I Trained To Become An MMA Fighter In 4 Months
Fighting. An MMA fight in three months is completely. Crazy aria is just so sweet like, I couldn't see him like her a fly, I don't, want to see Aria get hurt I get, the impression that there's an underdog, within, you that is trying to prove something through, this experience, I don't know if he will survive, this. Fight. Basically. This, is saying that you are voluntarily, doing this video BuzzFeed, is not making you if you. Were to get injured doing it or anything else BuzzFeed, is not responsible because you are doing this on your own, gotcha. And when you say anything else at a good stuff that includes I mean death is possible, at all of life like every morning you wake up death is a possibility, very, true my. Name is aria I love romantic comedies Christmas. And I will be dedicating, the next three months of my life towards. Training and mixed martial arts before competing, in an officially, sanctioned fight against. A trained and experienced. Opponent, is he really gonna do that why, would he do that just, three months are you straining three. Months is not a long time, three. Months of training before a fight is a very unrealistic, timeline, already so, this will be the biggest challenge of my life are you gonna be wearing headgear oh. I. Don't know how this is gonna work for him I love, aria but no I. Will not be seeing it I don't want to see it I don't want to see the fight I'm. Not very physically active I don't think most people think of the word fighter, when they think of me I don't know if Aria has ever been in a fight, Aria, told me that he was Buddhist I'm worried about him I don't know if he's a fighter, but, what is a fighter because for me this journey isn't just about trying, to overcome the physical and mental challenges that I will be facing but, more so about trying, to get inside the mindset, of what it takes for those that actually do compete. In. One of the world's toughest sports a. Combat. Sport that allows its athletes, to utilize, a variety, of fighting, styles mixed, martial arts continues, to explode, in popularity as. Fighters, from all walks of life seek, to test themselves inside. The cage I think, my car can impact, a lot of life because of discipline. What separates MMA, from any other sport is that you're, forced, to deal, with fear to compete in the mixed martial arts fight the fact that art is doing that first why I think takes a tremendous amount of courage it's, gonna be a difficult process for arias, first fight honestly I would just recommend take it all in it's, a whole nother world try.
To Just open your eyes open your ears and see as much as you can. Hey. Who. Are you well, thank you thank you so much for being. A part of this journey with me it's gonna be uh we. Road gonna. Be a lot of fun one of the individuals tasked, with getting Oriya in proper condition, to compete is Steve Zim an accomplished. Coach who has trained athletes, including undefeated. Female boxing champion, Laila, Ali this. Is what I do for a living I train people to be the best at what they do arms, down he's. What I would call skinny fat 12, and, 3/4. You have way too much body fat for, what we're trying to do working, with Steve to improve, my strength and conditioning, is not, easy at all let's do two minutes and see how you feel on this anything. Burning yet. Getting. To a push-up and let's see what we got going, into, this I knew one of my biggest weaknesses was, my conditioning. Yes, your blood sugar just dropped, okay. So why. Don't we sit down this isn't like going out and trying to run a 5k and, just, hope I finished the 5k this is way. Way, up there you are gonna put your face your body on the line you have to make sure that you're gonna come out of this hole that's, why we're doing this otherwise. You're gonna get in there and find out that you don't have what it takes it's scary, but. If, he puts himself in the right position, works, his butt off eats right shows, up then we're gonna have a big, big change in him any which, way he does not lose from this. So. Your chin, is where a lot of nerves are that's kind of like one in the mean target, areas so, you always want that chin down and the eyes up coming. Out of retirement to, teach aria the combat, skills he'll need to survive in the cage is Chris. Riley, a former. Champion and coach who once helped lead Quinton, Rampage, Jackson to. Capturing, the UFC. Light heavyweight championship. You're basically what I call on the snowboard. The minute I see that. When. Aria first reached out to me about this project my initial. Reaction was no, first, of all I'm not coaching. Fighters anymore so I, didn't really think it was something that I wanted. To be involved in or or, would necessarily even be the best person, for him and then after giving it some thought, the reality, is during, my time in the sport there were a lot of people, coaching. MMA, who. Shouldn't. Be coaching, them at may you know we do have to remember it's. A grown, man in there whose, entire. Purpose is. To. Hurt you as bad as possible you know I really, thought. To myself maybe. I was actually. The best person. To help, with this I'm, not gonna keep punching, hard here I'm a top top tapping I. Think. The hardest, part, of the, training, process over. The next three, months Ferrari. Is going, to be when we, have to face some real contact, that's always when. People. Start. To learn whether. Or not this is something they really like doing, or not so that that will be the you. Know kind of key determining. Factor, as to. How this is probably, going to turn out. I. Mean. We've. Worked so hard and, here, we are it's. Fight night now it's. Gonna be what its gonna be. It's. Been it's been a journey but I have, a full full belief in him that he'll he'll, do well he well he's done everything he's needed to do in preparation pick, it off before you get in, the cage yet I know. There's a lot of people who. Kind of laughed him off a little bit and whatnot but I know what he's made of I know that he's gonna go in there he's gonna move, a lot of people wrong that's for sure.
As. Training. Progresses chris is able to secure a gym for aria to train out of I've. Known Chris for a long time he was like a mentor to me he called, me on Sunday. And asked, if I could help him out like with this project I could not say no you know of course I'd say yes. Hanging. In a fight in three months is, absolutely. Crazy and a, dinky as the, biggest, pair of balls ever, we, actually, Pat it up and got in the ring especially. Since he's never fought anything, he's gonna have to get used to getting punches thrown at him he has to get used to getting kicks donut and he actually has to get used to getting beat up the, sparring session was definitely a shock in the system it was like okay this is how it feels to get hit by, someone who's not even trying to really hurt you biggest challenges, are teas in the face is, mentally. Getting, ready to train so on top of the fight training I'm supposed to do with Chris I also, have five days a week with Steve, doing a strength and conditioning work at his gym and then on weekends I'm also supposed to do cardio so there is no day of full, rest for me while, training multiple, times a day Arya's. Diet is also, under scrutiny by the team at trifecta, nutrition, who are trying to help ensure that Aria comes in at his scheduled. 145. Pound featherweight, limit. Trifecta. Basically, came up with a diet plan it's basically focused, on just clean eating and making sure I'm hitting my macros, so for example I'm supposed to hit 150, grams of protein in a day while, keeping under 1900 calories, the excitement, of the first week, falls away after, the first week, when, you start to see how hard you're pushing how hard you're pushing this, entire, project seems to be the only thing on my mind I'm always thinking about things like my diet I'm wondering if I'm training hard enough I'm wondering who my opponent's going to be I'm thinking about this constantly. And, it's, just it's it's a lot it's a mental thing he's never done it so I don't know which, way he's gonna go it's, a combination. Yeah the physical, but I I can handle the physical that's not the problem it's, going to be up here. If. I'm trying to meet you in the side your leg or into your gut and you. Dump down to try and grab a double, and eat that mean we, will expect you to fight through that unfortunately, because basically, your face budding his knee at that point I mean like everybody I feel like this, was unexpected, for aria cuz he's the like, most gentle, polite, nice person, but, I've also like, believed, in him since the very beginning of this I feel like he can. Definitely do this I'm sure art is going through a little, bit of nervousness but it's gonna be okay you know usually, nothing, really hits until you walk like right in there and then they close the door and, then that's when everything gets real you know so, you. See what happens if, you get choked out guess, what then you wake up we'll. Let you know who won okay. I'm not gonna stop a choke, I'm. Not gonna stop a choke. It. Was very scary and intimidating they were they went in blood Oliver yeah I hope that doesn't happen Arya we, need to get into the mindset that we're gonna see him get his ass beat even if he wins.
My. First fight was fifty seconds, where I got punched in the face and then I shot the worst double leg I've ever shot in my life and I got choked you, know fighting is nothing, to be taken like Leah it's, not a game the entire point of the sport is to hurt the other person, that's a reality that's not often talked about I'm. Afraid of what your face is going to look like have you used me watching fights I've been watching a lot of fights in there like their eyes some. People can't open them when it comes to the, dangers. That exist in. MMA. The. Truth is there's no limit, to them and I took this on with, that, weight, on my, shoulders, I mean I'm very aware of how, bad. It can get can you talk. Yes. There's the ability to tap out but, you, know what makes the person tap out is that they're in so much pain they, can't take it anymore I feel like you wouldn't done I feel like you would wait until you're passed out yeah. I I. I. Told, myself this now but yeah I my, plan is I if. He wants to where he's gonna knock ya. I've. Been real pleased with what I've seen from, aria so far I think things are starting to come together. I always. Get a lot stronger than when we first started, I mean when we first started it was not spectacular. Now, he's picking up much heavier weights he's break between sets are down to 30 seconds, or less sometimes. We'll go 4 sets in a row with, almost, no break 5 10 seconds back on five seconds, back on. The. Biggest thing that's gonna come there's more of a mental issue that's, the biggest thing and fighting is your is your head I'm. As far as for the other people on the in the school today as we're. Going to kind of increase, the toughness. Training. Sparring. Will probably, be more, of a factor. No. One's gonna give you advice when you spar and, now they're gonna you up you know they're gonna try to get you they're gonna try to tag you and they will tag you they, will tag you right. Ru, is gonna get hit he's gonna get hit pretty good. At. That moment is going to be real like the pain will be real the. Shock will be real everything, will be real and, then, we're gonna see in that moment where. They still wants to do this or not I. Love. You Aria but no. I. Don't think so I'm just gonna say no I'm, just gonna go ahead and say no I don't think he can fight someone he's too nice I, think, that he's going to lose I know that he's going to lose he's, probably one of the softest, people I know I, honestly. Feel like he's just gonna go into, the match, and get hit like a couple of times and like okay that's cool that's enough for the video every time you throws a punch he's gonna apologize I. Know. He'll give it his all but. I. Think. It might be a waste of time mostly. I. Get. The impression that there's. An underdog, within, you that is trying to prove something through, this experience, and I'm. Wondering what that is when. I think of MMA I think of just I guess. I think about how fearless these. These fighters, are these men and women mm-hmm, the courage it must take a common, thing that is brought up as always people saying oh you. You can't, do this you're too nice to be able to do this and, and. You want to be fearless. Yeah. One. Two, body, shot remember how you scooted, on it you're. Too far away oh and you dropped your right hand I'm, trying my best friend to just sort of focus, on why I'm doing this but, at same time you know maybe all these people are right you know maybe I'm just not cut out for this I think.
You Are putting, a, very. Hard timeline, on yourself that's making your challenge. Greater. Than the average person. But, is that a bad thing anytime. Anyone. Chooses, the path, less traveled, what, you're gonna get from the peanut gallery is, you, know a bunch, of doubt and negativity. Because. Most people honestly, are afraid to take, a road. That's not been, traveled, before you guys love, to critique. You would never have even made, it to the cage because, the minute your hands started getting wrapped your, legs would get so weak that you would never make the walk from, the dressing room to, the cage in, many ways I kind of resent the notion that, I'm, a nice guy I don't like that label, I like every day being, friendly to people I like greeting. People opening doors for them but, I don't like the idea that I'm incapable of switching that off the. Fact that Aria is such a nice guy is, in. No. Way shape or, form related. Or, connected to, his ability, to be, successful in MMA I think the biggest myth is that we're all a bunch of meatheads, that just want to punch each other in the face and we're all angry all the time completely. Not. The case I think they're some of you know the nicest most humble people on earth I think the true martial arts is humble and I think one of the main reasons for that is you get your butt kicked a lot, one of the things that keeps drawing me back into, the sport even as I try to get out is it's, always really, nice guys I'm working with our heads so far he's a really nice guy aria, is really, sweet down, earth humble. Now whether or not he can you. Can turn that switch on to being a fighter is. You. Know it's completely up to him you know that that's all in his head everyone. Has the. Capability. Of doing it whether or not you can do it in 3 months I. Guess. We'll see a big. Fire this I also just want to let you guys down like what if what if I lose I mean. Every, fight one. Guy wins and one guy loses that's sports, that's competition. I've been training guys as you know for over a decade, you think all my fighters won all the time, no. We, don't gain confidence and, we don't truly, gain success. Without failures. Failure, is one of the best ways than learning something and we're so fearful of it I think, in so many ways we create, this false sense of security because, of it and we never take risks we never take leaps of faith and I, think you look at the special people in this world they're, doing something different, you're, testing your own limits and, you're going to be stretching.
The Boundaries of your identity. And that's an amazing experience for anyone to be able to be aware of you. Being accomplished. It's. From the process, and the journey not the outcome, jab, it head kick. Good. Breathe, again. Good. Cross, hook kick. Nice. Even. Though I tease you and I say it's crazy and all that I wouldn't. Be doing this I wouldn't be coming here, you, know I'm taking an uber you, know 30. Minutes each direction right now like it if I thought this was a ridiculous. Waste of time and you weren't capable I, mean. Why would I sign up for it I believe, in you I've seen. This for a long time, obviously. I spoke to Daniel he, thinks you can do it so if we think you can do it you can do it now. What's left is convincing, yourself that you can do it. It's. Crazy for Aria, to come in after four, months of training a lot of these guys you, know come out of the womb wrestling, or doing karate or whatever it is so they have years and years and years the thing is if if, you're ready and if. You can demonstrate a little bit of aptitude which she has you, know we'll give you a shot because, so much of what we do isn't just skill it's all heart and mind you know you have to be strong to get in there I want. Your wrist firm, so, that way I wrap it too tight it's, impossible, to really anticipate how, someone's going to react the first time they've ever done something like this it will for sure be in. Somewhat. Overwhelming. Experience, for him but, he is about to tackle something that's very very difficult so I think he gets a lot of props for just going through with it. This. Is how they filmed reality together just the way you guys attracted, that happens ripples records. One. Month before his scheduled, fight Aria. Receives word from spar star that they're being forced to push their event back until, July 6th, giving, Aria an additional, five, weeks, of training. They. Were supposed to find me someone when I was June first but now that. I. Mean. At this point I don't know like how much more experience I gonna have. On. May. 31st, Aria. Receives, the news that his opponent, has been found. Kayson. Match a young fighter who recently lost, his debut, fight by decision I. Grew. Up in Chino California I've. Been training in total, for a little, bit over a year. The. Past month or so has been tough it's been law training but now knowing, an opponent seeing a face it kind of just makes it all real, and just gives me kind of like this this finishing, line this end goal to barrel, towards okay, let's, see let's see pics we have photos I'm thinking which one is he. I can. Tell you, this. Guy's a real opponent. I've. Always wanted to fight on my parents always told me no it's, homeschooled up until a junior, high and then I eventually dropped, out joined, the army and now I'm here I mean he's a military guy so that one one concern is that he is in really good shape the military, does, ingrain. A certain level of conditioning. Also, a certain. Level of fortitude, the, fact that he's lost his first fight means nothing to me I mean tons of great fighters have lost their first fight I'm more scared somebody, that loses, in, somebody who wins, because. When you lost you, know what that feels like it doesn't feel good and you can do anything kid not to lose again, he wants that a career in MMA so it's a lot more riding on this on him than Dario sorry hasn't won one fight and done he's already lost his first fight so he's a chip on shoulder and I can't want to lose I mean when you. Want you want only two starting off your career that's bad my upcoming fight means a lot to me it's only gonna be my second fight I'm trying to make a career out of this I want to go pro eventually, and I want to make it with all the big guys I believe. My first fight opened up my eyes to see, the improvements I need to make. That. Opponents hit me tough no, joke. The. Fact that he wants it doesn't mean like he's gonna be hungry and he has a lot to prove and he wants to live law but so is Aria like Aria has invested, so much time and effort into this that like if Aria loses it's not gonna be for lack of effort I think that in the beginning I was, very skeptical. Of arias success, rate and now like he really has been so dedicated so my. Expectations, have already been, surpassed. Now. We're at the point where there's no time for doubt no time for fear it's.
Do-or-die. Time. What's. Up aria I think it's. Crazy about again in this cage with me but props. Teaming. On. Fight, day casein, weighs in three, pounds. Over the 145. Pound, limit. My. Cutting process, was a very, drastic this time I should have dyed it a, lot, sooner than I did and I had it cut a lot of weight in a short amount of time yeah, it's kind of tough that he didn't make weight because that's, five pounds he has an argument just, might replace, it. Despite. Being at a disadvantage, due, to the weight difference with the risk of having the fight cancelled altogether Aria. Still agrees to take the match truthfully. The the thing I'm most worried about fer Aria is that he wouldn't get to showcase what, he's been working on I think the worst case scenario is he immediately, gets taken down and submitted, and so, he can't show off his stand-up training is grappling training, I'm. Nervous like always don't care who it is everybody gets nervous before if I just. Trying to calm, the nerves my my last fight what was my first fight I have stuff I plan on doing, it's. Just a another stepping stone for me I feel, like Aria is gonna give this everything he's, not half-assing, any of it his progressions, been fantastic. At first I was. Hoping we get him through the first round then. I was thinking maybe we can get him to finish this fight at. This point he. Can win this he's. Not weak you know the Aria is a pretty strong kid he gets hit and he hits back which is a great thing when, it comes to my hopes and expectations. I just want RIT, to come out of this with. Positive. Feeling about himself, and, about the experience, and I. Think that he's. Done everything he can do to make that happen. Of. Course I have days where I've thought why, do I do this why am I doing this to myself I do have a lot of mental doubt I think a lot of Fighters have self-doubt, I think what brought me into fighting is doubt what. Brought me into fighting is fear I've, always had a problem with confrontation so, I think this is me, forcing. Myself to deal with those fears. I fight, mainly because I think if I didn't I would read it it's 20 years down the line I don't want to look back and say oh I wish I would have done this even. When I came up with this, dream people, thought I was going, crazy I'm, like I'm not born, to survive, I want, to leave I want, to have this feeling that I'm leaving I've, had people tell me this is stupid you shouldn't do that while you're spending your time in the gym go work full-time go, do this go do, that Riaan, let's go in the army again I'm, in LA people ask me why are you doing this why are you doing this for a video why are you doing this for BuzzFeed and, the, thing is I'm, not doing. It for a video I'm, not doing it for BuzzFeed I mean.
I Guess the simple answer is that I'm just doing it for myself you. Cannot gain strength, and wisdom without, adversity. I think, you just have, to have that faith in yourself, and faith in your journey in France they, said something like first, take. Away a mountain, when, you have it fed you, can climb. A mountain without. Realized. That amounted. You. Don't need to have a successful, fight to. Have the I proved, myself moment, you. Don't have anything to prove about who you are to. Anybody. Like. You have nothing to prove to anybody. Here. We go folks featherweight, bout cases, with a size advantage here also weighed in about six pounds heavier than Aria. Love. The piece of headgear that Ryan speaks, is way the exact is for the BuzzFeed documentaries. With the referee, Camden. Aria. Come before calling that jab case. A look at a counter with the reach a. Little. Bit he, is not throwing out of it there's. A right hand. Although. Four months in a tie it looks like car has got a bit of a stance on him kind. Of the loops here some other information to make smart straining. He's. Certainly made the stand right gonna case in the throwing punches so he's. Not afraid to get in there and mix it up he's fought in the front headlock real danger getting guillotine the case in connect his hands there, he goes. Always tap as he taps no matter back he, was driving though body shots okay he's in trouble here though I can't, see the other indication, hello well walked up it is do all. The way out joking all the way. The scale indeed so it's, audience at home. Unconscious. Here, one. Is about 104, seconds, in. And. Are you hit the ball goes to sleep in his debut fighting, a bush casein match. Now. It looked like it, wasn't. It's. Weird because the past few months have been so. Frantic. Non-stop. Chaotic. At times but. Now. 24-hours. Before I actually fight someone it's all just. Calm. And, whatever. Happens tomorrow, win, or lose it's. Weird. But it's like it doesn't really matter to me I, started. This whole journey trying to learn more about the, world of MMA. This, this culture. Around fighting, but. If there's one thing I've learned it is really, that all. Of us, we. Really are more than the labels people give us. Whatever. Lies, ahead tomorrow and. For. Whatever stick come after that. I'm. Ready. Hey. Aria we've. Just gone through some. Really, crazy. Whatever. The result, has been it's. An incredible, accomplishment. Look. You'd want. To say that you're. A good guy and you, did something that. Is, pretty. Impossible, for the, average person to do win. Lose draw, dude, you're my freakin hero, I just. Want you to remember that that, you got heart man you go hard you got balls I want you to take that that strength and. We take it with you and everything, else that you do in life it, doesn't matter you want to lose you know it. Just matters that you get in there. You. Should be really proud of yourself, however it worked out I'm super, proud of you I believe, you know you're gonna get out of this a better stronger, man with, a great story and an. Experience, that will last you a lifetime I. Think. What makes someone a fighter is, truly. Did their mentality so, much of what a fighter is is what you don't see it's their heart is the determination. Through persistence, when you're beating up another fighter or winning, a fight with ease I think, it's easy to say. That oh you know they're a great fighter I think a true fighter is the one that is dealing. With the struggles dealing, with the adversity has. The ability, to suffer. And training, and perhaps, suffer, in a fight and find, success, in one way shape or form I think we're, all fighting in, different, ways and I think that's why we have a lot of admiration for people in combat sports is we, do see a piece of ourselves and, if, we don't see a piece of ourselves we.
See Something that inspires, something. In us because we all are fighting in some way shape or form and I. Think when you see someone who can really deal with adversity and answer, with, courage, that's what a fighter is it's not necessarily whether they're winning or losing it's how they respond, to chaos, look. At the commitment, that isn't, somebody that came in here to have a good time and oh I'm gonna do, a show about fighting, this. Is a guy who, became a fighter. Coming. Something. Says. When. See. You. You.
2019-07-28 16:28
well done to you make for pushing yourself and challenging your limits!
Thank you for inspiring me to disregard the labels people put onto me and just prove that i’m worth fighting for. You are great
Does your mother know. Amazing journey Aria! Love from Sweden ❤️
Will will see you in another mma match?
In your follow up video please go in depth about your scheduling on your workouts, in terms of when you do Strength and Conditioning (weights, cardio, roadwork) and when you do skills training (boxing, jiu-jitsu, wrestling etc). It will be fascinating to see how these coaches handled balancing the two given the short amount of time without reaching diminishing returns. I don't care about the result, your transformation was insane. Physically and mentally. Heart of a lion, you have sir. Didn't even tap. Crazy.
Loved ur work man ❤
The gods must learn from you
Thankyou for sharing and motivating people, this journey was so genuine.
Man those people aren't your friends mate
you're too good for buzzfeed
You did so well! Such an inspirational video! Well done!
Congratulations Aria! Congrats on overcoming every struggles you faced! Congratulations on every single thing you achieved when you entered the world of MMA. Good job!
Mad respect
This was insanely inspirational. The transformation you underwent was incredible. By the end, I never would have known you hadn't been set on fighting for years.
