Conversation intelligence in Dynamics 365 Sales Insights: Turning everyday - BRK2027

Conversation intelligence in Dynamics 365 Sales Insights: Turning everyday - BRK2027

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All right I, think, we have a, decent-sized, crowd to get started I'll, keep it a bit slow in the beginning so, that as, people join in they are still able to follow through and then, as, I go forward I'll start increasing the pace somewhere. In between I do want everybody to see the demo we, have a very cool demo that we have been working, on so I would like more people to see that so. Let's see how, this goes, okay. So, conversation, intelligence, in dynamics 365. Sales insights, how. We are going to talk about what it helps, you do it's, turning everyday, interactions. Into, powerful coaching, for sales teams in. Short if you can remember just this as, and, this would be a big takeaway a fairly long title for the session it's let's see if you can remember just this after the session all, right so when we are talking about sales, team sales coaching, who. Are the people who are typically involved in any sales organization, if we, were to simplify, this if, if, we were to simplify an entire, sales organization. We could divide the entire sales organization, into something. Like three personas the, first one being the seller who, is actually, having. Most of the interaction, directly with customers and then, there is a sales manager that is managing, a bunch of sales, reps, and then finally there is a head. Of sales or a sales leader or VP of Sales all. Of these different, personas have different kinds of question, every. Whatever. Be the question at, the end of the day everything, comes down to that one single point. Of convergence which is how can we increase revenue, how, can we boost the top-line and when. We break that down into several questions, by these individual. Personas, for. The seller. It's around how can I sell better how, can I save time and. Be more productive and focus my attention on, the customers, that will actually convert into win, scenarios, there, is also about which leads an opportunity, should I prioritize, on so for the seller it's all about managing that time and focusing. Efforts on the right deals for. The manager, it's around how, do I help my team members so that they can achieve their goals and it's. Also about how, do I help my reps. To, lift their conversions, so they a lot of there's. A good spectrum of sellers in the team there, are ones that are like sort of a player's how do I help everybody, else in, the team also, become, a players and I, would like you to remember these question. About for the manager because this is where we will sort of focus. A lot of the conversation, on for today finally. For the VP, of Sales for, that, person surround why, is the sales the way it is what. The why is my can can somebody explain my, current situation if somebody. Understands. The current situation then, there is a possibility that they will find out ways to be proved right and they'll come up with different ways to innovate in a sales strategy, the. Other kind of things that the person wants to understand, is they, are there opportunities, for. Triggering, a new sales motion can, some, analytics, system tell, me proactively.

Something. Unique by looking at my own data so, that I can take some strategic, decisions can. Somebody tell me which, are the competitions that is hitting me hard so that I can prepare my entire sales organization, better for that and, from. The VP, of Sales more, than individual, deals it's all about how, do I manage my accounts better can the analytics system tell me all of that all right so these are the different questions and we will start talking about how, the, system that we are building addresses. A lot of these and converges, into this bigger question of how, do i boost my top-line, so. When we are talking about the. Kind. Of impact. To any sales organization. CRM. Data or dynamics, 365, sales, data contains. Business. Process, outcomes and it can contains, process, definitions, so, what it, is looked at as a system, of record but all it has is what was the outcome okay. There are activities within. A dynamic system which shows around how. There is an association, between the, Briz Ness process and how, people are communicating with, the customers so something around relationships, but. If you really. Observe, where. Is the meat. Of the matter it's. All about the sales conversations. With, which, the sellers, are having with their customers that's, sort of the goldmine everything. Else is the what of the matter but, it's if you can really, mine into that conversation. That's, when you can understand why, certain, things are converting, and why certain things are, having some challenges and then only you can solve this problem right, so everything is about understanding. The sales conversation. Because that is where true relationship, selling lies and these. Sales conversations. Are happening, across multiple. Channels, like. In today's world it's not like everybody. Like even in this room we, will find out that different, people use different channels, of communication, in. Their day to day lives for example somebody might be using, heavily, making. Phone calls few. People might be arranging, meetings for. For doing like sort of group selling and doing demos then, there are ways to have like. Instant, messaging, and using, some messaging apps then there is link, using LinkedIn all social network sending. LinkedIn mails and, so. Connecting with customers over social network and obviously there is the traditional methodology. Of sending, emails so. There are these different kind, of channels. Of communication. Where these conversations. Are happening and a system that can bring, all of these things together connect. The dot with, the sales outcome, that is where the, like, harnessing, of true power really lies and that's what we will start seeing like we have made some effort on picking. Up some channels, to start with where we see a lot, of optimization. Has been going on and then, we will see how we are talking, about doing it for the rest of the channels -. This. Is one of the things that I recently found out that. Experts. Say that if there is like a three hour coaching. Per. Month for sellers there, can be up to 25%, of increase in revenue, imagine. Just, three hours of coaching in a month can lead to such. A dramatic, effect, in kinds, of sales conversions. Okay. So. How. Has actually, coaching evolved, over period of time and how has it evolved, with dynamics, like. I said previously everything. In, the system of record was about sales, outcomes, what. Do I mean by Sato sales outcomes there is things about information, about deal, value deal, was one ordeal was lost what. Was the deal closed date and, there are a bunch of things that you can do just with this kind of information right you can start predicting. Okay if historically. We are doing these, many deals, and it is taking this much amount of time to close what, is the likelihood of the new deals that is coming to the pipeline so there is some level of some. Level of coaching that a manager, or or. A leader, can do for their sales team by saying hey we. Might not be following in up enough and this is where we want to close more deals or managing some pipeline, so some things can, be done even, at the basic level of sales outcomes, at, the next stages understanding. Sales process, and activity. Data this. Is all around deal, stages, so as, you might know that whenever, an opportunity is going through various stages first. You are trying to create a connection then, you are prospecting, then, you get into sort of a develop phase where the sellers try to establish, relationship.

