Career Coffee Talk Webinar Series Part 1: Interviews with Industry Insiders Business and Technology

Career Coffee Talk Webinar Series Part 1: Interviews with Industry Insiders Business and Technology

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My. Name is Shannon Gallo I am the manager of Career Services, at CUNY, SPS if. This. Is the first webinar from. Our, career, services office you're joining us for I hope you enjoy it and if you've attended previous webinars, I hope that you find this one worthwhile like, you have many of the others I will. Be the moderator for today's, webinar. So, you won't hear too much from me but, I will do my best to make sure that the, panelists, are able to really share their career narratives, and help all of you with some great advice for, your careers, a. Couple. Of housekeeping items, before we move ahead if you, have any technical trouble, using, the go-to webinar system. The. Recommendation. Is for you to call. 1-800. Two, six three six. Three one seven then. Press 1 for GoToWebinar. Then, two for, tech support if. You. Would like to ask questions, today and we certainly encourage. You to do so you, would use the chat field in your control, panel it, looks similar to, the pictures that are on your screen if you're. Using a Mac or a PC. I, do understand. That you're also able to join these programs. From a tablet, or a, smartphone so, hopefully, the. Way. In which you would send in questions, using, one of those devices is, also pretty easy we, encourage, you to send in your questions at any point during today's, webinar you'll. Hear from our three panelists. First and then we'll do questions, so. Please send them in at any point and I, have two fantastic, colleagues, that will be helping so, that we're able to address those thank, you to Darian Robinson, and Kelsey. Richardson, for their help this morning. Lastly. We are offering, a live stream, of captions, from today's webinar so there is a link at the bottom of your screen which you can go to if, you would like to take advantage of, the captions, we, will also be recording, today's webinar, and, sing it along with those captions to the YouTube page so, be on the lookout for that. So. Without any further ado let's get, started. The. First thing that will happen today you will, get an opportunity, to meet our panelists. And when I say meet I mean you'll hear from each of them directly giving, their career narratives, and their stories.

And. Then as I said before we'll go through the QA next. So. Without, any further ado, let. Me turn things, over to our first panelist, our business, industry, insider, Mike, Mannix, good. Morning Shanna thank you so much for having me here so. Excited, to be a part of this and good morning everyone. So, now, tell you a little bit about my background I, will try not to make it sound like a Mike Maddox commercial, and I'll start way back when way I'll also try not to date myself so. I won't give dates when I went to college but, I will I'll take you from that up to present and what I'm doing today so. I, chose. My major as well, when I graduated, I was one of those very unfocused, high. School grads not quite sure what I wanted to do with my life and figured. That out yet but we'll see, so. When I actually, attended, Adelphi University in, Garden City and. Graduated. With a major in communications. And business because. I truly, thought that I wanted to get in the film, industry in some way either being in front of the camera or behind it and making. A career of that so when I actually did, graduate I graduated. During one, of our recessions. I won't tell you which one and jobs. Were very hard to find and back, then it was also prior, to LinkedIn. And all these great tools that you have today to, find and search for jobs so, I was looking very hard to find a job and was lucky enough through. Networking which. I still believe today is the best way to find. A job it's. Not about everything, you know it's about who you know and that always helps you in your career, so. I was able to land a job in a very different, industry than I'm in today actually in the garment district and I. Started out believe it or not in reception, and I. Face to the company right or for the clients coming in still. Attempting. To pursue either. Acting, or something along the line of my major in the Greek but, then I what I did find is everything. That I learned, in school or a good portion of it I was able to apply no matter what position I was in so I moved from that. Early. Stage of being the face of the company to, in, operations. And then moved up the ranks to actually, running the operations, department and. Then moving into sales so, I have a both, a sales and operations, background, which I then. Decided as I. Realized, that I was not going to be a famous actor one day or behind the camera I wanted, to really focus on how I was going to take my career to the next level so I stayed with that organization for about eight years and found. Both sides of the coin very challenging, operations. From managing people hiring firing, all that kind of fun stuff and. Then sales how do you pitch your organization, how do you sell yourself how you get people interested in your product, so. I realized, that I did not love the garment industry so, I started, out again on my search on how to take. My experience, that I learned in those eight years and start to apply them wanting, to make more money, when I grow my career be able to at that point married. And and supply, a good, life for my children I. Took.

