Grimbeard - Mystic Nights (PS2) - Review

Grimbeard - Mystic Nights (PS2) - Review

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nah nah i'm saying it's like a trope with game  review content like the creator just can't reckon   with the fact that he doesn't have any adequate  reason to cover a certain game other than i don't   know clout lack of imagination so they invent some  kind of character that forces them to play a game   and then they're like oh no not that game  anything but that game referring to this   notorious game that everybody knows is probably  like bad or something maybe they see it on a desk   and put spooky music behind it and then they cut  back to their face looking horrified might also   make a good still to include in the thumbnail i  like to think i've avoided most of these pitfalls   in my lifespan isn't that right robot dog that i  talk to sometimes jesus nothing nothing nothing   nothing just nothing to play literally no  games not not a one in here [ __ ] ghost   town for real for real for real for real for  real for real for real for real for real for i mean i've been meaning to get around to this  and i'm doing it of my own free will mind you hello play mystic knights or i will shoot  you i'm so sorry i thought i emailed you   i changed my mind about the uh the premise  thank you for your time though i will never mystic knights is a third-person survival  horror ancient vampire parasite cloned by a   weapon i think maybe game it was developed by  n log software and published by sce korea for   the playstation 2 in 2005. there's very little  information available about this game but my   assumption is that this was meant to be officially  translated and published worldwide but due to its   poor sales and critic response those plans were  cancelled so it remains only available in korea i   could barely dig up anything about the developer  on top of there being a language barrier there   isn't much of a paper trail and it seems like they  must have merged or changed names a few times in a   short period i believe they began as  a website with a number of children's games that   did well enough for them following the success of  a platformer based on a popular animated film at   the time whose name i won't attempt to pronounce  but it has something to do with a white dog they   attempted to immediately begin work on a sequel to  it but a legal dispute over the ip rights got in   the way of that and the series continued without  them following a sequence of searches i don't   remember i stumbled upon some kind of internal  power point used by them i guess to show to   potential investors within it says that they  took on the name enlog or new leader of games   in the year 2000 they make vague reference to  their platformer game but i'm guessing since   they no longer own it they don't name it which i  had initially assumed was because it was something   shameful and degenerate the first game using the  new name was an mmo arcade edutainment game called   bubble shooter a game that is impossible  to find due to the over saturation of   bubble based mobile games and having reached  the limits of my interest in finding it after   a cursory google search came up with nothing what  i do notice is that the character used in its art   looks a little familiar but hey i'll never tell  in this presentation there is a section devoted   to mystic knights displaying some concept art and  screenshots much of which were not featured in   the final product or were changed substantially  what it does illuminate however is how mystic   knights was pitched how they hedged their bets  on a defining feature and it is of course the   one i have no way of showing or discussing with  you aside from being a rather straightforward   survival horror game in the vein of resident  evil or silent hill mystic knights sought   to differentiate itself with its multiplayer  component a different kind of game unto itself   that would unknowingly tap into a genre that  would rise in popularity over a decade later   wherein several players would traverse a dungeon  crawling with enemies and they'd work together to   defeat them the twist one of them is an imposter  a monster wearing human skin that attempts to kill   off the other players without drawing attention  to themselves adding a hint of social deduction to   survival horror following mystic knights they made  a pivot to online games inspired by the success   of microtransaction heavy games like maplestory  their first foray into that sort of thing was bout   or bots of unlimited transformation an mmo about  robots fighting computer viruses which was planned   to be released for xbox live in 2004 but it would  miss that deadline by a few years and wind up on a   much less prestigious platform after the american  game publisher acclaim went under in 2004 it was   briefly resurrected by an ex-executive who revived  it as a free-to-play platform for mmos and other   games that utilized online multiplayer gameplay  called acclaim games this quickly went under due   to game developers not receiving adequate pay  and there being a persistent issue with cheating   something they tried to remedy with invasive  anti-cheat software that people had trouble   removing from their pcs anyway bout which was  renamed bots also with two exclamation points   was handed over to acclaim games in late 2006  making it their responsibility to deal with the   upkeep and despite complaints about its premium  currency allowing players to buy items and   upgrades that gave them a severe advantage over  players that did not opt in it wound up being   one of the most popular games there that is until  2010 when acclaimed games was bought out by plato   which was subsequently swallowed into the gaping  maw of disney anything after this point becomes   blurry at some point they briefly had an mmo rts  called darkness and light that was shut down and   all but erased from the internet following some  kind of legal battle with a publisher and oh my   god i don't give a [ __ ] so i get that none of  that was interesting and none of it deals with   things i would normally ever talk about but  i lay out to ask the question what business   did these people have making a survival horror  game because mystic knights is a bizarre anomaly   that i wound up pursuing because i hadn't heard or  seen a single thing about it and i know every game   except for whole genres that don't interest me  which there are numerous i figured i had survival   horror down though but here this thing is like it  just slipped through the cracks in reality staring   me in the face taunting me calling me a son of a  [ __ ] a goddamn [ __ ] it just missed the peak   of the ps2's survival horror domination and was  released right as home console ownership in south   korea was becoming increasingly rare and replaced  by home pcs too little too late and hardly given   a shot to subsist outside the womb for years  it existed as video games space junk a neat   piece of debris floating in the spaces between  thankfully someone found it interesting enough   to translate it for the sake of preservation and  to perhaps expose others to this strange artifact   from another world a world full of exhausted pop  stars and films that relish in