Every Day Business featuring Jem Fuller

Every Day Business featuring Jem Fuller

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back everyone i'm tony lontis and  this is the everyday business show i'm going to do it to the best  of my ability because if i fail   that means i feel for my  entire female nation i call it   is that possible that was the question  for myself and it is absolutely possible good afternoon australia and good evening  america welcome back to the everyday business   show i'm your host tony lontos and before  i introduce you to our amazing guest today   here's what you need to know if you're listening  live on linkedin facebook youtube twitch or   twitter we have peo ready and waiting online to  take your questions and comments and provide you   links with anything that we discuss on the show  today if you're driving just remember you can   jump onto tony lontis.com click on the guest  tab and we will have links to our guests today   and including their website so a reminder too  that if you miss any of these shows and you want   to catch up anytime jump onto binge networks usa  or the tony tv channel app available on all roku   lg and samsung smart tvs across the planet now  our normal welcome to gumtree goes a little bit   like this i want to respectfully acknowledge  the people of the yugamba language region the   gold coast queensland australia the traditional  owners of the land on which we meet and broadcast   and pay my respect to the elders past and present  and all aboriginal and torres strait islander   peoples here today now our extra special  guest today is gem fuller and gem coaches   and fertil facilitates ceos senior leaders  across government private and non-profit   sectors across the globe he helps develop  more mindful unconscious leaders and a healthy   workplace culture jim is the founding director and  facilitator of his own international leadership   retreat company and he takes leaders away  on conscious leader programs to remote   indian himalayan bali and kimberley and costa rica  coastlines gem has led an amazingly colorful life   from years of barefoot back backing around  india subcontinent to senior leaders with an int   multi-international company he has been to the  extremes and back and all the way in between   he's worked as a reflexologist a chinese masseuse  a reiki practitioner a kindergarten teacher a   global tattooist a fire dancer a motorcycle  courier actor singer songwriter travel   consultant and prior to commencing his coaching  work has been in senior corporate leadership   jim has studied extensively in the healing  arts coaching neuro linguistic programming   and human behavioral profiling welcome back to  the show gem i'm delighted to have you here today   oh thanks tony it's really lovely to see  you again and geez i'm a bit exhausted   listening to my intro i'm like i think um have  we still got time left to actually have a chat   we do we do i just wanted to share with the  audience um gem and i have become um friends   uh i guess in this space and jim and i were  talking about um what his partner wife does   and the synergies around some work that i used to  do corporately both of us come from a corporate   perspective but now are leading our own  companies and doing our own business and jen   was telling me before we got on the show about  his psych excitement around a new space jim can   you just share with the audience because that's  really exciting news for you and your wife talia   yeah absolutely and it's it's literally hot  off the press i mean the lease agreement only   got emailed to us half an hour ago yeah so we're  about to sign the lease uh on on a a big beautiful   property in our local town here um that will we  will be sharing and my partner talia is a birth   worker she's a clinical pilates instructor a doula  and also a hypno birthing consultant and so she's   going to have some big beautiful spaces in there  for community her business is called village birth   and her her kind of logo is it takes a village  so she'll be bringing in all sorts of wonderful   women who work in the birthing space and  nestled in the middle of these amazing rooms   is my studio where i'm going to be able  to record and coach and do what i do and   i'm going to be nestled amongst this beautiful  mothering nurturing new life energy and i can't   think of a better place to sit and work every  day yeah and entirely particularly yeah go on   sorry jim and particularly from your coaching and  mentoring space that creates a beautiful energy   to do that work from doesn't it absolutely and  because you know part of what i do i mean i i   don't really say this to my corporate executive  clients because i'm coaching i'm coaching   executive ceo clients in government departments  right yes i don't go in there and and kind of say   hey i'm going to help you access your feminine  and be more soft and gentle but that's what i'm   helping a lot of that's right especially  men i'm i'm helping them access their more   human-centric sensibility their their feminine  wisdom and you know and helping them because   it's powerful feminine is super powerful and  it's super intelligent it's it's very very   wise and it's it's an element that there's a  lot of opportunity for us to expand with our   senior leaders whether they're in government or  whether they're in the private sector there's a   massive opportunity for our leaders to expand into  their feminine sensibility their feminine wisdom   right and um anyway so for me to be coaching these  leaders nestled into the part of this beautiful   space is i think it's perfect yeah i i when you  told me about it i was just so excited for you and   i thought it's important to share sometimes people  don't don't realize the spaces and places that   people work from at that high level and you are  working with high-level executives and ceos and   along that vein i'm wondering jim your  life is this beautiful big kaleidoscope of   all and things you've done lots of things had  lots of different life experiences and i actually   am wondering that that if that unique and broad  life perspective helps when you're coaching   executives and ceos does it give you that  broader balance that you can bring to their lives   