How to Run TikTok Ads 2021 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2021 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

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what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to   z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using   tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount   of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you   guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump   onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video   now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads   right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for   an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you   can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using   we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition   let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing   right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on   what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's   start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most   downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide   with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal   customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in   user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year   almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend   above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this   screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so   it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform   how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's   happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is   the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns   we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick   doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook   ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising   objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the   bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our   apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that   we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our   products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind   of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that   then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple   audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives   as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well   we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we   launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and   very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it   takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today   and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock   we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and   then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so   people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the   ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally   generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to   show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform   okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to forward slash business   i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  everything on screen and we're then going to   go ahead and create a new account so if we click  create now i'm actually logged in on one of our   employees uh our ad specialist tom's account at  the moment and so i already have an account but   you're just going to go through a really really  simple account creation process where we put in   your business name and you'll be prompted to set  up a business center account so once you've done   that you're going to be sent straight through to  the business center and i'm just going to show you   a few crucial things on here and the first thing  is you may or may not be promote are prompted to   create an ad account when you first create your  account um so the first thing we need to do is   actually create an ad account so we go down on the  left hand side here on our navigation bar and we   click add accounts uh what we need to do is hit  add add account create an ad account and then we   can create our own or first ad account that we're  going to start advertising on remember this is   the place where all of our ads will be hosted so  we want to have an ad account for every business   we are advertising for so if you're a marketing  agency you want a different ad account for every   separate business that you work with okay the next  thing i want to show you on here is members so if   you have team members within your company you can  invite them here by hitting invite member you can   add them as an admin or standard and then you  can go through typing in their email address and   adding them to your business manager so they  can log in to their ticktock business center and   have access to everything that you do on your  rent so once we're on the business center and   we have an ad account set up we need to go over to  that ad account so we click this button here open   in tick tocks ad manager we're gonna be brought  straight through to an individual ad account okay   so the first thing we see is the dashboard i'll  come back to this later on this is where we can   review all of the data on this ad account  so uh the campaign the genders that are   reacting to our ads the amount we're spending  and how much money we're making of course   um but the first thing we're actually gonna do  before we create our first tiktok ad is go over to   assets and then event what we need to do when  we are advertising on any platform is make sure   we have a pixel code or a tracking code set up  now for those of you that don't know or haven't   advertised before and don't know what a pixel is  a pixel is a simple code that goes into the header   of your or your client's website and it allows  us to track what our potential customers actually   doing on our website and in this instance we  really want to track when they have converted   so when they have purchased one of our products  if we're advertising for an e-commerce based   business for example so we're going to choose a  website pixel and we're going to hit