With The customer and finally, they get into some sort of invoicing, and closing the deal so, so. Then there is some level, of intelligence that can be derived by looking out how much time is being taken in different stages plus. There, is this element of metadata. About communication, which, means things, like how, many emails are the seller sending how often are the customers. Responding. How quickly our customers responding, are they actually looking at some of the attachments, or some, of the content that the, sellers. Or the sales, organization are, sending to the customer so, there is some level of intelligence, that can be derived from it and coaching, can be done for example a manager can say hey you might want to follow up a bit more because this deal is at risk, so. That's - the level of metadata. About communication, we, took it a bit forward, in, dynamics. By creating a concept of a relationship, health what. That does is it looks at all kinds of email, engagements. Recency. Of interactions. And it. Computes, a score. For, all deals, and accounts. All kind of what we called as Cola entity which is contact, opportunity, lead an account and then. It tells you okay this entire. Deal, seems to be at risk so, there is some level of coaching that can be done through, that as well so we took a bit a step forward and finally, to really. Make that big leap ahead. In terms of coaching its around, getting. Insights. About from, sales conversational. Data and what. What do we really mean by understanding. Sales, conversation, data it's, things like extracting. Customer sentiment for example if you analyze. All these different, massive, amounts of sales, calls that are happening and, somewhere. Somebody can tell me which, are the calls where the customer sentiments, were low a manager, knows which ones to observe. Read, through and understand, what happened in those conversations, and take, some actions around it similarly, there are different, mechanisms. To extract, let's, say what comes out of competitors. Were mentioned, in conversation. What, are some business, specific. Keywords. That were mentioned in conversations, and once, you can start doing aggregate, level analysis, about this you can start, to see trends and take, proactive actions, other. Than that there is also elements of getting. Behavioral. KPIs, about sellers what, is the style in. Which the sellers are communicating, and how, a manager can help coach, sellers. With different style so that again the objective, being managers. Can enable, everybody. To become like a players in the team okay. So, so. This, is how sort, of how the how. The path, of coaching has evolved, and now we are bringing. All of this together at. This point in time let's. Go with with, looking, at the demo I want to spend, less time on slides and more showing, what the product looks like so let's get into a, demo, situation. So. What we. Have today is. We. Will do a live, call, so. So. We so let's so however, you have to observe this so basically we have somebody who, is going to make, a call to, and. This person will act as a seller. Trying. To sell, as you're a, Microsoft. Cloud product so, trying to sell a shirt to a customer, and we have that customer. Sort. Of, a person, who is going to act as a customer, here and he's.

