How To Build A Trading Computer [Complete Guide and Parts List Included]

How To Build A Trading Computer [Complete Guide and Parts List Included]

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Hey there and welcome to this trading computer, build video, uh for those who may not know i am itin, 8 the guy behind the scenes here at Um today i am going to build clay's new computer i thought i'd bring you guys along for the ride. And kind of walk you through, what i'm doing. How to assemble a computer if you ever want to build your own trading computer, uh you can definitely save quite a bit of money if you're willing to do it yourself and you get ultimate flexibility, so, um first off before i get going links to all these, components, are in the description. I will also include a link to a blog post if you want to learn a little bit more about, why we picked these components. For whatever reason if they may not be available when you when you're ready to build your system, um you can kind of read through that and kind of get an idea of why we picked what we picked and hopefully you can pick a, good alternative, because there's lots of different, versions of all this stuff out there, um that you can pick so um here we have a fractal designs, case i'm not sure the exact, model of this um but that's what we're putting this whole thing into let me put this on the floor to get this out of the way. What we're building today, is an amd. Oh everything's gonna fall down, amd, ryzen, system this is a ryzen, nine, uh third gen. What is the actual model number, uh, 3900. X, uh so this should be more than adequate for what he's looking to do, um i don't even know how many cores this thing has but. Lots, more than we're probably gonna need but that's the system we're gonna build um i haven't built too many amd systems lately been a lot of intel systems so we'll see how this one goes. Um, we're gonna do a quattro, p1000. For his video card he's got four monitors, those will run all of them in one, uh card, this is also a, workstation. Card so it's made to run all day every day as opposed to your typical, gaming card so, um that's what we chose that guy, we have.

See Here. 32, gig, of crucial. Uh ballistics, memory. And then we have a, 512. Terabyte, or 500 gigabyte. Uh, samsung. 970, evo plus uh m.2, ssd, this will install our operating system all the programs everything on uh we are running a. Asus. Tough gaming motherboard, here, and then the whole thing is to be powered by this seasonic. Uh, focus. 850, watt, uh gold. Power supply so, that's what we're gonna do so let's clear off the desk here. And start putting some of this stuff together. Um, first step i like to do. Is to put, the. Uh. Processor. And the ram and all that stuff screwed onto the motherboard, here, so we will do that. Um. Depending on anything out of there right now. Gonna take this out of the package and put it just right on top of the box here keep it nice and safe protected. So let's start with the processor. Um. Order for this doesn't really matter you can do, ram first you can do the ssd, first whatever you want to. Do. Okay so here that is this, ryzen, 9. 3900. X, processor, here. So these are a little trickier, than the, install ones the intel ones the pins are actually on the board, here they're actually on the chip so i really do not want to drop this chip so. I'm gonna line it up here with a little key there's a little, mark there, um and you line up with the key looks like it's on the top, over there yes it is. So we'll take that over here, just kind of drop it in there just give it a little bit of a shake. Make sure it's in there then we just lock it down like that. And then we pull this guy out and there should be a. Fan in here. Try and keep my workspace, a little bit organized. So we're just going with the stock, uh amd, cooler on here, um. You can certainly. Get much better aftermarket, ones knocked will make some fantastic, aftermarket, heat sinks, for what clay is doing, um this thing's never gonna get super hot this will be totally adequate, the only reason we might replace, this, is if, uh it ends up being too loud, uh, and then we can replace it with something that's got a bigger fan on it a little better airflow, so but for now we are just gonna go with the stock. Cooler here, uh there's no need to upgrade it at this point in time. We'll see how it performs. If we can, get it to fit in here. Those. That is mounted, and then we just find the header that says cpu, fan which is right here. And we will plug, this guy in. Okay. Cpu, is mounted, fan is installed, we're good to go um now let's move on to the memory, like i said this is a. Gig kit, of crucial. Ddr4, 2666. Not super fast, uh once again for what we're doing today we don't need crazy fast, uh we just need to be. Basically reliable, so. This should, handle that process, for us. Okay, and we're just gonna put this, in here i'm not sure how good you're gonna be able to see this the cpu cooler is kind of in the way but. One. And. Two 32 gig of ram installed. Now for the m.2, ssd. Uh we're probably gonna need a screw, out of the box, to install, this, but, let's get out of the case first at. Least. Okay so this will install. Right like this in here. And just uh get a little standoff for that so let's see it's probably, in. Here. Right there it. Is. Okay so we gotta put the standoff, in this, third. There's a 2280. Size. Ssd. Oh. Take this guy out of the. Way. Okay. And there we go the motherboard, is all set to go, uh now we can just put in the case. Get some of this stuff out of our way. To get the case prepped. So we'll pull off. Maybe the side panels here. There's the back panel just so we don't scratch it and we can do some cable management stuff. Um and the front panel. Is glass. So we will. Set it down and pull that. Off. Set that off to the side and the screws off to the side. Hopefully, we have some screws, for the case in here somewhere yep and they are down. Here. Well we got in here. It's like a microfiber, cloth so we can clean off the. Uh glass side panel in the future. Um and then just a handful, of, different screws and zip ties and stuff. So i'm just lining these up um, you can see there's holes all the way around here, just trying to get them all lined up so that we can, screw it in so. Um it looks like the next one's gonna be over here. If i just get them all started, and then we got the same top one across the top here.

