I Can't Go Any Slower

I Can't Go Any Slower

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so we have puzzle rush week coming up starting  on monday january 4th so that's coming up um   we will be competing in various puzzle rush events  um it's like tactics and puzzles uh from 10am to   1pm i believe it's like three hours every day  so it's gonna be a lot of fun i think there   are cash prizes as well so uh really looking  forward to that so let's do let's do a puzzle   rush let's go check this is a third potent this  is like another pretended ice skater checkmate   here another another pretended ice skater this  is just checkmate bishop holds it game over   so we keep going i think you  go here to collect the queen   you go check king cannot go this way um king  goes over and now you go uh just checkmate uh here here here is winning if c6 takes here here  you just win so let's go here here you take as the   bishop holds the queen and now you go here this  is checkmate there should be checkmate again queen   holds a square you can't recapture you go here  create the uh lobster pincer you take this check and now he takes it to just a check  there's a check here hitting the king   creating a mating thread of g3 he just  takes he loses the rook in the corner   and that's good i think you take with the brooks  wherever the queen moves you lose the rook at   the end of the board so let's take and take  and go here you take knight can't recapture   uh so you take and now you just take the queen  i think takes and rook before looks good um   the wait which way are the pawns going with pawns  go down versus up so it should be here hit the   bishop bishop goes back and now you just go go go  bye bye birdie bishop can't stop both of the pawns   can you make a queen i think there's rookie four   here is it check or is it  rookie three i think it's checking takes okay that's good uh rookie  one and now you just take and just take you go check and now queen eight is made  um take shaq takes is good check and mate   takes check and mate uh it's it's  not super hard but i i'm also taking   a little bit slower for you guys okay  let's go check let's go check and take   actually slow or wrong word okay let's go  check and takes um yeah yeah slower please   a little slower he says yes let's go check um  let's go check see glad to see you're still   streaming yeah we're this is the last round  of 2020 you guys okay i think you go check   or is there a trick i think you go here  you take and now you're just taking it's   just checkmate because the queen and  the rook would dominate this g7 pawn now you go check and you win it's also the first  year of 2021 well it's not 2021 yet here um oh   what's the move you can just i don't what is this  weird puzzle i think there's a tape that was bad take six takes a5 b3 yeah yeah let's swing a queen i think you go yeah you go here here and you win yeah okay i think just takes and rookie  8 is very good here and just take   takes takes and just takes  should be a checkmate here i think you go check check and take the queen and now i think you go here and you  win there's also check your mate b3 b2 should be winning although  do you guys see five here make a queen and block and just  take with the queen that's good um   so now i think i got queen g4  to hit this and i just take   uh there's knight f2 there's also queen d1 here  let's just take 95. wait a second what is this i think this is ripe it feels wrong  it feels very wrong but uh it feels   no it's right okay felt very wrong okay okay i think this move is probably rook g5  but after kingship i don't see the maid um is it rook h6 or knox you have  a checkmate here there's looks   this is rough i think it is though  yeah just takes and that's good okay knight h5s with fg6 the move i think you just take and you  just take and you just take okay   it's knight d4 there's queen c2 there's rook c8 okay that's good there's knight f3 there's rook g6 this looks right i'm not sure if it is  but it looks right look at this yeah okay well then your thirsty monster for the raid with  97. thank you so much thirsty monster appreciate   it hope all is going well congrats again on your  winning the nh championships i assume under 14.   thank you gem jam taco for the five get the subs  thank you so much thank you to eldon square gun   for the uh three bucks thank  you so much um appreciate it   i guess you just take i'm really confused that's  right um there's check and knight i mean i guess   a second yeah okay that's good this is what  black to play and move and win um if you go here you can also just go king d2 as well and just takes okay that's good okay let's see we're at 50 there's  rook g3 there's no rook d8 it's no good i think you jump jam tag over the five  thousand bits thank you so much appreciate   it thank you thank you casavara for the uh  for the prime as well so king e2 is a move i guess it's this this and that  and that okay that's good um   black's moving when you can take and take no okay oh you also queen b no maybe some bishop c6 um saying queen b1 21 bishop d7 bishop b6 um okay let's see so b7 is obviously a move   rookie eight shades no good rook g eight  is also a move king three no then h2 i think it's rook g8 and there we go okay that's good there's queen  d1 there's actually no no bishop d4 with d4 is   no good workout seven queen a8 king h7  queen d5 work five i think that's right oh wait it keeps going on now i think you go   there we go okay there's queenie one here  there's rook h1 also a lot of options yeah we're at 54. it's it's okay it's not great  but it's it's could it's not not terrible either rook h1 has to be right though unless i'm crazy this is a very difficult puzzle i don't know it's probably wrong maybe it's  maybe it's not ah do you take or do here i think it's c7 yeah okay good there's f5 there's also queen e2 this actually  looks like you know what this game looks