manage and   we're then going to create a pixel we're going to  name this pixel let's just say this is affluent co   this is just a test add account i've created here  i mean we can either manually install this pixel   code or we can install the code by a third-party  tool so if we're using a website like shopify or   google tab managers installed on the website then  we can install the pixel code with relative ease   just by clicking one of these options but for any  of you that are installing this manually and it's   good to learn how to do this manually just click  this hit next and we're going to use standard mode   if you're a developer you can click this here and  this is the code that we're actually going to copy   so we need to do is hit copy and we're going to  add that to the header of our website so it's on   all of the pages on our website so we can  track when people are actually on the page   so if we hit complete and set up rules  this is where we're able to actually set up   events so if we're an ecommerce business we can  hit click e-commerce events and we can set up   all of the events that we actually want to track  on our website so whether our users have viewed   content they've added a product to cart they've  placed an order or they've completed a payment   and we can also set up custom events as well so we  can use a whole bunch of drop downs here and name   this custom event we can even add a value to that  so we can start tracking revenue too i'm going to   keep this super simple do all of the default  um e-commerce events we're going to hit next   and here we are actually able to set  up these tracking events so for example   we have view content add to cart place an order  and complete payment which are all the default   e-commerce tracking events and the first thing we  need to do is actually put in our website url um   so make sure you put that in there i'm not going  to put it in right now because i don't want this   dummy pixel installed on my website hit update and  then we need to choose what we want our trigger to   be for each of these events so we can do click  events so when somebody clicks something on our   website destination url so when somebody visits  a certain website either side of the url or a   certain page on a website that will trigger the  event or a pop-up event when a pop-up comes up on   our website now the most common is destination url  and it's also the most easy setup for beginners so   we need to go ahead and set this up each of these  events for now i'm just going to set up complete   payment uh because i don't have the time to go  for release today so uh destination url we'll   click that we're gonna hit add break the browsing  rule and so what we're now doing is we're gonna   say when the page url contains this keyword so we  need to make sure this matches the url at the top   of our page so example if we want to add the pixel  to this page okay on this website the tick tock   website we could do events underscore manager and  then this is going to know when we're on this page   specifically it's going to trigger this event  but normally it's going to be your thank you   page so we're going to add the keyword thank  you in there or whatever is relevant to your url   and again go ahead and make sure we set up for  the others and we're going to hit complete okay   now um oh it's not going to let me do that  so let's just do that really quickly let's do   i'm just going to do that okay i'm going to  go ahead and set this up super quickly just   so it actually lets me but of course this  will need to be relevant to your company   okay no tick tock i don't want  to give you feedback right now   okay complete successfully created okay so that  is pretty much the basics for a facebook pixel   we need to actually track data um i can possibly  go through some more of this in more detail in the   future if you want me to create a more in-depth uh  pixel video then let me know in the comments below   but for now let's go ahead and create our first  campaign so we're going to hit on campaigns and   we're then going to hit create okay we can click  create tick tock here right here um so let's go   ahead and we can either choose simplified mode or  we can choose advanced mode custom mode okay now   simplified mode is really for beginners i'm going  to teach you in custom mode because if you can do   things in custom mode from the get go you're going  to be a much better advertiser in the long run and   it really isn't that complicated so we then  we first of all get to choose our advertising   objectives and if you if you've advertised on  facebook before this will look very very familiar   to you so this is what we get where we're going  to choose what we want to achieve out of our ads   do we want to reach as many people as possible do  we want to send traffic to our website do we want   app installs video views to generate leads or  do we want to get conversions now we're going   to click conversions here now for the majority  of businesses where you're getting a potential   customer to take a specific action especially  e-commerce we want to select conversions making   sure we have the relevant events set up from our  pixel we're going to name this campaign make it   something memorable so this is going to be let's  say uh product purchases or bookings for example   okay um and we can then choose whether we want  to split tests similar to facebook where we want   to test two different ads next to each other  and whether we want to set up campaign budget   optimization now this means that we're going to  optimize the budget on a campaign level but we   actually are going to optimize our budget on an  ad group level because it gives us more control   and we're going to set no budget limit on the  actual campaign level because we're going to   set our budget at an ad group level so we're  gonna hit continue and then name this ad group   so this is the ad group is where we actually  create our audience so who we're actually   wanting to target with our ad so i'm gonna  name this i'm just to use a booking dad and   we're going to target uh flyers okay or travelers  okay and we're going to choose our promotion type   so we're driving people to our website we're  going to select our pixel that we just created   and our optimization