eXcentral - Significant Trading Lines

eXcentral - Significant Trading Lines

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good evening my fellow traders welcome to tonight's webinar where we're going to be looking at significant trading lines tonight's webinar is going to be very different from previous uh webinars the reason is especially from the previous one that we had last week the reason why i say this is uh because last week we had a lot of uh slides when we were looking at paragraphs and in detail assets we were specifically looking at exposure levels now within regards to the previous weapon unlike i said we were looking at a lot of wording a lot of information so today we're going to do something completely different we're looking at significant trading lines this is something we're going to look at step by step so even if you're a new trader do not worry because we've the way we've set out today's webinar it's going to be available it's going to be something understandable for somebody who's a complete beginner who's never traded before or been trading a short time or somebody who's been trading a couple of months and has some experience we're going to be looking at largely charts so it's not going to be so heavy as a exposure level and exposure management and risk management like we have been looking at over the past couple of weeks if you do have any questions throughout today's webinar you have two options you can either ask the question through the go to webinar software in which case i will answer the question live on the webinar uh alternatively if you don't feel comfortable doing that it's not an issue you can ask the question uh by an email so this is my email address here my email just pretty much on all of the slides write me a list of all your questions and i will get back to you in 24 hours but in regards to the answers to the questions the webinar is going to be split up into a couple of sections as always at the first section we're gonna do a very quick introduction to myself to trading in general uh to risk involved in investments um it's the same introduction as it is every week so if you have watched uh previous webinars and have looked at this section already um just bear with me it lasts a couple of minutes and then we'll get started on today's main subject and for those of you who have not previously watched one of our webinars this first section is extremely important and can be massively helpful so the first thing i want to look at is a quick introduction to myself again mainly for traders who have not previously spoken to me directly or previously watched one of my webinars uh i'm the market analyst static central so as part as the market analyst and as part of what i do here at accenture is to make sure that you have the educational material required in order for you to trade at the level that you want to be traded and of course how far you're going to take the education is completely down to you as a trader uh things which i can assist with is anything which is related to trading and the financial market so of course if it's something to do with reselling passwords or anything which is more something that the support team would help with i'm not going to be on much of assistance if it's to do with trading plans risk management strategies and maybe something specifically happening in the markets price action rate theories etc anything which is related to trading i'm more than happy to assist with a bit about my background i originally started off as a financial advisor in the uk i did that for over five years just over half a decade since then i've set up a couple of academies around the globe i've done a lot of seminars abroad as well outside of our head office including in the uk including in romania serbia in greece at turkey at south africa nigeria as well so we've done quite a lot of seminars around the globe uh everything based around trading the financial markets of course i've been trading for eight years it's coming up to nine years now and i hold the cmap license which is a uk based license and a cysek advanced as well investment risk now this slide is very important and especially important for new traders as well this is taken from the website it is available on every single page on the website at the bottom of the page so the information is there easily accessible because it's on every single page at the bottom you should be aware here at central we are dealing with investments we're looking at investments most specifically at cfd investments now when you are looking at an investment no matter what type of investment it is forex stocks whatever type of investment there's of course a risk to the capital that you are invested in so it's important that you read this information make sure you understand it make sure you're comfortable with risking the capital before making a full investment it's very simple to understand and if you don't understand of course feel free to get in touch with the support team or myself and of course we will make sure you're fully informed so you can make your decision um throughout the webinar there's uh gonna because i i'm saying this because i can see a couple of questions already every throughout the webinar every couple of slides i will look at the questions because i can see two questions already so don't worry i'm not ignoring you um throughout the webinar every couple of slides i will stop and ask all the questions this is the last slide is part of the introduction and then we can actually get started at looking at basic aspects of trading and then we're going to look at more significant trading lines trend lines etc so let's quickly go through the last slide the content in this video is for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice accenture assumes no responsibility