like   this looks like um this looks like a game i  had against afghani tomaszewski and the uh   world youth chess championship and the  under 14 in 2000 i believe it was if i'm   not mistaken it's very similar like i it wasn't  quite this configuration of the rook and knight   but i i came running down the center of the  board like this um okay cool yeah very cool yeah okay okay let's see so queenie two's move queen c2 king   oh no it's queen c2 and now you check and  if you want here like if he went up you   have this fork but now that he goes here you  have this fork there there are multiple forks okay bishop g2 rookie 3 looks like an obvious move   it's so obvious that it's got to  be wrong but maybe it's not okay um now you take with a rooker actually  i think you take with the knight   yeah and take oh no it's queen [ __  ] too oh my god oh my god oh no no no so bad i think the games for 300 bit thank   you so much again thank you nick  kohl for the tier one thank you okay this one has got to be some uh  some tactic like bishop d4 rook b2 maybe   could also be received no then just takes oof um i'm computed what is this i have no idea what this puzzle is no rook b2 king b2 and there's  just no no way to break through huh no rook c5 looks fine but then he just takes  on i mean this is a very dank puzzle i guess oh no actually it goes on wait no i think we all have gotten used to it thank  you end wonder for the five months thank you they're two rook to b ones i  don't know which one is right in fact i don't even know what matters what's  the difference between this rook and this rook   something tells me it's this work to be one but  i honestly don't know what the difference is i have no record or not record i  have no idea what is the difference i think it's got to be this i mean i  just it seems like it's got to be this rook okay okay so ricky wants to move within queen h6 i think it's rook at v1 it feels so wrong  oh it's right oh my gosh it is right wow   wow thank you raid no there's no no no incoming  raid thank you um there's a check maybe   um this is also a very weird puzzle i don't know what the what is this i literally have no idea  what it could be so i mean i'm so confused this puzzle has been confused oh man this is brutal yeah rook d5 rook c2 is  what i wanted to do but the problems after takes   where c2 takes queen d7 king here takes him b7  i don't see the continuation give me something   weird like takes and oh is it take some b3 maybe  between c6 or is it b3 whoa this is really weird whoa thank you jim or thank you  johnsy for the five gifted thank   you so much johnsy thank you for  the two months as well thank you   um i feel like it's gotta be takes  but i don't know what it is after that yeah rook the eighth just worked d8 i have no idea oh man hmm there's this two just 97. or maybe  it's just clean up stuff maybe i'm   insane maybe i'm just completely  insane maybe just clean up seven i think it's actually just queen up seven it is okay and i think i just what it takes okay there's takes takes   wow this puzzle is very difficult i think  it's gotta be take so yeah it is okay good there's probably some trick here like knight  g5 and takes it's got to be a puzzle like this i mean it's gotta be knight g5  but what's the move after that well thank you johnsy for the five give the sub  saying so mr johnson appreciate it thank you i   mean it's got it this this since okay so this move  is correct there's knight g5 here then work f7   you can also stay with the  pawn and go knight of six i think it's pawn takes but i mean  that's such a weird move to play hmm yeah knight g5 is the move that  looks obvious but then rook f7   knight g5 rook f7 is why i'm not i think it's  actually pawn takes but it's such a hard move   to play here that if i'm wrong i'm just wrong  i'm just really wrong thank you mr poop towel   for the five get this up saying so much mr poop  towel thank you dude um yeah knight g5 is a move   i think it's hg5 my guess is it's issue it  feels really weird no it is wow i'm right thank you to anonymous for the 100 get the subs  up saying so much to anonymous oh my gosh well   i guess now i'm gonna have to what's that take us  212 let me see where we're stopping at total subs wow um that is taking us to 50 roughly it's insane i  think that johnsy for the five good subs thank   you so much appreciate it thank you okay well  now i have to go until we i have to go until   we get to 13k we're at 12 968 i have to go  um i have to keep keep going all right um   thank you too anonymous for the 100 gifted subs  am i reading this correctly or is that still the   same thing no thank you to an honest for 31 gifted  subs thank you so much sorry oh my gosh wow okay   okay let's get let's get serious and focus  because i want to um i want to get 60 plus okay let's think okay knight f6 rook h8 is not clear  queen h7 king 88 knight f6 takes   takes queen d4 is not clear either  um it's got to be chuck though right thank you to bell's time for the gifted sub thank  you so much to bellstown oh my gosh should we hit   13 i mean i know it's going to be reflected  in moodbot is not it's not going to show 13   because it's a little bit off but thank you  johnson for the five for the 10 gifted subs   thanks so much johnson appreciate it thank you  thank you for the three months bionate for the   uh prime as well thank you so much appreciate  thank you thank you so much you guys appreciate   it thank you at the shrink for the tier one as  well thank you oh man um yeah thank you all right yeah no i mean i know i know it's 13 but moobot  is probably not going to catch up anyway thank   you so much you guys thank you for all love and  support oh my gosh this is crazy thank you um okay   i don't want to mess this up though we're knight  f6 it's got to be chuck i mean i don't know what it's got to be check there we go we got  to 60 yes i wanted to get to 60. this is  

