Hoody's Home Dining EP. 4 | CODE KUNST & Woo

Hoody's Home Dining EP. 4 | CODE KUNST & Woo

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What's Woo to CODE KUNST? I think this would fail Seriously (Hoody's Home Dining EP. 4 A dish for man who eats light) The guests for today are CODE KUNST and Woo After seeing CODE KUNST poorly eating garaetteok(bar rice cake) on a TV program, I thought of this dish Woo can also enjoy this I'm going to make oil tteokbokki today I'm gonna cut rice cake It's quite hard, so I'll put it in water Done Put parboiled rice cake in cold water It's boiled softly Remove water Put in the bowl and add sesame oil Coat with oil to keep rice cake separate Add crushed garlic, red pepper powder, sugar, and thick soy sauce Marinate rice cake for 15 minutes Add green onion cut into thin slices A ring! Green onion ring Put one on A green onion ring Add cooking oil and mix Put mixed rice cake on the coated pan compactly Heat the pan over low heat It's not working well It doesn't seem it's working I should still wait Come out a lot, green onion oil If you hear the rice cake getting grilled with green onion oil, slowly fry rice cake When rice cake darkens in general and becomes quite soft Turn off the fire and add 1 spoon of fish sauce I used tuna sauce Put it on a dish Finish by adding sesame salt (Oil tteokbokki is done) A side dish is aligot, cheesy mashed potatoes Boil peeled potatoes with 1 spoon of salt It's boiled well Mash potatoes well Sieve it finely Add fresh cream, butter, and pepper in the pot Heat over low heat Mix well so that each ingredient doesn't separate I'll put cheese in Add mozzarella cheese in 3 times Slowly melt and mix it My hands hurt It's done when it stretches well Put it in a bowl This isn't what I imagined Oh, it's good Finish by adding parsley (Aligot cheesy mashed potatoes is over) Hoody's Home Dining Come in (Woo & CODE KUNST are here) Have a sit here Let's see where you ordered from Today's menus are oil tteokbokki and aligot cheesy mashed potatoes Isn't that steamed egg (gyeran jjim)? No, it isn't I knew you might think like that I knew you would say it I love potatoes Right I made it because you like potatoes Why aren't you asking why I made a garaetteok dish? For us to eat, of course I made tteokbokki because In 'The Manager', you grilled a bar rice cake and ate it pitifully That was nice-looking Why would you say I ate it pitifully You looked poor That must have been delicious That's why you made a garaetteok dish? So I made a better dish with garaetteok Did you really make this? I made it It seems like 4000 won delivery charge food (Fried food is catered) I ordered these and made these two Please take away dishes other than what she made I'm going to have a headache Help yourself Do we just eat? Do we eat right away? You try first just to be safe What do you mean by to be safe? - This one? - Yes Okay He can't really eat spicy food It's quite spicy Our reactions on food are not so good Is it bad? Wow, it's so good If you go like that, what does that make me? Aren't we supposed to say like this? I'm actually not a fan of spicy food It's good but... Is it too spicy? I tried cheesy mashed potatoes after eeating oil tteokbokki It relieves spicy It's delicious It's good It's not bad It's novel I like this aligot cheesy potatoes How do you make it? Boil potatoes Take your phone Open an app Search for 'potato' Will they be delivering to Hannam-dong? Check out from the highest rating Okay, okay Seriously Tell us the recipe Woo should follow it He likes to follow what others eat I always follow others' food He likes to follow making food Really? Do you usually cook? He's not good though (Feel wronged) You didn't try it You don't look like a person who's good at cooking You should say after trying my food at least (100% sure) No, I can't try it What food have you tried making? (Woo's spokesperson) With ramen, he made aglio e olio Right Using ramen? There's one everyone can do This is crazy Are we going with that attitude today? I saw the previous episodes' previews and thought they were too serious Right Should we cry? Should we go on a sad mode? I'm confident with that I'm getting a headache That was really good by the way It was actually good It was good (Woo's spokesperson) In the program, it was a competition for dishes cooked with ramen Woo's dish was picked It's so annoying when he wraps up the story like it was good He's mean (Saying random) Go eat that rice Suddenly rice This is so good though Enjoy You have yours a lot (Woo's) Take it and eat Take it in your pocket with your fists You're saying random things today The show would fail if you think for every word I've learned something good How many guests were there before us? You are the 4th guests Who were the guests? The first guest was Simon Dominic What did he eat? Jeonbokbap (abalone with rice) I'm annoyed I knew it, I knew it And then the next guests LeeHi and sogumm What did they eat? What they ate? I think you'll throw your chopsticks away again I put smoked salmon in Abalone and salmon Rice cake and potatoes This doesn't even worth salmon's tail I feel wrongly accused because it's hard to make this That doesn't matter The taste doesn't even matter to us The cost price matters So mean You're calculating And