for any potential errors inaccuracies or missions in this material nothing in this communication contains or should be considered as containing an investment advice or an investment recommendation or solicitation for the purposes of purchase or sale of any financial instrument any views or opinions presented within this material are solely those of the author or myself and do not necessarily represent those of accenture unless otherwise specifically stated so what i'm trying to say is part of this slide is that the webinars here for educational purposes and we do a lot of webinars we do two webinars a week if you go onto youtube onto our youtube page you will see there is approximately 60 hours worth of educational material each of them based on something different and within regards to trading in the market however these are here for educational purposes only they're not there to give you a direct financial advice to tell you how you should be trading they're solely there for educational purposes how you are going to interpret the information and wish to use it how and when and if you wish to use it is completely down to you as a trader so the first couple of slides i'm gonna answer some questions which i've had throughout the week which i think are very important questions for everybody to understand they're very basic questions but vital questions when you are trading cfds this is gonna this is over the next four slides and then again we're gonna get more in depth and look at charts and look at trend patterns and again we're not gonna look so much at large pieces of writing and paragraphs like we did in the previous week it's just gonna be for the next few slides before i do that let's answer the questions like i've promised i will look at the questions every couple of slides and what is the risk involved in the investments ladies and gentlemen that information is available on every single page on the bottom of the page on the website that section that slide is taken directly from the website all the information is there so follow me read through it go to that section read it it's only a paragraph long make sure you understand it before proceeding to answer the question when you are making an investment the capital that you are investing of course is invested it is at risk so it's important when you are making an investment you're comfortable with the car the capital that you are investing uh the second question do you have webinars available in italian yes we do we if you go to youtube and you type in accenture and you click on our logo and our logo looks like this here and then you click on videos you can see all of the webinars there you'll get a list of webinars when you select the video at that specific webinar you click on settings and then subtitles you'll see an option of italian spanish and german and you can pick any one of those three and while i'm speaking you will notice there is there um subtitles at the bottom in italian or your your selected um sub language uh i've got another question here can i get a copy of the presentation uh you don't need a copy of the presentation at the end of the webinar within a few hours and by tomorrow morning at the latest you will get a copy of the recording and of course the recording will have the presentation or having me speaking the whole webinar itself and you can of course stop rewind write notes fast forward so you don't have to look at specific parts that you understood and so on and so forth so you will get a copy of the recording that has at the presentation itself so let's look at the first um the first question that i was having throughout the week i tend to get this pretty much every week it's massively important so i'm glad people are asking it to me and let's uh go through and understand what exactly see if these are see if these stands for contracts for difference just for everybody's uh just for everybody's notes cfds contracts for difference now contracts for difference allows you to speculate on the rising and falling of fast moving assets like forex like currencies uh shares stocks indices commodities etc all these assets have a price when you are trading cfds is a contract for difference it is a contract and the price of that contract is the exact same of the assets itself so if you are trading let's say apple stocks cfts in apple stocks of course at the chart let's say will look like this now if you're trading apple stocks themselves which is this one on the right the price movement again will look the exact same the price is identical and it moves the exact same at the exact time the only difference is when you go to the stock exchange you're buying the actual stock itself when you trade in cfd schematic central you are trading a contract which is mimicking the price of that stock and it's always mimicking it so it's not like a delayed price movement or quicker price movement or false price movement it is mimicking that price movement and the way to check this if you go to google and just type in apple stock price you can check it on the google charts as well that it is the exact same movement that you're seeing on the mt4 now a lot of people are going to be asking me why would i trade uh cfds which is a contract which is mimicking the price of the assets instead of actually going and buying the stock itself or exchanging the money itself you're trading currency pairs or the commodity itself and there's a lot of answers to these questions and we're going to look at them throughout the webinar one of them is leverage again another question which i had throughout the week on quite a few occasions as well this is one of the reasons why people look at cfds instead of buying the actual assets itself now leverage is known as a double edged sword now double sword means that it's close advanced