Going To receive that call we, will see how the interaction goes I have, muted this person so that there's not a lot of noise and you're able to garage so we you will be able to hear the, person, at this end which is the customer okay. And in. This in this because it's just a small, setting that we are showing you a sample call we will not do all kinds of privacy things typically. Whenever sellers, are making those calls they, do ask, customers are, you okay recording. This call and things like that so we will not focus on those things we will just have a simple conversation and, then, see how this. Flows. Into our system, okay, and how does the end result look like, alright. So. So. Yeah let's let's get going, if we can go, ahead and make that call and let's. See how this all shows up in our application. Hello. Good, how are you. I like. Microsoft, they deserve, I'm still trying out the product but I'm not too keen on support, plan just yet. Maybe, later I'm actually struggling, with which store service to use for my scenario I see, a lot of options I'm not sure whether is there. Not, right now they get few months later I do want to figure out what combinations, and has their services, will work best for my scenario I have different data sources and I watch them by now. By. All. Right so so, what just happened here is, so. Basically. We had so. This person was acting like a seller called Jaime and they. Tried to make a call to the customer trying to sell an azure support. Plan, because. The person was on a trial. I. Was still on trial. On Azure and now that's, why the seller. Was trying to do push. For a support plan at. This point I'm I had actually muted, because, I wanted to avoid that the transcription, doesn't have too much noise because the speakers, would flow into what, the. Person was saying here so that was the reason it. Was planned, that we kept it me rather than you might be thinking why I was just seeing a video, with a muted person so, so. At this point in time I will let so, how this is working, is after. A call is being recorded and I'm. Happy to announce today. That we just went. Into a strategic partnership. With red. Box so red box is one of the leading players for. Called. Recording and, as. Part, of and I'll talk a bit more about red, box as. We go forward. So. So. What, is happening here is after the call is being made red. Box is recording, that call red. Box is pushing, that call recording, and a metadata a standard, metadata format that we created into. A container, an azure container, that, the customer wounds and then. We go, ahead and process all of that call recordings, in. This case this particular call recording to extract transcript, to extract all kinds of insights, okay. So that is what that. Is what happened happened just now and we will see in a in a while how that particular conversation look looked, like so. Coming, back to the uber. Level scenario, here. Let's. Say I am a manager in Microsoft. Which has a team that is selling Asscher and all of this that you see on the screen let, me know if everybody can see it if, not I'll actually read through the insights as well but. This is data. That we observed. Internally. At Microsoft, so this product is currently, deployed in, Microsoft. For Microsoft, inside sales team. It's been very successful we, deployed it once, first, in the US with about 122, sellers, and about 15. Managers, and now we are expanding it globally to Dublin's, Sydney Costa Rica Japan, so we do multilingual, support multi, region and so. This is an example for, the call center inside, sales call center in the US the. Team is selling Asscher so. How. This entire application, looks like is first, you get an overview. Of the. Team so, you can see that, some 200 call recordings were processed, total, duration is about 13, hours there. Are some calls where out, of the 200, there are hundred and 75 calls where tracker, was being mentioned tracker. Is the definition of a tracker is it's some kind of domain-specific word. That, was mentioned in those calls and these, domain-specific words. Can, be defined by each customer in fact, we extended, it further, not, just the customer but individual, managers, in the team, can, define their own bag of words for example in this case the manager put, all kinds of words associated with a sure whenever.

