How I Lost $100,000 Day Trading and Almost K*ll Myself

How I Lost $100,000 Day Trading and Almost K*ll Myself

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in this video i am going to share to you   one of my deepest secret and biggest  biggest financial mistake in my life hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is  junichi and i'm a child of the content in this   channel i'll talk about personal finance financial  freedom and investing so please do like comment   and subscribe this channel if you have not done  so so you don't miss out any future videos from me   this video is deeply personal to me because  it carries a lot of shame and guilt and   i'm being very vulnerable and i'm aware of  what can happen to me by sharing this video   so maybe i also think that this is one of the ways  for me to tell the world that i'm actually able to   deal with this issue in the past because this  event happened over 10 years ago so it's been   a long time but sometimes i still have that  that that sense of guilt and shame attached   to this um and i thought that by me sharing this  video it can inspire you on how i went through   it how i got through it it was not easy and i'm  going to tell you in detail on how did it happen   why did it happen how much money i really lost  and how actually dealt with all of this stuff   so please take this video as just a story from  someone who made a stupid mistake someone who   didn't know what he was doing so without  further ado let's get straight into it   okay let's start with the why why did it happen  in the first place and in order for me to tell you   why i need to give you a background story of my  financial situation over 10 years ago my parents   were born in indonesia and my parents moved to  auckland new zealand when i was 15 years old   so growing up it was very difficult especially  as a second generation immigrant in a new foreign   country with no friends no family we had to start  from zero and there was no government support for   us because of the visa that we were in so it was  very difficult and money is always the only thing   that we talk about at dinner table we constantly  think about how can we make more money how can we   pay rent and i was living paycheck to paycheck  i was doing my best i graduated from university   with my bachelor of commerce and i started working  in the office full time but then i still had   to work part-time after my full-time job in my  parents business because that's all they could   do because they couldn't speak english really  well and the only skill they had was just making   food so my my dad opened up a takeaway shop  so that's where i spent majority of my youth   working in the shop while studying  full-time so it goes on year after year   then my parents were able to buy a  place for him for themselves for us and   i had to contribute to the mortgage payments  and i remember um i used to make about 40 000   a year 45 000 gross income per year it was not  a lot of money i was living paycheck to paycheck   with no savings because everything i had had  to go to the mortgage so i thought to myself   i had to think of a way on how can i earn  more money and i came across day trading or   cfd trading contracts for difference so i  open up an account after i sign up on the ig   account i started to learn day trading support  resistance follow the trend and all that jazz   pretty much just the basic of trading when to cut  loss and how to be disciplined when to take profit   when you go by when you go short long and here and  there so i started trading um cfd on australian   index that was what i was trading on asx 200 and  i started making money okay and because whatever   i bought went up all the time and then i remember  i was making like five thousand dollars a month   and then i did that for two months so everything  was going so well and i thought to myself   how come this day trading so easy okay so then i  started to open up bigger position i started to   make more money until one day the rba the reserve  bank of australia increased the interest rate and   that's when my investment started to go south the  index didn't go up as much so my trading started   to go south and i started panicking because i  didn't cut loss on time i thought i'm just gonna   wait and then it kept on dropping and dropping  and dropping and i started losing money you know   i started open up a buy position a sale position  i started to do hedging and all this strategy   and it was all over the place um to cut the story  short i started to lose money okay and then i   started to lose all my gain i started to lose five  thousand dollars ten thousand dollars and then i   put more money in i actually took cash out from my  visa i put another 10 grand in and i just started   losing money and i started panicking and during  that time there was a business partner of mine and   to actually conceal the identity let's just call  him bill i started telling billy about my problem   and then look i don't know what should i do  should i close up all my position and all this   stuff and then billy said that look i'm gonna  help you out i'm going to lend you some money   okay actually billy got the money from his mom his  mom actually gave him some of the money i don't   know like hundred thousand two hundred thousand  i can't remember and um he started helping me   so i thought okay let's just do this trading  together and then i borrowed some money from billy   i think i bought about twenty thousand thirty  thousand dollars okay and bear in mind this was   when i was earning forty five thousand a year  and i actually didn't understand about the risk   i didn't have the knowledge i didn't have  the mental strength to deal with this   and i realized that trading is all about mental  strength it's not just about strategy because   when everything went south that's when you know  or that's how you can actually deal with it and   it comes with experience so i started to borrow  money from bill and then guess what i lost it all   and then by this time it was about fifty  thousand dollars okay so fifty thousand   was um right about the new zealand dollar