How To Start Trading? What Is The Best Thing To Start With?

How To Start Trading? What Is The Best Thing To Start With?

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so i got a ton of questions asking me about how  do i get on with my journey in the correct way   when it comes to trading so in this video i've  specifically laid that out for you let's get   started good morning good evening good afternoon  how's everyone doing welcome to the webinar my   name is Navin Prithyani from  i'm the senior trader here at and   here we are with yet one other webinar on talking  about how to get started and trading so for today   we wanted to talk about what's the next step  to take what's the next step to take what i'm   gonna do today okay as a very special webinar what  i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna walk you through   how i did my journey on the charts okay every  time you see something you can relate to   say i i all right here we go i'm going to show  you exactly the process i went through okay   here we go i'm going to start open up the  whiteboard all right here's how i started   my journey okay because i'm going to show you  what's going to go on in your journey if you begin   and how do you come out of that journey  and how do you think in the right way   50 minutes on the clock the goal is to take  you from the journey until the end and how to   solve it okay 50 minutes on the clock let's start  here we go all right here is where it all begins   in the beginning you see a movement in the markets  and you're learning how to trade you're learning   how to trade and you're like okay trading is a  matter of buying low selling high we're like cool   i got it buy low sell high got it got it  it's on my mind then you learn about if i buy   and the price goes up i make pips i make pips and  the pips is multiplied by my lot size and then   that's how much money i made so far so good  you guys with me okay so we're learning all   this stuff we're like cool cool got it and  then we look at our charts and we see this okay okay when we see this my eye in the early parts  of my journey the only thing i'm attracted to   is this i don't see anything else it's like i'm  blind to everything else the only thing i see   is that and i start getting curious of how  do i buy that how could i have bought that   my journey begins my journey begins i'm  curious about how to do that even though   all this was a movement as well i'm not  interested in that i want that rocket   i want that rocket of a launch and  i start doing hmm this was 19 pips   20 pips 20 pips based on my lot size would mean  this amount of money that amount of money every   week would mean that amount of money per month  wow that's a lot of money so begins the dreams so begins the dreams and the dreams are beautiful  because in these dreams i'm in a jacuzzi   in some casino what ferrari is parked outside  that matches every shoes that i have every shoe   color that i have it's like oh man if i can  only do this my journey begins so fast forward   a little bit into my journey i can't  seem to grab it i can't seem to grab it   i buy it price goes down i buy it price goes down  i buy it price goes down so then i'm like hmm   stop-loss is too tight now i buy it big stop-loss  prices go up yes i made money i made money this   is early stages of my journey i'm so happy okay  i'm so happy i'm like wow that's a lot of money   further down the line same thing happens   i buy it this time it doesn't go up i have a wide  stop loss but prices come down and stop me out   this time i lost a lot of money because i didn't  understand anything about position size and   money management i had no idea i just traded my  normal one standard lot as i was always doing   i had one stand a lot here one started a lot  here once in a lot of here and then i made   money i was like whoa i made a thousand dollars so  quickly that's my salary i did that in 30 minutes   my dreams started coming on further i'm  like oh man imagine if i can do this   every day imagine if i can do this every  week what can happen okay so that's where   the dreams begin until i experienced this i  made a huge loss now i'm scared a little bit journey continues then i realize okay  you know what i need to lower my lot size now i buy it i lowered my lot size i get a loss okay hits my  stop-loss i get a loss okay i understand that   later down the line i buy it i have my stop-loss  here but i make profit and then i close it   and i start to realize that's it that's all  the money i made it's not worth it with a small   small lot size i need to increase my lot size  that's the next part of my journey how many guys   can agree so far it almost feels what's the point  it's not worth it it's i'm wasting time increase   the lot size increase the lot size i increased  the lot size and i'm going to the process of   i made a loss again now i'm i've probably blown  up an account by now i don't remember so long   ago i probably blown up an account by now and  i'm like okay okay i did something wrong but   i'm smarter now i'm smarter now broker here's my  credit card redeposit money let's do this again   let's do this again fast forward down the line i  continue down my journey continue down my