Forex Trading - Bias vs. Trend Trading

Forex Trading - Bias vs. Trend Trading

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okay guys so this is the new video the direction  trend versus bias okay video that I promised you   um what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna show  you welcome dial up some basically the long   terms but I'll show you a lot of you know things  to look for when you're entering hey JB rebounds   a couple of other topics as well but I'm also  gonna show you four recordings right to where   the bias is really not that easy to read right  but where the long terms help you out big time   okay I also show you a trending day and then I'll  show you that strong bias which was Thursday this   week first of all just let me say well done for  this week guys well good I thought I honestly   thought this week because we got quite a trending  week and then on the Thursday we have that strong   bias and I actually thought that few of you would  struggle you know it uh on the Thursday but even   though some of you lost a few trades I know they  still wanted to bond I'll get to you and lake in   a minute even though wanna two of you schooled a  bit the majority of you still would you day even   though you lost a few trades a couple of trades  huh and that happens on days like when you don't   read the you know Direction very clearly something  to try and help y'all on far in this video but   again well done well done Hampton really impressed  mate just keep going keep going keep winning your   day there's no reason why in six months you walk  in billionaire the only thing gold in your back   is just keep hoping you're a lot sighs that's  the only thing the old shabak guys from being   very wealthy okay well let's just have a look at a  couple screenshots he's you know something I like   doing right so first and foremost this was just  a base yeah this was yesterday's guys who came   in the rib Howell dude did I read yesterday's  bias okay well we're just gonna focus on you   gu for the most part in this video but also I'm  gonna you know focus more here on these four time   frames in the other place okay now at the status  session I wish it had taken a screenshot at the   start of the session we had a daily super down  it was a red pink I think and I know I noticed   one or two members said well he won't go against  top right or you have two who understand what that daily see you know what he actually meant and  a daily sleeper is great when it's got room to   maneuver okay so what I mean by that well that  daily super happenings job how do how do I mean   it's doing stuff well I had a little bit decease  when I get my advice from guys I look here and   then a look where we are on these okay so I'm  looking at trend yeah no problem I'll get two   empties comments in a moment about the why was bio  stuff all week daily sleeper down there will be on   the eighth hour well this may be valid flipped  so this was the morning candle and then we come   in the room this is where we were okay now it's  happening this could go either way and you think   you know we're outside for our baby bun say okay  but what you fail to see a lot of the time is   what's happened here you see it's level with that  flip down baby bum there and it had reacted you   see you can see the wick on it you see the weak  on that so it had reacted it had come back down   basically to the for our our in slime okay so it's  a one-hour blue gonna be good enough to stop this   candle going to this baby bump that's what you've  got to ask yourself okay gotta say is that going   to they're highly likely is a one-hour blue gonna  stop it probably not before I was already at there   maybe BAM bounce Dow chances are trend is going to  continue and that's what happened and it blew that   it blew off the chart basically the daily super  okay because of that bounce back there all right   and the fact that this candle wants to go to this  be be boned all right what this will do excuse me   is create you know maybe pull backs so I'll go  up you know like that so then all you need to   do is look at you five-minute and H a charts  this is where we were when I'm going the room   somewhere here okay and this was a major trade  for me took multiple entries up going up here   okay right so basically for me the bias result  this was going to there and even if a four-hour   blow appeared this wouldn't the for our blue  wouldn't work unless right unless it got help   on overtime frames so we've got the started  getting 15-minute blues which you sort of go   if you've got a forever with signals next to them  then we start to look for first second moves okay   and trades below the five-minute orange line but  obviously for me this was going to hear no okay   let's just quickly look at the d3 and I will write  these rules out for you guys tomorrow probably about things like this you know the rules on  entering on the H a baby bun rather there are   three ways you want a you want hav be bound +  momentum right B you won't hate J arrow Plus   momentum and C momentum right when I say momentum  guys I don't just mean one flicker like listen a   matter how many numbers I have is there if the  only flickers once on nine and then goes quiet   you might just get a little bounce like that I'm  gonna continue on down okay so when I mean big   momentum I mean constantly flashing if it's just  one but it's constantly flashing or let's say the   DX yeah so the X here is flashing red and this is  constantly flashing and that's cuz they fight and   that's good that's big momentum for me let's  say correlation so you've got the GU here the   GJ and the GK cat