tonal whiplash   expelled by a studio that had never made anything  close to a survival horror game and was left so   dejected by the experience they decided to by  my definitions never make a real game ever again i tend to think of resident evil as like the  rosetta stone of survival horror i know there   were predecessors that it likely drew from but  to me there's a big enough leap between it and   say alone in the dark where i'm fine sidestepping  it [ __ ] it i'll rewrite history mystic knights   presents a much different tone and doesn't  entirely tackle any of the themes that resident   evil would slowly expand on imperialism capitalism  baffling one-liners this is a story about a group   of civilians with mysterious backgrounds that  are forced to survive together amidst a sci-fi   disaster attempting to foster more human  drama instead of relatively straightforward   horror with a side of commentary to it i don't  think it does that very successfully but i can   see it doing that i guess it does make  slightly more of an attempt to humanize its   cast than resident evil but i'm referring to the  original one though which i should make clear was   made a decade prior to this game and i honestly  still would say it's better in every way but   it included more of that so i mean i i guess  that's still a dub mystic knights opens with   a brief cutscene where our protagonist bruce  mckellen that's his name receives a letter   from his old friend alan but his words suggest  there was some bad blood between the two and he   becomes more interested when he makes mention  of someone named monica allen and bruce used   to work together at something called the misr  the military institute of strategic research   a shadowy government organization that  probably isn't working on some kind of   benign thing i don't even know what that would  be i was gonna say like a nice pen but like   like a really nice pick something happened that  made bruce leave and now alan's offering him a   job at a new facility attaching to the letter a  photo of a whale that has seemingly been chomped   to death by something larger than it he takes  the bait and heads right on over to this ominous   looking seaside fortress in part intrigued by the  fate of the whale but clearly more concerned with   seeing this monika again bruce enters the front  door into an elevator that is immediately rocked   by an explosion and it plummets to the bottom  spitting him out into a sterile metallic labyrinth   of labs and offices full of bizarre machinery and  blood-spattered medical instruments clearly some   kind of disaster occurred down here and he's soon  confronted by strange biomechanical monsters there   isn't a ton of internal monologue or anything  giving insight to bruce's thoughts so the full   extent of his reaction to this situation is his  expression upon seeing them for the first time he quickly adjusts and becomes a killing machine  taking out dozens of these things despite his   background presumably being one of science  i mean using anime logic i know he doesn't   look like your average lab guy but deep beneath  that physique and flawless hair i know what he is   he's a little nerd boy he's a little fortnite  gamer still ignorant to how deep this maze   descends bruce eventually stumbles on a woman  named jennifer passed out on the floor he   momentarily becomes confused thinking she was  monica but stifles that unfortunately she isn't   much use in shedding light on what's going on  she lost her memory and doesn't have any idea   what's going on here or where here is even or  why here was allowed to make this an appropriate   uniform i bet if you ask the dude that drew  this why those are there he has that reason   ready to go i mean you got it you got to have  your bases covered no no no no see that's like a   tactical nipple if any of yous gets in a pinch you  can just press them both at the same time and your   parachute flies out your back scoots you right  into hr's office assuming she must be shaken up or   injured bruce instructs jennifer to stay put while  he scouts the rest of this floor as we shoot and   slice our way through rapidly respawning creatures  we find vague diary entries and interoffice   communications that hint at what caused all  of this experiments with cell regeneration   engineered cells that can be introduced to a human  body where they will multiply at will in theory   making the host immortal some make the shocking  observation that this may have adverse effects on   human dna which is a chill way of saying it will  turn you into a table with a prehensile tongue bruce clears the way for jennifer to hole up in  a stairwell that seems safe and there they meet   two new characters an misr security guard named  jane blair and a scientist named dr john nielsen   they had also been wandering around the building  thinking themselves the sole survivors of the   disaster from their perspective they were working  like normal at a lower clearance and following an   explosion and power loss everyone seemed to  disappear replaced by monsters the explosion   triggered an emergency quarantine locking all  exits save for a tunnel at the lowest basement   level the plot seems to follow this format this  repetitive cycle where you move survivors to a new   location have a moment where we plan out the next  step bruce takes it upon himself to explore the   surrounding area unlocking doors booting up power  generators and killing monsters until he reaches   the next safe area to transfer the survivors  there is however this somewhat dissonant jrpg   logic where other characters will do things that  in reality you would have noticed but since they   aren't represented on the screen other than when  they're in the safe house it makes it seem like   they just teleport places for absurdiological  reasons this first happens when bruce sees some   more survivors being attacked on i guess the only  working monitor in this building and he rushes   off to go help them but as soon as he steps foot  outside the safe house jane calls him on the watch   phone she gave him earlier screaming for help  but like what trouble could she have gotten into   in the two seconds i've been on the other side of  the door oh she's not even in there anymore she's   in a room ahead of me you just have to set aside  the spatial reasoning of how i could be in the   same room with jane step outside and she's already  being attacked by monsters in a room ahead of me   like would she shove me out of the way to run into  a mob of nurses however this happened it results   in jane being mortally wounded and requiring  some kind of experimental stimulant to survive   while trying to hunt it down we find more hints  at what these mad scientists were up to and in   keeping with just about every survival horror game  set in a lab it is you guessed it something to do   with a failed super soldier program the weird  thing is while i was still rolling my eyes at   this development they dropped another wrinkle that  is infinitely more interesting but even more vague   and less important they've apparently discovered a  new kind of metal that they of course used to make   a fantasy axe you'd find in some kind of mall  gift shop we also learn about something called   project ancient