journey   i do smaller lot size but i hear about  this thing called martingale strategy i'll   trade smaller if i have a loss i'll trade a bit  bigger if i have a loss i'll trade a bit bigger   and if it wins i win only to realize that is the  worst thing on the planet have you guys agreed so after the first loss i trade bigger after the  second loss i trade even bigger it's almost i   lose all consciousness of what's happening now i'm  gonna pause right here and i'm gonna ask you a a   question before i draw again in any of the stuff  i just did did i trade i didn't trade all i did   was i chose a location that i thought was okay  and i negotiated with my brain that's all i did   zero analysis zero preparations zero execution  i just got in with the hope of it better work   and then i'm negotiating with my brain i'm saying  if it goes up do this if it goes down buy more   what's the logic behind this what's the trade  zero zero logic so far so good you guys agree   i have no clue what's going i'm not trading i'm  just trying stuff i'm just randomly trying stuff   but with money more money less money more money  less money but i have no idea what i'm doing take it a step further here we go let's take the  journey further down i have now approached a level   of acceptance now this level of acceptance i  think this was like a few years down the line   i've come to under acceptance this word okay i started to actually believe that now  because i'm starting to understand i don't know   how the market works i actually suck at this  okay but when my peers ask me hey man you're   doing that trading stuff how's it going uh it's  okay it's okay all right it takes time it's okay   i can't even say it out loud that i suck i'm  so embarrassed by it that i can't even say   it with my mouth that i'm horrible i just  delay it i'm think it's fine it takes time   okay so we finally mentally accept  we're horrible at this all right   further down let's go down further down  into the journey now begins the search   now the search begins if i don't know  someone must know if i don't know   someone must know and that's when  i've encountered all of these things okay okay let's add one more piece so far so good you guys know this part  of the journey oh yeah well we can add   one more that's correct sorry uh leroy  that's correct books are here as well   so now you're looking for gurus who can help you  if gurus are expensive you torrent their material   right you've gone through that then you go for  signal services you're like okay just tell me   what to do i'll do it because my confidence is  shattered you tell me what to do i'll just do it   manage the count you know what take my money take  50 i don't care just give me profit in return   okay automated trading robot so appealing because  it tells us your emotions is what's causing you   problems and you're like you know what you're  right i am going crazy when i trade there's so   much fear and greed but it does make sense a  robot has no fear and greed so a robot should   be able to make more money it makes so much sense  why don't we do that we go through that process   and we're reading every book underneath the sun  we're saying okay this book has the word trading   on it let's open it up we go to the library  there's so many books we go straight to the   finance section and we're like let's look for the  word trading or technical analysis and let's open   that book up and let's see if there's an answer  somewhere look for the ones that have pictures   look for the ones that have pictures in them okay  so we can see can we spot a pattern that we can   pick up quickly by looking at that book and saying  got it so far so good you guys agree this is   the next stage of the journey the search for the  answer notice in this whole journey i haven't quit how i have no idea i i have no idea it's  like it's something held me tight and saying   stay put do not quit stay put i'm quite surprised  when i look back and i see all this i'm like   how i didn't quit i have no idea i've been burned  so many times with all of this stuff and i still   stayed strong and kept going at it kept going at  it okay the average person quits somewhere along   these lines or after one or two blown accounts the  average person will leave in saying you know what   this industry is too nonsense it's too much for  me i'm out so far so good relatable so far yes excellent excellent fast forward down the line   in the journey i come to an acceptance further  acceptance it's not easy i finally accept that   that it's not easy it takes a little bit of time  but notice i still didn't quit i still didn't   quit even after i came to this conclusion  of it's not easy it's gonna take some time   i could have quit because i was in under the  impression forex trading is easy it's a shortcut   it's a shortcut to happiness it's a shortcut to  freedom it's a shortcut to life but once i came   after doing all of that stuff in my journey  and i came to accept is that it's not easy   i then went further to say okay well then  i know so much about this can i go further   can i go further so i didn't quit i'm  again i'm quite surprised why i didn't   quit when i knew it's not easy and i was  looking for a shortcut this is the area