LIT 2020 Conferring Ceremony - Department of Business and Financial Services

LIT 2020 Conferring Ceremony - Department of Business and Financial Services

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Welcome. To limerick, institute, of technology's. Conferring, ceremony. 2020. Graduates, from lit's. Five campuses. From here, at moylish, and limerick. From the limerick school of art and design, from the lit, campus in thurless, county temporary. The digital, campus in clonmel, county temporary. And lit's. Newest campus, in ennis county, clare. Join us now, for this momentous. Occasion. Hey. My. Friends. Welcome, to the 2020. Lit. Graduation. Ceremonies. Though life has changed, in this year graduation. Year. One thing has not. Our care for you. Graduations. Are at the heart of the cycle of renewal, at lit. They mark you moving on to a new phase in life, and recognize, your achievements, in getting to this day. We are marking, this most important, of occasions. In the best way that circumstances. Allow. And hope, that you, and your families, and friends. Enjoy, the celebration. Let me begin, by introducing. You to the members, of the conferring, panel. Mr tony brazil. Chairman, governing body, lit. Professor, vincent cannon. President. Lit. And i am marian duggan, vice president for academic, affairs, and registered. At lit. So though we are a part today. We are together, in our community. As you just heard, that was vice president, of academic, affairs, and registrar. Marion, duggan. We will now hear from chair of the governing, body of lit. Mr tony. Brazel. President. Ladies, and gentlemen. And graduates. On behalf, of the governing, body it's my great pleasure, to welcome you today. This of course is the most unusual, graduation. In the most extraordinary. Of circumstances. For a most, deserving, class. So, it is in an especially. Great pleasure. To be with you on such an important, day, and for you and your families. And those who have supported, you, and indeed. For lit. This is, indeed, a red letter day for all of us. I wish to recognize. The efforts of the class of 2020. And all the lit, staff not only over the course of, your program. Here, but particularly, since the pandemic, reached our shores, in march. You've, shown, all. Remarkable. Resilience. Leadership. And the ability. To adapt, in adversity. This will stand you all in good steed in the, future. And we in the governing body believe that the standard, of your exams. And your work. Is as high as ever, despite, the circumstances. Very significant, work was undertaken, in lit, to support the community. And those of you, who are in your final, year, when the pandemic. Struck. This included, the ability, to move all teaching. And your final, assessments, online. Something, that would have been almost unthinkable. Until, it had to be, done. But it also included, additional, student, supports. A major increase, in the student, assistance, fund. Extra funding, for mental health, and for students, with disabilities. It was perhaps, fortuitous. That the government, had established. The new dedicated. Department, of further, higher education. Research, innovation, and science. Earlier this year under minister, simon harris. This allowed, 168. Million to be euros to be distributed, in our sector. To help maintain your education. And the education, of those who come after you, by providing. Those supports. And we got a generous, portion, of that sum of money. Your experience, is the heart of what we do, and it is what we will always do. No matter the circumstances. This will remain true as we move towards our, technological. University. Status. Which is. Very, close at hand, which will strengthen, the benefits, we we can bring to students, their families, and to their communities. Today, is as i said before a red letter day for you and your families. You have your qualification. Now and i hope you all enjoy the day. I wish you every success. In your future, endeavors. And hope, that as alumni. You will continue, to support your institution. Well into the future. Thank you very much and. Congratulations. The president, of lit, professor, vincent, kane. Will now give his. Address. Accordia. To azeroth, arm vancha, on you, i was waiting on mccabe military. Occurred of galer. Friends. You're welcome to this most unique of graduation, ceremonies. Graduation, is a very special event in the academic, year. It's the day we celebrate the achievements, of our students. And our graduates. There's the culmination, of applying to the college. The year spent and study. And then coming out on the far side. A graduate. It is always a time for celebration. Unfortunately. Instead of us being physically, together. We can only be together, digitally. This time. You and i have journeyed, together, since you're beginning here. I started in lit, in september, 2016. And i was with you in the same millennium, theater. On your first days in lit. I am particularly, proud of you, the class of 2020. And i really wanted to be together with you again today, at the end, of that journey.