yeah absolutely yeah yes it does and um you know  i think because i've been in so many different   situations with so many different types of people  i really was in my younger years i just had this   first to experience uh cultures and peoples that  was life you know that was so different to me   i used to think of myself as a bit of an  experienced junkie i wanted to try everything   yeah i just wanted to try everything you know  and i've tried many things and a lot of things   i've tried only once and i was like radio  kick that off the list i'm not doing that and some things i've tried many times but you know  certainly to answer your question having you know   a really broad range of different experiences  and different connections with different types   of people means that i can connect with a lot of  different people but also having worked in the   corporate space i understand their language and  their lingo i understand the pressures that are   driving them you know and that old school kind of  underlying pressure to grow in the private sector   to grow net profit growth quarter on quarter  on quarter and that is a relentless pressure   that is pressure within you know the capitalist  system yeah and it is what it is i'm not saying   it's good or bad but it is there and it's a very  real pressure for leaders and then also in you   know in government departments to um to make sure  that they're getting the results that they're you   know that they're there to get key indicators  yeah so i mean i understand the pressures but   i can bring to them in a way that's accessible for  them i can bring to them concepts like mindfulness   i can bring to the concepts like more conscious  communication leaning into a situation and and   seeking to understand rather than driving and  just telling people what to do um you know so   look i think it lends itself really well and  once once my clients once we have some rapport   to be honest happens very quickly yes but once  we have that rapport and they trust me then i   can guide them to places in their leadership that  they've never been to never been before i think   that's the role of a coach is to to guide people  to places they haven't been to before right yeah   and jim because i'm so familiar with the coaching  space in terms of i would not be here without   constant coaching and mentoring i understand the  importance and the power of what a coach can bring   to your life because you're living and working  in your life and often you need that external   perspective of how you're reacting behaving  communicating you need an external person to go   okay do you think we should try this or have you  thought about this because no person should be   an island should they jam even at those highest  levels they should never be or feel like they're   an island and trying to do this alone yeah  absolutely and for various different reasons we   we don't feel that we can lean on other  people around us for that role that   coaching role you know if it's colleagues  sometimes it's not appropriate for us to   sometimes it is but quite often it's not  appropriate for us to be seeking that coaching   advice from a colleague or from a report or  from a loved one and in fact when our when   people around us who care about us come to us  offering advice we quite often for some reason   in a reflex way we kind of tend to defend against  it you know we don't want to hear it absolutely   but when we're paying someone for that where all  is it's like i'm paying you good money right now   give it to me what am i gonna do what am i gonna  do what am i gonna um jim just going back to uh   earlier part of the conversation where we talked  about um you know the the capitalism uh or those   sorts of ideals that permeate um corporate and  and high level life um i'd love to know that   some of those spaces are changing and that we can  look forward to a future where it's not all about   dollars and uh reaching certain milestones that  we are starting to move towards a space where   humans as humans are considered in that  equation and that the way that they work   best is a consideration and so um from my  personal perspective i back when i was working   in in corporate office there was the the idea that  uh working from home was completely unacceptable   and employees couldn't be trusted whereas we've  sort of been thrust into a new world via coved   where people have had to work from home and i  think that those things are really important   considerations in in life so do you see that  the corporate um ideals are slowly changing   yeah yes they are yeah they  are and i i think leaders   at least the leaders that i come into contact  with and and coach are starting to understand that   rather than can i trust my employees to clock  on and clock off and do the work it's can i   find a way to for them to spark their intrinsic  motivation so something that they care about doing   and find alignment between what they care about  and what the the organization's mission is   because if you can find that they  don't need to trust that they're gonna   lean they're intrinsically motivated to do good  work and make a difference so you need to really   as a leader and i think leaders are starting  some leaders are starting to get this yes   can i trust my ability to to coach them to  find what their own intrinsic motivation is   and align it with the organization's purpose and  put them in a role where they feel like they can   play to their strengths and then just let them  go and be amazing yeah because that's the thing   humans can be incredibly amazing given um the  right circumstances and the right motivation   humans can accomplish incredible things and so  it's really encouraging to hear jim that you   are um coaching the next level of the next  um cohort of leaders in this way that's   from my perspective is incredibly encouraging um  i want to digress a little bit and talk about the   new book the art of communication for thoughtful  men and it's already receiving rave reviews across   the planet and i know from talking to you before  the show that there is a lot of interest across   america in particular which i'm delighted to  hear it's well deserved but i wanted you to   share with the audience