CASE STUDY: She closed $25K and took her business global!

CASE STUDY: She closed $25K and took her business global!

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good afternoon everyone or good evening for some i know on the east coast it's about a little bit after 7 p.m thank you so much for being here with us tonight this evening i am interviewing my client opal jermaine she is a business coach who helps her clients obviously increase their revenue and their profits and i'm here to interview her because hello she's been doing great with her business in her life so we're here to talk this evening hey opal hey what's up linda not much i love this hair i love this hair thank you thank you yes oh so it's a tuesday and it feels like a monday because yesterday was a holiday and let's just get started right i've been uh i don't know i've been trying to catch up with you because for those of you who are watching you guys know that i do client interviews and i interview my clients the minute they have a win like you have a win take a breath i interview you but opal had wins like two months ago three months ago last week but all she do is win win win no matter what it's difficult to catch up with opal she's got a busy life she's uh very active in a church she's she's just busy and so i'm like opal we've got to do this interview oh well we've got this interview so let's just put it out there opal has made over 25 000 working with me she has um you guys know that i believe that money gives you choices money allows us to break generational cycles and the money that she's made has allowed her to go with one of her clients all the way to africa so we're going to talk about that and anything else if you guys have any questions put them in the chat so i can see them and i can ask them of opal if not then opal and i are just going to talk away because that's what we do so opal welcome again thank you thank you thank you tell us tell everyone how did we meet how did you like me how did you find out that linda existed so crazy um it was really crazy because i never was a huge social media person so there was this new app that came out and it was kind of like exclusive so you know you felt you kind of felt like you were somebody special you were on the app because everybody wasn't invited so i hopped on in the episcopal clubhouse i hopped on the app i went into this room and this lady who was talking [ __ ] um just like my type of person like you know she was a beast you know if no one on that stage matched her energy and what she was saying and the convict conviction behind what she was saying so it's like who is this linda person so of course me i'm on instagram and i'm like okay um okay let me see if i can find on facebook okay let me google her who is she you know i was i was curious and of course it was you it was linda and um i instantly fell in love and i think i told you this our first conversation that we actually talked um that i knew you were gonna be my coach i knew it from that moment i knew it i didn't know i didn't know hey y'all i didn't know the price i didn't know what i was in store for but i knew if i wanted to get to the next level it was linda wow so you googled me and everything i did i did i think i told you all of that no you didn't but you know what guys i know if you're following opal is your do you have your phone in your hand you can go ahead and share this interview from my page onto your page so that people can watch it i don't have it in my hand let me okay that's fine well i'm gonna share it okay all right cool let me uh record it too yeah well it is recorded but we want people to be on here live so if you're watching and you're an entrepreneur you're a coach or a consultant share this interview out because the purpose of these interview guys if you're watching and you are making money for yourself on the internet these these interviews are not to hype up the coach these interviews are to take people through the steps of the process of how a person came to know you how they turned into a client the psychology behind that and i'll let you know i will be here to testify that people have hired me when when i worked with my coach shamika people have hired me from that interview that i did with her when i worked with my coach alok people have hired me from interviews that i did with alok so people will hire you when you do interviews with your coach that's just the way it goes and we want you want to interview all your clients that are winning because different clients can relate to their different stories so anyway um so opal met me on on clubhouse and i did the thing that i always do i reached out with a voice clip we started talking opal was like getting ready to travel because the girl just be traveling and stuff during the pandemic yes so she was like hey i have a girls weekend so i was like okay well i'll get back with you and the truth is when she got back i forgot to follow up to see i'm not perfect i forgot to follow up and whenever i remembered her like a week later i was like oh hey and we touched base and then i sent her the link to to fill out the application and she got on my calendar now when we were talking i know that you had said you told everybody here the first time that you spoke with me you said girl you're going to be my coach but what was it specifically do you recall what is the thing it could just be one thing or a feeling that gay that you got and you were like i'm gonna work with her um i