where you will become two people okay one  part okay from the crowd one part will go   and become a fake guru at this stage one part will  go and become that the other part will say f it let's do this okay this guy will go on to youtube  when he can't make it and he says well i can at   least make some money um selling a signal service  or doing something uh let's just scan people   the other part of the person at this stage when  he recognizes it's not easy says you know what   screw this let's do this i can do this that is  the turning point in your career when you start   understanding how the entire industry works and  you have that flip of a switch and you're like   all right from this moment onwards enough is  enough i need to learn how this stuff works i   need to learn how this stuff works okay that  is a very few of you 90 will switch to this   side or will quit 10 of you will come here and  that is the ones to me are diamonds in the sky   they're diamonds those are the ones we look  for those are the ones we look for okay because   they're the ones that are perfect for the prop  firm that we do as well anyways further going   down further down into the journey so far so good  i went down the route of here effort let's do this   okay at that time i had urban forex urban forex  was a free service back in the day it was free   i didn't even charge anything for it it was  absolutely for free okay if you do a look   back machine or whatever it was a free service  i was willing to help anybody who wanted to help   because i was learning so much information that i  was happy to share that information but i myself   didn't have an idea of which information  comes first which information comes   next it was all over the place it was  all over the place okay moving it forward   further down the journey how many of you guys  agree this journey is very similar to yours   now notice by saying by because a lot of you guys  are saying me right now right a lot of you are   saying the journey is very very similar to you  you guys that means to tell you that you are not   alone in this everybody goes through this process  unfortunately okay so far so good in this process   the scammers get rich because during that  process remember when we talked about   the guru the signal services and this and that the  scammers get rich but i want you to understand the   words that are coming out of my mouth right now  when i say the scammers get rich do you know what   i mean by rich we're talking 100 000 us dollars  to 1 million maximum maximum but the guys who   come out to this side and they make it you add  as many zeros as you want they are set for life   they are set for life if regulation comes in these  guys will disappear and all those ferraris they   bought they have to sell them because they  don't know how to make money otherwise you   see very tricky very dangerous for those people  they're gonna disappear they're gonna disappear   okay shall we go further down all right here we  go there we go further down the journey don't keep   your eye on the small hundred thousand dollars  go go go big go big or go home if that's your   attitude don't mess around with a small income  of a hundred thousand dollars you can do much   much better much better if you have the brains to  somehow scam people and become their guru you have   the brains to actually let all that go become a  traitor which means don't go down that dirty route   be good be good be good okay you'll sleep  better also okay here we go moving it forward   moving it forward further down the journey now  comes education in this educational process   we start to learn technical analysis okay  oops you get what i mean technical analysis   okay from the technical analysis  you learn a bit about fundamentals for me fundamentals was a pain in my butt okay so  much economic stuff there's no timing i realized i   can't time fundamental stuff that took me a while  to finally realize there's no point of doing this   because there's no timing okay i can't have a  news release and i'm there i'm like i know what   that means no you can't time it if you can't time  it you can't know where your stop-loss is going   to be if you don't know where your stop-loss is  going to be how you're going to make risk reward   out of question no fundamentals for me okay i  can understand it but i don't need to trade it   especially because when the fundamental news are  released spreads widen there's too much whipsaw   i'm also fighting the broker at this  time okay got it so this is not for me   got it technical analysis what do i understand  about technical analysis okay prices go up   that means whatever was resistance now becomes  support prices come down and it's supposed to   hold support and resistance and go back up i like  technical analysis because wherever i draw my line   sometimes it seems to hold i get very  attracted to this i'm like wow that's beautiful   further down the journey here  we go further down the journey that beauty how come it didn't work this time i don't  understand how come it didn't work this time okay   further education further education something's  wrong with my technical analysis am i reading   something wrong do i need a moving average do  i need a macd