The Next step of again once again networking. So I was out there networking I was getting my resume, out I was going online I was doing all that kind of fun stuff and a. Ex, colleague, of mine actually said, hey Mike I'm working. With this really great company, I think you'd be fantastic. You need to come and interview. So, I got. The interview with it then the president, of the organization and was totally blown away by, this individual, I'm still in contact with today and said. I need to work for this woman she just impressed me so much a totally, different industry which is what I'm in today which. Is Business, Process Outsourcing and. Document. Process Outsourcing in the organization, that I joined now, I'm gonna age myself eighteen years ago started, when I was six okay, I. Was. In a very different role that I'm in today so I took my operations. Background, and my sales background and I actually started, out in their, recruiting division so, what. You do in Business Process Outsourcing is. We take. Part of cum businesses, and we run it for them right so they are actually giving us a piece of their organization, to put our people on site and, run. That piece of business and it's usually in the support area areas that are not usually core to their business so, what I was running was, the recruiting division so I was hiring hundreds. And thousands, of people to, be able to support all of our operations, here in New York and abroad so. Over, the 18 years that I've been with the organization my organization, has grown from being a very small New, York centric, company to. Now being in over a hundred cities we. Also joined a, Swiss. Post because we were under a different name back when we were actually acquired I helped in the acquisition, and. Now we're in 26. Different countries so. We're the North American, branch so. I progress, from being that recruiting. Mechanism. Moving, up into operations. Moving, up into field operations. Becoming a division, vice president, at one point I ran half the country, from, an operational, standpoint, and. Then I was tapped by my CEO, who. Said you know what Mike I want, you to run sales for the country I was like what, I wrote, operations, why would you want me in sales he, said Mike. First. Of all you're responsible, for I don't know few hundred people clients. Love you you speak operations. And I, want prospective. Clients, to hear that because you speak from the heart I said okay absolutely I'll give it a shot so. I was the chief sales officer from, North America for over six years and. I have to say that was an incredible, experience flying, around the country flying. Around the globe interfacing. With my counterparts, all over the world and helping. To take our organization, to where it is today about. A year and a half ago I was, uh I was. Tapped once again by my CEO, I said we're creating a brand new division it's. Called the enterprise client, group and I want you to head it and what. I want you to do is I want you to take 40%. Of our organization. And I, want you to run it from a business standpoint from an operational, standpoint and, also from a business development. Standpoint, so, now everything, for this part, of our organization rolls. Up to me I'm. Responsible for probably, about 900. Employees across. The US and I, travel, a lot for business. Enjoying. What I do because, I'm able to touch so many different industries and I think that's probably, if you ask me what's a positive. About my job is we're not focused on any one specific vertical we're all across different, types. Of companies so median entertainment, legal. Financial, and. Actually. Higher education, as well to the plus others but those are the main ones we focus on and. One of the other things that I've done throughout my career and I promise, I will wrap this up in the next thirty seconds, is I. Have always been I've always prided myself on. Mentoring. Teaching. And helping. People grow in their career path because when the day does come that I leave my organization, that. Will be my legacy and I've just I've enjoyed, teaching so, much from. The get-go and I've done it all throughout, my career and I I, put. That up for my father because, he, actually was my superhero and he was a professor, he was an adjunct professor and.

He Taught paramedics, and it doesn't get any cooler than that and he got the teaching bug in me a long time ago so I'm, able now to, take my 26, years of experience in, business whether. It be on the operation, side or on the sales side and I've, recently started teaching, outside. Of our company I've taught in our company for years probably going on ten years but now outside, as. An adjunct professor for NYU and I'm, also starting, to do seminars as well to going into organizations, and most, of what I'm teaching is around business or it's, around management, and leadership which I just absolutely love, so, that's my um my, commercial. Thank. You so much Mike I was sitting here taking some notes about some, of the themes that were coming through so, I'll, be eager to hear if some of those same things come, through from our other panelists. Remarks, more. From Mike later during the questions and answers, our. Next, panelist, today I am happy to welcome is, with. Another. SPS. CUNY. SPS Marissa. Joe marissa, take it away thanks, Shannon good morning guys so. Like. Mike and like, many other students, out there I wasn't, really sure what I wanted to major it in college in, high school, I took, ap. Chemistry and, thought oh great, via chemistry, major but. I took, my first advanced, calculus, course in college and, I. Barely, passed, that so decided, that maybe chemistry, wasn't the right way to go. I also took an AP psychology. Class in high school and, then took abnormal, psychology and, started, diagnosing. Myself every day I'm so decided maybe that wasn't the right path for me I finally. Started taking a, bunch, of general education, courses. During. My freshman year and realized, that I really, liked, English literature, I liked, reading about, it I liked writing about it I liked journalism. And I, liked the Spanish language so. I was fortunate enough to be. At an institution where, I could actually create, my own major so, I majored, in all three. During. That time I, also, took advantage of, all of the internship, opportunity. Is that my school provided, so, I interned, at a local newspaper in, the school town and I also interned, within, the public affairs department, within.

