How To Make A FREE Website On Google My Business In 2021 | Episode 9

How To Make A FREE Website On Google My Business In 2021 | Episode 9

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So today I'm going to show you how to make a  free website for your business using Google My   Business it's absolutely free and I'm going to  use my 21 years of experience as a web designer   to show you why this business site is free can  be really useful i'm also going to show you some   things you can do that will set you aside from all  the other business sites out there that are using   Google My Business. Also we're going to look at  the three types of sites you may want to consider   if you wanted to upgrade your website your Google My Business free website in the future. So I'm Zane   from Zanet Design and I've got 21 years as a web designer. In more recent years I've   been helping businesses like yours grow on the  internet to improve their small business locally   so they get inquiries from Google My Business. So  if you haven't subscribed already if you haven't  

rung the bell, if you haven't made sure that you've  commented below with a question, then make sure   you do so on this video. So you've probably already  got your Google My Business on maps google maps or   you've maybe registered it through Google Search  and at this point now you want to know "where is   my free website". "how do I get there?" "how do I edit  it?" "what types of colors should I use for my type   of business? which I'll come on to later on in this  video and also some people have an about section   how do i edit the about section and finally is  it possible to have testimonials appearing there   to change the button so it's not a quote button  but it calls or directly to my Whatsapp there's   all sorts of other things you can do with your  free website and the majority of these things are   unknown so as we go through them today you're  going to learn some real benefits to what you   can do to stand out above the competition if  you're using your Google My Business website   but one of the first questions you might have is  does my small business actually need a website   and of course, with a Google My Business presence  already you may already be getting some enquiries   but websites do put people's minds at ease and  websites also can get traffic from google search   engine anyway so having a website having keywords  having a way of communicating outside of google   maps in your Google My Business is always going  to benefit you it's always going to get you some   perhaps new interests new customers new clients  even when it comes to just websites in general   a website is normally the first point of contact  with your new customers and they will form some   type of perception about your business based  on the branding and based on the website itself   so if your website isn't fast loading or if it  doesn't work on a mobile that will immediately   make it a turn off for your customers and they'll  go to your competitor so having a free website   with google my business that works on mobiles that  loads relatively fast that has all the information   that people are looking for to make a decision  and also ticks the boxes of the three types of   websites there are that's going to be a really  useful benefit especially as it's free so there   are three types of websites to consider now what i  will say is if you're serious about your business   then having this google my business free website  isn't going to do you forever it may just get you   buying your first year of business it may even  just be ideal for a very small local business   but if you're intending to grow your business then  having a professional designed business website   that actually works specifically for your business  and conjures up leads or acts as a magazine site   obviously the more you put into your website  the more you'll get from it so websites are   a great investment a good return on investment  can be found if you know what you're doing and   if you have a good web designer so I don't want  to underestimate the importance of having a good   website it's a bit like if you're an estate agent  and you're talking about how well you've done   selling property but then you turn up in a robin  reliance or a mini it may just be a contradiction   in terms so if you're boasting about your business  and how well it's doing you may want to consider   having a professional business website built for  your business but if you're just starting out if   it's just a small business then having a free free  website in google my business is always going to   be a good starting point so there are three basic  types of websites the first one a brochure website   a brochure website it's a bit like a brochure  it just shows you the services and the things   that you do and it generally will be about  perhaps customers testimonials some of the   services you've done some photographs of  you providing those services and it will   just include your branding and then some contact  details so the majority of websites start off as   brochure websites the second one is an e-commerce  website so this is where you want to sell things   so ideally you'd have a shopping cart you better  take payment they generally are more expensive   websites and google my business as a free  website is not an e-commerce website as such   but you can if you've got an e-commerce website  you can combine it well and get greater traffic   and sales through google my business which I've  shown in previous videos and I touch on again   in this video and the third area is having a lead  generation website and this idea is perhaps