I think it was a great learning experience. I myself want to learn MMA and this has inspired me to not give up that dream!!
Great job brother you encouraged me to get into fighting again mate. All the best in your next fight bruh
Aria I have just completed my first half marathon event and reached my target today. I believe it does not compare to what you have been through but we both know courage and persistent efforts can change us completely. We don’t want to change people’s mind about who we are but we definitely want to inspire people around us to challenge themselves. Good work!
You're the REAL beast man!!!
@ This is so so inspirational - you're a legend!, please do a reddit AMA :)
What advice do you have for people pursuing what seems impossible?
Will you fight again?
Would you do it again?
Gay! Punch like a girl haha
What a bum!! You punch like a girl! Hahahahaha
Best vedio on youtube period... great job buddy ... my dream job is a BuzzFeed creator
Best vedio ob youtube period .... great job buddy.. my dream job is a BuzzFeed creator
You did an amazing job!! Such an inspiration!!
Aria, this was very inspirational. Thank you for sharing.
Losers are those who do not try but "The Winner Takes it All". Love you BroAria!
Aria Inthavong would you ever become a real MMA fighter? like professionally
Aria Inthavong really inspiring video man I love seeing stuff like this on the internet, you did amazing for the little training you had, I bet if you had more time for that fight I bet the results would be different. All in all, you fought with all you had and this is one of the biggest challenges that seeings impossible, but you prove wrong everybody watching this video right now man. GO ARIA!
Do another fight
Great video. Tons of courage. Really nice job man. Will look forward to watching the follow-up video too. Cheers!
Aria Inthavong bro respect!!!
Abba song take a chance on me... I want to know about the protein drinks and any other supplements he took to help your muscles heal.
Being nice and polite has nothing to do with fighting ability.
@Aria Inthavong Why did they delete so many scenes?
Loved the video! I'm amazed by your transformation. You're a huge inspiration!
Keep at it in some ways! Awesome dude
This is what I needed. Thank you! You inspired me and boosted my confidence in a lot of way. and I'm sure a lot of people out there too! You have so much of my respect bro! All the love!
you have to document your next fight as well. This was totally inspiring to watch keep it up
Your journey and transformation inspire us to be a fighter like you! You are a legend!
Damn so much respect for you bro!! I need your level of will power, discipline, and grit!!
Will you fight again or will it be a one and done situation?
Hey I happened to see a lot of striking training but just saw small clips of grappling, how much time did you allocate to each one?
take some jiu jitsu classes, very big part of MMA aside from striking
Dude you're amazing. I'd love to see you fight again sometime. I think you should stick with it because you've built up a lot of discipline and you shouldn't let that fade away.
Rematch! I think he got lucky/ got you off guard! It would be cool to see you do a rematch
Awesome work. I bet that first boba after the fight tasted wonderful. Looking forward to the outtakes
Congrats, and this was a great video.
Aria Inthavong you're so inspiring, my question is, what did your mom feel? I bet she was worried about you
Aria Inthavong we Love You !!! This video has motivated me into Overcoming my fear !!
Aria Inthavong respect bro! ✊
Cant wait to hear about your diet!
Aria Inthavong your so amazing and so inspiring!!! I’m proud of you man and I don’t even know you lol but what you did was freakin awesome. Know youre amazing aria.
You did great man!
Was it fun couse it looks like fun
Not even 2 minutes thats bad bro
Great respect man!!
2 Questions for ya: 1. How did you feel after the fight? More in terms of were you immediately sure you wanted to do it again or was that slow build after being away from it for a couple weeks? 2. Would you do a follow up video at your next fight? Would be super interesting to see your progress after being in the ring one time before.
Damn, you are hot as an mma fighter
I was the same i was told i was so nice and now im wrestling people and playing football but its not anger its the mindset
Aria Inthavong nothing but respect for you man
Bro!!! This was amazing! What an amazing journey man! Props to you and you’re f$*king amazing! You’re a hero and inspiration! Great vid and awesome job man
Aria, this is @harshlites from twitter who couldnt wait for your video to come out until now. just wanted to drop by and say that in my opinion, this one is the best work you’ve done so far. in it i can finally see more depth to what i was always used to seeing - you are more than what you’ve been labeled as “the nice guy.” and sacrificing so much luxuries in only a few months can be a tough terrain to ever cross. it amazes me that you’ve pulled it all through. i call this one the best work so far bc we get to see your growth and journey as a producer and as a human being. speaking of sacrifices, how did you deal having to give up some of the usual luxuries that you once were comfortable with all the time? and how much has this experience training like an mma fighter change you? like, has it changed you in many ways and opened your eyes to something bigger than you expected? if you ever see this, i want to let you know that i thank you so much for being with us, for bringing us the content we never knew we needed until now. thank you for inspiring lives and bringing impact to those who needed it the most. this is why you’re my favorite buzzfeeders today. thank you thank you thank you aria for your service!!!!!!!
Aria Inthavong much respect ✊
Aria Inthavong you’re a legend
I really like the fact that your opponent didnt go easy on you at all. Thats how it should be done.. there is no space for gimmickery on the octagon. As I said before, you went out on the honourable way, the sword way
Hey Aria you have become an inspiration to me! Thank you for getting out there and doing this! You have heart bro!
This was a GREAT video, I absolutely loved it!! Congrats to Aria on achieving his goal!! Looking forward to the next one
U proved urself bro.. be proud of urself
I really want u to fight again and I think u will be a great fighter
Hey Aria, thanks for sharing your epic journey! What were some responses you got from people after the fight, and do you feel like that "nice guy label" has been lifted?
Aria Inthavong loved the video Aria, you’ve got me feeling inspired to take on some of the challenges and projects I’ve been putting off. Mad respect to you brother.
I hope you continue with your training and life style of a Martial Artist.
You are still a hero dude! Can't wait for the follow up videos
You did it bro!
Wow. So many people doubting you. Huge props for you for even continuing to do what you did. Going so far outside of your comfort zone it makes other people uncomfortable. Badass
I am so inspired by your journey, and my question is if you want to do another fight and when and if you do, please make another video about it. I sure hope you give it a new try, keep up the good work
My only question is what was the worst part? PS: my name is pronounced coffee
Good job guy, damn good job.
Aria Inthavong I'm so proud of you
Dude mad respect for getting in that cage, that takes courage.
Dancing queen
Aria Inthavong I wanna fight u
According to the thumbnail a 4 month transformation will also give you a tan
This video is brought to you by Trifecta
BJJ / grappling / wrestling is a fundamental for MMA, and it takes YEARS to be good. Not putting Aria down but a kickboxing / boxing would’ve been better for a non fighter to start training in 3 months.
The people that doubted him... I wonder if they’d do worse than him in a fight...
His "so called" friends were not supportive at all
I wish I had this much discipline!
The guy training him looks like nick cage
Thank God I clicked on this. I have no regrets. This is so inspirational and motivating. By far, this is the best buzzfeed video I've seen. I feel like I'm part of the journey.
How long fighters usually trained before their first fight?
Wow! It’s crazy to see buzzfeed staff on social media claiming to be tolerant and supportive, but when an opportunity to actually support a real person and build someone up presents itself, they show who they really are. Good job, Aria!
Wait so he trained for that whole time and lost within the first two minutes without showing any of his moves? Thats awesome that he’s carried on then, I’d just give up, but tbh i have an awful mindset
Thumbs up. Way up. Hold your head up high aria
Get the guy a conditioning trainer that actually trains fighters. This is the guy who do the "Getting abs in X time". And the skill trainer its a guy who doesn't train anybody for years? Throw the guy in the lion cage already
Some friends yall got no faith and honestlu disrespectfull to ur homie
Years from now Aria will be a world champion and this video will be worth billions. 7:37am 28 July 2019
MMA Christian Guzman lol
Wtf did you just do . You should have at least trained for a longer time
"Im fighting a true experieced fighter" He's opponent has 1 fight and 1 loss, lol. Pretty experient
Aria's a badass
What a legend
30 minutes to watch him get chocked. lol
Loved it!
I really hope that Buzzfeed/Aria does more videos on combat sports. Also the people at buzzfeed are so unsupportive towards aria
Got subbed in 60 seconds by a 0-1 ammy. Great that he tested himself and respect his guts but he should have trained for at least a year I think.
Outro song?
30:04 thumbs up if you see it
Rare species- A good buzzfeed video!!
much respect! salute to you aria!
it's not me the one who fight, but i friggin nervous. i joined a taekwondo maybe 1 or 1 and half year ago.. after watching this i want to do kyorugi (fighting) but i have asthma, but like it challenges me to pass my limits.
I got a little teary during the fight. This video was something. Something special.
Dude Aria... reconsider who you call friends
So not only is aria at a disadvantage having only trained for 3-4 months, he's also at a disadvantage being 5-6 pounds lighter than the other on top of that since he didn't make weight. Talk about a one sided and super unfair fight! They should have at least gave the other guy heavier gloves or something like that to even things out since he didn't make weight.
Aria you're good-looking
Respect bro! Good fight
This video made me cry so much. Love Aria and I feel so much inspired by his attitude. One of the best videos I have seen from Buzzfeed in 2019
Such an insipiring video. Aria is such an inspiration. He showed us how to go out to achieve your dream no matter what the rest of the world thinks. You the man Aria. Screw everyone at buzzfeed for not believing in Aria.
What. A. Warrior.
How do you apply as volunteer for future videos?
Me being a fighter myself much respect to this guy
Wish i could do this. i’m way too lazy for this shiznit. But i am so jealous of the amount of dedication that went into this.
He should totally keep going with this and do a “I trained like MMA fighter for a year” video
Waiting for aria to pull a rocky. Buddy you're the best.
I'm crying. Like... a lot.
I'm happy he didn't get hit. Props to his opponent for choking him out instead of punishing his lack of experience standing up. Lights out from a choke is a lot less damaging to the body than a getting knocked out.
ending song?
cmon guys this deserves a like
Can we buy " Team Aria " merch please? @buzzfeed
This was dope!
the trainer looks like the guy from THE FLASH
The fight was fake
3 months is enough lol tf is this guy on about
his friends are douchebags. how about a little optimism?
"Every day you wake up death is a possibility" Working at Buzzfeed around women like you is basically daily death.
After the first fight, Aria punched that friend and apologized. LOL
I knew I had heard that background voice before, nice score Luke.
Your word is your bond. That bond is your life. I'm glad that you stuck through with what you set out to do. Proud of you :)
“Oh is he tapping???” “No, just body shots”
Love this video, aria you're the best.
Well done for not tapping
Gosh. I haven't finished the video yet, and I don't know what's going to be the result, but I am rooting for him so much. Wish I had his guts.
The people st buzzfeed are dicks
What an amazing video! Aria you are an inspiration, well done for being one of a few great people in this world ❤️
This needs to get more views than Logan paul vs KSI
sure aria lost the mma fight but in this experience he’s the true winner.
Actually inspired me to get off my ass right now and do the god damn things I need to do right now. Thank you
Truly inspiring. You go man
Bruh I'm high key disappointed not at Aria but at the dude who won. Who latches themself onto someone and puts them in a choke hold. I'm so proud of Aria. The other dude just took the easiest way out cause he didn't want to lose. AGAIN.
I was already amazed at Aria watching his journey. But when I saw that he was the one who edited the video! Damn!!!’
You’re an inspiration to us Aria. Thank you.
He's thai and kick boxing is kinda big in their culture. I watched the movie, beautiful boxer and it was beautiful.
Conor: taps Aria: hell no
Buzzfeeds staff looks completely littered with feminists, leftists, beta males and cucks. Not surprised one bit. That being said big respect to the guy stepping into the cage!
Probably the best Buzzfeed video to date.
24:21 CREED SCENE hahaha
Respect! itd be cool to see him fight again!
Aria is a fighter, buzzfeed what a dickhead move not wanting to be in any resposnsibility with the subject of the video they are producing.
he needs better friends they're pretty negative
So much respect for you and your team, Aria.
Aria. I want to personally thank you
The mf got knocked out for a video!!!!! BF give the man a raise
Amazing Aria, what a great start to a journey. Keep it up!
this one is lit
Going from this to "Keith Eats Evetything at Arby's" just feels wrong. Lol
Aria wasn't even half of his opponent in any way, not a very active life then just preparing for the fight itself 4 months prior while opponent was in military which automatically makes him go into fitness then decided to go down MMA route professionally training for more then a year, there was absolutely no match but props to Aria he still went for the fight! It takes guts it takes courage to be in that situation and it takes wisdom to stay focused and high in spirits after any loss of no match!
In the end, the opinion of others don't matter. It's what you feel on the inside and although what other may say can hurt. The flame that burns in side can keep you moving forward even in the darkest light. Thank you
Holy crap, 3 months and those are the results LMAO
So why is this on buzfeed and not on another channel if they're not a part of it? :3
Best Buzzfeed video of all time. 1m views guaranteed
Ahahahaha dude gets choked out, kudos to him though,very few would even try this.
Really enjoyed this video
Nice job. Got a little jumpy in the fight and then caught up but the outcome doesn't really matter much. You got shredded pretty good and can say you fought an mma match. Like the trainer said. The ones who lose don't want to lose again. So losing plays an impact. Good job
Aria is known as a humble, nice, soft and sweet person but got a mentality of fighter. Damn, i wish i got husband like him.
@takitezy7 hes got heart
You did pretty good considering!
Super Trouper and Knowing Me Knowing You
How did you even find a fight with 4 months of training? Who sends a fighter out with 4 months of training?!
Respect to you for not tapping
you should carry on doing this for a year then make a part 2 and have another fight cuz then we can see the improvements
Aria Inthavong are you Lao or Thai? What wat did you go to in the vid? I always went to the one in Ceres California.
Aria Inthavong bruh your coworkers had no belief in you at all I reckon you leave those people behind cus friends don’t downplay their friends
You have heart and strength beyond the physical changes you went through. You're amazing and you should be hella proud of yourself. SO inspired by your grit, determination and your journey. You'll be a great fighter!!
Did you have fun?
Wow, you didn't even tap out... you are the MAN heads up & keep going, life itself is a fight. We all know you will never tap out, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Pease
Man, you've worked hard for something you wanted to do. I have a great respect for you. The attitude you went in with, was just amazing.
I’ve been doing martial arts for many years now, and after seeing this it has inspired to keep at it. Aria has to overcome so much adversity to get to where he is and it’s so inspiring to lots of people out there. this has brought tears to my eyes, you are incredible. ARIA DONT EVER GIVE UP!!!
We love you aria❤️❤️
You did great!
Respect man❤
Great Job to you and the film crew! Thanks for the motivation.
6 more months and you knock that guy out.
So much respect for you ! You're truly amazing!
I belive plz fight again plz you is a øegend
You’re awesome!
So great to see your journey! Fantastic work on the video too. Auri and I were so impressed at the fight by your willingness to give it your all!
You are a real inspiration. Keep it up!
Respect brotha, you decided to be choke till unconscious than to tap out
I really liked this video. I learned a lot from Curry’s journey about how to defend myself and fight back as a gay man and this video gave me some more tips and info on how I can defend myself. I hate violence and fighting but seeing stuff like this I learn what to do if I ever have to become violent for my own safety.
Aria Inthavong this was amazing!!!!!!! Great job!!!
Did you have a cheat meal after the fight?
so inspiring! waiting for the follow-up video to get a look at the details
Aria Inthavong you got heart man
You did awesome bro . You were the aggressor in the fight. You took center control of the ring. You threw the first jab . You initiated the clinch. You acheived a irreversible accomplishment!!!
Mad respect, good job!
Aria Inthavong I hope you win your next fight!
You did good job. Only in 4 months you completed 4years university program. No A+, but you passed all courses. Congratulations
Congrats on your first match. Can you share the cost of this endeavor? Privates with strength and conditioning coach, gym rental, head coach, meal prep and others fees (promoters' fee, required health exams, etc, etc)? Thanks in advance.
Aria Inthavong
You look good man. Hard work pays off. Keep it up
Why did you not tapout? Take a chance on me
Hey Aria! I too am labeled as a nice guy, and nowadays I practice Taekwondo so I get where you are coming from. I am so so SO Stoked for your journey and everything is to come. Loved the video, your hard work, and dedication and I am excited to see what you do next!
This is absolutely one of the best videos that you have made, that buzzfeed has made.
Aria Inthavong hey Aria great accomplishment I want to see you succeed and KEEP ON FIGHTING
I hope you keep at it
I love you
This is so inspiring!
loved this! you're inspirational!
Congrats man!
Was your diet specific to your body type or is it for everyone?
1000% respect to you man, you had the fire from the start, I saw it and so did everyone training you, I hope your growth continues and we can see your next fight. Win or lose your the man just for trying and proving your metal and proving yourself to yourself.
Aria Inthavong can we get a part 2 please
Aria Inthavong gay bastard
Fair play takes courage to jump in the cage dude.
Congratz for stepping up dude! You did great. Don`t forget to fight the hands next time someone is trying to choke you. Hope you fight again! Cheers!
This was a great video Aria! Proud of you man! I see a lot of me in you, I have never fought anyone and I have been going thru the same, I want to overcome my fears, I want to be a fighter!
Aria Inthavong can we see before and after, compare your physical state at the start and end of your training? Are you going to continue training, or fight ever again?
You should try out muay thai .... not mma muay thai but authentic muay thai go to a gym like sityodtong or coban or evolve .... make a documentary on that
Still better than cm punk
Aria Inthavong you don’t know me and vice versa but I’m very proud of you. The dedication and heart you put to prove not only others wrong but yourself that you CAN do anything you put your mind to. Sky is the limit !
That was so brave and awesome! Well done Aria!
Okay, first of all, amazing video and mad props to you. And I have a very simple question: how much were the combined costs for all the training, coaching, meals etc.?
Aria Inthavong MMA fighter have a variety of martial arts training, which requires flexibility, so how do you train so heavily and maintain a level of flexibility to fight?
Good job man! win or lose, you’re still a winner to all of us :)
Major respect
Goat bro
Tons of respect man good stuff
Aria Inthavong you want to be the lion and the lamb. Born the lamb, and you’ve proven that you were also born a lion! Stay strong
Biggest respect
You should continue mma fighting
Aria!! My hat is off and I can only give praise and respect! Well done! A true inspiration! Ajarn Toby
ok now quit buzzfeed
Aria Inthavong damn good job bro I’m so proud of you
Amazing video man you sort of me of Ryan Higa (nothing personal) but good video though very inspiring.
the best video, maybe, EVER on youtube. Inspired and amazed by what you did
You are a great guy Aria. Thanks for sharing your experience and story with us!
This video made me so happy. It would be an honor to train with you!!
You nailed it! Awesome journey
I want to see you fight again
Hey Aria! I wanted to ask you if its too late for a skinny 21 year old without any athletic background whatsoever to start training in MMA. And props to you man! Great video. Waiting for the follow-up video.
Did you carry on training after the fight? How has this experience changed your everyday life?
Hey there! Could you do a follow up on nutrition with meals and recipes? Cheers.
"you wanna be fearless" "yeah"
Your determination moved me. That was an amazing journey!
inspiration video
YOU DID GREAT ARIA, much love ❤️
Aria Inthavong You earned a sub
Aria Inthavong you done amazing buddy!
Aria is the only real one at BuzzFeed. I say this after watching this video and interacting with him during his IRL live streams for a video he did almost a year ago.
Mad props, training for just 3 months man that’s amazing
i feel like aria WILL COME BACK all buffed up for another round. and this time, its going to be a BIG DEAL
Wow finally a really good buzzfeed video big respect for Aria amazing job
14:47 beautiful words! Also, many others constructive advice from these professionals.
For me u r the winner bro!!!
His gym coach/ PT looks like jimmy kimmel.
I hate buzzfeed
A lot of buzz feed employees are as cancer as the company itself
They really gonna put this man in a MMA fight with no guillotine defence.
He looks like chris heria
Why am I crying?
Okay so this is an epic video and all, but that trainer looks like he could be Sasha Baron Cohens dad. Which makes it sooo much better.
What great friends u have bro... -.-
This inspired me to compete again!
Best buzzfeed video ever.
smh for doubters!
Anyone else try to accomplish something before the microwave timer ends?
Was anyone else waiting for Steve’s full introduction again? “Hi, I’m Steve Zim and I’m...”
geez they literally hv no support for aria
Way to go ari! I 100% value see your journey and can relate to the idea that people don’t see your grit because your nice
Aria my man, youre co workers are bad energy bro. You are surrounded by losers. Just sayin
I hate MMA fighter choke other figher, it's not a real fight -.-
then you know literally nothing about MMA. part of MMA is Brazillian jui jitzu which is choke holds and the other submissions
What do you mean ? Its a perfect strategy to win a fight without getting hurt.
Guys he gets choked out till unconcious.
Narrated by Luke Thomas was probably the best thing ever and I agree with the rest here, having those kinds of coworker is something I would never want... but then again, how many of us have supportive coworkers.
Do more fight more
Wow all his colleagues are dickheads lol
All that hype
Great video, much respect to Aria
Honestly. As a result. Probably the best outcome. No excessive hits to the head, i.e. low risk of concussion and long term damage. Now he knows whats up, can train more for the next one and is humbled but hungry for the win. Bit ups for fighting through the doubters
i thought he would be able to put up a good fight but good job man
This is literally the best buzzfeed video I have ever seen. Inspiring af
Buzzfeed is hilarious
Aria you're incredible! I'm so inspired by you, you are a fighter in and out!
i dont like the part where they wont do anything for Aria. But Aria would do MMA for BuzzFeed
Being nice is underrated and I hate that people see it as a weakness, being nice is a choice- everyone can be a dick if they want to, its nothing to be proud of! Nobody is inherently only good/bad so being placed in that lable is kinda unfair, I can see where he's coming from, it must be frustrating! Also, got his co-workers were unsupportive! smh Well done Aria!
Bro, this is the first time i liked a Buzzfeed video. I think you need to take some wrestling classes and you be good.
This video is a great lesson on what type of friends not to have! smh
Is that Luke Thomas narrating?
That's not scary. Getting decapitated now that's scary.
This video is so inspiring! Congratulations Aria for a job well done!
yo where are my ads? guy deserves to get paid for such a video
Even though hes no professional, he definitely has the skill and tenacity to kick all his coworkers’ asses now
I severely dislike his coworkers already.
Mans got merked
Quality video by buzzfeed. Respect to Aria for stepping into the ring.
Damn I would love to try this
I actually watched through the whole video cause I see myself in Aria, I am Aria and this video was amazing
Those are some trash friends.. You did a great job Aria.
If you pay this for me buzzfeed I want to do it too. I would love to fight so much
Man you’re a thai-nee human.
