Love & Marriage: Huntsville Season 2 Episode 19 Blaque in Business! Full Episode 1080HD

Love & Marriage: Huntsville Season 2 Episode 19 Blaque in Business! Full Episode 1080HD

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previously on love and marriage huntsville our friendship was real you know what i'm saying you made comments that directly affected our marriage oh you told me like the 20 girls or something i do apologize well hopefully with this new baby on the way he's going to be trying to push things doesn't happen that happened this baby coming i would treat him just as good as i do to others because of him yeah congratulations your mama told me you got a boy on the way me and your mom both of us want to guide you in the right direction is there anything that you get excited about i don't have a passion for anything yet i didn't have a problem with you then at all i feel like it's bs when she's ready to be truthful truth about what the post that you put out by my husband going to destroy your marriage first so i can't destroy your marriage you tried no i didn't trust i've got time for it hey t hey you cooking yep got some bacon how are you everything is good i'm good i feel i feel good man i'm about to get these kids to clean out this a garage times so that means you're not good so i may not know much but i do know this after many years of marriage is that when tisha says i'm good i'm good i'm good she's anything but good i wanted to talk to you about you know we had the women's retreat right destiny whole point was to bring us together so we can try to resolve whatever is going on you know i decided to go because you know we had the brown girl event and the energy i thought was good there so i was like sure i go to the retreat with me mel and kimmy it reminded me of old signs like we just used to get together and have a good time right foot on red that's tough i thought it was going to be like relaxing like spa dinner wine and then destiny pretty much like sprung the conflict resolution on us mel said she felt that when our friendship started deteriorating it was about her not being around me as much and not reaching out to me as much because she was so busy she just got super super busy and it wasn't about me it was just about her building her brand okay wrong with that i called bs on it and i think i just messed up the whole event after that to me i feel like mel is a liar i can't move forward with her until she what she's honest about so let me ask you do you want to move forward with her i thought i did like why i don't want a friendship i just don't want us i don't want i just don't want it to be arguing so why'd you start an argument i didn't start the argument in what world would you ever respond positively to someone saying i think that's bs what you're saying is i want to get past the arguing but you're starting arguing but it's like if you said that you want to move forward but you're not taking any ownership it's difficult to do that it's really difficult to do that i'm sorry tisha you are talking about t-shirt right now no i'm not no babe what have i not taken ownership of this right here right now you're still not taking ownership of it you made the comment you did that so i should have not called her a liar maybe in her world she believes those lies right i don't care because these people are drowning right in front of us and i don't care what they did guess what i'm sitting on the boat and i'm safe and secure i have a wife and kids that love me i have had businesses and we're doing well we're pushing forward in life and these people are drowning i once saw them as true friends and after everything i still see them as a human being that's drowning my heart goes out to that situation give her a hug it is what it is this is about teesha marcel is right i mean he has a point i cannot allow someone else to control my happiness in how i want to move forward i mean at one point mill and i we were friends so maybe i haven't considered what she's going through so do you think i owe mail an apology for calling her a liar you owe me a listening ear i just wanted to stop by and check up on mel because the last time i saw her things didn't end well between her and tasha and i know she's going through a lot right now with the divorce so i want her to know that i'm here for her i love your new house it's scenic much like the old house yeah let me show you the backyard actually while you're here come on you're one of my first guests i think it's cool that kimmy decided to come by and check on me because leticia was a lot at that day retreat but at the same time i also understand that there's a lot of tension going on with tisha kimmy and wanda and all of that so i can see kimmy trying to be like let me just stay out of it you know so it's kind of one of those situations it's a tough spot for her to be in right now you know i haven't seen you since you know the day treat i think destiny's idea to do it was amazing and i think it started out okay but i think that when i became vulnerable when i was speaking my truth about the term that i gave tasha her response was just negative right off the rip if i'm telling you about a conversation we've had where it's been made clear that you felt a certain way because i was doing this or dad and we weren't kicking it as much and i'm like it wasn't you i had no problem with you i had personal things going on you were privy to that conversation she was like as if it never happened and that's fair i um and i wish you hadn't spoken up cammy well that's comes from kimmy we don't want you in the middle y'all got to make up your mind where that rule applies and when it doesn't i don't want you in the middle i just