people   are interested in your services they're not going  to purchase from you straight away but they want   to register that form of interest so you might  have some landing pages you might have a form for   them to fill in you might have a web capturing  their interest through an email or a telephone   number maybe they they put their email in to  get a pdf and they go onto a mailing list and   they opt into that mailing list so there's several  ways in which these lead generation websites work   but again google my business does that quite  well because it has buttons and has ways of   getting information from the person that may just  be interested in having business with you so again   we'll show you how that works in a moment so let's  go into our google my business now we'll take the   roo window cleaning services which is our prime  example of a website that we've built from scratch   and also has a listing on google maps from scratch  let's see how that website's coming on and i'll   show you some of those tips I mentioned so to find  your free website you just log into your back end   of google my business you click on the left hand  side here where it says website and you'll find   that already you should have quite a bit of your  website built for you already so let's just run   through this so it's taken the cover picture it's  taken some of your updates when you created a post   if you come further down you've got your  testimonials you've got an about us page which   hasn't been filled out yet which i should do in  a moment and then you've got your gallery so then   you've got your map and contact details at the  bottom now all that information it was all when   when you put in your posts on here when you put  in your information and you registered that in the   beginning and you put your hours your areas you  cover and the services you cover and also in your   home when you've filled in various things there  like the category the logo the reviews that you've   collected as well all those things come together  and they produce this website now i'll just show   you what it looks like when you go live so we'll  just open it up and this is the live website so   this is actually a website it's a one-page  website so let me just show you how it works   here's the navigation you click on that and you've  got in effect four internal pages within that page   so if you click on updates it shows you what  the latest news is if you click on testimonials   it takes you to the testimonials that we've  gathered recently the gallery which speaks for   itself and again it's got a nice if you click on  it you get this kind of lightbox which opens up   and then you can see how each of the images  are portrayed so that's quite useful too   and finally, you've got the contact page which  is got the call now if they click that it makes   the phone call if you want directions on your  maps you click that and it'll give you that   and it gives the open hours and it shows yours on  the map so it's a working map if you click that   it takes you through to google maps so you get an  idea of how it all works and all that's been done   while you've been putting that information into  google so here's the question you want to make   this now become a more useful website and you  also we mentioned the three types of websites   is this a brochure website is it e-commerce or  is it lead generation well we just go for that   in a moment but let's just, first of all, go back to  the idea of the name of the website has quite   a long name there now if you wanted to share that  you can click on share website and then that will   give you the ability to copy that link which is  this one here or you can just put it through to   an email Twitter WhatsApp or Facebook or you  can edit the url now the url is quite long so   you've got a couple of options here you could  just go for a new url which is your domain name and that'll cost you 10  pounds a year and if you click purchase or buy   that's pretty straightforward and that will attach  itself so that's much easier than writing all that   out so that's one thing you can do a second  you could just cut this down so how is this   actually made up what google does by default  is it takes your business name Leru window   cleaning and it then takes your prime category  window cleaning service and the sticks a dot   business dot site on the end of it so you may want  to consider cutting that down i need to speak to   my business owner to see if he wants to do that or  whether he wants to go for the   now the next few things as well so you notice  it's live here so you can turn it on and off if   you did want to do that but really it's  best to keep it going while you've got   it because it might just be just a few seconds  away from someone clicking on it and then asking   for a quote and there's quite a few things here  that the website is doing so first of all it's   trying to represent itself in line with  the branding that's already established   so you notice there's already a blue and  white branding and we've tried to kind of   keep that going throughout so we've got the only  blue that we could find was this darker blue   but it does kind of complement the branding as  well so that's important to think about that   and when it comes to your business if you haven't  thought of your logo you haven't got your branding   your colors and it may well be that this you you  get a better ability to change these colors soon   then just bear in mind you might need to  look at some videos on that so i've got this   section here these are videos I did a couple of  years ago now before I started google my business   