are all flashing one that's  big momentum for me because you know it's it's   all three pairs he's saying go go go you know  it's saying the GBP is gonna go okay and again   obviously you know the DX as well you can take the  correlation with that okay so they're basically   the three ways of entering of the hey Jake chance  just one of the thing I have noticed a very   powerful and I'll show you later on in the video  is when you get a yellow signal with a signal next   to it there's not one on show here really to show  you maybe that one but again your bias was down   anyway okay a yellow with a pink next to it Wow  they fly they fly all right on the ajj now then   since you've been taking this well here's the  thing guys right you have this signal in okay you have a one-hour blow you could have said it  might have pulled back more here than what it   actually did the BB by me would have seen this  flip up it would have been up there you would   have been here and you did get momentum for it  to go up like that so I say it took this it only   went up a bit and then come down and lost okay  because this signal hadn't taken price into the   5-minute orange line and it lost it's a good loss  it's at godless guys and it's a good loss because   you go in with a strong trending bias okay okay  so just let that go and then look for your next   settle if you thought that and it lost but as  it as I say because of the strength of the trend   and you've got lots of momentum for laps issue  so voila it ended up winning you know so just used this to use the systems using to make  sure if you can't that you have got you know   momentum with you and and one of the three ways  of entering off the have1 Richard described the   bear earlier okay guys um right crack on with  the bias video what else did I want to show you whoa tell I've been looking at this was it was it rough I'll show you that in the  video okay I'll show you that in the video in   a minute facts I can't recall I was going to  say about loving cows but anyway let's crack   on I've got a few a couple of messy biases to  show your book the first thing I want to show   you is that strong bias from Thursday okay  and this is Dan McCarney I Sergeant Pepper   to send over and so empty okay so this is what  we have with me come in the room you know I'm   the GU right okay no problem you can set this  up like any second oh there's nothing there's   an eight-hour blue at the moment yes you're  outside but it's an eight-hour blue let me   explain one thing about the arrows to you guys  right blue is the most trustworthy signal there   is in my opinion right because it does what it  says it's just it just warns you it warns you   that chances are prized he's going to turn around  and the bigger the time frame on the bigger that   turn around okay right first and foremost  let me explain empties bias [ __ ] time have   to come out over there again and T do you  recall I can't write okay we'll do it this   way and T said I was biased up this week I was  biased of this week because of this setup here this happened now I was by a store actually six  days pre prior to that I'll get because of this   candle here you see this one that come down here  this is two weeks on Friday ago okay there was a   blue yeah there was a blue on the daily and I said  next week geez coming up this was two weeks ago   guys ah this was the one become the what happened  is it went up in the morning and then during our   session it drop back down alright now the Blues  not there at the moment I bought the come and go   but it was there again and then we got that red  yellow which you can just about see there and   well the rest is history what happened was for  the rescue 81 hope it went all the way outside   first of all look what happened it hit the Bailey  own farm it bounced down look during our session   it went up on the second day it went outside  the Bailey Beebe BAM bounce back to the orange   line so for me straight away GU he's up I'm not  sure yet that was I think that's Monday Tuesday   Wednesday Thursday yeah that was it's just as  they know that was the Friday this was Monday   okay this one here was Monday this week I'm biased  Oh all right now it's not just a matter of saying   okay you buy a stop here I'm thinking yeah daily  say nope no have I got the right position on a   lower timeframe to start taking this up here we  were look at the ATL baby bun flips up there back   on the eights our orange line look at that a full  day there oh oh perfect position is we were out we   were here and we were on the 8 Celebi we ban like  that then I would have been biased down I would   have said things more coming down because we're on  an 8 hour baby bound to come down you understand   if we were outside the baby bun here um you know  we were here on the 8th our chat chance then yes   I'd have been biased down but because on this day  Monday we were here on the 8th our orange line or   this flip took baby bun whichever I was biased oh  and basically what this has said my bias ease up   on the daily the entry position is perfect we're  going up that is my bias okay so I'm gonna fast   forwarded for this guys because I want to get to  that point where that major down first appeared you know I've got to do a little slowly because before this come on I paid pretty early doors didn't   and I said be careful I actually want  members to be careful with a GU because   it was a really strong bias now this is  what it went also is somewhere back here gasps I'm not sure we'll find it I should have locked the  time when it first appeared what should it don't must take a snapshot  it would have been easier to