Jobs, Money & Small Business: How LAPL Can Help You

Jobs, Money & Small Business: How LAPL Can Help You

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[Music] good evening welcome to jobs money and small business how the los angeles public library can help you we a librarian from the business and economic department of the central library i'm richard krauss and i am teamed up with lizette gabriel chris grisham and deborah spector the los angeles public library aims to make a difference in our community in many different ways today we're going to focus on what the library has to offer for your economic well-being in terms of jobs money and small business the library has print and online resources and services that help you read and learn listen and learn watch and learn research and gather information and even offer one-on-one help for you to build your career skills in your career with your money and for your business explore careers industry to invest in and to do business in find jobs investment and business opportunities manage and improve your money situation both personally and in business start and grow your career your finances or your own business tonight we're going to show you a special part of the library's website the jobs money and small business portal which brings together what the library has to offer i will now share my screen okay let's start with the library's homepage which is we're going to start off by using the drop down menu for services and programs right here and you'll see it has a whole list of different things now before i get to our portal let me point out three key services listed here that are especially important way for you to connect with the library join the pandemic the first one is library to go right here and what library go to go means is that you can arrange to order a book or a dvd or a cd from the library's collection and arrange to have it set aside for you to be able to pick up by making an appointment to do so we have 27 locations set up to let you do that the second thing i want to point out was something called ask a librarian so that's right here now ask a librarian allows you to send in very basic questions about the library services or very simple reference questions and so forth and that's a way of contacting one of the library's staff and they will get back to you usually within 24 hours and then finally the last thing i want to show is something called book a librarian now if you have a very intensive question like you would like a lot of help with using our library databases or other resources or you'd like some advice or handholding with your research then you can make an arrangement by sending the book librarian and get a lot more intensive one-on-one help now we're going to go to the job money and small business portal and that's right here we'll click on that now if you notice the portal has tabs on the top so that we're on the welcoming page right now and you have to tab the career prep and you notice down below there's a an illustration with the word career prep too both of these will link to the same place career prep here and career prep over here will both take you to the same page then we have job hunt and we have two for personal finance which is top money sites and popular money topics and finally we have a final tab for entrepreneurs and small business in addition the welcome page also shows the list of upcoming programs and events hosted by the library that are relevant to job money and small business and you can see them right here and in fact you can see that today's program is right there now each section of the portal brings together listings of library books databases online learning services and long lists of suggested websites tonight we can only show a tiny part of what is available i encourage you to explore the different sections and see what's available there i'll also add that the portal is a work in progress we welcome any feedback to improve it so next up i now turn it over to lejet and she'll be showing you the two job sections thank you richard hello everyone my name is lizette and i'm another librarian in the business and economic department at los angeles public library i will be focusing on a few resources in career prep and job hunt okay so basically what you are hopefully seeing is the diverse website and i will be following similar steps that my colleague richard took to reach of course the portal so i'm going to services and program jobs money and small business and then from here i will be clicking on career prep in both the career prep and job hunt page you will see the same five resources highlighted at the top of the page so in this case as i scroll down here we go all of these databases and internet resources are multivis and serve several research inquiries so the first three at the top are library databases ferguson's career guidance center which offers assistance in the following areas exploring careers by researching industries browsing professions career assessment and finding a career path next it does planning your education by researching colleges or trade schools learning more about financial aid and other education opportunities it also helps with preparing for your career resume cover letter interviews networking and workplace skills and lastly with finding a career whether it's an internship apprenticeships or job postings next one is i will be giving a shorter demonstration on and when i do job hunt so what does cover

it does live tutoring resume and cover letters career coaching and a few other services and the last one is brain fuse job now and vet now which was recently added as of yesterday so with this database it's versatile for job seekers veterans and their families and i'm going to give a quick demo on this one after i talk about work source and cal dots so let me just quickly go to the next two resources which i just mentioned and these are work which is an employment service from the city of la and my colleague deborah will talk more about these programs that the library is hosting with them the next one is cal jobs which is a county job database for the state so let me quickly click on job fuse i mean brain fuse i just want to give it a new name already all right so when you click on the database um as i said before it is a library database so you will need your library card whether that's the physical number that you see i mean the number that you see in a physical card or whether it's an e-card it's going to start with for the physical card it's going to start with the two oh i thought for sure was typing 