on the bottom do i need an rsi   ah further down my education i realized  i'm missing this i'm missing a filter i   need something to tell me yes something to  tell me no so then what i do is i now have my support resistance but then my rsi is below  an x number and we're like ah that's the filter   i'm not supposed to buy if my rsi is below here  cool cool cool cool later to realize filters don't   work either how many of you guys have gone through  that journey or are at that journey right now it   seems highly intelligent to filter something but  it actually is crap right it's actually garbage   okay we feel extremely intelligent oh man like i  have four filters i am making mineral water out   of this it's like but you can have all kinds of  filters all kinds of indicators you're watching   every indicator webinar out there and you're  like oh yes yes i'm going to apply that v-wop   supply and demand like a cookie  monster like ah give it to me   it's like so all kinds of stuff are coming towards  you you're like yes yes yes i'll take that also   and then suddenly you start to realize you  have all kinds of indicators on your screen   let me take you a step back in this  entire process did you trade did you trade   no because right now you have no idea  what's going on you're simply looking   in your journey for one answer profit  let me tell you this if i tell you   this glass made me one million dollars and  you go out there and you say make a glass   make a glass make a glass make a glass make  a glass make a glass make a glass because   you're more focused on getting that one million  rather than i wonder how this industry works ah that was the next part of my journey  back to basics how the hell okay   how the hell does forex work let's fast forward  a couple time cup couple moments down the line   and i started realizing one thing forex has a  currency pair euro against something unlike stocks   stocks go in one direction let's say this is  apple okay stocks can go in one direction if   you buy you can buy and hold it for dear  life and saying come on baby come on baby   for 10 years and you'll still be okay you  can do come on baby come on baby on this   interesting but if i look at a daily  chart i can see on a daily chart maybe   one of my currency pairs have gone from here to  here but if i look at it every day it's like this ah that's fascinating it  doesn't move in one direction   okay so that rocket launch that i was  so attracted to when i started my career   garbage throw it out the window i don't  want it i don't want to ever see it again oh my god this opens up a whole new thing my  entire journey was looking at the wrong thing   because i was so attracted by this makes the most  profit so why not do what makes the most profit   oh my god light bulb moment went on for me okay  i'm starting to understand the forex industry i'm   starting to understand the forex industry it's  starting to make sense it's starting to make   sense okay moving it forward moving it forward  moving it forward prices started to move up and then i had this moment and i was like  perfect okay if i get a pullback i'd like   to buy it because buy low sell high you know  i know that concept and it makes sense by low   sell high because you know that's how you make  money good good good good then i'm buying low   i'm trying to sell high and the prices crash on  me later to realize you're buying low as per him   but as per him you're still buying  pretty high up there oh my god click i'm starting to understand trading a little bit  more i'm buying still pretty pretty high you see   how this journey evolves for you you know how all  the stuff happened i met a handful of people who   are underground and they said dude you have so  much knowledge but all your knowledge is useless let me point you in the right direction and  that's all they had to do is give me a little   glimpses of how the industry actually works and  then my brain was able to pick up the pieces   and move on from there and things i haven't  looked back since i haven't looked back since   so what i'm trying to ask you guys today is if you're pointed in the wrong direction   and then you get pointed in the right direction  can you pick up the pieces and say oh man i've   been doing this all wrong it's starting to make  sense this is not how i'm supposed to do it so let me ask you this now prices go up go  up go up go up this is a 60 minute chart   then prices pull back so far so good you  guys with me on the five minute chart   on the five minute chart that  pullback that you see is like this and you're like oh mama mia look at that   buy low sell high coming up baby buy low sell  high so we're trying to get ready to buy this   but at the same time when we're  getting ready to buy this do you notice where you're buying in the context okay you see  sometimes a time frame that we're looking at   doesn't adjust with a higher time frame so it's  like okay okay so i see that's a problem there   then going forward further down my journey i  started to realize okay can't do that can't do   that all right so i got to be more careful on  when i'm buying and where my pullbacks are and   if it is really a true pullback or if it's an  illusion then i started realizing