The Institution. And, that. Kind of drove my. Love for for marketing and communications. And. Also I, really. Understood that I enjoyed. Working in higher education. So. As far as Mike my career is concerned when I graduated, from my. Undergrad, career it, was a little difficult for me to find, work so. I enrolled at, Baruch colleges. Master's. In corporate communication, program, while I worked part time at Starbucks and. While. I enjoyed. Working in Starbucks, it wasn't, it. Was only part-time so. I couldn't really make the money I wanted to so, I quickly transfer, it over to two part-time, positions, one, at st. John's University. Working. For their career, change program, I'm at their Manhattan campus which, is within the, Graduate, School of Education and, I also worked, at Baruch. Sieglin School of Graduate, Admissions, processing. Applications. Once. I graduated, from my master's degree I actually did find a full-time job outside, of higher education, it, within entertainment. Based PR, where. I had. The opportunity to work with so, many different and wonderful clients. Promoting. Mainly. DVDs which are kind of extinct. By now but, they were around a lot back then, writing, press releases promoting. TV shows and while, I loved. That path I still found a lack I, needed. I needed to work with students, I really enjoyed the student service aspect, of what I did in college, so. I actually, found a job while. I was I was working at st. John's University, at. CUNY, SPS within. Their marketing division and while, it was a little, different, from what I was doing at st. John's University which, was mainly. Advising. Our students, on how to switch their careers, their, current careers to become teachers I realized, that I was actually pretty decent at, marketing. Communications. So. I applied, for the job at CUNY SPS and. I. I got it and I, started here six years ago as a marketing. Communication, specialist, and. I, became, a marketing manager about, two years ago and I. Absolutely love it it's, one of the most fulfilling and, rewarding careers. That I think, I can imagine myself having I, get, to work with faculty, staff. Students. And alumni on, a daily basis, I'm able, to promote our wonderful. Portfolio. Of programs both, online and, in person, so, what that means is, that I handle, a lot of the advertising opportunities. For. The school whether it's digital, social. Media, print, radio. I. Work, on our social media campaigns. So if you guys out there have, looked at our Facebook page or our Twitter, channel, or, YouTube channel I, do help, with that Darian, Robinson, who is our videographer, works with me on developing, beautiful, videos that, feature our students, and the rest of our constituents. And we. Really, just have to try to have a very good time and. Nothing, it's all you, know it's. Mostly. Fun and but it is it is hard work because, there, are a lot of competitors. Out there and we, really try to make ourselves distinct. In the realm of higher education, and specifically, in the realm of online, education, so, we do a, lot, of research, we. Talk to a lot of other schools which, you know have the networking aspect that Mike was talking about to see what the challenges, are of promoting. Degree programs, in this day and age specifically. To adult populations. And to try to, enhance. The online segment, of our institution. But, overall, I think it's an exciting field to pursue, it's always changing, technology. Is always changing which. Which, makes it great because you're ready to learn something new almost, every, six, months or so so. I have to say that it's it's been a fantastic, time so far at CUNY SPS and. I really really, have enjoyed it. Thank. You Marisa I. Found. It really interesting to, hear about Marissa's, career I didn't know that she had worked in sort, of a career. Development perspective. Some. Years ago so it's interesting to hear that we have a little bit of, common. Ground in our backgrounds, as well. So. Now. Before, we move on to our next panelist, I did want to remind everyone that if, you have questions for, our speakers today, please send, them in, whenever.