This is easily the best buzzfeed video I've watched. Aria gave up weight and experience and didn't tap. Dude is tougher than 99% of other people.
wow, this is a very meaningful video .. you are very brave sir! whenever we face something difficult or hear people say things negative about whatever decisions or actions we make, we tend to doubt ourselves and go back to what is comfortable for us .. we fear what other people might say then it stops us from trying but this video shows that any person just need the right people around you to help you understand what you can do and give you right mindset then continue to support you to whatever result you may get at the end. because you'll never really know until you're in that ring
if you had done more bjj training i think you could of won. but sometimes it is not about winning its about the experience. Mad respect to you
He should of had better coaching as they didn't even show him basic defences
All his coaches were mostly strikers. They should've brought in a proper BJJ or Wrestling coach
Aria’s such a g for not tapping. I don’t like buzzfeed usually, and being a diehard mma fan, this was an amazing video. Aria has the heart of a lion, he isn’t afraid to go unconscious, he stuck to his word. He’s gonna have to make him unconscious to beat him
What a warrior! I'm Asian American who boxes while working a typical corporate 9-5. I felt like I lived vicariously through Aria throughout this whole doc. This society we're in does not like when we push past what their idea of the Asian man. I admire that he ignored his haters and chased that feeling of fearlessness that he wanted.
Bruh this guys training wasn’t good enough.
Learnt so much life lessons from just this one video. YOU GO ARIA!!
Niggahas the worlds smallest nipples
Good stance
lol all these fake ass "coworkers friends" in Buzzfeed
This is probably my most favorite video I’ve watched on buzzfeed so far and the production looks so good!
The world without buzz feed would be nice
Train and just getting used to get punched and kicked
I never lose! Only i win or i learn
Loved Aria. Hated those co-workers.
I’ve been doing martial arts for many years now, and after seeing this it has inspired to keep at it. Aria has to overcome so much adversity to get to where he is and it’s so inspiring to lots of people out there. ARIA DONT EVER GIVE UP!!!
geez no wonder buzzfeeds articles look like they do...look at the people writing them...
Why does the girl in 1:28 looks like James Charles
Best Buzzfeed video ever
Wonderful and amazingly difficult challenge. He's got a lot of courage. Great video! Hope he continues to apply himself and keeps going down the path of self discovery
This touched me a lot because my first BJJ competition i was also out due to the guillotine choke.
Training in yeezys? Hell yeah
I’m a 17 year old female Muay Thai fighter and I’ve been doing it for 7 years, I’m soooo happy aria has such an amazing drive and did so well for his first time❤️he did amazing
Big respect to this rookie. Everybody has his first fight, and I'm glad Aria trained enough to even last a minute against a dedicated fighter who'd been training for twice as long as him. My first formal fight wasn't until over two years after I started training for it. I won, but it wasn't any more impressive than what this guy Aria achieved.
watched 27 minutes to see you get choked.. anyways good video
The quality of this video is phenomenal
Sign me up l luv to Train everyday
I would like to see him keep this up
Looking good Aria! Also awesome fighting:)
you can't learn mma in 4 months. 4 years is even tough.
6 more months and Aria knocks that guy out.
Wow, a BuzzFeed video with random guy gays here and there and a reference to RuPaul's Drag Race? You don't say.
2021: Logan Paul vs Aria
I just wanted to say this is like one of the most inspirational videos I have seen. Like I do kenpo and we spar but we have gear on and I still have a mental block of getting injured. But to see you do something so fearlessly and defy what everyone else thinks around you has been extremely inspirational. You can and definitely will become a better fighter. I’m only a tan belt (my school added belt colors so that we get the basics completely down) and I’m sure I have improved in sparring but seeing you do this makes me want to become even better. This couldn’t have been a better video
I hope his "friends" watch this and apologize to him for not only doubting him but for laughing at him. If your someone's friend you don't laugh at them like that, being nice is not a weakness it's a strength
I don’t think he tried to become an MMA fighter, I think he successfully became a MMA fighter
Buzzfeed should make more videos like this
Lot of negativity from his coworkers but he can kick there ass now
Such an inspirational video, thank you Aria for doing this! It is truly encouraging!
Proud of you, sir. God bless
Aria I just want to say that you transformed into a beast, your eyes were terrifying to watch to. You were very inspired and your opponent sensed that too. You lost only due to inexpirience in that choke, which was the only way your opponent could stop your fearless posture. I am from Greece , long time martial artist active and inactive and I got to say that YOU ARE A TRUE INSPIRATION! WELL DONE!
You did an awesome job. I miss fighting and if I had the budget today I'd be in the gym. Like you, I'm the "nice guy." I use smile emojis, hold doors, and strive to make sure people are heard and understood. Often people view me with a certain lense because of that. But that lense doesn't reflect how I think about myself. Fighting absolutely makes sense for me, but most people would be shocked to learn that. Thanks for doing this, I wish you well and Godspeed with your training.
Long? Nah it was perfect length. I wish more creator's would do this because everything nowadays seems so ADD with Fast cuts and 7 min long video's. Maybe Im just old school but I like the longer formats.
It was mentioned that you struggled with the "skinny-fat" body composition. How did you overcome that?
Aria you should have tapped. Much respect tho
respect man. Most people cant do what you have done. Good job.
Good job Aria..!! Nice try. You didn't take that loss because of who you are, but because of your level of training.. If you are actually planning to fight again, I certainly look forward to seeing that..! The important thing is that you tried and you went in there. Just take it as a learning experience for your future training.
That running form tho. xD Good job dude! You are amazing!
can't wait to see your video on your training routine. good job, Aria! you are a fighter!
Absolute legend. Your commitment to challenge never disappoints!
So inspiring!!
Props to you.
Looking forward to your next fight. You had a nice stance in the stand up.
I definitely want to see the recording of the next fight
Great man, work on your grappling. BJJ4Life
Aria Inthavong do it for a year!
You fought well, Aria. I'll be waiting for your next fight!
you lost
Aria Inthavong thank you so much I am a football player and soon to be wrestler you helped me realize that I should give it my all try the diets and become great athlete thank you:)
This video is so inspiring!! Thank you for showing everyone that anyone can make their dream come true with some hard work and a good mindset!
You're strong bro, because you fought with heart and courage. Keep training and see how strong you get in a year. I saw a quiet strength and confidence grow in you. Nurture that bro.
Will you do full muay thai next? Since you’re half Thai
Big respect to you
Take it from an ameture fighter, good for you man mad respecr
massive respect to you for doing this
Warrior heart!
Awesome work, Aria. You are the man! Is training and fighting something you want to continue doing?
so proud of u my man!!! watched the whole thing and teared up at the end. huge kuddos aria!
U did awesome! Looking forward to the follow up video and the next fight. I can't say that I could/would do it so ur a champion for getting that far. Kudos & Keep it up.
Give us 4 more months of training! I want to see THAT progress! You've got plenty of physical growth for the same weight class.
Doesn’t matter that you lost you have it your all hats off
Seriously Aria you should be proud of what you accomplished. You got in there and mixed it up on a ridiculous timeframe. Getting caught by the choke- that is the 5 months factor but still happens to experienced fighters as well. He just saw that opening and took it. You should keep going with it as a hobby, maybe some Muay Thai as your base and anything grappling, you should fight again.
Very insperational youre the man
@Alexia Siachami yup need to know
In the end of the video it was mentioned that Steve will release an app for his training. Could we know more about that?
Honestly man i love your mentality and your passion. I really respect you for that. I don't know if i would be able to make it with so many people doubted me. You gave us all a good message! Keep fighting!
Buddy you did awesome. Way to challenge yourself. It takes courage to do that. Good stuff
massive respect to you bro
Respect for your challenge! It's an awesome experience! From a BJJ practitionner OSS!
Did you feel victorious? You went in there and faced a real fight. It's a feeling like no other and you should be so proud. Did your family/friends throw you a celebratory feast?
You should keep going with the training and go again. Even though there are more and more people fighting MMA, it's still only a small amount of people worldwide. You've earned your place in the club. P.S. Your coworkers are snakes.
Aria Inthavong only half way through vid. All I want to say is that your not a nice guy, you are a good guy. You put thought through your actions and don’t simply say.
You looked pretty good for only a few months! I say keep at it
does the fact of going out in 1'04 creates frustration or do you feel it was not the most important ?Did that make you want to do another fight ?Anyways congrats incredibly motivating to see so much dedication.Respect and wish you the best
What will you be doing to prepare for your next fight?
as they say, in any competitions, its always you vs yourself! I started powerlifting and I'm hoping to sign up for a meet in spring :) Lifting and weight training has honestly opened my eyes and whether or not I do well in the meet isn't the point, the point is the process and the effort that you put in so kudos to you!
Outmost respect for you Bro!!! Respect from Portugal! Btw, don't care much about the opinion of those jealous idiots that you're working with! the only thing that they've proven is that they don't know you at all and are not even supportive!
DUDE!!!!! so much respect for this! I was routing for you so much, you better not take anything negative away from this! You did more then most men would ever dream of being able to do! You the man Aria.
this was a beautiful video, so happy that you went from "nice guy" to "fearless." you did amazing (:
Super job Aria. Waterloo
This was the most stressed I’ve ever been just watching this
sooo inspiring it brought tears. Thank you for sharing your journey with us
Dancing queen
Good job bro, blessings from Spain
i'd like to know more about what you felt when you came to. what did it feel like to train hard for 4 months and then lose in under 5 minutes? was there regret? Was it overwhelming? thanks for any details you can provide.
Yo aria you should definitely give it a another shot
Aria Inthavong hey dude. As someone who does fight and train, by watching the video I feel like they did you dirty by not giving you much grappling training. I see in the video you working an arm bar 1 time and that’s it. What was the extent of your ground training and do you regret not training more jiu jitsu/wrestling?
I'm still watching this, but I just want to say I respect you stepping up to this challenge for yourself. Most cant do it and I dont know you. But I'm proud of you man.
Were you dissapointed in the way that your collegues thought you were "too nice" to do it, and did you find a difference in the kind of relationship you had with the men training you compared to your collegues
great vid man seriously
You supercharged us - you are amazing Bro
Thanks for making this public! I wish I was capable of such discipline! You deserve all the respect in the world my friend! Glad to see you've still got that fire on and still "want more"
How was it working with nicholas cage?
Respect to you, Aria! You're inspirational!
You did an excellent job man! Very inspirational. Real champs don’t tap and never give up
Aria Inthavong I watched this on PS4, and opened this on another device cos I just had look at the comments. I had to commend you. You ought to know how much respect you earned from all of us just by going through that training. Mad props to your guts and bless your soul. You are such an inspiration. Good job bro!
Aria Inthavong keep it up warrior
I actually enjoyed the lenght and content of this video way more than any other buzzfeedvideo. keep it up aria. great guy!
This video was incredible
Aria, no matter what happened during your fight, won everyone's heart with your courage and dedication. Thank you for being incredibly inspiring.
MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ARIA !!! Hope you continue this life changing journey !!! Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you grow!
Good luck on your next fight man! It was really inspiring video. I was expecting the usual Aria video, but instead got inspired by you and learned from this video.
He shouldve never done that. He shouldve done a year
You rock!
This is like the best BuzzFeed video ever, I hope to see you fight again
Congratulations brother u inspired me a lot
You’re an inspiration to me, Aria. You not only inspired me by your hard work and dedication, but you also reminded me that I am the one who determines what the labels people put on me actually mean.
Hi Aria! Great job, was wondering if you could provide the specific macros on your diet? Like total calorie intake, carbs, fat and protein intake. Along with your height, weight and BMI. Thanks!
Aria Inthavong mad respect, You did something No one would even attempt and went for it 100%, That's heart
This is the best Buzzfeed video I've ever seen.
Are you pilipino???
im commenting before the end of your video. i'm proud of you brother
Hey Aria, I know my comment will be lost somewhere in the comments but I just wanna say that you are such an inspiration to many people out there and I’m glad I stayed to watch this 32 minute video.
Aria Inthavong really respect you for doing this!!
The title should really be "I BECAME an MMA Fighter in 4 Months!" you really achieved something great here
Notice that every single human that aria encounter has the tag FRIEND
Damn... he do have a big hunk down there.
People don't understand how mentally strong fighters are... well done Aria
1:43 Pam
9:23 - for all the people complaining about the people in the beginning... *There's a difference between colleagues and friends!*
Who else though he was training to be a my hero academia fighter
he looks like Gabriel conte from the side
You can tell everyone from Buzzfeed are liberals
30:05 now wtf is that shirt tf
Never surround yourself with people that don't support you. Regardless of the situation. Those so called friends took of their masks and showed what they really hide.
I gotta admit, the women being condescending is kinda hot.
What fake friends at work not backing him up and believing in him. Goes to show how people label you based on how you treat them. Be nice and all of a sudden you’re not a capable person somehow.
I guess we can all agree on is that Aria is one badass looking fighter plus he's hella handsome as fucc ( no homo)
Dude, huge props to you man. Ive trained MMA before never took a fight tho, i trained more than 4months. 4months is literally nothing, you can get some basics in some martial arts. So that u went in with only 4months of training im giving you huge props for.
Exactly the type of people I thought worked at Buzzfeed at the beginning there.
What an awesome video and journey! and legendary input from the living legend himself: Kenny Florian. I'm gonna say what everyone already knows: 4 months is faaaaar from enough time to train for an MMA fight. Even 1 year isn't ideal. Look at how CM Punk looked after ~2 years. But the fact that he saw this through from beginning to end was absolutely awe-inspiring! Thanks for putting yourself out there and you are an inspiration!
The opponent standup was trash, jeez, I mean he couldn't be a super experienced fighter agaisnt a guy that's only training for months, but he didn't even knew how to punch. Edit: Forgot to shoutout aria cause he acted like a champ, he didn't care what other people said. Nice try and keep training
Aria, you are already a winner for doing this! It takes so much courage to fight someone. Don’t listen to your co workers! You are amazing!
More of this!
He was submitted in the first round what a pathetic boy.
Beautiful!! What a powerful perspective of MMA - Aria you’re a badass and I totally relate being labeled as the nice one - you’re tough af for going through this truly inspiring!!
Most of these guys are humble. If you get slapped. You'll probably get grounded pretty quickly. And having the knowledge that you can kill someone can make you more confident and kind to people. Unlike insecure weaklings that are very hostile to other people. Because they are scared.
His co workers are Dickheads.
Best video BF has had in awhile. Congrats Aria!
The flop with his nails done said that he is gonna apologize every time he lands a hit
Aria you're mental. in a good way!
26:04 begin
Do any straight men work at buzzfeed? At that point its actually more offensive to just hire gay people than people regardless of their sexual preference?
The peanut gallery
Anyone else think the head coach sounded high or had sustained a few too many head injuries?
3 months?? Damn u looked like you had atleast 8 months to a year. You just need some ju jitsu
This. was. art.
Man wtf, learn at least one year BJJ.
Buzzfeeds usual eceptive thumbnail when it comes to this type of video: One pic with the worst lighting ever vs the other pic with lighting from the gods. Irresponsible advice imo
เก่งมากครับ love from Thailand
His coworkers are some hoes
Wow he was unprepared af
Damm last person I would've thought to have the warrior mentality to pass out before tap out would be a BuzzFeed writer. Either that or he had no actual grappling lessons to realise how much danger he was actually in and how fast you can go out from a tight choke
The turnover rate for employees at buzzfeed is as bad as it is in kitchens. I swear there’s not one person here from 4 years maybe even 2 years ago
worthwhile video
No wonder Aria wanted to prove himself, when you have colleagues like these :-/
That trainer dude is either super high on weed or has lost so many braincells from fighting. He sounds like such a stereotyped stoner. * Note: Anyone that went to the conclusion that I think weed kills braincells, not what I meant.. It's an either or situation.
Your not an mma fighter.
Im just a hole sir.
Any one can train to be one but are u any good at fighting is the question
I was kinda disappointed but good try! :D
How can he be so inexperienced at fighting when he has a brother
My eyes are watering :'(
You're getting trained by top professionals for free (or at least on your employer's money), HECK YEAH
Could of skipped all the strength and conditioning grab ass in the park and just done 4 months of Jiu-Jitsu and you wouldn't of gotten swallowed by a weak guillotine
Ohh God!! I am out of words..The inspiration i have received from this is beyond words.Thank You!
What a legend. Respect my dude.
why tf would you doubt your own friend? Yes, he's never done this before and you're scared for him. But be a decent person and lift him up
Proved... hehe...
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
His trainers are super wise, great guys
5:18 Dude, I thought he was speaking in slow-motion lol
this so beautiful
Se paso de verga el viejio
I honestly did not expect this coming from buzzfeed. If they create more of this stuff, my respect for them will be higher.
He loses by getting choked out. There saved you 30 minuets of your life
Cool video. I think his coworkers are ignorant about mma. This is great education for him and maybe he can teach others. Most martial artists are nice guys.
Yooo the way they doubting this guy Jesus
Wtf is this, gay people found out camera and youtube?
Good on you. This is a really good vid from buzzfeed besides the food. I wished you could've gotten more support from your "friends", man.
I trained and he's better off wrestling/BJJ more than striking -- especially for ammy fights.
There are so any problems with this video, 1 where is his jiu jitsu training, 2 where is his wrestling train we saw him get thrown is training, and last he simply doesn’t have the personality for fighting because he is a bater male not a alpha male, can he become a fighter yes but he need to change his personality through suffering and hardship because that changes us
he weighed over so Aria won let's all just say that
This was probably one of the most inspirational videos Buzzfeed ever made... I freaking teared up! I love you Aria
Wow his friends are dick heads
Well his opponent was 5 lbs overweight so it’s somewhat expected that would’ve lost
1:42 lol being Buddhist doesn’t mean you don’t fight
This is the most masculine video in buzzfeeds history....... what is happening
Still did better than CM Punk
That’s one nice ass amateur event, the fighter room is nice af
Brush all of that just for like a 2mins fight like bruh
LEGIT one of the best videos on this channel, although BuzzFeed not responsible for anything that could've happened. Awesome job Aria! Hope we can get a glimpse of your next fight, if you do decide to keep on fightin'
Is he tappin ? No those were bodyshots xD
The part at the end when Aria and all of the fighters talked about why they were doing it. So inspiring.
This is really awesome man. Anything is possible, this is more proof.
anyone else notice the small expose of buzzfeed higher staff at 0:27
did i just watch a three minutes ad for trade war?
i really spent 30 mins watching this just to see him get choked out after 1 minute, no blows thrown or anything
forget it... cant learn ground game .. not even in a year!
Best YouTube video of 2019 period
This is awesome watching a buzzfeed employee get choked out make this a series please
Getting knockout is not a joke might not look like it now but he will have serious injuries when he’s older
MMA is not a game don’t treat it like one buzfeed
His "friends" are trash
It already takes so mutch to go in the ring or the cage. Only resprect for everyone who dares!
This is one of my favorite buzz feed videos.
This video is a representation of which kind of trash works at buzzfeed,selfish,gossip talking hipsters
how tall and how much did you weigh before and after?
I’ll give you my strength of big foot
Good content!
Good job krab✌
You're a badass man. I personally would be too scared to get in the ring with someone. The loss is irrelevant. That took a ton of guts and hard work. Tons of respect.
My name
You have a true heart of a warrior! You went out and put it all out there. Amazing.
You are a beast my friend. So inspirational. We need more stories like this to inspire others to stretch and do more.
What a dangerous exciting adventure, bravo!
RESPECT... looking forward to your next journey!
Amazing journey, a lot of effort, pasion, and guts,and in a some beautiful strange way that energy is contagious, in all the video Waterloo it´s my favorite ABBA song, great music, a costumes are so strange (even in that time) and talk about Napoleon, whos fight almost every battle in disadvantage Greetings from Argentina (and sorry,for my english)
that took guts. very inspiring.
Keep up with the fighting man! You did great!
Dancing Queen is my fave. I don't have IG but looking fwd to the next vid about workout and diet. I'm gonna do this. I'm a female.
You did Great Aria! Way to put pressure on him...you looked BRAVE in there! FEARLESS Mission Accomplished
Aria Inthavong you’re the man, dude! Ps. You need new friends
That was inspiring...
Did you train wrestling or BJJ for this fight?
Dude wtf did you just do? I've been a fan of MMA for a long time and I've never heard of anything like this happening before. Did you have any competitive combat experience or even high school wrestling before you took on this challenge? If I had a hat I'd take it off, that was crazy brave of you, irrelevant of the outcome you're the man!
Mad respect bro ✊
My question for you, was there any point there any point where you broke mentally or had a mental barrier to get over? Hey aria! Amazing job with your training and your debut! This was so heartwarming, the way you held yourself at the end was a complete change when you first started. Thank you for this video, and I admire the dedication and time you put into this! From one student to another fighter, I’m so proud of you.
Awesome work Aria!! Really happy to see that you’re planning to fight again! Best of luck man!
Very courageous!!!!
Keep fighting bro , let's see you make it to MMA
Aria Inthavong bro no cap everyone at buzz feed was throwing Shade , thru the whole video, but I believe in you aria keep the work bro and get more blessings and fight again
Amazing, simply amazing. Feeling so proud of you.
Aria you have a ton of heart my man. Tremendous respect brother !
4 months into it and you went from NONE of your co workers believing in you into actually throwing down ! Continue training ! Its beneficial for you physical and mental health plus it becomes fun when you become more experienced even if its just recreational. Continue the good work and for anyone skeptical about starting something difficult even if all odds are stacked against you Just Go For It and prove everyone wrong. He went from super nice guy unable to hurt a fly to putting everything on the line. Good Job ! If that's what 4 months of solid work looks like imagine the progress at the end of the year.
Good for you Aria!
Respect ✊! I’m not doing that.
your hard work and guts to take up the challenge has inspired me a lot! Congratulations and you're a real one !!!! Kudos to you!
So proud of all that work and effort! I've always been in a similar situation, where I'm nice and helpful or whatnot because I like to be, so nobody believes that I could be dangerous or hurt someone. I don't think I'm going to do MMA to prove it, but I've been looking at jumping into other martial arts (wushu). How did you build up the motivation to finally be like "Hey, I actually want to do this"? Because it's a big jump from a little idea swimming around to taking action.
When's your next fight?
I train jiujitsu and honestly I would have been shocked to the point of disbelief had you won. I don't think the human brain is capable of taking in that much information in such a short time. However, wow, I know the pain that everyone gets when they first start training no matter their starting levels of fitness. When you start asking muscles to move in ways that they aren't used to it hurts. Even if you start off as an athlete. Congrats on your amazing journey. Although I would have recommended more grappling focused training, then again I am biased on that front.
How much Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / submission grappling did you train? And when is your next fight / when are you planning to fight again? You did great, Aria! Only warriors step in the octagon and there are no losses only lessons. Keep it up! Hoping to see more of your MMA progress!
Great Job Aria! Keep it up! I am proud of you!
Dude, you are amazing. Most people will have no idea how hard it is to face someone with qualms about hurting you. I think it is incredibly brave for a normal person without any psychotic tendencies to practice martial arts in 4 months and fight an mma match of all things lol.