Teams Are selling Asscher and that's why the manager wanted to see what all are getting, mentioned by the customers, in those, conversations, okay. So. That is trackers, then, how, often, are competitors. Getting mentioned in conversation, so. What, we do is we, again take a bag of words that tell, us about some of your competitors and we will start tracking them across all calls, ok, so that is how you would see this page the, first thing that you see is top-level insights, that. We surface first, insight is competitive. Products and brands AWS. Amazon s, ap are trending upwards across calls you, can imagine that, it was a team selling Asscher so, obviously. AWS. Amazon s ap are showing up there and all. Of this what you're seeing here is actually real real, information we mapped it up to a dev. Environment but. This was real information real insights, that we saw with, the inside sales managers at Microsoft, the, second insight is Asscher, teams, and sequel, are trending, upwards, across sales calls this, was really, very interesting for the team the. Team was selling Asscher customers. Were mentioning, teams this. Was something that they were not really aware of but by massively. Processing, call. Recording data at scale we were able to extract this inside now, here is a cross cell opportunity, for the team they're, selling Azure but somebody is asking about teams, and they are asking very often. Customers. Don't are not looking at those sellers as as your, team's or office sellers right they look at them as Microsoft, but. For the team they are trained, into selling certain category, of products with, this the, managers learnt, that there was an opportunity to train the entire team on selling teams. As well or get some some information, so that they can get, the right set of experts, to sell this so, imagine, how game-changing, this can be for your businesses, we're. Proactively. By, understanding. Conversations. At scale you, can get. Trends, about new, things that are coming up in conversations, something, like this which is a which. Is just like getting, gold, out of like. Out of the conversation, like you are seeing even, though certain, topics is what you expected, but some other things are getting mentioned in conversations, so. Those are some top, two insights. About content. Of the conversation then. There is insights. Around behavioral. Elements so we see, that jamie, is one of the members in the team that is having a lot of negative, customer sentiment, in the call okay in. This case the, person who called was acting as Jamie so we will look at one of that. Conversation. Apart. From the top insights, here, what we show is also sort of a grouping of what are the. Words that are getting mentioned often for example in an azure call as your team sequel, service. Training, partners these are the words, that are getting mentioned very often, similarly. These are the competitive, products. That are getting mentioned that often, Cisco, Amazon, ASAP tableau, in for, Oracle. So, that is all around content. Layer of analysis, so we are looking at conversations, we are extracting information, at, the content layer, then. There, is extraction. Of information at the sentiment, layer so, what we are able to do is mined. Those conversations, pick, up on each. Conversation what, is the customer sentiment. Aggregated. All across all sent all calls also, pivoted, across time and then. Also pivoted, across individual, sellers so, managers can quickly understand, ok with sellers are having what kind are deriving what kind of customer sentiment and are, there some folks. Who need some coaching so, imagine how quickly managers, can do this but additionally what they were doing is going, back listening, to like, bunch of calls which was some sample, information there, were a lot of biases, and many. Times they did not even get any true, input. As to what to do with. Their with their team how to help them improve. Finally. The third layer of information is about, conversational. Style so, here managers, are able to see one. Of the KPS that is being used most often is talk. To listen ratio which, means in that team how, often are sellers talking. Versus listening, typically. What. Happens is if the customers, are talking, a lot and the sellers, are asking the right questions, it, means that the conversation, is going in a direction where sellers. Are able to understand the needs better right, so this is something that we. Have observed with our customers, that, they are using this as a very important, KPI to, do, coaching. The, other KPIs, are things, like talking speed which, is a very obvious one how fast, is the seller, talking there's. Things like customers. Longest, average, monologue a very long KPI, which, means what, was the longest time a customer spoke, at length which. Signifies, the seller, was potentially, asking good questions. Hence the customers, were talking a lot when customers. Are talking a lot there's a good chance that they're expressing their needs which, becomes, an opportunity to sell right, so that that is how these KPIs.

Are Getting. Calculated. Then, average, pause before speaking this, is something which again all of these KPIs are proxies. Towards, certain behavior, for, example average. Pause before, speaking. Is a proxy, for patience, for, example how often are sellers talking, over the customer if that's the case you will see that they are not enough pauses if, they are pausing enough then things, seem to be going fine, finally. Highest, average, switch, rate which is again a proxy, for. Engagement, for example in this particular conversation I've. Been talking a lot it's early morning potentially. Some people are feeling sleepy, but. If I was asking questions and you were responding, there's, a good likelihood that the conversation, is more engaging right. So so this is what sort of an KPI. That we put in to get, some behavioral, elements which. Can be used to do coaching, when. We did the first when. You release this which was last November, in public, preview we, got feedback and, that. Apart. From showing this to managers it feels like somebody's sitting on top and monitoring, the sellers so they said can you expose, these, kind of KPIs to the individual seller for their own information so, that they know what they are doing so, we went ahead took that feedback and, when. We go GA which is in about two months the. Analytics. About individual, sellers will, be able, sellers. Will be able to access their own information, so, it's no longer like only manager skinsky something sellers, can see their own information okay, so in this case let's see that one, of the insight was Jamie was, having a lot of high, negative customer sentiment, so as a manager I would, like to go ahead and see what's happening in Jamie's, conversation, so we had a team overview. Page, then. We have a seller, page and this seller page will become accessible to all, sellers. And. Let's. See if we have that call that we just did today. 6:11. So that's the call we just did in the beginning. Of the demo and, this. Is how the conversation went so now the. Manager can see. The. Call that we had, just done our, friend had helped us to that conversation so, the customer said hello and then the. Person on the other side said this Jamie from Microsoft, doing, good and this. Is how the transcript, looks like and then on, every, individual, conversation. There. Is a way for, looking at a timeline, of this entire conversation and, see sentiments, at specific, moments then. Managers, can see okay what let's, say what happened in this conversation at some point in time did it start going south so. At that point time managers can go ahead and start putting some comments. Right in the conversation, right, for example let's look at this particular call where there is a lot of negative, customer sentiment, you can, see the time line here. And. Let's, look at. So. Here. You can see that. The. Seller. Is really, trying to pursue. The customer in terms of selling that support plan customer. Says not, interested, I want to know more about Azure, storage services, can you tell me a bit more the. Seller continues, to say yeah great can you come to our event do you want to have support services and get. That subscription, the, customer is like not, so not, interested right now maybe a few months later the, seller. Pursues again so, this is a good moment of coaching, the Matt imagine, as a manager, I would not really have some. Visibility into something like this we, were able to process all the calls the managers was able to aggregate level see what is happening in those customer sentiment go, into, the.