i was just as a designer talking about all the  various colors and how they affect businesses so   i'll put a link to that at the end of the video  so that you can then check through these and see   what color will be best for what video obviously  with water with blue and with cleanliness   then blue does make sense for a window cleaning  business but if you wanted to change that you can   change it you've got themes here so we could  change it to a different color maybe that's a   different type of blue to consider the fonts are  changing there as well there isn't a huge amount   um to consider but if you were for example wanting  to um a needle class or if it's something that so we're going to stick with that theme to start  with now if you go to edit you notice that there's   one section here that hasn't been filled out  this section here about us and that's pretty   straightforward you click on edit and you can go  to your headline the rewinder cleaning which is   this here why is this so important well  because that is the thing that google   is looking for in the search engine as well so if  you wanted a website to come up in search engine   then you may want to just consider what's  there that's your kind of h1 that's your   main headline and then your description you  might want to put in just as a way to get in   an area you may want to put in window  cleaning service in Bournemouth and that just helps to get the word Bournemouth  in there as well so I would do that if you can   then you want to fill this summary and header this  now is putting this section in here now you notice   on the live website that doesn't appear so after  the testimonials and you can see the importance   of getting them to fill out um some information if  they do write testimonial because it makes a bit   of a difference to how it looks and you notice  as well the keywords are coming through here so   uh reasonably priced it might get picked up by  google but you notice it goes the about us comes   after testimonials but before the gallery but if i  go to the live website uh let's just view it here   so you notice we've got the updates you then got  testimonials and then you've got the gallery so   the about bit that should be there is missing  so we're going to fill that in most people don't   fill that in but it's another great way of getting  keywords onto your business so let's go to where   we were here summary header so i'm going to put  in their bournemouth window cleaning service so   once again it's an opportunity to get the  name Bournemouth in and window cleaning as well   so I'm going to put that in there and then I'm the  summary body so what this is is just I've written   a summary of what larry window cleaning services  do and it's you can actually get a little bit   of um you can get quite a lot in here so this is  what there you go so this is coming up here live   um i'm going to bullet point those our services  include so you've got a few little things you can   do here like bullet points that that looks better  um and i would probably say something like um   bournemouth area because that's important for  that in bold that comes out there as well and   you've got it down there as well but that would  let's put the real window cleaning as well is a   bit of branding getting it as well so that's kind  of a better way of presenting that page yeah that   about page really I'm going to say save and now  let's see what that looks like if we go to the   live website so we'll just um let's get rid of  some of these windows okay so let's refresh that   so you notice on the refresh we've now got the  window clean service in bournemouth so that gets   that in there after the updates and testimonials  we've now got this Bournemouth window cleaning   service down here and you notice as well we've now  gotten about us so whereas before we had updates   testimonies gathering contact about us is now  there as well so this is one of the things that   most people haven't done it's a new thing that  is often missed out so just look out for that   and another thing as well that you may want to  just consider is if we go to view website again so we've got get quote at the moment if they click  that they then fill out a form that gets then   emailed to you for a quote and that's quite useful  because it means they have to put in their phone   number and this goes back to the three different  things then is this a brochure website is it an   e-commerce website or is it lead generation and  i would say it's a little bit of everything this   would be the lead generation part and you can  actually choose how you want to lead generate   because is get quote the main thing that you want  here or do you want them to just give you a call   now it might just be that actually with window  cleaning um contact us or call now might work   better so i click that and then refresh this  you'll see now it's calling it's got the   number as well and if they click that it will then  telephone or it will skype or whatever it is your   contact details are on that so that might be the  way forward depending on what type of service   you've got of course there are a few other things  as well so we just go in here so you can also   just have a contact us which will take  them down so if we did that refresh that and they click contact us and in effect it's  same as getting a quote really there's no real   difference there and let's just go back to here  again so you've got a few other things as well get   quote get directions make appointment um there's  an sms and there's even a whatsapp so that might   be even more useful if you've got whatsapp let's  see sends a whatsapp message