Idée de Business en Afrique : VOICI L' Unique Recette Du Succès d'Un Business à 4.900.000.000€

Idée de Business en Afrique : VOICI L' Unique Recette Du Succès d'Un Business à 4.900.000.000€

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in the process of investing in a project of 23 billion CFA francs knowing that 23 billion CFA francs is 30 more than 30 million euros so why go to suddenly make a partnership with Nestlé when you finally have this money is already in fact we clearly have they messed what they messed with you and welcome to my channel located new on my channel my name is aminata and I am convinced that entrepreneurship is the only concrete answer to the development of l 'africa so today suddenly we are going to conakry guinea no as you know or maybe you don't know in africa there are three dinners there is guinea-bissau there in equatorial guinea and there there is guinea conakry so here we are going and suddenly in guinea conakry and before we start suddenly up to the cultural africa question then the question of the day is that they are the two guineas who have a neighboring border will you have a guinean conakry equatorial guinea answer b gu inée-bissau equatorial guinea and answers and vinay xao guinea conakry once again so do not cheat we do not like cheaters on this channel so do not cheat but your answer in comment and suddenly I will give you the answer at the end of this video therefore remains well connected today suddenly we will react to the success of mamadou saliou diallo who makes him the self- dictating CEO at the head of the sonoco group which will be super interesting because we will learn a lot of things and more once it will give you lots of business ideas if you want to get started in business in africa delay it's gone industrial zone of conakry this is where one of the most important companies in guinea the mills is installed africa here we produce 80% of the wheat flour consumed in the country of wheat flour from 17 to 18% meaning that is for its stone machines maneuvers are all of the latest generation factory mills the August 4 company had to invest ir 20 billion CFA francs it starts well because here we are going to talk about glee famine to have traveled a little bit or the world I have never seen a flour as good and as good as the French family and it is precisely all the challenge especially when you have traveled when you are finally used to the French para-French baguette when you go to Africa or when you go to other continents bah it's not all the same pastries c ' is not necessarily it is not up to what we do in France quite simply and so there it will be interesting because finally we are seeing this film how do we do precisely to succeed in to be humble and which will be of quality because the injured nevertheless a product which is quite difficult has produced with which of course requires a lot of investment a lot of capital so we will suddenly see how this entrepreneur made him precisely in order to be able to throw in there ns and how is it ultimately used to win so that it is precisely a success because at the base their common problems of the two flour in guinea it was the quality the consumers were obliged to import flour in order to be able to mix it with the family that comes from the local goal in Guinea so bring it with all this machinery that we do not need to have the vanilla oddo side saw the CEO arrive that of the dial or so it's really nice why because but suddenly we are seeing that there is really this desire to be able to produce which essay is very interesting we must start producing which we must start to transform especially the ambient calm tense his request to make it its request for capital and it is all the more pleasure when we see but ultimately that behind it is the big industrial companies and well it is ultimately locals and finally Africans who are behind the levers who are in charge of course we can do things when we all dirty together and that's what we see in this video it's very interesting in whom the idea of ​​this flour mill germinated a few years ago does not hide not his joy reality TV we have read has built this mule is now proud drm first a guillemin who has made him work if we want we can with partnerships the expertise if we want we can it is the doctrine of saliou diallo because he is a man who comes from afar today at the head of an empire of five large companies he is the sixth fortune of guinea and his story began about forty years ago with chopsticks de pain charest suddenly quickly this video do not forget the icc and comment and table is if you are still not subscribed to the channel precisely not to miss but next video when he leaves his native village to arrive in the capital conakry at the age of 14 saliou diallo eta it seller of bread not just any to be successful the young boy did everything to have baguettes fresh out of the oven I remember well so very sharp in my life it is quite such an effect the thinkers in the mazet ovens chosen the mrp that's how I started but my breads are a total of fulda only that's not enough for me it's if they even become a wholesaler at the end of May saliou diallo does not intend to stop there they dream bigger and then one day set themselves a challenge to create later his own flour factory has not it is started to sell the lighthouses and opulence and 1500 pages where the father measures Thursday at boulou and michael alone knows do it and molds and the design a few years later the dream of sadou diallo becomes reality it's very interesting to see a little the way he says it it's something that he marked that is to say that finally he talked about it we told him that it would not work and now Today his business finally saw the light of day when he took a little bit for a madman at the start and that is something that we see a lot, it is really loans we will say from successful entrepreneurs who come back a lot but finally the fact of telling your project of telling you your project that we finally tell you but you're crazy how do you think you're going to do that and well finally a few years later because at night he believed in it because that it put the energy there took the time well here are today these realities which do not hesitate to proclaim suddenly I really invite you to proclaim your your dream your idea or is what you want to be in five ten years what do you want to create put all that in comment I can not wait to tell you and it is important therefore there but the same if one tells you that you are crazy it is precisely maybe an indicator that if you are on the right track do not give up, the businessman has utodidact succeeded in installing the largest flour mills in guinea yeah every day the mills in africa sort between 9000 and 16 may 50 kg bag but the flour market in guinea is still far from being completely covered the mills in africa have then decided to expand just next to the factory is a giant building it is still under construction this is where the new production line of the mills of africa will be installed the director of the factory boubacar barry is came today to see the progress of the work hello how are we at what level 70% and when can we bring out the first bag of paris - it's his bd re in April in this project of