amount  okay fifty thousand dollars it was a lot of money   and then i told bill look bill i'm so sorry what  happened and i'm going to stop now like i gave up   i don't want to do this anymore okay so that's it  no more from me okay i'm going to work hard i'm   going to pay you back as soon as possible from  my salary and bill said not i'm not taking that   i want my money back okay why don't i help you  bill said that to me and i said sure you know   are you sure you want to do this and i thought  to myself yeah i want to recover all the money so   bill started putting more money in another eight  thousand dollars another ten thousand dollars   and what happened was i started taking on  more risk i started making bigger positions   not because i want to win big and i want to make  myself rich but i just wanted to earn more money   so that i can pay back all the losses that i've  done and this is where everything went wrong   instead of i started making more money i  started losing more money by this time i   actually understand the mentality of gamblers  when gamblers lose a lot of money i understand   that a lot of times they actually wanted to make  more money so that they can pay back their debts   and i was just really stupid how did i get into  this situation i just couldn't believe what i did   so bill started helping me and we started bigger  making bigger position and from 50 000 losses 10   to 60 000 and then he put more money in become  seventy thousand eighty thousand and there was   a point where i had a long position short position  i had the hedging and it's just all over the place   every time i buy it went down every time i i  sell it went up it's just all over the place   a very big position and i had the floating  loss because it's a cfd it's using leverage   again that's why leverage is very very dangerous  guys very dangerous do not trade on leverage to   lower your risk okay that's what i went through  and i remember at one point i have to close a 50   000 position i had to cut my losses 50 000 guys it  was more than my yearly salary it's just crazy and   we started to wake up at night we started to  monitor the position at 4 am in the morning   because with cfd the trading happens 24  7 for 5 days a week and we started losing   more and more money and i just so stressed  and i remember it was around december time   early december we closed out all my positions  it was about a hundred thousand dollar loss   i just couldn't believe what i've done and then  we got really really stressed out and the worst   thing about it was bill didn't tell his mom until  we lost a hundred thousand australian dollars that   was the worst thing and not only that two weeks  after we closed all the position the market went   up because of what we call santa claus rally  that was the first time i actually heard that   and if we would have just hold on to our position  only two weeks if we just held on to our position   we probably wouldn't lose a hundred  thousand we're probably going to lose   maybe about 80 80 000 you know still 20 000 or  more and i was like oh my gosh you know like   how did this happen to me what have i  done and i went to a depression mode   after we sold everything we closed all  the position and i was telling myself   maybe this is it for the first time in my life  i had suicidal thoughts you know maybe i should   just kill myself and um i understand totally about  depression and all that from this experience and i   just didn't know what to do at one point on that  early december after i closed all my positions   i actually knelt down and i prayed to the man  upstairs it doesn't matter what you believe   in whether you believe in universe or god so  i prayed to god and said maybe i should just   end my life here because i was so shameful very  shameful to my parents very shameful to myself   to bill's mom there are not many friends that  i told them what really happened but luckily i   had a lot of support around me at the time and i  told my mom and dad one of the thing that really carries a lot of guilt until today was i  told my mom and dad look i can't afford   to help you on paying the mortgage anymore  sooner or later we need to stop paying and   there is no other way other than we have to  sell the house my mom was crying at the time   it was it was just very shameful to me and told  her to sell the house that she really loves   because she always wanted to to buy a a brick  and towel house and i told her i told my dad   that we had to sell because i couldn't pay off the  mortgage anymore and we reluctantly sell the house   and by selling the house because we  still have a lot of mortgage to it   so by selling the house i only got like ten  thousand dollars back and i gave it to bill   and that house today it's worth about nine hundred  thousand dollars and then when i actually saw what   really happened i was like oh my gosh just  because of ten thousand dollars i mean ten   thousand dollars is a lot for a lot of people but  at the time ten thousand dollars is now a lot of   money it wasn't like a fifty thousand dollars  and because of ten thousand dollars that i got   we sold the house and until today we didn't  get to or we were not able to buy that house   anymore until today and honestly until  today this is the thing that still stings   because it's okay if i made a mistake i own  it i paid back i work hard for it it's okay   but then when you are actually hurting your  family members or people around you that loves you   that's very difficult and it took me  a long time to actually forgive myself   so if you are watching this video  and you are feeling a similar thing   and and you don't know what to do  please do reach out to my instagram   i would love to help you i would love to talk  to you and because this is very sensitive   and there are not too many people have gone  through what i've gone through so there are   not too many people understand what it feels  losing a lot of money from day trading or from   investing or you get scam or because because you  thought to myself how could i have done this like   you know like how come you are so stupid that's  what i felt all right