something   that was fascinating to me which is called  traps i was like what is a trap what is a   trap i've always heard of this concept of fake  outs right you guys heard of the word fake out this would be prices would go up they  would fake it and it would come back down   that's a fake out right everyone understand that  like they they look like they were breaking the   range but they didn't so it's like ah just kidding  okay fast forward down the line a little bit   this took me a very long time to understand   there are three stages of the markets right we  all know the three stages there's a trending state   there is a channel state which is very very  deep pullback very very deep but it goes higher   and then there's a ranging state which is sideways  it's like i'm not interested in doing anything   just going sideways it's like very depressed  person right just sideways no mood whatsoever   super happy less happy dull so far so good if  you want to memorize it like that all right what   state are you in are you in the happy state  less happy or dull okay just keep it simple   okay all right now inside a  range when that range breaks out   i am now interested in seeing is that breakout for  real because remember i have now evolved beyond   technical analysis technical analysis says  oh fake out faker means the buys have failed   i have gone beyond technical analysis at this  stage of my journey i now understand and see   things an average person cannot see because he's  working with a pattern i now ask the question if we really broke out is this a channel is prices  gonna come here bounce and resume back up ah   i would never buy in the face of a fake out  in the past when i was a technical analysis   person but now things are different now  i think of things in a different way   another thing when i started to understand a lot  of this stuff is like okay well having that said   if the prices break out like this well that's  pretty strong i don't think that's going to be   a channel if they pull back can i buy from  this support resistance yeah seems like i'm   early the move just began and i'm buying the  next move it's not like i'm buying it here so i'm early okay so i understood  the concepts of early and late   i started to get that concept it's like they're  both the same thing they're both pullbacks they're   both discounts they're both a better deal they're  both buy low sell high but that buy low sell high   is stupid this buy low sell high is awesome  ah it's starting to click starting to click   okay technical analysis pattern identical  here identical there in the pattern wise   logic wise not identical not identical  you guys started to get that we're   we're 30 minutes into the webinar  are things starting to click   where you are in your journey as you get  further and further into your journey   do you start to see that the answer is not  a signal service the answer is not technical   analysis education the answer is do you know how  the markets operate if you understand that even   the word price action sounds ridiculous to you  it's like it's just another word it's another   you know stage of the industry the industry  went through multiple stages right if if you   guys have been in in this industry long enough as  i have i can tell you the waves the waves started   indicator wave then the wave started uh after  indicators there was automated trading systems   then the wave started price action baby if  you're not a price action trader you're nobody   then the wave started those bat patterns  i don't know what this nonsense was for   a while like oh yeah that a b c d q f g  bat patterns that this that okay and then   you had dinosaur patterns coming out and  now we're over here and now we're saying   funding now this is the new phase of the market  it's like okay if you're not funded you're nobody   you're useless no capital you're zero you  should go home now it's a new new thing to   intimidate you you see the waves of the  market it always changes the new fashion   from bell bottoms to skinny jeans to ripped jeans  and so on so forth but it's still the damn genes   you need to understand the genes not the fashion  of the genes that's what i'm trying to tell you   learn forex learn how to trade and not the the  criterias of trading okay so far so good does that   make sense does it hit the nail on the does the  hammer hit the nail on the head properly this time   does it click do not run after the illusion  run after the the core the core of the thing   all right excellent i can see a lot of you guys  are really focused i'm sorry if i'm getting all   riled up and everything like that it's it's  because i spent so much bloody time on this   in the past i wish i can skip all that i could  have been 10 times richer than i am now like i   wasted so much time in the past going through  nonsense after nonsense after nonsense that i'm   so angry that i had to open up urban forex i'm  like i i'm i'm sick of it i'm sick of it that   you know me and my team were like i don't care how  much money you guys make on the team i need to get   out there sit there on the emails answer questions  you want to be part of urban forex help the other   people out otherwise you're fired like it's  something