show you this is where when opening back up to the  baby burned right there we go right this   flashed up this flashed up okay and at the time  this was Thursday remember guys I want you that   this is a really really strong against the trend  bias yes I know it disappeared and I'll explain   that in a minute this happens I also told you  it will come back now why was I confident that   this was a really strong against the trend bias  you're outside daily you get a super next to an   eight-hour blue eight hour think of that yes it's  only a four hour red no blues now yellow basically   guys a yellow is a blue but a yellow is gonna  react straightaway that's all it is it's gonna   reverse and it's gonna reverse straightaway  right once that's there this is setting up   this is gonna go down so now excuse me you say to  yourself and where is it likely to go down from   well yes it does it does go up a bit more and it  breaches the one hour Bailey but be be bummed and   this disappears okay right but it came back as  I said it will do that this is a really really   strong against the trend bias and the reason is  not just that you've got signals here it's the   [ __ ] you're outside daily and you've got a blue  okay this is a strong and and again you also look   at what else has gone on guys then you'll come to  one or char already had a couple of attempts to   break the one hour orange line so this this now  for me right was definitely fluid up one hour   orange line it was definitely coming down to this  for our orange line probably even further because   this is super and at some point during the move  this went red yellow and this went red yellow it   was actually red pinky and the pink would have  stayed it would be red yellow pink is just that   the yellow arrow is the same size as the pink and  goes above it so you can't see the pink anyway   that's irrelevant it looks red yellow or Carly red  yellow okay so then it was going to this Orange   Line which meant this BB bump alright so all you  trades after that second or third move or fifth   whatever off the five minutes on the heb be banned  work down all right so it's just a matter of   saying to yourself well what like get going right  and then I'll take it okay so this is what I mean   it as well guys about a starting point you know  if you're unsure okay let it start but it's down   and that's show you in this on this particular  record if you let it start and I shown you my   scores a central aunty yes there was a couple of  losses because I tried taking the GU what when I   shouldn't and the GJ o GJ bombed me by the way  to twelve point whatever that was we stopped   Leslie 10 pips that was two point eight that got  five point six pips off me in in slippage you   know bang what a morning luck okay so again you're  gonna see go up no Kent first move it will go off   but this baby bun alright so if you thought that  great because you had a strong bias right but you   could wait you could let this go back off and then  take it down again on the next move so I'm just   gonna quickly fuss all through this guy's there  you go shot back up should be looking for downs there you go back to the one over baby  bump look you see like disappeared guys   this happens you just gotta stick without bias  and say well I'm outside here yeah I'll blue   still there biases down because of you know the  amount of times that's happened that's coming   about this is around about the time when I  told you guys that it will come back okay Green this time down let it  bounce take the next move well the bow smokes but again you had a lots  of momentum for that - Lucy they're taking it   based on math alright so again fast folding  to see here I took this down I actually took   this off as well right because it was a five  minute baby bun and I know price he's gonna   react there okay there was a definite winner in  there all right so this down I think it comes   back on here and then goes down again those ten  shoes were here I think this eventually because   I took it from there to there there's a party  for pip affirming you know GJ look at this it's   perfect first it went back I think that was  on Bank again comes another forty of pepper right what she does yes this is where I'll just  point out if you had a fire pit stop loss you   probably would have got caught out here trying to  take it down maybe from there it bounces back a   bit like this this is the problem when you're  going against strong trends guys and you just   start in the move five pips that loss might not  be enough okay when you go in with the trend and   things like this weights just going off after five  minutes or in July no problem you know but when   you're going against the trend you might have to  say to yourself oh give myself a bit more leeway   okay I'm just gonna get through this quickly now  let me see how it went off the camera will then   bang and then two yellow white pink near to each  other momentum this is going to go look yellow why   okay you can say that didn't move there but it's  against the bikes just if you're looking for down I've made oh look at that okay look when our baby one expects it to  bounce expect a bomb say don't you know   don't we thinking this will just go to  this you know to here and then drop it's   definitely coming in between these two  lines here because it's a one-hour baby   bump oh I won't say definitely I'll say  you should expect it to go further back   I actually thought this up you see one  of those that took oh that one you know   everything else was down until this got to here  again look at the GJ look at that it's perfect okay remember yellow that was notes  