um about the inception  of the book why did the idea come up and why   you thought it was important to share and  write from this perspective yeah absolutely   so the inception and and then um the conception  and then the delivery of the book came i started   writing a few different books i always knew i was  going to write books and and i had started writing   a few different books but was kind of getting  stuck in them and then i stopped and thought and   this was in the first towards the end of the  first year of the pandemic and i thought yes   jim what do you think really will help what can  you write that will help you know i want to write   something that hopefully will help people and one  of the biggest stumbling blocks that i come across   um as a coach is communication you know and  whether it's communication in a relationship   where two people love each other but  they trip up in their miscommunication   or whether it's the communication from a leader to  a team so the community the leader is frustrated   because the team is not engaging in in what the  leader wants them to engage in and quite often   it's not because they've got the wrong people in  the team or anything like that it's just that the   nuance in their communication you know or or  into departmentally in a larger organization   where the sales department and the compliance  department are at loggerheads over something   and forgetting that they're actually both  attempting to serve the same higher purpose   of the organization and it's falling over in the  communication and then also in recent years tony   you know as as a lover of humans right i just  have this love for the human race despite our   dysfunction and despite the fact that there are  psychopathic people doing terrible things on   global economic levels yes yes yes but love humans  right and so it makes me sad when i see humans   shouting at each other across these digital  divides of difference you know you've got   humans who have identified with one political  idea or ideological concept and and people who   disagree with them and they're just shouting  at each other and tony you know this is not   helping evolve the situation this is not  creating doesn't help at all you know and   these global problems like pandemics and global  warming and inequality they don't discriminate   that's right global global warming does not mind  whether you are provacs or anti-vaxx it doesn't   it doesn't care we're all gonna cop it that's  right and for us to solve these global problems   we have got to improve our ability in conscious  communication so that's where the book started   from and then i engaged a book writing  mentor and yeah a wonderful author and   and writing mentor susan pierce from sydney in  australia and and she said to me gem i'm loving   this manuscript i think it's great it's too broad  you're writing from everybody you need to pick   a niche you need to pick a demographic and she  said you know i think this book would be really   good for men yeah and so i just took her advice  and i went okay and so i started tailoring the   book for men specifically yes and so it became the  art of conscious communication for thoughtful men   and i do feel really passionate about this  because you and i have spoken about this before   tony as much as we need to continue the  mission of empowering and getting women into   decision-making roles which is so so important  that we continue to do this at the same time we   need to be evolving the quality of men and the  systems that we're bringing these women into to   to be open to this feminine wisdom this feminine  sensibility that's what so we need to help the men   evolve as well right so there's yeah who projects  that need to happen at the same time same time   you know and so this book is is to help to  give men the tools to lift each other up   and evolve the brand of men you know to change  the old stereotypes that we've been culturally   indoctrinated into you know as boys we were taught  man up toughen up you know suck it up don't cry   like a girl like all these things can you believe  we raise our eyes like this so we've created   you know generations of men who don't even know  how to really access their emotions let alone   communicate them yeah or understand um women  when women are coming with this wisdom that is   an intuitive deeply ingrained thing and men are  shutting it down but they just don't know how   to do any different so i think it's time to um  to give men the tools to evolve and i'm hoping   that's what this book does i'm so glad that  you've written from this perspective because   you know i talked to multiple women across the  planet and we still experience some of the same   things that have been happening for millennia  however having said that there does feel   that there is um a change afoot so to speak um but  for women to get to the the place that we need to   get to we need to be supported by men so this is  not a a women against men or men against women   this is about empowering men and women to live  and communicate in the best way that they can   i know um from speaking to you previously about  the book that you've had a really wonderful   response from women can you tell us about that jim  yeah it just i mean i kind of thought this might   be what happens yes it looks like it's women that  are picking the book up off the shelf so to speak   or you know or getting the book off amazon  yeah um women i from my experience of running   open public workshops in the past around  self-development around personal development   it's 90 of the people who come to my workshops are  women yes and i think women are just more open to   expanding into their potential they're more open  to being vulnerable they're more open to saying i   don't know everything let me learn some more yeah  men traditionally and i am generalizing here but   but i think generally speaking men and more  about i'll read a book if it's going to help   me grow my profit or i'll read it i'll read  a book if it's going to help me win i'll   read a book if it's going to help me um be  better at my better at golf i'm using that but read a book about how i can be more in touch  with myself and and function better as a human   they