You Can do so. At. This point we are going to move. Into our, third panelists. Our technology. Industry. Insider, Paul. Gallo Paul. Go, ahead and take away, good. Morning, thank. You for having me. I can. Definitely, follow. Sue to the the previous two panelists, I feel like I have a slight mix of both of some. Of the starting, and ending, of my where my career is at now. Originally. I thought I was gonna be a doctor since. I was about 10 years old like I, was interested in being a doctor and I took AP, Biology, and an AP Calculus High School was. Looking to you know get into medical, field you. Know about midway through. I guess my first, stint as an undergrad I decided. That. Medical. Was maybe not for me and, I sort of had. Been around technology and, sort, of got into you. Know creating webpages you, know back in the mid-90s. They gave myself a little as well and. That. Sort of piqued my interest so then, I switched, over to computer science. Rather. Enjoyed it I knew I didn't, necessarily want, it to be a programmer, but I did like to be in the technology, field and the, computer science degree at the time seemed the most appropriate to. Get me in there, some. Personal things along the way and and had to step back and start. Going to school for a little bit but, I did start working in the technology field I had started getting, some certifications. In. My field and I started working in a sort of computer support. Trudged. Along the way and had a few jobs in that role and then. Finally started, at a, law firm in New York City and. I was there for a little over nine years. Moved. Up in various different roles. It was I, think a senior, technician. When I was there a systems. Engineer, finally. Ended up as the assistant, manager for my department, and. At that time I my. Interest got creepy even more to finish my degree so. I went back to school one. Of the. The. CUNY schools it. Was called the QE baccalaureate program at the time. Finish, my undergraduate, degree, got. Kicked a little bit more as. Far as computer. Forensics and, cybersecurity. Was concerned. I, had. Some friends of mine there when law enforcement I, sort of liked you, know that, direction I toyed.

With The idea of becoming a federal agent in the FBI. But. I went on to get my masters at. John Jay at. The time it was called the Friends, of computing. It. Focused. Computer. Forensics a little bit of computer, security. It. Was that they wanted you to know when. You click on a button in a particular piece of software what is it doing you, know so that you have a good familiarity. Of of the underlying processes, and you're not just using. Tickler software to get your your. Tasks done so, I have a very good understanding of, computer. File systems, and where computer artifacts are and so. When I, graduated. And, got my master's degree unfortunately. The law firm that's sort, of not their business I made some really great contacts, and some really really, good friends, and I really really loved working there just. Unfortunately, my career was taking in a different direction, you know leaning work towards the forensic side so. I, had networked with one of my, one. Of my colleagues from grad school now and he started working at delight a few months so. I talked. To him said yes they're still hiring they're looking I said that that's excellent it's great so. I came in that with the team, all. The way up to the you know the partner that. Was in charge of the group you know thought everything was was awesome and and I started working there January. 2012. That. That. Particular job afford abuse and luxury of of traveling, similar, to Mike you know I had to travel for clients there. Was some aspect, of where I was also. Just based in, the office you know working with our office. Of general counsel working. On any particular matters, that. That. I needed to be collected, and preserved in such a manner that when, things go to trial. Evidence. Is preserved, and can be shown that it's it was captured. Correctly. So. Did that for you know about two years at Deloitte then. I moved, on when, I was at my. Next company sort. Of, managing. The engagements, from the forensics perspective, so. I was sort of in charge of making sure all the forensics, aspects, of a particular project were, taking care of a lot of these were were, large projects. Have. Hundreds, and hundreds of custodians. And in, case their games are just simply. Like the users that may have the data that's relevant. And. Then you know from there I went back out in the field when, I was at that same company that was actually be hands-on person traveling. For clients you know going across the country even in Canada. Collecting. All the data performing. Some maybe basic forensic analyses, that that be need to be performed, depending. On the scope of work a. Little. Growing at first I would over travel and. So. I decided to try to something a little more local I said I can find anything in my. State now of New Jersey, and. I did a little more networking again one, of the attorneys that I used to work with at the law firm is an, attorney at my current company so. I had sort of asked I see this particular position you know what do you think and he really. Loves the the, company. That he's had so, I came in interviewed, I met the whole team and. I'm very very happy to say that I'm, estatic, the. Team I directly work with is great the, company I'm at now is great so, I think it's a really good I feel like a symbiotic relationship, that. I'm, able to do. The things from my career and do the things that I want. Currently. And I'm able to provide them with with, great work and great service, so. That's sort of yeah. I didn't start out doing the computer stuff but, you. Know I went back to school got my various, degrees. Working. In the industry. Now and forensics, and my, team, now is specifically. The the, global cyber security, and incident response team so.