Aria Inthavong Which fighting style do you like best so far?
Thanks dude, this is really inspiring. Hope you maintain your physical shape
Aria Inthavong im so proud of you for being able to do this and show your courage through this video to everyone including friends and viewers, also since you’re Lao I feel like I can connect to you somehow? It’s really inspiring to see how you never backed down and wanted to show people that you can do what other people don’t expect you to do. This video overall has made me look at things in a new mindset especially when overcoming challenges and again it’s truly inspiring to me and many others. Thank you, and we’ll be rooting for you on your next fight. Good luck.
You rock bro..Super Proud of you .
This was so cool to watch Aria! Seriously awesome.
How did you get your proteins? And what was your daily intake of protein? Well fought my dude! Respect to you. :)
Aria Inthavong r
I watched every minute of the video. Great job Aria you did something that most people would never have the guts to try.
This is truly inspiring! Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Aria. Will you be in training for longer and comeback to it? I love the message in this video. Trust yourself, Aria, we'll always cheering for you no matter what you do! Just don't rob a bank,jk lol
Duuudeeee, you're a stud! Just the fact that you only train 4 months prior to this fight is freaking awesome!
good job! but should have picked him up and slammed him on the floor! having 3 brothers really improve fighting :) btw we dont fight to one is crying we fight to we bleed!
As someone who boxed for 5 years, took 5 years out, then tried to get into MMA and stepped back, I have nothing but the upmost respect for you for getting in the cage. Walking into the boxing ring for me was nothing, but the thought of walking in to the mma cage against an opponent trained in multiple disciplines was enough for me know it wasn't for me. Congratulations man, you're awesome! I'm sorry it ended the way it did, but we've all had those moments in the ring/cage and it was nice to see at the end of the video that you plan on going back in.
Good job man!
What a beast. Keep inspiring and defy all odds man.
Aria Inthavong you gotta train more and train harder, you did good man, you should keep going on this path.
You went out on your shield, nothing but respect. To all your "friends" who were talking down on you: not a single one of you have half this man's heart.
Mcgregors too big of a chicken to get chocked out but Aria didn't tap. Respect.
great work man. keep going!
Aria Inthavong hey man stick to it don’t stop fighting
We love you Ariaa
Aria - you are my freakin hero man! Props to you dude!
Respect man
Amazing, i really enjoyed the video. Very inspiring, can't wait for your next fight man.
Awesome job man! I was hoping there's a video of your post match!
Did you manage to train much grappling prior to the fight? In my mind learning to wrestle and do jiu jitsu well in that length of time would have been the most difficult thing
Aria Inthavong are you gonna continue your MMA journey?
you got heart of warriors aria
Aria, you're the man bro. You got great courage to do what you did. That was awesome, this is coming from a martial artist who had his share of street fights, bar fight and competiton. Good job.
This is buzzfeed, he should have identified as a woman and fought a girl. Still would have lost tho lol.
"My name is Aria, I like MMA and Christmas"
Buzzfeed staff = wolves in sheeps clothing.
They should have at least had him cut to 135. That guy probably cut 10 pounds already before missing weight. Cutting 7 pounds for him wouldn't have been a problem.. Too much of a size advantage in addition to the gap in experience.
Props to you, Aria
At the fight the first jab 26:24 showes he isnt ready for this, also it doesnt look like he has knock out power, good sport though
The mindset and supportiveness from his coaches as opposed to his “friends” really says something about Buzzfeed and the people that work there
If someone told me that Chris Reilly, Chael Sonnen and Nicolas Cage are brothers, I would believe it.
25:50 For the fight
Brooo that coach was a hype beast
Death IS a possibility.
Aria has the power of Buddha around him
Why is there this stereotype that you need to be a mean and hateful person to be a fighter?? Smh. Most people i met when training are nice and humble people
Good luck on ur next fight Aria, also work on Jiu Jitsu
What's the closing song?
Big respect to you Aria you just did something a lot of people wouldn’t have the courage to!
Good Job Aria majority of people wouldn't even want to fight (let alone in 3 months)
Skimmed through the video, but still had my heart racing as the fight started! Great video, really evoked the feels!
Yeah this is the issue with race lol. Cant even uplift your Asian brother. but when you see these rich asian kids you shame up on them.
So... was that considered sleeping on the job?
I trained to become a medical doctor for four months and I made it.
The title said 4 months then they say 3months
Is Buzzfeed new Vice?
11:14 mur mur mur
After this is done he’ll go back to his old self everything he done there was people to help but when they gone he will lose it all
lol he completely sucked XD couldnt get worse...but he took the challange. respect!
Best video i have ever watched on buzz feed, would like to hear how his next fight goes if he does it. Having won and lost, its all just a part of the process man. Get em Aria, and if by chance you are looking for an opponent then this amateur kick boxer might be your guy. It would be fun man!
Great video. Life is a journey, not a destination and it looks like Aria had an awesome journey.
His colleagues all looked down on him while all fighters was encouraging him.. yet ppl say mma fighters are only violent lunatics
Ending song ?
Admit it! you did it coz you inlove with blondy
"Is he tapping? Oh, no, that was body shots" bruh....
Man, did you see the look in his eyes when he's fighting?
mans was ripped by the end !
Better title: "I Trained To Become An MMA Fighter In 4 Months just get choked out in 1 minute" ... but hey, RESPECT for doing that! Fighting without protective gear is a TOUGH nut!
Buzzfeed *Men* are something else
Much respect!
Just want to go ahead and run this waiver by ya. It says that. even though Buzzfeed will be the only one to profit from your risk, and you're doing it on company time, with company equipment, Buzzfeed have no responsibility toward you whatsoever, because reasons. Now get out there and earn your dinner, pleb.
i love this. i trained for a very long time, and i can say, that you have what it takes to be a fighter.
More than striking, avoid the grappling aspect, as a beginner keep distance and strike the best you can.
I can’t believe the amount of negative energy his liberal office mates cast off.
Absolutely the best thing from Buzzfeed I have seen!
Great achievement dude! Keep training!
Who did he fool that he taught he was going to win.
This was awesome, Aria is a well rounded human. Unfortunately some of his co workers are a waste of space
Aria you need new friends tbh .....the "friends "you have now...pshhh
all those hypsters...get some ballz. Aria went from a feminist to a beta-male! he now is more men then all of his friends together! well done. you became a fighter! respect !
This dude has some fake as friends
Holy u got choked out rip that was like brian otega and cub Swanson fight
they got Luke Thomas to narrate, nice touch
Only 4 months XD!!! Get rekt!!!
choked out at 104 seconds... sometimes 104 seconds is all you need to prove you are worth your weight, and sometimes 104 seconds can save your life. well done dude, a very brave attempt and a solid performance for someone that wasnt born to fight.
Aria will get them 2 million more subscribers I think.
Aria definitely had a better striking advantage, if he landed 1 or 2 it would've done some damage
He need Jiu jistu
Aria is real person,he is kinda guy who've transformed himself very badly like an athlete in 4 months keep it up buddy you're such a bad-ass I've ever seen.
Ayye yo props to the guy
3:33 oh no
My thoughts throughout the whole video up until the match were: When is he training his grappling and submissions (at least defense)?? They only show striking and conditioning... I guess it showed in the end (not fighting hands, etc). Big props for stepping up and giving it your all. I hope that people see that it's not just going to a gym for a few months and think you're gonna be an MMA-fighter. MMA is a complete commitment and takes time, effort and sacrifice. Nice video and well done, Aria!
well... that was anti climactic.
1:07 Trevor Wallace anyone???
Respect for this Aria guy for stepping in the cage but i hate all the other shitheads in buzzfeed those SJW females who are safe just stfu
tl:dr let me know if he won the fight or not
His signature seems really easy to forge
lol why is everyone gay
Is it just me or do y'all also get nervous when watching the fight??!
Ah... I'm so conflicted- I mean, getting choked out- it's almost like you wonder where your full fighting potential could've been. But hey I'm just glad Aria wasn't fatally hurt.
Aria should leave buzzfeed with that type of negativity, he had some inspiring coaches, and if he kept with it for full year then he definitely would’ve had more of a chance
If the psychologist is watching the video and reads this comment, there's an interesting quote I saw in a book that I want you to consider. "When you have reached the pinnacle [of martial arts], you will have achieved... serenity, extremely good health, and the inner and external strength that will enable you to be gentle and courteous to ANYONE because you know you can afford to be." - Essential Karate by Mas Oyama
So this is the best shot and edited Buzzfeed video I've ever watched and I don't want to cheapen the artistic skill and merit here, but I gotta say...goddaamn Aria's a pretty man!
he got fully destroyed
i can respect that. good job Aria. you fought and showed us your heart.
The only time you get reminded that this is buzzfeed, when the SJW are displayed. ARIA Awesome Guy!! Congrats!! Be strong, stay cool
Spent all that time training and just ended up getting up caught in a basic chokehold for a few seconds.
I want to congratulate you for what you did in this video cause it’s not easy to commit yourself to something like that and mentally prepare yourself for something like this
this is it chief
best stuff buzzfeeds made, really inspiring
I don't watch a lot of buzzfeed videos but half way through and I can say this is the best buzzfeed video I've seen. Kudos to Aria for attempting this and I'm actually excited to see this fight cause 4 months is insane. In all honesty 4 months is not enough to learn how to defend from every angle of attack a fighter can throw at you, even in the amateurs. But I hope he wins this.
He got in there and as corny as this sounds that makes him a winner to me
The way he moves makes me wanna cry
bro how did his head shake it's hips at 2:19
12:27 woah that f bomb kinda surprised me there
When he got guillotined, he should’ve worked on tucking his chin to protect himself from the arm choking him. And if he either planted his feet or stepped back, he could’ve gone for a single leg trip. Or he could’ve elevated his neck and head when the the opponents arm cane in over his neck to avoid the guillotine in the first place
Best buzzfeed video ever...
Let's all be honest here, neither of those guys could fight, Aria was not built for fighting, to say the least, his dedication and hard work is inspiring. For a better shot, he should have fought at 135. You can see in the fight they both were swatting at bee's, I think Aria's training went out the window with the amount of adrenaline pumping through his head. Good job training.
his coach sounds like hes taken one too many hits in the head man
The entirety of Buzzfeed should follow Aria's example this is probably the most wholesome video Buzzfeed has ever put out. If his friends and co-workers don't get inspired by this I don't know what they can be inspired by.
So BuzzFeed is wannabe hipster HQ?
Welp. I saw that ending coming.
Great video. Super strong narrative and execution. And, of course, you rule Aria.
I go to that park that his opponent was training in, almost like two days a week haha.
Those "friends" are full of estrogen.
lol all these guys saying he won't win are some of the biggest douches out there. some of the nicest people who i've ever met in my training are the deadliest. anyone who makes the walk deserves their respect.
Fantastic job Aria. Pure resolve and determination. Proud of you and I don't even know you! I suppose that 4 months is enough time to get a decent striking structure in place, but jiu jitsu is a whole other ballgame.
My mans is training him in yeezys
So I am planning to apply for BuzzFeed. I feel like my personality has the right balance of flamboyance and toxicity. Wish me luck guys!
no words
Yes, would love to see more of food and training struggles. I like to train but have always been skinny and a bad eater. Also stretching and foam rolling sucks.
Dude, you inspired me. Taking steps back and this.. life lessons right here. Thank you!
Much Respect bro! You did great!
Aria you inspire me so much!! I have just been offered my first Exhibition Boxing Fight for a charity event for Cancer in 8 weeks time. Just like you, I am heading in there abit nervous but the my underdog spirit is telling me it will be okay. You showed me and give me a sign of how I will be in the days before my fight. Thank you!
dude fight again!!
massive amounts of respect for you man, it's not easy going through all of it but great results
great fight man, you put pressure on him. gotta fight the hands when you get close like that. but really good shot man!
You did an amazing job should be real proud of yourself
dude, i am so proud of you! you have an amazing spirit, you are great! this video has made me decide to get back into fighting and training!
give me some advice or something
End i won't to start fight in MMA
As someone who fought for many years I am so proud and in awe of you taking this sport head on! You have a amazing spirit and I am glad u found your inner warrior! Keep up the training you looked great for only training for 4 months! Also I have also lost a few times to the guillotine choke, its no joke you just have to keep getting up! Don't give up, you will learn more about yourself and what you are truly capable of if you don't give up
Awesome work Bro!
I'd love to see that video. Awesome stuff man! Good on you and congrats on your journey! very cool! Glad you shared this!
Good job man keep it up
Great job man, but get new friends. You dont need friends who don't support you
Please fight again, I'd love to see it.
Bro popped some anavar for sure
”He is too nice” This says so much about people that don’t understand fighting. They think it’s about being angry or rage. It’s a sport. If you get angry in there you can’t think straight and will probably lose.
Why is there too much hate on Aria's friends? They were just telling the truth. They didn't wish him bad luck. It wasn't that they weren't supportive. They were more concerned for him. BuzzFeed has great people in it. Good job to Aria, good job to his friends and trainers and good job BuzzFeed!
Ngl aria could knock me out
Is Luke Thomas narrating?
dropped out of homeschool, not behd.
Takes courage to step in the ring. Wow.
i know this is mma but this vid gave me hajijme no ippo vibes
Buzz Feed is very Fake News! WWG1WGA
I did in a day. OOOF
This is fantastic guys! Sick job!
Honestly he should have never fought 145, he never cut and it's obvious the other dude did and easily had 15+ pounds on him. Should have at least fought at 135 or not have agreed to fight a dude who couldn't even make weight.
Haha! So good! I'm glad his opponent didn't take the dive. You know Buzzfeed was willing to pay him as much as $20
Is this one of the Try Guys?
You should continue your traning man! You are a winner! Loved the video!
I've seen a few crime documentaries and news magazine stories where some of the people who work at BuzzFeed were interviewed because they had prior knowledge of the case. They completely stoodout (in a bad way) from the rest of the journalists, medical examiners, lawyers and law enforcement officers who were also interviewed for the story. Their observations were so superficial and of little incite. They seemed so out of place and took me out of the program everytime they were on camera.
The buzzfeed staff look like the staff from lifeinvader in gta V hahahah
wants to break the nice guy cliche outro is an o.c. california season finale montage
That Sport Psychologist ruined it... When you step in the octagon it's all about being hungry and wanting to prove to yourself you can do it. When you do all the self-acceptance bs before the fight it's like "why am I doing it in the first place"
aria your friends are mediocre,not their fault though
This is interesting to me. I have trained before and I am some goofy video game nerd who works in that sector. I find it funny. I think he is a little more athletic then me naturally. But I can tell I naturally took to the sparring and drilling easier, I guess its some competitive and kinda small mean streak in me. I remember being hit in the face for the first time and I wasn't shocked and tbf it felt exciting. Anyone who goes through the journey has my utter respect.
3:02 Wait why is the girl fighting the coach? tell me the person she's punching doesnt look like the guy whos training aria
You're an inspiration my friend! Respect for the journey so far, and good luck with the rest of your way!
It doesn't matter if you lost. You inspired to push myself harder. So thank you and keep fighting!
sorry to say fight is ridiculus and even if was looking fake you still almost died... i say died because if they choke you like this for to long oxigen wont arrive to brain and you risk life or at least brain damage ... you can train your body to be able to fight but if you are not a fighter in your mind and in life you cant fight ... i'm not a fighter btw so just giving my opinion !
that dude's a champ. Don't let anybody tell you you're not able to. You can and you will.
Buzzfeed colleagues drag him down, he felt the need to prove himself, he's way braver and stronger than the average person to get this far out of his comfort zone. Looking forward to his next fight cuz the hardest you go is after losing a fight. Change your circle my dude.
4 months training? 4 years would be better!! Much respect for getting in the cage though man, takes real courage.
what happened there 4:58
Aria gives me taxi driver vibes
Obvious different voiceover at 4:56
Well he clearly has more testosterone than the rest of the guys at BuzzFeed .soprobably average levels
His cowers are so negative.. daam
Facts, but cant be surprised. Its buzzfeed
30:07 is that her boobs
I wish i have friends like aria’s friend❤️ Oh wait never mind hahaha!!
I hate his colleagues omg
ARIA YOU ARE THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People don't know what kind of fighting spirit it takes to step into a combat sports ring. Alone seeing your opponent in front of you will mentally exaust you.
I feel like if aria keeps training n working hard he can beat anyone that steps into the ring with him
Give him some steroids and he will win the next fight. Joking joking joking bro. He just needs to continue learning. Good job
True and that guy looked like 15 to 20 pounds heavier than aria. More training and muscle and he wouldve stood a better chance.
So I was hella in the video and then this man got knocked out unconscious in a minute
Great job aria
Wow Aria get out of buzzfeed you will get enough supports building your own channel!!
frick those buzzfeed losers
The real progress is how he switched from normal headphones to airpods
Respect Aria
23:44 That's one pretty decent high kick. Great job, man. Truly inspiring there what you have done. I have been training Jiu-Jitsu (and a little MMA) for over a decade, and still didn't have my first cage fight. You really showed your colleagues you are a winner. It just exemplifies how much regular people don't know anything about fighting itself. Being a nice guy doesn't mean you are not a warrior inside. Nice guys do fight, some of them do it fantastically. Bad/mean guys/girls are often just angry at the world or just plain evil people, but that doesn't mean they are fighters intrinsically. If nothing, fighting in a sanctioned sport can only help them become better people, reducing that level of anger they have. You have no anger, whatsoever. You have just found a true inspiration within yourself to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, get in shape, and most importantly - learn self-defense... Man, I still didn't see the whole video, I am still at that high kick moment, but you're a winner already, regardless of the outcome. Hope you keep doing combat sports / martial arts after this. All the best, Aria.
Respect for not tapping and going to sleep. If you have never been in that position you cant imagine what it feels like, and for him not to tap, dude has a heart. Well done
The way his coworkers “supported” him, now I can tell why so many people leave buzzfeed. Aria’s a true fighter, hope to see him fight again.
I was actually pretty impressed with Aria. I think they should have focused more on grappling, the vid mainly showed striking etc. Dunno, just my thoughts. I'm so proud of Aria doe, good for him.
If he learned anything the guy needs new friends who speak life into him. Respect for taking on the challenge.
dam those co workers nasty and unsupportive made me mad tbh
"If he wants to win, he's gonna have to knock me out" ... Lmao, no way he believed that.
You need better friends in your life, buzfeed employees really live up to the stereotype
Glad he didn't get seriously KO'd... this isnt Rocky, champ. MMA fight after 4 months sounds like a horrible idea.
thanks Arie for seeing and experiencing the mindset of a martial artist, hope you make videos that are really this touching! fighting!
gives this one more chance i want to see aria grow more
Respect, man!
Good on him. He is a NICE guy, but a real man. Good on you Aria,... you stuck it out, and I think you were looking pretty good in there.
chris is a lowkey hypebeast
You did amazing so happy that you want to continue on this journey mad props to you and continuing on your goals
What a champion, great inspiration. Keep proving the haters wrong
t you can believe all you want if you dont train and think your just going to fight a mma fighter your straight stoopid and need a head evaluation this isnt pop warner football or a softball league you can just sign up for every bodies acting like his co workers were so negative they were just being in tune with reality no matter what all you people think you cant just start fighting mma and think your going to win what are all you powder puffs talking about co workers could have been a lot meaner and negative, however it is a good learning experience and a reality check on what you can and cant do to an experienced martial artist btw iam not saying his opp was experienced he actually could have beat him with a couple more months training lol
Your friends dont deserve you
The dude with the bushy mustache is a dick
Cheers from Thai. You push the limits and you doing great. Thais people always surprise the world.
trash buzzfeed friends
What's up with his opponent's shorts changing colors. Was that a color correction issue? Or did they edit two different fights together?
Oof that's ruff
got fuckn bodied
Aria you're a champion, keep killing it. Your courage is to be admired and I really hope the bullies at buzzfeed aren't dragging you down, you only deserve to be built up.
Dude skimped out on kicking and jiu jitsu. Of course he gets submitted...
Where do I sign up to choke a Buzzfeed reporter out?
I wish I have watched from the end. Feels like fake stuff... This is the reality about youtube videos... Good filming, good story, not good content...
does anyone know what the song at the end is called???
I really dont like buzz feed or weak men. So this video is hard to like, but you have heart.
LOL he said
Yo, you got some stones on you boy. You got in there and fought and on top of that you didnt panic and tap. You fought the choke till the end. Hold your head high and be proud you did this.
What a dickhead
Listen SJW, snowflakes, soya-boys etc... 16:33 "EVERY FIGHT ONE GUY WIN, ONE GUY LOSE"... and it doesn't stop there you stand up again and go to the next fight and that's life, that's how successful people become successful.... you should learn a lot from this video! thanks Aria
Respect for Aria this video touched me because i never took my wrestling sport in high school seriously N this is my senior year and the first match is shy from 3 months from now but i know if i quit ill regret it so i plan on giving it my all but food will be my biggest challange
Aria you did great. Your opponent was a gentleman too. He beat you about as gently as possible.
I hope Aria beat up all the soya-boys that work at Buzzfeed... put them back in the lookers!
Whoa....friends like that......that's the reason I'm allergic to humans
how do I work for buzzfeed?????!!!
man this video came out on my birthday and remembered me how much i tried to win a wrestling match, it took over 22 matches but when i finally did i cried so much, I had never done wrestling before, I was a exchange student that had never wrestle before, and I presisted until I knew that I could do just like the guys in my school that were wrestling since ever. that video reminded how good was to experience something like that. Thanks very much
all BUZZFEED people are trauma haters and seen this guy improving is hurting their butts... liberals don't want more strong people... they want more weak people and that's how they survive!
if people like Garou from OPM is real in real life, idk if he manage to survive this long...i feel like people who wants to challenge every person who good in fight are everywhere.... what are they thinking actually? isnt that scary? just like this guy... hes too brave enough to take challenge entered the MMA... even if its just 3 months, that would be painful... i dont say MMA is not good, but my point is atleast you have the reason why you want to become a fighter... if its just for fun, then better dont do it
this dude is crazy. omg good stuff dude
I can’t wait to see him get back in that cage this man has a lot of heart you can teach someone how to throw a punch but you can’t teach someone heart ❤️ respect dude✊
Brother you should start hanging out with fighters more, we're a better support than those fragile snakes you work with.
BuzzFeed is so fucked up , we can clearly see how fucked up they are
I watched all that for him to get submitted that easy ...
thats the thing, it doesn't matter to you. That guy who choked you out could see this isn't your world and he went easy. Most fighters need the money, there's a difference in urgency.
Just trains standup then gets submitted
20:52 I'm still scared of Khabib
Being nice doesn't mean you can't fight like look at GSP. He's one of the nicest sportsman I know and he's in the UFC.
Buzzfeed, you can make a video of me, I haven’t had my mma fight yet but been training for a very long time and I believe a video of me would be a great video for buzz feed
F - irst A - ttempt I - n L - earning Well done Aria, you done something alot of people can't do. Be proud of yourself!
