Good. Morning, good afternoon or. Good evening depending upon where you are in the world and welcome, to today's webinar part. 1 of the, s AP on Azure webinar. Series running. SAT in the public cloud driving. Business and IT transformation. With Microsoft, Azure today's. Event is entitled a business, leaders perspective on digital, transformation. With si P applications, in the cloud hosted. By ASAP insider, and presented, by Microsoft. My name is Steve Paul I'm your moderator today we, have just a few announcements before we begin this. Webinar is designed to be interactive between you and our presenters, and later in the program we'll ask for your feedback this. Webinar also, contains audience, polling please complete the polls when they appear, you. Can participate in our Q&A session by, asking questions, about the information presented in, this webinar. Directly. Below. The speaker BIOS on the left and then click the submit button we'll. Answer as many questions as, time permits after our presentation. Slides. Will advance automatically, throughout the event and you can download a PDF copy of our presentation, by clicking in the resource box on the bottom left of our console, at this, time we recommend you disable your popup blockers, and if, you're experiencing, any technical problems. Please visit our webinar, help guide by, clicking on the help question, mark icon, on the bottom right of our console, if, slides, are not advancing, please press the f5 key on your keyboard to, refresh your browser and, now. On to our presentation, a business, leaders perspective on digital transformation. With si P applications, in the cloud, discussing. Today's topic, will be nagas Surendran, director. Product, marketing, sa P on Azure with Microsoft, and Mark scow, worldwide. Director, of sa P also, with Microsoft, first, we'll hear from Naga. Thank. You Steve hello, everyone, thanks. For taking the time to attend this webinar this. Is the first in a three-part webinar, series, on running, ASAP. In, the public cloud and driving, business and IT transformation. Today's. Webinar will focus on a business leaders perspective on, digital. Transformation, with this API vacations in the cloud now. We know that they CP ERP, is at the core of many of your business processes and it's a mission critical application, for.
Your Enterprise. In, this presentation today we will go through how s AP. And Microsoft, Azure unique. Partnership, and capabilities. Can accelerate your digital. Transformation, as. Steve mentioned my. Name is Nagisa Ren run and the, director of product marketing for espionage or here at Microsoft, joining. Me today is marks code, mark. Is the worldwide director, of s ap at Microsoft. And a longtime is AP expert and Microsoft is found. Next. Slide please. Let. Me start off with the, overview. Of Microsoft, Azure. Many. Of you might be familiar with as you the hyperscale cloud platform, from Microsoft, now, with Azure, we, offer everything from. Infrastructure. As a service, in. An on-demand, pay-as-you-go. Model that. Includes compute, network and storage at cloud. Scale platform. As a service offerings, that, include both application. Development and data services, a truly. Unique. Hybrid. Offering, for, enterprises, as, enterprises. Move from. On-prem to cloud and the. Ability to power your enterprise, with. Intelligent, services such as IOT, machine learning and AI and last. But not the least, trusted. Platform with, deep security and compliance to, meet enterprise, business, feeds. So. That's a little bit about the what. Azure is. Now. Let's talk, a little bit about the. Partnership that, is unique, between ASAP and Microsoft, as. Many of you might know, Microsoft. And Sapa have had a long-standing partnership. That, started out in the, mid 90s they've. Been working, together over the years with. Windows Server and sequel, server 4s, AP and most. Recently with as you're certifying. S AP solutions. Including. S AP HANA. Some. Of you an. Interesting fact, is more, than 85, percent of Fortune, 500. Companies or its customer for Microsoft, as, well as they say be so. As you can imagine at. Microsoft. We have decades, of experience working, with. Mission-critical ASAP, applications. So. In. Addition to this Microsoft. Has been ASAP, customer, for. 20-plus, years for, many, of our core business processes such as finance. And supply chain and as. A result we, have a deep understanding of, ACP customer. Needs. Around. The number of last year both, of our CEOs got. Together Satya, Nadella from, Microsoft and Bill McDermott, from s AP to. Renew our partnership. To offer. Our customers a trusted path to. Digital transformation. Now. What does this mean for you as a ASAP. Customer, is the following right so, we. Take Microsoft, and ACP will jointly. Go to markets, with Co engineering, and support. Microsoft. And sa P will run. Our internal, business. Systems, with. Ace AP on Azure. Microsoft. Specifically, will run is for hana for, some of our finance processes, and lastly. Microsoft, Ness ap will publish joint. Reference architectures, to help customers. So. As you can see from this we not only have, a trusted. Partnership, but also a joint. Commitment to help accelerate your, business transformation. You. Can go to our website to learn more about, our partnership. Or. The next step our, also will go over some context, on business transformation. And how. Azure, uniquely, offers a comprehensive, set of capabilities, to. Power your business transformation, with a say P. Let's. Start, talking. About what is, driving business transformation. Across. The industry and how. You can sort of embrace, adapt. And innovate with the power of agile. Starting. With we as consumers, we are all familiar. With, sort of the recruiters. Presence of smartphones, everywhere. Rise of e-commerce and, kind. Of disruption, in all industries, powered, by the cloud business. Cycles, are not, only becoming faster. Competition. And disruption, is, coming from different industries, and even different players. Businesses. That adapt to this faster cycle today. Are much more data-driven in meeting customer demands customers. Are demanding. Personalization. Faster. Servers and, your business demands, that you grow in new, markets and newer forms of business models. So. I wanted to share an example. Of a great. Customer, that. Has gone through this transformation. Once. Its example is rockwell automation the. Rockwell automation is, a leading. Industrial, automation company they. Have about 22,000. Plus employees and, customers in more, than 80 countries, now. Rockwool wanted to you. Know strengthen, its competitive.