I Do most. Of the forensics, for. The company and, that could be any, kind of HR disputes, if someone is any. Potential litigation. If. Even. Involved in certain you know sever security incidents you know work with our folks that try, to detect hackers that are getting into the company or trying to if. People are familiar with phishing, where people are trying to get credentials, and try to get you to click on certain links so. We do some investigating, with that and try to mitigate. That and protect our our, vast users, and and and agents that work at our firm I. Think. I should buy the complements, very. Much, it. Was interesting, to. Hear, that you. Sort of had a start in a completely different area and then you've moved through. Computer, science, and then sort of took even more of a specialist, role. In what you're doing today so thank, you for sharing. Something, that came up I think in each, of the narratives, that, the three of you have given was networking I'm. Not surprised, to, hear, that networking, was a part of everyone's. Career. Success, so. I hope that, that, is a theme that comes through to our attendees, today it's something we always talk about when. We're meeting with job. Seekers and talking, with our students and graduates about their career growth, and. I think that it's an important, thing even if you're not actively looking for a job to always be trying to build your network. So. Now that we've heard from all three of our panelists. I want, to encourage our attendees, to be sending those questions in I'm gonna, go ahead and start going through some of the questions but. Please don't, be shy send. Us your questions because our panelists, are here and they're captive, so let's, take advantage of this opportunity. So, I'll go ahead and get things started out and this is a question that I, always. Like to ask when, I'm meeting new people and talking to people about their careers. I'll let each of you take this. This. Question let's. Go ahead and start with. Paul since, he recently had the floor, what. Do you like most about your, job and what do you like least. Given. Some of the things I've had in my career I've had to travel and whatnot I sort, of do like the peopling. Of that I have a, sort, of a schedule every day I come, in I'm. At one base of operations, I get to see my my. Fabulous colleagues, and do have something that that do work remotely but, I get to work with them on a, pretty much daily basis, I'm. Able to do the work, they really interest me I'm sort of like that tinkering, to figure things out and and, this particular job happens to afford. That. That. Possibility for me which is great. The. Only there's, not much that I really don't like thankfully, about, my current job I would say that the least thing I like is maybe the commute does. The traffic interesting to the office but. Suppose. So other. Than that really, good. Things are great, great. Thank. You for sharing that um, let's, move to Mike, Mannix, what do you like most about what you do and what do you not, like most no this, is such a great question well, I think I kind of tapped on it a little bit earlier if. One, of the things that I love the most about my job is the diverse the that, comes with it from all the different industries I get to touch so, many different, industries get. To learn so, much about the inner workings of those companies and. What. Is so what.

Is So great about the position that I'm in whether. I'm on the operations side on the sales side our client, base are usually the decision, makers within the organization, so I'm dealing with sea-levels so CEO, CFO, CEO. CIO. Is all those folks it's more seasoned, there, are letters in the alphabet now, today and I. That I absolutely love. Is that diversity, and being able to learn what's, important, to them and how we're able to bring solutions that make their lives better the. Other piece I touched, on earlier too, is I absolutely love people development and I've been doing that throughout my career helping. People move up in their career, being mentor. For. Our, internship. Academy teaching, that all that has you. Know been, enabled. Through my organization, and that's why I absolutely love that as well to to. Turn to the flip side of the coin that's always that's always a tricky question I would have to say it's probably. Because. I am dealing from an operational, perspective is, sometimes, getting dragged down into the, minutiae of you. Know a minor, client, complaint right and and but in that client's world that is the biggest thing that's going on in an issue that needs to be handled, immediately and I totally get it we're all over it but sometimes like really. That's what the problem is okay nothing, to be dragged down and dealing with that but, other than that you, know I think the, back to what I was saying from the diversification, being, able to touch so many different industries is what, I like best great. Thank, You Marissa, what about you what is something that you really like, a lot about your work and something that you don't like as much sure, I love. That I have the. Opportunity to be creative almost. Every, single day, but. I also love that I have the, opportunity to work, with our students, and alumni they, actually, drive that creativity. Our school wouldn't be anywhere you, know where it is now without, our students, so, our marketing campaigns, and our outreach. Efforts, really, wouldn't be anything without them oh, one. Thing I don't like as much and this is I think, industry-wide. For marketing, and public relations and communications, is that sometimes we just don't have the, resources needed. To drive, some of our campaigns. And whether that be people or or money, but. Then. That also you, know puts me on the other foot side is that when we don't have the resources and we need to be extra creative so, we need to find ways to do what, we need to do with. With less money but it also you know we. Have to think really hard and work with our team and. See how to get things done but overall it's usually a very positive experience regardless. Great. Thank. You Marissa. We're, getting some really good questions some, of them are getting, to be a little bit specific, for our panelists, so I'll jump right into it Mike. We have gotten a question I don't, know if this is necessarily, for you or for Marissa. Maybe both of you can provide, some perspective an. Individual, had, been living. On. The west coast and, had developed a favorable, career. Things. Changed. You know the position, didn't. End up being as successful and, now the individual, has moved here.