Sellers, Calls, look, at all the calls filter, it by sentiments, jump. Into a particular call look, at the transcript, jump, into a particular moment in time of that call see. Where the sentiment, went south validate. So it's not like the system is standing go ahead and this person is bad and coach them but, the system, is showing them all factual information then. The manager can, go ahead and look through the transcript, to see oh is there really an opportunity to coach, and go ahead and actually put a coaching comment good. To pursue. But. Let us maintain. A. Healthy. Balance. To, customers so, imagine. Now the, manager, was able to at scale, do, coaching for this entire team and still, happy was able it is almost like the, managers are able to participate. In, every. Call because, they can now very. Quickly view. And take actions against every call so, this is what actually exists. In public preview. Any. Questions, I know there's, so much content and we have more, to. Talk about but. How. Have. You seen this before, what. Are the first reactions, to it before. I move forward. Okay. Okay. Yes. Very. Good question so I'll. Repeat it for everyone so the question, is we. See a lot of good data here but is there a way to bring it back to CRM either exporting, or some mechanism, I will, show you some so, this is what is in public preview which. Is which. Is very well received by customers today, I'll show you also what is the, new version of it when we go GA which is in about one enough months in that, we have started making connections right. Now you see all of this is pure conversation. Data the. Like, I said in the beginning the true power, lies when you start connecting the dots between, conversation. Data and system, of record so, we started. Making an attempt towards. Connecting. These conversations, with an opportunity, data and then, we will go further by, bringing all of this and enriching, CRM, with these information, so we will take not, just the transcript, as a sort, of URL, that you can go to this page but, all the insights will be brought, back into CRM so that's something that is part of our plan, and. Part of our immediate plan ok. All. Right so what I'll do is I'll jump back to. The. Presentation, and show. You guys what. Are the new look of the app would be so, what you saw was basically. On team. Page an overview, page a seller. Page in the, team page you saw that they were some, some. High-level insights, which, gave, the managers. The power to, make. Strategic. Changes. And take that inside and to cross-sell opportunities then. We also some saw, some an, example of how managers, could see, like. Conversational. Style about sellers and coach them by jumping into a particular call looking at sentiment, looking at transcript, things like that now. We will see what else are we doing in. In. Basically. Going to months, forward on, August 1st when we go GA we. Create we have created a new page homepage. For the app ok, in. That new homepage and. Let, me actually. Okay. So you can see a video to, just see how this entire app would be looking. But. Essentially, at the first level we bring something called as customer, or many, folks. Like to call it market insights which, is bringing. Aggregated. Information, something. That we saw that. What. Are the. Competitors. That are trending what is happening to sentiments. So, we are creating additional. Models, we have invested, we are investing a lot in this space so we created some additional models on going.