think what it was i envisioned like who i am like in your shoes at that moment what you were saying like i'm like this is something i i can do why am i not doing it and this woman who i don't know is like winning at it like what so bad really because i'm number one you're relatable and for me what really stuck out is that i can do this it just in that moment and what you were saying maybe it was a no it was just a no-brainer so that's what i guess yes and i think it's important it's super important to understand that it was relatability on our sales call we talked about our kids yes we still talk about our sons you have a song right and so that was huge relatability this woman right now i know you didn't think this consciously but subconsciously it's like whoa she's a mom she's she hasn't walked uh you know a path of roses she's actually had some struggles but she's overcome she's still dealing with some struggles and she'll even look like it it's like she's walking on water and you could relate to that and so everybody who's watching your clients you want to be a mirror for your clients right so your clients cannot see anything in you that's not already in them so when your clients are like you're such a badass or that they are a badass right and opal you just said you were able to see yourself and we were like i could do that right that's really cool so let's talk about you became a client we have our first meeting our first call and then the very next weekend you go and you do this extravagant vip weekend tell us about that talk about pumping someone up or as the kids say gassing you up i was gassed up from our first conversation so i planned a vip weekend i'm like i can do that i plan stuff i love to do this this is something i do for free so why not do it in charge it was like a no-brainer because i love to entertain and i love to pour into people so what i did um i had a group of ladies and there they're my friends as well um i believe it was five of us in total we went to uh biloxi mississippi and we stayed at the golden nugget um and everything was included in my vip uh weekend like it was a full weekend so their um their uh meals uh their hotel we also had um uh moments of reflection we went through a lot of stuff and believe it or not these are women that i know that i really didn't know what they had going on until we dug deep during the weekend and they were so thankful um they really enjoyed um the conversation and they were able to release things and move forward in their businesses these are all business women um so it was literally amazing and i'm a fun girl i like to have fun so i went there on purpose because there's a restaurant down there called the sugar factory that i love and i i love to enjoy myself so this was their first time experiencing that so the whole weekend from beginning to end um was nothing but fun but also releasing and that's what i called the weekend it was a time to release so um we were all able to release a lot of baggage these women uh they took everything they learned and when i say they came back like kicking butt in their business um it was amazing what was one of the results from the women who attended in what was her business results okay so this particular lady she's a boutique owner and so she um she was kind of stuck she had an idea um but she was like at the edge but she it was a it was a fear of what um people might think you know a lot of times we we're afraid of what people might say or might think or you know we worry about that too much so we had a conversation that weekend about that and um she had a major breakthrough so when she came back the idea that she came out but i cannot say it because she hadn't put it out to the world yet but the idea she came out with she she literally has worked on it and um i'll go ahead and say she's not gonna kill me she lost her own brand she's not she's not she lost her own brain off of it okay and so and like this i was looking at live she did the other night like she sold all pretty much all her clothes on her rack like you know she did a lot it gave her um a sense of like i can do this i can do this matter of fact i did an interview with her and she talked a little bit about that and some of our conversations um so for her that was a big win i was super excited about that because she was literally on the fence and um that fear of failure that fear of um what are they gonna say uh that kind of just went away you know she was able to move forward so i feel like that was a huge win for her especially knowing her personally in her uh her trials yes and then that's huge and then you went and did another repeat vip weekend you rented a beach house guys i just have to tell you this i thought that i was amazing when i meet with my clients vip i take them gifts no opal rents like beautiful airbnbs opal gets a chef yeah opal has breakfast lunch yeah i mean like over over-the-top experience can i tell you and if the crazy thing about that is these images of what i want pop in my mind and i just do it you know so the beach house is a no-brainer i know a private chef she was i literally as soon as i finished mississippi i was like okay i'm gonna do this again text the chef said looked up to me if i could do it in my sleep i could plan and so from beginning to end the um the vip was truly an experience i believe in creating experiences it's not just you coming there just to learn but it's also for you to relax to let go some of the stuff that you're