to them let's click   that so if you tend to use WhatsApp then you  can just do that and that will do a WhatsApp   that will go straight through to their WhatsApp  as well and these are new things that have just   come out so i would say just make sure that  if one of these things works well for you   then then use it because that's going to be useful  so I'm going to keep it on WhatsApp we'll see if   they get a WhatsApp message okay so photos is  just like adding photos again but of course   they appear here as well or you can click add  images here and then on more as well there's a few   other things you can do here so you can turn your  site on and off you can publish it which of course   we have got it published at this you can update  this update the site name which again you could do   here or here you can buy the custom domain which  is this one here and you can unpublish the website   if you didn't want it to be live any longer and  then you've then got a little bit more information   update listing to use this website instead so you  can just make a few changes if you wanted it to go   to a professional website you can make that change  and getting customers tips for getting customers   now if you click this it's exactly the same as  website tips here so they both do the same thing   but there's some good little tips in here that i  just want to run through briefly so promote your   website on google that's if you're going to then  go down paying for ads so you can click that and   it'll basically take you to google ads and that's  pretty straightforward stuff if you've ever done   that before describe your business and offerings  so google uses text on your site to rank your   business if you click that then that will take you  through to what we've already done here so we've   already done that add more photos well we know  that that's the gallery which we've encouraged   you to photos do tend to bring a lot of traffic  and finally share your site send your site to your   customers if you click that it's what we've seen  before and again it's another way to get to share   your website here so let's just run through then  website tips we've just gone through those share   your website that was one of those tips view  website is the live website that you can use   and with that really covers all of those things  there so i'm going to go back to that question is   this a brochure website well does it show off what  you do yes it does so he's a window cleaner it   shows the cling van it shows some of the cleaning  that he's doing it gives a information here on how   he does this and how it looks so is it a brochure  website yes to some degree with the gallery it is   a brochure website is an e-commerce website well  it doesn't have that facility built in here but   there are some there are some facilities on  google my business that he hasn't used yet   and i can show you that on how it becomes more of  an e-commerce business in that sense on another   video which i've got but you'll notice for example  if you go to products you can add products here   if they click through it takes them to a paypal  button or it takes them through to if you've got   a shop on your website you could do that too  you notice if you go to posts on here you've   not just got updates but you can add offers and  you can add products and when you add a product   not only do you put the photo or the the product  name but you can even put a price and when   then you've got add a button you can go buy or  order online and you can then take them through   to your e-commerce shop or if you've got um an  affiliate link then i don't know whether that's   acceptable at this particular moment with google  but there are a few things you could do to kind of   it's an edge it's almost e-commerce it's not quite  it's not a shop in itself but you can combine it   with a shop so it's an e-commerce website as a  frontage to it and is it lead generation well i   think it is lead generation very much so because  we go back to the website you've got whatsapp   which means a contact any any way of getting  contact from a person who's half interested   surely makes it a lead generation website so  you've got what's up here you've got call now so   that's another phone call they can fill out um the  call now here as well they get directions there   in fact when you consider all those various  ways of contacting you then i think it is a   lead generation uh from that point of view and  of course ideally when they read through or they   come across here the main thing is it it's  a call now which takes them through to your   phone number so hopefully that video has just  given you a bit more impetus as to knowing what   to do with your website it would be a good idea  if you did get the domain name to get that to then   work with your free website that would look a bit  more professional but also you've probably thought   about what types of colors should you use for your  business and it's remarkable how logos and colors   and branding itself have a remarkable impact on  people's perception of your business and also the   emotions that are attached with certain colors  now if you've never considered what colors and   emotions are associated with your business color  or if you were looking at perhaps trying to change   your branding then that video that i mentioned  is here there's a playlist of all the colors   that will cover what association business has with  various colors but if you're wanting to continue   this theroux window cleaning service optimization  listing then head over to episode nine

2021-03-17 15:43

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