Coming, up on doubled, up to V we, had to texture, Pro to. Meet some amazing accessibility. Evangelists. The, latest tech I'm Alexa, I can answer your questions. Interviews, there will be several, dozen, shows trickling, in over, the months, accessibility. This. Is, double, tap TV. Welcome. To double tap TV, I am Marc Afflalo joined, by Stephen Scott thank you guys for being here if you want to get involved the email addresses feedback, at ami GA on Twitter, we are at double tap Canada, don't forget the hashtag ask, double, tap that will get us to your questions, a lot quicker like, we will get to at the end of this week's show Stephen. So happy to be here you. Snuck, away and went to another conference without. Me yet, again I'm jealous. I don't know how I'm gonna react when when this. Pattern, continues, I might. Get over it I might get over it well on this occasion mark I think you're right to be jealous because, it was an incredible, conference. That I got the chance to go along - it's called tech shear Pro and it. Was held at Google's, eight quarters, in, London. I have, to tell you. That. Was an amazing place to go I tried, to get a job they wouldn't give me one all. He did do is show me the front door again so there you go but no it was absolutely brilliant I had a wonderful time and texture Pro is. The. Pro part is really important, here because it's all about, businesses. And what they're doing to make their products, more accessible to, blind people and actually. The wider disabled, community but it's also about. Talking. About how they can support. Their staff, and. Actually, get more staff who are disabled into employment who, you. Know obviously, are very keen to do so but using, technology to do that now, let, me just stop there for a second, because there are people who are far more qualified than me who can explain about texture. Pro and I think is important we hear from them coming up we'll hear from Christopher. Patna from Google who. Hosted, the event but first let's hear from, abilitynet, the charity itself and it's, man. At the top Garry Moore hello. I, gary moore i'm chief, executive at abilitynet. And. I'm very excited to, be here at Google's, headquarters in, London tech share pros, the. Premier, platform, that we've got in the UK, to, bring together those, people, who are already, to some degree educated. And convinced. About the need for diversity. And, inclusion and. This. Provides the platform to share with people who are curious. Who, are thinking about these topics and who'd like to incorporate, that, thinking, into, their next generation of projects. Or products. So, that's a, almost. Unique environment. Certainly. In the UK and I'm delighted to see that on our attendance, list this year we have so many international.
Visitors, That's. One of the things. That I think is a growing. Part, of the. Community. Of people who are going to solve these problems and socialize. Them widely. Hi. My, name is Christopher Pett now and I'm the head of accessibility, programs, at Google this, is my second time coming to a texture, Pro wiki, mass you're trying to expand. Our understanding of, what's important, and what. Is available to, help. People the things we could take back into the States and we liked it so much we, decided that we wanted to host so I'm really, glad to welcome people from literally. All over the world to, join us here to to talk learn, and share with each other now. Coming up mark we are going to hear lots of stories from. Various people who were at the event but, I think, you're getting the sense that you know this is an event that really is about explaining. Disability. To, businesses, and the key thing is mark that there were so many businesses, there who, were interested, and we're not just talking UK. Businesses, people came from all over the, world, representatives. From Apple, representatives. From Microsoft. And Amazon all the, big players were there it was a really positive, event. And, actually that's the great thing about it I was getting the chance to see firsthand, businesses. Working together, companies. You would never think would work together I mean all you ever hear about in the news is how, Google, or fighting, with Apple and Apple are fighting with Samsung, but, when it comes to accessibility they, just don't, see that as an area to, fight amongst, each other and fight it's an area where they must work, together that. Was proven at Tech siapro for sure but also is great for small local businesses, in the UK and other businesses, in Canada and indeed in the u.s. to, come to this event to, learn about best practice, not. Just about how to use technology as I'm saying but also how. They can support staff, you, know strengthen numbers as some is one of those sayings that I I really, think is relevant here because the, more people get together the more people that are there to get part of it become part of the conversation the, more benefit that everybody across the globe will experience, it. Is double tap TV I am mark Afflalo he is Stephen Scott this conversation, continues, get. Involved please feedback, at am IGA the email address on twitter it is AK double tap canada use that hashtag ask double, tap let's, take a quick break and get to some of those stories after. We're back love. Double, tap TV, listen, to ami audio for double tap canada every Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern for news and reviews, on everything. Tech. We're, back on DoubleTap TV mark Afflalo and Steven Scott with you get involved please feedback, at am i dot CA is our email address on twitter it is at double tap canada with the hashtag, ask double, tap and if you want to find some, cool interviews, online exclusives. Head on over to double tap online. It's our online home for everything that we bring you right here on double tap TV, so. Stephen explain. More about tech share and let's lead into this next guest because this is a cool one yeah this is a cool one actually you know lots of the people that i got a chance to talk, to there were just cool people and, everybody. There seemed, passionate, about, learning. About new, ways to use technology to, benefit the workplace but also how to benefit, consumers. As, well that's what texture Pro is all, about, our.