984 okay all right and then you log in but before i do that actually i just want to briefly mention that it does offer live help every day from 1 pm to 10 pm it offers services on the areas underneath right here live veteran navigator job now resume assistance and a few of other services at the bottom so let me click on it okay here we go so this is the nice part oh and before i forget um with this database you notice that i only typed in my library card number again whether that's the number that starts with the two or the e card number which is e card plus the full number next to it some databases are going to ask you for a pin number the pin number is the last four digits of your phone number on your library application so now that i've logged into brain fuse you'll notice that there are a number of tools underneath each of the areas that are in the main um right underneath it for example tools for job seekers veterans and so forth so i'm not going to cover everything on this database but i kind of want to point out these three little areas right here immediately at the top one of them of course is live job coaching so it automatically connects you to someone the resume lab and the live veteran navigator so again this is for veterans life for job seekers so as i mentioned at the beginning multi-purpose very versatile so it's not just for veterans but again data offers a little bit more for those who are job seekers and veterans all right so that was that um brain fuse now i'm going back to career prep and now the next part of this is of course what stands out from these databases so in this page right here i'm going to focus on three resources and let me do a control f to find the first one which is vault so perfect it came out right away so it's basically this guy right here it's an internet resource so this is again not a library database but once you click on it it should automatically take you to the website it's titled vault company research and ratings once it opens up you'll notice that it gives you quite a bit right here so let me get out of that one right there so with this one like i said earlier you do not need a library card but if you're looking into companies or into subject areas that you're interested then this would be a data a website to consider as you'll notice right away you can either type the company name here choose an industry on this end or just go and click on any of the top searches that you see right here all right so i'm going to click on accounting because i probably want to see the list of the top 50 accounting firms and right away you notice that there's a list titled 2021 vault accounting 50. so go ahead and click on that now again because this is an internet resource there are some services or resources that we may not have access to that you may have to either create an account with or purchase some type of module but in this case i'm going to click on pwc pricewaterhousecoopers and find out a little bit more about the company so quickly they give you an overview now why am i showing you vault um basically because again not only to find out more about your company but what are others saying about your company um how is it you know doing in regards to others on the list you'll notice here it quickly at a glance some of the uppers the pros cons of working at pwc some of the basic information on the right hand side which is the address and some statistics and as i continue going on the tabs you'll see why work here why do i want to work for them and as i scroll down you get a little bit more about that okay so you get a little bit about the people about them student development programs so if you're in college and you want to know more about pwc this is one of the tools you can use diversity and inclusion corporate responsibility and so forth okay so again that was vault now let me go back and do another search for the other two databases okay so this is going to be standard all right so the next one is or the next two i should say are actually library databases and well we usually call it standard and poor's smp but the long title for it is snp global capital iq net advantage i'm not going to show you this one or the other database um i believe my colleague richard is going to briefly talk about them but with standard and poor's the reason why i show i'm showing it to you it's not only because it's one of my favorite databases but it has these really nice very comprehensive industry surveys and what the industry surveys does is that it will give you an idea as to where your company is located what is going on with the industry its trends outlook performance that you can connect with your uh company of interest so when you go on job interviews and they ask you so where do you think that the company is heading or where is the industry heading you've already basically read the report or skimmed it at least enough to answer the question professionally now the next database is merging intellect database they also offer some really nice industry survey slash profiles that you can again look into review some of them are very niche industries so if you're looking for something really compact or really small then this would be the database to try out and again mergent and standard and poor's are library databases okay now i'm going to the top oh and before i forget all of the databases that i'm mentioning are do have remote access all right so now i'm going to job hunt okay here we go and in job hunt i'm going to talk more about all right so once you click on it okay all right so here we go login number all right so why all right so as i mentioned earlier it does live tutoring from 11 a.m to 11 p.m for k through 12 and adult learners in both english and spanish it offers comprehensive test preparation for ap exams sat act lsat mcat gmat and the gre it also offers tools for the us and canadian citizenship and for those again job seekers job search help and interview prep all right so i'm going to start with connect with the tutor so even though it says it connects with the tutor don't um you'll get confused that you're thinking of subject tutor which it does but as i show you how to do this go to topic so right away you'll notice that it talks about several areas so if you're thinking about subject areas you have access to that if you want the test but i want job help so let me scroll down a little bit more you see job help right there okay and then the subject what are you looking into as you're looking for job help there's finding a job applying for a job online writing a cover letter writing a resume or