want you to tell the truth i do when you can i and i do exactly that however i elected to stay out of the middle because miss amma was handling her situation okay and i was privy to that conversation and i agree that that conversation happened but i was told that i was a liar male like real talk y'all have y'all's own truth and i've i've said this to her i think there's times when you've said things and you believe it to be 100 true uh-huh um and she doesn't feel like she's lying either you know what i'm saying right there's nothing that you can say that's going to convince tisha that it's not a lie and that's when i was like forget it and i left i'm really just trying to keep myself calm peaceful together and move forward with the positive relationships that are meant for me to move forward with i don't have time for the bs i'm dealing with martell i got that to deal with you know he has a baby on the way is that true it is true golly girl that's why i'm so done like it's like goodbye i literally convinced myself that it wasn't true cause he's a good guy now kevin the good guy right here the good guy listen he's done stuff this is what you've been saying i'm story like oh yeah he yeah he is you know that that does create that does make for that but i'm not gonna just say oh i should have never said he was a nice guy i'm never gonna say that because i live by what i say you seem to be pulled together well i saw your little instagram post like he was on a date i see dinners i see candles i see drinks uh-huh are you dating male goddamn coming up on love and marriage huntsville it's real tough man it hurts me every day when i think about it martel do you want to like go through a divorce you're like very happy look you have a glow about you here you are lord jesus why is he up in here today jesus he's everywhere i'm talking about you i don't know i'm talking about the opposite of jesus one day people will see the person that you really are you throw all the damn stones and hide your hands and be the victim yeah step that cause you weren't taking care of me i see dinners i see candles i see drinks um are you dating mel god damn so here's the thing i'm not gonna say i'm not open to entertaining someone and getting to know people but in terms of like really just dating something serious no man i have four kids i'm too focused right now and all this stuff i'm really just enjoying learning me again and what now being a single woman is like you know what martel said to me the other day the other day martel said i can't wait until you meet somebody and find somebody and it's just over real soon so you just see it i'm like why are you still trying to convince me that you're the best thing walking on this the side of the earth you're a good catch and he knows that and he knows that he knows that and i think that's why he's made up these different narratives in his mind to make him feel better about losing such a good catch he's hurt me and he continues to hurt me but in a way i really do feel bad for martel like for you to think that you have to try to bring me down or cause me pain or make my life tough only to try to make yourself feel better make yourself look better wow i mean i really pity him i think that he feels like he can just walk over me and do whatever probably because you've given him opportunities to make it right but i also in those conversations say it do that again and i'm out right maybe you should have said again i'm gonna beat your ass well i did a little bit of that too let's be clear i did a little bit of that too oh my gosh that's awful then i need some more teeth you want some more tea let's go get some more tea i need some more tea come on candy okay i'll get some more i need a little something extra for that conversation what's up brother maurice is a good friend whose opinions that i really appreciate and he has been through a divorce already i'm in this sunken place and i just need to know how to get my ass up out of it everything going your way man things are going good yeah yeah missing one time out yeah man i want to talk to you on about a couple things man all right um you know i know that you've had your fair share of um you know going through divorce and things like that and this is my first time it's real tough man it hurts me every day when i think about it martel do you want to like go through a divorce i mean deep down inside like hell no you know man because i think about the amazing times that you know i spent with melody and waking up in the morning and mel get up and go cook breakfast and her holler saying the breakfast is done right and all of us going to the table and eating as a family i mean that's all of us going to church i mean just just so many things that what i envisioned my family to be before it was a family you know and you had it yeah i mean it's tough to just really say i don't want that you know when i do i have been divorced before and there's there's so many emotions that you experience so sometimes it's hard to make a clear decision of when to let go when to fight but when i see you talk about your family you light up yeah and it's not just the kids the whole family unit you light up that light wasn't in me and it hadn't been in me for a while before i got divorced and i don't think that the light was in her either when you get divorced i'm still paying consequences for that right now my son is still paying the consequences for that right now and you've worked as a team for a long time right in my situation we didn't work as a team we were two individuals right you guys built everything that you have together you grew up together when me and kyla got divorced there's collateral damage for everybody even if it's