extension the company has invested more than 27 billion CFA francs in the investment which should allow the factory to supply all of guinea with flour and even export the goal of the former in increase is to double production we will spend at 1300 when I saw that this mill and is double the old mill n we are going to increase our turnover to 100% the production from here will complete the local kiss and at the same time we will move on to export the mills of Africa now represent 41% of the turnover of activities of salou diallo but the empire of the businessman is not limited to the manufacture of wheat flour saliou diallo has a total of five companies in various sectors the group which manages all the subsidiaries is called are we coup there it is also interesting to see but finally that strategy of diversification after a while when we are in a very specific sector and we have succeeded a little bit well here it is developing we have succeeded in proving itself we risked to establish itself well it is important behind to want to diversify but when you start once again started on a project it is important to start on such a project point put your time your energy and then we saw it with this resuming there and him he comm encé with are one and after he extended but heard the song of selectivity so it is very important that you understand that every week the teams meet to discuss new projects to the left of the CEO his son abdoul karim diallo at who would you like to hand over to a general whole streets our weeklies with the CEO and all the directors within the group so to talk about the projects that are underway abdoul karim diallo is today the deputy director of the group in the field he already manages a lot of things after having conquered the flour market sonoco has set a goal for the coming years to diversify more and for that the group is investing in cascade in new projects led by abdoul karim diallo i hope you raps at nestlé we avoid nestlé me ​​i'm really not to stay i'm really not for my g there are other alternatives we had suddenly was ajavon from africa hub which is changing the donation not on the continent here there are others also so this is not magic we do not want magic so let's see what they are going to tell us the son of the founder this building houses is an old sonoco factory comes from buy the objective site manufacture nestlé charrette and new wave products once again it's serious that's serious we're going to get by if at nestlé on every street corner we're not going to get by even when well finally we think that behind it is a dinner we think that finally there is the calq and behind there is still Nestlé who points his nose no it's not possible it's not possible me it annoys me this kind of situation it looked like this kind of situation after I am aware that there are not many alternatives and this is perhaps precisely the reason why in the end the entrepreneur will want to choose the ease between quotes in order to be able to develop his business because finally there is already a demand that is proven is captioned people who buy Nestlé products but I think that at some point you have to realize that we have to develop our own products that basically against how precisely to develop products that are good for we that we thought we as African for us to start preserving ourselves because it is just like that that things will change because we do not know what Nestlé is doing that we do not know what that nestlé but really in these products we do not know precisely its intention its true intention behind and if we want to change things if we want to change the situation it is really but really not that there are multinational companies like that like lead it is because otherwise we will never really have control in fact it is somewhere we remain dependent on these of these companies there we have to bend precisely to ally that it is finally with the countries with the companies countries that are around but we must not go looking for investors like Nestlé we must not look for concepts like steak they just make you the population who just make us late in the final in addition to what you need to know is that this kind of partnership here is a nestlé not going to reveal everything, finally it will not reveal all its secret so we will always remain dependent on nestlé or then I understand to detect their oiled business logic and its other business logic lowering the power has precisely to see this competitive advantage this competitive advantage to always be able to generate money but we must be smart we must say well finally stop we must start to create our own models create our own products and there in addition to that me which saddens me a little that they have the capacity to do it they have the capacity to do it it is true that well finally between 3 million euros and 25 mil lions of euros there is a difference but if we just mess between us we can do a lot of things and that's a shame with the agreement of the multinational we had the agreement with Nestlé to study all the products from nestlé in guinea it was not this month which turned to a rate of 2 25 million euros to launch this production unit and it will generate a turnover of no less than 40 million euros per year the strategy of our group has become a leader in the agri-food sector so at what cost finally become a leader in the agri-food sector at what price because here the price I find that it has a little bit is something that is a little bit too high in fact it's a pipeline which is a little too high I think that when you reach a certain level like this one you have to be able to put forward your money to put forward your money in order to be able to create a new path to be able to just start giving an n New era to everything that is happening today so me that saddens me a little bit but finally is very low a little the enthusiasm that I had at the beginning me of this video of those of this report you finally I was super happy to see that there were premises behind this industrial company but there is fire the fact of seeing nestlé once again frankly it's boring what these songs and that's a pity it's really from my ankle we hold well at home who find all the products they need for them also to satisfy the customer this factory should start its production as of this year and it is not the only work in progress that abdel karim diallo visits regularly in another district of conakry sonoco is building the largest non-alcoholic drink manufacturing plant in guinea the cost of the investment 23 billion cfa francs so had to sink which is really even more pity is that finally they are in the process to invest in a project of 23 billion CFA francs knowing that 23 billion CFA francs is takes more than 30 million euros so why go suddenly a partnership with Nestlé when finally you have this money is already in fact to invest over a year in something else me it hurts me it saddens me a little really this situation is I say to myself good this is a superb company it is a great group and ceram and Clearly they screwed up what they screwed up I don't think we should absolutely not partner with multinationals or in any case foreign companies just say we have to be careful that we have to is privileged why because