preparing for an interview so whichever one you need at the moment you select you fill out the rest of the information right here and then you connect live with someone on the other end okay so again don't get don't get me uh mislead by just topic and tutor now so the next thing of course is subject i mean sorry submit i'm wearing my glasses and i couldn't even see that so it's the middle paper for review on this page we are basically looking into basically job help resume or cover letter drop-off review so this is where you would click that select your grade level you can put a college or intro and in this case even if you're a teen in high school please go ahead and put it because even when i was a teen i didn't know what i was doing with my resume so by all means teens can use this as well so let me put just for now college intro fill out the rest of the information and again submit okay now in this case it's going to take a 12 hour review for your document so be patient and in 12 hours you will receive um information about your document okay so that's pretty much it for that for and now let me go back one

and i'm back at job hunt and basically what i really want to say is that these resources are again as i've mentioned for all job seekers of any age teens young adults veterans for those aware for those of you doing a career change looking for other types of jobs whether they're part-time or temporary please look at our resources and the other mention that i want to say is that on both of these pages right underneath suggested reading as i scroll down you will see these categories okay so both pages are filled with resources but if you click on the categories right underneath these are basically quick links the first one is coping while job syncing resumes interviews and more which of course has templates and a lot of resources and tools that you can use and job search so as i mentioned earlier for those of you who are teens young adults these are the areas that we cover underneath it so all of them are internet websites both for government local and then of course for other major sites and the library's databases so you have access to all of this and again i just finally i want to i want you all to think of our portal as a one-stop shop with all of the library databases internet resources under one umbrella so before you start with google consider our portal first if you need any assistance we are here to help you and of course that's my pitch for the day so now i'm passing it back to richard hi there okay on a screen share again so i'll be showing my part of the portal again now we're going to be talking about the two that have to do with money one of the top money sites and the other the popular money topics so let's start off with top money site this tab right here and i could also click on it down here either way will get me to the same place this is the top money's arts first i want to show off it that we have what we call a ribbon of book i think there's about 25 different titles here and what this does is uh spotlight some book that we thought would be of interest for people who are learning about money and how to manage it and if you click on the uh picture of the cover it'll then take you to the library catalog so you can find out what's available and if you want to order up the library to go you may be able to do that now right below that you notice that we have these three categories financial portals and media sites learn about money and then market and economic data indexes so what i want to do is show you a few examples for me to those categories so under financial portals immediate site the first one i want to show is the us consumer financial protection bureau sometimes known by the initial cfpb and that's right here and this is a federal government website and they've been very active in providing a lot of assistance and help and troubleshooting for people as they go through the calamity of what's going on with kovid so what they have here is protect yourself financially from corona virus they provide a lot of information about what the current benefits are what kind of grants and assistance are available what kind of forgiveness is being offered for student loans and for uh housing and so forth and so it does a very nice job of keeping everything current another area that's of great interest here is the consumer education section and here they have a variety of different categories and they provide information and suggestions and hints and so forth for example let's try credit reports and scores which is often a popular topic and they give you information about how to get the information on your credit report and where to go look for it okay now i want to go back to top money site and i want to try a different one which is a commercial site which is called money magazine now money magazine used to be a printed magazine and i think about a year or so ago they gave that up and they're now purely a website but they still have all of their uh articles and advice and ratings and rankings and so forth and so if you pick on mortgage you can get the best mortgage lender evaluation you can get best mortgage refinance lenders you can get calculators that'll help you calculate the mortgage you can estimate what it would cost you and so forth so money magazine has a lot of really terrific information available let me close those two up all right the next section i want to look at is learn about money which is the next section down an example i want to pick at the los angeles public library there's a lot of terrific website from a variety of government agencies and private organizations that are providing really helpful informative lessons on learning about your money and how to manage it but i want to start off with what the library had the los angeles public library online learning so we'll click there and what this does it takes you to a listing of the online services that the library has to offer you they are all free they're all available remotely from outside the library all you need is to have a current la public library card or library e-card you can get on for free so the example i want to show from here is something called gale courses which is right here now if i were doing this from home i would have to put in my library card number and my pin number the way lizette did when she did it because she's doing her presentation from home um in my case since i'm inside the library it went immediately into the database i didn't have to do that now here they have a variety of different categories that are business related and