event which is going to be  complete payment now this is just showing me this   alert right now because we haven't actually had  any payments on here yet because this is our first   uh our first ad we've created we're going to go  down we're going to go on to placement and we're   going to select placement so placement is simply  where tick tock is actually showing our ad to our   potential customers and i'm going to get rid of  news feed app series and tangled these are just   third-party apps that tick-tock are partnered  with that they will show your add-on as well   but if i'm advertising on tick tock i want my  ads to show purely on tik tok so i'm just gonna   take that there here we can select user comments  or video downloads so we're essentially allowing   people to either download our ad or comment  on the ad i would recommend keeping these   because we want people to engage with our  ad as much as possible if they download it   there's a possibility they're going to share it  with their friends as well we don't have creative   type so do we want to select automatic automated  creative optimization and this means that tick   tock will optimize our ad and change and tweak our  creative based on how people are responding to it   i like to keep this off although if you're messing  around or you're testing out a bunch of different   uh creatives for your business you've got a  lot of budget and then you can turn this on   and play around with this beginners let's keep  this off and then we go down to targeting so   the first thing is audience now audience these are  custom audiences you'll be familiar with these if   you've had advertised on facebook before so these  can be retargeting audiences look-alike audiences   and we're not going to play around with these as  a beginner um but if you are a business that's   getting multiple sales you're already advertising  on other platforms i would recommend you going   ahead and creating some custom audiences making  sure that you're retargeting from the get-go   we're going to go down to demographic so so  location is of course self-explanatory this   is where we can select the countries that we want  to target and then we have gender and age again   self-explanatory but i wouldn't recommend you  messing around with these when you're starting off   because we want to keep our ads as broad as  possible to let tick tock optimize them and   find out where our ideal customer actually lies  we can always start tweaking with this when we   have data to play around with and we can see  who was actually buying our products or services   languages now i would recommend you keeping this  to your native language because you want it to   be relevant for your product or service we're  going to go down to interest and behavior so   interest similar to facebook we can select any  interests which are relevant to our product or   service now these interests aren't actually  probably anywhere near as in-depth as they   are on facebook so you'll notice that you can  only actually go down a drop down here you can   search for categories but you're really  not going to be able to hone in on your   competitors or really strong micro niches within  your industry and they're they're relatively broad   so example we could target travel i'm actually  going to create an ad for a travel based company   so we could do travel i'm gonna get rid of  that though um now i would recommend same with   facebook you do not stack interest behaviors  or any kind of targeting to be honest even   custom audiences i wouldn't recommend you stacking  audiences until you know exactly what is working   because if you put multiple interests in this ad  we're not actually going to know which interests   our purchases are coming from we're going to go  down to uh behaviour so so these are how people   are behaving on the platform so this could be  people who have watched with likes commented   and shared with relevant videos to our product  door service so we can go down on categories here   and we can do lifestyle for example we're going to  do travel okay this is what we're going to target   for this ad so anybody that is um anybody that has  engaged watched the end liked commented or shared   uh with related travel videos but there are a  whole bunch on here we've got beauty and style   play around with this have a little look at what  is relevant to your product or service we then   select a time period to include actions from so  what time period did somebody last engage with   this kind of content i like to keep this as narrow  as possible so these people are super warm and   relevant for us we didn't have other behaviors  so these are creator interactions so this is   how somebody has interacted with a specific user  on tick tock so if they've followed them they've   viewed the profile again we can select this but i  wouldn't recommend stacking these and we can and   there's probably going to be some kind of let's  see we can search for uh travel probably be travel   related to creators on there as well so if they're  followed or viewed the profile but again i would   recommend not stacking them so we are on this ad  just going to create a behavior people who have   engaged with uh travel based videos on tick tock  and then we can select our device if we like to   uh again i would recommend keeping this as broad  as possible if you are of course advertising an   app and it's only for android users you can just  select android for example targeting expansion now   i'm going to keep this off this is a feature which  is similar to facebook and this essentially allows   tiktok to broaden out away from the specific  targeting that we have actually selected and this   is great for very high budget businesses who have  got a lot of money to spend because you can expand   that audience into areas that maybe you didn't  even think that you were going to target or you   couldn't think of yourself and you're trusting  the ticktock algorithm algorithm to do that for   you okay that is essentially our audience that  we're actually selected now we're going to go   down to the budget and the schedule so tick tock  is different to facebook in the way that we have   to spend a little bit more money okay normally  with these younger platforms like tick tock and   snapchat we have to