If You Are High Value, Start A One-Person Business
the internet enables 8 billion monopolies that is a quote from Naval our cliche a bit too simple but extremely deep and I don't know why I am still reading the same thread that he wrote a year ago Overlord that he is he is the Lord and savior of all of the basic advice people but Naval hits a bit different and he has experienced the back it I absolutely love Naval but we're here to talk about just that we're here to talk about the one person business model why because I feel like way too many people have dreams of starting like a billion dollar company or being the next Jeff Bezos or being the next Elon Musk because that's what we see and the thing is is like the gap between where you are now because I'm assuming you haven't started a business or else you wouldn't be dreaming of that the gap between where you are and where they are is causing so much overwhelm because you don't have a way of getting there right that is what Clarity is and that's what the lack of clarity is what causes overwhelm and anxiety and just psychic entropy or mental disorder not a mental disorder but disorder of the mind in general now before we start you have to understand one thing you have to understand that humans are the only being that can have an idea and make it real now things like chimpanzees and other things they they use tools they use other things but what other being has constructed this world that we live in with our minds we have constructed the school system the government religious beliefs we've constructed language from nothing but images and symbols does this not blow your mind we didn't have language at some point in time right we had the ability we had Consciousness attention focus and the tools necessary to connect these ideas and make them tangible and just be able to communicate and form relationships with other people and that's a discussion for a whole other topic about the traps and downsides of all of that because it controls many people's lives but I would argue that that is one key to a high quality of life is just leaning into your nature as a Creator as a builder and actually building things rather than watching other people build things and just do absolutely nothing about it you see self-reliance is possibly the greatest value in my life it has brought me the most value as values should because when people would tell me and this is in relation to a one-person business as a Creator I used to be a freelancer I did coaching for a bit I did Consulting I pretty much did every one person business offer under the sun I've sold I hate talking numbers whatever for credibility and Authority purposes I've sold a hundred thousand dollars plus of almost everything that I went into freelancing coaching Consulting digital products cohorts everything under the sun and that's why I talk about this stuff because one I have direct experience with it two I know the steps you should take and I know that people over complicated way too much so in pertaining to business when people were screaming at me to go or to just go and do all this short form stuff like reels which I do but go and do reels because it's the future or or hop on this next business model or do this and do that and it's like I already have something good going and I'm going to go in the opposite direction because success is counterintuitive and that is also a value of mine is kind of counterintuitiveness and being skeptical and so what I did was the opposite when people told me to go short form I started writing long form newsletters and that self-reliance me trying to figure things out for myself has taught me more than any other course any college anything that's how you learn that's true learning is by directly experiencing something by not taking people's advice as law testing it for yourself and this is not only pertaining to business this is pertaining to health and any ideology or belief system in general is like when someone comes up and is like hey Raw Liver is the best thing you can eat I got stuck in that trap but it's not like you you have to see multiple perspectives because that's what life is is just a conglomeration of perspectives and goals that people are trying to hit problems and benefits and all this other stuff that form a singular perspective that makes someone believe something and so accepting a specific ideology as law is just closing your mind off to any opportunity you can have so back to the topic at hand we're here to talk about the one person business model which I believe is the best route for 95 plus percent of people that want to start a business because one it follows a human progression pattern you evolve with time right so a lot of people that I know and myself included they start out in one of two ways that require zero experience one is skill based right so we're talking marketable skills so design photography email marketing copywriting SEO web design all that stuff you you know those things and you've probably learned some of those things but the next thing because those are like you're starting a freelancing business but what about a coaching business that is where self-development comes into play so it's either skill based or development based right and so this is pertaining to building an audience or just giving value and educating people so they will buy your product or service your freelancing service your digital product your Consulting service whatever it may be right so they start with skill based and then they educate people on those skills so if I am a writer which I am then I will teach you how to write I will give out little tips I will write articles on writing if I am a mindset guy through self-development then I'm going to give out mindset tips I'm going to give out education on strengthening your mind etc etc This falls under the health wealth relationship ships Eternal markets health wealth relationships and happiness and then the skill based is kind of like you use that to complement your self-development so you can make money a bit faster because a high ticket service like a freelancing offer you can sell for two to three thousand dollars once you get good and then you can sell it through your audience or just Reach Out directly to people and try to land via cold Outreach or something of that nature and you can make money a lot quicker so those are the two routes that people go and and from my experience and from my failures I always recommend people start posting content why because a lot of people starting