Can the Average Person Replace their Income with Trading?

Can the Average Person Replace their Income with Trading?

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all right so welcome to another champions journey interview episode interview uh where today we are going to focus on the path of trading and using trading as a means to replacing your income so that you're free to choose what you want to do with your life and your time and and and not have to be at the beck and call of a boss or a job or doing something that you don't want to be doing and so today i'm joined by a bit of a legend in our community um in the world of trading mr luke lawson so luke thank you for joining us today mate how are you doing very good thanks mate how you doing legend himself you say i don't know it's that they call him the notorious dan holloway for a reason not the new tourism do they it's news to me but i'll take it i'll take notorious damn holloway thank you um but yeah so so mate i i want to give a quick bit of context before we dive into your story about um you know the results that you've achieved in the world of trading and what that's enabled you to actually do in your life so please correct me if any of the the following is wrong um but i believe you've been involved in some way in the world of trading for a good few years you know maybe six six seven years um but throughout the first two years the the challenge was always connecting um having the money and having the time to dedicate and learn the skill or really focusing and being disciplined enough to bring those two together so i'm quite keen to hear your story in a second of how you managed to to connect the two and but then more recently i understand that you've um you have brought those two together you've got the discipline you had a little bit of money to actually invest and then to grow through the power of compounding and that's then enabled you to do awesome things like you're living in bali at the moment and obviously i know you'd spend most of your days doing because i follow your instagram so going on like adventures with your girlfriend with your brother and some of them look phenomenal by the way and so i'm just really keen to get a bit of a sense from you mate of how you went through that journey how you connected those dots and really how low barrier to entry it was once you you put the focus in to start creating those kind of results because i think for anyone watching this that's kind of why we're watching we want to get a sense of you know how do we start this journey and get to where we want to get to in the shortest and most efficient possible times so uh luke thank you buddy for joining me today um can you please give us a little bit of context of where you started out what was life for luke lawton before you discovered trading hmm great question um bit lost bit aimless in the world didn't know what was going on i was a bit bit shy but awkward and i kind of tried to overcome that social um i guess let's say anxiety not like social anxiety that you know i know some people suffer from but this is where i got into the world of sales and i just wanted to learn how to sell and get better and you know i was i got i was okay at it i got pretty good as you can tell i can now string a sentence together which i couldn't do when i was 16. um but i realized that you know selling stuff to people that oftentimes they don't want and you know i went into i had a sales and marketing company i even worked and moved into stock broking at one stage but i just realized it really wasn't for me and i mean you hear that a lot of our sales but yeah i was good at it but it's just something i wasn't that interested in i didn't want to really do so it was where i really found that trading which i was introduced by a friend of mine that was really where i was like wait this is something i don't need to talk to people now i had a few criteria i was like i know what i if you don't know what you do want figure out what it is that you don't want i was like i don't want a boss um i didn't want to have customers now that was a tricky one right um i didn't want to have you know ideally not have customers that was i think that might have been three or four it was a bit more of a of a later criteria so it's like you didn't want to be sort of accountable to having to show up and like be there and you know provide clients with a service for example exactly i think that was like number four that was like you know further down the line because you know i didn't want to have stock so i didn't want i wanted something that's location independent that was that i think that was number two didn't want a boss didn't want and wanted to be location independent um third criteria i think was the i didn't want to have stock so that was one of the things that i didn't really figure i didn't know really what drop shipping was um at the time but i thought i needed to have if i start an e-com i need to have like a big storage warehouse that'll be like bound to have to go back to which really isn't location independent um and it had to be something that's scalable something that you can build and grow over time trading is the only thing i can think of that matches all of those criteria no customers no boss location independence scalable no no stock which is location independent there might have been another another one in there somewhere but that is wild to me and that was when i went all in but still every single i i really got the discipline i was focusing on the trading and you know i had i think i managed to pull together about a thousand dollars and when i didn't have much money the issues that are you know that i came across as you know when