Advantage, And open, new business opportunities, in the oil and gas industry. So, they wanted to start with automating, the collection, and, analysis, of data from installations. That. Are remote across the supply chain so, rock. Was decided, to use sa P Hana for analyzing, this data and they, chose a jewel for their Hana deployments, now, in addition to the Hana data. Rockville. Is using Azure IOT, and Azure, machine learning to combine data from Hana. Non Hana sources. Enabling. Them to apply advanced. Analytics, and predictive pale years ahead of time with. This, Rockville. Is estimating, that they are saving about hundreds. Of thousands of dollars a day by predicting maintenance scenarios ahead, of time so. Here is a fantastic example of a customer, that's, driving, business transformation. In a traditional industry by. Running a Sapien as you. How. You might say okay that's great, but you know we are still on Prem and hosted. Environments. What's, what's, the issue there so, what, we hear are challenges, with driving, business transformation, if you're running currently. On-premise, to environments from a customer's is the following. First, many. Of the customers say that data sources are not, only you know very they no longer are just in your ERP, data can. Be unstructured, it can come from social. Streams, or web in. Addition to IOT and other. Applications, that may be on non SI p sad, so. As a business leader you're, being asked to deliver insights. Across the entire organization's, bridging, these silos. We. Also hear many. From many customers it's, still wrangling with. Data, in, spreadsheets. To get a unified, inside. Or, they. Have complex, solutions, that took a long project cycles, to implement. Second. The. Current infrastructure. Model. On primer, hosted, is highly. Pre-planned with three to five year planning cycles. And. Not. Not, really set up for the past in a fast-paced innovation, cycles, that, you need today and lastly. We also hear from customers that many business. Processes, and legacy safety. Systems are still manual for. Example, you, heard customers, saying hey we have staff dedicated to optimizing. Supply. Chain or, to just reconcile data between ERP, and, other systems. So. How do we kind of address these challenges, so, the. Solution, is to, adopt a say P's. Latest. Generation ERP which is is for. Hana and simplified. ERP, from a say P based. On the in-memory ASAP, Hana platform and, combine. It with an agile cloud platform, such. As as you power your enterprise, wide, innovation. And insight. So. The goal here is to get. To a 360-degree. View of your data, across the enterprise by. Combining a say P and non ACP data, second. Set yourself up for to, accelerate, innovation, for. Agile product cycles, with an on-demand infrastructure. Models that, you can spin up and down in minutes and lastly. Take advantage, of the advances. In AI and machine learning to. Automate key, business processes. Now. With that we'll, do. Sheesh enough to see. You back to do a couple of poll questions and. I will turn it over to mark for him to share his. Perspectives. From helping customers, at. Your business transformation, with a Sapien asha steve, or do you okay. Thanks very much, yes. We have a couple of poll questions for, our audience, our, first one is quite, simply is. Your organization. Currently on, the sa p net waiver platform. Simple. Yes/no, or perhaps you don't know and we'll. Give you a moment to respond. And then we'll share the results with our audience I also want to remind our audience that we'll be taking questions, at the, conclusion of, the, webinar but, you might want to get them in early so we can get them at the top of the queue, while. We're waiting for responses, to again I I can, reintroduce, and, welcome back Mark, Scott worldwide. Director, of SAT with Microsoft.