personal to me because it's such a bad   experience it's such a bad experience okay that's  the whole purpose of my firm it's it comes from   me like it's it's a mission to me that i don't  want this feeling for everybody it's horrible   and this is why we have the highest  rated reviews right on the internet   you know so it's i hope you guys can understand  where i come from and why i get riled up in these   moments but the intention is i gotta get you  the right information as quickly as possible   in a shorter amount of span of time now whether it  doesn't click or clicks i cannot control that but   i am trying my level best to learn how to teach  how to be better so i can make sure it clicks   it clicks you know it's like okay i got it okay  i got it you know so far so good let me ask you   one thing here actually before before i continue  the next part of the journey one more question   i'm always curious to see how many guys here are  actually students of mines or are new here's the   results so i can see 80 of you guys are actually  students at urban forex and 20 of you guys are not   can i ask a simple question those of you guys who  are 80 i know you guys are set i know you guys are   on the right track you guys are going to make it  no not no doubt about that those of you guys to 20   of you guys who are in this room who are  not students at urban forex can i ask you   a simple question is everything i'm saying today  making sense we've been in this webinar together   40 minutes the key is not can i get you the  information the key is can i get you the right   information in the shortest span of time can i  make it interesting enough to get it inside your   head and lock the doors and say now it's with you  forever don't worry so that's what we're trying to   do that's our mission here that's our mission here  we're gonna we're gonna keep going we keep going   i'm we're going to clock it every webinar we  clock it right we're going to see how much   information can i get you in that 60 minute time  all right here we go moving back to the whiteboard   so far so good yeah all right all right again  this is a webinar it's not a concert i know a   lot of you guys are happy and excited and  really really having a great time i want   you to still focus on learning rather than  like cheering and going crazy you know like   okay moving forward moving forward so journey  proceeds journey proceeds journey proceeds   fast forward another two to three years  i now have things coming like this   and i'm buying a lot i'm buying with size  i'm buying with a lot of capital 10 years ago   the earlier Navin would be like what the  hell is wrong with you why are you buying   if the markets are collapsing it's like well  because i'm aware that the higher time frame we're doing that i can't see it on this  chart because my screen is this big   ah okay but what does that even mean  how do you know it's going to be a buy   ah there are ways to know there are ways to  know okay there are ways to know how to buy   that takes a little bit of practice and a  little bit of understanding of why things   resume back up why people sell hard that has a  little bit of understanding of the cycle the site   psychology of how people trade and you can  actually put that into a science and saying i   know what they're gonna do next buy it i know what  they're gonna do next sell it in fact sell it hard   sell it hard hard hard to to get to that  point of confidence years down the line   what is the next step forward once you get a bit  of confidence and you understand how to trade   what is the absolute next step forward and i put  it in programming language if confidence then size   if the word is then retired then obviously you're  not a trader you're just wasting time the only   logical direction a trader can go is this so  if you are unfortunately stuck with a mentor   who doesn't size up regularly you can know  if he's trading micro lots or mini lots run   run far run fast never look back they gotta trade  size and that size better keep growing higher and   higher and higher okay and that's how you know  they're either gonna teach you the right thing   or give it two years that size is gonna  kill them and they're gonna go bankrupt   it's it's a sure shot way to know  you're getting your way at least   yeah fast forward down the line okay sorry  not confidence fast forward down the line   journey this is something i never used to do and  i started to understand about this post analysis   what the hell is a post analysis okay what  is a post analysis when i see the word pa   i think personal assistant you know it's  a pa you know it's someone secretary but   what is a post analysis okay that took me a  while to understand i'm already starting to do   better than before but i wasn't as better  until i understood this word post analysis   and what post analysis is is you do one trade as  perfectly as possible as perfectly as possible   and whether that trade is right or wrong whether  you buy it or you sell it whether the trade is   right or wrong you pause and you recap and you say  what did i do right what did i do wrong understand   that talk about how you're gonna fix it and then  move on to the next trade that did wonders for me   