using it's got its disadvantage so let's make sure that we're looking at both here as part of the slide before you consider using cfds now sorry consider using leverage now leverage is when the broker central is allowing you to use more capital than your actual investment now that sounds like we're lending you money we're not lending you any money let's look at an example just to make it slightly a bit easier to understand now if you're investing at one thousand dollars and you have a leverage of one to one hundred bear in mind leverages will always be two figures like this could be one to ten one's twenty one's thirty one's fifty 100 200 300 400 etc if we look at this example one thousand dollars at deposit at one to one hundred at leverage that means for every one dollar we are increasing your buying power by 100 so in other words you have a buying power of 100 000 dollars now let me repeat that doesn't mean that we have lent you 99 000 nor does it mean that all of a sudden just by depositing the money you have profited 99 000 your investment is still 1 000 but we are increasing your buying power by 100 so if you've got let's say a stock worth one thousand dollars instead of only being able to buy that one stock you actually have the ability to trade the price of 100 of those stocks now this has of course its advantage because if those stocks are going up in price or moving in the direction that you're speculating because of course you could be opening short trades and speculating that the prices will decrease if the market in general is moving in your favor then leverage of course is an advantage it's amazing it's great because you're earning more and you're earning faster more specifically in this example you're earning 100 times more because you've got a leverage of 1 to 100 whereas if you the market is going against you then of course it is the same theory the market is moving against you faster so it's a disadvantage now this is why i say it's a double-edged sword because the market moves faster when it's moving in your favor and when it's not moving in your favor i've got a question here uh from a gentleman that says does that mean the higher we have our leverage the higher the risk involved in them investments uh yes that is correct the higher you have your leverage the more potential you have to earn higher profits but the more risk there is involved in your investment so that is precisely correct um however bear in mind leverage is down to you how and if and when you want to use it you could be trading cfds with zero leverage uh so if you are risk averse and you don't want to trade with such high levels of risk you can choose not to use leverage or a low leverage one to five one to ten months fifteen twenty etc if you are traded with very high expectations in terms of leverage and risk and potential returns and investment yields then of course you can be trading with higher levels of leverage if you wish of 150 100 200 300 etc so leverage has its benefits and disadvantages it's very unique to cfd so a lot of people come to see these for this reason and but the good thing is here attack central the leverage completely up to you the level that you want to be trading with in terms of the leverage and if or not you want to be using it as spreads this is a question i had throughout the week as well so i'll look through this very quickly because otherwise you're going to start to run out of time there's two main fees where that are involved in at trades themselves one of them spreads the other one is swaps we're going to look at swaps on the next slide let's look at spread now when you look at the price you would notice there's always two prices and so for example here i've got the euro against the usd this isn't the actual price it's just an example you'll notice there's a difference between the two prices in this the difference in the exchange rate the two exchange rates at the left and the right is two pips so that is a fee two pips is a fee and to give you an example of how you may have encountered this in your real life uh day-to-day uh situations is when you go on holiday if you exchange let's say 100 euros to us dollars and you don't use that 100 euros they say cancel your holiday and you exchange it back you won't get 100 euros you will get 98 euros well something uh there'll be a difference between the exchange rate this is a spread it's a fee they've charged you two dollars if you look at this example on the slide that is a fb a spread of two pips now this is why as soon as you open a trade most trades are in a minus straight away at the very second natural opening because that is the spread that is the fee of course as the market moves into your favor that will move into a positive so bear in mind when you are trading think about what you're trying to earn compared to the spread is it worth it is it not worth it it's not let's hop back the second thing that i spoke about within regards to uh within regards to the trades themselves is a swap now a swap is an overlined b so if you are an individual where you're opening a trade in the morning and then an hour later or before midnight you are closing that trade you're not going to encounter a swap you will never ever encounter a spot if you are an individual which is keeping the trade open overnight you will encounter a swap fee of course the swap fee is available for you to know before entering into the trade you just click on more information on the platform and i'll give you what the swap is again if you do need assistance the support team is available 24 7. every single day the support team is available a couple of things to notice about swap fees number one uh they tend to not be charged over the weekend again it depends on what assets you are looking to trade bear that in mind but normally uh on