under accounting and finance if i click on that it pops out three choices and one of them is personal finance and investments if i click on that it will then give me a list that the current classes being offered by gale courses now gale courses are different from some of the other services we have because they actually follow a schedule they have an instructor who's actually monitoring the classes and so they have different start and ending dates so here's one on stock bonds and investing real estate investing an overview of personal finance uh key to successful money management and then of course that everlasting question where did all my money go so those are some examples of some classes that you can get free from the library on helping to manage your money and investing now i'm going to go back to the portal page and we'll go click that off and we're going to go down a little bit further and i'm looking at some examples of market and economic data and indexes and i'm going to use a fairly popular commercial site which is bank rate now one of the things that bank rate is best known for is that they're very good at monitoring and keeping up to date with the latest uh interest rates are on mortgages and on savings accounts and cds and so forth so i'm going to click on the three bars in the top left right there here it says mortgages i click on the arrow and it says get the best rate so i'm going to look at 30-year mortgage rates instead of giving me uh detailed listing individual banks what their current rates are the aprs what the minimum payments are upfront cost and then they give you a link that allows you to then follow through and deal with the company that's offering that deal that's an example of getting data from right now i'm going to go back to the top of the portal page and i'm going to go to the next section which is for popular money topics now here we have the same ribbon of book that we had on the other page we didn't do different titles do the same one now here we have a much longer list of different categories i'm going to show sampling from each one and you can see there's quite a variety here i think is about a dozen and i'm going to look the first one i want to try is calculators than worksheet which is actually one of my favorite ones because it's a way of getting the numbers crunched if you're trying to figure out how much it's going to cost to do something they'll tell you one example is from the u.s social security administration which is the federal government social security office if you click click on there what they have is a whole page devoted to different kinds of calculators that will help you determine what your social security benefits will be and they have it for different situations they also have it where you can do a very rough estimate or they have it where you can actually put in your real numbers and get something closer to what it really might be they even have a life inspectancing calculator if you're brave enough to try that the next section i want to try here is the one for debt and credit let's keep scrolling down so here we have debt credit credit reports and credit scores and the main one i want to show off here is an important one which is called annual credit report this is the official website that was arranged by the federal government and they did it in partnership with the three largest credit report company experian transunion and equifax what they allow you to do to get a free credit report now it used to be that you get a free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each credit reporting company and during copied the accessing your credit is important so he made a special deal that is good through april 2021 we can actually get your reports on a weekly basis so that's something you made that the limited time offer operators are standing by now you may want to take advantage of that let's go back to my portal again now i want to scroll down to the area called financial assistance and this is where you can get sources of help the first thing i want to point out with the one that says covet 19 resources this is going to link you to a page that was put together by the los angeles public library and what we did here was assemble a variety of different authoritative resources that had good information on kovid both for health related questions and legal related questions but also for financial related questions i'm going to click on it right now this will take you to a different part of the library's website the coronavirus information page and if you scroll down you notice it's trustworthy information and resources and we have a variety of different categories including resources from different agencies and different services about money taxes and consumer fraud for small businesses the job help the student loan and so on so this may be a good way to get a lot of information that may help you if you're going through any difficulties right now but i'm going to close that now another interesting website for financial assistance is something called aunt bertha the social care network this is like a super directory and search engine for finding all sorts of different kinds of assistance and help and so you would put in your zip codes i'm going to use the one for the downtown library 90071 and we'll do a search on that you notice up here they have different categories of help if you want help getting food help with housing help with transit will help with money help with education and so on so let's try to run for money and if you notice under money then they're financial assistance and they have a lot of different subcategories and they list under each category how many different listings they have there so if you're really looking for some help this may be very creative way to find out a lot of options that you may not have heard about or even thought of the next area i want to go down to is identity theft which is always a major concern and joint coverage seem to be an even greater concern and a big important website for that is identity which is from the federal trade committee in the federal government so i'm going to click on that what this website does they actually have a step-by-step plan about what you need to do if you feel that you've been a victim of identity theft how to report it how to check with each of the different uh companies that you owe money to how to check all your cards and so on and it gives you an entire plan step by step because it's a very difficult and intensive thing to have to do and i notice here there's a little link that seems to be a major problem right now which is unemployment benefits identity theft and that's something that's been a problem especially during the covenant 19 crisis okay now we're going to close this we're going to go back to the portal and i'm going to go down to the next section which is investing so here we have investing and saving cash stock fund and the one i want to try first is and this is put out by the u.s securities and exchange