where something is implanted  into humans but all testing for this found that   the implant was rejected to remedy this clones  were produced that did not reject the implant   i do appreciate the abundance of notes and diary  entries defined amongst the exposition just little   news articles or epitaphs you know it's  coming i can hear it right outside the door ooh yay hey wait a second here now because  without those there isn't much in the way   of storytelling dialogue is pretty minimal and  there isn't any environmental storytelling either   because everything looks the god damn same i mean  i guess we could break here for spoilers if you   want to seek out and experience this game and its  plot for yourself this seems like a random spot   because there aren't many well-defined story  beats it's one of those games where stuff   just kind of happens in a linear sequence  and you just gotta deal with it i guess bruce gets jane her stimulant and it looks like  she's gonna pull through and later finally tracks   down the survivors he saw on the monitor thus  we add researchers kelly henry and frank to our   ranks this is the first scene where they use  a term that will be repeated throughout the   game that is maybe a translation error or maybe  just a strange creative choice but when bruce   asks one of them what they were running from  this guy says didn't you see the vampire so look i'm trying to like this game i'm trying  to give it the benefit of the doubt i see them   making moves i see them doing stuff and i want to  think that there is some deeper reasoning for how   muddled it's been why i simply can't keep track  of what the point of anything here is but hearing   the researchers that work here called the monsters  we've been fighting this whole time vampires was   disorienting to say the least bruce logically says  huh those monsters and he confirms yes they're   vampires well actually kelly interjects their  mutants the result of human experimentation to   which bruce unchanged in his understanding thinks  turning human beings into monsters but when i talk   to kelly again she [ __ ] tells me those monsters  are vampires so can you pick a [ __ ] lane kelly   talking to frank reveals that he had planned to  retire tomorrow and live a peaceful life which i   think most people consuming media immediately read  as hello i will be the first to die this scene is   also where i learned the importance of talking to  every character and exhausting all their dialogue   options until they loop if you talk to henry the  first thing out of his mouth is kelly knows more   than i do she's the head researcher's assistant  which i took to mean i don't have much info for   you talk to kelly but if you talk to him a few  more times he gives you the key for the next area   so you could be stuck wandering back and forth  trying to find the key because this guy didn't   immediately elect to proffer it up to the  one guy willing to clear a path to safety after a few more location transfers bruce and  the growing group of survivors find an emergency   shelter room to take refuge in everyone's a little  banged up jane is still injured and now two others   are showing symptoms of some kind of illness  combined with a report that suggests the vampires   infect humans by vampire larva tracking their  heat signature and imperceptibly entering them   it doesn't bode well for the gang the scientists  here have developed a chemical that would make   this process easier for the larva a gas called  prism that they either unintentionally or   intentionally released on their own likely causing  nearly everyone here to become monsters jane calls   bruce back to the sanctuary because frank has died  mysteriously murdered perhaps because everyone was   asleep at the time they don't know who to blame  for it except for kelly who was the one that found   the body in the next area a vampire larva emerges  from an air vent and attacks the group but bruce   kills it henry explains that these must have been  implanted in humans altering their dna and turning   them all into tables or motorcycles and likely  just covering her ass kelly throws out hey now   that you mention it i think i seen one of these  things by frank's body yeah that's it this must   have been what killed him so even if that was  true i'd imagine you'd want to notify the rest   of the survivors if a giant alien bug was in the  room just something to consider for later kelly   while looking for a suitable place to transfer  them once again bruce is attacked by a new   evolution of the vampires but is saved by two  more characters guard captain michael isaac   and the very guy that led to bruce coming here  at all alan despite seeming pleased to see bruce   you can tell there is some animosity between the  two one of the first things bruce thinks to grill   him about is monica the woman mentioned in the  letter but he says that she isn't in the lab but   she did leave him a note in it she expresses  regret for some kind of wrong she and alan   committed and says that she misses him we then get  one of a few expository flashbacks we see bruce   monica and alan having fun with science together  at science school maybe the three were friends   but it was clear that bruce and monica had a  special more intimate bond and you know this   was a long time ago because it was back in sepia  tone times alan helps bruce restore power to this   level but when they reach the next safe area  bruce collapses into another expository memory   in this one allen presents the results of a study  and is lauded for it garnering fame and success   a study that he stole from bruce's thesis as if  that wasn't bad enough monica then grew distant   with him and started giving her affection to  alan he implies that he had every opportunity to   expose allen for the fraud he was but he didn't  because it would indirectly hurt monica she was   all that matter to him so he just grid his teeth  and pretended nothing was wrong eddie you went to   their wedding bruce that's exactly what i would  have done just be a passive-aggressive [ __ ]   the whole time when bruce wakes up michael is  dead found in much the same state that frank was   alan reveals that he knows a lot more about the  vampires than he initially led on suggesting that   one of them may be infected the vampire larva can  embed themselves in someone's spine and after 30   minutes there is no visible sign of infection but  the host will begin to act erratically and even   become violent there is thankfully a detector a  device that can scan them for vampire infection   bruce asks alan to watch over the survivors and  heads off to find the detector coming across a   letter that expands on the vampire's origins 25  years ago this lab was a military radar station   that discovered a network of ruins beneath this  spot within them they found a creature they dubbed   ancient it's this creature's dna that was used  in the bioweapon projects allen expands on this   bringing up the picture of the whale he sent  bruce a guinea pig for a large bio weapon they   developed called kaiser created from the larva  they discovered while working on project ancient   on top of being just a big [ __ ] monster guy  its dna has proved capable of curing most human   diseases but