spend a lot more money to  actually get effective optimization within our   ads we can't just spend five pounds a day and hope  for the best um i would always recommend sticking   with a daily budget still though and spending as  tick tock saves it as least at least 20 pounds or   20 dollars per day although from experience we  like to start our ads on fifty dollars per day   because it allows us a lot more budget and uh  allows ticktock to optimize the ads much quicker   generally speaking we don't use ticktock ads  for our smaller clients we only use it for our   bigger clients who are already profitable on other  platforms we can then set when we want this ad to   actually run i'm gonna set that for as soon as  possible and we're gonna run this continuously   but if you have an offer which is only relevant  within certain times you can turn that off   and you can schedule your ads only run at certain  times of the day again we're going to have that   all day but this is what they're saying you can  set that to specific times then go down to bidding   and optimization so this is how we actually want  to bid to show this ad on the tiktok algorithm   now we are our goal is conversions but we could  also select clicks but generally speaking you   always want to have conversions and we're going  to set a cost cap so this is essentially the   maximum amount that we want to spend to actually  get a purchase or somebody to take an action   so i would always recommend you figuring out the  profit margin for whatever product or service   you are trying to advertise for and selecting your  break or entering your break even point here so if   we're selling a product for 100 and we know that  our break even is 20 we can spend a maximum of 20   to actually uh be profitable when advertising  this product i would set that to 20. now you   may be thinking okay well think about jordan what  about if you're spending 20 to get a purchase then   you're never going to be making money i know it's  true initially you're just going to be breaking   even and you might even lose a little bit of  money for the first couple of days but when these   ads start optimizing you can always edit this cost  cap and drive it back down over the following days   until you get to a really profitable level with  your ads but i would recommend you keeping this   as high as possible when you are first starting  out now you'll notice there's a suggested minimum   bid here and that is just tick-tock ways to get  you spending as much money as possible they don't   know what product and advertising right now so  how can they possibly suggest what my minimum bid   should be you can also do the lowest cost um so  here we can basically say to tick-tock look just   get purchases get conversions for as little as  you can possibly get them for but from experience   unlike facebook actually i found that cost cap uh  performs better on tick tock ads but by all means   test both of these out for yourself uh we're not  gonna bother going into the advanced options today   but there are other bidding options that  you can play around with for advanced   advertisers and we're just gonna go ahead and  hit next okay and this is where we are going to   get to create our ad so the visual aspect of the  ad on tiktok so again we're going to name this   so this is going to be again it's bookings and  it's going to be travel and we go down to our   ad format we're going to select single video  because there's no other formats at the moment   and you can create an instant page which creates  like a little landing page within tiktok we're   not going to use that and we go ahead and we're  going to upload our video we can select it from a   previous live brilliant videos or we can go ahead  and actually create one on tiktok now tiktok have   video templates they've got soundtracks they've  got smart video where you can upload a whole bunch   of content from my experience i personally think  that the tic toc video editor is a little bit   primitive at this moment in time i'm sure it's  going to get better and personally i prefer to   use external tools when creating tiktok ads so  let's go ahead and create a tech talk ad right   now we're going to wrestle one up really quickly  on in video dot io so let's go over to nvidia   okay so in video is an online video editing tool  that i've personally used to create a multitude of   quick and easy video ads for a ton of different  advertising platforms online now nvidia have   kindly sponsored this tiktok ads video and are  offering you guys a massive discount to their   platform so i want to show you how to create  a tick tock pad on here right now in under two   minutes let's see if we can get this done so  go to and then we're gonna create   an account i'm gonna hit log in and i'm gonna  quickly sign in with my account now as soon as   we're in we can access thousands and thousands of  video templates that nvidia have created and they   add to these every single month pretty much for  any single niche that you can possibly imagine   so go through and look at these if you hover  over it you can see a preview of the template   itself so if we just hover over this here we go  now we can look at them in wide format square   format and vertical format now we want vertical  because ticktock is a vertical platform and i'm   actually going to go ahead and create an ad for a  travel based company today so i'm going to search   for travel we're going to create a template for  us to use let's just use this first one here so   if we go over to this we can watch  this ad i don't really like that music   not a fan of them transitions either um but we  will use this and we can edit this so i can show   you how the editor works so i'm going to use  vertical i'm going to hit use this template and   it's going to take us to to take us through to the  uh video editor now you'll notice if you've ever   used a video editor tool this is all very familiar  and we have our timeline at the bottom here we   have our layers for what we're seeing on screen on  the right hand side and we have our navigation bar   on the left if we click on any of these layers  we can see any relevant settings at the top so   here we click on the sky's rope and which is  this text we can change the font the size the   color and so on and so