So How are you today mark. Fantastic. How are you doing today great. Great so, it looks like we're getting some good response, from this poll, question, would you like to see the results. Absolutely. Okay. So. Well. That's great news though, over. 90 percent say, they are currently on the SAT, network Weaver platform. And. Let's. Ask our second, poll question. Will. Your organization. Move. To, s ap as for Hana are. You already, on sa. Ps4 Hana will, you be moving in less, than 12 months possibly. More, than 12 months you. Have no plans to move to s for Hana or you, don't know, so. Again, please, respond, to these options here and then. Shortly, we will go to to, Mark's presentation. And. While we're waiting for people to respond, to this poll question, on, the first poll question we, find that is very common, most. Of our customers even as they're moving to s4 will, maintain netweaver, in a, number of the aspects, for some time as they progress through their migration, to a full s4 Digital core, and. I'm imagining here we might see some customers that are already there, but the majority are pretty, reflective of what we've seen in the last poll question, in Microsoft. Itself which I'll talk about in a bit, is still running that Weaver as well as doing some of the net new s for transformations. Okay. Thank you, yeah, let's take a look at the results. Of our second poll. Interesting. Here thoughts, about these, responses. Yeah. This is pretty common what do we see that we're, starting to see a little more momentum on, s4 HANA and, just like Microsoft, or any other provider. Of solutions, sometimes. These solutions the, you know startup time on it takes a little longer we. Are seeing that the customers, and the planning cycles the more than 12 months has, gone up you're over your and. That's also what I would expect to see and we're, seeing on no plans to move to Hana right now that's. Actually about, where we would expect to see at about a third of the customers, we're. Seeing in that category as well and so, from that we'll take, this information and, use, it in the rest of the conversation as we. Move forward. And. So. From that let me go ahead and just talk about, why. Azure. Offers the most complete platform, for. S AP applications. In the cloud whether. Your traditional, netweaver are moving, to the new s4 core. Using. Some of the new hana products, using, any of the new services, that are out there like success, factors for HR, or. Whether or not you're even doing some Big Data Nai considering. Leveraging, things like s ap Leonardo, we'll, talk about where a sure is the place to really do that integration I'm. Going to break this up really into three categories, to help the conversation, the, first is you, know how, asher, is going to get better insight, to your business, as, you move forward you, know today what we're finding is it's an evolving world, of, information, you. Know when I started at Microsoft, our first implementation, of s, ap most, of the users on s ap lived in s ap and most of the data they accessed, was, s AP centric and they, use site lo systems, for non SI P functions, you, know today over 80% of our business processes, at Microsoft, run on s ap and. You'll find out that it is actually a critical, for a lot of those processes to run our business that. Being said there are a lot of systems outside of SA P and a lot of data more importantly, that, we need to provide our insights, and so. From that perspective if, you think of RSA P system we're, in the very top percent of sa P's large, volume customers, running sa P and. So our system is considered, very large uncompressed. In. The tens of terabytes compressed. About 15 terabytes for, our traditional ERP. Netweaver system and. With that system that's a very large as ap system but, we're actually accessing. Exabytes, in our enterprise.
Data Warehouse of, information, that, we tie together to, look at things like customer, data. Demographic. Data right. To look at sales trends, and projecting, future. Growth you, know to look at credit risk models, all of those things for us are done with, data external, des AP and the, value is really about blending those together from those different silos, you. Know the fragmentation, is, something that a lot of customers challenge, with our challenge, with today and how they how do they get that 360. Degree, view and do. That in a way that they still are compliant, and secure with. All the new regulations that are on there. You. Know I think the key to our approach. Is really we are a very very tight partner of s APs we again run our business on sa P it's, relying, on that tight relationship. To understand, that, sa P is really, critical, and then also this non SI, p data is essential. For really, providing the growth in, changes. That are happening in almost every industry, you, know when you're thinking about things like increasing margin, or you know even new competitive, scenarios, in the faster time-to-market, on that, insight is critical, you, know in the consumer goods space last week I was talking to a customer I've been working with and how we were improving their trade promotion, management approach and this, is an approach generally where people might look at quarterly cycles, on promotions, and today. An agile, environment if you're able to think about how you do promotions, on demand. You. Can really take a leading, edge because, most of the competitors in the space likely are still on that quarterly, cycle, is that you can take advantage of looking at the gaps in that and, be much more responsive. Vice-versa, today and most, of those trade promotions, that are happening in the consumer goods space people, are telling me at the business level they're, struggling really to see the insights of how. Effective, each promotion is I mean the actual details behind it sure, they have the statistical, data the see sales are up and down but you know how do they balance that across seasonality, and get a simple view you know what is a good promotion or not how effective, was it and that's, we're leveraging things like our AI tied, into this can help in that perspective we. Have a lot of pre-built, services, that, you can leverage and models so you know even though number. Of customers now have data scientists, normally there's a backlog, and a lot of my customers still don't have a lot of data scientist, or any and in, this case you can use our pre-built models to simply plug into your s AP and non-si B data and very, rapidly through, either direct integration or through our vast. Rich.