guys i'm going to show   you my trading statement okay over here this  is all my profits 63 000 australian dollars   and then 157 so in total i lost about 98 000  and then plus the three thousand so it's over   a hundred thousand dollars australian dollars  and then every time i look at this i felt like   what have i done you know it's it's sort of like  i don't know how i went through that depression   honestly and i told bill i'm going to pay  back but you know is there any way we can   um split the losses or things like that and i  told bill that and um he was yeah sure um so   he talked to his mom and we decided that  i was gonna pay back 65 000 that's nzt and then it took me two and a  half years to pay back the loan   okay no matter how hard i prayed there was  no money coming in from from heaven or any   miracle like that that didn't happen okay so but  then for two and a half years i was just paying   bill with everything i had i have no savings i  pay back every single cent in two and a half years   and then it was very difficult road because two  and a half years wasn't a short amount of period   and i actually didn't know how i actually went  through it because at the time all i think about   i just wanted to pay off my debt that's all  i i was thinking about i was working i took   some tutoring jobs on the side on top of my  full-time job on top of helping my parents   when i was trying to pay back my 65 000 there  was a new regulation from the government that   if you have got a lot of credit card for example  40 000 credit card you can actually just declare   bankrupt and i didn't like i would be blacklisted  for maybe seven years or something like that   and then after that you are going to be in a  clean slate and honestly thinking about that i   actually had that thought maybe i should just go  for this uh shortcut i'm going to borrow 40 000   and then take all the money pay back bill and then  i'm just gonna declare myself bankrupt i actually   had that thought but you know what luckily i  didn't do it because i knew that was not the right   thing to do i just knew that i shouldn't have done  it it went against my values so i didn't do it   and then later down the years i realized  that i made the right choice because   i actually got my chartered accountant public  accountant and then in order for me to become a   chartered accountant or public accountant i should  not have any history of bankruptcy that's one of   them so a few years ago if i would have done  that i wouldn't become a chartered accountant   i wouldn't have able to increase my income  because once you become a public accountant   um you are registered and then you can actually  increase your salary because of the qualification   you had so i was so thankful so if you are in this  situation and you are trying to get a shortcut to   pay off your debt by getting into a i don't know  whatever whatever shortcut you are trying to do   my suggestion is don't do it okay just  put your head down work hard pay it off   you're gonna pay it off and as for me it  was a very painful two and a half years   but it really taught me a lot of lessons  so these are the lessons that i learned   assess the risk do not take too much risk and  if you are in a position that you can't take   risks as in day trading or leverage trading or  crypto trading whatever trading do not do it   because it would be better for you to do three  or three jobs because it is guaranteed money   when you are working for people you can  work at mcdonald's for 80 hours a week   that is the lower risk than taking on all  these riskier investments including day trading   okay so i'm just talking about day trading  here because that's what i went through   i learned about risk management i learned  about money management um i i started to   learn about investing you know um everything  is about long term don't go for short term   go for long term don't think about one year return  or two years return you know think about 10 years   10 years a decade i also learned about  investing in the knowledge investing in   knowledge in whatever investment you are going  through invested for me i should have invested   more on maybe mentorship for day trading but  i didn't do it at the time there was not too   many products or not too many online courses  about day trading and all that stuff that   was not available it's available today but not  back then so investing in your knowledge is the   best investment you could have ever done another  lesson i learned was because of that depression   period that i went through i'm not easily shaken  with anything that happens in my life because   today at least you know we could live comfortably  we could save some money from our investment from   our jobs that actually put me on another level the  mental strength because honestly investing is like   mindset you probably know the step by step okay i  need to buy a house for example or i need to buy   an investment long term and then when you don't  have that experience or mental mental capacity   it's very difficult like you can tell anyone any  opportunity on investment for example like a good   deal on on property or um shares quite obvious  it's very cheap now but then they're like oh what   if it keeps on dropping it doesn't really matter  so it's all about mindset and i learned a lot   about mindset and since then on i educate myself i  keep on investing on myself and i became a better   investor so yeah those are the lessons that i  learned and my painful experience i hope this   video can help you if you are in this situation  again please do reach out to me in my instagram   do not go through this alone tell your parents  your closest friends if you are in this situation   honestly they will forgive you they will forgive  everything that you've done because they love   you for who you are not for what you've done  or you haven't done if i could go through it   if i could have done it paying off in two  and a half years so can you so thank you   very much for listening to me until the end  and i will see you guys in the next video

2021-09-15 22:41

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