All the top comments here tells me how many people don't have any good friends. You think they are just supposed to say "Oh, you can totally fly if you just want to." No, they aren't supposed to just lie when your safety is on the line. If you are safe while doing your impossible dream, then sure, they can lie. But MMA is not at all safe, you cannot expect them to lie.
Yeah,nice support from his colleagues...what a bunch of assholes...
As a guy that competed in MMA you have my respect. All ofthe "you are too nice to fight" that you heard is exactly what I heard to. If you choose to continue I will follow your journey
Conor McTapper should watch this and learn.
Whats the outro song?
*After ages* i saw a Buzfeed video with a heart.
he is thai, fighting is in his blood
Good job brother! Keep on training. You can do this aria
for once no SJW, Feminist or liberal propaganda. *Well done BuzzFeedVideo* keep those assholes and their twisted agendas and narratives and away from everywhere i hope to see it come and destroy their agenda especially in gaming where they force game plot, story, characters to change like in BattleField 5, CoD WW2 by adding in female soldiers and black nazi women crazy right?
You know what's really fucked up? Someone you don't even know is rooting and believing in you while someone you know isn't
6:48 he left coach hanging
26:35 what is this
you'd be surprised the people you find in the gym. That "type" of guy has choke me out and kicked me in the head at least 100X
Damn dude, you have a strong mind and heart to be able to do this sport in the first place. Don't listen to your coworkers that know nothing about the sport but listen to the coaches and trainers. A loss isn't what defines you but its what you do after that that does. Much respect to you and good luck on your next fight!
You should’ve pulled his hand and place your opposite hand over his shoulder and sweep the back of his leg to get out of the choke
"I've been watching some fights and they're eyes, some people can't open them" seems someone watched Cowboy vs Ferguson fight lol.
Well done bro! You inspired me, not to start fighting but to live better, be more bold and better the things that I am currently into, like skateboarding, going to gym and be the healthiest and best version of me!
What if you get a random boner
Aria, biggup. Takes great heart to even begin a journey like this let alone go through with a fight. Peace
Our training in volleyball is almost as hard as this training even though we're elementary students In my school age is not an exception
His friends who didn’t support him are scumbags.
This shows you how fake liberals are. Very fake people
This is honestly the most inspiring video Buzzfeed has ever done. Aria is a fighter.
Buzzfeed employees are the worst type of people. Condescending with no sense of humour.
Hey, at least you got abs
He should have done boxing
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” ― Michael jordan Be proud, Aria!!
is it just me or does the brother look sorta like Quinton Qarintino
there's a difference between people who go out and train and put themselves to the test with competitions and those who look exactly like the buzzfeed personel... useless couch potatoes that offer nothing than being target practice tbh...
damn aria had him in the standup but 4 months is too little to learn grappling
inb4 someone dies making buzzfeed videos.
He’s got small nips
Yeaaaaah love this kind of content! Should be a series!! You go, my dude!
Damn it took me a year and a half to get into the cage and that’s with amateur boxing experience mad respect to Aria
that psycologist was cringe af
trains for 4months still better than cmpunk
Waiting for fight number 2!
Is it just me or is everyone or nearly everyone at buzzfeed gay? Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course..
You’re not an mma fighter. You didn’t fight a pro. You fought someone who trained marginally more than you and lost. Clickbait journalist.
ahahahahahahahahahhaha trains 3 months fights a scrub and gets choked out, gets emotional about all the hard work. This is an insult to people who live this life. Dude pulls guard with a one arm guillotine and you freak out and flail.
27:15 nighty nite mfer!! lol lol
My Respects to Aria for doing this but ooouuuffffff that choke tho!
Wow... Just wow, a total inspiration Aria
Bro your opponent had more respect for you than your coworkers
I love you Aria. Well done, sir.
Seems like he accepted that he was going to fail that’s why he said he was calm before the fight. Once you make that decision it’s already over
Your friends and coworkers are fucked up bro
I respect Aria for giving himself this challenge and following through.
If you see anyone with cauliflower ear, give up
He fight better than traditional martial art practititioner that train in years
Well one thing is for sure. While aria can’t really fight yet, after 3 short months of training, he surely could beat the dogshit out of his colleagues. Props to him for having the intestinal fortitude to at least commit to it and give it a shot.
Mad probs for stepping in there and am super happy you didn’t take some ninja spinning heel kick to the face. Awesome courage man!
Really shows that all the so apparent "friends" that Aria works with at buzzfeed are pricks and just there for money. Hope Aria stays in touch with the coaches as they were closer to friends than his own co workers were.
you had that man looking scared on his feet aria , you was out there looking solid. i hope you stick with it for another couple months, i promise you would be good as hell. just inexperience you got in a position that wasnt favorable and didnt know how to get out or what to do. i need you to do part 2 this video is great
And that’s all folks!
The head coach is legendary bad Santa level
I've got mad respect for you bro.
Well what can you do? You only have 4 months to train. You train stand up striking, no time to train bjj. If you train bjj, no time for striking. Love the agressiveness, the standup look good for training only 4 months!!!
aria!!! kudos bro!!! u did very very good... that loss was a learning experience... all the best in your journey brother!! OSS!!
he didnt tap... what a guy
Todid Sampson body hack copy maybe ????
he proved himself worthy even before the fight because im sure 75% of the people in this world would not start training from nothing in 4 months and fight against a experienced fighter
Damn he lost I got a little sad to see him like that . He had to pull a cross face off in that front choke . I've trained in all types of fighting for years . Only for self defense purposes . That's why not many people fight me it's not for money with me it's for the basic reasons of self defense . If he would have forced his forearm and shove his elbow into the chokers face it would hurt more than hitting the rib over and over . There's more sensitive nerves in the face than th body too . Plus it causes separation between you and the guy choking you leaving room to get your head out and continue your assault on him . He was winning the stand up parts of the fight too . I honestly thought he would win when I hear people talk down on other fighters I know that's fuel to win . Good to see he didn't get hurt though in there . Now he can say over all the people around him I've been in a legit mma fight and won the stand up parts just not the grappling aspects .
this was cool to see. you cannot do this with football or any other sport really. awesome job!
Im confused. said it was gonna happen after three months, started training physically 18 weeks out from the fight date, then fight is rescheduled a month later than previously scheduled. so it's not 4 months? it's what? 5 1/2 months? he's going to fight a more experienced fighter. The opponent has only been training a year and has one loss under his belt? more experienced yes, much more experienced in context, no. His journey is still impressive but lets get the story straight or this gets pegged as clickbait fast.
aria's a beast!!!! congrats!
Cant learn to grapple in four months lol. Nice attempt tho. keep it up!
"I waited 4 months to choked the f out" Would be a better title.
he became a fighter? didn't land one shot and got choked out within the first minute...
I hope they show him some bjj and wrestling.
Wow this was amazing, honestly you looked like the better fighter up until you got choked out, to me i, i love the way you looked and i hope you keep training if its something you liked. Also find a new place to work dude.
He's such a cutie
very engaging vid
Is that narrator Luke Thomas?
Major respect Aria!
a beautiful story! very inspiring....well done Aria. you're a true champion!
Imagine getting called soft by a bunch of people that work at BuzzFeed lol
Nice people are just people hiding a raging demon inside
U gotta respect the men
This is a good buzzfeed vid, apart from the low energy cow workers
what is the title of the song at the end? :)
Know what it feels like to be the underdog and hearing from the peanut gallery. Love this stuff, man.
I have been training muay thai for about a year now, and people tend to think fighters are jerks and meatheads, but they are honestly some of the kindest, most humble, most supportive people you'll ever meet. If you are serious about putting in the work, they will 100% support you no matter what. An MMA gym is like a family. The friends and coworkers' reactions are actually very typical. When someone is serious about fighting, it's very common for people to tell them they're crazy, they won't make it, etc., and doubt them. But we train anyway, because of our love of the sport. Best Buzzfeed video I've seen in a long time!
Luke Thomas King of donks
Didn't even tap when in that guillotine. Dude is a beast.
Good job buddy. Really really good job! You fought the choke! Nice job on everything.
i wish aria told y he really wanted to do this, share more of his story
Also, I don't think the co-workers were hating. They were just being honest and were seeing him as he saw himself before this all began.
I think one of the biggest motivations when training for a fight just like many other adrenaline sports is you can really tap into your survival instincts.. When you're running and so tired you want to stop you can picture yourself running out of breath and then the pain of your opponent taking over at that point and that can give you the adrenaline boost to continue. Theres more on the line then just failure theres also pain and that can be utilized. I had such an experience when I used to paintball a lot, knowing that you will feel pain if you fail it heightens your senses, makes you process ideas and strategies faster, lets you map out the area and find the opponent much quicker, its a hard feeling to explain but it cant be compared to sports where you dont have the fear.
Even champions have tapped, you didn't. Love and respect, man!
I’m a former pro mma fighter myself and seeing Aria do in 4 months is insane. I bet if he continues, in a year or 2 he be super talented!!
Did pretty good in the begining of the match, just lacked some bjj training and calm to win, but still, congrats!
Luke Thomas's fake deeper narrator voice is so distracting, his normal voice would be perfect.
No way you fought one of my parkour friends that recently became a mma fighter! Good fight, good training, and amazing video! Very inspiring
Misleading thumbnail.. definitely not a pro lol. But great job Aria, I hope you keep training, good for the mind, body & soul.
Fight George st Pierre next
All his friends are dickheads
get aria some better coworkers goddamn
You opponent is not a professional fighter
Did he not train Jiu jitsu?
Aria Inthavong you have an amazing spirit! Love that you put yourself in an uncomfortable situation in a journey of ever-learning!
Bro you're amazing. you're strong
Aria, great stuff my friend. You did not tapped props to you on that! Now get your ass to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Eddie Bravo 'The System". Oh and if you want to know how to utilize those elbows inbox me :)
He's doing it on his own but SURE, Buzzfeed take the profit from this video. OKAYYYY BUZZFEED Ya'LL FAKE AZZ AF
These buzzfeed ppl.. dude wtf.
This is super inspirational
aye my boy Kasen Matsch was reppin pomona, respect haha. My hometown
Lol is luke Thomas narrating this??
u got your ass beat but at least u had a go man - are u going to continue fighting ?
The fact that he went out instead of tapping shows everything you need to know about him. He’s got heart. Even professionals tap to chokes much less painful than a Guillotine
Buzz feed employees are so cringy. Nothing but soy boys
Fighting isn’t a game lol
This douchebag put sunglasses on. I really wish you would have beat him! GREAT JOB!!!!
Im honestly not tryna make a joke but are all the male buzzfeed workers gay?
How hard are you lifting and exerting max effort if you are even sweating? Way to go on trying something everyone ELSE SAID that you couldn’t
His opponent was very nice. He didn’t strike much, and went for a fight ending choke instead of damaging strikes.
listen I just watched a 32 minute video to just choked that's cheap
Every male at his job is gay. Dude get some male friends that know what being a guy is really like and who also understand that men fight. These people who are supposed to be your friends have no faith in you at all or support!!!
This head coach is a joke!
You should fight one more
Not a pro
I knew he was going for a choke, reminds me of Mickey Gall vs CM Punk. He capitalized on the inexperience of Aria. Much respect I’m a fan of Aria now
We fight in any shape or form be brave from what you do and make peace to people you hurt and people who hurt you. Because nothing is braver than giving forgiveness, especially yourself.
Jimmy Saldaña, you can do this too. I believe in you, Superstar!
That’s what I’m talking about Aria!!! Could tell you’re Laotian by your last name
He'll never admit, he actually tried to tap there for sure.
Aria GREAT JOB! Nice- all in- all win! Hope you continue your journey! :)
whats going on with the fuckin mustaches? are u americans walking now like that?
I feel for you Aria. Not because of what you did, but because of what kind of “friends” you’re surrounded with. One toxic person can poison an entire group, now imagine an entire group poisoning one person. As someone who’s been doing martial arts while losing 90 pounds, get rid of those people around you and focus on yourself and the people who want to help one another instead of calling you “too nice”. You did something tremendous for yourself, now keep it moving. There’s always another mission in life. Proud of you man.
They are soul sucking, its the crabs in a bucket mentality, hope he leaves there tbh seems to good for most of them.
You need new friends man these people are way to negative it's soul sucking.
He’s not pro he an Amerture mma fight but has more experience
Great job....No Shame. Thank you for sharing.
Buddy didn’t even tap out. What a true man
It's not about winning or losing, it's about showing yourself that you can overcome your fears whenever you propose it. Sometimes the people that is surrounding you, may not have faith in you and their comments may hurt you. But hey! Use those negative comments as fuel for your motivation, as a way to know that even though things may see complicated you can overcome them. Just have faith in yourself and you'll see results. Pd: Congrats on your fight bro, even though you did not won the fight, you did impossible! I may tell you that only 5% of people or less are able to do! Good luck on your next fight champ! Salutes from Guatemala
I thought he was gonna win but damn he went to sleep
10/10 one of my favorite videos wow I got so much chills MAD RESPECT ARIA
We like videos like this, but it isn't uncommon to see people fight within a couple of weeks of training if they show some promise, I've known guys to do fights within 4-6 weeks of training be it kickboxing, boxing, muay thai, mma etc... I waited longer and done Tournament's but still good job most people don't even try to do it so you have my respect for going out there and doing something most wouldn't dare :)
Beautiful video I’m a fighter myself and this video touched me in so many ways it’s not always about the outcome it’s about the journey and going for anything in life no matter what anybody says or thinks of you anything is possible you got the right attitude Aria with your drive and dedication you will win a fight in no time respect ✊
This piece has a hidden message and it says a lot about the work environment and how it makes aholes of human beings. His co-workers putting him down, probably didn't even realize it or some did who knows. Clearly Buzzfeed is an example of this.
Aria you did amazing man!! MUCH respect
Man that one coach sounds like he had CTE
His friends at buzzfeed thinks too negatively, I've seen and know a lot of people with such mindset and attitude especially millenials and the newer generations. They think that they are thinking "realistic and compassionate" but to be honest they don't see past the point of the lessons we learn from sports, and that's more than enough than sitting and feed your ego with hollow empathy. Sports isn't just about the sport itself but the lessons we learn in life, we learn to be humble and strong. I'm so fed up with the defeatist mentality, try and try, and keep on learning. Nothing is gonna happen if you keep yourself inside a bubble, get out of your comfort zone, learn the world yourself, and be a fighter.
Looking forward to that next fight Aria! Keep up the good work
He’s Asian he’ll be fine
Aria this is weird man this whole year ive been saying and wanting to really become a fighter seeing this makes me more eager
Who The Fook Is That Guy?
"if he wants to win he's gonna have to knock me out" You can call him mystic mac, cause he predicts these tingz (issa joke relax, major props to aria)
Lemme save u 30 minutes the guy got choked out unconscious this shouldn't even be a thing now way you will win a fight with 4 months of training
Ha! You can spot all the AssFeed beta cucks in that full room instantly! Is Aria still gay after all that manly training?
man got put to sleep
i feel they all hate guns and blame trump
lol 4 months for a 1 minute fight
Coming from a similar stereotype of always being the nice guy and super skinny I know exactly what Aria felt and wanted too prove, I’m doing my own journey as well and watching this I saw a lot of myself in it. Hand down the best buzzfeed video I have scene in a very long time, great work Aria and keep on grinding brother!!
BuzzFeed people are bad people. Except Aria. Heaps of respect to you from New Zealand!
great video Aria!! I have a lot of respect and admiration with what you went through to make the video. truly inspiring :)
He trained for almost 4 months just to get choked out in the first minute
If you have wrestling or grappling you can beat anyone in a fight
Having one amateur fight does not make someone an mma fighter
How can I do this too?
damn the fact that the feeling he has is where I'm at, and for years I've played sports but in reality, I still have that mindset that I'm not good enough. it really hit but seeing this journey helped me think a lot and helped me overcome that fear.
Not a fan of BuzzFeed at all, but respect to Aria for the endeavor.
Love itt
that close up on the Yeezy's lmao
A lot of heart man, I am inspired!
I don't care for the ladies last bit advice about you don't have anything to prove to anybody he's got something to prove to his self that's why he's doing it and he is going to prove it to his self
Those Fighters ain't Fearless Fearless Fighters are guaranteed to lose cuz they ain't even going to be trying to protect theirselves
Boys do this instead of feeling fear by his people saying that no he can't fight say I'm going to show them
He's a man if he wants it he can do anything
True warrior. Keep competing man. Respect.
14:24 "and you dropped your right hand" *Luke Rockhold liked that.
HanMorse **Left Hook Larry has entered the chat*
As soon as he was hanging on you when he was choking you, you should of dropped on to the floor with him then you wound of have a 50 percent chance of getting out of the choke
I love the coach but he sounds so high haha
"Aria plans to fight again" I want a sequel
Well done Aria! Big respect, this was inspiring - I wanna see a part 2!!
Fight starts at 26:21 , and he got choked out....
This video is great! You’re an inspiration man. Thank you!
No discredit to this video but this should have been censored 30:07
Lmao who gets choked out via guillotine? Props on trying thou mate
cockroach chest
I respect your desire to become more then what you are and your willingness to overcome what some call impossible. From one fighter to another you are now my brother
Ha L
Never listen to people like arias "friends" their perception of you should never define you
you just got abandoned by your loving company when they asked you to sign the waiver. I feel so bad for you Ari!!
Little do his coworkers know... he's training to fight them lol
my first mma fight was after 4 months of training
I love romantic comedies "gaeeey"
A great video about choosing the people you are with, clearly these guys didn't want him to succed..
kind of a bummer that you did so well but you didn't know how to defend the guillotine
Those friends, wtf. You gotta cut those people out of your life dude, only gonna hinder progress
the coaches voice really pissed me of
as purist of the sport its kinda insulting when people do this. People train their whole lives give up friends, family, relationships to do this sport they work three jobs and sleep at the gym and people like this guy and cm punk think they can just train for a few months and hop in the cage they have not paid their dues and it shows
Of course they pick the Asian guy to do the martial art fight.
Man lucky ass got to wear winning training gear that head gear piece is like 300 dollars easy
3-4 months? We didn't even done light sparing till moth 4. Month 6 no heavi sparing for kickboxing yet. Let alone fighting.
This is not a game.... If my son chose something like that I would be totally supersized because this is not my education.
Highest quality buzzfeed video I’ve seen so far
this video is wayy better than beforeee
Bro needs to find some new friends
In the beginning of the video, I was thinking he will get choked out. He got choked out. Great effort and heart tho. Stepping in that cage takes a lot of heart and incredible effort.
21:55 something about these two annoys me lmao
Wtf u expect? Like a tiger vs a house cat or you vs mike Tyson
Idk what should I write
Aria is my new animal spirit
What is the song at the end of the video?
What's the name of the song that was used on the outro?
Aria would probably best cm punk
That coach is terrible, period.
womp womp womp
damn the coach teaches in his yeezys
You guys should do somebody training BOXING for 4 months
You didn’t tap, what a fighter! You’re heart is big!
what horrible friends, they weren't being supportive at all, a lot of them were even mocking him
lol cool
You can be both a nice guy and a good fighter. Everyone is multifaceted.
What kinda pro is this dude fighting
Honestly his friends are pricks I’m sorry but it’s true
there is so much toxic masculinity in this. im triggered
That was worth every minute, if Aria had just 2 more months amd some grappling work, he'd definetely have won that fight
Personality has *NOTHING* to do with your fight game. It’s about your work ethic, mental attitude, and heart. Regardless of how much of a “good guy” you are, you can be an absolute monster in the cage/ring. That’s what annoyed me about his colleagues.
I hate every single person in his office! But good effort Aria!
he should leave buzzfeed
Dawg, please leave buzzfeed
Hey Aria, next time you fight make a video, I'll watch it.
And im watching this with my lazy ass on my bed
Nice people can't fight, these BuzzFeed mofos really need to meet Fedor Emilianenko, he's nice af outside of the ring.
This video will help the younger generation of MMA fighters to get a better look st what the fight game is all about. Well done Aria!
lmao the opponents haircut
Props to Aria for going after this...but whose really surprised a buzzfeed employee got choked out pretty quick?
unsupportive friends smh. they need to lift him up, not bring him down
that coach is cool asf
Aria should cut all those fake friends man
Great video I'm very glad I took the time to watch this. Much respect to Aria and all of his coaches
Damn good fighter. Trained hard. Fought harder. Respect
imagine being such a failure lol
Probably the only good video the buzzfeed ever made, at least have the less liberal propaganda. Aria is lucky that yamasaki wasn't referee
YO Buzzfeed I want to do it too ,make it happen
Absolutely inspirational. You’ve got heart bro.
Goddamn this guy is being so courageous and u got all these fake people doubting him
Okay! Who needs enemies when you got friends like these! They doubted him from the start. It wasn't even like, "oh don't want you doing it because we don't want to see you get hurt", but they just laughed at the idea of him fighting! You have no idea how much of an influence can be made to someones fight (or anything) when his closest circle supports them compared to not supporting! Shame on all those "friends"!
You inspire me Aria! You got this!
bruh why his friends be hatin so much
Aye he went to sleep like a real ass mf
Hey, so did cm punk
Buzz feed is bunch of cucks that's why they didn't support him
Well done for getting in can't be easy knowing your going to get clobbered but I feel this video is pointless.... Throws a few digs then gets put to sleep as expected? just highlights what we already know you have to be a dedicated warrior to ply the MMA trade otherwise what will happen?...oh yeah
Cutting off all the negative people in your life is the best way to succeed
These buzzfeed employees are so toxic, no wonder they’re not gonna get anywhere in life, unlike aria who can challenge himself whether he has a timid or a nice personality
Just shows the difference in s professional to a normal person
I think you should've worked on your grappling more but you did great for a 4 months of training and the fact the you didnt give up!
When i first saw this one week ago, i was like "Aria,what are you doing? Just be the White House intern bro."
Congrats man... went down without a tap. Eventually we all get knocked out or choked out so keep your head up! Keep training and keep competing!!
it pissed me off when that guy was like. “i alr know he’s gonna lose”
4 months? You need at least a decade of training for mma lol
This is a good example of the mma community being flooded with Morons. Guys do compete after a few months of "training" shows you how the actual lack of martial arts are involved .some guys are martial arts to and some are just athletes , knuckle heads and just aggressive dudes that like to fight
my fat ass self watching this video
I love the documentary style video.
Aria, you’re a badass. This video made me cry out of pure pride in your journey. Win or lose, you’re already a successful fighter, and more than that, a successful human being. You took the road less traveled — that alone makes you a step above the rest. This video was also done beautifully. I thoroughly enjoyed it, start to finish. You are an incredible content creator. Bravo all around, my friend.
I thought everyone at buzzfeed was a soy mouth cuck. I guess one man stands alone.