forth and the first thing  we're going to do is go ahead and change the logo   so we're going to hit upload logo i'm going to  go ahead and upload a logo i downloaded earlier   and once it's loaded i'm just going to  resize this and make sure it looks good   so let's just make that a little bit bigger let's  centralize this okay so it's going to snap to grid   and i'm gonna go ahead and actually animate this  logo in some hit the animate button at the top i'm   gonna animate it in and i'm gonna set an animation  if we hover over any of these we can actually see   a preview i'm gonna fade in and i'm gonna do that  over three seconds and i'm gonna apply this edit   to all scenes so now absolutely all the logos on  each of these scenes the slides that we've seen   um the logo is gonna fade in the next thing i'm  gonna do is actually change this video so if we   go to videos on the left hand side here we gain  access to thousands and thousands of stock videos   from premium partners that nvidia are partnered  with if you've ever tried to buy stock videos   before you know it costs an absolute ton but with  a premium account of in video you get unlimited   access to them which is pretty crazy if you ask  me um so we're going to search a video i want   a video of a plane i'm just going to set plane  at the top here and we'll see what we can find   uh i want one of like a plane flying in the  sky uh let's do this one right at the top   cool and if we click that we can watch it it's  going to be in low resolution at the minute   because it's not rendered yeah that's absolutely  fine so i'm going to drag that onto this video i'm   going to replace it i'm going to go ahead and hit  trim video to scene so it's at the right length   and i'm going to hit done and it's going  to change that video for me nice and simple   and then gonna go on to the second  scene see what we need to change here   i'll probably change this video again let's  have a look at what this video actually is   it's just a mountain yeah okay it's pretty boring  i'm gonna go ahead and i'm actually gonna upload   one of my own hit upload videos i should have  a video uh from ibiza uh this year or last year   someone upload that just hit the upload button  and then once this is loaded we can do exactly the   same thing drag this onto our timeline and it's  going to replace that video so but go ahead drag   that on and did it before it's uploaded replace  this again we're then going to trim it to fit the   scene we're going to hit done and that's going to  change that video let's go on to the third scene   and see what we want to edit visit uh beyond  borders today okay so the company isn't called   beyond borders let's get rid of that let's  let's move the logo down instead instead of   actually editing tech so let's make that logo  a little bit bigger let's put that in there   and we have visit open airway today and then  finally the fourth slide let's go on to here   and what do we need to do with a phone  number in the website let's take the   logo down there i think it'll look  a bit nicer let's change the website   by clicking on that text and all i need  to do is just go ahead and type in open this isn't my company by the way okay  i'm not going to change the number because it's  

just made up and then i didn't like this music  so i'm going to go ahead and edit this music   so i can click this i can go to music and i can  select music again from loads of different sock   providers we can look by genre by mood or we can  search at the top here i want some pretty relaxing   music so let's click relaxing and see what we  can find uh ambient music i like ambient music cool that'll do hit the dots replace music and  we're going to say yes i'm just going to replace   all of the music on our timeline now the final  thing i said i didn't like was the transitions   so if i click this little button here the  transition button i can hover over any of these   to see a preview of the actual transition itself  but i'm going to go ahead and i'm going gonna   do just fade-ins i like a simple fade-in so i'm  gonna do that for there and do that for this one   and i'm gonna do that for this final  one now i'd recommend you going ahead   and playing around with in video  yourself if you're going to use it   there are a whole bunch of different tools that  you can use but i'm pretty happy with where this   video is at so i'm going to go ahead and hit  download and share if i want to preview it i can   click preview here in fact we should probably do  that before we edit it before we actually render   it but again it's going to be in low quality  at the moment because we haven't rendered it cool everything's fading in music's good  there's open airways today call to action   website done i'm happy with that  download and share at the top   and this is going to start rendering okay so  whilst this video is rendering it's a good   opportunity for me to run through some of the  benefits of nvidia to those of you that want to   use it now remember within video you can create  gold standard videos for tick tock in minutes   even if you don't know how to edit videos there  are over 5 000 completely customizable templates   and a stock video library of more than 10 million  assets from premium sources like shutterstock   and there's 24 7 live chat support the guys are  absolutely excellent i talked from experience   and you can follow in video's official  channel on youtube for more hacks on   creating videos with ease and you can join  at the facebook community of more than 20 000   marketing experts and video creators to seek  help and learn from now finally if you want   to sign up to in video use the link in the  description and use code jordan tt25 for a 25   discount to their premium plans and if you want  to learn further about how easy it is to create   videos on in video and what makes it the best  online video editor of 2021 then check out the   video i'm going to put a card around here right  now watch it afterwards and you'll learn more   about in video and how you can use it let's  check to see if this has finished rendering   okay uh 23 all right give us a couple oh no  look at that for timing 23 to 100 here's our   video rendered all we need to do now to save this  is hit download okay and it is downloaded we can   then go