All Right that is set now we're just gonna put the back panel here, into the. Back of the case so that all of our i o and everything matches, up. Just kind of clips in here. Pressure fit in there okay, we're gonna try and get this little, fan cable out of our way for now, tuck that in there. Now we're just going to drop this guy in here so you go back play, in first. Make sure we don't. Let's bend up these little tabs. Just a little more room. Okay. That just slots right in there make sure all the ports are open and we didn't hit anything on there. Good to go. Now we just screw in. Okay the motherboard's, all screwed in ready to go just going to connect this little fan header here. This one right here is a little. Case fan too. Nice and close so we'll just plug it right in there, that is good to go. Probably try and tuck that, cable away somewhere if we really wanted to i'm not sure if we care that much. Anything do you think clay cares about cable. Management. I guess we'll at least try a little bit. Okay. That looks good to me. Um so then. We can either install the graphics card or install the power supply, i think the power supply makes the most sense, um, the graphics cards will be pretty straightforward, we probably should make sure it's got any power jacks on it though. It needs for power. So i can figure out how to open the, box. Okay, dropping all the parts. It does not have any, external, power requirements. So that is good, i'll pull it out of the case once here and show you guys. So i was looking for in a lot of gaming, cases, or a lot of gaming cards that'd be another power socket back here but this is not one of those is a workstation, class card um its goal is just to run a lot of monitors so that's what we're gonna do so doesn't need any extra power. Uh we will need to swap out swap out this bracket, um it comes with a little half height, bracket, here, we'll need to swap that out and put on the big one. So that it melts in this case but we'll do that in a few minutes. Uh for now, let's, do, the power supply, though. I believe. This is a fully, modular, power supply so we can just plug in the cables that we need, and. Keep it all, nice and clean and tidy, look at that even comes with some. Cable ties. Oh it's only a semi. Power supply so it's got some. Already attached to it some cables already attached, here um and then a bag of some additional ones so. Let's get her mounted into place. Looks like this, back panel just unscrews, and we just. Mount the, uh. Maybe mount the panel on there if i had stronger. Fingers. Okay. Slide this out of the way. So you can see what we're doing here. Hopefully. Um that's the way we want we want that to be exhausting out the bottom, so. Screw in just like this. Let's grab the. Screws. I actually don't, think we're going to need any of those modular, cables now that i think about it this will probably have the. Cpu. And the motherboard, power. Connections, already on it and that's literally all we need we don't have any external, drives in here. We don't have any. Extra video cards. So. It should be pretty straightforward. Power. Management. Setup. But. Slide it in here, and take a look. All right so let's work on some cable management, here we are going to need to run these guys through. To the front these are all little front panel connectors, front usb. All that fun stuff, here is a front, fan header. And that as well. So we can run some of this stuff through underneath the board here there's a little bit of hole down here, um so we can probably actually run. Uh where's that, front. Fan. Okay so that's here so that one can come through here. And we'll run our front connectors, through this hole down here and then also our front usb. So. One joy, of not having. Uh, extra drives and stuff in here. Is that. You have lots of room. To jam cables, in there. Part of me wants to put the back with the back panel back on here now. But i think we'll wait okay. So i'll flip this down here. And we can plug in some of these front panel connectors. And we'll try and keep my big head out of your way so we can see what we're doing. Okay for our i o is all connected. I'll just plug in our front. Usb. Now hopefully this cable is long enough. It's a little tight, i think it'll work. There we go, and then our front audio, will go up here. Okay good to go that is all of our connections, made, so. We can, pull some of those cables back now a little. This bit audio one was a little too long. Pull that a bit. Some of these, front panel ones. And i stick those. There we. Go. Pull those back in a little bit so they're not quite so, unruly, in the front here.

Here We go. Okay we are done in the, back here. So we kind of got a mess of wires here. I could they have all these little, things here you can zip tie your wires to. Don't care that much. Um so. Let's just grab the back panel. Slide around here and nobody will ever. Know. Okay, that is done. The only, step, left up here, i believe, all the powers are connected, is to install, our. Uh. Video card. So, video card here like i said we're going to have to. Change out this plate. Just two little screws. Pull off that one. Pull off this, one. Good to go. We want to put it into the top. Pcie. Slot, so make sure that lines up. Right. Just make sure this is down in there good, okay, good to. Go. And there we go that is it that is one, built, computer, um. The only step next, is to, get a monitor, and, make sure it powers on so. Um let's throw this side panel back on here i think this is actually bad luck, to uh, throw a side panel, on, before. You finish the build to make sure it posts or power's on. But. I don't care gonna do it anyway, i got i got faith in my building abilities. Let's do the peel. Ah. Okay, that is set let me grab a monitor and we can see if we can get the power up. Okay moment of truth let's see if this guy powers up. We got fans man ooh. Okay you guys can't see it we've got, here i'll turn around we've got rgb. On the, cpu, fan, we got all the bells and whistles. Sometimes this first. Post can take a little. While. Come on baby. Oh, that looks promising. Look at that. Uh, cpu installed. F1, run setup. Don't display this message again on my screen. All right there we go, we have one, functioning, computer, um, you guys this should show us i can't really see my screen but here you go we have a ryzen 9 3900, x12 core processor at 3800, megahertz. And we have uh 32. Gigabytes, of ram uh ddr4, running at 26.66. Um, hopefully, you can see there's two ram sticks there, doesn't, show our, hard drive anywhere on here. Um, right here, samsung. Uh ssd, evo 970. Uh 500. Gigabytes, so, uh we are good to go that is the system. Built ready to go just gonna install windows on it um i do have a video on that too if you want to check out the link down below uh if you're wondering how to install windows on your system it's pretty straightforward, but that'll walk you through it. Like i said in the beginning, uh, all the components for everything uh linked down below here, and also a blog post that kind of explains why we picked all these systems, uh why we picked the components and whatnot so, i hope you enjoyed the video if you have any questions definitely leave them down below i'd be happy to ask them.

I'd Be happy to answer them for you i hope you guys out building your systems as well so, yeah, check out the channel and it was great hanging out thanks. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-08-08 13:45

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