the best situation it's still collateral damage deep down inside i want my my marriage to be amazing you know my family to be still intact raising our children and you know going about life happily like we once were to me it just feel like right now it doesn't even feel real the one thing that you do know for sure is that your relationship with something that that you light up still over even in the midst of all this hurt and pain and everything else and man i'm saying until the fire goes completely out fight for it really i'm not joking man it's worth it yeah and you can do it with grace yeah either way you can do it with grace you ready yeah the first time this is going to be fun yes black is almost complete the interior decorating is almost done and we're getting ready for the soft opening well one of the last things we have to do is actually taste the menu for the soft opening and i can't wait to see what the chef has in store for us hello i'm glad we got this going oh good real good so we got uh any pasta platter here all right thank you uh here is your peach margarita thank you sir thank you but cheers to the beginning of black y'all doing all right all right so here's a buffalo chicken quesadilla served with some queso that was everything so far um i think that the most respect you can give somebody it's honest feedback yes the uh quesadillas mm-hmm i love the flavor profile on that but we need to make this look better presentation overall presentation is about about a three how do you feel about it um i was okay with it i was trying to do with that buffalo chicken was create something else that we can put on the menu basically it doesn't make sense because i didn't want to have just one item with buffalo chicken maybe spread it out between like a buffalo dip and that's the kind of stuff that drives really good business this community deserves better there is no place that i can go that's before people in this community and celebrates the fact that they walk through the door you feel what i'm saying i want to honor them i don't want them to wait till they can get more money so they can finally get some decent service you see what i'm saying that makes sense that's why i named it black it's a call to action for me that says i'll earn your business all right we got to earn it we got to get it out the mud and this right here we can do better i'ma finish it though thanks mello it's okay i'll take any of this i'm gonna finish this you can take those for sure thank you i'll be excellent babe i know i get this speech that you just gave him every day all day when we have our soft opening i want him to be this chef and i want everything done better so you want him to be the chef for the south opening yeah yeah i mean i'm not looking to defer a different chef i'm looking for this chef to do different things so how's the hiring processes going to go i want to hire the general manager first so i want to make a final decision on the general manager first i think i got it narrowed down yeah i'm really thinking about jalen jalen as the general manager yeah but does he have experience in that field nope i don't have experience in that field either i have a meeting with this one lady um that has general manager background and also management background so do you think we should hire jaylen as the general manager then hire another person that can like guide him or i think it's too top heavy once again marcelo is making a huge decision without my input i mean i love jaylen and all but i would want someone with a little bit more experience to be the general manager at black i don't know i mean i'm just i'm hoping for the best but i don't see it yet this is kind of what happened with me as a general contractor i took on big big heavier contracts that quite frankly i didn't have the experience or the skill to do but i hired a team and i was willing to listen to the team and that right there that's the mark of leadership i'm going to constantly work with him he's going to make mistakes i've made mistakes but in the end i think he's the right person for the job because he cares okay coming up on love in marriage huntsville how do you feel yourself growing with this comfort um you're putting me on the spot martha you started it did you say i started it the whole thing we are the person that we're attacked uh attacked by me yes the cucumber bite which you really honestly want to work on is the portion size of the cream cheese base okay because that's what's going to give you the look that you want you get what i'm saying yes the food tasting that tasha and i had the other day wasn't up to the standards that i had for black so i asked chef cam who's working with me on the brunch spot to come in and teach chef marvinson better plate presentation sit it on top and allow it to naturally spread apart you don't have to use as much and now what you're doing is you're building layers you're building consistency and you're building color this is where the magic happens you know this is where the magic happens and every detail matters every single detail matters it matters to me it matters to guests and it should be more important to us than it is to the guest i asked jaylen to come in and talk about the general manager position at black it's important to me that he understands the magnitude of this and this is not just a job for him all right man how you feel i mean honestly i'm very excited i'm ready to get to work i'm ready to help out i want you to talk to me about something you failed at um you can't really think of anything off the top of my head take your time you're putting me on the spot marshall i understand why'd i choose you because you're extremely busy with general contracting