freelancing or coaching and they to get stuck in this cycle of like you have to do manual labor in order to get clients you have to send cold emails you have to send call DMS and you're not you don't have a brand that is educating people on those things and building trust and Authority without you having to do it in the DMS manually every single time so you build an audience along the way and then once you get to a certain point once you have a certain amount of traffic and a certain amount of brand loyalty and Authority clients start coming to you and then once your audience gets larger and larger you can productize your service reduce your time spent on that client work and sell something like a digital product or if you're in the self-development space like mindset or health coaching or something of that nature you can create a physical product it doesn't always have to be a digital product or a course it can be something like as an example I talk about self-development a lot I talk about focus a lot I want to create a coffee brand with coffee and l-theanine and if I talk about that more and show myself doing that people are going to buy it because it's something good and something useful in people's lives and I am the unique mechanism the personal brand is the unique mechanism and is why people will buy from me over someone else is because I have built that connection with you guys by trying to be as honest and transparent about this as possible so we're going to walk through what I call the entrepreneurial method which is just kind of like a spin-off of the scientific method but we have to understand here like how do we apply this before we can actually get into it so the way that we apply this is for a one-person business you need three things you need a brand which is like your audience in a sense or like your storefront it's how you're you are perceived right so you need a brand and the way you brand is you brand a one-person business based on yourself right it's a personal brand it's a personal business and it the brand revolves around your vision for the future and your goals that is what you are leading people towards because followers follow leaders right so if you are not a leader then don't try to start a business so the next thing how do you attract people to to that brand how do you build a following content and your content is Created from your interests so self-development or skills which are the skill based things that I talked about and you educating people on that while also throwing in your unique spin here and there right talking about your interests and educating people on your interests and skills and throwing in your own personal thoughts your own beliefs maybe some mindset stuff maybe what you're doing on a daily basis right you entertain educate and Inspire with your content and you learn how to write or structure content in a way that catches attention delivers value on that attention and then converts the attention to either a follow or a purchase or an email subscriber and then you slowly build leverage over time to get to the point of what we talked about earlier and now the last thing the way you monetize because people screw this up so much uh because it's like how do I monetize from a platform where it's like YouTube you can do AdSense and that's great I do that and it's like other people can do that but it's not in your control right you can be taken down from the platform at any time and if you don't have an email list or your own product or service that you create and you control the price and both the traffic going to it that is what determines your income so if you want to actually build an income online you need to become valuable enough to sell a product or service to a person that is one to two steps behind you or just has a use case in your life so it has a use case in other people's lives if I like coffee and I use it to focus then I'm going to create an l-theanine coffee brand and sell it to my audience while talking about productivity and focus it is that simple given time and not quitting because you didn't see results after two weeks alright now to the entrepreneurial method because this is something we do on a daily basis and it's just like a universal principle that people need to follow in order to not only like increase their quality of life and solve their own problems but also profit off of that to profit off of your own self-development and your own skill acquisition because that's just the thing if you are starting out from zero it's no problem you talk you write content about what you are learning your brand is your vision for the future so if you're starting a freelance business and you plan to take that to ten thousand dollars a month and that's your vision or your goals for the future then that's your brand hey follow me along as I build this freelance business to ten thousand dollars a month now if you are already valuable if you've already developed those skills you've already developed yourself or your mind then you have a bit more Authority and you already know what you should be talking about and the value you should be creating online now one thing I want to mention here with content is that you're not trying to reinvent the wheel like you have to be self-aware here that's what self-reliance is in the one-person business is being self-aware what kind of content do you like to consume right is it too basic or is it unique to you right or are you reading the same exact thing week after week people need to be reminded more than they need something new that's all content is is you are joining in and you're giving your own take on the same thing that people are saying that results in growth if you aren't growing on social media it's usually because your ego is in the way and you are trying you are over complicating things way too much and you're trying to be too fancy or too clever and you get mad because people are because you think people aren't as intelligent as you or just don't get it and it's like yeah they don't get it so listen to the feedback and change how you talk about things so it's actually interesting if people aren't interested in your interest it's because you you don't know how to make your interest interesting to that person so the entrepreneurial method here it is you find a problem you learn how to solve it you document how you solved it online you systemize your process and you share your discoveries so in a nutshell you find a problem in your life right that's step number one is find a problem