you've only got a thousand dollars and that's almost every penny to your name all of a sudden you you get a speeding fine right the world challenges you and as that or it was a i know something else and then i'd have to i'd find myself having a withdrawal from my account and you know i might be up you know five percent making a five percent return you know month on month um which by the way is insane if you don't withdraw the money but when you don't have much and it's like well either i i default or i pull from this account because my income wasn't that high then you know then you have to pull from the account right so i found i really kept going into this the cycle of you know of right it was it was the two things that with two biggest excuses that we tell ourselves why we can't do something right it's the biggest ones is don't have enough money or don't have the financial means do um or don't have enough time now i flip-flopped between these two for years now i kept trading in the background and like i liked it and i sincerely genuinely enjoy going into the charts and you know even just just playing it almost like a game or even trading a demo account a lot of the time i just i'd run out of money and i just have like a demo paper trading account so you don't make any money you don't lose any money but you can still track your results and your returns yeah um and i'd keep doing doing that so my abilities really improved over time but then i'd get into uh you know either financial strife and withdrawal from my account and then or else i got into solar sails right i kind of started this well i helped a friend start a sales and marketing company selling solar um and that went well for about nine months um and that was good made over six figures in those nine months and that was that was really cool and then the company ended up going belly up but he didn't pay me out like my last eight thousand dollars which i was kind of relying on and first time making any kind of reasonable money so basically you were like you like um you had your your skill that you were developing but your challenge was always the consistency of either leaving your capital in your trading account to keep growing it or being having the discipline to save and invest the income that you were earning from the other stuff you're doing like your solar sales job um to to actually you know really grow this into into something substantial what was the moment mate that that changed like when did you suddenly find the oh the the financial discipline clicked into place and what did that then do to your trading results so i always went through the cycle of not enough money but all the time or not all the time in the world but you know working a regular job and then no you know and and um having you know reasonable amount of capital but just no time to trade now i would still have it um the first way around because you can improve your abilities right and then once you've got the ability you can make the money um but a lot of that time was kind of flip-flopping back and forth between there yeah but really was like it was within the last i moved to bali in 2020 last year the first of or was in january i think it was mid january 2020 um i came over here and this is when i was like okay burn the bridges i'm going to make sure make this work and at the time we're selling solar over the phone we just managed to go remotely so it was all just pre-covered and it worked out perfectly because we'd already set up to go remote a few months later covert hits in and then we're selling we're on seoul and now again this was a new venture apart from the other one that went belly up um so training the sales teams straight away had a reasonable amount i mean there was a bit of startup cost coming over here because i was helping you know fund the the company in a lot of ways um so again that account that the capital diminishes and then we've got this company to build we're kind of training these guys but then really i i came back to myself and it might have been it might have been just being in bali and kind of it's a great place here they call it the island of gods right where you really drill deep and you're like what is it how do i want to actually be spending my time on this earth right and it take maybe i was a slow learner all right i'm 27 now so there's a there's about a seven year journey of this trading of flip-flopping back and forth have the money but no time have the time but no money you know until i really got here and it was um and for the last kind of you know since since then since this you know start of january this is when i was really pretty much full-time trading and solar became the back burner i had the financial means to be able to start pulling some reasonable results out of the market um and then it was when you know valerie he introduced me to these other ea trading systems kind of bot trading which is it can be beneficial in certain ways it's kind of moderate risk moderate reward um it's quite cool but to have a basis of your actual technical knowledge of knowing actually how to trade that's really you know you can enhance your results and dan as you know today has been a little bit of a celebration so what are we in uh 14 months 15 months later like i'm now full full of trading is my my sole primary number one um income now so i'm earning in more than enough from trading to be able to live off now i try to keep my expenses nice and low because of course we know about this the power of compound interest and scalability but to be honest probably full time going remote not having to work in office and choosing my hours that's such a massive thing because you need to also have a routine you need to be showing