as the creature continued to grow  they lost control of it allen wants to control   it and use it to benefit the world but everyone  else's priority is just to leave at the detector   everyone gets scanned and then waits for the  results there is some attempt at a the thing like   paranoic atmosphere where everyone is suspicious  of the other and nervously trying to appear as   non-infected as possible but it's a concept  that sorta resolves itself within this one scene   the results come in and it looks pretty definitive  that henry has been infected by the vampire larva   which he does not take well not even willing to  humor the idea of finding a cure and guilt-ridden   for unknowingly killing two of the other survivors  he produces a gun from somewhere and shoots   himself morale is low among the survivors but  nobody else is infected so they press on towards   the exit some more documents suggest that kaiser  may have been telepathically linked to the ancient   explaining why it began to disobey them and become  aggressive after this discovery the ministry of   defense to create that project ancient be shut  down but since they were having trouble figuring   out a way to kill it they pretty much just sealed  it away and continued to poke at it in secret   deeper into the labs the sterile halls begin  to become more bio-organic i i'm not too sure   why these lower levels look like this could have  something to do with these areas being powered by   the larva i guess they figured out that certain  strains of them could be used like a powerful   battery and now they've just become assimilated  with every surface in this place and once again   a character has teleported ahead of you blindly  wandering into danger jennifer is locked into a   room full of monsters and bruce has to shoot down  these living doors to get to her after rescuing   her she says she was hoping a walk would jog  my memory she hasn't really been relevant in a   while so i totally forgot that her whole thing was  she had amnesia and maybe that's still affecting   her because she seems to forget that they are  in a demon lab crawling with vampires and that   she's an unarmed dumb dumb allen catches up to  you to inform you that both jennifer and kelly   went missing so kelly is still unaccounted for and  bruce runs off to track her down but instead finds   monica floating in some kind of chemical tube  he's understandably furious with alan that he   allowed her to be a part of their experiments  allen justifies this by claiming that monica   was terminally ill when they all met and even  when they married she was not long for this   world he stole bruce's research in order to find  a cure and save her allen began treating her with   the vampire dna which did succeed in prolonging  her life but eventually the disease progressed   too far so he took more drastic measures injecting  her with a larva with almost comedic timing he   assures bruce that she's alive and well come take  a look go on it say hi monica tell him you're okay okay i swear then it's never happened before this  creature makes a dive for bruce but jane jumps in   its path sacrificing herself to protect him after  bruce defeats the transformed vampire monika   there is a surprisingly touching scene where  she reverts back to her human form for a moment   and they share some words she's glad they got to  see each other one last time before dying she says   bruce don't ever forget me which is a weird and  heavy thing to put on someone actively grieving   your death but okay go off dead queen don't  ever forget me live with this trauma forever wow it's so sad i mean after all this oh well  back to it i guess how about we take five right   we can take a five get a little dixie cup  full of oh water was easy i'll press start   after they get separated for a while everyone  meets up again to find that dr nielsen is dead so   once again one of them may be infected and again  someone immediately blames kelly for being found   next to the body this time it's alan at this  point i'm not sure how exactly we're meant to   feel about alan some of this i'm just guessing  while trying to parse through its translation   but i think we're supposed to be unsure of his  motives on one hand he has somewhat been humanized   after revealing his reasoning for stealing  bruce's thesis for stealing bruce's thesis   for stealing bruce's thesis for stealing bruce's  thesis and for testing the vampire dna on monica   but he also doesn't seem all that shaken  up when she dies in bruce's arms on top of   that he expresses a general coldness to everyone  around him detached from the severity of it all   also some notes suggest that the true reason  for monica's testing was to implant her with the   ability to control kaiser but that for whatever  reason the transplant would only successfully   take if the host was void of emotion and had an  inhuman tolerance for pain something they seem to   easily correct by creating a clone as suspicious  as kelly may be if you remember back to when we   first met jennifer bruce was momentarily convinced  that she was monika it could be something the now   drastically cut down group of survivors make their  way to the penultimate basement level of the lab   kelly becomes frustrated that alan seems to just  remember important details about what goes on here   showing that he's been playing dumb for much  of their time together he reveals some of the   cruel unethical things that went down on level b7  experiments using not just corpses but the living   prisoners and transients after listening to his  explanation kelly once again runs off on her own   this time we just sort of find her dead with  little fanfare time's passage in this game feels   so odd like she just ran off and we walked to this  room and she's already like weeks dead reading   her diary we learned that she was not really an  employee she was a reporter investigating some of   the facility's disappearing staff with only two  survivors left the options as to who the killer   has been have become binary but this is also where  the plot decides to become near incomprehensible   to me in part because of the wonky sci-fi  logic and of course due to the well-done   but still slightly suspicious translation yeah  actually i'm sure it's fine i'm just like that   can't really be what's happening most of the time  this can't be the words you meant to write here   right so if i understood this correctly which i  don't i simply cannot in an attempt to control   kaiser ancient vampire dna was given to alan  but since the original ancient carried both   male and female genes you'd need a male and female  human with ancient vampire dna working in tandem   by fusing together somehow to control the  kaiser i guess they it's kind of like a   it's kind of like the way you need to control a  jaeger i guess they figured out how to do this but   for reasons not explained women don't take well  to this process and become sporadic and violent   which is i mean okay all right let's write that  then sure whatever all this to say that jennifer   is alan's female ancient vampire counterpart  thus making her the killer this whole time but   unknowingly to some degree i guess jennifer made  herself forget about this to protect her humanity   