Beyond. Just the words that customers, tell us we, created our own brands, model that. That, uses, a lot of bings entity, framework, technology. To understand, more, than the bag of words that was given to us we will mine, all those conversations, and extract. Brands, that was never told to us and surfaced, that to you saying hey these were new brands detected, in the conversations, you, might either want to add it and start tracking or you might want to take some actions around it and then, we will start showing you conversations. Backing, up that inside, so you can yourself see when these brands were getting mentioned so, that's the first model that we added the second thing with that we added is we. Created emotions. Model so we started with sentiments, and then, we are going granular. Into those sentiments by extracting emotions things, like negative. Is a good starting point but then breaking that negative down into indifference sadness. Fear anger those, kind of things so we are going first with textual. Knowledge, to, extract emotions, and then, we will sort, of we are investing even further to use tonality, of voice to, further, sort. Of enrich, the emotions that we calculate so that's the sort of second model that we are we, added, towards our G plans. So. Again going back you saw some high-level market. Level or customer, specific insights, by analyzing all calls, that. Can be used to either, start a new sales motion, something. That we sha saw teams, is popping. Up that becomes a new sales motion or training. An entire team for, example new brands but we are getting mentioned we, want to ensure. That everybody can defend better against this new competition. Right so so that was the intent there so that's the high-level inside then the second layer is about. Getting. Top. Sellers. So what we are doing is a new concept like we. Understand, a cluster, of top sellers what. Their behavior, looks like and we, surface that information, because, customers, told us we, know who are top sellers are you, tell us why, are they top sellers like I do not really know that part, and that's what we did we went ahead and started, looking, at CRM data who. Was generating a lot of revenue and, looking, at their revenue information we started looking at their conversational. Information. And we started putting these things together one. Of the things we noticed that customer. Sentiments, many times good sellers might be generating a lot of negative customer sentiment not that they are making customers angry but, they asking the right questions. Hence customer ended up defining a lot of their pain points and pain, points are looked as negative, customer sentiment, so essentially, what customers are doing is they're using the tool to, look at all conversations, where customer sentiments, are negative because, it's either an opportunity, to sell or, an opportunity to coach so, either way those are win, wins for the customer so the third thing we did is we brought in a lot of CRM. Knowledge, and we, are letting the managers, coach. At. An uber level coach. An individual. Level by looking at top sellers and also, coach at individual, deal level so we let them see, with all the relationship. Health score I was talking about manage. The, pipeline, see which deals are at risk which leads. Need are losing momentum and then coach individual sellers hey can you see what's going on can. You follow up with this particular custom and things like that so, that's sort of what, we are doing on our homepage. And then, obviously there is also a new thing that we added on top of the screen it, says ask a question about your data so, that is a natural, language query, based. Question. Answer methodology. So now customers. Can type in a question tell me show me all conversations, where. A particular, cust a particular competitor, was mentioned and we. Will dynamically, create a power bi report and show it to you okay. So this is again a new capability that we are launching which, is using pure. Natural language, to, write english-based today, we support only English language for that particular, feature and you. Can type in queries, in English and we will report generate. A dynamic report for it so, you can imagine the power like few, things we give out of box insights, that we think are very important, but we do not end it at that you, can explore your own data to find some new bits of information that can be valuable to you ok. Yes. Very, good question so basically the question is you. Have all of these insights how, do, you then map into the next best action something. Similar to the story of a system that we have today right, so what we're doing is given, this is all part of dynamics, we have started with the standalone app that you see we. Come up with our own out of box insights and as. Part of our roadmap we are going to populate. All these insights, into, our assistant, that, can be surfaced across different surface areas it will be surfaced in the app it will be surfaced in teams it will be surfaced with in dynamics so sellers will have all those kinds of insights to take the next best action so, that's part of the roadmap it's not there in it's not going to be there in GA but, it's we're going to come after, that ok, all.