then? The third guest was GRAY With chicken breast, Cause he exercises On the chicken breast I mixed cream cheese and spinach and put it on the chicken breast and grilled it It started to degrade from there No Production cost The next menu will be chewing snacks It's good though It was demanding Tell us the recipe of this Recipe? For me to avoid eating pitifully again Oh, right You're asking an useless question You're not going to make it I'm trying to make this interesting and useful For people who are watching this? I can't do this with an amateur It's driving me crazy Have you been making food consistently? Yes, I cook ordinarily I also cook sometimes Tuna kimchi fried rice kind of food You tried it Honestly, it's good Really? He complained of hunger too much He has nothing at home He only has coffee So I asked him to cook I wasn't looking forward to it, but it was actually good Really? But you know, Woo does not have a great sense of taste What do you mean It doesn't mean you don't eat delicious food He eats everything deliciously That's true That makes other people cook for him then The problem is that he can't tell the difference between the expensive food and cheap food That's actually true I often rather feel bloated when I have expensive dishes What kind of food for example? That pufferfish pouch Pufferfish? I didn't eat it I ate it Nucksal, CODE KUNST, and I went to have sushi omakase One of the dishes were..

You say it We should say like this Sushi course was served There was something like a white cloud on sushi It was like a squashy cloud They didn't eat it I ate it because I was curious It was squishy The texture wasn't good It didn't feel good So I asked when the chef came What's the ingredient of this? Pufferfish...and he left He kind of spoke vaguely He didn't say it clearly So we guessed together "What is this?" We guessed He said something about pufferfish It might be a part of pufferfish I asked him what that is again when he came DeVita was there together The chef turned away from DeVita and told us That was pufferfish's sperm pouch He doesn't eat that kind of thing well You ate it well I do eat Surprisingly, I'm not a picky eater I eat everything I'm not allergic to any food So I was the only one who ate it Even though you're not picky and not allergic to any food, you eat little usually You're a light eater To live longer People who eat little live longer Do they? You eat little in a different way though - He eats too little - Too little I heard Woo also eats light these days He originally eats light But sometimes, he eats two hamburgers after not eating for a long time Oh, really? My family doesn't season with salt since childhood What I eat in Seoul are all salty and strong I eat a lot when my mom cooks He really likes hamburgers though Hamburgers~ Hamburgers are exceptional I laughed a lot when I was texting him recently He wants McDonald at his house instead of the kitchen It's actually true There's a reason why you two are close You also agreed No, I didn't Can I go smoking? I think the concept of our program changed It'll fail if you are serious It'll fail at the third episode Who would watch it? You've been close to each other from long ago It's been a while For about 3 years? 4 years? 3 to 4 years? How did you become friends? It was during 'Show Me the Money 6' It's not at the end but in the middle Nucksal texted me I didn't watch 'Show Me the Money' at that time I had watched it always but didn't watch the episode since Nucksal was there Why don't you watch it Just, I don't want to see Now I watch well At that time, among my friends, it was rare to be on the show I felt awkward watching him doing something on the show Anyway, Nucksal texted me 'There's a guy called Woo Won Jae I think he'll match with you well I hope you see him' So I searched for Woo Won Jae on YouTube The first thing I saw was you rapping in front of Tiger JK The 1st preliminary round 'He's so unique' 'I'm not this kind of dark person' I thought And then I met him after having a contact He wasn't actually that dark After talking with him, despite the age gap, we have many things we like such as music in common We have many things in common other than music Right, I think that's the point He's the only one You're born in 1996, right? He's the only person who's born in 1996 and talks to me like this I think that's why we became friends We have interests in common a lot Interests Do you have something you're influenced by after you became friends? After we got to be friends? Such as the impact on your life There must be a lot That's why your words are edited You should make up something for the show Recently, I felt that... Before, I got influences when making music But the recently Last week, I visited his house His house was so neat, and I could see he works every day I could see that he works steadily every day I already knew it But I couldn't do that lately Because of COVID-19, I didn't want to do something So I wasn't actually working He must be the same but he works every day habitually Every day? Every day The time he goes to bed depends on his working time Without an exact pattern I could feel it when I went to his house It's time to work I should leave Goodbye After visiting his house, I thought I should do something