dealing with on your day-to-day that could stop you from progressing in your career or your business so i wanted everything to be taken care of like for them to totally enjoy themselves because a lot of us are mothers or we're taking care of someone or we're taking care of people at work so we never have time to actually relax and let someone take care of them so with my vip days i also take care of you you know i make sure that you're catered to like you should because everybody's queen yes so guys listen i'm about to coach opal on this interview and you guys are gonna see me do it this this is amazing so guys this is just the free coaching session right here for everybody but this is for opal okay so opal when you hold vip weekends and you rent a venue whether it's a house airbnb a hotel a restaurant whenever you stick a group of people in a room regardless of how that room comes about like i said airbnb hotel restaurant that is called a conversion event it is an event where you convert the attendees into whatever you are selling them at the end of that thing so imagine for a second that you rent a beautiful airbnb and you have five amazing women entrepreneurs show up and that weekend is spectacular you guys do everything that you have been doing in your vip days you release you enjoy you pamper you learn you dream cast you start vision building and at the end of that you pitch your 20 000 annual program and because it is so amazing five women say yes i'll fly because there's a payment plan right and you have a 100 000 weekend yes this is how we have 100 000 weeks 100 000 days later on when opal repeats this two three times she now leaves the airbnb and she now goes to get a hotel and she now is holding a small event and she's having a half a million dollar weekend a million dollar weekend yeah forth so awful i just saw that for you i'm like oh yes you can have a hundred thousand dollar weekend coming up shortly because i know that's gonna be our next call that it is that's it look that's that's a challenge i'm up to it i'm up to it it's a done deal though because you already you already know how to put people together right so anyway i'm not going to coach really really really but we're going to coach on that we're going to coach on that mindset what you just said so i love this you guys opal do you still have a full-time job i do so what would you say to people because a lot of women are they have a belief that if i have a full-time job i can't really be out here coaching because somehow that's some type of imposter syndrome showing up please talk through that so i'm glad you brought that up because i talked to a lot of my clients about this you have time for what you make time for right so there's always time i mean i feel like when people say well i have a full-time job and i can't do this i can't do you're making an excuse and excuses will get you nowhere nowhere and nowhere fast so for me it's a matter of time management so literally i'm a planner i'm an organizer so therefore and i have my clients do this plan out your days and i'm not saying plan out your day that day that moment like literally take your time if you can plan on a month plan out your mind plan out your week start out a week if it's too overwhelming but at the end of the day you have time so i work i work eight to five really i work probably around seven or four some you know just depends what time i go in and when i'm off my clients are scheduled in the evenings and most of them work too so it works out perfectly and if i have a client during the day i just make sure i take my lunch during that day let me tell you the grind doesn't stop just because i'm working it does not i love that and the reason i asked you to talk to that opal is because when i started coaching i had a full-time job i couldn't just up and quit because i had this great dream i was raising my kids you know they were in high school and a lot of people on the internet were trying to shame others like well how are you teaching people how to make money if you still got a job right what so i saw my clients on the weekends and like you i took lunch breaks and i saw my clients from my car you know like i would do our sales call you know our hour meeting from the car so i love that because it has added a cool 25 000 to your to your bank account yes and it was not hard to do a couple of vip days and a client tell us about you were sitting on a panel a local panel for your community where you live of entrepreneurs and tell us about that how did that come about so it's crazy um one of my clients who is like the clients um she reached out to me and she was looking for um there was five individuals to sit on a panel to speak to business owners on how to sustain your business during the pandemic and so she thought of me because she saw how fast i was building my business during the pandemic and she has asked me 50 million questions about how how do you do this how is it in it i'm getting a lot of those questions and i can teach you how to do that but at the end of the day she chose me because she saw that i literally grew my business when people weren't making money when people weren't surviving so i um joined the panel it was um five people it was um me i got from chick-fil-a a lady that owns a health um like herbal business um a media person and um i feel like i'm missing one other person i can't think right now but so it was very diverse um backgrounds on the panel and the one thing i got the entire time