most assets so these are not charged over the weekend however one day a week normally on the wednesday especially if you're looking at currency pairs the fee will be times free so for example if the fee per night is one uh euro if you are trading on a wednesday and keeping it open overnight on wednesday you will be charged three euros not one okay so bear that in mind so we've got two keys we've got the spread then we've got the swap fee so this these were questions that we had throughout the week now that section is uh over and over and i haven't got any questions at the moment if you do have questions uh write them down through the go to webinar software and we'll look at them in a couple of slides let's start looking at trend lines uh trading lines significant trading lines as well and we're going to look at these throughout the slides this is the last slide by the way where we've got writing and paragraphs etc because like i said another previous week there was a lot of information because we were looking at exposure and risk uh today is going to be very different so from now onwards and next slides each slide will be looking at charts so be a lot more interesting trend lines trading lines as well are formed they form parts of traders analysis and they're there to assist you with the price movement it doesn't matter what asset you are trading if you're trading for stocks whatever it may be you can use a significant trend trading lines and trend lines etc it should be noted though that trend lines are not signals and should not be used as a sole indication of the price and movement is purely there to assist so again just to recap because those two points are very important this is going to form as part of your analysis it's not going to form your whole analysis again it depends on you as a traitor you may choose to make it your whole analysis however in general the way that trend lines are designed is to assist you with the price movement and to assist you with your analysis uh of course there's different things that you can add to that analysis to have more information to make a better decision with regards to how you're going to trade we're talking about things like indicators uh price action our trading signals which are available online as well which is a great tool that you can use also so there's different things that you can use today we're going to be looking at trend lines and significant trading lines however there is other aspects trading that you can encounter as part of your analysis overall so there tends to not be specifically designed for uh for trading uh as an indication to trade so there's this specific uh trend line is a bullish breakout of the trend line so i should instantly open a buy trade uh it's there to form part of your analysis so here i've got some moving average a moving average on my screen a moving average for those of you who not previously watched one of our webinars is this green line here this is the 60-day exponential moving average now what exactly does this mean this means it's a 60-day average price movement very simply to understand but because it's exponential it moves a little bit faster and pays more attention to the more recent price movements i've got a question here i'll quickly answer that the question is what type of moving average is x exponential and exponential moving average so when you're an empty form you click on insert that then indicators then trim you'll see an option there for moving average and i'm using an exponential moving average it's a 60-day moving average as well for everybody is everybody's notes we're looking at the euro against the british pound and it's a daily time frame now this is how you can use a significant uh trade in line uh we're using a moving average in this instance uh for sentiment we're looking at bullish and bearish sentiment this is something which is used a lot by the way as part of a stocks because when you are trading a stock you are of course analyzing the stock itself again we can use apple for example uh we're looking at the price movement of apple uh the price movement may look like this it's very bullish very healthy movement we've got an upward trend but traders not only look at this movement but they look at the sentiments in that industry overall so for example look at the nasdaq and the technology industry and now if the technology industry is doing something like this and it's on something completely different then people will think twice about opening a trade in apple because the sentiment of the industry over is a very poor bearish now this is something which you can use on any type of asset here i'm using it on a currency exchange rate but that is an example how uh people use sentiment to system as part of their trade in here we've got the six of them price period and the way you can very simply use the sentiment is if it's above the trading line then you are looking at bullish sentiment now if it's below the trading line you're looking at bearish sentiment so ideally you want to be looking for opportunities to buy when the price is above you want to be looking at opportunities to speculate the price will decrease when the price is below the sentiment line now again you're not simply using this line as a way to say you know if you cross it upwards then i'm going to trade an upward movement okay if you look at the slide on this occasion wouldn't be quite a successful trade on this occasion as well it would have been quite a successful trade as well but it's not the way to specifically use this uh indication we're using it as a sentiment significant sentiment trading so we want to look at opportunities above to speculate the price is going to increase and the opposite when the price is below now something else you can notice is we had a very high price built