Next Guest who. I got the chance to to have a conversation with was, Jennison. Asuncion now Jennison is originally from toronto but now lives in the states and. He. Is an amazing guy mark lots of our listeners will be aware and also a review as where we are of the, global accessibility Awareness. Day which is a massive, event which, happens every single year and all, purpose, of it is to. Educate, the, world about. Technology. And how it can change disabled. People's lives and. To. Highlight as well the work that companies like Apple, and Google and, Samsung and Amazon, and everyone else is doing, really. Important, work, this. Guy was. One of the people who invented it we've. Got to hear his story here, is Jennison, so. My, name is Jennison Asuncion and I'm visiting, London. From the, San Francisco Bay Area I in, my day job I head up accessibility. Engineering, evangelism, over at LinkedIn so the ninth, global, accessibility Awareness, Day is going to be on May 21st, i co-founded the, event with. A, friend. Of mine now, we, didn't know each other then but his name is Joe Devon he's, out in silicon. Beach out in the los angeles area. And. He, basically wrote, a blog post. November. Of 2011, bemoaning. The. Fact that developers. Didn't. Know a lot about accessibility. And. How to use a screen reader and all that kind of stuff and he kind. Of made. An. Edict or or if you will kind. Of charged, everyone, to to. Learn more about accessibility and that there should be a day dedicated to learning about accessibility. Around the globe and he. Wrote a blog post I read. It and the. Rest as they say is history yeah. I think one of the one of the, most. Interesting thing over the last couple of years is the emphasis on gaming, and, accessibility. Oftentimes. The discussion, on accessibility, is around, ecommerce. Or. Banking. Government, that kind of thing forgetting. The fact that people. With disabilities, also want to have fun so. Gaming has, certainly become an area that has become a focus of global accessibility Awareness, Day over the last few. Years also. Higher ed as. We we call it higher ed in the u.s. tertiary, education, here but. Just making sure educational. Experiences. Are, accessible. Because obviously without, education. That, kind of leads to unemployment or underemployment, which. Is such, a such an issue still within the community. Of people with disabilities, so just, in general those those are like in terms of trends those seem to be the big ones but in, terms of like personal things that I've been, thrilled about in. 2017. I was. At, a global. Accessibility Awareness, Day event, in Copenhagen. And Tim. Berners-lee happened, to be there the father of the Internet, so, just to have lunch. With him was was such a thrill, there, was the. State, government of California, I'm, gonna say two. Years ago or, last year proclaimed. Global. Accessibility Awareness, Day as something that's actually on the books within the state government. Of California so. We're coming towards our tenth anniversary. Joe. And I are still shocked, at how much. This took off and we're. Just waiting. To see what happens next with it and, of. Course I I do want. To take a minute to acknowledge the. Big supportability, net has been over, the years and. Having. Different. Celebrations. To market global accessibility Awareness, Day so we really, appreciate that who. Do we have coming up after our break coming up we're going to meet an incredible woman called.