but upon remembering that she's a female allen the  two of them turn into orbs and explode there's a   lot suggesting that jennifer is a clone of monica  but i don't think they definitively state that   and if alan says she is his counterpart would that  not make her some kind of female clone based on   his dna but bruce does comment on how much she  looks like monica but monica is also blonde and   jennifer's not her hair looks more like allen's  also wouldn't alan need to be a clone as well   or is it just enough that he's kind of a  sociopath aside from his affinity for monica   but what about elsewhere in a boss arena a  vampirically transformed allen and jennifer   fight each other and bruce is given the option to  help one of them if you choose to help jennifer   defeat allen this is unfortunately the darker path  to go down because jennifer is like feral now and   she just turns her wrath on you forcing you to  kill both of them and then face kaiser alone   if you help alan defeat jennifer he's still  mortally wounded but in his last moments   he gives bruce an experimental cell division  device called tomcat that would weaken kaiser   and make it vulnerable i guess now that the  person he was trying to save is dead already   he has lost interest in establishing cures for  all known diseases even in death alan can't   help but villainously stroke his chin no helen  don't die i bet you'd like that wouldn't you   so predictable bruce is able to defeat the  bioweapon which triggers more explosions in   the institute as he makes his escape while being  picked up by the military bruce says he'll never   forget this mystic knight which is probably  the most confounding title drop i can think of   that is far from the phrase i'd use to describe  what we just went through i i guess he could   be in shock because this is tantamount to him  saying wow so that was kind of wild right you   know what i mean this guy gets it this guy gets  it this guy knows what i'm [ __ ] talking about there's a lot working against my basic  understanding of this game's plot but if   i've absorbed enough of it correctly i think  there's a spark of a neat idea here it's just   suffocated under the weight of mediocre choices  and a disinterest in explaining itself offering   this drip feed of expository documents that are  usually less than a paragraph and occasionally   contradict each other or just repeat themselves i  can't get a good read on its intention but a lot   of it comes off so perfunctory as though the  game already existed as it does just with no   text and then someone was brought in to try and  transplant a plot into it and i and i just feel   like it doesn't strive for anything it doesn't  aspire to be much else than another game in a   recognizable genre the thing that i think works is  the emotional core to it the fractured friendship   between bruce allen and monica the love triangle  and the stolen research that's the human part   that i understand i've lived enough to empathize  with feeling betrayed by someone you once thought   a friend or missing out on an opportunity  to have something more with another person   holding on to that sorrow for an unhealthy span  of time i i could have done with that being more   prevalent within the moment-to-moment plot and  maybe that could mirror things happening within   the struggle for survival scenario add more  of a psychological element into the mix   but the amount of content actually devoted to  it is small much of what actually happens in   this game is characters yell each other's names  at each other as they get picked off one by one please most of the other themes and plot points here  are a bunch of bland sci-fi ideas smeared onto a   palette until it's become beige and unremarkable  there's cloning bio weapons gene manipulation   super soldier programs and none of that is  presented or repackaged in all that unique a   form it's only in recounting it do i realize how  repetitive it is how many times it just does the   same thing over again and expects you to care you  think i actually remember these [ __ ] names no i   only know because i'm looking at the footage right  now how could i forget such great pseudo-american   names as veki kitten buster mack dwayne bernie  corbin and vince vaughn on a base level i like   the premise of this game guy gets a letter from an  estranged friend to visit a clandestine research   institute upon entering it you are trapped inside  and faced with the results of illegal genetic   experiments and he also has to confront this part  of his past that's burdened him that's a solid   framework on which to do something interesting  it's just that they never really got around to   that part there was one brief shining moment where  i thought the game was going to establish this   theme of paranoia where you're constantly doubting  the survivor's motives with one of them hiding   their dangerous infection and there would be  a bunch of infighting between them leading to   violence and chaos and darkness and demonstration  but then that resolves itself as soon as it's   brought up however there are a ton of games that  i think still manage to linger in my mind because   of some feat of atmosphere or clever subversion of  a trope but i wouldn't say this does much of that   either there is something to a labyrinthine web of  grimy labs abandoned left bloodied and partially   consumed by alien flesh but i also don't feel  like a substantial effort was made to make the   game eerie or unsettling or even to differentiate  any part of this place from another part of it   i've now been stuck here two hours trying to think  of a complimentary note to go out on so for the   sake of my own well-being i'm just going to head  out gonna walk to the store you want anything what   flavor mixed together really you sly devil sounds  weird but your funeral all right be right back mystic knights has observed other video games it's  watched them from afar binoculars in hand taking   mental note of how they operate and it's done its  darndest to render what it's witnessed onto a disc   if you've played an early survival horror game you  should have some idea of how they tend to operate   limited supplies sparse puzzles usually of the  item-based variety tense if a little awkward   combat and tank controls i don't have a thesis  written on how accurate that is these are just   the things that come to mind when i think about  what i would like in my survival horror game   i want to feel worried for my safety but not  helpless i have a chance if i conserve resources   and choose my fights wisely i would say that  mystic knights achieves one of those requirements   in that you will come across one or two item-based  puzzles actually if i could just back up to the   first moment you are handed control of bruce the  controls are off-putting because you do sort of   follow tank control logic but you also can't  control him using the d-pad in fact the d-pad   is functionally useless i think it only ever had a  function in the multiplayer component and was used   to emote things but in the main game it is useless  and you control bruce with the left analog stick   while you control the camera with the right  though its range of movement is limited the   thing that makes this weird