even though it's hard I should raise a habit I also get the influence now I'm looking back myself That's good Was CODE KUNST influenced by Woo? I got a lot of influence Among people who are close to me, Woo's like the youngest one He has an old soul What people in his age are obsessed with, Woo's not obsessed with them I think so, too The good thing is that he has his likes and dislikes clearly I used to try different things and get bored I easily get bored Woo has powers of endurance That kind of thing It's like that in a good way Let's quickly move on To put it in a bad way, he doesn't like to make changes Let's stop saying nice things I'm not good at saying something nice Have you fought many times? We've never fought You two never stop disputing I think that's why we don't fight On the contrary What's Woo to CODE KUNST? I think this would fail Seriously Don't be too mean Please answer You go first Woo to me? He's like my brother I met outside my home I think it's similar to my answer Meeting him I can honestly ask about worries and talk to him (Sigh) When will be collaboration album released? I don't know when Last week, we met and worked on 3 more songs We had some songs we really like 3 songs? There are several including what we've made But we didn't actually decide when to release I think they'll be out when they're done well You are close to each other Are there differences between what you are like when you work and what you are like when you are not working When we work and normal times Do you feel a difference? I think you're the same You really work in perfect harmony then When we get to work? I think we've never made a song saying "let's work" I think that's why our album is done quite slower than people expected to be We work on the album like we're just hanging out rather than making an exact plan I don't want this album to be a "work" I don't want to make it as "oh, we worked on it" For the past few years, while working on music I love, somewhere inside my mind, I had something I really wanted to try I am doing it a lot now When I feel comfortable and enjoy, the song comes out well The result's good Are you preparing for your individual album? I always have an album I work on I'm putting a lot of effort onto it now I've always released full-length albums Without saying "full-length", I'm just trying to make an album There are several people who say this GRAY also said this last time I asked him if it's a full-length album He said it doesn't matter whether it's a full-length or not I've always... My albums used to have narratives for each So even though I have a track I really like, I can't add it to the album with a story There are many tracks I had to take away even though I liked them I agree with it Rather than making an album with united artistic value, I want to try to put individual high-quality tracks I think that's a good idea For me, about 5 months? For about 5 to 6 months I couldn't really get to work I'm taking a break Working with him it was possible because I did it with him At normal times, what I see and feel made me write down lyrics After COVID-19, the same routine repeats every day We're out of a subject matter I don't have something to write down Exaggeratingly, it's hard for me to write down 4 bars I don't get an impression That's my concern these days I asked few people including him "You go through the time on the third year and fourth year" I'll at least write a verse every day steadily Without a plan, I'm waiting for COVID-19 to be over You'll get back again if you work on it little by little It's the same for everyone due to COVID-19 There aren't some changes in life But still, What might be the happiest moment in your life? When I eat oil tteokbokki Thank you so much It's hard for me then I'll say as it is I like the moment before I get asleep Before you get asleep? It's the same for me There's nothing special these days When I think "the day went well" and go to bed I think I feel the happiest What about CODE KUNST? When I finish a song Sometimes, it's like this I don't really need to work I anticipate what to do The feeling when I finish it, I think I'm addicted to the feeling That's one reason I continue working That's right If the result comes out well, you feel so good Even if the result isn't good, I still feel good Because you still made it Even if the result isn't good, I at least moved forward I at least did something It's hard to feel satisfaction these days I think that's an issue How's it going these days? I should release an album this year I work on songs Because I'm on a diet now, I started exercising You work out these days, right? Do you work out? I've always worked out You eat that little and always exercise? I have worked out all the time ever since I was in elementary school or middle school I don't stay still You don't Really? He's very active Oh, really? He's active in his house only He keeps walking around his living room I can't stay still well Then you might not lie on the couch still Even when I'm lying on the couch, I keep doing something Like playing a game? I do play games I keep doing some small things When you're at home, you both have cats Do you enjoy playing with cats? I think playing with my cat is another happiest moment in my life I sometimes