was i like they saw themselves and me so that goes back to what you said at the beginning relatable and um i do find myself relatable because i totally i even though i'm young i've been you would think i'm 60 or 70 years old because i'm very wise because of the stuff i've been through i've become an expert at a very young age so um that panel i was very honored at first i was like why me but i know why me i know because i know what it takes to get there tell people don't really get how big that is you sat on a panel with chick-fil-a right these were local businesses that are listening to you talk to them about sustaining your business through the pandemic yes like this is huge and i know opal that you you and i have very similar personality types so we do amazing things and we don't really think it's amazing we like oh that was that was freaking awesome the fact that someone else is listening to you and you're like me listening to me teach them how to sustain their local business through the pandemic right that is huge you are an amazing business consultant i love the way that you see money i mean you work with mortgages during the day this there's just a different way that you see money that you look at money i love that for you now then the client my client the client right who is that client and what happened when she wrote and published her book oh my god back from wow okay so yes she is the client that is the felicia young um i'll tell you real quick the backstory we met in january at little woodrow's and she needed to talk to me i didn't know i did not know why she needed to talk to me or but she had to get to me like she said that like i needed to get to you and she asked she told me about the book and she said she just she's been sitting on it for i think it was at least two three years and she just didn't complete it so i literally i said okay let's do it she knows i pay attention to detail i said there lies like literally i i am a true project manager like in it and she understood i'm not gonna fall for the bs like if i ask you to do something do it and then it's helped to pay if you don't i'm like that and most people that work with me understand that like i i'm not playing don't waste my time so she knew when when it was time for her to get serious to publish this book she knew she needs to come to me because i wasn't going to play with her and we're gonna get this done because if you ask me to do something i'm gonna do it and i'm gonna do it correctly and on top you're gonna pray with her not play with her there you go [Music] [Laughter] yes okay okay and um so this woman published this book and it just so happened to end up in africa and let me tell you how this has blessed my life from then to now we went to africa in august so i was able to spend my 40th birthday in africa it has always been my dream to go on a mission trip we have a wonderful pastor that um allowed four women no one from the church i go to antioch missionary baptist church john r adolf and he mentioned this no no one else from the church has ever you muted yourself i don't know what happened we can't hear you am i back okay you're back my apologies you're back um so there's never been four women to do a mission trip from that church or women in general to lead so this book took us literally to lead a mission trip to someone we've never been we didn't know what we were walking into but let me tell you something when i say god was in the midst i and linda know we have these conversations i'm sorry if some people don't believe but we're believers and um he ordained all of this right he put you in my life for a reason he put the client in my life for a reason and it got me to africa this book i helped my client a book and she sold multiple copies became an international author and we went to the village to help these kids throughout the um throughout this time when we connected with the village we have helped feed the kids they weren't getting fed the government wasn't feeding them so we took it upon ourselves me and her and other ladies and we've been feeding these kids even to this day they're out of school right now that when they go back and we sent backpacks we stuffed backpacks we finally got to see the babies in august which was amazing when i say god spoke to me to me the whole trip the way i felt home i felt like i was at home but just watching how people work everybody is a business owner out there i'm not going to say hustler because they're not hustlers they are business owners they wait their kids are business owners they wake up early in the morning and they work to eat so why are we so damn lazy here in america come on now we are like that's what i found out out there we are lazy we are all privileged we all act entitled we do not have that work ethic so for me that was a big eye opener that opal you've been liking yeah you've been winning you think you've been winning but you've been slacking and you have not worked to your full potential so of course and you know i came back on fire on fire on fire i'm like i can't even get a hold of this woman it's like trying to get a hold of barack obama right now it's like oprah hello can i talk to opal please don't please hold yes i love that opal because again i believe that money gives us choices and every single person who's watching us right now if you are an entrepreneur i don't care what kind of entrepreneur you are you might be a therapist you might be a dentist you might be a lawyer you