is that even without  fixed camera angles and things that some found   antiquated about other survival horror games it  still feels janky and grants you less mobility and   control than those even though you could move the  camera around with you it has this odd quirk where   it tries to help you out when you turn a corner  by automatically taking control of your camera and   moving it around so you're looking straight ahead  again i guess it is considerate but it's mostly   disorienting that you have complete control of it  and then suddenly the camera has decided to do its   own thing like an extreme form of joy-con drift  when you aim your weapon it seems to lock into   these set directions as though you were using the  d-pad but you can't use the d-pad you also can't   aim up or down you're either pointing at the thing  in front of you or you're not and sometimes that   slim cone of damage feels hard to determine this  led to a lot of wasted ammo as i tried to find   the way i could position myself to hit an enemy  frustrating as this was don't worry about wasting   ammo because you're going to get a lot of it  healing items as well enemies almost always drop   something and they also respawn pretty quickly so  nearly every room with enemies in it can provide   a generous spread of supplies if you just keep  leaving and returning also there is no reload   button so you have to reload in the middle of  combat and you cannot move while this animation is   happening the only saving grace there is that if  you're hit while reloading it usually just accepts   that you reloaded you also need to kill enemies so  your weapons gain experience i don't really know   how that's justified in lore but killing enemies  gives your equipped weapon xp and eventually it   will level up becoming stronger and every three  or so levels it will upgrade to a new version of   the weapon complete with a makeover it's bizarre  you literally just use a gun enough times that it   evolves into a different gun i think they may have  actually tried to explain this with a document you   find about a new kind of metal that was discovered  like maybe i'm assigning something interesting to   this completely dumb [ __ ] mechanic when that's  all it is but i think the guns might be some kind   of living metal that actually grows and changes  with use like a gun pokemon which i'm surprised   they haven't done yet they did a refrigerator  and a keyring before they thought about   gun if you upgrade the sword enough times it looks  like it develops in eyeball or something so i mean   maybe maybe this is interesting that's how i feel  about most of this game maybe it's interesting   this was something i had to work out on my own  because i don't have a manual for this game maybe   maybe someone has scanned it but then it would  still be in korean and i'd have to use a janky app   to read it i couldn't find any walkthroughs posted  that would explain the basics of how you should be   playing mystic knights so if you decide to play  this out of morbid curiosity there is a point   around the first boss where i think it's just  universally understood that you should probably   do something really tedious and laborious for a  good three maybe four hours not watching a dcu   film but grinding just get it out of the way in  one go because if if you face the first boss after   putting in a normal human amount of effort all  your weapons will only take the faintest sliver of   health from him and you'll probably wind up like i  did exhausting my once infinite seeming supply of   bullets barely dropping him to half health dying  simply because there was nothing else i could   throw at him so yeah just take a few hours killing  the same groups of enemies over and over again at   least until you have the third evolution of your  pistol and sword i thought i was going insane   trying to figure out how to get through this area  like i had stumbled upon some gamer conspiracy an   elaborate cover-up to prevent me from finishing  it as every playthrough i could find of this   area uniformly edited their gameplay in such a  way that they reach this point and then there's   suddenly an edit where they without explanation  have completely different weaponry that makes   short work of the boss there was no explanation  for it in the description or the comments what are   they trying to hide why are they afraid to answer  a few questions eventually i accidentally evolved   my sword and put together that the weapons change  at higher levels and the edit must have been them   cutting out grinding because that would have been  boring to watch it's also very boring to play it's   really odd how you only ever find yourself starved  for items and stuck with cheap weapons when you   try to avoid enemies and play it safe but the  game is actually much easier if you just kill   everything every time you come across it  needless to say this kind of [ __ ] with the   whole philosophy of survival horror as you're not  really struggling to survive you have an infinite   font of ammo and medkits so much so that by the  time i finished the game i had never even used my   stack of 30 plus large med kits i would just use  the small ones that drop frequently there isn't   really any skill required for combat most enemies  are complete bullet sponges that you'll need to   empty a full mag into before they go down some of  them have an attack pattern that is difficult to   avoid and you may get locked into some kind  of animation that lasts a little too long   where you get your ass kicked but there isn't much  danger in that when i can just heal myself with my   endless stack of med kits because there isn't much  to combat aside from shooting or swinging in the   same combo no dodging or strict timing to any  of it it created this annoying combination with   also just being able to heal yourself endlessly  inducing this strange fatalist frustration in me   i kept getting to this place where i just let  myself get near death he's like what is the [ __ ]   matter they're just gonna keep hitting me over and  over as i make the same grunt just why even let it   go on why do i continue to play their game and  then at the last possible minute i'd relent well   i guess if i made it this far it's not my time  yet and i'll just heal myself it's kind of like   that part in true detective season 2 where that  dude just turns the lights out on his motorcycle   so he can feel something that's how this korean  video game for the playstation 2 made me feel the only times i died were because i had sort  of zoned out and didn't notice i was dying   i have no advice on how to better  enjoy the boss fights where they just   stand still while you pump light into them so there's very little about the gameplay that  works for me everything that could count for a   win has something that diminishes it in some way  it's got a really well done metroidvania esque   map that you can even turn on while playing which  is really neat and helpful but the game doesn't   often reward you for exploring so really  i just use it so i don't have to memorize   the maze-like floors of the institute i  do like the idea of your weapons getting   progressively more badass looking but to  get there you have to lose sight of reality   move