commission right here that the federal government and this is a very helpful website they provided very nice introduction to investing all the different things you need to think about one of the key things that you may find here is researching investment if you click on that one of the key resources they point you to is something called edgar now edgar is a service that's put together by the securities exchange commission what it is is all the filing from different companies on the stock market showing all the paperwork they had to file with the securities and exchange commission and that showed how the company got launched uh what their current balance sheet showed and so on so it's a very excellent source of detailed official information another thing that the does is protecting your investment they have help for getting dealing with different kinds of fraud and how to report them they all have financial tools and calculators one of the tools they have they link you to a website that's run by another organization you can look up your broker or your investment advisor and get an analysis of what their background is okay and then we also have standard employers or s p global capital iq net advantage this is a library database if you're using it at home you'd have to put in your library card number and your pin number to get into it again since i'm doing it from the library i don't have to do that and we'll wait for it to show up there we go now this is an incredible database with lots and lots of information for investors they have reports on different industries they have detailed reports on different stocks they even cover mutual funds and so on just to make a fun example i'm going to type in tesla which is a company that's been getting a lot of attention lately and birthday give me a summary of it but then they also that's not the tesla i wanted i want the tesla that's on the stock market okay tesla the one that's on the nasdaq so we'll click on that one the first thing they show me is kind of what they call a tear sheet it's an overview but if i wanted a more detailed report over on the left-hand side under research the link is said equity research wait a moment for them to compile it and here they have tesla incorporated here it says reports and on the far right side there's a little picture for an acrobat pdf document this will be about a nine page document with detailed information about the stock and their evaluation of it now there may be some good news for some of you investors out there you may be happy to hear that the los angeles public library is exploring the possibility of adding value lines to its lineup of online services if all goes well it is possible the library may have it available within the next month but that covers my second that the investors and the money sections of the portal and one thing i forgot to mention earlier that if anybody has any questions please post them online and then we'll get to them at the end of our presentation so now i'm going to turn it over to chris who's going to cover the next session on small business thank you richard good evening my name is chris i'm also one of the librarians here in the central library business and economics department the business and economics department at central seeks to cover a broad spectrum of demand for business information one specific focus is the provision of information to the small business community because the small business community is always gaining new members the library collection has abundant materials for those just starting out typically the first step taken in starting a business is the creation of a business plan a good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business you'll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure run and grow your business it's a way to think through the key elements of your enterprise a business plan can help you get funding or bring on new business partners your business plan is the tool you will likely use to convince people that working with you or investing in your company is a smart choice so one popular reference for business plans is the gale business plans handbook so i'm going to share my screen with you and as richard may have shown you before from the services and programs link on the library's homepage jobs money and small business and then the entrepreneurs and small business link and then scroll down to uc gail ebooks and once the page loads scroll down a little bit you'll see a link for business here on the left and business plans handbook is the first title it shows if you click on this uh icon here you'll see that there's quite a few volumes in the business plans handbook this series contains model business plans for everything from aerospace supplier to securities broker now i understand that everybody's not necessarily going to be most comfortable dealing with strictly with a print resource and you will might prefer some one-on-one assistance with your business plan my colleague will speak to you about resources on to that end in detail in a minute um as you've seen as a business portal the library's website let's get back there doesn't restrict you only to library resources for example there is the la business portal so once more from the entrepreneurs and small business page scroll down so you see web resources and then la business portal as you can see the portal has information to help you create a business plan choose a location obtain permits and compliance start your business managing your business grow your business as well as resources and incentives to keep your business healthy and running included in the la business portal is a list of business source centers located throughout the city of los angeles the central library business and economics department works most closely with the central west la business source there we go um located at the pacific asian consortium for employment or pace at 1055 wilshire boulevard suite 900b prior to covet 19 pace staff were able to provide services in person at their wilshire location and through a satellite office located in the business department at central library we look forward to their return to