up consistently when it comes to the markets you can't it doesn't really i mean there are times that are better to show up than other times but to just not be able to just to show up one day and not the other day because you've got call into the office or you're working late or you're working early like it makes it challenging um and you know you've got to be quite a disciplined person to be able to do that so really when i got to virtually choose my own hours and running this you know running the sales team on the side that was when i was just like okay we can finally do what it is that we want to we want to do right and you know so i guess pretty much to summarize all the way up into that point i was doing everything that i had to do to live a life that i actually enjoyed right and first thing was like um like just regular lifestyle like knocking on doors and selling over the phone like it's a tough gig man and then when i really came to bali and i was like oh this is cool i've been working on this thing and the barley thing was a goal for for probably three years prior to that i think maybe even four or three four years i was like always planning each year i was like okay this is the yeah this is the yeah this is it never happened well until four years later and then it happened to be the year and then it's like you know life's all about creating better problems right when my problem was i didn't like where i was living i was struck and located in a physical location i was doing everything that i could fastest way to solve that problem now that problem is solved that was like okay now what do i actually want to do for a living before i didn't really care i'll do whatever i need to do to get that result which was location independence but now i've got that you know what do i actually want to do with my time and that was really where trading took the forefront took the stage and i've been doing that ever since um yeah so so i want to i want to kind of summarize some of the points that you said going back to please do i know i was summarize away mates all good so so you started with uh talking about you had five things that you wanted so you you didn't want a boss you didn't want stock you didn't want customers clients you wanted the location independence and freedom to travel and you didn't want whatever the fifth thing was that i can't remember what was scalability that was it so scalability and so all of these things in mind um trading ticked a lot of those boxes but the challenge throughout the years was always balancing um the the financial discipline with um actually putting the consistent time into trading it was like either you had the time but you didn't have the money or you had the money but you weren't putting the time in and so because of that you never really got much traction but then from the moment where the two clicks which was kind of when you moved to bali in 2020 that was when you started putting both time and money into the equation and then your results started to snowball and skyrocket and to the point where i believe even today and correct me if the figures are wrong here but i believe you closed just this morning a uh a manual trade for like three three and a half thousand aussie dollars profit just on this morning was that right yeah i think it was uh three thousand five hundred and eighty dollars so yeah just watch three thousand six hundred bucks which i don't know what's that in pounds i should know this as a forex trader it's about about two years about two thousand and then maybe a smidge yeah yeah so phenomenal and and this is like exactly the kind of and i want to tie this down for someone watching to give a picture of how do you go from um not having the skill or just finding out about trading to doing things like closing a single trade in a day with by the way a risk management strategy that is extremely low risk because i know you on every trade you take you only risk one percent of your capital at any one time um which of course risk management is extremely important so if somebody is is watching this and they're thinking of getting into trading what advice would you give to them to to really take that journey in the shortest possible time to go from just starting out not knowing anything about trading to then you know being able to make trade successfully and then achieve the kind of results that you've been achieving throughout 2020 and 2021. good one mate that was a perfect layup right there it just tee up and you just knock it down yeah yeah there we go all right so um yeah so in recent months what i've been working on because we've been part of a community and i've seen a lot of people coming in same questions same issues same difficulties as what i had and probably in the last three to five years there's been so much more of this i guess let's say like fluffy trading education i don't know if it's through covert that's you know well i mean even pre-code about you know earn money online there's so many different things and options out there and you've got um to be to be fair a lot of the stuff that i've seen it's like you know there are charlatans out there that are saying you know do this press this button four times a day and you'll make a meal right come on guys let's be realistic um really to pro trader is something that i created a few months ago this is a full from start to finish beginner who's never even looked at a chart before it's got nobody no idea what what a what a you know a pip is all the way through to be able to um confidently and competently swing trade um and my goal for every pro trader subscriber who comes in who knuckles down and really goes through all the modules everything's video training content