebody you just feel good  psychologically there's no point you gotta learn   you gotta learn okay so now putting the price just  below again has an issue so what's common between   these two stop losses what's the common element  can they both work can a fixed stop loss work yes if if you do it well enough yeah  can below the recent low work if you   entered here and you said i'm gonna put  it below the recent low yeah that can work right but now what's missing is timing it is  not the issue of the stop loss it's the timing so if you're constantly getting stopped out and  the trade still works you're constantly getting   stopped out and the trade still works there  is a timing element that's wrong there's   nothing wrong with the stop loss per se you can  change the rules of the stop loss all you want   it's not going to do anything because  when this thing goes up like this and then it goes like if that's your ma right  your moving average and you say okay i'm going   to buy it here right there and i'm gonna  put my stop loss below the moving average it's the same thing it's the same thing   the mas will eventually turn down because  the markets went down and go back up again right so when you enter here and you put your  stop loss below the ma oh this time it works right so we've touched base on the different  types of stop losses that the public generally   likes to use but you got to be smarter than  that the stop loss is in direct relationship   to how you're reading the market if the read is  wrong the entry is wrong if the entry is wrong   stop loss is likely to get hit and is  putting a stop loss here the correct solution   no that's not the correct solution because then  for you to make any money you need the markets to   move this far at the very minimum to at least  get two hours to at least get two times the   money you're risking if you're risking a hundred  dollars here to make at least two hundred dollars   you need a movement all the way up to here the  further you're going for the less likely it will   happen the further you need the market to move  in forex the less likely it is going to happen so can i ask you guys the million dollar question is there such a thing as i  come into the forex markets and   every day my goal is to make 200 pips 300 pips is the goal to say i am a pro at trading nothing  but the pound dollar and today i'm gonna make   money from the pound dollar and tomorrow i'm  gonna do the same and day after tomorrow i'm   gonna do the same can you do that it's nonsense  you can't it's not possible because if it's not   moving good luck you're not gonna make any money  and you cannot tell me pound dollar 365 days a   year it always moves and gives you 200 pips that  way 100 that way 400 pips that way no it doesn't so when you attend those type of information  informational strategies or seminars or   ideology you know as the basic logic  of forex that is not sustainable it's   just not possible the person is talking out  of his butt you see does that make sense all right all right shall we go into  a little bit more in depth details so we're at a crossroads how do  we fix timing how do we fix timing   right all right all of you guys in here let let  me understand one thing let me let me see where   you guys are at we have 890 people in here i see  nobody has left the room whatsoever so i'm i'm   going to take it as none of you guys are bored and  you're all all focused right i promise you guys 60   minutes non-stop you're gonna get aha aha moments  you're here all focused can i get a yes focused   excellent excellent excellent okay okay all  right let's touch base a little bit on timing   okay let's touch base a little bit on timing  how do we conquer this timing okay how do we   conquer this timing thing it's the worst enemy  of every trader so let's take a look at this okay here we go prices are going up and  down right okay prices move up a little bit   okay they come out of the range now there's a  certain type of trading that's done around here   right what's that type of trading  what happens when you see this happen   what are the type of traders that get involved  breakouts right so there's a certain type   of traders who start getting involved called  breakout trading now what is this thing called   fake out false breakout a probe right it's  like oh it never happened it never happened   right so far so good now the first absolutely  first thing you need to understand is   something simple like this look at the movement  coming out of the range look at the site size   excuse me look at the size of the range is the  breakout bigger or smaller than the range itself so is it outside of the normal of what  the businesses generally buy and sell   is it too much outside of their normal  no it's fine here's what happens   in this process in terms of structure of the  market it might look like ah it might turn   into a channel because he just made a slightly  higher high he just made a slightly higher high   now here's the thing watch very carefully as the  prices are starting to come back down to here   can you tell me if people will look at  this as oh it's a fake out this is a cell it's a fake out i need to sell this the buys  faked out it never happened i need to sell this   without knowing what all this is happening what  is happening why is it just pulling in deep   or is it actually a fake out there's a  difference right so we can't just say   because there's a line that goes up there's  a line that goes down and it sits inside the   line therefore it's a fake out no you need to  understand the context the context is everything   you see but so so let me ask you guys one  thing let me ask you guys one thing ready   because we're talking about timing now right we're talking about timing right all right this  piece i'm going to do it a little bit clearer   so you guys can see it i'm going to delete it  so i'm going to redraw that area so you guys   can see it very very well and i'll change  the color when this goes up oh wrong color   when this thing goes up and then it comes down and  you are thinking like okay no no i'm i'm a little   bit more professional i know prices are gonna come  down to the bottom of this channel and we're gonna   try to buy it off of there but now that i asked  you a question about the fake out would you say would you say people will also sell that okay good good stay stay with me right now  the key to timing is to be a pro at both sides   now let me repeat that the key to timing is to let  go of your bias and be empathetic to both sides okay oh now what do i mean by that  sellers are gonna attempt from here   when the price comes down to here what do  you think the sellers feel once they got in   all the sellers who got in here how do they  feel yeah baby yeah yeah it's approaching your   area where buyers want to buy what do you think  the buyers are gonna do they're going to begin   they're going to start their buying now if you  buy from here is this going to happen like