right you think you got it cause i'm busy i can trust you i'm not talking about trust in terms of not stealing or things like that i can trust you in business jaylen is my nephew and he has a great hit on his shoulders he may not have a lot of experience in running the cigar bar but i don't want someone who has the best experience if i can't trust him and i know that he's going to do whatever is in the best interest of the cigar lounge the general manager's primary responsibility is make sure everything inside of this runs accurately right so that's why i wanted to sweeten the deal with not only saying that we're going to hire you as a general manager but to incorporate a part of ownership inside there i think this is a win-win situation for jalen and i because overall i need a partner in this deal jelly's gonna have a lot of responsibility for a young man his age but i'm still betting my business on them i mean this is a young thundercat this this is a neo this guy right here he's got it so the bottom line is i need to make sure that you're here making sure that people have the experience that they wanted when they came in from the time they look on the website to find our company to the time they leave out the parking lot i'm ready and i understand it's not like a gift it's not just hey here run my company no i know i'm gonna have to work for it i got i got the right one i got the right one all right all right but yeah man i gotta i gotta get up out of here gotta handle some other business i'm sorry what yeah i got to go this is kind of a bittersweet moment for me yeah we've been here since you know it's just a lot of memories here martel and i started holding hold back in 2009 we've accomplished a lot we've given back a lot and so it's definitely a bittersweet moment to be in a place to where now holden holt will now just be melody s holt hello how are y'all hey marcel here comes marceau rolling up in my office and i'm not checking for this right now the last time we had a conversation it totally went left you moving as slow as this damn building like y'all moved as slow as you did with stag run man you seem a little hostile you're talking to me like don't come for children don't come from mother don't come from me i would never come for you if you didn't come for me or my break that little mouth police anyway man how are you you look very like very happy look you have a glove about you here you are lord jesus why is he up in here today jesus he's everywhere i'm talking about you i don't know i'm talking about the opposite of jesus can we get judas coming up on loving marriage huntsville i called you over here to talk martel is here martell we want to talk to you guys and see if there's any reconciliation anyway man how are you you look good you're like very happy you look you have a glow about you here you are lord jesus why is he up in here today jesus he's everywhere i'm talking about you i'm talking about the opposite of jesus can we get judas i was in the middle of renovating my office for my new company and all i wanted was a peaceful transition i'm just trying to figure out what he's doing here i just had to see that man taking a she's taking all the letters down yeah this is going to be the melodies hold incorporated headquarters no more holden holt mellie s holt i like it yeah i like it yeah you know tina kept the name too why would i not i have four children there we go there we go are you really putting your thing up right now not glad the h is in the middle what else will be in the middle the s because it's the middle name ah yeah it doesn't work like that typically when people do that they put their last initial last name an issue in the middle i know you're typical i said typically i'm above typical i couldn't resist poking a little fun at mail it's just too easy but i'm actually here because i made the executive decision to shove things forward between her and tisha t told me about the day retreat your thoughts where i am in my life right now is only positive energy around me and that's why with your wife i tried to have a vulnerable real moment with her you know straight up and she was not receptive they ain't trying to you know what's crazy about that you know you're crazy i said the same thing see the positive energy it's about protecting your mental space absolutely and it was like she told me about the whole thing i said listen somebody comes to you and they're humble enough in a moment to say hey i was wrong the least you could do is just say hey listen i'll take it let's move forward yeah i think tisha wants to stay stuck in the past your wife started making all these claims like saying male lies you tried to destroy my marriage and i'm sitting here like ain't never tried to destroy your marriage but i will stick to what i know to be the truth she says that people try to break up a relationship up but i don't think that i think the only people that can destroy the relationship are the people that's in it and i pretty much said the same thing to her because you're like i can't destroy your marriage what although it may seem like i'm a male side i'm really on teacher's side in this situation meaning that i want them to move forward um i hope mel is open to it and right now she's talking about positivity and positive energy if they both want that then that should be an easy fix i can understand where it got derailed so i'm saying i'm saying i'd like for that conversation to continue if it can for me and your wife to continue a conversation i think that you and t should need a second chance to do it over and you should come out the blank if you're having a soft opening i just want you to come out and enjoy yourself now be cautious i didn't