so it's nice super easy to and digestible we um i go through positions like setups that uh that i've taken and why i've taken it the six core principles to understanding markets basically it's a it's pretty much just a checklist understand these things these six things and you'll already be in the top five percent of traders in the world yeah you know don't even know that kind of stuff um and the goal is to get you to a five percent into the first milestone five percent return within your first six months that's what i that's what i attempt to do of course that's why uh some people are gonna make it some people are not but that's kind of just to give you an idea it's not something that you're gonna pick up on day one and be like oh great i made you know 10 return this week um it's something that is a longer term and you know as my my whole journey seven years and five years of that i i was i i had like by the second and third year i was having good results but you know there's more facets to trading than just the result there's the mindset stuff the priorities where you're going to prioritize it so all of that is covered in the pro trader curriculum we've got a uh a public slack channel where people jump in and ask any questions post daily trade setups um have a look at that and you know i i do my own personal analysis on it and say think if it's a good trade if it's a bad trade you know and we all just share it's a really really cool great community so i'm loving that um but that is what dan said there the biggest thing and the stuff that you don't see so much it's not you know marketed online just because it's it's not sexy it's the risk management side of it right it's the never risking more than one percent of your account of your capital on any one trade so that means things like you know market movements and we saw i don't know how many people you know lives were ruined through covert and through you know these you know poor investments and if you've ever seen something online or heard and i know you know i've spoken to folks that have tried forex and i'm never touching that again i blew up my account in a week you know i've lost ten thousand dollars a week it's like well you didn't apply proper risk management strategies because you know there is no certainties that's one thing and you know forex there is absolutely and just well really as a whole nothing in life there's no certainty even less so in and than trading and foreign stocks crypto all of it right there's no certainties so really what trading is compared to gambling because gambling is one thing i've also heard that one right yeah you don't know the outcome you don't need to know the outcome to get a positive result it's called trading an edge so it means that for example let's just say that you're a one-to-one risk reward ratio all you need to do is win 60 of those um over time and you're going to make more money than you lose if you win 60 lose 40 you're gonna make money that's not the only way you can have a highest uh a high risk reward so that's a high strike rate um you're going to make you know lots of small trades you can do a high um you know risk reward meaning that you can bank two percent or two to one or three to one five to one in some instances if the setup uh provides it you can still lose more trades than you win say even on a two to one if you're losing uh 60 and you're winning 40 you're still making double on the winning trades and what you are on the losing trades you don't know what's going to happen you might go up it might go down and one of the most difficult things with trading is to just to no it doesn't matter if it goes up or down because over applying the law of large numbers if you are trading an edge following a strict set of criteria of rules that you have put in place or you can follow my rules which you know i've had people come through and apply my rules and get the similar results not exactly the same because some of it's discretionary but you know just by applying these rules applying a strategy there's a few again these six core principles you chunk those six things together each one of those may increase your strike rate by two percent you know chunk ten you know six of them together or ten of them together there is more of them you know you could increase your your strike rate by 10 or 20 and you know and then just do that 100 times over now risk management because nothing's certain even if you've got a 90 strike rate if you bet the farm you bet everything that you've got on this one position right and you see this happen when people are like wow if if it comes up you know 90 chance it's going to be successful yeah do that trade 10 times do the trade 20 times i guarantee one in 20 of those well i can't i mean again i can't guarantee again i'm a trader here there is no guarantees but i'm pretty confident that if you did that 90 chance that it's gonna win 10 chance that it's going to lose if you did that 100 times you're probably going to lose at some point you're gonna one of the times it's gonna land in the ten percent and if you're better you know you might have double tripled 10x to your accounts over that time but the one time that it doesn't work you're back to zero and then that's when people walk away with burnt fingers and they're like oh that trading thing no no it's not for me yeah by applying a rigid you know trade management protocol really covert could happen you know a g another gfc could happen right twin towers think disaster could could set in and you know you could even just human error you could come in as a complete novice and whereas buy instead of sell or sell instead of buy right and uh and and do something that's absolutely horrific or 10x