tend to not pick the books up so yeah it's  women that are picking it up and reading it and   emailing it and saying oh my god amazing book it's  so great i'm gonna force my husband to read it you   know or my son or my brother or whoever so yeah  and i don't i'm not sure that women always realize   that position that they have to influence  the men in their lives with gentle   um persuasion and conversation and it comes  back to that conversation doesn't it if you   communicate with the man or men around you in  the right way you have influence to get them to   perhaps pick up a book that might be helpful or  look at things that they may or may not be doing   i think that we sometimes forget that that  we have that influence if we use it correctly   and that that communication is a key to to driving  all of that um in terms of um life and in business   communication is really an essential part of what  an executive does that they're communicating all   day with the people around them with their teams  with their higher ups etc what are some of the   key things that you recommend for those senior  executives around communication what are some   of the key themes that come through when you're  coaching and mentoring those senior executives jim   i think really to start with  and i designed a process that's   you know detailed in the book but the first step  in the process of communication is to understand   why for what purpose am i intending on  having this this piece of communication so   if it's some communication that that is coming  up and you're intending on having then there's   some preparation that can go into it and the  extent of the preparation depends on what context   and what it is but the first step to be aware of  is for what purpose am i having this communication   so for example if you're um you're going into  a performance appraisal we used to call them   i'm encouraging leaders to call it something  more like a people partnering session because   performance that's what already is old school  and it's like i'm going to tell you what you're   good at and not good at and where you can  improve and it's all data and numbers and   you know perform basically but if it's a people  partnering session i.e i'm going to coach you to   expand into your potential so when you're going  into this session and you're thinking well so   why am i having this meeting with this person who  reports to me well it's to give them feedback is   it really is that the purpose of the communication  well why are you giving them feedback oh because   i want them to improve oh why do you want them  to improve well because i want them to thrive   right so now we're getting closer to  the question that's where you start   so the purpose of the communication is i i  want to help this person thrive it's not to   go in there and tell them what they're not doing  well enough that's not the purpose of that's part   of the how let's start with why or for example  let's put it into a an intimate relationship   you know your partner might be very upset and  you know they're exacerbated and they're upset   and they're expressing themselves emotionally and  there's a lot of words coming out of their mouth   in that moment you might be thinking you  might be taking those words literally   and trying to understand that they're telling you  that you're not good enough or that you never help   them or that you don't you're taking it literally  you're missing the point of the communication why   are they saying these words because it's probably  not about the actual words if they're very   emotional what is the purpose of the communication  so let's look a little bit higher perhaps in this   moment my partner is expressing that she's  completely upset and she's upset because   she wanted me to help her this morning with this  particular thing and she wants to feel supported   maybe maybe in this moment the purpose of this  communication is because she wants to feel safe   oh wow that's the purpose of the communication  right yeah so that having that conscious level of   awareness of the communication is going to elevate  the the quality of the communication right whereas   if we're down on the lower levels of you know  thinking it's something that it's not then then   we're not going to be as effective  in the communication so just having a   an awareness you know and tony the the word  communication comes from the latin noun   communicatio which means a sharing and the  latin verb communicare which means to make   common so as a leader as an executive to come back  in answering your question when you think i need   to have this communication with my team so it's a  sharing i'm hoping that they will i can share this   with them this information or this inspiration  or motivation i can share this with them to make   this common so at the end of the communication  i'll know if it's been successful because if   it has been successful we'll all be on the same  page yeah that's the purpose of this so it's not   about the individuals involved it's not about my  ego needing to be right yeah yeah yeah prove you   wrong it's about us coming together to a common  understanding that's what communication is yeah   yeah and it's it it's such a powerful thing to get  right and to do right because communication can start great conversations and achieve great  things if it's done in the right way so if you   if i dare to take the current invasion of ukraine  what if there'd been some communication between   the invader and his thoughts what if  someone had been game enough to say hey   we think that you want to do this because but  actually it's about da da da da do you think   that that high level communication has capacity  to change big huge events across the globe   unfortunately no matter how good you are  at communication yeah what sits underneath   it all is is intent right now i work with  leaders who are what i call normal people yes   right and when i say normal people i mean people  that are not megalomaniacs people that are not   psychopaths yes yes right and and normal people  don't wake up in the morning thinking how can i   um go and create havoc and harm and  pain to other people to to further my   own power most people don't think like  what's