Right. What. Are we doing apart, from adding the new homepage we. Have, we. Are making some improvements to the team view so you saw the team view before, we. Are making few more updates to the team view apart. From like I was saying apart from doing sentiment, analysis, we, are putting. Emotions. In the in there as well then. We are bringing, in pipeline, and analytics for example, view what you saw was pure conversational. Analytics, but we are connecting, the dots between CRM, data and conversation, data and bringing, sales. KPIs. For that seller into the team. View as well so, then what can happen is now managers, can see these, kind of KPIs in a sales pipeline who. Is having what kind of open opportunity, is who has generated how. Much revenue who, has a lot of open revenue, so managers can really manage which person, is having what. Kind of pipeline. Ok. So that's the sort of update. We are making to the team view. Next. Going, into the seller, page, which is something, that you saw again where we show the transcript. We are making some additions there as well. In. The, public, preview version as well anybody. Could, close, on the coaching loop by making those comments the one that I showed at the end but now we, are infusing dynamics. Sales. Like, related. KPIs, which we call like different, channels of communication, we have, things. Coming from some. Email coming from calls and now we are populating. Even the sales KPIs, and for. The seller we're showing a progress over time because. Whenever you're, running a coaching scenario as a manager, or as an individual seller you want to see whether your KPI is improving so for the seller we show everything in respect to time and we, show with in the comparison, to the team average so you want to know where you are with. Respect to the team and are you improving so we bring all of that in the seller experience. So. So, that's all what is going to happen in our, GA. Time frame when, it comes so a lot of people ask us how does this all work, what do I need to do to start using the app like. How is this working. Behind the scene essentially. What, is required is first an admin, comes in a dynamics. Admin to, the app which is HTTP. Sales, dot, a I dynamics. Comm you. Can go to the app today it's preloaded, with sample data but. When you click connect on data and admin. Has. To come into picture the, admin takes, provides. Their dynamics. Org so. Which is a very sort. Of normal thing then if you're using dynamics, so you provided dynamics org you, agree to terms and condition there, there are some preview features like the. Ask, the question about your data thing so, you, agree to terms and condition about that and then, you connect, your call data then. I say connecting, to call data what does that mean, we. Have two, possibilities. To do that one, is as. An, admin you know about, your, call data basically you have your call recordings and the, call metadata, when. I say call metadata it's things like any telephony, system generates call, metadata like who, was the caller what was the phone number when was the call being made we, have created, a standard JSON format, so. That anybody, any telephony system can map. To that so, if the admin has the call recordings, and the. Call metadata, then. You, can set it all up we ask you to put those call recordings, and metadata, into an azure container, give. Us details, about that I showed container and then, we will start going ahead and picking things from there processing, it and keep on deleting it so we do not retain the call recordings from, a privacy standpoint we are pretty much a transient. Service that's constantly, working on a stream of information that is coming in that's. One way to set it up the, other way to set it up is the. Partnership I was talking about which, is the strategic, partnership with the red box so, red box brings in two things one if you don't even have called recording at all and you're just having, a call center set up with telephony, you can use, red box to record. Start recording your calls and red box has already, built the pipeline, to push the call recordings, and call metadata, in our standard, format into the container so. Then as a customer, you're. Sort, of. Onboarding. Is fairly, smooth, and out okay, because the partner is going to help you do that the, other thing is if you, already have, called. A recording, system in place but, you don't have the call metadata, and you want somebody to help you with doing, better. Capture, and pushing this again red box can come into picture so you can use them as your core, recording. Platform, and, also on top of an existing recording, platform, okay, and this, is how this, can be set up by the admin once, this is set up by the admin managers.

Can Log in using their standard, ad which. Is also their cred credentials, for dynamics they. Can select the dynamics org set. Up the tracker words, the bag of words I was talking about for their team set, up a list, of competitive, words for their team and get, going for. The sellers, again. Once it is all set up at the org level sellers. Use their ad to log into the app and they can start seeing their information. Okay. So this is how sort, of what it looks like on the right-hand side there are some views around how. Our setting, experience, looks like it has some things around managing, privacy, we have incorporated, and given a lot of freedom for customers, to manage their own data as to how much how, long do you want us to retain it do you want to just get rid of it within 30 days things, like that so. A lot of things that make. Us completely, gdpr, compliant, so we have put a lot of effort over the time to make sure we are following all kinds of privacy, rules and, that's why we provide, a separate tab just to manage privacy for customers, and then, there is some information around managing. Your conversation, content, similar, things that I'm talking about here from, an experience, standpoint. Okay. So, we will go past this, prerequisites. To using initially. So basically this was called called, intelligence, and the, app is called sales, insights, app, okay. So. To use, call intelligence, capability, you, must have a Dynamics org, you, must have called recordings and. The. Call recordings must be in two channel or what is called as stereo, format, okay. And then, you, must have a Azure. Subscription a blob. Container where you can dump those called recordings and metadata, files for us to process and. For. That metadata file we have created a standard format, it's all published in our documentation. Okay. And for. Folks. Who do not know what is a two-channel, or a stereo channel file what, it means is if you listen back to that call recording you can hear one speaker on your left ear and the other speaker on the right ear okay, typically, if it's a mono channel recording it's like listening to music you hear everybody on all on. Both yours ok, so that is what that means we, work on two channel because that gives us a higher level of accuracy, in transcription. Okay. So this is something about red box like I defined it's. One of the top leading. Players in voice, recording, they, bring in they, already have integrations, with various, telephony, systems so if you, are using one of these telephony systems you. Can look at red box to become, like your called, recording player. Or to, even just capture, information and send it to us for processing, so, they captured. High quality audio in the format that we are looking for they'll, push, all this metadata, in the right format that we're looking for and then. You, can start using the, analytics part from. The app that I showed you. Okay. So these are some typical questions, but I think this is the right point. These. Can give you some cues as to what kind of questions people are asking in this topic or if, you have some questions on your own it's, a good time to get. Into that phase. Yes. So, if. I understood this correctly so there is a multi-party, conversation.