the amount that you've put on the trade but really you've only lost that one percent yeah yeah that's why it's a great and that's that's you know that's the essence of swing trading got it and and if anyone's um watching and they want to learn from luke i'll put i'll put a button just below this video where you can click it and you can find out what pro trader is and and how it could help you with uh with trading now what about just one note so pro trader all encapsulates everything from start to finish everything you need to know um jump in now jumping recently depending on when this is filmed um we've been pushing our new modules every single week so we've got a really cool community of most people are in their beginning stages we've got some people that have been putting some profitable you know some healthy trades through um but like a lot of it and it's relative infancy it's all it's again it's just the essence of everything that i've learned over the past seven years packaged up into these really nice uh digestible video training content um yeah but where we're at right now is that it's it's an exciting time because it's it's growing and because there's more people coming in and the questions that people are asking today you know probably going to be relevant to you if you're a beginner as well i mean still in 12 months and two years we're going to have relevant content but it's fun to do it as a big group you know sooner rather than later if you can but if it's something that does spark your interest cool um and also i wanted to talk about your view on combining trading like manual trading swing trading with expert advisors so eas that's the the the ai trading software that that you mentioned earlier um what are your thoughts luke on combining the two or for someone starting out like what what place do does ai trading software have as part of this bigger picture of training good question um ai trading let's say has a has a glass ceiling now that's incredibly incredibly powerful and i was not super familiar with i mean of course i knew about it i'd never traded um ea's or um or this kind of algorithmic trading software for until mid last year or maybe started last year and that was when i i jumped onto it simply because i had friends and you know i'd known people i was there was no way i was gonna go buy you know some bought offline um or online offline online buy it online yeah we know what you mean yeah um but it was when i had friends introduced me and said hey check it out and i i jumped in and you know they're super powerful i think that if you're starting out a nice conservative ea with some you know conservative settings it's a great stepping stone into actual manual trading right yeah now why that is is let's say the the settings that you apply it's either low risk low reward right which is still exciting moderate risk moderate reward or high risk high reward right it's quite fixed it's is it doesn't adapt and evolve as like uh with the markets the same way that a human mind does right or with experience you know an experienced trader can see i can see what's about to happen i'm not going to let that happen then you can you can apply a little bit more discretion now with variable which is one of the eas that um i signed up with just applying my and i got dubbed as holloway knows and and now in our community i got dubbed as the variable king because in about three and a half months uh or is it four months i made a 270 return and that's verifiable on um on my fx book as well yeah yeah in that time and nobody had seen really results like that that i mean in our community and that was simply because i was applying my manual trading experience i could you know i i could see how the ea worked um probably more clearly than most and not just the theory behind it like you know anybody can read the spec sheet and kind of know how it works but what does that mean and how does it apply to different market conditions so you can like i was on moderate risk high reward or moderate to high risk to the high reward and i was doing very well there but the difference between that and manual trading and applying total discretion is and that one percent uh risk it's always low it's always low risk right you always apply applying that one percent per trade so no one trade is gonna you know tip you over the edge now the part that's variable is the reward when you start out yeah you're probably going to be low risk low reward right you're probably not going to pull a heck of a lot out of the market because you know unless you of course you go through the pro trader curriculum and then you'll be here you may not be a master you know but um uh the the what so again what makes ea super exciting as a brand new trader who you know who may not have a lot of capital who needs to who's thinking maybe i want to you know i want to move out of my job i want to do this trading thing full-time it's a great place because you don't need to re you know to go through the curriculum you know it might take you a couple of weeks might take you a couple of months you might not even place your first trade for for two months in if you want to start making some speedy snappy cash like these eas are good because most of the work's being done for you now like anything it does have that drawback and the chance that you might get into some more drawdown or it is a little bit um you know you just got to be more comfortable with the account fluctuations and i wouldn't suggest going and again betting the farm on an ea or on anything really but it's a great place to start pretty much instantly you know if you set one up tonight next week you could have you know you could have pulled out a couple of percent