That dude was to experienced
damn bruh they did not teach you how to punch
got cucked haha
Real Ballz! Thats what i have to say!
Big respect to arias.... ✊
Congrats to aria for steeping I’m there most people wouldn’t have done what you done. You put everything you had on the line and went for it win or lose you never stoped trying and went out like a real champ
Wow! what a courageous man...hope to see u in a professional fight as MMA fighter in the future. Good Job!
Good job Aria!
The coworkers needed to stfu
When do you plan on fighting again you have potential brother keep at it and don’t give up also don’t let your friends get in your head no one can intimidate you except yourself
Takes heart to do what you did man. Respect
Wish I could do this but unfortunately I don't have money
Btw that was an amatuer mma fight with no elbows and knees. Pointing that out because thumbnail saying the other guy is a pro bugs tf outta me
Being Nice is not a weakness! Humble is strength! Aria showed courage and strength in his fight! Train to fight! Cant wait for sequel!
*they made the ref wear a go-pro
What an incredible young man. That was a wonderful film. All the best for the future Aria.
Please keep it up Aria. I've been in martial arts for 8 years and it's one of the best things I ever did. I needed this after a life changing event where I lost almost everything. You should be proud stranger, not everyone would do what you done. I truly hope you stick with it. Hopefully you'll have more confidence in yourself and and most importantly are happier. You made so much progress in such little time, stick with it and you'll be throwing 540s in no time.
*literally everyone except Brendan are fake friends*
Mad Respekt Aria. Nothing more to add.
Wait so Nick Cage is a MMA trainer now?
his coworkers are fuckin assholes be a little supportive yo
My husband is a mma fighter and he is the most gentle soul I know.
4 month to fight from a complete raw beginnner? Hahahaha okay.
these buzzfeed guys are getting wrecked lol
trained 4 months for that
Buzzfeed make me a Pro Mountain biker in 6 months!
The saddest thing is that complete strangers got more faith in you than your fgt friends
please document his next fight! I've always been interesting too in fighting but never really pushed through, videos like this give spectacular amounts of motivation.
This was basically a video of a guy with no fighting background thinking he can do the impossible in 4 months than getting choked out in the first round
Welp, saw that coming. Props for the effort and to the other fighter for doing no damage.
Aria, I am not only proud that you decided to fight but that you wish to continue fighting again. If this is something you become passionate about, I say this: pursue it!! Don't let words waiver if that is something you want to do. Set your mind and body to your goal and you will achieve it. I hope to see a future fighting video. I hope to see you win. :)
BuzzFeed is made of feminists and soy boys people what did you expect from them guys ??
Brooooo im hecka proud of you this video was hella inspiring you went out there and you wasnt scared you fought you threw your hands and you went out without tappin you went out fighting you are truly a fighter and win or lose you fought regardless which alot of ppl wouldnt do
They taught him jiu jitsu
Didn't tap. Dude has heart.
“True martial artist is humble” Connor McGregor
Gotta be honest I wish the fight went on a little bit longer both of them seemed even when it came to striking
is anyone else confused on why the guys shorts and gloves turned purple and blue?
Yo not gonna lie please stick with mma and continue working because this guy littarly has so much potential to be great
Can't learn submission defense in 4 months. Nice to see him try though!
I wish I did this
mad props.... so proud man.. you're amazing
This made buzzfeed workers look soooooooo supportive of their coworkers, not. They “love him” but have no faith in him.
So much respect for you to step in the cage Aria! Eff all the haters!
In the beginning he had earphones. Evolved Aria , has AirPods
Hey, is that slow talking dude jon jones boxing coach?? Yeaaa maaannn
Nothing but respect for this man.
My dood wearing yeezys
Big ups for getting in there. Respect man!
watching this video made me wanna fight again; maybe one day im brave enough to start again
Aria, win or lose this was really inspiring!
I fight too and when I first started it took me 6 months to even really understand jujitsu in its most basic form. So no surprise with the result there, but he is brave I will give him that.
First thing he should have changed was praying to a real God lol
Fighters are some of the nicest most supportive people I know.
Its crazy how people he didnt know supported him more than his friends
No guys, you should not support someone who could endanger themselves in this sport. You should not even compete in BJJ after three months. You could possbily injure yourself for years. And if you have little athletic ability, you can injure your own self before your opponent gets to. I would never say to someone "you can do it!". He is brave, but five years minimum of individual training is a good timeline.
Did he even get one hit on the guy??
All that work to get choked out in a minute
I swear, this video talked to my SOUL!! I am ARIA♥️ I’ve been dying to to go into boxing
i didn't catch what was his base, experience,history with MA?
Aria's? None
Lol I saw this and thought yep, worked out exactly how I expected it to
Worst "friends" ever. Ew such fake people
Why are all buzzfeed men except aria gay
who else was nervous like you were about to fight
So you want to be a fighter.......
What a great documentary. Chris really spoke some encouraging words at 14:35. I'm a big MMA fan and knew Aria would lose if the other guy had even basic grappling experience because 1) 4 months is really short to get good at bjj/grappling 2) it seemed like they were more concentrated on stand-up. Massive respect to Aria for doing this.
Aria’s “friends” are complete jerks. So glad that Aria had supportive coaches and team mates. Those are the real friends
all that for a choke... rip
Support blah blah shut up you dumbasses them people know him more then you and most likely don’t want to see him get hurt.
I hand it to Aria, it takes a lot to even step into the ring. I have been a martial artist for over 40 years and STILL doing BJJ, Petiti Tersia, and others. Good job Aria.
4months is super unrealistic. Hell 2yrs is unrealistic that’s only a blue belt in jiu jitsu (if committed) and decent striking training. He set himself up for failure but still came out a winner. He showed up everyday for training, stuck to his diet, did something he’s never done before and to me that’s a winner. He lost his fight in the ring but won so much respect despite that
this is a good reminder that your co-workers are not your friends.
Props to dude for trying to get in there but Fighters aren't made they're born it's in you it's in your soul is in your blood takes a certain kind of person to know but they were going to be getting hit and kicked and choked and still have the love to want to get in there and do that it was a nice try man I hope it was a good learning experience just glad you were not actually hurt
You just inspired me - thought you should know that. I'm changing some things in my life to better myself - thank you for this video BuzzFeed and thank you Aria for changing my life in 32 minutes.
What happens to these ears of fighters?
I love the people who doubted him in the beginning talking down on his name
What is the name of the song in the credits?
Good sht
How’d you get master ken to corner you?
26:02 thank me later
whats up with all these girly man hahahah . get woke hahahahaha wtf man wow, theres less girly man then in this video then my university
Luke Thomas with the narration nice.
my original thought was what a wimpy guy. then after seeing his coworkers I realized he's the manliest person there.... what happened to men in the past 20 years?
You're too good for Buzzfeed, Aria.
good on you Aria I dd much the same thing in my teens through karate, and weight lifting, so that when i got into a fight I could win and maybe just maybe stop the bullying from the bigger kids. 80% of the bullying stopped immediately when i sprouted to 6ft tall. And after I fought with my fists and feet I had respect for short bursts of time from the more violent teens in my area. I really enjoyed your video and hope you keep your martial arts practice going even after the video ends so that you can defend yourself with confidence and prove to yourself how courageous you really are.
yo that guys sparring at english springs in chino hills
Good game... Good team... Good job... Good video...
Mad lad didn’t even tap. That’s someone I wouldn’t want to mess around with.
You went out like a samurai! Be proud of yourself brother
Aria reminds me of Bubbles from the episode of The Powerpuff Girls where she is "nice" but then wants to prove that she, too, is HARD COOL like her sisters. So she trains at level 10 and then beats every villian up. Aria, I got mad respect for you, dude. You proved you can do anything if you get your head to it. Winning or losing the fight doesn't matter. You won the fight against yourself when you stepped into that ring. Be the way you are. Cheers!! :)
just that body transformation in 4 months is already proving enough, not even mentioning the technique learned or the fight itself,
His opponent missed weight by THREE pounds? Wow. Good on Aria for agreeing to continue.
I enjoyed it
31:30 Best part of the vid. Bounce back!
Hey the battlebots guy
Looks like a toxic workplace in Buzzfeed... Good job Aria
damm im so jelous of him i want to be like him to fight in mma too just a fight so i can test the beating too and maybe make me a little bit brave too stand up on my own with some bully..
I can turn off my nice switch just take my food and watch what happens lol,
Quit Buzz man, You are a fighter
Great job aria hopefully this shows people that MMA isn't in any way "human cockfighting" but a legitimate sport with real talented athletes that have all heart and determination
4 months to become a MMA fighter. hahahaha. That is why this guy got chocked out. Most people train for years before their first MMA bout.
I was worried that he would be fighting an actual semi pro or seasoned amatuer but thankfully he didnt look that great either
Hey I’m 145. I wrestle. Aria pull up my g.
Daamn! his friends are jerks for not believing in him .
Buzzfeed only hires cucks and betas.
It would be awesome if they gave them a year but I respect him he was brave
Who's your favourite mma fighter mine is Tony ferguson
Why is the first picture with you next to your friend is Photoshop!
Lols, lots of them
Can anyone join a fight or do they have to train
I nutted so hard!!
Buzzfeed people are weird.. Are they are in lsd trip high
Lol *"this is a guy that became a fighter"*?? He became a rag doll.
When your friends don't want you too succeed because it would force them to look at there selves.
Chris Reilly has the most "bruuuh" voice I've ever heard
I think he should have done boxing not because its less brutal but because with mma its allot to take in.
4:17 "your chin is where a lot of nerves are..." lol that's not exactly how the knock out punch to the chin works
Hit me with the next fight date tho, thx.
@13:48 Waste of time eh? Says the millennial stuck in a 9 to 5 job going nowhere in life.
Props to that fighter for not fuckin him up and just getin him in the headlock
This honestly is not the brightest idea. You can’t learn “mma” in 3-4 months. Ik it was to try something knew but you have to have years of training or atleast some type of athletic background. You can’t go in there flat footed and stiff. But honestly respect for the man he went in there and gave a sport I truly love a try but you’ve got to be careful this isn’t like other sports where you try out for you can get seriously hurt
You can be the smallest weakest guy ever if you’re my friend I’m hyping you up untill you and I both think you’re the strongest giant in the world
“After I gave it a lot of though” knowing buzz feed payed that man hella money to come out of retirement
Dam BuzzFeed’s got some haters on their staff
He looks like a character of Taken
Awww man he looked really promising he should keep training hard live healthy grind and maybe get another fight
Kflo. 4 weight class beast
Oh my god 90 days
CX looking at you do BIG things man, congrats!!
I take boxing and thai
Wow at least he got heart
They tried to make a documentary but failed
He lost in 5 seconds
4:56 fresh Yeezys right there
Great work, Aria! Glad to hear that you're thinking of fighting again cuz it seemed like you were having success in the fight with your striking. Keep it up!
The editing was terrible
People like Aria are people who I can truly respect.
I think I can beat them both and I dont even train MMA
Imagine they just threw him in with Daniel Cormier
Those Arent His Actual Friends Aka Fake Friends.
Respect for not tapping.
Just the fact that those coaches let him fight on 3 months notice is horrible and discrasefull if he's never thrown a punch ever in 3 mounts hes not going to learn the skill set he needs it's horrible that they would allow something like this in that amount of time he won't evan learn how to throw a prober jab he's gonna do everything sloppy some but those coaches have no idea what they are doing
Mad respect bruh
Wow this inspiring as hell. Keep up the great work! Make me wanna go do something constructive today.
His colleagues are dicks
props to Aria, since none of those snowflakes he calls Co-workers will ever have a chance in a fight.
His “friends” put a light into what I always imagined the majority of people at Buzzfeed to be like, fake nice to each other when in reality they act like a bunch of catty high schoolers. I wouldn’t want “friends” like that. Toxic
Sooo much respect for him taking this challenge and doing it for him self it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like this especially when you have so many doubters behind you. So freakin proud of you! Mad respect
Man that trainer...rough to hear him talk like that. CTE has definitely done its toll
Badass. Aria is the man
I'm sorry but u can't became a fighter in just 4 months, it takes time
He's the only man in buzz feed.
Buzzfeed we get it combat sports are a little dangerous
This was amazing , loved it
Yo these colleagues of yours are trash man. Props to you and training how you did. Get out of buzzfeed where these snakes are at and hang out with people in the gym and other fighters. Respect to you tho.
Damn bro !! Respect !!! I know guys that have trained longer than you and still haven’t had a fight. I really really respect you man.
Awww my heaart...so fragile right now. Can't explain what I'm feelin right now. Just wwooooow wow what brave guy
Great motivation and for sure a big inspiration to the young boys who get bullied and abused for being nice and soft. Thank you for the inspiration, man. Kudos to you, Aria.
he was actually bad
You have my absolute respect. props to you for taking up such a challenge. I m inspired, than you
Is there any way we can try it too?
Good job man, very proud of you. Respect even if you lost
16 weeks is 4 months. Why do they keep saying 3 lol
How respectful was his opponent willing to be in the video, and really nice! Props to him too!
I want to see him fight again!!!! This was motivating and inspiring af
he would have beat CM Punk
Both fighters have no idea how to strike. He still would have best CM punk
Aria, you’re a true hero. Thank you so much for this. Myself and I’m sure so many other people needed to see this. You’ve showed us what we’re all capable of. Thank you bro
So much respect didn’t even tap while in a guillotine
You fought better than CM Punk
He had the best case scenario.. easy lose. Lucky guy.
Well done Aria, world of Fighting is really pure and worth it, now you are alot more of yourself. And you are the strongest guy we have ever seen. Hats off! to you
i cried. this is real! i like realness
More like : I trained for 4 months to lose an mma fight...
The heart this guy showed was inspiring. His "friends" at buzzfeed are scum. He needed their support and all they had to say was how they thought he couldn't do it. He had that killer look in his eyes. He is a fighter!
I loved this. THANK YOU for going on this journey. I'm 39 years old and feel the pull toward this lifestyle. I don't have lofty dreams of winning belts, but I do want to be the best me I can be. Blessings to you Brother.
Winning or losing, you already are an inspiration for thousands of people. Thank you, Aria!
These coworkers of his at buzzfeed are insufferable.
Are there any straight dudes working at buzz feed?
More like, are there any normal ppl in Buzzfeed?
He can beat his coworkers in a "nicer" way now
Spoilers alert! : He won He already won since he stepped up to do this challenge. Maybe he didn't won the fight but he definitely won everyone's heart and most importantly his own.
So much respect for this dude!
What a man
Aria is to masculine for buzzfeed
If my friends said that I would fight them aswell
The BJJ is really what is going to set this apart. BJJ can take a life time to master, even if the opponent has trained for 1 year he's going to have ample ammunition to end this fight, at least it would be a relatively peaceful ending.
All those soy boys at buzzfeed
buzzfeed is a pit of snakes man wtf ...
You're my hero Aria, But for real your workplace is full of toxic fairies.
Buzzfeed is dedicated to some views. It used to be: I trained like an MMA fighter for 1 month. Not you fighting a real fight in 3 months? Dedication
Nothing but respect as someone who has done all forms of combat fighting. It takes real heart and mind to do what he did. Huge respect to him
Inspiring! Awesome work man. Hope you leave that shithole of a company though, you're better than them.
This should be mandatory for all young males
Starts at 26:03 but the whole video is great! Thumbs up to u man!
If u newbie u must learn how to fight., Not just fitness only.. go train n train .. okey baii
nothing better than seeing ''Aria plans to fight again''.
Sooooooooo... whens the next fight?
no offense but Guillotine wasn’t even with good form and he couldn’t get out of it
Man I’m proud of aria, he actually has the motivation that people now a day think it’s almost impossible to obtain
Dude go around real fighters. Buzzfeed staff is super fake. You got alot of heart Aria. But yea man choose better friends.
That’s a yikes from me
12:45 punk did an illegal sweep. Can’t do those hip throws w the back of the calf in muay thai
“Arya told me that he was Buddhist” I don’t get what that has to do with fighting
Should have spent that extra month to work on ground game / jiu jitsu. Just striking isn’t going to cut it.
Poor guy can’t throw a punch... the other guys would get ktfo leaning back with his arm like that
dude dint tap
I honestly just think everyone was just scared that Aria would get hurt.
Patrick vs aria
If i could like this vid twice i woukd
The other fighter was so trash hahah let Aria train a few more months and that guy would be done in 1round
30:06 girl cmon
Everyone is talking about how toxic the BuzzFeed office is. But, man, those people just know how gentle Arya is. They know him more than we do.
Dude has the McGregor spine tattoo
Can I watch his future?!!!
I got surgery today for my nose yet im watching this
The Larry guy has reffed one of my fights
Been a fan of MMA since two years ago (UFC, ONE, Bellator). At the beginning of the year I signed up for an MMA gym. Great support, even for people like me who go for exercise and better self defense, just as much as the professionals get in there.
Hey man I respect the fact that you even got in there I know you ain't a professional but at the same time it takes heart
Thank you for motivation before my first fight in my life
Dickles co-workers, unsupportive twats.
Aria, bro, these people you work with are LOSERS!! They’ll laugh and deny you behind your back knowing full well that none of them have half the sack you do for taking a leap like you did. Take a note from the comment section and stick to the 2 or 3 guys who dared to believe in you despite the NONSENSE of your other colleagues!!
Nice video
Props! Working up the courage to do this!
I skipped 2 27:00 and yeah
Damn bro are those really your friends? Sheesh
Conor McGregor would call these little Snakes out!
Imagine training for 3 months to fight and lose within the first minute without landing a strike or takedown or nothing. Not me
“Is he tapping?”
Somebody knows the name of that song from the end of this masterpiece?
Awesome, just awesome. Loved this, thank you all.
Love this video!! I'm so proud of you Aria❤❤
13:08 - 13:50 man his "friends" are not supportive at all. They don't realise how much courage it takes to fight. It sucks that his coaches and fight partners are more supportive than his co workers.
Stick at it man, Rome wasn't built in a day. Fighting takes time, it's not something that can be rushed. Stick to Muay Thai and BJJ. Respect for getting in that cage, it took me 2 years before I took my first fight so to do it after just 4 months is incredible. Don't listen to any of the negativity. Thanks for the video, You're the man!
this guy has no friends at buzzfeed
Aria, heres my message to you. Get better friends... especially the mustache hipster guy hiding his bald head at 13:16
Man the guy at 4:56 wore yeezys so casually.
This concept is completely stolen from the French web serie amateur from GQ France
please buzzfeed contact a new personal trainer, he hasn't a clue about athletic development which was shown straight away by making him do press ups on the ball, the guy is a clear novice in the gym a standard press up would be a lot more beneficial , behind the neck lat pull down has no benefit over a regular lat pull down but increase the risk of shoulder issues and then using the gym to " develop mental toughness". first of all if he did plan to make the guy feel sick then his an idiot, that has no benefit at all other than making him look like a "tough" trainer and my other point is if you cant compare a tough gym session to fighting in MMA feeling like you're going to throw up has little to no benefit when you've been punched in the face. you've used it guy a few times now and he just gets worse and for a company that promotes love your body at any size i dont know how you would allow him to use the term skinny fat when you could easy said an untrained body. if you want actual evidence based training go check my page @a2bconditioning on instagram
You Went to sleep. Do you know how hard it is to not tap in a choke ? Just getting in there is the hardest part, but then you landed shots and tried to fight through a choke. Soldier fired a first timer. Awesome bud, your stock went up.
So his nutrition, was completely taken care of, he had not only a striking coach but also a conditioning coach. Meanwhile most amateurs cant sven afford their gym fees.
Big pussyfoot
He has nothing to prove, he took 4 months to train for a MMA fight!! props to you my man.
watch my action packed mma highlight
Man your so called ''Friends'' or ''Coworkers'' are the biggest rats ever. Never seen people close to someone being such snakes and so unsupportive...
I suggest you don’t stop training and try to improve even more, because you trained very hard for 4months and you don’t want to lose your hard work easily so you could try one more fight, it would go better.
Careful of who you call friends Aria, me personally i grew up on school fights and neighborhood fights but me competing in a professional mma fight is a big NO. You are a warrior Aria Respect from jordan
the ending was disappointing asf… but as they always say "props to you man"
Where can I sign up to do this..
in your nearest mma training center
Fights starts at 23:07
All I learned is you have to act extremely feminine to work at buzzfeed
I'm grateful that there is one less soy boy on this planet.
Even though you lost, I do respect you for stepping in there and putting it all on the line. The Training, the diet Can be looked at as Huge learning experience and you followed through. You didn't tap, you didn't give up half way through training. You made weight and you didn't get hurt or injured. What a great learning experience.
boob at 30:04
this is embarrassing
why man
"Respect" to you Aria! You put yourself on the line & became a fighter. I don't get all the negative comments about your co-workers. It was a whole new world for them, & they hadn't seen you as a martial artist. Any way, keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your next fight. Oss.
Crazy but inspirational at the same time. Aria not only did you prove to yourself you can achieve anything you set your mind to, you proved it to everyone watching this. This video is about so much more than just fighting as people can relate this to any battle that they are going through. By sharing this you will have helped many people get through something they doubted was ever possible. Nice work, no more Mr nice guy!
Dude, you were super lucky to be around men. Those were MEN training you in the ways of MEN. That is what masculinity is all about.
When a buzzfeed or huffpost writer tells you they’re gonna kick your ass
Mad respect dude!
Bravo, what a journey to become a MAN. Congrats.
HAHAHA F Buzzfeed
i got ko'd by Ngannou just from his small appearance in this
oh cool Kenflo
ew Buzzfeed
No one taught you to fight the hands in a choke? Not trying to be disrespectful, because it takes a lot of guts to do what you did. I feel that he was afraid to stand with you and resorted to the choke. Props though!
the only thing i skipped in the video was the sequences of the colleagues. Respect to the man who wants to know how it feels to be alive !
He gotta go make some better friends
Wait... this is uploaded via Buzzfeedand and they earn Money with him but they dont want to take responsible for possible injurys?
Props to you for trying something most will never
I would never work for buzz feed those snake ass coworkers
Im here like get em Aria! Come on Aria gettim gettim! Good job brother!!!
I hate it me too when someone saying to me you cant go in the cage you're too Nice. Fu*k it's getting me so Mad
I hate BuzzFeed, but I respect this man. I respect a warriors journey. Win or lose he did not give up and didn't tap. Respect.
Awesome work brother
You know what's crazy? How Aria has bigger cajones than all of the people who didn't believe in him and thought he was 'too nice'. That irony, man, smh.
I love the massive wisdom these trainers have as people and as fighters.
I can't believe how much lack of faith his colleagues had in his ability :O I think it just reflects how little they know about fighting: how dangerous a fighter is is determined by their skill and their mindset. The athleticism is just the vehicle but the driver is Aria's brain.