about why got that look at it this is it okay not again you don't go trade up into this road again  now start looking again here down because   you thought you won our baby bun bounce now  you expect this signal now to take prize to   this line here which means it's going  through for our orange line which it's   just bounced off you'll notice when  you've got trending moves like this   guys that before our or in sign is the one  our baby bugged the eight our our insulin   is before our baby bump okay this orange line  here is the a tel-aviv even alright it's when   these trends ago in that just take generally  how it works out okay so again watch this bunk and then to HIV villain fun in here one  beautiful beautiful look now it's evolved yet   again and this all started guys from reading  strong bias that disappeared okay but again you   could have said to yourself well I wake from the  starting point which was excuse me the one hour   BB ban going back down that walk back out so  basically that one down battle that down could   have taken that down as I did that down as I did  I took this one up here I didn't bother with this   one Haley I think the one I lost was taking  out there and going against ebay as a anyway   and again you know look at these moves you could  have let this happen this is what I mean guys you   could have let that happen then look for two three  four and you know been well in the money and well   Singh potentially look at look look just look  alright and that was reading that strong bias   that flicked up and then flipped off I'm waiting  for it to get going and look look at listener well   for lb be bummed out but I'd be happy you know  I'd probably let this go up a bit more tech the   next one and then depending on what you know  what shows here and my stock trading that down yeah there you go and okay but then look for our baby Pam this is the  next job now you can see it's bowing down here   it's done in this job okay there's definitely a  bounce coming you know hey I expect the balance   to go up whether it you know because it's  the end of the session during this session   I would be looking for a big trade here the  end of the session going into the dead zone   I would expect something like a dead cat bounce  a little tiny bounce there and then perhaps you   know more down which it did eventually do and  this baby bump flipped so we were on it for the   next day on the Friday yesterday okay my bias  result okay so that is that guys looking at you   know a strong bias that is what you do you don't  you know look at that bias and say oh it's gone   we're going back with a trend okay because to  me it's still there you had everything you're   outside daily right you had an eight-hour of  blue right you had a couple of attempts to go   through the one-hour orange line which means the  chances are the next time it's gonna go through   it didn't get bounced but then after that it  slowed down okay and then you have that yellow   that was here well little red here and you  got that red pink that was next to that don't   ignore a strong bias even against megatrends  okay so that was just to explain Thursday so let me have a drink okay so now I'm gonna look I think it's 95 where  we have a nice strim trending bias yeah okay right   again let's read this one of the one or two of  those people we were saying about these daily   super yesterday I can't recover it was but you  know you are again reading when I signals the   next job look at this daily yes there's a lot  of signals here and yes it could you know change   change that trend right boss you've got a look  at what this signal here has done they tell a BB   Bund there's PSD a tell baby boom that he's done  for now the chances are that this now is gonna   go up okay let's a look at the fallout I think  did it did it went all the way you're paying it   would be B bun flip down it's probable it tooks  that baby bun and that's why that for our blue   pushed it back down okay right so you're still  not sure here because you've gotta forward our   blue so people are panicking they've got a signal  and a four-hour blow to think and it's going up   because of the al bebé man look at the one other  what's it done hopefully the baby band back down   here that's a for our blue doing its job they're  pissed we are in slow and again this baby bound I   mean again you've got about five seconds to  come likes lucky yeah alright so yeah okay   look maybe been flipped up so you weren't far  off that baby about missus going up this he's   going up to me now I know you're looking at the  bat but I'm thinking oh pull back up again okay   but in my opinion still his job oh look at a  tower signal alright so again let's have a look there was your first move on the hav band over  five many other love goes up to the other line   bounces back down doesn't come down here to  this baby burned so you created a higher low   here you might not have seen this but what you  did get when you here is momentum there's no   way on earth that would have gone on that much  without momentum okay so straight away you've   got a winning trade in there as we've taken month  all right now it's gonna pull back again here you   will get momentum often you know it might not  admit it doesn't look like it's gonna get back   to be me back when you can get them and I mean  and that's what it's all about guys momentum   right you'll notice in all three of the what you  call entries that I gave you on the H a charts   right the momentum was mentioned in them okay I  know sometimes it's late but if you buy a seat   right guys it won't really matter if you've got  your bias and you settle right