because all stories marketing literally everything the thing that drives human behavior are problems right if I were to read you a story and it started with there was a cold spot on the side of the bed that opens a curiosity Loop and people want to learn more you want to learn more once you become aware of your own problems and that they are actually a problem right once you identify a problem let's say with your health then you're going to self-educate in order to get there right that leads into step two is self-educate so let's say that you find yourself lacking self-esteem that is a health problem because one maybe you don't have muscle mass or you just don't like how you look and that is a surface level problem right if you want to understand this from the lens of finding your purpose I have another video um I would look that up it's like how to find your purpose by solving your own problems it's the same thing you have to solve those shallow external problems first and then bust through to your inner core to get to the meaning and purpose of everything because we've shrouded over it with all of these comparisons self comparison to other people and all these things that are creating the shallow problems but you can't just ignore those you have to solve them because that's what most people are struggling with and that's how you can help them once you actually solve for yourself right you have to develop yourself and your skill set so if you have a health problem and maybe you need to go and learn how to hit the gym and then you become good at hitting the gym or you find this unique take or create your own system for becoming jacked or whatever it may be then you can teach people about that and of course use your own head here use your critical thinking and understand like when it's Justified whether you can sell a product or not the the people that are going to sell a product will sell a product so that's on the individual and I just can't help you with that this is a free video I'm not talking with you one-on-one just have some common sense and be smart about what you're selling so another thing if you want to fix a money problem let's say you're broke college student and you understand that college is going to give you some money yeah it's going to give you some cash flow but it's going to be a cap on your income and you don't like that so you start a freelancing business you start learning a skill see how a problem leads to self-education which is self step number two is learn how to solve it then you self-educate you get results and then you talk about those results and then you document that's you documenting how you solved it online that leads into step number three and that is also how you learn more about yourself and about the skill you're doing right because if you the problem here is that people always think they lack experience and it's like oh I like I I feel like an imposter when I'm posting content online like I I know a lot about web design and I'm trying to land my first client but I can't post about it online that's just weird it's like dude if you're gonna try and make money off of someone by reaching out to them with a freelance service then why the are you scared to post free content online it doesn't make sense the free content online should come first and should be a way of you distilling what you learn and organizing your thoughts so that other people can benefit from it and you can build authority to the point of Landing a client right so you have to understand like people see me now and you're watching this on YouTube so it's a bit different it's not on Instagram or it's not on Twitter where I have a much larger following and like people see that Gap right they're like oh this guy has 240 000 followers on Instagram it's gonna take forever to get there which it is but that doesn't mean like that I didn't see results along the way there right again you're paying attention to the Gap and that's what's causing the overwhelm anxiety and procrastination rather than the first step in front of you which is just starting and doing so what you don't see is that I'm a regular ass dude maybe I have some cool Lighting in the background and maybe I I don't know like what what do you perceive of me how do you think of me which I guarantee you it's not who I am but how do you perceive me right is there a Gap there do you see me as a bit authoritative because I want to let you know that I'm just a regular dude right I identified a problem in my life I was a young broke college student and as exactly what I said earlier I didn't want to get a job that limited my potential future in terms of how much I could make so I started learning every single skill that I could Under the Sun and then once I saw results with freelancing I did it kind of backwards of what I'm recommending then I started posting online about my results with web design and freelancing taught people about web design talked about my self-development journey talked about mindset talked about skill acquisition money and I grew an audience I eventually created a digital product showing how I uh went or how I started my web design business and that iterated over time right with the scientific process or the entrepreneurial process iteration is such a big part of everything and that's what the one person business does it evolves so if you are afraid of saturation in this stuff you have to understand that if you are starting a Creator business or a one-person business there is no saturation it's kind of impossible because we evolve I evolved from freelancing to Consulting so I opened up a job in the freelance market after I left it and then after I left Consulting and started the cohort and was doing digital products As I Grew an audience then I desaturated that market right that offer that made me a lot of money I am not selling anymore so other people can come in and sell something similar and take that spot if they wanted to right and now if I want to transition eventually and just Bank on like book sales or start a software company then I desaturated the market even more so you have to understand that the internet enables 8 billion Monopoly it really does there is room for everyone because one you're thinking there's too much saturation because you haven't started again it's a gap you're guessing what's in between that Gap rather than figuring it out for yourself and so a side note is that someone asked me recently and they were like uh I'm thinking about growing an audience and talking about my