his face over there i don't even   want to say his name but anyway you know  i was trying not to say his name to him   we all know who he is right but he's not  he's not alone there's other people no no yeah i'm talking about normal people and  normal people don't wake up in the morning   like that normal people wake up in the morning  and think oh my god i hope i can do a good job   today i hope i can get a good result today  i hope i can be the best version of me today   most people are like that right people most  people don't wake up in the morning going how   can i go and execute my evil plan right so i'm i'm  helping people normal people communicate better   no and so communication and and the the the magic  of powerful communication can be used in evil ways   can be used in very evil ways you know high-level  communication we can be tricked by very clever   communication propaganda and misinformation you  know algorithms are doing it now the algorithms   that are designed to keep us scrolling are  communicating with us in ways that are completely   subversive and have us addicted to these  platforms because they're putting the right   things in front of our brains that fire  up our brains that's clearly a part of   the brain and we're captured into this world  that is being fed to us through communication   used in a used in a not so nice bad way so it's  not the it's not the it's not the communication   itself that would stop the world events  unfortunately that's the nasty people behind it   yeah but but when the communication is  when we can get better at communicating   then people like you and i and the people that  we care about and work with and help and and   people like us we can get better at rising and  evolving and creating a collective and that's why   i think it's important that's why i love chatting  with you tony because you you facilitate important   conversations with real people and hopefully there  are people listening to this and this will help   them have these conversations because the more we  talk about this stuff in functional ways we will   continue to create this positive change yeah um i  just that the whole idea of communication has been   highlighted this week my darling husband loves  watching maps married at first sight and i watch   because usually i'm just at that point of time  when it comes on it's just it's on and so anyway evident on that little little show uh some  communication that is so bad and so wrong   that i find myself having to leave the room and  think why is someone not calling out that behavior   in a way that empowers that person to see just how  wrong that is and show the glo the the national   audience that this is the right way to do that  i find it i i find with traditional media that   there's not enough producers managers of shows  doing the right thing in terms of communication   and going well actually no you can't yell and  scream at someone when they don't agree with you   this is how fruitful and constructive  communication looks and i worry that the   traditional media that we many people see  more often than what you and i do in this   place which is i'd term as non-traditional  media i would love this sort of stuff to be   in more people's places and more people's faces  so they get to know okay that's better and a   better way to do it that's a better way to say  what i'm trying to say um and we're not seeing   enough of that so i grateful that i get to work in  this space with amazing people like you and have   these conversations and along that um ideal of of  talking about executives um i'm wondering too that   the executives of today are they embracing more  spiritual perspectives in their executive life   because i there's not a lot of people that you  see or i talk to that are readily open to that   spiritual conversation so i'm curious to know from  your perspective about the executives you coach   and how they implement spiritualism in whatever  format that looks like if they're thinking along   those lines if they're it's if if mindfulness  is a part of what they talk to you about is it   if it's a part of what they like to encourage in  their teams i'm really curious about that aspect   of what you do yeah look i think in in older  generations that are still in executive roles   the the percentage of them that are open to this  stuff is very small and then as you come down   through the years and and get into younger  generation of senior leaders and you know   younger people that are coming in now fresh into  executive roles they're way more open to it but   having said that i went to um the global mindful  leader forum back in 2014 so eight years ago   and and already then there are some of the  most senior leaders in the world that can   contract and measure you know they can get  roi on investing in people's abilities in the   space of mindfulness and so that you know there's  that's phenomenal yeah it's awesome yeah like the   world leaders of the world bank and leaders  of um you know some of the leaders in intel   and google and places like this investing  millions of dollars into mindfulness programs   for themselves and for their people because they  understand that it helps us with our functionality   um so look at it yes there's a there's a  massive movement happening happening for sure   and look um i don't know if this sounds a bit  wrong but the older leaders will retire and and it feels like there's almost a passing of  the old guard it feels like we're ushering in   a new generation of leaders and a new global  energy that is better for humans in general   yeah and i think really the important difference  between now and in generations gone by because   there's always been a handing on of the garden  there's always been the next generation coming and   there's always been change you know and to every  generation it seems like the change is coming with   the younger generation a massive you know it's  always felt like that i agree the difference now   is that the technological advances that have been  happening over the last 30 years are exponential   they are aren't they and our brains are not wired  to understand exponential growth we can comprehend   linear growth one two three four five but we  can't comprehend