beyond realms leave your body and let it  act out this monotonous routine while sparing   your sanity for a moment i thought there was  going to be some substantial additional content   to explore after i finish the game because you  can play it as different characters but i think   this literally just replaces your character model  and the game then plays out identically meaning   even though i chose jane's character model i still  sound like bruce and everyone calls me bruce they   do add the ability to transform into a monster  mode that upgrades like your weapons but you   know i didn't need it the first time around and  i don't think there will be a second time around there is plenty in mystic nights that looks era  appropriate i imagine if you saw contextless   screenshots of this game it would look like a  legit maybe a final fantasy spin-off or something   but a proper game this looks like a game you  could walk into your local game dispensary and   purchase for several gold coins i remember  little of the customs of the outside world   perhaps one could barter for it exchange a pocket  watch or some bobble bearing the king's emblem i   think what reveals this game's limitations and  reveals how hollow it can be is just seeing any   part of it in motion it's hard to ignore how  lazy the environmental design is consisting   of one or two metal hallway textures just tiled  into infinity maybe that will be interrupted by   a warning sign or something but it all blurs  together this happens to an almost comedic effect   when they reuse tiles that have a sort of unique  surface that you'd think would only exist on one   wall like one that has i don't wanna die scrawled  in blood but you find several identical walls just   like it as if even in death they just couldn't  find an original bone in their body inside the lab   rooms you'll find recycled machinery or readouts  all of which you cannot interact with or look at   they are just static obstacles there to make a  room feel less empty which somehow makes them feel   cosmically barren i do like what they're going  for with creature design it's got a very clear   geeker-esque aesthetic it's biological it's  sexual and mechanical as well which doesn't make   the slightest bit of sense considering they are  supposed to be vampires i mean i do have to hand   it to them it is pretty original to put a flesh  motorcycle in a game and call it a vampire that in   this world a man could be minding his own business  a giant mosquito monster flies up to him embeds   itself in his spine painlessly and imperceptibly  and then at some point he becomes a motorcycle   there isn't much of a variety to them at a certain  point they do that thing a lot of older games did   where they denote that an enemy is stronger by  changing its color i do find the ones that remain   folded up on the ceiling until you walk past them  creepy in concept but i think more enemies should   be based on vehicles and furniture let's just put  some wheels on it why not the other npcs are not   bad they're detailed and designed in such a way  that reminds me of how i draw characters in my   youth just badass and tactical entirely for form  and not function during cut scenes each character   gets a portrait image while they're talking  which would have made this game really easy   to localize elsewhere that's probably why it's  so playable even fan translated most of the text   in the environment is also already in english  and also not important or relevant to anything   so the main system was broke all right let's hope  they fix it everything except for the names of   the areas you enter is english that might have  been helpful to be honest oh look i'm in the larva zero beep there is nothing about alan  or jane's design that makes any kind of sense   as a uniform or even just casual lab where i  gotta admit i was worried when early on jane   was attacked and suddenly her portrait art changed  to this i was like oh what have i started playing   here is this a game i gotta finish off camera  but it was substantially less horny following   that i don't know what the deal with that was  on second thought because they don't even commit   to that chest damage when her outfit is torn  on her actual character model they just gave   her outfit like a cleavage window and not the  claw marks as though it were designed that way   but then when you meet up with her later it has  just redesigned itself into the first iteration i mean is this interesting i don't really have  any issue with the ui or map it's not great but   it taps into a design sense that i hold a lot of  nostalgia for i have this secret love for chunky   item models spinning around endlessly i don't know  what it is but it's good and i like when things go   spin as far as the sound department there was one  game that came to mind a lot while playing this   i kept detecting notes of deadly premonition in  that i also wouldn't be surprised if this game's   sound design was just outsourced to someone with  access to some kind of royalty-free sound library there's a lot of sounds that are just a bit  too familiar and when they're not they just   sound bad like every sound effect is  just not the sound it should be but   what was available and because enemies are so  bullet absorbent you're gonna hear a lot of just a lot of that and it was hard for me  not to fixate on the fact that the shooting   animation and sound sometimes didn't quite  sync up or maybe it's just that the game   didn't account for you shooting so quickly  and you'd have a few shots that just don't   get a sound the music seems to have two modes  one of which i like and the other i don't the   one i do like is clearly taking inspiration  from the silent hill games and by extension   twin peaks it's a little jazzy a little  spooky in that loungy mysterious kind of way and every now and then it will dig  deeper into that well and become more   ambient and make a legitimate  attempt at being unsettling it's a shame that it hasn't been  ripped and posted anywhere yet because   it's not bad at all the other soundtrack mode  belongs to the tracks used during cutscenes or   boss fights that are more reminiscent of pretty  generic rpg soundtracks it seems like placeholder   exciting fantasy music.wave like somewhere on the  internet it is available and named exactly that