for and this is a recent uh this is a a sorry this is not a recent chart so bear this in mind uh for everybody to notice this is from the previous years not from today so don't think of this as part of today's analysis you can input the chart at the moving average the 60-day exponential moving average on your chart so look at the type of movement today here we can see the downward movements and we can see how the price found the port at this specific level and you can see how this line assisted us in this period here you can see we had the bearish movement a lot of volatility a strong momentum of downward movement that came to a halt in that specific area then it broke over upwards so we had a change of sentiment and what you can notice is that each time it tries to break through this level it found support so you can see exactly how i'm using this as part of my analysis we can see on each occasion is bouncing above this sentiment line so the assets is in this period is refusing to change in terms of its sentiment this is an another example this is the euro against the u.s dollar we're looking at the sentiment line again this is a three-hour timeframe bear that's in mind uh here we're looking at a completely different scenario this is a recent chart uh but again i would recommend you put it on your charts yourself and look at it uh as part of your personal analysis so we can see the price was above so in this area here of course we're looking at indications to continue trading upwards uh as it crossed over in this level we can see we had a complete change of sentiment anybody trading and speculating from that period onwards that the price would decrease of course would be extremely happy if you're trading in the short term there on the longer term all the way down here we're looking at a lot of volatility look at this here exactly what i was speaking about in the previous slide same thing here on this occasion here it did crossover slightly but it still found support in that region of the 60-day moving average so you can see exactly how i'm using this as a sentiment line it's a significant trading line that i'm using as part of my sentiment underneath this uh 60 day moving average i'm looking at opportunities to where the price can further decline if it's going to break above it and start to do this then it's in this period here where the price is trading above where i'm going to look at opportunities where the price can appreciate another example here i'm giving you different examples on different time frames this is a one hour time frame as well uh here let's look at a different uh way of using them with an average here we're using it as a trend line now we've looked in the past when we personally ourselves trendlines we're not personally entering trend lines here this is a 20-day exponential moving average this is the trend down here everybody can very clearly can see the indication of the trend how is this 20-day movement average assist in us there's different ways that we can look at this trend the first way is price action now when we're looking at a price section we of course looking at the swing highs which again are significant levels so we're looking at this level these levels here these levels and these levels here and this one here as well so you can see each time we get a breakout above we're getting the continuation of the trend this time it breaks down below so you can see that this circle here it changes it breaks below now the breaks below you can see we had the complete different type of movement after that so this is one option the next option is to use alongside this our sentiment line or another in another word another word is a trend like we're using it to assist us and work and move alongside our trend so we can see when we get the breakout of this significant level that of course we get an upward trend especially at this candlestick here in that hour there what you notice is that of course we're going to get resistance look at our resistance here now when we've got this resistance we've got our target within regards to where the retracement will move back at moves back up a higher high a slight high not a big increase on the high and you can see here that we've got our target again this is our target here it didn't quite move down that far but we've got a good indication within regards to how parts can move then we've got our next uh resistance level uh which is here at this circle here the third circle and we got our target again on this occasion did the exact same type of movement drop slightly below but again we've got our target room because what type of movement we can see so you can see that we're using this as our trend line how do we know the trends ending this situation here of course we've got our price action where it drops below this level so that's significant uh range there it's got we've got a bearish breakout and that's an example and look at it in that specific example we can see the bearish breakout so that's one indication but of course we can use this specific trend line and as it moves below we can see a complete different type of sentiments of course we had our retracements it found resistance at that retracement slightly higher than our trend line but it was there about and now we can see the continuation of that bearish movement so you can see how it helped us with the retracements the continuation of the trend and when the trend ended now as an alternative you can use a regression channel this is a chart taken from approximately a month ago and we're looking at regression channels regression channels when you're trading with two or more trend lines so you can use a two-line regression channel which is the support and resistance regression channel alternatively you can use a third which is having that neutral area