central once the library reopens to the public last would like to refer you to the small business administration or sba once more on the web resources a portion of the entrepreneurs and small business page scroll down and it's the last link there small business administration you see they have this link for local assistance locally the small business administration has an office oops at 312 north spring street in los angeles similarly to the la business portal the sba can provide assistance with market research and competitive analysis writing your business plan calculating your startup costs launching your business managing your business growing your business and possibly their best known function helping to fund your business the sba doesn't make loans itself but sets guidelines for loans made by its partnering lenders community development organizations and micro lending institutions the sba can then guarantee those loans for payment the sba asserts that loans it guarantees are issued with interest rates comparable to those otherwise available in the market for business finance in other words you're not going to pay more for an sba loan than you would for the one that was not guaranteed by the sba and with that let me pass you over to my colleague deborah thank you chris um good evening everybody my name is deborah and i work as a librarian in the business and economics department in central library i'm going to talk about the jobs money and small business events that the library has planned so i'm going to share my screen so you can see the part of the portal that talks about that and gets more information about those so when you're on the portal on the welcome tab you'll see on the far right and richard mentioned this the introduction that there's a list of programs related to jobs money and small business events there's a quick glance at some of the upcoming programs here on this screen and when you click on more events you'll see um all of the events that are scheduled for the for the future and i'll show you that in a moment right now you'll see a quick you'll see that they're all currently offered online um all of our libraries are closed but we're still offering a lot of programs and that includes programs related to jobs money and small business so you get a quick glance at the day the time and the topic and you'll see that right now there's a little bit of a variety there's the program we're having today um next week we're having a program and some start steps on how to start a small business the week after is a program on credit building um and also having a program with volunteer tax assistance if you want to click on more events it'll take you into the online calendar for the library and that will show you all of the events related to jobs money and small business that are are scheduled and it's a chronological list starting with today's program here and it goes all the way down we have currently have programs scheduled through april you'll see there are other small business events such as this one of starting a sidewalk vending business um there are events um for people who are wanting to learn more about banking online and how to feel comfortable and safe doing that and there are different locations offering it but again they're all online so even if this is not your neighborhood library you are you as long as you have internet access you can still attend these programs and all of our programs are available to everybody for free what i want to point out is when we came to this library's calendar of events from the portal it filtered the portal um the calendar of events filtered to just business career and finance programs which you'll see here on the left the library offers programs on many different topics for different ages if you want to see other topics and programs that are available you can choose from this list and re-filter the results but today we're going to focus on the business career and finance programs if you see a program of interest you'll want to find out how you can attend today's program is a streaming program so you were able to join with facebook or youtube and you didn't need to have any sort of special registration information but say you were interested in the credit builder workshop you want to click on it to get more information and so anytime you'll click on a program you'll get a bit more information about the programs confirming the day and the time that it's offered online a bit more description to make sure it fits what your interests are and then there'll be information about registration so in this case it says register in advance for this meeting and it will take you to in this case a link to register for the zoom zoom link you'll see that this program as many of our programs are offered by community partners so this program on credit you're helping with your credit is offered from volunteers from the alliance for economic inclusion many to many of our programs are offered in conjunction with our community partners and that is really helpful as a way for you to get to know them because in oftentimes you can work directly with our community partners you can get to know them and get a sense of what they offer through our free programs and then work with them more closely say on developing your small business setting it up a small business or if you're saying looking for a job or trying to change your employment situation we also have community partners that help with that i want to take a minute now and talk about our community partners because they work so much with us and so say i'm going to go into it back into the portal let's go back quick and you got a glimpse um from one of my colleagues were presenting before so say as when chris was going over the entrepreneurs and small business say you are an entrepreneur or small business and you are looking for assistance with marketing or evaluating whether you're a good candidate for to start a small business you're looking for funding the library does have their community partner that offers programs like that throughout the year and those you'll be able to find on the online calendar say you don't want to wait or you've attended and the one of the programs you're like oh i just want to get started you can work directly with business stores and we have a link through and because business source is the one who runs our business small business programs so you can click on the link for entrepreneurs and small business to get connected with business stores so if you scroll down you'll see business source listed here and as it says business