that no don't forget that seller you  told me there's a seller up there   don't forget him don't forget that seller  let him first panic let him first panic   as of right now is he panicking or is he in the  money he's happy so if prices start to go up   do you think there's a chance it might  respond to the support resistance again there's a possibility there's a possibility prices  then come down again maybe but this time partially   how do you think that seller feels when it comes  down oh i can't even do what i used to do before he's worried now what happens  as prices start to go up   more do you think he's gonna still stay in  the trade or he's gonna throw in the towel okay now let me ask you one thing so is this   the best price to get in or is this the best  price to get in number one or number two number one based on price yes it's better but  number two is gonna make your stop survive because what if the sellers that you were  empathetic for actually have more money   and they respond but then they couldn't that is going to be a stop loss   not because you don't know it's a buy it's simply  because you didn't do that five minutes worth of   extra research of saying let me see how the  sellers feel let me see how the buyers feel because you told me in the  beginning of this webinar there are   all types of people looking at  the market in all types of ways   so if you're a buyer don't think everybody  else is a buyer allow them to breathe also but when they stop breathing when they're starting  to panic that's when you step in now if you buy   it here are you buying it before it becomes  obvious to the whole world the buyers are here   absolutely so let me ask you one question you  bought right here you're in that buy and you're   like yeah baby making money making money making  money the prices go up there's a resistance here   it bounces off of that resistance a little bit  there's a next resistance up here prices go up   again and bounces from that resistance  remember earlier when we talked about it   we were saying some people will join here  but majority of the people will join up there if you're in the buy from down here do you  not like it that when you close your trade   you have to hit the sell button when you sell  somebody is saying yeah yeah give it to me i'll   take it yeah yeah yeah give it to me give it  to me please give it to me i want to buy it   you can get filled if you trade large large size   this spot they will take your money happily  happily happily they will take your money that's how a movement eventually slows down  is because the larger players or the ones who   know what they're doing are cashing out every  step of the way every time it gets higher they   get cashing out they start cashing out so  have you seen a movement that when it goes   it generally slows down have you seen that before   have you seen the momentum die like that it's  because who got in earlier they're taking out   some more money taking out some more money taking  out some more money and when the sellers see this   the seller starts saying oh maybe it's time to  get in maybe it's time to get in maybe it's time   to get in and the buyers are less and less  and less that's how you get a rollover phase so what's the key to timing  is it a strict strategy what's the key to timing is it all right guys  when you see the moon line up over the ocean on   top of australia and then the sun rises from  the east and then you have a 40 percent pull   back onto the market and then trump scratches his  nose that's when you buy no please don't do that   please don't make random rules on when this line  gets crossed to the other side i will buy and i'll   put my stop loss here who's drawing that line who  is drawing that line nobody nobody is drawing it it's just somebody drawing it on his screen and  he's telling you to draw it too why try to read   what the market's trying to tell you okay  so having that said having that said timing   has everything to do with a simple meditational  word if you want to put it to remember empathy if you want to buy feel for the sellers first feel  for the sellers your timing is going to be good   if you want to sell feel for the buyers first  feel them understand what they're going through   and then you can enter that's how you're gonna  get your timing just right and that's when your   stops will survive whichever weird way you give  it a rule for your stop losses my stop losses   needs to be exactly 17.5 pips okay well you  do that but you time it right that'll survive okay all right so aha moments today how many guys  here actually said can say you learned something   in this 60 minutes how many guys here would  say i didn't learn anything brown man i just   come to your webinar every time and i tell you i  didn't learn anything but i still come every time   all right so one thing for sure okay can you guys  do one thing for me okay one thing for me okay   i want you guys to type in the chat that  you will make a promise going forward   that you will respect education you  have to respect education because   and more than respecting education you need  to respect yourself because if you come to   a webinar and you're cynical then what's the  point of coming to a webinar just turn it off   what's the point of coming to a forex education  and saying i don't think that works quit forex   it's as simple as that why follow it and not do  anything you know what i mean if you're there   then accept that i'm here because i need to learn  something there must be something i don't know   let me see if this is valuable leave the mind  open it is only then will you learn something   correct so the rules of our webinars  always is you come in with an attitude of   i'm gonna act like i don't know let's see if i  learned something new today okay and those of you   guys who do not have the mastering price section  course if you want to learn the way we learn the   markets the way we look at the markets you guys  will get an email from us i'll send out a video to   you guys in the next 20 minutes or so and you guys  will be able to join the courses just like you've   seen you know 75 of this room is already in that i  wish you guys can see all the messages are coming   across on how all these people actually enjoy the  mastering price action 2.0 it's a whole different   way to look at the markets there's nothing more  powerful out there on the internet period okay   there's nothing more powerful out on the internet  right now it's an award-winning course as well so   i really hope to look forward to seeing you guys  inside the membership inside the course it is   a course that you can keep for a lifetime and i  look forward to seeing more of your progresses so   thank you guys for coming out here and spending  some time with me keep it strong do better and   we'll make sure you go further every step of  the way cheers guys thanks for that bye for now

2021-03-12 00:00

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