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yay lets go on our trip just drive it's already a fun trip with you what's up tribe and welcome back to my channel  thanks so much for joining me again if you're   new here my name is mariah and in today's  video as clearly the title presents it's   gonna be a get ready with me for vacation  so we are going on a huge family vacation   um with about i think i want to say there's  like there's somewhere between 16 and 18   of us total including like the baby but we've been  planning this vacation for easily six months and   of course i wait to the last minute you know days  before to actually pack up everything it wasn't   my intention to you know be a procrastinator  and wait this long i had intentions of doing   some other things which involves filming which  i didn't want to move anything around for but   what's the matter but that got completely  scratched because it's friday oh stop pinching   me it's friday we leave literally tomorrow  morning at 5 00 a.m so i gotta get all of   this stuff y'all see on this bed can y'all see all  that let me turn it so y'all can see all of that   stuff plus there's stuff on this table that y'all  can't see but anyway hopefully somebody yes you   yes you lets me pat today jeremy is taking the  dog and dropping him off at the kennel right now   and then um he has the rest of the day  off so he's gonna help me as far as   getting everything together we don't grab our  rental car until tonight so we won't be able   to put anything in the car yet but we at least  can put everything by the front door we went out   last night and bought some more stuff from old  navy we probably went a little like overboard   shopping wise as far as the vacation was concerned  but we wanted to make sure we had enough outfits   that we actually wanted to wear because we do  have plans to do quite a bit while we're there   but i'm gonna go ahead and get to packing and try  to get this stuff done because before you know it   it'll be eight o'clock at night and i'll still  be running around here doing stuff so here we go   this is the you know nonsense that y'all couldn't  exactly see before so my plan is i have these bags   that were from the things i ordered from sheen so  what i'm going to do is put all of rayne's outfits   in with my clothes so any outfit that we have for  the day it'll all be kind of packaged together   so that i won't have to dig through both sets of  our clothes so he has his little jumper in there   and then i have my romper in there and that is  how i intend on packing most of our stuff it's   not all going to be packed that way but the  majority of it i'm going to try to get a lease   pack that way so that it can just be easier on me  when we get to our destination as part of my prep   last night i went ahead and got this diaper caddy  ready i bought this a while ago from target like   literally it's been at least a year if  not more hey stop pulling stop just stop but i bought this diaper kitty like a year ago and  i never even used it but i'm going to use it for   um us just being in the car and while  we're there to make things really easy   so that i don't have like diapers in one  spot wipes in another spot a little like i   got like boogie wipes in here i'm gonna put  some diaper rash cream in there because we   are not using any cloth really i'm using  cloth as a swim cover but that's about it   it's just easier for this trip because i don't  know what their washing machine is like and i   won't have a diaper sprayer to just go ahead and  use the disposables and it is a rather long trip   if it was only for a couple days i probably would  say that's fine because i only do diaper laundry   every couple of days but i don't want to ruin  my diapers and i also don't want to mess around   with anyone's like washer like that while we are  there so yeah it's my little diaper caddy set up you wanna be somebody want us to fashion it's like five hours later y'all  and i failed and finished packing procrastination live seriously though like this  week has been a procrastination week and here i am   we finally got the rental car uh which jeremy  is vacuuming out because it wasn't exactly the   cleanest but we can't complain because they  let us have it a day early and didn't charge   us so compromise compromise but i'm making some  progress y'all like a little bit a tiny like a   smidge i didn't pull all my hair out yeah but i  had to take my headband off because i'm starting   to get a headache let me show you right quick so  that's the stuff that's going with us that stuff   that doesn't like really need to go in a bag at  least not yet until we figure out if we have room   i have that mesh bag has all our bathroom suit  stuff and actually i gotta put his little bathing   suit cover top towel thing but just so y'all  believe me i did make like some progress like   that whole side of school i only got them  sunglasses to figure out what i'm putting   those in i got my carrier which needs to go  in the car my makeup is in that bag over there   i got some swaddles i need to go in here but  it's going to get done it is going to get done   mainly because i have no choice but for it to  get done so i'm gonna go ahead and continue on   so that we can get this car picked up  before it gets too dark outside and too late we are going on family vacation we have been  planning this vacation for months it's a very   exciting day we've gone on vacation with some  of the family before but not like all of them   and we have so much fun stuff planned we have  games planned we have beach time planned pool   time planned so yeah here's the vacation and  we're going down south we're going down south to   the beach more specifically to the outer banks and  i'm like waiting for jeremy to like come on he's   fiddling right now and time is just ticking away  per usual of course we didn't leave on time i feel   like we can almost never get out the door on time  unfortunately um we had some last minute things   to get for the baby and making milk and that type  of stuff so it just was a very hectic and chaotic   morning but i'm hoping that we can still make  good timing on the road if he hurries the heck out   is he coming finally finally it's happening  oh no he freaking went back in i don't even   even know what he went back in for let me stop  talking crap make sure i have my ids wow jeremy   just well here we go yay let's go on  our trip i apologize i'm really tired it's already a fun trip with you you may think  that i know too much but now it's never too much   because when please comes to  serve girl just i won't get sick i'm doing something different  your name's been on my   tongue my cups been looking fuller  you're picking up my walls and baby all right and there was too many guys going back enforcement  for me to go into the men's meeting with little   kids because i could care less about seeing  like any of their junk to be honest are you done look at that tiny little sip left all right  all done