the number i was looking for they  need a bean anchor boy for the 25   months thank you so much um there's  rook g2 there's also bishop e4 here so rick g2 is the move here bishop e4 is a move okay let's see yeah rook g2 makes sense uh  bishop e4 makes sense too but i don't know   it's a it's an order situation here like  is this right or is this right my gut says   rook g2 is right but i'm not sure thank you to  johnsy for an additional five get something to   hakalachi for the tier one and swift mines for the  tier one as well thank you so much you guys wow   oh my gosh you guys are amazing thank you so much  for all love and support thank you unbelievable yeah mobot is behind you behind by the way  you guys so so no worries but that is 13   000. thank you so much you guys appreciate it moo bot's going to be updated okay let's see so  rook g2 a bridge e4 we've got a 50 50 coin flip   i did some analysis earlier yeah it's a 50 50.  um i mean i think it's richie too takes just   it doesn't feel right i just feel like  there are too many options for white i hope i'm right please be right wow this goes on this is insane maybe it's a check   lead to johnson for five more get something luis  guivo's for the uh for the prime thank you so much whoa this is crazy um okay this is  completely insane let's see okay   bishop e4 is a move bishop before camp two  queen h4s but thank you cw 55 cw for the   10 gifted subs thank you so much oh my  gosh i guess everyone's filling the new   year new year uh the new year spirit  my gosh thank you so much you guys   thank you thank you quadras for the eight  months as well thank you so much quadras i   think it's here i honestly don't know though  it's gotta be bishop before right oh no oh no no i think it's i'll check what it is let  me see let me see what the puzzle solution is um   let's see what it is it's yeah rookie  two oh it's queenie two thank you to   cj fernando for the five give the sub  thing so much cj fernand oh it's 22. that's so disappointing you

2021-01-05 21:40

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