interests and eventually making an income but how long will it take and so like my question is if you're gonna see yourself doing this for the rest of your life right if this is the thing that you want to do for the rest of your life then why does it matter how long it will take because if you're going to come back to it anyways why not start now get the failures that you have to have they're necessary you have to have a certain amount of failures to see success once you get those out of the way as soon as possible the sooner you're going to see success and actually be able to do it for the rest of your life and what happens if you don't do that then you're not going to be doing the thing you want for the rest of your life so step number four is to distill things into a replicable process right that's what people want they want step-by-step advice on how to get a specific end result that's what every single thing does unless you create like a tool or a product or something that is just useful in people's lives or they want to be but if you want to make money from the start you need to just focus on distilling a process or creating a system right and so the way you do this this ties in with learning and self-education and self-reliance because if you hire someone to do this All For You Like if you if I hired someone or if I paid someone for uh Fitness coaching and I just followed their advice to a T I didn't learn anything for myself you have to experiment you have to try different things you have to see what works for you you have to find that Discovery by figuring it out and struggling and not taking the easy route so that you can take that and teach it from your own unique point of view so for step number five is to share your discoveries is to give your discoveries or your process to someone that wants to be helped now I want to wrap this video up in Step number five by asking you a very difficult question which is what is the meaning of life so from my own experimentation and self-education and researching multiple different perspectives you see what I'm doing here and figuring things out I've noticed a few patterns I've noticed kind of a two-step system for the meaning of life now we can't lump this entire question into this but I just want to spark some thought and awareness in you so the first thing leaning into the meaning of life is raising your Consciousness and what that means is actively exploring the unknown aspects of reality which means you're not straying away from challenge or failure or the dark areas of the human experience that are going to be there whether you deny them or not so you are actively exploring and feeling into your problems learning how to solve them and directly experiencing yourself solving them so that you get that you get those results and you truly learn and you raise your conscious Consciousness around that domain of reality so you are making the Unknown Known the unconscious conscious by solving your own problems and becoming aware of the unconscious and making it conscious you're making the unpredictable predictable so the unpredictable nature of solopreneurship you're making that predictable and you're helping other people get there so the second thing after raising your own Consciousness is raising the collective Consciousness so what you're doing is you are when you're raising your Consciousness you're creating a map of reality you're creating a map of the unknown or what is unknown to other people and then you teaching it to them helps accelerate the level of the collective Consciousness much faster if you are teaching them and of course basing your teaching and making it known that they have to self-educate and they have to figure it out for themselves as well and raise their own Consciousness then that is somewhat the meaning to life and I can attest that it isn't a incredible feeling when you help someone else get results and solve the problems that they want to solve so you raise the collective Consciousness by giving out pieces of your map by writing online or posting online right and so attracting a following I that's what social media is for and then your products themselves are the map right they are the map you are distilling and like enclosing it into a little zip file to upload in other people's brains because then the next thing is like oh Dan well like what if I like people are already selling this thing and like it's already for free online and you have to understand like that only a specific certain like a specific type of person says that one the people that aren't in the game of business two they aren't just in the arena to the like they don't have the money to invest in those kinds of products right because what people pay for is aggregation speed and convenience right that's just everywhere around us like why do you go and buy something that is terrible for your health rather than just eating the good food you have at home it's convenience right so why would I spend 20 hours filtering through just like fragmented YouTube videos on the internet rather than just a step-by-step course on how to get an end result and then get it now the thing with this is that you can't help people that don't want to be helped like if people just twist your words there's there's probably some people watching this the like two dislikes that you don't see anymore I wish people could see them because it's kind of like credibility it's like if if everyone agreed with me then I wouldn't be saying something that is closer to truth but I don't know there's weird stuff with that but the the thing is that people don't people that don't want to be helped you can't help them right so you have to be okay with the hate and the criticism that comes along with this stuff if people don't want to increase their quality of life and they're stuck in this ego trap then it's okay you can't help them so I will end with this the lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding and that is a quote from the cabalion and it just hits so the ancient Masters are saying the same thing you can't help people that don't want to be helped but if you want to be helped in more videos hit subscribe hit the like button and check out the free creative Challenge free planner in the description there's a podcast the newsletter and then uh two other products modern Mastery you can join for five bucks or the two hour writer if you want to acquire a skill and learn how I create content so that is it for this video I appreciate you watching peace
2022-10-05 14:48