exponential growth which is   when the technology doubles discussion capability  yeah that's right it goes through the roof so we   don't know what things are going to look like  in 2050 if we're still here we've got no idea   what that's going to look like but what it is  doing is that it's it's forcing us as a species   to open our minds to possibility to open our minds  to different ways of doing things because there   are ways of doing things today that weren't  even possible just the other day i know you   know um so yeah look i think i think the change is  happening faster now than ever before and so with   that change hopefully our leaders you know the  emerging leaders are also thinking it is becoming   more human-centric it is becoming more about you  know how can we all work together as as people to   to do better work for humanity yeah it is  happening because sitting behind that is   is the idea that as humanity we can tackle big  problems so we spoke earlier about climate change   and it's not just climate change it's it's  war it's um hunger it's um those bigger   global issues that as humanity we could  i believe we have within our grasp   the answers to those bigger questions and  ensuring that our grandkids never experience war   ensuring that our grandchildren never have to  deal with uh human trafficking etc etc i actually   believe that humans have capacity to solve those  big problems completely completely and your belief   tony well and your belief is not a pie in the sky  idea it's your belief is is founded with evidence   you know i mean for example the world has never  been as safe as as it is now homicide rates   have never been this low ever in human history  it's very hard to commit a crime and that's a   good thing it's never been this safe to walk the  streets globally speaking right but the you know   as we know the mainstream media and news we know  that they feed off the negative so we know that   all the news is negative so that's fine but in the  meantime if you go looking for it and you don't   have to look very hard if you go to um uh future  crunch is some mates of mine here in australia   and they've got a global platform that focuses on  all the positive scientific news and advancements   that are happening in the world and they they  put out positive news fighting there's so much   good stuff happening and if you go and look at the  real data of what's actually going on in terms of   you know the advancements that we're making in  technologies to help with global warming and   pandemics and all this sort of stuff you're 100  right tony we can do it we can do it and i think   the more we focus on it the better so go and look  for the positive news there's positivenews.org i   agree they send out positive news as well um so  look it up it's right there and it's available but   yeah you're right we are we are heading in the  right direction and we can do it we can turn it   all around unfortunately there are still um some  losers who are digging their heels in and and   their own agreed reasons uh claiming that  climate change isn't even real um yeah yeah   and having been exposed to the effects of climate  change right recently yeah massively you can't   there's just i've never seen so much rain never  experienced so much rain so that's you know   and i know from reading the science that that  is about the amount of water that um leaves   the earth and goes up into our clouds because  of climate change um and it's something else   that just dropped into my head jim is um i know  for a lot of people um and this is a little bit of   a controversial subject i guess but the whole idea  that we created a vaccine in such a short amount   of time in a global pandemic i actually see as an  incredibly positive human achievement what that   means in my mind is that at one time the whole  globe was focused on solving a single problem i.e   a vaccine to keep people safe so if we can do  that in a pandemic we can do that for cancer   do you know what i mean like that's how i see  the world yeah we can do that for global warming   yeah yeah absolutely unfortunately for us we  we don't tend to all come together and kick   into gear until we're right in the thick of  it being a massive catastrophe exactly and so   you you and your people in your communities  that have just been massively flooded   have all had to come together because it was  catastrophe but people who live somewhere   that don't get flooded they're like oh global  warming it's something that's going to happen   in 20 or 30 years yeah i don't want to think  about it right now because it means i have to   change the way i'm living in some way i have  to do something so unfortunately humans a lot   most humans yeah don't take action until  it's really at the last minute at their   global warming because it's such a big thing you  know if we leave it till the last minute it'll be   too late yeah i agree so i agree yes we can do it  i reckon we can you know i reckon we can i reckon   we can do it but we've got to do it we've got it  we've got to do it now yeah the other thing about   um our recent flooding incident was that it's  actually caused us to think about how we live   our life and what we might do going forward so  does that mean we don't need a big property we   don't need a you know we just need a little space  that is ours and that's okay like it just causes   you to think of other alternatives that have um  implications for the climate and implications   for the way that in which we live so that idea  around being self-sustainable having our own water   generating our own electricity all those things  are starting to come into play in a bigger um   as a bigger conversation in just our lives so  if that's happening for us i'm hoping that's   happening in a greater space across the planet  for many more people than than just us um jim   i'm hoping to that we in talking about generations  um tapping out i guess effectively that we will   actually see the rise of wonderful um emotionally  intelligent leaders and i wanted to quickly touch   on the subject of emotional a talent intelligence  and what it means for you jem from your your   thoughts what are your thoughts around emotional  intelligence it's important and