sometimes that   like momentum doesn't really matter sometimes you  can you will get that good I mean I've said this   in my first testimony testimonial to empty that  your get that good that you won't even wait for   momentum and and sometimes that's how it will  work I'm you know back on the on pioneer so fun   boom you know you've got a decent sized stuff loss  it's not gonna come down air again no all right yeah see kids oh hey definitely  governments in there pulling back   again I come to the hiv-1 but even  new it doesn't momentum because you   know when it finally believe on them okay  and it will react have a five minute baby baby bump good okay right I remember this one I  remember this one now it mocks about here right   now I'm gonna show you something this is what they  call like us a mini range right it's bouncing off   this orange line here and it's bouncing off the  baby bun here and basically you just said I'm   up you should be taking sure it's up here if you  thought oh it's gonna come down cuz if I minute   baby bun should be taking shades down here alright  well I remember on this day I said it moves around   there for a bit and I said gee who's gonna fly  in a minute okay yeah a bit but the reason I   said it's gonna fly guys is because it was walking  about between the orange line at both the orange   line and below the top baby bump now if it was  the other way around and he's walking about down   here then I say it's gonna drop but it's not it's  mucking about up here so chances are with my bag   asain up because I've seen this movement here on  the 1-hour right it's gonna break out here okay again every trade you talk or the gans would have been looking for this  one up here again look out for these set   up guys this yellow with a pink next to it in  particular they tend to fly again with you bias look at you thank you Rilke because it was no Gino  against the 5 minute baby bunk stand up guys okay so again back to the video really now and  you had to pull back here okay you might I said   uh wanna see this there's nothing backing you  up apart from maybe you know these blues here   so I would have been checking this out they  looking for up again from here basically know   JB me by mag want momentum or in our alum momentum  you're on the heb with AB momentum or big momentum   basically DX these flashing or constantly flashing  or them all isn't flashing and that's basically   all it is about and again look guys a little what  happened know that Nate's of us know okay the camp   look at this well now going up for Ella baby burn  for me why do I say the forever rather than the   a tear gas because that's the next wall I know  some of you is still a bit confused but what we   went through that while it bounced down it's going  back to this wall it's gonna go through this wall   to the next well but it goes through that wall  I should say goats in that's well the next wall   is this wall because it's already bounced down  so the next wall is this well with chancy's a   little break that for our BB button and then you  look for the next one okay to come through that   well where's the next well you look at me outta  the next wall is detail beating them alright so   let's have a look anyway Bank look about look  at guys that look no super now nope just just   just thinking she's awful look at this is nudging  appeared and me by us he's look bangin you had a   mate major trade day and a major trade the trend  has got going again okay and that was a beautiful   trade by the way that was a beautiful trade okay  okay five-minute yellow expects it right again now   this again is where some people it's not legal  you're learning okay right you're learning it's   a learning process once you understand these we  cracked it seriously because now I'm thinking   it's our baby bun right this is a pull back  understand these two or a pull back wrap if   this was a red yellow or maybe this the red yellow  or this turns into a red pink red yellow ah wow   that's there then this won't just be a pull back  this could be so because could be the for our blue   words would basically book for me this at the  moment is a pull back until something changes so there you go again look back and I  hate a baby with my bowl of it let's say   he took this and this did lose you lost  right guys you lost right don't worry   about it that is a good loss because you  were doing the right then you were going   the right way okay you took it there you  wait it's a signal and momentum you want very much so again yes point there  well it was just momentum there a   signal and then to not have enough  one of them fast ones there goes but sorry about guys some guys my room that go  out watch the football okay it's gonna be a   long video this time okay so now look guys  look look look look look hey baby Bob this   is gonna kick in probably gonna reasonless  you in my opinion this is one of the times   you can say right well okay I'll set the  first move alright because you know you're   outside daily you know outside the eight  hours doing its job you know outside 800   you've got for our blue what our blue this  is the time where I think you can set for   smooth because it's gonna win it's gonna win  okay but even if you didn't and you look for   second moves so you'd like this bounce up  here and then look for the next move down   okay I don't think a little that much time to  show this this watch this bounce for not solely I see that it bounced up a bit and then did  a little fill out again piling up they look   at this baby if I'm flipping down so you should  be looking down again at least today five minute   baby ban you hit a five