absolute wonders because i'll tell you what kind  of guy i was in my journey before i'll tell you   and you tell me if this is you i do a trade if it  didn't work ah okay let me check another pair i'm   looking at another pair oh that looks good next  trade ah if that's not working or if i had a loss   oh next trade ah that one worked okay cool that  one worked no problem if i can just do this   every single day i'll be fine i was so happy  about it okay trade number four right after   this time bigger size bigger size made money  excellent next trade go extremely big size   because i made money and i want to end the  day strong big loss comes in now i'm sad   in this moment when i'm sad i never look back  at these trades i automatically assumed i know   what i did wrong i already did those shorts i know  what i did wrong why do i need to look at it again   how many of you guys have are going through that  process now you don't understand the power of post   you need to stop and look at what you just did and  talk about it make a video of yourself talk about   it and talk about everything that you've done  you'll be surprised of how even though you were   the person who took that trade when you do a pulse  analysis you will pick up on things you didn't do   when you were there live a whole new door a whole  new world opens that really kicked it off for me   from the guys who were in the panel earlier  from the um podcast if you hear our mo specially   he's in our elite community and he will say this  time and time and time again post analysis post   analysis post analysis if you're in the firm  ian is supervising the prop firm side if you   missed the post analysis twice in a row you're  fired on the spot i don't care how good of a   trader you are you missed two post analysis  you're out that's how important it is okay no   one's no one's been fired yet so don't feel bad  but that's how seriously we take it is what i'm   trying to portray i'm not saying oh we're an evil  company we're just firing people left and right   no we only hire people that we know will do  post analysis so no one gets fired don't worry okay so far so good now if this is the journey  let me ask you one thing about the journey   okay let me ask you one thing so the current  state of the market the new fashion what do we   say what's the latest fashion in the market  right now what's the latest fashion funding   funding is the latest fashion if you don't have  funding you're nobody that's the way they make   you feel right if you don't have funding you're  you're nothing you're useless you're garbage right   so we have a funding program ourselves  here's the thing we don't charge for it   we support our traders and we don't pick anybody  off the street okay again we don't charge for it   that sounds stupid because why is it  stupid if you're gonna make me money   and my company money why am i gonna charge  you money for it that doesn't make any sense   it's like you coming to an interview and  paying money for it why would you do that   so we don't believe in that okay that doesn't make  sense many others can application fees and charges   for processing the paper i get that i get that we  don't do that we support our traders if you're not   doing so well or there are some mistakes here and  there day or night you get on a call with who with   me directly we fix things we fix things we get  you better but we don't pick anyone off the street   you gotta be uf certified you got to be gone  through the urban forex process because i need   to know you know once you do that then we put  you on a probation period and we say all right   let's see if we can get you in and  if we can get you in this is not   ten thousand fifty thousand it's unlimited  okay funding can even be proven by us to you   by account statement saying this much funding is  available in the bank for you to take right now   if you qualify it is not we'll do it later first  let's take in all the money from these charges and   then we'll give you funding slowly drip feed it no  no no the money is available right now certified   okay that's the difference that's the difference  that's the difference so again don't fall into the   fashion is your let me ask you this is this your  goal should this be your goal no absolutely not   your goal should be can i trade period if i can  trade then it is a choice to say i make money   for myself or i'll make money with a company  and they'll give me more money i'll grow faster   and they might even give me some support where  it will even hone my skills even better it's a   choice it is not a oh if you don't trade for a  company you're nobody now that that's nonsense   this can be you you can trade for yourself there's  nothing wrong with that there's absolutely nothing   wrong with that so i want you guys to tell me  right here right now before we end the call   will you be afraid if you are not funded no stay  strong be smart you don't care about funding you   want to be better you want to learn how  to trade you want to cross that hurdle   you want to shorten that journey because  i just explained the whole journey to you   you might be seeing yourself in that journey early  you might be seeing yourself in the journey in the   middle you