neutral line in the middle i'm taking the choice of just using two you can take the option to use a free line regression channel if you wish of course we're using it in the exact same way in terms of trend lines the exact same way so we have our bullish trend line here we've got our bearish trend line here we can see it's finding resistance here and so pull at the bottom resistance support resistance support and staying within that range it's a downward trend it's like when we're drawing a range but it's it's tilted downwards because we're looking at a bearish trend this is a three-hour time frame just for everybody's awareness now of course you can trade the trend itself as part of the aggression channel consider the regression channel is telling us it's a downward trend or we can trade the correction and when we're going to get a correction of the trend and we've got a indication of this on the bullish breakout so you can see here as it's breaking out above this movement we've got one candlestick here a larger bullish candlestick a larger bullish candlestick again and then a much larger candlestick again so you can see how the momentum is built and really helping us there then if you look at the next candlesticks you can actually see that the candlestick starts getting slightly smaller so we've got one two three we can see on each occasion they're smaller so you should be able to interpret based on that this retracement downwards but then of course we've got a continuation of the trend after retracement bear in mind we're always going to get retracements as part of the trend bear that in mind uh a regression channel again this is the euro against the british pound uh a big volatility assets it's a 15 minute time frame of course you can use this ladies and gentlemen different on different time frames depends if you're a short-term trader like a scalper a median trading term medium-term trader like for example swing trader or a long-term trader like a position trader depends what type of time frame you're going to be looking at what i would definitely say is a good idea to look at different time frames at least four time frames before making a decision on what type of movement you want to attempt to trade uh here's a regression channel games this is the very beginning of the regression channel and i'm gonna show you how i'm using it to form the beginning of the regression channel before looking at the next slide where we'll see how drawing this first regression channel is useful going forward that actually known what's happening on the charts ahead so you can see i'm starting it on the price low which is definitely this line here i'm using the next swings price high which is here and i'm using these two levels as the direction of that bullish the upper regression channel line then i'm using the end of the price low which is here so i'm drawing that line and the continuation the price movement as an indication for that second regret the bearish in other words the lower a regression channel and i'm using that as my regression channel now if we look at the next slide which is this one here where we can see the remainder of the movement you can see how by doing that i'm getting my assistance here and here within regards to where i'm gonna lose momentum or possibly get an end to the trend of course again you can use that price action here as well so we have a significant price here we have a significant price here significant trading price here we can see how i'm using the breakout of these levels to trade the price movement now of course if the movement does in this situation here change and it starts to do this and it breaks out that bearish regression channel then of course i've got my indication that of the change of trend maybe it's going to correct down to this level so this level or so on software depends on your personal theory so i've got a question throughout the week um and but i can see a question i will answer your question at the end of this slide because it will be relevant to this slide as well um i've got a lot of questions throughout the week within regards to what i believe is the best uh strategy that you can use as a beginner one which is very easy to understand and this is one which i find is very basic and looking at trends and so we're going to look at this alongside our regression channel and alongside our significant trading line as well so i've got on my charts uh a couple of indications here at the bottom i've got my uh stochastic oscillator which is a momentum based uh indication uh we've got our periods here 14 5 and free for those of you who want to know what figures you want to input when inserting on mt4 how you can use a stochastic oscillator it's very simple we've got an upper dotted line which is this area here if it's but if both red and blue lines are above it's overbought then we've got our lower anything below again we're looking at overbought so for example this level is overbought so the below is of salt and then you've got this level here of oversold and you can see what exactly happens when we hit these levels you can see the price collapsed when i was overbought and when we was oversold we can see we completely lost momentum and just started moving sideways which of course is uh of no assistance either then we've got uh moving averages we've got the green here it's a three-day exponential moving average we've got our blue which is at nine-day sorry moving average then we got up purple which is our 60-day average price movement and then we've got these two red lines which is our two line regression channel so how exactly can i use this alongside the regression channel i've got of course the russian channel on the price high and the price low but even before the regression channel form look at this area here we can number one see