I love the whole 'tough old veteran reluctantly coming out of retirement one last time' thing xD
Aria surround yourself with positive people my dude, you have a lot of heart and your so called friends or colleagues from this video at least don’t seem to be the best people to be around. You did great props to you man.
Hey Aria, just wanted to say that I was inspired by your experience and determination to pull this off, which you did - regardless of the outcome. I also train a bit and my worst fear is of hurting my opponent - more than getting myself hurt. While sparring with my coach he intentionally put his guard down for me to throw a punch, but right before the moment of impact I felt an uncontrollable force that slowed me down from landing that punch. I told him about it and his response was that I'm a normal (meaning "nice") person. Did you also feel that? If yes, how did you manage to overcome it?
Btw buzzfeed employees aren’t bad. They read the situation correctly and know this person, not everyone is a fighter, I’m certainly not. His jabs alone his coaches should not have let him enter this fight.
Wow the only person on Buzzfeed who actually looked decent when fighting.
No experience to a pro fight in 4 months. That says everything about his ethic.
Props to Aria. You are fearless.
If u ever think about Fighting PLEASE DO NOT BE SCARED TO KILL THE OTHER PERSON. *tip*
what song starts playing at 30:45?
Damn aria is more of a gangster than mcgregor he didn’t even tap and mcgregor did
Wow Aria in 3 months time you look surprisingly good in there! the calmness is amazing. Good work man
u have the guts but it is different from being good on fighting it take years bro
I bet if he did a month of jiu jitsu he could’ve won
You did great
rly just wasted half an hour of my life
This shouldnt of happend,idk what he was thinking 4 months is not enough time
I became a mma fighter in 10days
Lmao cool Conor McGregor tattoo lmao
He did 100 pushups 100 situps 100 squats and a 10k mile run every day . . .
Good effort you can be happy with ypur accomplishment.
30:06 free the nip
i'm willing to bet the co-workers were told to say pessimistic things for the camera, dont take it all as real
respect brother! solid training and mentally and physically :D
I want to see him fight again. I was 100% impressed with what I saw
First things he talks about is romcoms and Christmas..... this man ain’t a fighter
Y’all peep the trifecta sponsor lmao... probably the smoothest YouTube sponsor transition I have ever seen
This guy won. He trained his ass, he got in shape, and he proved he's got strength
i think your co-workers definitely can still be yours friends. Reality is, with your weight and skill level, nice guy background, and most importantly only 4 months of practicing there was little chance you were coming out of that fight alive. Now if you ask those co-workers do they think you can do it with a year's worth of practice and they say the same thing then that's a problem..
man i love combat sports but its sad to see old fighters with the slurred speech :(
I was so motivated by this video it's crazy! I really hope aria gained at least as much strength as he has given me.
Once again this shows that fighters are some of the best people to be around
I JUST wish he had gotten a kick landed....I really liked his kicks during his training.
The winner had no hands.. the loser had a decent grappling game
Nothing but respect to anyone who goes in the ring. Well done
I would like to take this opportunity to challenge any one of those losers who doubted you and spoke negatively about you to an MMA fight. Lets see if they have it in them to accept. I highly doubt it!
First decent content I've seen from BuzzFeed in a long time
You are a tough dude and i give you a lot of credit. Not tapping out to that choke says a lot about you.. Fortunately, you have nothing in common with the losers you work with. The best move you could ever make is leaving that place, continue your training and become the person you want to be. Surround yourself by those who want to see you succeed and are a positive influence.
It takes serious courage to put yourself out there like that. Good work, man!
Are you going to continue MMA training, or fighting, because it would be awesome to see you fight more?
Aria you're a total fuckin G and truly an inspiration !! Looking forward to your next fight
Great vid
16:41 nun of these trainers trained kabib but much respect for this video takes alot of bravery to do a task like this!
Now you´ve proven yourself that you are in fact sore loser but at least you got your ass whooped in style...
Dudes an alpha max respect
I think the only way Aria was able to pull this off is if he had absolute ZERO training experience and because of the accountability from BuzzFeed. People who do train and who have zero MMA experience would not recommend anyone do what Aria did.
ending song?!
Respect, but I think it's crazy to jump in there after only 4 months of training, you can get seriously hurt .
buzzfeed is full of weenies. wheres the support?
I'm glad to see he was planning to continue his martial arts journey it's an amazing a brave thing getting in the cage and going to war.
Ok why does his coach look like Nicolas cage
Omg I couldn't stop laughing
Buzz feeds seems like it’s full of stuck up little pricks
You had to slam him
Bruh his coworkers are so unsupportive :( That one dude said it was a waste of time
I'm so glad you are planning to go back to fighting, you have so much potential to be a great fighter. If you have the passion, please continue to do so!
Ive never heard a man say i like "romantic comedies" before haha.
That being said as much as i dislike buzzfeed and everything they stand for, you showed no fear and put up a good fight. Respect.
I skipped a bit and heard the trainer talk.I thought my video was 0.50 speed... Anyway good f. job.
A trainer who lets him do behind the neck pulls?
As a MMA fighter myself, one thing that you will learn when you are first starting out is what true friends are. The fact that his co-workers doubted him from the beginning says a lot and the fact that the coaches he got cared for him even more than the people he's likely worked with for years says a lot. MMA and combat sports in general is a hard sport and there is no guarantee you make it out of that cage/ring alive regardless of experience. You gain mutual respect knowing that your teammate is making sacrifices and they eventually become family and you want to see them succeed. Even if you don't want to be a fighter, I recommend at least training Martial Arts as you will gain the understanding of hard work, respect, discipline and friendship.
@Jonathan Will he's already fighting pro, I don't think it will be this quick!?
I keep coming to this video to see his buzzfeed looking ass getting choked in a couple of seconds. Each time it is even funnier
good game bro. next phase JIU JITSU~!
not a single drop of sweat and felt faint lol
This is a great lifetime experience for anyone really to get in that cage one time. You will get to know yourself on a different level, there's nothing in life that will instil that fear into you on a primal level. It doesn't matter if you take beating in there, sometimes you just need to put yourself in that fire and uncomfortable zone to see what you're made of, and realise who you are. Oh and as for those co-workers, I don't think they have bad intentions for Aria, but they just genuinely don't understand the perspective of someone who's going down this road. Don't take offence from people that can't comprehend it, just hope that one day they do.
I skip video i predict the reality lol
Hey man, I've been training muay thai for the past 5 months. I had my ribs broken my first night of sparring by a much more experienced fighter. Coming in to muay thai, I was only in it for self defense but now after watching this video and the courage you showed I'm going to try fight for my colours.
hey Aria, I'm training mma as well for more than a year now, man you're crazy but you got heart. You're fearless. I real fighter is not the one who conquered a thousand battle, but the one who is able to conquer himself. I would love to train with you! I hope you continue playing this sports and I hope that the first loss will not affect your view to inner self. Win or learn buddy.
Lol this guy has the scummiest friends ever. No one even believing in him. He needs a new circle.
How many hours a day did he train?
Askren should have listen to advice 9.13
im no expert but shouldve learned bjj
“Haha Just like in Rupals Dragrace!” Jesus they don’t take him seriously at ALL
max holloway took his first fight after 3 days
Its called MMA!!!! Wtf man did you guys just skip the jiu jitsu part of fighting. Poor guy had no idea he was in that choke
Ye , i think he should have spent more time learning jiu jitsu during those 4 months.
To be honest it was good that he was brave enough to step into that ring but now he needs to take it back to basics and go to a actual kickboxing gym and a real Jiu-Jitsu gym put his stuff together
Four months not quite enough. Guessing he was focusing on the stand-up and not the grappling. He just didn't move to defend the choke ( I'm a BJJ guy and you always have to tell the new guys to stop what they are trying to do and deal with the choke threat ). Good effort though and he whipped himself into some serious shape. You can get in shape and learn to do some stuff but you cannot substitute time and experience.
Hate these casuals making this video
Took the fight after the opponent didnt make weight. So much respect to you Aria. Always challenge yourself. There's no shame in losing only not trying at all
Respect. That takes real courage
I thought this was gonna be just an average buzzfeed documentary which I will still watch and enjoy, but this was so much more! I really felt the emotional and physical commitment to this project and I‘m gonna watch this again for sure, it was really inspiring. When you really put in effort in something you want to achieve, there‘s a way.
I don’t say this much but... Aria, that was amazing and I got chills from watching you change from the “nice guy” to a humble hero. You did great man, I and many others have mad respect for you.
Anyone who steps into the cage/ring to fight is a warrior! respect! BIG RESPEK
Congrats man! The journey you chose to take will hopefully do more for you in the future. Much respect. Osu
When's this man fighting again?? I absolutely have to see it!
Bueatiful! Man this guy showed some great heart!
Aria big trash
Ton of respect. Many years in BJJ, everyone taps! Props!
Please keep on training MMA Aria.
Fighting is hard when you have years of experience & for someone who never really thrown a punch before did it in 4 months..WOW! First off, It takes about a month 1/2 to get your cardio somewhat up to par, then sparring for the first time & getting your mind right to do it...Hats off to you!
great job man i love it but its a show. ive been training for 10 years tae kwon do, 1 year in muay thai, 6 months boxing, 6 months kung fu/sanda/wrestling. 3 months is like literally a joke. o yeah 5 hours for 6 days a week. no gym will accept anyone let alone the UFC if your record is only 3 months of mma training
8:31 every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes
The MMA trainer’s voice bothered me so much. MMA, Jui Jitsu, Wrestling isn’t a sport for someone to test so shortly and intensely. You start out slow instead of all at once, it would overwhelm anyone. Kudos out to Aria. But it’s not ideal for many people and being a fighter isn’t easy at all.
The coach sounds like the Diaz brothers
Why didn’t you teach him to escape anything or go for a takedown when somebody kicks
What do you mean you not going to stop a choke?! Aren’t you suppose to stop the fight when a fighter tap out?
Buzz feed takes beta to alpha. Now go socialist beta to capitalist alpha and I might start to respect buzzfeed again. Fake news fuckers
Cat fight lol
The buzzfeed staff are "buzzkills". Great job Aria!
I’ve been to training in mixed Martial arts for a year and I’m just starting my amateur career and the fitness u need to go a round is lot
The buzzfeed staff looks exactly what I thought they would.
He did not fight a pro. He fought an amateur who's only been training for a year. Quite a misleading title
I Trained for 4 months to become a.... hes out hes out... hes all the way out.
mad respect
Buzzfeed is just a joke of a company.
Aria my man leave buzzfeed
Sad sad sad.
Fricken great video. Mad respect for Aria.
Big up yourself Aria! A lot of people place importance on the result, but your biggest accomplishment was overcoming your doubts to step into the ring and compete in the first place.
Well done mate, I didn’t think you’d put up much resistance in there. But you proved me wrong. Well done. I take my hat off too you.
Aria get back in the gym bro....I need another video
Aria seems like a genuine dude I hate how his buzzfeed friends treat him
I started learning mma at 5 I’m 14 but tbh boxing ran in my family and my grandpa was a boxer. Honestly these guys aren’t that good no offense
I think you should fight again
For The Nice Guys!
Aria, this is the first video ive seen of you... And I think you should keep going. Lifestyle or hobby, you started something, who knows where this sport will take you... You said it yourself, whatever comes, you're ready.
Grappling with a rookie is a cheap move lmao
Failure is my biggest fear in life and it holds me back.
They say you never truly know yourself until you’ve been in a real fight. Respect!
This reminded me of one punch man.
Huge fuckn respect to this dude like wtf you should try to get into the ufc man
To the both of them
Fuckin idiot
Respect tho
My teammate, Kyler Scott, just defeated Kasen Matsch a couple weeks ago. We got your money back Aria
Hi aria, if you work it every day hard you’ll get real good
Yo props bro, you got mad heart
Too little training, too little knowledge, too much soy
Mmmmm that was really damn good for only 4 months of training, and for a first fight.
Haha I'd love to get in there and fight this guy. I'm 0 and 0 but I did some training. Maybe don't be a soyboy anymore.
This dude is too much of a man to be working with those people, or at buzzfeed
I think I can, I think I can, I think.... I..... grbalalbbrrrghrhrhhr.......zzzzzzz
Respect to you man. Most ppl would have tapped.
I was waiting for Francis to say ,” He said what??”....
Mad respect for Aria. But glad I'm not the only one who thought his colleagues were incredibly negative and toxic. Should've been supportive, not said how bad he's going to do.
That’s crazy to do a mma fight after such a short training camp for someone who is inexperienced. Respect
Toxic and non-supportive friends. Salute to Aria it's okey bro atleast you fight
This just shows you the kind of work that is put into the sport.
Wish I could do a double like!! I have fought and this was awesome - GREAT Job Aria ;¬)
The order of these clips is so weird
and that happens when u go in a pro mma fight with only 4 months of experience
Great video and well done, mate. I really do hope that you've quit BuzzFeed and found a better gig.
Didn't even tap. Respect
Omg why my man didn't tap, first thing every trainer teaches the person to do.. TAP if you cant fight any longer OR if your are more than 4-5 seconds in a closed guillotine .
"Friends" Seriously?
Wow a waste of time!? What kind of friend or support is that and really? Most of them saw him failing with and had very little support. That’s so cool and happy for him and I believe he found himself with all that he did.
Idc I have the upmost respect for this guy. Even more that he didn't tap. You my friend are a ultimate warrior.
This motivates me a lot
Boii got put to sleep
Buzzfeed colleagues are dickheads
Bro train Jiu-Jitsu. That would not have happened.
The guy that wanted to make fighting his career misses weight... smh. It’s not that hard to cut weight properly.
He needed way more jiu jitsu training
You needed the Gracie’s
Blackout before you tap out, respect
Bro you didn't respect the game. Training very little grappling and all striking. Is like just wanting to hit in baseball and not knowing how to catch.
that why he got choked out too. Because he didn't even know to tap. if you want to do kickboxing just do kickboxing. but if you do mma you need to train grappling and 4 months. is a good amount of time to learn something.
bryan ortiz He had no prior fighting knowledge and never watched a full length fight in his life, and he trained for 4 months. What did you expect mister MMA expert? LMAO
what a fantastic video! kudos to everybody involved. i'm inspired & motivated.
Aria, you are an inspiration to everyone who watches this and to everyone who knows you. You have embodied the warrior’s spirit and for that I tip my hat to you. Keep it up — you’re kicking ass in life man.
everybody got a gameplan until they got punched in the face
Such a typical Californian attitude from these co workers, bland, unsupportive, negative and just pure evil in disguise. I really hate fake people. They are so much full of themselves and miserable.
He should’ve learned how to grapple, because this is MIXED martial arts and not straight up striking only
These are the worst friends ever wtf.
Luke friggin Thomas!
I just became aria for like straight 30 minutes! I really really felt that tension
As someone who trains and wants to compete, I found this to be incredibly inspiring. Especially hearing the other fighters talk about what they're fighting for, and what it Means to be a fighter. Putting your body on the line, along with your pride and emotional health, in order to confront and overcome a fear, to achieve a difficult goal, while battling the inevitable self doubt, hoping to learn to overcome that as well. I wish he wouldve won, but it's cool that this video empathizes that it's not about winning; it's about Trying. Because it's better to live a life where you fought and struggled and learned and grew, than to essentially not know what it's like to live at all. I have so much respect for people who understand what this sport is really about, and take it seriously
He Is not PRO je fight like amater
5:41 nice license plate bro
he got some weird af toxic co-workers, there buddy. Surprise them.
It's a fight, anything goes
Yeah, takes a lot of fearlessness to risk it that far
He was actually winning that fight up until the choke the skill was bad but the other guy was so stiff and it looked like if the fight would have continued and the choke would not have happened i could see aria connecting with a ko punch
Props to him. But boy he got rekt
ARIA what a guy
Lesson: Dont go into the cage after 4 months. And stay off the soy.
Too man for BuzzFeed.
Dude I feel like I just watched a vice docu drama. SO much soy in this vid.
Damn. I’d love for this to be a series or something. Get your own channel. You’re a warrior Aria
Reilly trained rampage. GODDAMN!!
Your name is aria, like the badass stark. You got this BRO!! Also I saw francis ngannou and started doin backflips.
Awwwh why he lost like that
MMA is a ruthless sport. Aria got destroyed but kudos to him for not quitting. Fair play to him for steping into the cage.
Whoa! This is me. I will fight in a muay thai match in 4 months and i just started training/learning muay thai.
I have been training kickboxing for 3 years and i have so much respect for ari because mma is a totally different world.
Wow these guys are such good friends
2:27 Does Kenny Florian even have a resting face?
respect to him
huge respect
do it again
Buzzfeed sucks...change my mind
so to get into MMA, i need to take 4 months off from college, get UFC level training, and an overpriced meal plan and I'll be set. BET!
Aria’s buzzfeed mates are a load of toxic dickheads. Props to Aria to taking this challenge on.
They should have focused way wayyyy more on grappling. Everyone knows how to strike and can pick it up easier, but barely anyone knows a ton on grappling. You can beat a trailer with a grappling situation, but you can beat a grappling situation with striking. Just look at Khabib v Conor, look how easily Khabib picked up grappling and how he could beat him with the little striking he knew
Hey Aria! Man, what a rollercoaster!! Thanks for not only putting it all on the line, but for documenting everything and sharing it with all of us, seriously great inspirational stuff. I just went through an amateur boxing reality show as well where they trained us up for close to 2 months and then had us face off, and for you to take that on against an experienced opponent in a sport where there's no 16 ounce gloves or headgear... that's ballzy as hell! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who can\t wait to cheer you on at your next fight!!!
All that build up to get standing guillotined, I mean getting out of that is probably the easiest thing to do in terms of jiu jitsu, step your hip next to theirs, hook the far leg, lift and drive, boom you’re in side control and you can ground and pound for days, goes to Show you can learn the basics of how to throw a punch but you damn sure can’t grapple on 4 months of training, hope he gets better at jiu jitsu and gets back in the ring, he definitely wanted it which is a plus
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but this video just means that you can train for three years and never make it to an amateur fight but as long as you have connections you can join a pro fight in 4 months
@MasterLee 2003 correct.
@Scam Scammer okay then this is all it takes to get into an amateur fight
this was an amateur fight
The ol standing guillotine
Remember buzzfeed probably paid for ALL of the training
props to aira! hope i get to see him fight again
i would love to see the entire buzzfeed staff get choked out
The way that coach speaks is hilarious
all that training to get choked….. next fight dont attack firrst
I feel like Aria’s punches how I feel like in my dreams
Best video buzzfeed has ever made, beautiful to watch
Jesus, this reminds me of why I can’t work in an office. Time for you to beat them all up now and show them paaaaaain
I wanna see an aftermath video... does he still train? how has life changed for him?
Get on your fukkin feet... Use your fight instinct !!!
Please upload arias next fight! I took my first fight with only 3 months in a gym so I know alot about what he was feeling, and I'd definitely like to see how is next fight goes.
exactly what i thought when i saw the first girl with green hair
Nah bro I find this highly offensive I’ve worked my hole life to fight in a cage and I’m currently 2-0 and this is a joke 100%
Now he's going to walk around that office slapping chai tea lattes off those desks.
The way his buzzfeed co workers put him in a small box by putting him in this specific category is disgusting. Aria, forget about your co workers. Make friends with the cage fighters and their coaches. These are the people that truly believe in you and will give you a chance. You know this now.
buzzfeed co workers look like people that would be in GTA
wtf is that 30:07
Can’t teach heart.
Make a part two
That other guy looked so amature lol
Coworkers are creatures filled with hatred, don’t go near them.
I think he went through this so he can knock out some of his coworkers, what a bunch of douchebags. Good on you Aria, you gained new confidence and have made some incredible memories for yourself to cherish.
watching this makes me want to keep going and not give up on my dreams on becoming a great martial artist and hopefully a pro wrestler or even do MMA. i know i have to get over nervousness and let what negativity around me to use it as fuel to keep going. you have inspired me, and i hope to keep going.
Don't judge the book by it's cover
screw you aria heheh
Good job Aria! You got heart.
Who is that person u where traying with in the gym
bro that was unfair your ment to balance it like not someone who has trained for his whole life u need someone else from buzz feed
I respect the hustle but you have to have brain damage to believe he would've made it out of the first round
what a beautiful video. Much props to Aria.
Those aren’t friends man
14:30 that’s really good advice
Hell yeah aria he didn’t wanna strike with you haha
13:43 the guy with black nails is what I see in my head when I think ,, How does a Buzzfeed worker look?,,
It's nice seeing people catch the mma bug
What you see... you never forget 30:05 OMG MY EYES
I don’t care what anyone says Aria is a true man.
fight was so staged, they paid his opponent to submit him without hurting him
How are his co-workers bad people? They literally say that he's the nicest guy... just because they say he won't win the fight or most fights in general, doesn't mean they're bad. He was going to fight a pro fighter and I'm sure his friends knew this.. Maybe the editors cut out the part where they gave him props for what he did, but at least they showed some hugging and support between them at the end.
Waiting for part 2 of this journey!!
Tanto pedo para cagar aguado xdxdxd
The 0-1 guy that beat aria (Kasen) fought again 3 weeks later & got submitted at 1:44 of round 1. BY a fighter that was himself 0-2. Kasen is now 1-2 with his only win being this one over Aria. Just trying to keep it alittle real. Aria fought a beginner. A not very good beginner
All his co workers bashing him for doing this. All they do is sit behind a desk day after day while this dude is doing something different. Something that takes a lot of courage. Most of the buzzfeed employees look like they haven't seen a day in the gym
Fighting a mma fight in only 4 months of training is insane. Much respect ✊
30:05 Ewww
I wouldn't of had to train to beat that guy up
The most important thing is that he stepped into that cage and actually gave a good fight. Also, he took little to no damage, much worse could happen in the cage, he got to have the experience without getting head trauma. Really cool how people can get into MMA and have the experience without having life changing injuries.
Aria deserves better than working at BuzzFeed
Wow the guy at 13:55 is a dick
Nothing but utter respect. OSU!
Better luck next time.all about learning.
Just seing Aria not flintch when the opponent swung means he knew what he stepped into and wasnt afraid. Good job dude.
Where is Jiu Jitsu ?
He did a good job
Bruh the man got choked out he should’ve lasted longer
Arias colleagues are all cowards.
Idc what any of his co workers where saying if he put the effort in and wanted too prove himself then he’s done it and he’s took a risk and in the end he’s better than he was before
He still has 1:04 more time in the cage than I have. Respect.
Him vs cm punk will be a great match
I remember when I trained to become an MMA fighter in 2 weeks
Aria the man!!!!!!!
Amazing progress for 4 months don't stop there!
Snakes don't hiss anymore, they just grow weird moustaches and paint their nails.
as a jiu jitsu guy I just skimmed the video, I can't believe they didnt teach him how to grapple, but taught him how to clinch, i knew he was gonna be submitted before it even started
That guy copying McGregor's spine tattoo tho *yikes*
didn’t learn any jiu jitsu and got choked
You have nothing to prove.