might be seeing yourself in the journey  towards the end can you use the words early middle   or end to let me know what part of the journey are  you in the one that i showed you okay i see a few   ends i see a lot of middles good so at least  you guys have gone to the early stages of like   trying this trying that and going through all  that nonsense right okay good good good i see   a few earlies in there stay strong buddy you  gotta get it to the other side you just gotta   be mentally strong and find a firm you can  stick with find a firm you can stick with   having that said having that said many of you guys  who said you guys are not students at urban forex   if you want to be a student at urban forex and you  want to start your career or your journey you want   to start your undergrad if you want to call it  before you go into your master's and phd level   if you really want to lift off and look at the  markets in a right way get the right balance going   then i would recommend the Mastering  Price Action 2.0 that we have i would   also recommend a Mastering Price Action 1.0 they  come together as a bundle that you can pick up   but i would highly highly recommend it um it is a  eight week long program that i train you on what   to look for week after week through videos okay  those videos are for you to keep forever they   don't expire it's lifetime access it comes with  a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you say   Navin i like the way you teach but i just don't  like your brown face that's perfectly fine   i can accept that reasoning as well you can  just email us back you get your money back   but we're all about risk control  you should do risk control as well   i want to get in in something i know i'm gonna  win if i'm not gonna win i want my money back   good that is a risk control as a trader should  do as a trader should do so it's an eight week   long program i walk you week after week you have  support all the time even after your eight weeks   are over you still have support if you have the  course you have the support so that that support   is always going to be there if you have any  questions anytime every week examples sorry every   day examples of what you've learned keeps coming  out remember practice makes perfect repetition   is the key you do it over and over again from  the live market these examples come they're not   past history from the live market practice over  and over and over again and things will start to   sink in you'll start to see things in a certain  way and then once your brain starts seeing things   in a certain way you're like i got it i know where  this is heading i know what i'm going to do next i   know how this is all laid out got it got it it's  all piecing in together it's all piecing together   all this stuff we had originally priced it  last year okay at 249 and to help during   the covet situation and everything we'd reduce  the price to make it more affordable at 149 but   for this specific webinar what we're going to do  is for the first 20 people i'm going to give you   a special 20 discount that you can pick up this  program for and you can get it for less than   120 less than 120 so if you want to pick this  up i'm gonna give you the link right now it's dot forward slash webinar along  with this course that you're going to be doing   with me we're going to be doing a private webinar  together it's going to be just like this we're   going to talk about all the material in the course  i'm going to give you shortcuts here and there but   logical stuff that you can use instantaneously so  that's going to be behind closed doors it's going   to be only me and students so we can talk a little  bit more openly we can talk a little bit more we   can go behind the scenes and talk about stuff i  can't publicly speak about okay so you'll find   that very very useful i find that very very useful  so before we leave can i ask a simple question   was today's webinar worth it was today's webinar  worth it okay this is sort of like a mantra   that i personally have is if you're gonna take  time off to attend a webinar you need to learn   something okay i personally hated webinars where  i don't learn anything or there's like two minutes   of good information and i'm sitting there for 16  minutes i'm like come on already i don't like that   so i want to make sure that i pass that  on to you guys too is that when you come   you learn something okay so that's my personal  mission and that's why i always ask you guys   so good good i'm glad thank you very much for your  feedback thank you very much for your feedback   i'll see many of you okay i see a lot of you guys  have already picked up the Mastering Price Action   course so there's only eight more left there's  only eight more left at the discounted price at 20   off um thank you all for coming in here taking  the time to be here um i really appreciate uh   you know you taking time off and being here  i know some of you guys are just very late uh   late in the night or very early in the morning  uh so i really appreciate you guys being here i   won't let you down i never have never will  thanks a lot guys until next time cheers

2021-09-23 23:24

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