Instead. You have faced the most extraordinary. Of circumstances. During your final year of study. You have come through it and shown resilience. You've learned new skills along the way. Online, learning. Online assessment. The wider digital, learning. These are the skills of the future. You have begun, your continued, professional, development. Before you even, finish, college. You the class of 2020. Have shown extraordinary. Qualities. That will stand you in good stead, in your lives, and your careers. And you should be proud. And confident. I am proud of you, and have great confidence. In you. You now join the community of lit, graduates. With the highest, employability. Rate, outside, of dublin, of all, higher education. Institutions. Sought after by employers. And carrying, the skills. And values. That will propel, our society. Into the future. And your future. Is very bright. Despite. Covet, 19.. The pandemic. Has shown us, how intertwined. Our lives are. And how our society, is built. We are all, interdependent. We are all, part of something bigger. We all have a role to play, for the society. We live in. You will bring your qualities, into that society. And everyone. Will benefit. From that. And here in lit. Our community. Is intertwined. And interdependent. I am so proud of all the staff here. Our cleaners. Our restaurant, staff. Our academic, staff. Our support staff. We have all taken care of each other, in lit. The lit, community, have gone above, and beyond. At every turn. Shown ingenuity. Innovation. Adaptability. And all the time keeping the student, at the center, of what we do. I am proud of each and every member, of the lit, staff. And i wish to publicly, thank you all, on this most important. Of our days. The educational, tradition, that we carry. Stretches, back to the limerick athenian, in, 1852. With this mission, of educating, everyone, who would benefit from that education. Regardless. Of background. We have held on to that tradition. Through generations. Of staff, and students. It is something that you should all hold on to. Should all be proud of. But this, is also a very emotional, time, for lit, as well. You the graduates, of 2020. Are the last. To graduate. From lit. Because we expect to become a technological, university. From next year. This current iteration, of our heritage. Limerick institute, of technology. Will, cease, to be. And while we don't yet know what the next iteration. Will be called. We do know what the values. Of our new institution, will be. A continued, commitment to our students. To our staff. To support, students, on their very, journeys. To offer higher education. To all who would benefit from it, at every. Level. To applied, learning, and applied research. All of these things are imprinted, on our psyche. Now. And. Will be, into the future. The new tu will be built on the shoulders. Of those who have gone before us. In our tradition. We know our spirit. And that spirit. Is yours. Now. It is what has enabled, our staff and students. To bring us into a new era. By meeting the stringent, standards, required. Of a technological. University. And already. We have taken a lead role. In the formation. Of run eu. The regional, university, network. A federation. Of like-minded. Applied.

Universities. In regions, across europe. Dedicated. Like us, to bring in opportunity. To the people, of their heartlands. Whatever the new tu is called. At its heart. Is that heritage. And remember that you. The last, graduates, of lit. Will also, be part, of this new institution. It will still be, your. Institution. All of this is for the future. But as mahatma, gandhi said. The future, depends. On what we do in the present. And your present, now, is about your achievement. Your hard work. Your perseverance. Your talent. And your resilience. Congratulations. To all of you about to graduate. And to your families, and friends. Who supported, you in this journey, i also extend. My thanks. And appreciation. It's time, to celebrate. Safely. And enjoy. Charges, go layer agus carmilla my ugly. Glare. You will now hear from the dean of faculty, of business and humanities. Mr danika. Mcnamara. Congratulations. On behalf of myself, and the faculty team of lecturers and staff who have worked with you for the, past, two, three, four, in some cases five years. Congratulations. We are truly delighted. As an academic, this is the most important, day in our year. It is the day that marks your achievement. In a day that brings the fruition. Of the work of the, wonderful, lecturing, team, in the faculty, of business human humanities. And it is the day that our first year and current students. Get to work towards an ultimate goal. Lit's, policy, of active learning, and indeed e-active. Learning. Has shaped you into market ready. Advanced, practitioners. And eagerly, desired, graduates. You have worked with lecturers. Who have inspired, brilliance. In bringing theory to life. In working, in real life, scenarios. Have confidence, in what you know. Be assured, of your ability. And bring that expertise, to your career. I ask you today to reflect, on what today is really about. It is about achievement. And it is about success. To be more exact, it is about your achievement. And your success. My message to you today. Is that it's good to be successful. It is good to have achieved. And you should be proud of yourselves. We are faced with many challenges, in life. I can assure you your career will not always go your way. When life is treating you harshly. Remember, today. Remember you are a success. And remember you are an achiever. I wish you a lovely day. I thank my friends and colleagues for working so hard to getting you here. I take pleasure. In wishing you, celebration. Today, as safely as you possibly, can, and we look forward, to welcoming you, into the business and humanities. Alumni. As you move forward, well done. The institute. Growing up, honey. Our own, institute. Tata rich, and kagdan, shin awanshimak. On behalf of the institute. I hereby confer, awards. On the learners, of the institute. Who have achieved the standard, for those, awards. The head of department, of business and financial, services. Mr james collins, will read the names of the graduates. To be conferred. President, i present to you the following candidates, who have successfully.