minute baby one it's  gonna bounce it's gonna reacts it's a strong   trend so it's going to react off that five  minute baby but you see just starting here   but again you know you have that trade you  have that trade in there so again that one   garras showing you you know trend that was  basically the time I've shown you a strong   bias now I so knew a strong trending set up  now I'm just going to look at one particular   even 92 or 93 where you know they weren't  crystal clear okay and and uh-huh what part   you come in the room 852 look at this it's  like well okay then the trend is strong yeah when I was play that starts aware that I would  be looking for this now I would be thinking   this because you've activated for your outside a  tower I'd say in fact this means all this wants   to pull back marks it'll whatever are inclined  and then oh so I think you've got a trade in   here to the one I already try on down and then  you start going up again with the trend and so   a for our blokes and so because one our blue  is not enough to turn it around but it is good   enough for a pullback ok so then you look down  here if be many chat look what's happened guys   this is something you've got to gain see like  what happens when you know you bounce off her   influence now this was a shallow baton set  off this orange line right then you've got   this signal head this on my in my experience  because it's not a major trend you look here   you've already had a big move down that this  was going a five degree angle then I wouldn't   even contemplate taking this could this could  just bounce right off and getting off the so   nice line right well because he's not that major a  trend as you can see yeah it's not really massive   strong trend 45 degree angle okay the chances  are now because this is balanced here this is   going through here for this trade now here I would  be in okay it's a bit low to getting there so it   bounces up a bit again here or big momentum one  of the three reasons to take it bang it down okay I didn't come back up here bump say bum flop  Fred there are too many orange line no you   still got back to go to the one hour on clown  I will take it up from the one hour always fun   because this is the kind of ranging market  now you know it's gonna come down as girl   off the one hour and time and then it might  go down again like if cuz your key game you   know this eight saw a red flash it okay right  so yeah one hour orange line now time to take   it up so okay you might not take it okay right  you might let it cool off a bit down a bit and   then get on the second move okay so you could  take it first you could you know like you might   have taken that book book it's come down against  that this one now I'd be very interested in back   on the side minute baby buns that was first move  yeah I'll just still call that first move excuse   me if this broke down here then no that's not a  first move for at the moment because it's only   come back to baby bun which was created here  with this new well then second move this now later see and look I can gasps yellow Thanks I  know sometimes the yellows are late sometimes   the signals are liable if you did don't wreck  the bias rise a one-hour orange line once this   is cooked rate okay everything was same up at  the time all right five-minute baby band okay   you might not take him out but I'll tell you now  if you just been five peppers it's an absolute   sermon er I mean it baby bun it's gonna react  okay again we're back on the H a B D Ponte yes   Momentum's against you the moment during the  fire honey orange line 15-minute orange line   you still could say this is gonna go up more  because you know they didn't they're not just   a quick move these bouncy say guys they're big  right so expect momentum and expect it to go up   okay it didn't you didn't obviously didn't get  my medicine for that ski coming down okay again   what I've been taking this yes because you still  have that settle so okay even if you lost a trade   trying to go up here which you wouldn't off cuz  that's not gonna work to get ourselves it knows   I'm down watch has it right you take it here you  know if you got momentum take it it's again as   I say a five minute one hour orange line and a  camera you were right on the hour as well look   it up so winner okay but again it's a ranging  market where's it going to highly likely what   our own finally get there sorry one hour BB pun  you get there you probably look to take it down   again because it's that going to market look  at it there's nothing strong there trend-wise   alright and when you look you know outside daily  you've got an eight hour read they were conflict   the trend against you know being outside here in  here alright so oh and down again look the set up   look goes with this settle okay not turned out  to be a lovely trade so now get outside outside   outside outside second move it let me trust  this second move it again it's a ranging kind   of market you know it could come back down to  this 15-minute I'm trying so I don't know not   your fault okay but again would you've got  momentum there it's highly unlikely to got   roadmap red momentum there and you would have got  green momentum Oh one hour blue shall we know yeah   I'd want more know it's pushed outside that far  okay but again do you think that that might work okay either way you keeping yourself safe by  not taking that here you might be thinking   I've set this up there well it's probably  already 164 278 14 bit move it's already   warm again I've been looking for down okay  down winner maybe again you're up here again   now so again might go up a little