To The New York City area and is sort of starting from the ground up what, advice do you have for someone looking to jump start a new career, sure absolutely. It's. Okay thank you um you. Know it's it's such a common question especially it's even when you're not moving. From city to city even if you're just changing careers, right a lot of people say you know what I'm so done with my job I'm out here I can't take it anymore or there, you know there's so many layoffs that are happening now companies, are just changing they're shrinking so people get laid off and a lot of them say hmm maybe this is my opportunity to change careers but, how do I do that how do I go about that and I think that is what, kind of stalls people a lot and it's that that fear of change and how do I get over that and how do I get to the next step and, you have to take baby steps first of all number, one you need to be patient with yourself it's not going to happen overnight so, the, second thing you need to do is you, need to be your own you. Need to make your own brand you need to be your own best advocate, when I was hiring, individuals. I actually. Hired, people and I'm gonna tell you something that is very very key first, of all attitude. Is 80% of, the job. No, if ands or buts if someone walks into my office and they might not have the full skill set if they, come in with the right attitude positive, they. Are presenting, themselves well, they. Really, are. Highlighting. All the areas, of what made them successful and, how that translates you that's what you really need to do in an interview is not. Just focus on what you did but how it translates the new position that you're going for and then. I think the next step is how do I start to build my network LinkedIn. By far I think is one of the best tools that's out there because, I can tell you as um as. An executive level I sit on our Executive, Board I get. Over. 200 plus emails a day so, I'm not necessarily going to look at an email from someone I don't know but. And, I'm giving out a little secret if all of a sudden I am pops up on my LinkedIn you, see that you do respond if people are trying to network, or.