return um but eventually and what i want to see with my pro trader guys is that it's that you outgrow these eas because when you have half of your capital in an ea and if you're trading it confidently like i was i'm getting you know it's moderate risk for a high return and the other half of your capital you trade you're getting a low risk high return you're just going to be like well you know and again it'll take time to get there because you know you're you're still beginning in your early stages but when you become a master trader in your low risk high return why am i risking for my other half my capital why does it have that extra that risk element to it now risk doesn't mean it's gonna it's gonna blow your account up or you're getting robbed or anything like that it's just it's that that's just the terminology that we use um and you know when talking about investments right every every thing thing has got its higher you know it's it's how you want to scale it you know like yeah the lowest risk thing is a term deposit but you're going to get a very abysmal reward from it yeah yeah cool so so i suppose what you're saying is that eas definitely have a place and they definitely for someone who's starting out for the first time and they want to get involved in trading it's a brilliant way to to get your feet wet and start understanding you know how things work stop making a bit of money obviously no results are guaranteed disclaimer um but then from that point you can also start to learn well how do you trade the forex markets um and how do you do it in a way where you don't have to sit and look at charts all day which is by the way one of the things i really liked about your swing trading strategies it's just 20 minutes a day you set your trades for the day and then you go off and you know motorcycle around barley with your girlfriend for example i know that's something that you might do from time to time but um yeah it's like it's like eas have a space and they're brilliant for starting out but ultimately if you want to really master this this art of trading then learning to trade manually is gonna is gonna serve you as well so let's say um somebody's watching this and they're thinking of getting involved in or getting started in trading and maybe they've even gone through some initial education for for like starting to learn to trade um what would you say would be the next step i'm sure you'd say pro trader like what what should somebody focus their efforts into if they're serious about learning how to trade well depend okay so there's probably two different groups of people that are watching this or you know that are getting interested in um in trading or it may already be have had some as you said trading education um either so it depends on your current situation have you got the you know the means of capital to be able to go six months without you know potentially making a penny um and just go all in focus on your education go from there or are you somebody who is you know time poor and you know might take you some some months you can only allocate half an hour a day to education you know those are two different types of people or you might only have a thousand bucks in your account and let's be honest you're never going to be able to retire on a thousand dollars on your account like you'd be needing to make a 200 return a week or a month or however much your expenses are so i think overall as a summary if you're somebody who's middle of the road got a bit of time got a bit of money you know just interested to see what to do two things sign up to an ea get on board with evori prime and get your pro trader membership now even if it takes you three months six months or however long to to get through pro trader and you know learn how to trade personally and i've had a few conversations with people in the community about this that just what you learn in pro trader like i i personally think that eas you should require if the world was a perfectly regulated place i think you shouldn't be allowed to trade with an ea until you're licensed and actually understand how the thing works and what kind of risk management you can apply now you get all of that training in pro trader which is why i think that you can you could you could jump on and just learn everything that you need to know with pro trader and learn how to manually trade and do very very well and in you know two years three years you know from now you never have to work another day in your life and if you scale and you do well never have you your next generation may never have to work another day in their life or the generation after that and we've got a whole section in there about generational wealth and how to put things in place anyway i digress so you know you could do that but and and that's okay as a standalone but my personal opinion the whole reason why and i can you know i can go into detail why pro trader started is we saw people jumping into just eas with zero interest in learning anything about trading but wanting to retire off an ea and call themselves a professional trader that's crazy stuff right you're not a professional trader if you don't if you've never placed the trade or you don't know how the how the trades are working and unfortunately we have seen people that have you know um you know burnt their fingers and traded a responsible irresponsibility and and change the the settings in these eas just simply because they don't really know what they mean or they don't know the impacts that it's going to have on the markets um so you know that's why to go through even if you went through pro trader didn't place a single trade understood everything about the markets and then thought i'm just gonna