bit more I'm  looking for down here gasps now because we're   we are outside all these time frames and you've  got a one-hour boots about your plus it's not   a strong trend ranging market kind of ranging  kind of market so there you go if you took it   off again because you're only you know after  five pips or whatever you born now move your   technique down with that before all right  so quickly move past the swamp button nice   women yes with a spike up there bit of a weird  marketing with all these yellows but again it   sucked it you would have won either way you  know what ever taken me look now no I think   now with this turned outside here wants  to see this one our our environment okay I think I saw Miss video before I'm sorry guys  well they go van okay all the way down to the   one our baby bound for our orange line what's  gonna happen here is go you know okay don't do   a lot of time we show it look there you go you  know so it's simple guys once you understand   these here you know you trading becomes very very  very simple Lambos brilliant at reading these now   you know these these long terms and he knows  and he's actually when he asked me a question   is not asking me a question he's asking himself a  question you know and again for those of you who I   knew this for the okay a fine your directional  um terms than anything on the one enforce that   one there this one here and this current video  that I'm making now will will you know really   really help you to understand you know how how  to get buyers how to get direction and how to   dude one against the other and I have made quite  a few of these translates bias videos in the past   and this one was long overdue I suppose and this  week afforded me the time to do it really I mean   as I said this week some of you guys have done  really well really really well because when I   see a no humps and sorted out now we had a bit for  tricky starts and we bought put him on the right   track just doing this do that you know he's kind  of thoughts of that and he's winning every day   now lake bond okay that was this video basically  is aimed at you if you don't know direction okay   and you've missed but you know people Vince the  empties have been saying in the room then you   know just just wait for the starting position let  the move get going and then start working for you   you trades okay cuz you're gonna gain off trades  in in a day to be very successfully as I said   guys you know as far as money is concerned once  you're winning every day it you know it doesn't   matter you just keep or ping your lock sighs all  right and you keep popping your locks and eyes   open you up size up into what size and you're  gonna win you're gonna soon be earning quite a healthy living I'm not joking when I say you  can be a millionaire in 6 months is very very   attainable very easy to get once your confidence  grows right just keep winning winning winning   today doesn't matter if you lose three trades as  long as you win eight an own okay doesn't matter   if one day 16 no the next day yeah eight today  you know it doesn't matter and it doesn't matter   the amount of pips you get okay you know he's  diving last week okay had a coupla struggling   days bought straight away he went back to basics  and he said right I'll cook me a lot sighs I've   cooked me take profits down to six pips anyone  sixteen no one's 96 pips okay bought your five   pips you're doing 10 trades a day you win nine  nine one or you win ten nil you're looking 30   to 50 pips every day now thirty to fifty picture  a pound of pick one day by the end of the month   is 30 to 50 pips of day at a hundred pounder pip  again three to five grand a day you know and and   then the net smoke we start saying okay I'm going  to two hundred pound then you go to five hundred   pound you know and so on and so on and so on until  you get to something that you really like like you   know five grand the pit with you where I am oh by  the way Katherine congratulations brilliant to see   you've made a girl and you know good luck to your  husband I'm gonna be honest with ya I think I see   no going away boy that's just me oh okay guys so  that is the gender bias video again just watched   the videos until you understand direction and  what's gonna go on and what's happening and as I   said before guys once you learn those 1 for 8 Dale  if you've cracked it because it's just a matter   then take him your entry the hate JB be bummed 5  million times 50 minute are inside with momentum   okay guys it's a long video but you know a Cabot  I mean you just you'll get it you'll get it it's   just a matter of time if you think you know I came  here and you know told me four and a half years to   get where I am today but it was four and a half  years of watching the same thing every day and   doing the same thing every day the only thing I'll  say you know I started out on five pick trades and   the only thing I've done right it's change is  evolve you know taking bigger lot locks eyes   he's taking bigger take profits okay maximizing  trades we're doing you know like doing one you   know diving in straight away and letting it warm  to the for our baby bumble taking 10 pitch 10   pitch templates and things and so on I so on and  so on while at movies going but you know being the   entries and everything is just the same just the  same man I've seen it every day now for getting   on for five years now in August think he'll be  five years have been trade trading Forex in here   okay so I've seen every day and guys it  welcome hey welcome okay it's enough gas

2021-06-03 06:53

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