the price has gone from bullish sentiment to bearish sentiment that's a big positive so let's take that and if you look at the three day moving average you can see it's crossing below the nine-day moving average so the freedom moving average is dropping below the nine-day simple moving average so that is another indication that the price will decrease let's look at the stochastic calculator so we've got two ticks there's got the crossover the moving average and the price is crossing below it's a bearish sentiment as well it's the catholic oscillator it's crossed downwards and it's not oversold so that you've got two ticks there as well so you can see how i'm using this to assist me with regards to the price declining now that happened at this price here at that exact line there now you could be a short-term trader it's a four-hour time frame so it would have continued to decline for at 12 to 16 hours so that's quite a lot of movement for anybody who's short to medium term time to a movement there alternatively if you're more longer term you could have traded it all the way down to here that's an option as well so you can see how i'm using this strategy alongside my regression channel and the sentiment line massively as well to assist me with my trading let's look at an example where you get a completely different situation here we get a mixed type of movement why because it crosses over upwards which is a positive that the price is going to go up the stochastic oscillator also crosses over upwards low notes we're in a neutral area of the regression channel it's not necessarily a positive and we're also below the sentiment line so we're bearish sentiments we've got two conflicting indications let's say though for example you did enter a buy let's say for example it's not the end of the world as you answer the bike when you saw it cross back down here you should amend the trade you should close the buy and open the cell based on this theory bear in mind of course depends on you yourself and how you're looking to view the market and on that situation you can see crosses over down so tick stick oscillator crosses over down it's below the sentiment line as well and it's also on that occasion making its way towards the regression the lower regression channel again that would have been a great trait as well and so on and so forth you can see how exactly i'm using this strategy here let me look at a different assets the u.s dollar against japanese yen a

great asset as well it's a six hour time frame uh same scenario i've got the exact same indications uh stochastic oscillator the 60-day sentiment line three-day exponential uh a nine day simple moving average as well and i'm using a trend line on this occasion which is our gray line here which is a 20-day moving average so that is my trend line and you can see how it's following this line all the way as you can see it's following it's here and it's following that line all the way up here as well so you can see how that trend line is massively helpful as well let's look at the strategy though like we did in the previous slide look at this area here exactly what i was referring to in the previous slide look at the crossover at this level here price crosses over the sentiment line bullish perfect it's crossing over the trend line that's great as well then we've got a crossover on the three day and nine day exponential perfect as well let's look at the stochastic calculator crossover it's nowhere near overbought level so that's good as well and we can see what's happening we're gonna proceed after that plenty of remember for sure medium and long-term trading so that brings us to the end of today's webinar we've been speaking now for approximately 55 minutes so we come into uh that period where we're running out of time to answer a couple of questions i can see there's a couple of questions now uh how certain are crossovers crossovers of moving averages are just an indication it's not a guarantee price movement what is important though is that you keep looking at the crossover so if you get a crossover upwards and then after it crosses over down and then the trade because you've got a new updated indication crossovers are momentum indications so your is a strategy using indicators that are showing you the direction of the momentum of course that direction may uh change again it depends are you looking to make 20 25 pips 30 in which case there's not much movement which is needed or you're looking to make a 100 80 70 60 which in which case you need quite a lot of movement so that it depends on a lot of different aspects however it's there as assistance and that doesn't assist that's for sure i've got another question here as well from a lady who's asking within the regression channels if it's a good idea to buy when you're looking at the upper when it's close to the upper level the regression channel again it depends on your theory if you're looking at an upward trend and it's the beginning of that regression channel where we're moving towards the end sorry that moving towards the upper bullish regression channels then you can look at it as uh it's looking over looking close to crossing over and there's bullish momentum so again it depends on how you're personally looking at it by means that's a very big subject though within regards to how you can look at regression channels so if you do want to arrange a one-on-one session speak to your account manager and he will book you in for a session uh in the meantime we're running out of time so i want to wish everybody a great night good night everybody trade safe trade responsibly and if you do need an assistance please feel free to get into contact with me in the meantime enjoy the rest of your evening thank you

2021-03-24 13:18

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