invite martial but here's the thing even though uh martell and i aren't back to where we were i think that it's better than what we've been you know why because y'all was going on social media every day dogging me so he said let me roll over here with them cause i can't roll over here with mail no mozart but i can't be by myself well i was going on social media it was mostly in response oh no it was a lot it was a lot it was over over over and over and then finally i decided i said all right i've had enough see that's how i feel about y'all no you started it did you say i started it the whole thing we are the person that we're attacked oh my god i got attacked by me y'all were attacked by me okay marcel yes okay melanie does this sign look does this placement look good yeah it seems like it needs to tilt just a tad to the left thank you but y'all are doing a great job bill bill tighten up your shirt ma'am i would have stayed with martial i'm just saying that come over here get that spirit catching all over you i don't touch anyway man you can't be serious man i don't know what got into y'all when y'all started being being being mean to us are you kidding me i don't know what got into y'all my soul you're such an ass first of all that's fair that's fair lord he can get on my last nerves i am so happy that he finally finished his cigar lounge but i don't know if i can handle an entire night of this anyway i'll let you know i'll see him no i'll let you know but it's finally finished no god damn it's a sauce at this point you're embarrassing me no get out jesus you're embarrassing me because i expect black to be open i expect you to have done look at you hey all right man this is michael bye mail hey it looks good coming up on loving marriage huntsville do y'all want to be married to each other not no one else each other nell fletcher chris's wife has invited me over you know just to catch up but i haven't seen her since i filed for divorce she and chris were great friends to us when martell and i started having marital problems what you been doing nothing just thinking about you you're talking about that i've been thinking about you so how's it been going it's been going all right yeah you look so beautiful you're the one looking beautiful yeah i called you over here today to talk martel is here martell about what i invited you and chris invited him me and chris want to help what y'all want to help dumas now we want to talk to you guys and see if there's any reconciliation oh you know you mean talk to us about how we can move forward separately but peacefully and amicably that sounds good you stopped playing i'm very i'm serious male 1 i'm for real too leslie's try meal i did already well can we just talk about it if you want to i'm not appreciating this sneaky intervention but chris and nell have counseled us many times so i do respect them enough to at least listen to what they have to say uh-oh it comes from divas oh yeah hey gentlemen hello what's up y'all how y'all doing what's up you gonna go to a concert aren't you how are you doing i can't perform what's up man i heard you well feels good to see male right now um and really relieved that she didn't turn around when they mentioned that i was here so we all to a decent start at least you look beautiful melody thank you like always thank you appreciate it life is amazing there you go okay guys stop it stop it i heard it just pipe down oh don't be trying to deter this conversation we brought you guys here today because we want to help we love you all like genuinely we do not want to see you all go through this and you have four beautiful children and you've been together a long time why just throw all that away there's always a way i mean we went through the same thing i screwed up just like martell did you gotta own that number one you definitely have to own that um as i did but the woman has to be able to compromise because i mean we were apart for over a year almost two and here we are now 26 years later and it took a lot it took a lot do y'all want to be married honestly do y'all want to be married to be married come on to each other yes to each other who ain't nobody here but i'm supposed to know what you were talking about ain't no you talking do we believe in marriage or we talking we want to be married to each other to each other not no one else each other oh melody down there she she playing around laughing and like it's yeah it's not a game like for real we do have four beautiful children i mean um our kids hurt every day it is about you two but it's really about them their life how it's affecting them you guys place them here you both are responsible for them with our kids i was a lot more hands on the melody period and not because she was making more money in me not because she was more busy than me because i was always on my grind one of our last little arguments for real was me saying i kind of want to fall back from really being more hands-on than her i'm like telling her okay like you step in and you know you be the dominant parent when raising milani right now you know what i'm saying cause i mean i feel like i got burnt out you know me being getting up doing all this doing all of that well i hope you're ready to start it over go ahead well maybe if you did everything you're supposed to maybe i wouldn't be starting over whoa see that's that's y'all if you did everything you're supposed to do in my house cause you're sitting there playing me now the last time we talked you guys were on the right path that when kobe came it's like what happened i think we checked out i think we checked out yeah that's what happened we checked that martell checked out let's be clear i mean you did too no i