Man this is like watching Embedded. Love it.
I remember this dude, Aria. He seemed cool and chill af, Cx in the chat.
The ppl who never faught b4 saying he cant pissesme off. Most ppl cant fight, at all.
25:22 Wise man Ngannou. 25:36 do it for yourself. nakraq shte si sam. trqbwa da jiweesh sys sebe si 24/7, ne prawi taka 4e da ne mojesh da si iztyrpqwash da propuskash shansowete koito syrceto ti ti kazwa da presledwash
You sure this is pro mma these guys hit like girls
After seeing this I di t want aria to quit training man buzzfeed's full of fucki g clowns but aria is a real one pls aria read these comments bro were here for you you fought valiantly any other coworker would balled in s fetal position but you charged ahead
Once he prayed to Buddha at that point i knew he fucked up
This mans a fighter tho most buzzfeed employees would cry if they got leg sweeped and thrown on the ground like thst
The thing is this is the most athletic buzzfeed has to offer in terms of office grunt workers if they put any other green haired sjw in the octagon itd be overwith
Anybody can become a fighter in 3 weeks some people just have it in the like me for example lol had it when i was only 6 with no training
Boy that head coach was lit up high during this
“All martial artist is humble” Mcgregor: am I a joke to you?
They both can’t fight. This guy shouldn’t have been in there he had no experience whatsoever. If anything they should have sparred heavily
Those co-workers of aria
Go beat your coworkers up
He would have been fine if more work was done on grappling, he did amazing up to that point, could have won!
Great video, props.
Lmao idk why all these weak LGBT looking bitches are making fun of aria. He is too tough for buzzfeed
Watched a movie earlier about mma where a guy wanted to prove something to his dad by training in mma just a handful of months before an actual fight Can't believe it actually happened in real life Over 9000 respect for Aria Inthavong
The guy who said it’s a big waste of time has no idea what he’s talking about fighting and training is not about winning/losing or getting beat up it’s all about growth there is no wins and losses in fighting As a guy who’s been training for years I take offense to that comment
This is a special event...I don't think that's what aria's effort, perseverance and courage truly teachs...
aria, your friends are dicks
For someone who started training in that short of time I feel like he did great oh dude submitted him because he kept getting hit I feel like if he kept training and took it to the next level he could actually do really good
Lol. Respect for trying tho!
Horrible coaches
Undeafeted laila ali?? Please she ducked lucia rijker the best female boxer ever
No wonder he wants to “prove himself” if the people he hangs out with on a daily basis are like this.
A lot of respect to you Aria for stepping in the cage and not tapping!
BuzzFeed Andy is the only one who can make this channel tolerable
30:04 wtf is that
Aria, 1.) "Warriors are not the ones who always win, but the ones that always fight". -Unkown 2.) "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” -Nelson Mandela 3.) “Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me.” ― Al Capone and 4.) "Wolves don't loose sleep over the opinions of sheep". -Unknown You have my complete and utter respect. Not only as a fighter, but as a person who strives to be the best he can be. Being an Infantryman in the Army and eventually diving into amateur boxing. I know exactly how you felt training for your first fight and the struggle of conquering fear. Lucky for you, I didn't know my opponent until I literally got into the ring lol. This has probably been said a lot but you should distance yourself from your co-workers. You should give yourself the self-respect you deserve. I hope to see more videos about you in the future. Keep training hard!!!!!
Says MMA fighters are humble looks at Connor McGregor well apart from him
Right off the stance and his throws i knew he was going to lose. Not meaning this in a bad way but for those who know, know.
Funny to see him get ended after all that training he gets ended from a submission lool
Your friends are CANCELLED. You should sparr with your so called friends. Haha tag em a few times
I thought we got past the whole train 2xs a day 6xs a week thing years ago.
Trainers were too nice to him, they should have pushed him more.
Props to him for going in there
That went about exactly as I thought it would go. Great job to Aria
i respect him for his hardwork but that idolatry to buddah is no good my brother hope u get delivered sometime soon u seem like a solid dude god bless brother great job!:)
Wow he really didnt tap..out ...ur real g...Aria
You did so great man! Crongrats and i hope you keep up with fighting. It was really great to see your journey.
Aria it took a lot of heart to both train and get in that ring. Doesn't matter if you lost, doesn't matter what anyone says. None of those folks have the heart or lack a fear to step in that ring. As a person who has been in the ring and trained for many years, you have my respect as a man. You are a man. I hope you keep training and learn all the true benefits martial arts can have in your life. Take care.
Both these guys had no business on that ring.
Bruh he did super good for his first fight
Aria, I feel what you said about the misconception that you can't just "turn off" the nice guy in you. I'm the opposite. I come off as mean, they tell me I act too rough. My tough demeanor is a big part of who I am. But as you said, this does not mean I can't turn it off. I hope you continue in your MMA journey. It is one of the most rewarding things I have had the privilege of being a part of.
Jesus how negative are those collegues
Actually, it’s not about the nerves in the chin, it’s about the leverage your chin has over your brain. If you get punched super hard in the jaw it’ll torque your brain in the other direction and it’ll either knock you out by over stimulation or disorient you in the next match. If you have the chin tucked with your forehead being a larger target, it’ll be much harder to knock you out. A punch to the forehead isn’t really anything super bad, but I’d still avoid it. Actually, try this, make a fist and lightly tap your bottom jaw until you can feel the same concussive force that it’d take to knock someone out just to get a feel for what the target is and how to hit it and how to defend from it. Aria also needs better coworkers. Yikes.
So bad bro how do you go to pro without taking amateur your just asking to get fucked up
Im ded
Buzz feed liable form at the start... hahah pretty much saying, it's your own fault if you get injured.. but we're going to monetize on the video and not cover you if you get injured but keep the profits from it..
90% of the comments are viewers not into martial arts and the 10% are, and judging on his training and skimming the video to the end to be disappointed. Good thing this was mma and not muaythai.
30:04 is that a giant side/under boob?
I guess grappling doesn't make for a good training montage . But had they focused 70% of the time in no-gi, he'd have a much better chance.
They taught him like 0 ground work, all punches and kicks. Smh, also buzzfeed employees are as fake as they come.
Aria is amazing. But his friends are the absolute worst.. ewww. I hope he sees that.
It was tough watching him get choked out like that
Well.... you gotta say he did better than Conor Mcgregor. At least he didn't tap tap tap. Went out like a man.
Bro u got a lot of snakes
Hey now that you did this. You should leave buzz feed. They treat you like Dick's and none f them believed
Why didnt you teach the poor guy some grappling atleast just a little
that’s tuff
Why they show two different angles of the guy in the yellow shirt, that nose was mesmerizing
Those buzzfeed colleagues are bitches. Aria is a bulldog!
The buzzfeed studio stinks of low testosterone levels and toxicity. At least Aria escaped that hell even if it was for 4 months (hopefully longer since he’s continuing fighting)
You inspired me man... I’ve been thinking about getting in the cage having never been there before And now, I will.
His parents really fucked him up giving him a chicks name
That trainer guy lowkey looks like Nic Cage.
145? That’s my left leg
This goes to show that BJJ is the most important aspect of MMA that everyone ignores. I’ve seen Aria practice BJJ only once throughout this video. Tragic.
Sorry Aria, just skipped to the fight...
@Aria you did a great job. Keep going.
25:50 Fight starts Conclusion : 1 minute 4 seconds he loses via submission.
Lmao was interested till i heard buzz feed...
Aria, this is great. Most people have no idea the courage it takes to fight, even when you're in a controlled sparring environment. Talk about proving those people who doubted you wrong (I'm not going to even talk about my disgust at how your co-workers talked about you...). Proud of what you did, man.
Actually, it’s not about the nerves in the chin, it’s about the leverage your chin has over your brain. If you get punched super hard in the jaw it’ll torque your brain in the other direction and it’ll either knock you out by over stimulation or disorient you in the next match. If you have the chin tucked with your forehead being a larger target, it’ll be much harder to knock you out. A punch to the forehead isn’t really anything super bad, but I’d still avoid it. Actually, try this, make a fist and lightly tap your bottom jaw until you can feel the same concussive force that it’d take to knock someone out just to get a feel for what the target is and how to hit it and how to defend from it. Aria also needs better coworkers. Yikes. They should have taught him some jiu jitsu as well, because he got guillotined. He was confident though and did his best. Respect.
Raffioli so true
Raffioli same.
Couldn't agree more!!!!
McGregor is humble cocky, but as much of a fan I am he really fucked up his career
What movie was it
I mean, I want to dislike it (since it's buzzfeed), but i just can't..
Should’ve tapped not worth the brain cells
Why this loser beta male let them bully him into this and embarrass him self for life for the sake of views , I’d love to do a mma match with whoever runs buzzfeed see how they like it
looks like Aria is surrounded by a bunch of haters
Respect for what you did! as a boxing coach myself i suggest you try again, you got the work mentality and the abillity really listen to your coaches and sparring partners. Its not my buisness but your colleagues unknowingly are putting pressure on you by challenging and doubting you. You are right it is your journey and you did it for you. give training another shot work about a year for it (four months is crazy and dangerous) And you'll have a better chance, winning is an awesome feeling and i hope you experience it one day. Respect!
lol that guy Casen he fought is trash, he's got no hands, 0 hands, absolute can.
Aria holding it down Laotian style.
Just a couple of dorks pretending to be fighters
Aria is
hayabusa gloves always be killing the game
Wow this felt like a movie
buddy got his ass beat
They should’ve focused mainly on defense and done some basic striking techniques. You can’t learn how to properly execute moves in 4.5 months when your opponent is already seasoned. It’s not shocking he got submitted bc he got put into the guillotine and clearly didn’t know what to do smh. His trainer fucked him over
Respect to you for stepping into the ring. You probably wanna ditch the sjw friends
Aria.. please carry on this journey. You may have what it takes
I give this vid a dislike because screw buzz feed but I’m giving it a like for aria
If you prayed to the real GOD you could’ve did the impossible
one of the hardest sports no cap , it can break u down physically and mentally so easily
I like how all the fighters an trainers they showed were very supportive as compared to ppl he knows
*guy with painted fingernails proceeds to tell someone they can't fight*
fake friends kmt
Everyone at that office are fake ass pricks, support your people you twats
24:42 is that Francis ngannou
Most of buzz feed are beta cucks but this dude is a full on alpha it takes a lot of courage to get on the cage
I love that they included the Masvidal vs Askren picture
Buzzfeed just shot themselfs in legs. Just horrible support.
The staff sound like Dickheads
Man, that's the spirit right there . You have a big heart and determination you motivated me to train more ..God bless to our career bro
A video dedicated to his ego
Thr only real man at buzzfeed
didn't they show a reverse armbar towards the end? u mighta missed it
@Jie Hu I agree I think he should've had a year of any type of grappling experience before entering competition which is why it's so confusing they let him compete, or let alone taught him to fight " muay thai " clinch style
Agreed but how much jiu jitsu could be realistically have learned in 3 months
TY yikes
Because jui jitsu is hard to learn and only works when you’re on the floor
Why is everyone in the comments hating on his co-workers they were just being honest
hey dude keep it up. you have the heart and spirit. keep training even if you dont have/want to fight again keep the fire alive. Osssu!
he is a loser
Is Aria dating that beautiful girl with that long hair??
very inspirational video bro. I am 40y.o. and have a dream to enter a muay thai or mma fight. watching this motivates me. Thanks for reliving the beast in me. PS: I suggest you fight Rokus a Youtuber Martial Arts Journey. You both will be the best match
All the men in that office are so girly
ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS, but honestly the best case scenario. Quick choke, live to live another day. I just don't understand why you decided to focus on striking for 4 months, you should have been on the mats for 4 months doing jiu jitsu. You actually looked good, but you can't go into an MMA fight with no ground defense. Train jiu jitsu and you will win your next fight, otherwise do a kickboxing fight!!!! I've made the walk too, props to anyone who decides to step in that cage. PS, ditch all your co workers, surround yourself with better people.
Panny Pac-man is nice and he’s a world class champion
Go Hard!! Don't listen to negative comments or thoughts and just go through training and feeling the rush of fighting.
Damn, you're standup looked really good man. But that's MMA its more than just standup. You actually look like if you got some time under your belt that you could be really decent. Looked way better than CM Punk and he trained for 2 years before his first fight.
Aria seems like a cool dude. Cant say the same for his coworkers.
Spoiler he got choked
Awesome job! Very impressive, you did what a lot of people can't, but don't worry about that first loss. I have friends in MMA that have lost several times in pro, but still seeking to get there first when. Just remember form and structure can be taught, but fighting has to be learned and can't be taught. You got a lot of heart considering how you went until you passed out, that alone says a lot.
I'm hoping I can get the money and time to get into martial arts one day. I'm not getting any younger and I'm not looking to cage fight but to learn a deeper level of self discipline.
He lost for worshipping a false god
....co-workers........ absolutely not friends
everyone can fight I do practice mma, I begun 6 years ago, everyone can
Going in with the attitude of I’m not tapping if he chokes me I’m going out is dangerous you could easily get brain damage from the oxygen not getting to the brain, a few seconds without oxygen will make the brain rapidly deteriorate
In 3 month you can't get the amount of experience you would need to handle a real Match even against the worst fighter that's a fact, you are the prove that determination can bring you everywhere. Strength and determination are essential for success in mma you got both all you need is training. Good job
I respect this guy for committing to this very inspiring indeed
Should’ve taught him some more grappling I feel like he would’ve had it if the guy didn’t catch the submission
Shithead co-workers
My boy went out on his shield! Man, I was screaming the Guillotine defense - block the choke, wrap over the shoulder! - if only you trained Gracie Combatives! Hope you take up the Jiujitsu, brother.
Still better than CM Punk
The thing is that he didn't realize that he was this brave he didn't want to prove something but he proved that his brave without realizing it
Omg who are these "co-workers/friends?!"
Where can I see the full fight?
The guy missed weight. Aria won. 0-2 for the other
That's was a pretty boring fight ngl
Haha you got licked
this is why i stay solo. people tend to hold you back with negativity.
See the problem with 4 months of training is that martial arts are learned, developed and strengthened in years.. a black belt is not a 1-year goal, it takes over a decade of training to even be considered for proving black belt expertise in just a single martial art. 4 months with no prior experience is not reasonable to get into the ring with a trained mixed martial artist, it would be like fighting a white belt. *smh*
Bro like none of his "friends" believed in him.
i love how the one guy thinks head gear helps, it stops you from being cut thats about it.
Im impressed and i want to see him fight more.
His nails 13:44
I've been doing jiujitsu for 2.5 years and I've been really wanting to start muay thai as well so I can try out mma at some point. I don't even necessarily want to be a full blown mma fighter I just want to be able to say I have actually fought before. Most people never will.
he tries to fight to regain his manhood after he lost it by joining buzzfeed
mad respect, brother Aria -- gotta side with many other comments here: your co-worker 'friends' are not cool and weighing you down. Hopefully you will stay away. Friends need to be supportive and build you up. You found your inner reason to DO SOMETHING, not come up with excuses to not do things. Keep pressing no matter what this crazy life throws at you. Props to you!
Wait so I watched 25 mins just to see his ass get slept? Fair enough.
Mad respect dude
I laughed when he got choked out lol and I expected it when I seen the title sayin. He’s trained for 4 months
4:48 “When they first reached out to me , i said no.... until i saw that fat check.”
Now this guy is gonna act hard the rest of his life
Damn he got fucked haha
Damn his coworkers are assholes
The Buzzfeed staff are such assholes
My guy didn’t even tapout
The only real man at buzzfeed
chris riley from polyamory lmaoooo
We can't appreciate the highs without the lows
really good that you went out there and competed not many people are willing to do that, but you should really work on your technique because you were kinda stiff, leaving your hands down, sloppy shots, and flinching a bit.
Aria your a beast bruh for your first fight my guy you looked like a animal keep fighting
Omg I’m kinda mad tbh I am really glad to see Aria’s improvement but the other guy just choked him it wasn’t even like a punch or anything
what happened to chaox?
Wouldn’t tap out to prove his dedication to the challenge , Well played
8:59 why tf is he doing lat pull downs to his neck???
lmao starched
I want you to do another fight because he didn't even fight u lol
Wow what a tough challenge. Yes a steep hill to climb but Aria pushed himself and showed courage. Okay, the skills he could learn in 3 months would be very limited but despite that, getting in there and having a go is a tremendous achievement and shows more grit, courage and strength than most of his colleagues would ever have. It's a shame they weren't more supportive. I hope they now give him the respect he deserves.
He did well
I would hate to work at that buzz feed with those people
He's lucky he didn't end up with a broken neck
My question is would applying boxing skills in MMA useful?? From wjat I've sewn in this video both fighters strikes/jabs aren't that smooth.
Explain bruh. My def9of a can is Paul Malinagi (however u spell his name lol) he can't throw a punch let alone have power behind them. My opinion I could be wrong tho
Nah bruh
Damn truth
lol cm punk probably wouldve been the best competitor
What is the name of that mma organization?
Bro is anyone else curious why the dude he was fighting legit had a clothes change like 10 times like I dont get it like during the fight I mean
The coach sounds like chills
There’s not that much of a difference between the two the so called pro only had 1 fight before this
Love that they got Luke Thomas to narrate some of this
WTF I didn't realise it was Aria from the Aryan nation! Props my man! HAIL HAIL!
@Jose Lino That's great to hear, i hope you like it! Have fun!!
@Rivaal boksclub Thank you for your answer! I appreciate it. I guess I will apply boxing to my training soon
@Jose Lino Their jabs are not that good becuase they are amateurs and because in mma you can get leg kicked and taken down so most beginners throw more from their hips for defensive reasons. Boxing or any other style is really benificial for mma because the rule-set for boxing, taekwondo or wrestling allow you to train high level skills in a vacuum so you get more time to play and master what you want to add to your mma game. Just be aware that you cannot neglect the defensive skills needed for mma.
My question is would applying boxing skills in MMA useful?? From what I've seen in this video both fighters strikes/jabs aren't that smooth.
What a dickhead for not making weight as well
11:15 its funny Mcgregor has become the stock image for all tap-outs and choked outs out there !!!!!!
Why didn't they teach him how to grapple... Honestly he couldve learnt so much jiu jitsu in 3 months, even if he took a class or two a week
Mad respect man! It really takes guts to go out there and show everyone that you cant be labeled but you are the one who makes a name for yourself. Respect and i hope you continue training. It’s not a journey for everyone, but only few are willing to take the challenge. Push yourself brother! You got this!
Chris Reilly is a crackhead lmao
That was quick!
Man, some mad respect to you. You are a champ for the journey, alone. Awesome video.
Aria is inspiring. His coworkers on the other hand are definitely not
9:20 thats your real friend right there
4 months is barely enough to count as a warm-up. Props for trying. But a more realistic timeline is 4 years as a minimum.
They should've put him in a boxing match, he couldnt learn how to grapple AND stand up fight in 4 months, plus in boxing his opponent cant be a dickhead and copout by going for the submission against someone he knows cant grapple as well, mma fighters always submitting anyone who can take them on in a standup match
I'm so proud of him. Truthfully, he was victorious, just because he was able to get into the cage and give it his all. The amount of people who would be able to do that with only four months of training is short, and him doing it is awe-inspiring. And he stuck to his word; he didn't tap out and lost because he was knocked out. Plus the whole idea of him being the "nice guy" and people not thinking he could do it because of that is inspirational, because it shows that anyone could do it and that being able to be an MMA fighter takes more than just skill or the itch to fight; it takes courage and determination more than anything and the humbleness that is required to be able to lose and get back up again and keep going. It takes trust in yourself to know that you can do it and that just because you lost, doesn't mean you can't win eventually. I will definitely be interested in seeing how his next fight pans out! Also, people need to stop complaining about how his friends acted. They were scared for him, and didn't want to see him hurt! Also your not seeing the real point of this video and how inspirational it is. So re-watching and focusing more on Aria's journey and less on his friends and coworkers is a good idea to get the real message and themes in this video :)
Jiujitsu all day everyday. You seem to have a good foundation on striking. Keep it polished. Go for it
26:52 beginning of the end
The people at BuzzFeed are douchebags....... I don't know why I was surprised
Wow...you could be a match-maker!
Well done Aria!! Great job to the coaches as well
18:18 symfuny is that you
MMA is not for all people
That was the most betas I’ve ever seen in one video
wheres the jujitsu
Do it again but now focus a bit more on Boxing and stay away from the clinch.
no disrespect to CM Punk though he is been training for years , but he would have been your perfect opponent ..
You know what man, it's so inspiring to see how you trained, how much discipline you have, how much you wanted to make it happen. it just gives me so much encouragement to keep going, I just started training for boxing but my goal is to make it to the top, and just seeing this video is all I ever needed to see, and if I get up to the top, I'm going to say it's because you were my idol and I want to be as dedicated as you.
I respect the absolute hell out of you for this Aria, i hope you keep up being this type of person who charges head first into the thing they want to acconplish and doesnt look back. Whether or not you leave buzzfeed is entirely your decision. No one who ever works there will be able to stop it anyways so it doesnt really matter
Elminster Whitedragon wtf are u talking about
Trevir wallaces dad character
His co-workers throwing him shade when those overweight mofos wouldn't even last 3 seconds in the ring
Words of wisdom from the terrifying ngannou
The similarity between Aria and Brandon Lee Is shocking.
very inspirational, Aria welcome in the world of fighters, well done really, respect
Well done aria
First time I haven't looked at the comments once during a video
3 months of training only to get slept in 1 minute.
I think Aria needs new friends.
Honestly, those people saying that these guys are not his friends need to stop. They were just stating opinions for the videos. Opinions are opinions. You don't define the state of friendship by whether someone says you can or cannot do something. For example, just because someone encourages you to do drugs don't mean that they're your friends.
Having the guts to actually want to train and step into the ring make you a champion over your fears. Let alone the commitment you had within the very tight time frame. It can be overwhelming, as you did not do any sort of condition and had 0 background in martial arts, but you weathered the storm and pushed through to get to where you are. For that, you have my admiration and respect. Most naysayers don't even have the guts to even want to get into the ring. They'd say that could do it, but they're still stuck at "could". You on the other hand did it. I really hope you continue to train in it regardless of whether you compete again or not. Kudos to you for fighting every step of the way to the end. What a milestone you've accomplished.
Hey there! Thanks to everyone that took the time to watch this, I know it’s a pretty long video! I hope you enjoyed it. Since there were a lot of deleted scenes, I’m going to be doing a follow-up video where I talk about the actual workouts, diet, the fight and more - so if you have any questions about my experience, please reply below and I’ll answer some of them in the video! You’re also welcome to slide into my DMs @ariainthavong - if you do that, please also name me your favorite ABBA song. Thanks! ❤️