might be a teacher you whatever you are you're a consultant you are a coach you are watching me and you are watching opal because not only do you have a purpose and a goal for your life and your business but it is impact driven again where's the reason why you want to make money it's not just to be rich it's because you have a purpose that's a an impact in the world my impact is to put so much money in the hand of black hispanic brown women that we change the world like yes i would like i said this in my last interview opal i'm like i want to get a some type of award some type of global recognition for having created more women millionaires than anyone ever yes that's what i want because when we do that and more women learn how to make money their own money and lots of it whenever they want we're gonna change the economy yes in generations to come so that's the impact that i want to make with my business and the money that opal made in her business allowed her the impact to go to ghana yes and go impact lives and learn about her heritage and talk about meeting ancestors ancestor land saying put on that soil putting your feet in the sand i was watching all of your all of your uh live streams and all of your posts that stuff like i have goosebumps that stuff is meaningful it is stick your feet in the sand in africa and feel connected to your purpose and to why you were created and put on this earth that is not just like something pretty and poetic that's real right and if you're watching this and you are an entrepreneur and you are an impact driven entrepreneur it's going to require money to make the impact that you want to make you're not going to make the impact first yes linda dad right there is crazy because i just had that conversation um before we went to new orleans i said to um my friend i wanted to i've been tithing off of my business to go to global missions which is what we're doing but instead of this time tidying there i did it to new orleans and it's crazy what i was tithing was six hundred dollars and if anybody know what tied it in that's six percent right so that means i close the 6k client so that six that 10 went to new orleans and that what i told her was i've always wanted to be able to financially show what my heart shows so like what i like what i feel i've never been able to do that i've always wanted to give that amount i've always wanted to give all and more but i wasn't able to financially do it so building my business building my brand and building powerful women behind me i'm able to do that so those and it's crazy so i gave her the six hundred dollars and she said i'm gonna buy three pounds of water ask me how much those three pillows of water cost she didn't even know six hundred dollars oh perfect right and i i've prayed for this i prayed for this and you know going to africa definitely opened my eyes to a lot of things and it gave me such a sense of peace and like i'm in my position i'm i'm where i'm supposed to be and one thing i learned is to walk in authority like you have to walk in authority and me and you we talk about that you said it you said it and i heard it but like africa put the rubber stamp on it like yes yes you know walking that authority you have that power and i also say one thing like i like to part to see when i walk in a room i like to park the sea so if i see a crowd coming towards me i'm apart to see because i'm that bad [ __ ] just gonna park the seat i'll walk in it i do yes girl this the way i feel about myself like i think it a lot of it has to come from self-love too i fully love myself i love every inch of me i love my name and you know there's a story behind my name and while my brand and all that so you know for me um i'm just getting started people aren't ready they're not ready girl but you're going to give it to them so i think you got ahead of my next question i want to say what has been something that you gained from working with me that you didn't it wasn't in the contract it wasn't specifically business coaching but you got that and it's been instrumental to you something that you got yeah and i did get a little hit and it's a little bit of what i just said but i'ma say this so we talk we have sons you mentioned that and the conversations we have about our kids um that has helped me a lot um and it just goes back to the you know the realness like and that's why i chose you is because i knew you weren't gonna shoot me no [ __ ] like you weren't going to make up stories or try to make me feel better or cuddle me like you gave me some real advice some real [ __ ] that i probably didn't want to hear but i needed to hear so from me working with you i definitely got that out of every every conversation it was times i was sitting there i know you was looking at me because i was just sitting there like you know but the realness from you in the but really with my son in dealing with things and talking about our kids it's helped me to change my mindset with that because we do know a lot of times our families and what we're what we're dealing with at home creeps into our bid our business and so it can hinder us so for that i thank you because it did not because i knew how to deal with that demon i knew how to deal with that you prepared me for that so that i would say that ah that's great i'm telling you girl because we're we're we are well-rounded women we're not just like these business owners we have so much and the thing that i want everyone to get from this interview the the