here can you hand me a napkin   what yeah under his chin and i'm  gonna hand them back to you since   you're on that side already anyway yeah  it was uh gonna be proactive and try to   pull him out while i was uh filling up the gas  and then i realized oh i can't open the door i was like oops all right you ready buddy all right because won't get sick of tell us something for you baby so guys we're on vacation and we just got to our  beach house so you know what that means house tour   this is schwanky nice pool table some chicken real quick yeah i  can take it baby sit this here and then i will   take him for the bathroom right here too so we can  swap okay thank you oh my god somebody has to pee   hi it's lily you have you here   and he was so freaking good for the ride down  we barely had any crime we had like two little   spurts but that was about it and look so we  got a pool table right there movie room oh yeah   then we have first bedroom which is the kids  bedroom well this is cute cute cute cute   we have their little tv and here's the bathroom  let me go ahead and turn on these lights   yeah yeah baby everything smells  really clean in here yeah that's good second kids bedroom one adult room yeah oh yeah yeah this place  is nice yes it all is 16 of those in here but these little plant so here is one room wow it's flash  i like it yeah here's one room see what their bathroom looks like oh they got  double sinks in here double everything they got a   shower oh it's a cute little city here yeah i like  this it's just wicked it's wicked wick and wicked oh this is cool too this is spacious too yeah  oh all the rooms i mean even from the pictures yeah this is pretty spacious yeah this place is nice this is nice this is so cute and we got a little balcony  a little back porch balcony out there   continue going up wow so here is the living room area it's a really  nice living room area slash finding breakfast   kitchen and bar and then the actual like formal  dining room this house is freaking sick like   it's so spacious in here so here's a little tiny  bathroom it looks like off to the side and then this is where we're gonna be staying  mainly because of the amount of room oh yeah it is a pretty tub in here   it's pretty shrinky room pretty pretty  swanky room and shower this is so so cute this is our view from the back and here's the other bedroom it's over here   gotta figure out what the code is but it is over  here from the outside and this is the final room got a little fish mural right here yeah this is nice too we definitely picked  like an absolutely amazing property because   all of the rooms are nice and all of them are  much more spacious than what they actually look   on the picture some of the rooms look a little  small on the pictures not small small because   they all have king beds in them or most of  them have king beds in them but some of them   look a little less spacious but when you're in  them they're all super spacious there's a great   property for 18 of us but i'm gonna go ahead  and get all this stuff unloaded out of the car   and greet family and get ready for my sister to  get here because we have some little greeting   gifts for everyone so yeah i'll see you guys later  it's like day three of vacation and i haven't   picked up the camera because i've been too busy  enjoying and bouncing around spending time with we are about to go take him for a quick walk it  is like freaking hot as heck out here so it's   going to be fast but we are just supposed to be  barbecuing with the family today everyone's off   doing their little separate things but we're  doing a group barbecue this afternoon we are   doing karaoke later on tonight we got some yard  games set up so yeah it's going to just be fun   shout out to hilara for today's outfit i had my  little tennis everyday dress on yeah yeah and you   match you match yeah you match we definitely are  trying to get some good and cute pictures in today   because we suck at taking pictures on vacation  so we're trying to make sure that we do that but   yeah today is going to be a good day  and so far our vacation has been amazing hard to keep still all night  when all of those spills take those fears did you say some white girl got  wasted right here oh my gosh viewing at home i am not intoxicated in  any way shape form or fashion i'm just   tripping over my lips yeah yeah you ain't even  complicated yeah yet so it's been a long day but   my family is currently doing karaoke so we're  gonna go watch us do our family karaoke night was all wrong please don't don't cry warm so you might as well swim my  world's on fire how about you honest   that's the way i like it and i never get bored hey   now you're an awesome get your game on  go play hey now go to rockstar get the is so i'm back i stopped recording about halfway  through vacation honestly just because i got   burned out and that's just reality of it um i was  trying to balance enjoying my time with my family   while also having some time to myself while  also managing rain who pretty much decided by   like the second or third day that he like didn't  want any other family member really he started   becoming very clingy and i think in general  he was just tired of like kind of being passed   around because of course everyone there loves  him to death and was so excited for his arrival   and about half a little over half of the group  he has either already like met and spent a good   amount of time with or is like really familiar  with there were some family members there that   he was very unfamiliar with and we kind of  like tried to work with him on that just   a little bit within his comfort level but  like i said i got burned out some days i   was way too turnt to be trying to manage a  camera and other days i was trying to like   get little naps in here and there and there was  just a lot going on and rain is just a very fussy   baby a very fussy personality so with me trying  to manage all that i was not trying to manage   also picking up a camera but overall we did  really enjoy our time like it was definitely a   fun experience it definitely like reminded me that  like we really need to get back into traveling i   know the world is kind of in shambles still but  like that is something that i feel like me and   jeremy thrive off of and i know the kids enjoy  it too so yeah we had a really good time on a   vacation i'm not sure if you guys like want me to  post pictures like here i know some of you don't   quite have like instagram or anything like that  so i don't know if i should be posting pictures   maybe in like the community tab here but if you  want to see some more pics from the vacation   definitely feel free to let me know so that  is all for this vlog guys i hope you enjoyed   it if you did make sure you give us a huge  thumbs up i hope you all are having an amazing   and wonderful week an amazing wrap up to your  summer and i'll catch you in the next video bye

2021-08-27 02:51

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