You See who you're connected in with in that network you would be surprised to see how many folks are actually connected. And can, make a warm introduction for you and then, I think the next piece of that is also to try to get into depending. On the industry get into networking. Groups within those industries so, depending on what industry or, business you're in there, are actually, organizations. Around those different, types of verticals, that people go to the network and I would highly recommend that because I feel. Nothing that takes away that face-to-face going, up shaking someone's hand looking in the eye and saying hi I'm Mike Maddux would, love to talk to you for five minutes what, I can do for you that type of thing. Great. Thank. You. I. Think he probably covered, what what she was going to say. Let, me flip things over to Paul I, have a question that I think you probably would be good. At addressing. This. Person, says I am an Information Systems major. What. Aspects. Other than this degree, related, to information systems, our employers, looking for how, can you answer that question. Yeah. It, seems like you, know my career as you know support, and even in the forensics field you know what ultimately helps is getting some. Underling certifications, as well so that you, sort of have the broad knowledge by showing the degree that you have but. You show some some specifics, when, you do have a particular degree particular. Certification, in. A particular area it, just sort of helps identify, that, you know you're, a subject. Matter expert, in, this particular area, and. That could help you know get your foot in the door when an employer looks at your resume sort. Of sees hey you know this is the. This. Is the degree great it's a general area oh I see some good specifics, with these particular certifications. And. I'll. Even echo some of that Mike said I like, that you know that, would bring someone in the door for me and, then that attitude that they might have so. They're still sort of just breaking in don't have the exact you, know 100% skill set but, they are you know positive attitude, they look like they're go getter you can tell they're they're hungry they're hungry for knowledge, then. You know having, that degree and having that certifications. Well it will get you in the door and. Hopefully that runs out with the with, the good interview performance though, great. Thank You Marisa, what are some of the most crucial soft, skills for someone in your industry. Obviously. The, ability, to communicate, in. All forms of medium so writing. Public. Speaking. But. Also, well. Nowadays, like knowing social media. Social. Media has been crucial, to our industry, and honestly for Virginia's. To yes like that's how we. Have been able to build our, student, communities since most of our courses are offered online and, not many students come, to. To campus, we've been able to foster and develop a community, through social media. Honestly. For, like technical, skills lately. Knowing. How to work. On websites knowing, how to manage. CMS. Knowing. How to develop. Email, knowing. How to look at Google Analytics, and. Analyze, some, of the numbers and data that are coming through to. Look, at your website and to see, if the performance is doing as well as you want on the same thing can we use like for advertising, campaigns so. Being able to really look and analyze the, data and make, firm, decisions. Based on on what you're seeing those. Are really some of the most important, skills I think for. Marketing communication, majors nowadays great. Thank, You Marissa. Okay. So we've got a bunch more questions coming in thank you everybody, I, know, we won't be able to address everything but we've got like six more minutes so we can certainly do a couple more. Okay. Here's a question for everybody, I'll. Start with Mike what. Was the biggest challenge you, faced, when trying to first gain employment in your field Wow. So. Well. I'm going to answer that in two ways so that the first, challenge, that I face and I think I talked, about that, when. I graduated, I graduated in a recession, so there were not jobs out there so, to speak so I literally. Had to take an entry-level job just to get my foot in the door and that's what you have to do sometimes sometimes, you have to take one step forward to. Take you know three or four steps you know - what's that backwards take 3-4 steps forward right so, that.

I Think was the biggest challenge then, for. Me my biggest challenge. When I transferred. From one industry to another, was. Getting. Over I think the fear. Factor. Because. I am totally changing. Industries, I was coming from a company I probably would have never been fired from you. Know every time I was about to leave they threw more money at me and like no no stay but. I knew I needed to leave and then I joined an organization which, was so, different from what I was in before and I think getting over that you know that fear of failing was, my first hurdle and then once I just said you know what let me just go in there using. That 80% attitude. Type of mentality going positive, learning as much as I could right out of the gates and then, but also starting. From. The ground up so learning everything I could about what my team did before I tried to manage my team and I think that was my biggest challenge in the beginning and then it just took off from there, great. I like, that perspective, Marissa. What do you think was the biggest challenge for you and in getting, started. Like, my guy also. Graduated. During, a recession, period. So. That's why I started off at Starbucks, and I actually became, very comfortable at Starbucks, and I think that's one, of the things that it's difficult to overcome being so comfortable, in a job and the fear of leaving, it but. I, think, one, of the things that helped me was talking to other people within the industry that I wanted to pursue and they were able to give me tips on how. To present myself what. Websites, to look at what. I. What. Certifications I, can obtain, to help me do, better with, within this career, even, before I enter, it so. That, was extremely helpful but. I think the level of comfort and the, willingness, to go outside of that comfort zone this. Is really important to take those challenges, and those steps and know like I said that, you can probably do well in the career that you want to pursue you just have to you, know try great. Paul. Let me turn this over to you but I I, know that you. You. Know you were able to sort of make a career, shift from. You. Know the technical, support work that you had done in the law firm and then moving into the type, of rule that you've had now. More recently what was the biggest challenge for you and making that shift oh. You. Know in my particular, industry. It's. A lot of you know what you know because. It is very highly specific and, there's certain processes, that need to be followed. So it's you know how do I sort of you know prove myself that I know what I know and and can do the you. Know the job at hand so, I feel, like we keep back you in the same echoing, the same sentiments. But, networking. It. Was able to like. I joined a an association, that was specific to my field so. I was able to meet some individuals, and I was I would I joined this as a student member. So, was able to network and meet some folks while I was still getting my master's. Degree and. Sort of get like at least my my mind in that area to meet some folks that work in that area, and, then, also. Some you know any any particular. Whether it's one day training events, or week-long. Training events, because. You also meet folks there as well, so, you, do a lot of networking to be able to get you sort of, a. Good. Base and you in your network so that hey you, know I'm looking for a particular job do you know anybody and then once you know it, they, have a lo of comfortability, with you and obviously they know some of your skillset because they were doing, with you either in training or or particular event and. Then they might be a, little more agreeable. To either help them personally, refer. You to a friend, or an, associate of theirs that they may be looking so. I think that's that's kind of important as well as to sort of get. Your foot in the door there with some networking especially, when you're changing that the industry, I was lucky enough that the, personal network with was in my grad school so, we were very familiar with each other and sort of got them in the door and and once I had the interview I took. The reins and took care of it myself. Great. Thank. You very much we've. Got looks, like one more minute so, I probably. Let. Me go through one more quick question and. Then we'll wrap things up today, it. Seems like we could probably go on for a while longer it's. So interesting to hear it from all three of you and get your different perspectives.