biggest thing is the relatability you will attract people like yourself opal was she didn't need me but i'm just the person that appeared into her path to to like pull all that confidence out of her she was already confident but now she really owns that right like when i when i enter a room i part that thing i say when i enter a room i suck the air out of it i love it when linda enters the room and the door opens like a freaking vacuum happens you've got to turn around and look you have to and that's okay you know what i mean who's here like your presence is powerful not in an arrogant way but like in a godly way like do you step in here with authority and people have to turn around and see somebody just stepped in the room who is it like that so i love that opal opal let me see what else i want to ask you girl we just been talking i don't know let me see if i got another question for you hmm um well what would you say to someone who is thinking about hiring a coach not just me anybody who might be thinking about working with you anybody who's sitting on the fence they've been following a coach for months for a year and they are sitting on the fence what would you say to that person do it why are you sitting and waiting you're wasting time you're wasting so much time and you're not making any money so what are you going to lose if you just start with you're not making the money now you can only gain from it you can only gain from it and if you don't that's shame on you so for me for anybody sitting on the fence you need to do it put your fears behind you and just do it that's i mean i it's like a like a nike commercial like literally i mean because at the end of the day if you're gonna sit there and watch the person and you know all coaches give out free advice but are you taking any of that free advice yes you sometimes don't start valuing that until you pay yes and let me tell you not only did opal pay she came all the way to houston and we went to dinner and she was like let's work together for a year send me the invoice i was like okay i will so it's that great when you work with someone and they're getting results and and you are also investing in yourself and when you are investing in yourself your clients want to continue working with you because they get the benefit of all the coaching that you're getting that they don't have to pay for right whoa right so i love that opal is there anything that you wish you could have said during this interview that i didn't ask you about or that it was on your heart to share and you didn't um you know just continue to follow the journey because like i said before i'm just getting started um i really feel like my engine is revving up and there's so much more to come and um if you're thinking that you can't do it you can you can it's just simply you telling yourself you can so um that's really it you know i get so frustrated and i get so tired of people saying well maybe next time oh no i i don't know i mean you're psyching yourself out and you're setting yourself up for failure and it's just we are powerful oh my gosh we have so much power as women as women you know um so yeah that's pretty much it i love you girl where can where can people find you on the internet if they want to work with you or get a hold of you so um my facebook is open um so you can find me at opel germain it's on the screen you can go to my instagram it's opal underscore jermaine um no i think it's opal germain underscore 38 and then you can also go to my website which is og um you can look around on my website and just hit me up with my dm i'm always open to talk and um schedule a call with you and let's work together yes i love that when your initials are like oh gee cause i am my mama knew what she was doing okay she said let me have me this og right here let me call it a date i love it opal thank you so much for taking time out of your evening today to share with everyone i'm really excited i'm so so so so proud of you and the impact that you're making in the world and how you are helping your women win yes thank you this is not i'm about to say something if you are not black brown hispanic or woman of color if you are caucasian or something else this is not to hurt your feelings but our women we are consistently behind the eight ball if you google if you google the income disparity with women and minority groups what black would the average black woman makes in the united states what the average hispanic woman makes the united in the united states the average black woman from 36 to 45 doesn't even have a five dollar net worth with a bachelor's degree that is crazy you can google that i am here to change that opal is here to change that and it's a big deal yeah it's a big big deal when you have women that look like you you no longer have to say or can say no one that i know that looks like me is doing it we're doing it we're doing it oh boy i'm really proud of you i'm so excited for you i can't wait for you to have your next event where you're going to close 100 000 weekend because i just put it out there yeah you did and it's it look it's you might as well just claim that thing it's a done deal i'm gonna claim it it's over okay okay thank you everyone for being here tonight and go to if you would like to work with opal and you know where to find me right here until then until the next time thank you again for sharing this evening with us guys

2021-09-15 14:07

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