even spend a whole day I think so I envy raising cats My cats are like dogs When I toss and turn in the bed in the morning, all 3 cats come to me They come to me and make me pet them You'll feel stable when you are with your cats Take off your cat's hair All the cat butlers have their cats' hair on them How could you not have any on you? It's the first time to wear this today That's impossible I might have it inside There's a lot inside I didn't take it off because it's cold You're on "Hoody's Home Dining" today On the contrary, what would you like to try for YouTube or a show? With less interest in music these days, since I can't just stay doing nothing, I thought of doing something But it's hard to think of You're interested in cooking It will work out if I go with my interest But I had nothing really interested in other than music What was your dream when you were in elementary school? Scientist That quite hard I dreamed of being a zookeeper when I was in elementary school Oh, zookeeper? So I want to try something like this It's quite too large when I say being a zookeeper But experiencing some hard works next to zookeepers I think that might be good Other than dogs and cats there is a wide range of pets these days Some people have negative views on that Raising a snake or a spider those unique animals I want to be a person who relieves negative thoughts on them I think that might be good The purpose is good - That's good - It'll be fun (CODE KUNST's Home Animals~?) What will you do 10 years later? 10 years later Not saying a word? So annoying If I were the one who's silent You're doing it on purpose now He would say at least 8 words to me Me being silent and you being silent are different I hope I would be the same 10 years later You want what to be the same? My passion of making music maintains To be honest, it's natural that the passion fades away in 10 years But I hope it doesn't fade away What about you, Hoody? 10 years later You might be doing this 10 years later The 8000th guest for today The master of cooking It's like Season 20 Rather than that, 10 years later, older Hoody For my age at that time, based on what I've done until that time, with different lyrics, voice, or music style, I would be releasing an album It's all about music I maybe not be working on music Right, we don't know But I think like this The happiest moment in my life is something about music That's why I'm working on music now But if I find something that makes me happier, I may quit making music Right, I think so, too I really can't guess I think I'll be doing something else Such as? I don't know what it'll be but in 10 years, I'll be working on music but also doing something else interesting No one actually knows Today's concept was 'a dish for a man who eats little' Is it bad? It's good, but I was in conversation with you We should have talked about it For all people who cook at restaurants, Leaving behind food doesn't mean it's not good That's true I feel so sorry when I visit a restaurant Even though the chef recognizes me and tells me he's a fan of me I can't eat up all because I'm too full Oh, leaving behind might be... The chef might misunderstand He could think 'was it bad?' I'm stressed out in this case when I visit a restaurant When I order delivery food, I throw out too much food waste I feel guilty of it I should eat this up But I can't and throw it away "Don't give me side dishes," "I'd like a less amount of food" I wrote these messages when I ordered Because I really can't eat Pass me pickled radish You eat it well Is it the best food you had today? Didn't you say you don't like salty food? I'm refreshing salty feeling with it Pickled radish is also salty It's the most salty one here Salty, sweet, and sour I have my own standards What did other people say when they were here? Something serious It was the least serious day I like it though I was really serious on my part Right, he did say something serious a lot today I'm not going to be serious for the next one year You did for the year today? You came here as guests and had a conversation with me How was it? As the last guests here, It's not the last episode! It's an honor It was the first time to try oil tteokbokki I've heard about it only I was surprised because it's better than I thought When would I eat food that my friend makes for me It's been a while...

It's been a while that we eat with someone else I mean not at outside It's been a while that I eat with someone else and have a conversation I really like it I'll bring mashed potatoes home Take it I think it's the first time we three have a meal I had fun I think this would be the funniest episode I'm not satisfied yet You can stay here more We'll all leave I should do something to be in the show Alright You can go home now I really enjoyed the meal Thank you What is it Mashed potatoes Why is it so big? The whole pot? Because we don't have a cap of a case, it might shatter Are you giving it to him? You got it for free You'll throw it away in the food waste bin Hello, I'm Hoody Are you enjoying "Hoody's Home Dining"? "Hoody's Home Dining" is having a short break I'll come back with good stories and food in 3 weeks See you then Goodbye Thank you

2021-05-13 23:26

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