nationalism therefore the fact of those preferred something that exists in all countries and we as Africans is something that we have trouble doing we turn on to the ultimately preferred partners who are going to be happy look we prefer to go look for pa tenaires who are abroad and that is really sad we do not know ultimately it is strength and ultimately it is to be united the French when they have to make low partnerships they choose French people and in the worst case if they must not if they must choose an origin other than French they will choose an origin which is closer to theirs than well finally an African or an Asian who will prefer to stay of course finally goes into rap who have preferred to stay with white people quite simply you have to say things when you have to say it and me it just saddens me I put up with myself I just tell myself that there were other possibilities I had other options than well in the end have recourse to nestlé here they are so here you are each his course and then each his decisions but i find that it is not a very good decision in any case for the development of the question really think the independence of africa is changing not that it is a very very good decision do you think you do you think that in the end they made the right choice to partner with nestlé or is what ultimately things should have gone between Guineans or rather between them Pan-African between Africans perhaps from Louey under different African countries in any case but remained in Africa tell me what you think about it and then on the other hand once again we are still debating with respect I want to clarify because 'there is this case some times when I see comments are a little a little bit shocking they are also a little bit revolting and the important thing to debate with respect is given to debate with respect is quite simply a debate there is no stake again here it is just history to share opinions and the history of finally exchanging our points of view and improving our reflections quite simply but at no time it is there in any case de v ouloir in any case to be disagreeable with the people who are on this channel so very important that I tell you this because I have seen them several times and for times it frustrates me a little bit because here I am, it's not something we had not seen it coming like that but it is important in any case that if you are in this community that you be courteous if you do not agree you do not agree there are ways of saying that finally I do not agree say your arguments quite simply and then here is if the person does not agree he does not agree and then here you go on your way quite simply it is very important with the 'agreement from the multinational we had the agreement with nestlé to distinguish all the products of nestlé in guinea it did not have this me which turns around 25 million euros to launch this production unit and it will generate a figure business no less than 40 million euros per year the strategy of our group it has become a leader in the agri-food sector our customers who come to us who find all the products they need for them also satisfy the customer this factory should start production this year and it is not the only site in progress course that abdel karim diallo regularly visits in another district of conakry sonoco is building the largest non-alcoholic beverage factory in guinea the cost of the investment 23 billion cfa francs with this salaheddine factory guided by evil typhaine of investors who has no opinion of san jose in this project will be for saturday towards the manufacture of drinks it is a new sector for the sonoco group but abdul karim diallo remains confident he hopes to be the leader on the market in a few years we aim for the first year to have a minimum 30% of market share and within five years is the market leader that is the objective of the group and it is in some s months that the factory will begin production with more than 36,000 cans per hour thanks to its activities accumulated under the co is today one of the most flourishing companies in guinea in 2017 the group achieved a turnover of more than 90 billion CFA francs in the family home, the father and son meet regularly to discuss on the co2 saône a different but complementary experience the son studied and the father trained in the field when he was a student it's to consult him for my activity you tell me it's not perfect as it is like it is like that it is peaceful where we complete each other soon the father will definitely pass the baton and for abdoul karim diallo the challenge is to succeed in perpetuating the family business beyond the centuries france in the united states it is groups that date back two hundred years in africa it does not exist it is for me it is very important that we do not say not this gentleman who rose every morning who work for decades and that one fine morning we record the company at es10 we are bankrupt or the crds but that no longer exists while waiting to hand over the father still works in tandem with the objective son to ensure that the family business survives its super interesting founder suddenly this last part and I find that we are friends on a note which is I think it must make us think a lot it's true that it is nothing when we going to africa we have no companies that have been there for centuries unfortunately shown if there are any i don't know them or otherwise it can be counted so that's something very important in france we have plenty of them europe there are plenty of companies that last for centuries and centuries and it has not been heard, it is particularly one linked to our history but it is also the cost linked to the structure of companies already not too much of the kun have also compared in inevitably the development of africa and the developm ent but ultimately of europe is what we are not finally on the on the on the same timeline i.e. that europe does not have the same history as of africa we were we was suddenly independent not very long ago and that's why sometimes certain comparisons in fact do not have to be is as if you want to finally compare a child who is 5 years old to a person who is 65 years old 70 years old of course that she will have done a lot more things but understood that she will have more maturity but in any case one thing is certain is that there is a moral piece which is there there there is a particularly African youth who are more and more awake there are more and more Africans who realize that we have to do things that we have to start creating structures that are solid but for that precisely we have to work we have to do things well we also have to be able to do it together and that is something very important that the o n can precisely trust between African countries especially precisely when it is useful and 10s the answer to the question for guinea-bissau and guinea suddenly conakry which are which have a neighboring border equatorial guinea is video if you liked this video don't hesitate to apply it it's free don't hesitate to share it around you to share it with those around you thank you very much for watching this video and above all don't forget to live with passion and passion

2021-07-19 19:43

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