you know i'm just gonna trade these eas and then signed up to an ea well that's that's fine that's cool as well like you'll you'll probably do very well or you do better than most who don't have the education but like anything if somebody told you a year ago or five years ago said hey if you sit here and you just push a button every day you know just push this button with no education that's that's the very key variable here every day and you know you'll never have to work another day in your life you'll be pulling 50 a year 100 a year like oh it'd be suspicious now that's just me but education is is power knowledge is power as they say and then executing and acting on that knowledge is really where where the power is i'd say both eas they work hand in hand in a perfect world go for both um if you've got six figures in your account and you want something that you know is low risk you don't you don't you're really not like reward you're okay you can cover your expenses and you're good for six months or a year or you're just doing this because you don't want money sitting in a term deposit in a bank account losing losing value um then pro trader and that is a great great stand-alone because it's because it's guaranteed it's low risk right how much would you say someone needs if they want to start trading eas or pro trader manual trading either or like if someone's how much money would you say someone really needs to have if they want to get good traction with trading yeah so look if you got a thousand units whatever dollars pounds aussie that's a that's a good starting point that's exactly where i started you're not gonna be able to retire on that right and you'd have to run two aggressive high risk settings on an ea for it to squeeze that amount of profit for you to you know retire on um so we've got to be realistic here but the power of compounding is so powerful and especially as your ability grows your account grows and you know you're great from there now there are other options available um and this is what ea's don't provide is if you are a trader if you can get to that five percent per month as i as i've mentioned that's the goal for that's the first milestone as a pro trader customer or um then you you'll have outside capital access to you now there are these um prop firms which i'll be sharing in in the pro trader curriculum that you can have access to but they have much more stricter stringent criteria and a lot of this criteria they put in places so they don't really want eas trading for them i mean if they wanted an ea trading forum they would just get the ea themselves and trade it for themselves they wouldn't they wouldn't have traders who were paying you know however much a month for for an ea you know and then giving them a chunk of their profit the 30 of the profit so that's why they've kind of designed it in a way that it squeezes out the people that trade ea they really much prefer manual traders people who are thinking on their own two feet who have their own strategies their own their own bits and pieces so if capital is an issue for you um and you you know you need to you or you want to be retired in the year or the two years but you don't have a heck of a lot in their bank balance then absolutely loan to manual trade and if you can make five percent a month every month for a year your capital is no problem whether it's private private equity or these fta like ftmo or audacity but unfortunately then we've got people who are trying to cut corners and going in with these eas and trying and of course they'll they work so well and there's a certain month that it might you know you might check the boxes but that's why they've got over long periods of time like fcm i know they've got a three-month kind of process that you need to prove a certain results and not get into a certain amount of drawdown and usually it's the risk management strategies that even on a low risk or low risk you're never going to hit their profit targets and if it's a moderate risk you might have the profit target but you're going to miss the drawdown limit and you're going to again they're going to kind of cut you out so low capital pro trader medium capital pro trader and maybe an ea high capital and you don't want to be risking then also pro trader so pro traders all three if you're kind of middle of the road then get in the yeah yeah yeah and again i trade and full disclaimer like i have two eas that i run and there's a you know there's another one that's coming up soon which is super exciting and interesting but i keep that as again low to moderate simply because you know i don't i don't have the million in the bank but if i had if i did i i i'd put a sliver if that into yeah yeah yeah so so what you're basically saying is if somebody's got um a couple of grand or a few grand to start out um you can start out with that amount you can learn the skills and don't underestimate the power of compounding because if you can compound let's say i'll flash up on the screen now actually if you compound at 10 a month for example even your example let's go five percent a month if you compound at five percent a month over three years starting with the balance of two thousand um say usd this is this is the result that you would get from from compounders so it's absolutely huge as long as you're now the only one yeah of course because this is super powerful as well right now we'll add on that sheet there which you're probably looking at all you need to if you started seeing five percent return every month of course you're going to be pretty happy with with that you're going to you know you're getting the results you're going to end up skimming a little bit extra you're probably not going to be