source offers a wide range of services to business owners and developers either directly or through a network of service provider agencies if you click on it you can get more information from their website about what they offer so um and you can also see a list here of the business source centers and you'll see that it talks about the kinds of services the one-on-one consulting that they offer entrepreneur training program business courses and if you scroll down a bit more you'll be able to see all the locations so even the library partners with the central west location but say you live in a different part of the city in the valley or south los angeles or on the harbor area you can click and see the locations for business stores that are available to you through through this website say you're not in a position right now or just not interested in starting a business but you really need to change your employment situation or are looking to change your employment in um situation the library does offer starting next week we'll be offering our partnership programs with worksource and those will include information about interview skills and information about an orientation of the services that worksource offers for people but let me just give you a quick glimpse about what they have to offer so you can't make our program which is going to be next week on thursday morning you can connect with worksource directly and all the workforce services are free we have links to workstores through both the career prep and the job hunt tabs um the links are the same so i'll just go through career prep and if you scroll down through career park here is the list for worksource list3 worksource can help you write your resume they can help you with inter preparing for interviews they can help you if you're not even sure what kind of job you want they can help you do a career assessment and look at your skills if you're looking for job training they can help you find training courses and that ca and sometimes have financial assistance to help you with that but you would work with them to determine your eligibility for that again all of their services are free and if you want to click on worksource to find location in your part of the city you would just click on there they do have locations all around the city so you can scroll down click on adult job seekers it'll give some more information about what their services have to offer at the workstore centers and then you can click on find a work source center near you and they have a bit of scrolling but you can keep going down and again very similar to the business source locations you'll see that they haven't broken up by region of the city and we are also listed the library at central library is listed as the library portal for worksource and as chris mentioned we do have a satellite office for worksource in our library department on lower level one however right now because the building is close to the public it is not staffed um but we are partnered with the pico union downtown los angeles worksource so they actually with one of their staff that would normally staff our location and the pico union downtown los angeles workstation center are the folks who who host our programs so you'd be able to attend our program and get to meet them and then if you can't attend the program you are always invited to contact them directly and they can work with you on any sort of job assistance types of questions that you might have they're very friendly and they are very open to willing to help again all of their services are free and they encourage you to to come to them for assistance the business stores and the worksource programs are also really helpful because that is if you're looking for a human touch i know that my colleagues mentioned some online resources that are available so if you wanted to use the um the brain fuse or to get your resume reviewed that's always possible but if if you're looking for a human touch and interested in discussing things more one-on-one or what less of an anonymous service you're always invited to talk to worksource as well and that is everything about working with our partners and what i would like to do is just really encourage everybody to take some time to look through the jobs money and small business portal you may be looking for something that can help you with your finances or entrepreneurship or employment or maybe you have a friend or family member who could benefit from knowing about the resources as well and as you saw we were able to just touch on a very small small number of resources that have been compiled to help you so please take time to look through here and at this time we have concluded the formal presentation and we're available today questions that have come in thank you okay do we have any questions what was the name of the database that gives information about stocks i guess i'll do that one since i'm the one who talked about it uh let me share my screen on that one so i can show it to them okay so under popular money topics and then investing the database that i was able to show people was something called s p global capital iq net advantage a real mouthful s p stands for standard imports which is a well-known company for financial information i'm going to click on that and that is the database i demonstrated when i was sharing a sample stock report for tesla now the database that we hope to be adding perhaps in another month would be value line which is another well-known very popular service and we're very hopeful that we can really make that happen you know with the other major database for stock information one thing we did want to emphasize is the value added that you get from the los angeles public library when you get these electronic online services and databases a lot of what you're getting is things that would be extremely expensive and difficult to get if you have to do it on your own or do it for yourself and so one of the things the library is able to offer you is free access to very valuable and very difficult information get your hands on as well as all those online classes that they offer which is another added value service as well are there any other questions okay i think with that i thank you very much for coming and i hope you found this uh presentation helpful and informative and i hope you'll take a chance to take a look at what the library has to offer you if you're doing anything that involves jobs money and small business thank you very much good night good night

2021-01-20 18:07

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