Okay. Let me ask this one and I think I may already know the answer for some of you if you, weren't doing what you're doing now what, would you be doing, Mike I'm looking at you so why don't you start. Whatever. You do so my my dream, job is I would either probably be leasing a rock band or an, actor, but. In reality what, I would probably be doing is, and I think this is what will be you, know in the future for me when I finally, do leave. Business is I. Want, I want to teach you know I want to continue to help I, think there's no greater gift than. Passing. On your knowledge and helping, to impact someone's, life in a positive way and that's one of the things that my father always taught me and the true measure he said the true measure of success is not all, the things that you have but the amount of lives that you touch and when. My father, passed, unfortunately. Due. To cancer it. Literally, I I saw three. Nights of wakes with, people lining up out the doors down down, the street around the block and I had people come up to me that he, had taught 40 years ago and said you know your father changed, my life and and, that moment. I knew my father was the most successful man I would ever meet and I. Think that is that is probably my my, it will be my career path in the future and, my dream job yeah that's something I would like to do a lot more great. Thank, you for sharing that Marisa. What do you think you'd be doing if you weren't working, in this role um so. I. Would, have my dream, job would actually be a kickboxing, instructor um. I. Really, enjoyed it but I know that's not a lucrative. Career, but. When, when, I was younger I really, always wanted, to actually, become a professor, as. Well and I wanted to teach comparative literature, so. What, that, is something I might pursue, later on in life get. A PhD and, it's. Teacher, both in Spanish and in English to. College, students, great. Thank, you and Paul, why don't you finish out this one if you weren't doing what you're doing now what, would you what, would you think you'd do. It's. Something that I've got into later in my life and my. Wife, knows that I'm really into craft. Beer so. For myself and, it has a level of sort. Of geekiness to it but. To be a brewer that, there's so many different. Approaches. To creating. A beer and, you have all the different ingredients it's. It's sort of like a chef and a chemist sort. Of having a. Baby, together and make a brewer, so. For me I just the. Love that goes into it when you craft something and then you you, you sell it on the market and folks are trying it and they give your feedback and what worked what didn't work you, know engaging with folks and you, know that that whole thing. Seems. Very interesting to me and I think if I wasn't, in such a technical, role and enjoying what I'm doing now then perhaps that'd be something I for sale great. Thank, you for sharing that, I always, that, question was something that I came, up with myself and, I like to end these kinds, of panels with that question because I think it's useful, for not. Only for the panelists, just sort of think about what their career, dreams might be but I think it's useful for our attendees to know that your. Career is never sort of at that stopping point and you, always can, keep, in mind that there may be changes. For you in the future and growth in different. Ways so to keep in mind that you know whatever is happening today may, not be forever and it shouldn't be so. I hope that everyone has enjoyed hearing from our panelists, today I, certainly, enjoy, hearing from our business, technology. And communications. Industry. Insiders, you. Will get a real quick, survey, on. Your, screen when the webinar is ended today so I, encourage, all of you to please take that and. If you're able to join us or a future program we, hope that you'll be able to do so I hope that this gave, you a good start to your Friday and, then everyone has a great weekend.

Bye-bye, Everyone right. Thank you.

2017-12-21 14:54

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