particularly   its importance for leaders senior leaders  senior executives politicians dare i say it yeah   um yeah and before i talk specifically  to to emotional intelligence the reason   why i think it's important that this is happening  is because we've kind of forgotten why we were   making widgets in the first place so just say  that there's a company and they make widgets right   they've got to the point where they  think that they're making widgets   just to make money it's just about a transaction  we're making widgets so we can make money   hang on a second why did you why did this company  ever first start making widgets in the first place   because we thought people needed widgets well  why did they need widgets because it made it   easier for them to do a b and c so it was  about tr people trying to make life better   make life better for people or or the planet  or animals or life yes yes so we're doing this   to make life better for for this animal  or for this forest or for these people   yeah and we've kind of lost sight of that  because it became all about shareholders and   and growing the the market price of the share  price of something right so look i think that   emotional intelligence is massively important  because it comes back to this human-centric um   kind of purpose behind what we're doing why are  we doing this we're doing this to make life better   yeah to live better lives right so emotional  intelligence really is just uh an understanding   that there are people in the equation and whether  it's the people that are working in the teams to   create the widget that goes out to the people  that are receiving but to focus back on the   people involved in the equation the humans in the  loop yeah rather than the numbers and the product   and the bits and bobs and emotional intelligence  is really the ability to um to experience empathy   how does someone feel to experience compassion  what what could i do to help that person   you know to to experience the whole range of  emotions which is obviously a vital part of being   human because we've all got emotions so there  must be an important part of it and emotional   intelligence also an emotional regulation and then  something that i'm you know i'm really inquisitive   about continuing to develop for myself and  for my clients is the ability to improve my   functionality in relationship with emotions so  that when it comes to motion is is um immediate   and necessary in a moment and serves a purpose to  to feel it to express it to utilize it and then   when it starts to tip into being dysfunctional  for me to stay stuck in that emotional state and   it's not helping me serve myself or the greater  good anymore and i'm stuck in anger or i'm stuck   in despair or stuck in sadness the ability to  actually be the driver of my own physiological bus   and use techniques such as mindfulness to allow  that emotion to beautifully dissipate and come   back to a place of equanimity and serve again  from a place of clarity and calmness you know so   yeah so that's emotional intelligence as well  right so in in simple terms it's things like   anger and fury and fear they're all  normal parts of a human experience   but emotional intelligence is recognizing yes i'm  angry i'm going to feel angry for this amount of   time but when it gets to this time this is  what i'm going to do to dissipate that anger   is that an apt description jim yeah perfect and  and also the ability to be conscious so right now   i'm feeling anger and i'm going to allow myself  to feel this anger because it's necessary i'm   gonna process it i'm not gonna shove it under the  rug and pretend it's not there or punch a wall or   whatever right i'm gonna feel this anger but  i'm also gonna have a level of awareness in   the moment that i'm in doing anger i'm going to  have a level of awareness to go do you know it's   probably not the right time for me to pick up the  phone right now and have that conversation yeah   i'm going to feel this anger and i'm going to  pause on the phone call i'm going to process   this and then at some point in time when i've  allowed that anger to dissipate then perhaps so that that being aware of that moment when  you're in anger and then understanding that you   can't stay it's not good for you it's not good for  you for as a human it's not good for the people   around you it's not it's just not good to stay and  and realizing okay what do i have to do to get out   of this jim what are some of the things that you  do or you advise your executives to do in that   moment when those big emotions are taking place  what are some of the key things that you have you   can suggest around that i know mindfulness is one  and i know that we've talked about um meditative   practices before which i find incredibly helpful  what else what other things do you advise   if you can create the ability to pause yeah or  pause so there's an emotion that's taken over it   might be extreme frustration yeah um you know or  or or even anger uh or or disappointment or yeah   um whatever it is sadness sadness yeah so the  emotion has taken over pause for a second and   come to a place of perspective because what we  tend to do is that our ego our sense of identity   latches on to the the visceral experience of the  emotion and identifies with it i am angry so it's   i am angry rather than noticing that it's really  just a passing physiological state of being that   will come and go yeah right but when we identify  with something we hang on to it we grab onto it   becomes our sense of identity when we're in our  ego we take everything personally because for the   ego it's all about itself right so i'm just i'm  trying to think of a hypothetical situation one   of the people in your senior leadership team who  reports to you yeah they've completely disregarded   the values of the organization and they've  completely disregarded your directive as the ceo   right and you are exacerbated you're like what are  you doing i can't believe you've done that look at   the mess you've created blah blah so you you're  feeling disappointed and angry and frustrated when you identify with it and take it  personally it's harder to let go of it   when you remember ah this is not about me  personally