Caroline, Casey and Caroline. You, might be surprised to hear on a tech show considers, herself to be a la date when it comes to technology but, Ohio. Has realized the value of technology and her. Sight loss and her acceptance, of her sight loss has, changed, her whole approach and how she conducts, herself and, also, how she's helping businesses. Change their minds about disabled. People we, are tagging along with Stephen Scott and his expedition, to tech, share pro I guess 2019. Stick. Around we're gonna come up come back with that interview it is double tap TV I am Marc Afflalo he, is Stephen Scott email is feedback at am I on CA and on Twitter we are at double tap Canada stick around for. More great double tap TV content, visit, ami GA / double, tap. Welcome. Back double tap TV mark a flat load Steven Scott again feedback, at am i dot CA and at, double tap canada on twitter don't forget the website it's double tapped online, lots of very cool online exclusives. You got to see some of these features here which is pretty cool you can kind of follow along with us he could have like, you would have followed along with steven in his backpack on, his way to to, tech share pro steven this is a one once a year event how many days one or two days SS, two day of it well two and a half days really they, have a nighttime event that happens the, this of forced some introductory, of it but yeah it's, a to half the event and is quite. Incredible the fact that it brings together so many people, from, around the world who. Are showcasing, the work that they are doing to empower. Disabled. People i mean this isn't just for, blind people it's important to say that but, you, know what we're seeing there as, well as hearing from people talking also. Seeing some great stuff as well there was an amazing VR. Virtual. Reality. Gaming simulator, which, it was actually a simulator, this was incredible that you could sit in you. Would have a steering wheel to drive and the. Whole thing which would move from left to right so, you know if you were telling a corner but like being on a motorbike i guess you, would sort of move to the left or move to the right as you drove but. You have your VR headset, on so it gave you a physical, experience, as well as a visual, one and there were even blind people playing it you know some really interesting technology, on show, and.
Of, Course great stories, being told as well the, keynote, speaker, on the. Very first, day was, a woman, called caroline Casey now. Caroline will tell her own story in a moment but the, reason I found a particular, inspiring and I don't use that word often but she was inspiring, was, because she was someone who was really struggling. To, accept her own visual, impairment, as she explains she grew up really, not knowing that she was visually impaired her part her family, didn't. Really involve, sight. Loss or or disgust sight loss in any part, of our life so, she grew up thinking as, she she. Would believe, that she was not, a disabled person. Name is Caroline Casey. One. Of the things is I'm the founder of the valuable, 500. Which. Was, launched in Davos of this year and it is a global, year-long campaign, to. Get 500 the world's biggest brands and their CEOs to put disability on their leadership agenda it's really, important. For me to be here a tech share Pro. 2019. Well. Actually there's lots of reasons it's really important, is because I actually think, designed. For all our inclusive design or, accessibility. Validates. Everything, that. We're trying to talk to these global, CEOs, about is that. People. Disabilities. Are valuable, to. Business and if, business, includes society. Includes if business. Values society, values we know that we. Are the choir. Now. We need to be a contagion. But. This is not and we know this as well this is not about it's the good thing to do it's the worthy thing to do we all know that for sure I am, a Luddite and, I am I myself. AM visually impaired and register, legally blind and I'm terrified of Technology and. I'm so scared of looking stupid and, so scared of getting it wrong and that. I and I've stubbornly, avoid. It and actually. Coming. To speak today on the stage I realize that's actually a lot why people don't deal with disability, because they're so frightened of getting it wrong right and so. It gave me a real insight into that, and yes, technology. Is. So, empowering Apple. Is one of the most preferred, brands, of people disabilities and their families wait, it. Was a first brand, in the world to trigger, a trillion, I mean. Look how successful, it is actually. If you look at inter brands top five brands. In the world all of them have an inclusion. Strategy, which equally, includes disability by the way that's amazing, I really. Am. Hopeful. That any young child in, their, 20s, or 17, now, who. Was to discover what I discovered, 17 would handle their lives so differently because of all of you and all, of us at, 17, years old I really, wants to race cars and motorbikes and that's why we're leather a lot and I wants to be Mowgli from The Jungle Book and I wanted to be a cowgirl and that's all freedom, and, my father gave me a driving, lesson for my 17th birthday the. Stupidest. Thing about all of this is he, gave me a driving lesson, even though he knew that I was legally. Blind to register blind, and. I. Didn't know I was because when I was three years old they, sent me to a normal school and made a conscious, decision to bring me up as a sighted child. They. Did not want me to find by. My sight loss or my disability, they. Wanted me to have a life of big of expectations. And 48 years old guys so I was born in 1971, really I just. Need to sound three weeks away, from the mirror and I look, 22 for the rest of my life and we, just explain to you from my hand which is about two feet away from me it's just complete blur I genuinely.