checked out april 4th when i left you checked out in march well i guess you know that came along with the disrespecting calling me to [ __ ] i'm a very strong woman but i wasn't disrespectful to him the disrespect verbally that came to martel is when he continuously kept doing things and putting me in situations and putting me in hurtful places that's when i became because i did lose respect disrespect can go both ways are you gonna keep back trailing to this other woman because that's embarrassing for a woman cheating it's not right no it's not you're not supposed to do it because you're not but it's how they do it and the thing for me is disrespectful cheating you keep making a laughing stock out of her that's a lot to take for a woman and a woman of her caliber well no that was nellie's issue why you keep talking to the same i'm like dad didn't you want me to go mess with 20 women no i don't that ain't me no oh that that was an issue he's talking to the same person no he talked to multiple no why martel has slept with multiple people in this marriage let's be clear it's not a lie damn get tired of you lying so much you victim oh whoa stop being a victim all the time oh it gets on my nerves everybody just heard everything right there well i wish one day people would see the person that you really are you throw all the damn stones and hide your hands and be the victim because when we start going through stuff i told you what you weren't doing in the marriage and then you didn't fulfill that and then y'all stepped up cause you weren't taking care of me okay and then somebody started taking care of me and now i'm like i like this what i went to and then you still disrespected me you're still not being the person that i want you to be this other person i'm talking to she said find me i'm trying to hear you saying it know that's the truth i wish one day people to see the person that you really are yeah step that cause you weren't taking care of me and then you still disrespected me you're still not being the person that i want you to be this other person i'm talking to see satisfy me i was hard to hear you saying that know that i'm tired of hearing you say that like don't come at no because he's not gonna sit here you would have been growing and asked for it to work a long time keep it 100 is but then people keep going triggering me and then when i get upset it's a problem look over here cause i can't deal with him so that's why people should leave me alone i'm sorry mel it's okay baby but he's so ignorant and disrespectful to somebody who's been with you for 14 years and i know you can still hear me that's how it is when the truth come out that's how it is when the truth come out brother like for real man that's he's been saying for a while he throws up you know what i'm saying when we get into it then when i cuss him out he's oh you're so disrespectful because what you're saying to me is disrespectful i don't care if you want having another baby right now i still won't want to be with him because of him and that's not a protector that's not a confidant that's not a friend that ain't i ain't checking for him so he is having another baby yes ma'am thanks yeah it's okay it's okay sorry about this what happened brother man but i mean like the truth the truth comes out and that she gets upset of the truth dealing with melody is always like a double standard it's like she can say whatever she want to say do whatever she want to do lie about whatever but then whenever martell started to speak there's an issue chris may look i'm sorry man what oh no man mel would you put this down i'm sorry i just feel so bad i'll help you clean up sit down it's okay it's glass it's just glass now chris i'm so sorry i'm gonna help y'all clean up are you okay man i am you know um my silence is a way for me to control my emotions and i did that for a long time but he kept talking he kept talking kept talking yeah yeah i thought she was gonna shut him up at some point well i was trying but he was still over talking and you know he's trying to get my point across yeah i think he's got enough yeah because he wants everybody to feel like he done got some kind of prize now that he didn't lost his wife but let me be clear if i wanted to be at that house right now i could still be with him i don't want you though he's been cheating for all these damn years two of them prior to me even finding out so you want to bring that you think i've done since i left you hell you started named somebody two years before i was doing anything and you got a baby on the way ain't nobody checking for that i ain't got time for that and i'm ready to go cause i ain't checking for none of it i want a reconciliation miss nell thank you after this stunt martel deserves everything that he gets you confused life and started acting like this was a movie typically in movies there's a happy ending he ain't getting a happy ending he's getting an ending that he regrets okay next on love and marriage huntsville my dad told me you can never leave a legacy unless you start one that's what this is about thank you guys for coming out my knees are being knit what if this woman wants to get pregnant it's she's already pregnant if if if the child is mine you know okay this is your child but what do you want a dna test well yeah i mean i want to be an atheist oh i can't even believe this is a question i didn't want the kids around your brother all the time that's all and you think you're better with the choices and things that they're around seeing you make and do and treat their mother shut up you shut up there's no more shut the [ __ ] over here sign the papers you

2021-03-24 00:05

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