you know buying the the starbucks coffees every day are we scaling down getting you know instant coffee and if you were to just put an extra let's say a hundred dollars a month as an extra as an extra input in the you know deposit in there and that amount also scaling i don't know how good dan's spreadsheets are let's see if the calculator can do this quite complicated but if you can figure it out see that on the screen the significant difference that it makes and i guarantee if you're seeing results and you're getting a great investment return on your investment you're going to find a way you're going to borrow money off your mom and you're going to put that in there and you're going to start seeing it grow as well so that's 100 now should we take it a step further if you could come up with an extra 100 a week or let's say you know what's that 400 let's just round it let's say an extra 500 a month if you can really cut back your expenses go on the cheaper phone plan maybe cancel your netflix subscription you put an extra 500 a month in there that might be a bit of a stretch for some people but you put that in there this is what you would have in three years at only a five percent um return yeah which is the powerful stuff and now five percent is only your first milestone we won't i mean if dan wants to show the 10 return a month but that's something i flashed i'll flash the the the ultimate 10 return a month putting 500 a month of your monthly income from your job into your trading account as well this is what it looks like so you can see that if you can learn a skill and trade an edge and achieve consistent results over time the power that it has to literally transform your life is absolutely huge and obviously this is what you cover in the uh in the pro trader curriculum so luke i just want to say thank you mate for sharing your um your journey to get to here and obviously be able to give back and teach people um all the skills that you've learned in trading so that they too can create the kind of results that that you have whether it is you know living in bali now and spending all day doing fun adventures and stuff like that and then just doing your 20 minutes of trading every um every morning when you wake up or whether it's being there with their family you know spending time with your family if that's what you want to do um or maybe retiring uh early or buying your dream house or whatever that looks like for you so just remember do the exercise that luke talked about where you think what what is it you if you don't know what you want from life what are the things that you don't want so for luke he didn't want a boss he wanted the freedom to to travel and he didn't want to have clients or customers that he was accountable to didn't want to have products or stock that he needed to to keep somewhere and he wanted something that was scalable and could actually increase and grow and if that's the if those are the boxes that um youtube want ticked then this could be a very big very viable option and route for you to go down right so if you did want to get started with pro trader there's a button below this video to go ahead and get started and otherwise luke mate thank you appreciate you enjoy the rest of your evening i know it's evening time where you are in the world at the moment so um mate we'll uh speak soon in another video but thank you for joining us today welcome mate thank you so much and i hear that you might be coming to bali in a few months we'll do one of those motorbike trips or hike mountain or go diving or snorkeling that's the whole thing guys trading it is a lot of screen and chart time but when you when you focus it on on there and you've got the capital and you've got the time freedom which again we didn't go too much into swing trading you know 20 minutes a day rather than day trading that's yeah sorry mate we'll wrap this up but rather than looking at charts all day every day you're thinking of day trading right this is a different different thing entirely it's 20 minutes a day you can work around your job if you've still got one um but yeah the whole idea is to be able to live life on your own terms now i know that's kind of become a bit of a bumper sticker right yeah these days but like the power that having the time and money like really we're not saving the manatees right trading is just pushing numbers around on the screen it's really what and ask yourself that what would you do how did you have the money because as we know money doesn't really itself as a tangible thing or intangible thing it doesn't actually provide the happiness it's about what do you actually do and so like we didn't go i could have seen him all day all night with you guys telling you about how much cool stuff that i do go check out my instagram or facebook or something i won't do another shameless plug here but you know the hiking the snowboarding that you know we want to do a trip to japan had kobe would not come in we'd be snowboarding you know in the mountains of japan right now that that is what is so cool about this that you can't get from a regular job or you know if you're serving somebody serving the customer serving the boss doing that that rigmarole so dan i hope to see you here in bali in the coming months mate i've got a spare room here for you so yeah i won't even build you oh you're even mate that's that's very generous of you luke thank you but no i'd i'd love that buddy like uh coming to bali have gone on some adventures it'd be really cool to catch up again so yeah we'll uh we'll do that as soon as the world reopens i'm there very good thank you very much thank you very much you

2021-04-29 21:01

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