And Is, this wire teams, or bias um meeting environment, or is it in person, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it's an in-person conversation. Okay. We. We have we have not solved for something like this yet. Obviously. It will require some either. Your mobile phone or something to capture that information and stream, it for us to process it the. Real-time has. Come up as a in, person conversation has come up as a potential scenario, for us but in the for your case it would not just be in person in, person multiple, party with noise and all you'll have to manage a lot of it so it's. It's a complex scenario, but I think it would be, part of our like. I would say longer-term roadmap, but. The I think you mentioned you do have a call, center set up and all so maybe you can. Okay. So I'll, go ahead. Absolutely. Right so basically if if you remember, the second, stride I was showing it is different. Channels of communication, call intelligence, was our starting point we are already, evolving it towards pure conversation. Intelligence, which is about different channels of communication, so, now we are going to go beyond calls in to get the first we will go after meetings and. Typically sort, of teams meetings, is a good way because all it's all Microsoft, internal but, yes chart, is something that is part of our roadmap, as well not, immediate, future, but I would say we. Are looking at potential folks, who will bring that data source to us we, already have all the models for processing, because, Chad is similar to like. It is it is also pure conversation, typically. Chart is a bit different than calls, because the way people write and the way people talk are a bit different but, yeah we have the right set of technology, to support that kind of scenarios we don't have it yet though. Yes. Yep. Correct. It. Would it. Would it is so, poverty. The assistant, is not part of the GA plan and GA, is August, first it's, going to be part, of the story after that. It. Is a separate web app. Sales. Inside SAP yeah, and it's, part of the when. I'm saying it's part of the dynamics, sales. Inside, story, it's part of that licensing, the same licensing, model okay, it's just a standalone app that, you can use. Somebody. That's. Fine yeah. I mean, actually. You have to tell me what, you saw if you think is variable because, for we, have different sets of customer customers. Who are using it and they see value even, for their existing customers because, they want to analyze what's going on these conversations, so, you can. So. There's some other fa. Q's that people, typically, ask us, which. Is mostly around the tech, behind things how was the sentiment. Model getting created work which. Kind of channels views like I said we support stereo. Channel only we, have done some, more we built the technology to support mono channel but, we have still not sort. Of we do not open. The support for it yet, okay. There is a lot of complexity, involved we. Have it but we want to see we want to do more pilots with other customers, before. We say. Okay we have opened the support for it. Alright. Essentially, in what. We want to do with all our AI story you have heard something about the assistant, you, might have heard some, things around embedded insights when, some, of our team members did, presentation, on sales since I overall. What we're going after is the pure sales. Ai feedback, loop okay, we started with those different personas about, a VP, of Sales a, sales manager a rep a Sales Operations person. It's. All it all comes together we have a sales coaching, that the managers, are doing at an individual, rep level then, there is an assistant, studio they, an Operations, person or a manager, can create cards.

Intelligent. Cards for their sales team this, will, get published via the, assistant, which is the guided selling giving them next best action in dynamics, in teams all of this will come together into aggregate, level and analytics that leaders, can use to drive strategic, change essentially, you'll have a full loop and we will keep going through this iteration, again and again so that managers can and. The entire sales organization. Can benefit, from it so this is sort of our uber, level story of what we are going after by bringing in the different pieces of, the. AI elements, to our sales, story and this is how things, get connected in terms of even if it's a standalone app how it's connected to our uber level dynamic, sales inside. Story. All. Right from, a roadmap perspective, August first like I said it goes GA we. Have the experience for managers and we, have created some additional, models around, brands. Emotions. Going. Forward we will do some, we. Are investing, heavily in this we, are bringing more richer speech models, and. Going even further we are going to create, deeper. Content, and language models, continued, capability. Enhancements, of for sellers managers, leaders things, like that and. Finally. If you, haven't tried the preview go. To sales dot a idot dynamics comm, like. I said the app is preloaded, with sample data you, can try it out if. You want to onboard a customer. Or if you are a partner that wants to onboard a customer contact. Us at D 365. Call intelligence, at Please. Try to avoid emails just asking us questions about. Other products if you expect especially looking. For onboarding, customers. To this contact. Us here and. Yeah tell. Us if you liked the session I think. There is a mechanism to provide feedback so, please do, that any. Other questions. I think. They spot on our, time so. More. Than happy I can be around for a little more to. Answer any questions that you might have thank. You thank you all for joining. Have. A good day.

2019-06-23 01:19

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