Look, Much more, visually capable than I am I really. AM 'end and I find it very hard to ask for help but. At 17 my father gave me that driving, less than because, he still wanted to feel those dreams and it's most likely now I'm gonna get to ride a motorbike at some point across some desert listening to Led Zeppelin which is phenomenal, woohoo, and I did Drive the Googlers the Google driverless car. But. The reason I say this at 17, is when I discovered, this label, in. 1989. I. Chose. To hide it and. I. Am sorry I. Hid. It for 11 years I went. Into Accenture, as a visually impaired, person. And lied, to them and got away with her and I laughingly always say what, does that say about management, consultancy, never. Knew they had a blind person and. My. Husband Garr. Is. 62, and I often say he's the best looking man in the world though he's bald with a pink face and. He's delighted well. One I am I am, sorry that I hid it and I. Think since. 1999. Which is 20 years ago I've been trying to make that right. Why. Not owning my own difference. My beautiful, extraordinary difference, I also. Was part of discrimination. So. I want to end by saying thank. You to all the other people ahead of me who. Actually owns, their, difference, for. All the people, I wish I had probably seen sooner than later but. I hope with, your help and the other last reason I'm use here is please, give me some help please. Help us get to that value above 500, please, use your voices please, shout out loud please. Make sure that we don't compete, with each other there's, enough love and room for all of us if I, give to you I don't take away from myself. Satya. Nadella hetero, Mentos who I'm another big fan of wrote. This beautiful thing in LinkedIn Satya Nadella says I'm hardwired. To be, confident, so, I can let other people shine I thought. I was really interesting quote because. Lizzo who we are I mean I love Liz though because I love music and I love dancing, she says if I, shine, we. Can all shine and. I. Think technology gives us a chance to all have the confidence and to, shine but, make sure you don't leave your heart behind and let's, get those leaders thank, you so much. You. Know you can sense from, what Caroline says she's passionate. You, can believe the passion in her voice I. Spoke. To her afterwards she cried again mark, you know I don't think I was because of me though I hope, and, she's such a role, model as well, which is so important, for all of us there just aren't enough disabled. Role models out there for people to look up to and Caroline is certainly one of them you, know one event that does get a lot of media coverage is CES. The. Consumer Electronics, Show and next, week here. On double tap a special, one-hour edition. Can, you believe it that's how much stuff we have to get Stephen Knight. Out of one hour edition of double, tap TV because we are gonna be at CES, in Las Vegas, trying. To. Get some work done as we visit. The sights and sounds yeah we're gonna have a great time and you know I'll be looking at for a lot of accessible, techno. In. Terrestrial. Technology. That. Has a big, impact on the wider disabled, community, very, keen to bring that, to you here on double tap TV with you Marc so.
Stick Around and please continue following, us if, you want to get in touch again it's feedback, at am i dot CA on twitter we are at double tap canada that's a big one that's one you're gonna want to pay attention to because we're, gonna be reporting live from sea yes next week Thank. You Steven for bringing us everything, from tech share we've got way more stuff from tech share that we have not quote-unquote. Shared with you yet which we will in upcoming episodes thank you guys for being here on behalf of Steven Scott I am mark Afflalo we'll see you guys again next week for, more great double tap TV content, visit, am I see a slash double, tap, hosted. By mark Afflalo and Steven Scott editing, mark Afflalo and Willett are integrating, the sprat video specialist Ron Rickford, coordinating. Producer jennifer, johnson director. Production karen i director. Programming, brian purdue vp, programming, production, John Melville president. And CEO David, Arrington. Copyright. 2020, accessible, media.
2020-02-01 19:54