Completed, Courses, in the faculty, of business and humanities. Department. Of business and financial, services. And. Are worthy, of the award. Bachelor, of business, honors, in law and taxation. Donald, brown. Nicola. Flavin. Nicola. Glazer. Caitlin, hanley. Nadine. Hegarty. Danielle. Markham. Sean, mulroy. Declan, o'neill. Grace. Redden. Sheena. Ward. Bachelor, of business, in accounting. And finance. Blessing. Dyke. Anna. Donlon. John, hickey. Shauna, hurley. Rebecca. Lonergan. Ann marie, lynch. Dara, quilligan. Lucy, rezakova. Bachelor, of business, honors, in accounting, and finance. Louis. Al-sadi. Waga. Ain't. Ashgar. Robert, byrne. Ruth colbert. Dara. Costello. Theodora. Elsic. Nice. Esson. Martin, fitz. Harris. Flynn. Darren, hennessey. Gavin, hogan. Katrina. Irmayn. Brashner. Khakir. Ben, leonard. Key king lin. Rosina, luca. Rachel mccarthy. Gavin mcnamara. Shane mulcahy. Called, pierce. Lewis, pim. Anne-marie, quigley. William ryan. Lisa, shorten. Olivia, stunden. Sean, taylor. Owen, tobrady. Bachelor, of business, in business. Tracy, guerin. Shane carney. Gemma. Sheedy. Liam, tobin. Bachelor, of business. Honors. In business. Anthony. Condon. Desmond, fahey. Ellen, noula. Mcgraw, farrell. Veronica. Milnerc. Jennifer, murphy. Christopher. O'grady. Bachelor, of business, in business, with computing. Shabia, actor. David. Collins. Alicia. Nay. Aidan, o'connor. Juan, paul. Sarah, ryan. Stephen. Scanlon. Higher diploma, in business management. Cindy blaney. Patrick, oliphosica. Baboye. Glenn campbell. Anita, cross. Cheeky, jeffrey, eberb. A man deep. Cower. Linda mcauliffe. James, mcgraw. Michael maloney. Alwyn, murphy. Namandi. Chitchin. Sherm. Nakanjeka. Juliana. O'brien. Sinead, o'shea. Claude, riviere. Jiri, sladek. Congratulations. To you all. I hope that you're all very proud of your achievements. We certainly, are, thank you. Now a final word from vice president, of academic, affairs, and registrar. Ms marion, duggan. Congratulations. To you all on your graduation. Today. Is your day. Your moment, in the spotlight. The qualification. You now hold, is something, that no one, can ever take away from you. You aired, its currency. And you deserve the opportunities. It will bring to you. I am conscious, too, of the staff at lit. In all functions. Who have been part, of your journey. As well as all of those who've helped you along the way. Your family. Your friends. Your partners. Your wide circle, of support. Graduation. Service to mark our graduates, joining the community, of lit, alumni. But this ceremony, has been, all about you. As the president, said. We are all interconnected. Now as much as ever. So be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute, experience. Thank you all, enjoy your day. Kara mahagov. Acarda. Agus with a tan of. Astala. Hmm. And that brings us to the end, of the conferring, ceremony, here, at limerick, institute, of technology. Congratulations. To the lit, class, of twenty twenty. Cohorticus. Sataki. Me.

2020-11-23 10:42

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