not about me this person has   shown up in this way they've behaved in this  way i'm going to create some perspective here   there you go i hear you i'm just going to put  you to the side for a sec i'm going to pause i'm going to put things really into perspective  and go um just remember and i do this tony yeah   yeah yeah and i asked my clients to do this can i  just pause for a second take a moment to remember   i'm a speck on a speck that is orbiting a respect  tiny little star which is on the edge of a milky   way galaxy which is 120 000 light years across  and there's billions of galaxies billions of   galaxies right yeah and and the other day humans  didn't even exist and pretty soon they're probably   not going to it's not going to exist again and  right now i'm upset because my organization abc   engineering you know is not going to deliver the  right profit result because that leader didn't do   that thing but and i'm getting all um i'm taking  it so personally right yeah and i'm just going   to pause and go none of this actually matters  right back on a spec and now i'm going to come   back to a place of equanimity because this is not  about me this is about the organization and from a   place of equanimity i'm now going to go forward  and see how i can best support this person with   holding them accountable so the way that we've  all agreed to show up here at abc engineering   is right so i'm going to lead from a place of  calm centeredness not from a place of outrage   because it just doesn't get as good results  yeah that's powerful stuff gem powerful stuff   um and powerful practical examples of how you  can do that and it just just takes awareness   doesn't it it's and practice really quite  lots of practice yeah it's easier it's simple   and easier said than done oh god oh god yes but  it gets easier with practice yeah definitely and   easier with practice because every time we every  time we um engage a new way of doing something   we're we're firing a new neural sequence and  setting up a new pattern for the first time   they fire for the first time and it takes  effort and awareness and it's clunky and   not not very easy to come out of  your anger and get centered and it's   but then the next time you do it and then the  next time it gets better and then right because   the neurons start to wire together and then it  becomes habitual and then you it really can become   a superpower where you've practiced it so much  that something can happen you react necessarily   because you're human where you get triggered by  something you're furious and then when you become   aware that you're furious and it's not going to  serve you anymore you can go from furious to calm   really quickly like that powerful stuff powerful  stuff i know um jim we've got one minute left and   i'm gonna finish i know i love these conversations  with you in this one minute i want you to tell the   audience about your bigger vision for the future  what does that look like for you jim fuller wow   bigger vision for the future it the the the  scales have tipped the balance has tipped where   the people that are emerging now that do care  about humanity and each other and the planet and   the bigger picture that has tipped ego has taken a  little bit of a backseat it's still there but it's   not the thing that's driving us it's really to  be honest it's more spiritual and i'm doing that   because spiritual can mean whatever to anyone but  it is more connected we are more aware that we're   part of a bigger system it's not all just about  me it's about us that's my vision for the future   oh that's a beautiful vision for the future and  i actually can see that very clearly and i've   actually i think that i can feel that as well  jim like the response for ukraine it's it's   not just about the people of ukraine but it's  about the global community feeling what those   beautiful people are feeling and joining with  them and going gosh this is really not okay and   and believing that there will be a better outcome  very soon that's my hope yeah i agree with you i   i think so and if i can just leave one last  message here for listeners connect connect   connect go looking for good people doing good  stuff and reach out to them and connect for no   other reason to just bolster your hope because we  connect with good people it bolsters our hope we   go oh yes there are more people out there doing  good work and there's plenty of them there's   plenty of people doing good work so go look for  them and reach out and say hi and you will find   them when you set the intention that you want to  be connected to like-minded people and good people   because i know because i wanted to see good men  and gem and many others have been introduced to   my circle and i am incredibly grateful for that  and that was because i said to the universe   please show me good men i'm feeling really  distressed i need to know that there's good men in   the world and that there's good men creating other  good men and that's what happened so i want to   encourage the audience today jim fuller is a good  wonderful amazing human being please jump onto his   website jenfuller.com reach out connect he loves  chatting to people and if you're an executive ceo   listening and you think that elements of what we  talked about today are really important for you   and your organizers organization and your company  please reach out to jem have a chat and talk about   what you might need in your environment in  your company and within yourself because we   need better men now jim thank you so much another  delightful conversation it's a privilege to have   you on the show and i know that we'll continue  having further conversations both live and off   air um and i can't wait for the future it is  exciting me no end yeah tony thank you so much   yeah thank you for having me on my pleasure  that my wonderful audience is your everyday   business show this week we'll be back next  week join us then thank you gem and bye for now i'm going to do it to the best of my ability  because if i fail that means i feel for my   entire female nation i call it is that  possible that was the question for myself you

2022-03-31 07:14

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