there's just such a duality to everything in  mystic knights i've been in my liking games arc   for so long that the moment i have negative  thoughts i fight them so now i gotta either   focus on the good or just embrace my dark arc  you know what i mean no i'll try to be strictly   complementary from here on out and i wouldn't  really know how to criticize the voice acting   because i have no frame of reference for korean  so for all i know the voice acting could be goofy   and over the top but i'd have no idea the only  thing i can really comment on is that it sounds   like they're emoting a lot they got passion for  sure so much so that it peaks the mic on occasion oh no the dark arc has begun welcome   to the twisted darkness inside  my mind are you ready gamers i went into mystic nights assuming it wouldn't be  spectacular but willing to have my expectations   subverted they were not however i'm glad i got  to experience this game it's always neat finding   an artifact from an era whence i enjoyed many  formative gaming experiences i don't know why   i wrote that that way the simple novelty of  its existence will have to stand in place for   a compelling narrative memorable characters  satisfying gameplay or creative game design   i can see some distant vision of an interesting  game here in its monsters its bleak tone and the   feeling of a descent diving deeper and deeper into  the depravity of mankind's experimentation with an   unruly power but a month from now i know that the  only memory that will stick with me is standing in   a hallway that looks like every other hallway in  the game rhythmically swinging my sword to kill   a motorcycle so my sword will grow honestly in  looking back i think if this game had come out   in the us right on time 2005 the same year as two  of my favorite games i doubt i would have been   all that interested in it maybe in part because it  was billed as a survival horror game but if i had   seen some screenshots or some gameplay i'd pretty  quickly put together that this does not meet the   elusive and hypocritical requirement for what i'd  call a good game it's the sad possibility of my   fascination with games that have been abandoned  games with dead owners or just deadbeat owners   there is always that cold possibility that they  were left homeless for a reason that it was just   a problem child with a soulless look in its eyes  it just it just it just doesn't try for anything   it doesn't take a swing it kept reminding  me of another game i made a video on called   ring terrors realm which is not a good game by  any stretch of the imagination but after playing   this i feel like terra's realm took a swing it  tried to do a thing and boy it failed miserably   either due to incompetence or just lack of time  and resources and i respect that failure more so   than a game that just wants to meet some minimum  requirement of game and be shuffled among other   better games like a vampire imposter in that video  i say something to the extent of the ring knows   what it's copying well enough to behave like a  competent survival horror game it understands the   base elements that should be there it just wasn't  particularly good at holding them together even   with the help of a popular ip to play with  mystic knights fails similarly but less   spectacularly any enjoyment you could get out  of terror's realm would be from the way it goes   dumb in a big way it it feels like you're playing  a disaster of some kind but mystic knights manages   to both fail and remain uninteresting for most  of the playthrough it would be like watching an   e3 event and they don't do anything horrendously  cringe and you're just waiting for them to [ __ ]   up in some way and they don't which is i think  why at least 70 percent of the people watching   it are watching it you ever wonder what the  bottom of an avatar shoe looks like well bam   there it is i'll never get to experience its  multiplayer but i wouldn't be surprised if that   was the main focus of development and what made it  worth the purchase with its single-player campaign   existing as a supplement because that is the  golden idea of mystic knights the idea that   i don't get to see that's the novel thing that  where circumstances different could have given   it more recognition if it was good which  it probably wasn't based on the rest of it hello now you know what true suffering is  you [ __ ] but because of the game i mean   it was fine there's just better things  i could be doing with my time i guess   death to all who oppose me also i thought i made  it clear that the deal was off like we're not   doing this bit anymore say your prayers are you  threatening me yes don't threaten me when i'm in   my dark ark or else you'll find out how truly  dark and twisted my thoughts are how disturbed   you think you've done anything as  totally twisted and deranged as me   i destroyed the federal government oh [ __ ] well  that's kind of based i haven't slept i'm sweating   the video is over thank you for watching it  if you'd like to support the channel you can   subscribe to it you can like it or like the videos  on it and comment on them as well you can also   become a patron and join my discord and follow  me on twitter i also have some merch you can   buy i i'm actually drinking coffee out of this new  black mug that has the logo on it uh it's not the   best printing job in the world i'll tell you that  much but it's a mug i just make a doodle and then   i ship the doodle off hope you enjoyed the video i  just want you to know i'm not like an angry video   gamer man sometimes there's a time and place to  poke a little fun at a game that's not all the   time we're allowed to like games around here hey  you know every once in a while there's a game that   comes along where the the likelihood that somebody  who worked on it seeing this is so uh distant to   me that uh i'm just like [ __ ] it anyway thank  you for watching the video and an extra special   thanks to ayling uncle two password for kids again  dean alex alex alex alex alex alex alex alex alex   raymond alexander smith andre perkins aparts  89 bayard brown ben carnell benjamin cid perez   d sky dalton danny dkp kilpatrick daphne pittentry  dark raptor 86 the illuminati diesel dizzle dr   beer das days edgy edward avila fart mother game  master gaming with clark tarp gamma gm jarrod   gotti mcgork gorey mundra i fall asleep to  the sound of saturn astral projecting inside   the vortex wandering in search of the machine  it must be sealed i i don't know what that is   there's tool lyric j al amin joseph zanoni carrot  kamikaze melon leon hooks lizzitar lore marcus   chaney michael schmidt morgan harper neck out  the brave octo oysteo phillip wooley rahul kirthi   richard gillespie roland salvatortasti snapplefish  this deal is getting better all the time turts   zack bishop crashpunk daniel streb katherine  graven swood operator a hanging chad bang   flang brady the sanity tax collector brosuf jones  cantankerous dubs high food court i confidently   told potential housemates that i paint orc goths  if i were to talk about the saddle creek sound   no go ishanji madmonte98 di trius nafeez hook  ophelia fish wife p dizzle persian air please stop   treating player agency as a negative leaning left  right manually isn't a [ __ ] cover system it's   basic movement robert brandon samuel ward simon  daniel sugar wolf technica 10 beat that uninformed   guy the brunette girl from abba where am i help  410 billion 757 million eight hundred and sixty   four thousand five hundred and thirty gay cops  agitated on to anally assault your alistar stewart   alexander oldbrick ali g all the nope andrew  light atari steed auspicious whiskers beetles   guy ben and cara dowling bishi93 biv dub brandon  mcfadden red weaver colby cult of leda dan cullen   david frommkey david harpstreit dazed clockwork  dongs.exe yuelino seven fix my brain garrett   garrett squared general clizarro haley bobella  hitoshi-san jake desi jake raynor jimmy changa   june choi jordan balzano joshua david j raptor  captain ketchup leopold gloom m mandalore gaming   marauding fraud max cohen

2022-08-09 04:54

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