ahead and upload this onto tiktok but just  before we do i want to uh refer you to a few links   in the description i've put a few links in the  description of examples of other tiktok video ads   that you can follow and learn about and you really  kind of get an idea of what works on tiktok and   why so go ahead and have a look at these links  it's free so we've got 10 ticktock examples at   work and why so we've got those videos on there  we've got five inspirational examples of tick   tock ads and we've got 15 tick tock hack examples  here so i'm going to put a link in description go   check them out and gain some inspiration for your  tiktok ad so if we want to upload this we're gonna   go back over to here we're gonna click upload i'm  gonna hit hit open and you wanna select this video   hit upload super simple and the next thing  we're going to do after we've got our video   is go ahead and actually change the display  text uh on here so if you want advertising   on tiktok i would recommend you having some  kind of uh let's have a look is this working   cool we're good we've got our ad so it looks  pretty good on the platform um so i would   recommend if you're advertising on tiktok that you  actually have some kind of organic tik tok page   and in that within that we want to use the  same display name that we have on our profile   on this ad so let's say this is open airways we're  going to change our display name to open airways   we don't want to change the text of our ad now  this is the perfect opportunity for us to hook   in somebody with an offer that we are we are  promoting at the moment um and actually call   to action our audience now the worst thing you can  do here is fill as many characters as possible we   want to keep this as short and snappy as possible  so for example here we can have 30 off flights   with open airways okay and we really want to keep  it as simple as that we want to have it as our   offer so it's attention grabbing and people have  a reason for them to actually click on our ad um   okay uh yeah no we'll keep it at that we'll keep  it nice and simple you can use smart text which   is a text that essentially will change and  adapt based on how users respond to your ad   so essentially testing similar to the uh the  creative option where we can test out multiple   creatives we then change our call to action  so we can either hit learn more or we can   use shop now sign up contact us learn more is  definitely relevant to us with this particular   offer and then we want to add our url okay so  open the final thing we need to do   is actually add our profile image okay so you want  to make this your company logo i'm going to add   this logo here but this isn't really suitable it  needs to be a square based image okay um with the   kind of the right uh the the right so really we  don't want it to be a png with white on there it   needs to be if it was open airways we would have a  black uh square for example with white text on top   of it okay so make sure this is your company logo  because it needs to be something that your your   audience are going to recognize finally we want to  tick this box that we we agree with the terms and   we go down to tracking just to make sure the right  pixel is selected and then finally if you want to   set up any third party tracking you can do that  here so that is our i've created in a nutshell   so we hit submit and now that's how we create  our first ever tick tock app we're going to be   redirected to the ads manager and just before we  round up this video i'm going to highlight a few   uh ways that you can actually read your data so  once this ad is is uh created you're gonna notice   it's got this kind of red button here and it is  not delivering that's because this ad needs to go   into review and tick tock needs to check whether  it actually um it actually conforms to their terms   of service now if you're unsure about the product  or service you're advertising just click this one   here and go over to learning center or help center  to find out more now um ads on tick tock can take   a while to actually be uh be approved it can take  up to 24 to 48 hours so do be patient when it is   approved it will say delivering and this button  this little icon will go green here this is where   we can also read all of the data from our ads okay  so let me just make myself just put myself up here   so here we can see our total cost our cost  per click our cpm which is a cost to reach   a thousand people our impressions our clicks our  click-through rate and so on and so forth if you   want to edit these columns just hit custom columns  and you can add just like on facebook you can add   all of the relevant columns to your business so  make sure you optimize your ads maybe between two   and three ads after launching your ad you don't  want to do it before that because you haven't   given tiktok enough time to actually optimize  your ad in the algorithm so wait two to three days   before you go ahead and read this data if you want  to look at the overall data of your ad account we   can hit dashboard at the top here and we can look  at some top level information about our ad account   so here we can see today's spend we can see how  many campaigns we've got active what's delivering   what isn't the trends okay our impressions and  our overall data so this is all the data from our   ad account summarized in one easy to read place if  you're a marketing agency this is a nice place for   you to create reports you can create a loom video  similar to this and run through with all of your   clients showing them what you're actually doing  on the ad account and how it is performing overall   so that is it that is how you can create your  first ever tick tock ad i hope this video has been   informative to you make sure you go ahead and  enter the competition that we announced at the   start of this video and get into a chance  of jumping on a coaching call with myself   and my team so we can run through the tick tock  ads for you and how you can best be utilizing   the platform in a bespoke strategy for your  company so hope you enjoyed it make sure you   subscribe with your notification bell turned on  and i'll see you all very very soon cheers guys

2021-10-01 13:57

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