Partner, Ecosystem, come. Up with a solution for your specific business problem, so. For this integration we think that's really critical you. Know today we know that the number one VI tool in the world is Microsoft, Excel, the. Quote seconds, of that really is power bi from a visualization, perspective, and it's one of my favorite tools and. Of course you know working, on sa P I have my sa p blinders, on so, mo - my view and aspect is thinking about how we you, know better leverage insights, for us ap but, again this works for sa P and non-si P data it, gives me one facade one interface whether, I'm presenting in the boardroom with the surface hub whether, I'm presenting, to users at their desktop customers, and partners or whether, people are looking at information in a secure fashion from. A mobile device like an iOS, or Android based device I get, a single facade really to see all those insights, in a common way one. Really interesting thing is in the past a lot of times when you have to work with a partner I'll go back to that trade promotion, management example. One, of the things that customers had to do was really send data externally. Usually, either a flat file or, transfer, of data from, even things like FTP, to an external customer, or partner, and they, really lose context, and you also lose control and security of that data now, with things like our BI platform we. Can pull together the, ability, to really. Leverage security, around that so, that I can have a vendor, view for instance and they only see you, know their view of the data or if I'm a consumer goods customer, and I'm working with retailers, I can provide each retailer, logon, we're securely, in a compliant fashion they only see their. Information. At that retailer for that supplier and vice, versa, on the retail channel we do the same thing you know those retailers then can expose that data out everyone. Has a common look and feel then and not only is it secure and compliant but, now I really, have the ability to. Provide, this information in a rich way and you. Know I get a lot of questions around this on you know talking. About how they're going to integrate data in and demographic, data and some customers go down the approach. Of of, hearing about things like big data you know I'm just going to create my own store for this I think you know this is really rasher and, the services, that are there that are just there to subscribe to, our really beneficial there's, a lot of demographic data available, at demand there that you don't have to load you, don't have to manage that expensive, infrastructure, and you, know one of the customers I was working with that over 2000.
Nodes On their Hadoop cluster, you're. Talking petabytes of data you, know if you think about you know rolls-royce they're, loading over 1.7. Terabytes, of data an hour now these. Are really really big environments. Right and so, on those environments, in a traditional, is based approach, IDC. Reports, that the five-year cost is an additional two hundred and sixty six thousand, dollars running, that traditionally, as opposed to Azure and that, you know even from an operational, perspective a, sixty six percent reduction. In the, need for IT. Services. Really to provide insights, of that information and, maintaining. That information. And so, you know some great ability, to really use our scale and our built-in services, and our partner services of information, and data that is available at your fingertips to, tie into your s AP information. It's. A native extension, to both of those so it's the same interface same facade around those services, you. Know one of the questions that was in QA that I read when Naga was presenting, was you, know s ApS Leonardo, you know doesn't that really answer the question and really this is one of the beautiful things I love about working with s AP and Microsoft, it's better together right, and and this is the answer where s AP has done a great job of. Having access from the rest aap Hana environment. To Big Data for, those of the more technical, side and under Leonardo, they have things like Vora which, allow you to connect to Hadoop and spark in. You know on our side then we are the store for that right and vice versa from our platform we can query across to, s ap hana natively, and you know the using things like our Azure data factory as a service, or using things. Like poly base you probably saw the announcement where, well direct query si piana is part, of that offering, and and so these are some of the ways that from a very low cost we can provide this rich integration. And you know you'll always hear me say this in a secure, and compliant fashion. Where we are the market leader in that, capability. We, are the only vendor, that provides single, sign-on across, the facade, and so, from that perspective you. Know our Azure Active Directory many, of you already run things like office 365. You, can take advantage of that investment, right and then use that single site and to. Go across all of your assets s ap and non-si, P in that environment and for many of you this is already configured and that, works for both netweaver as well, as the newer s4, and Hana things like scp-610. Factors, the newer offerings, that are in the marketplace. So. Here's just one example where. We talked about Tate. & Lyle that has used this type, of solution elite, provide unique, business advantages, I mentioned, some of the consumer goods customers, that. I've been working with if, you go to our website you'll literally find hundreds of examples, across our bi nai scenarios. And you, know the, beauty of it is we know that about 80 percent of those customers, in the largest space are also, sa P customers, and you'll, see more and more examples of that where we're talking through that a events, like sa P sapphire, in tech, yet as well we're, we going on to specific business, scenarios, again, I just mentioned a few for time reasons here, but, there are many scenarios that are pre-built for you to take advantage and leverage, you. Know the secondary, of this is really to improve the acceleration. You know here's, an area where I look at the survey, and a number of you are planning on moving to s4 and even those s4 customers, that are there are asking. You know what would it the, gain be for adding new additional. Functionality, you, know like sa peak our customer, activity repository. Right if. You look at that and you our thinking about is it going to provide value, you know how long would it take you to set up that environment, to test and, see if it provided the right business value is that, something where you're on.
The IT side need to go out and acquire hardware, and do the installation. Or is this something that you can just go down to a marketplace and as your install. Will test the functionality very, rapidly, you know and we know in a lot of these cases it may be an interactive process where, different, business leaders have to be involved well, in the Azure side, I can shut down those services when I don't need them and not be billed for that capability, you. Know that's really what we're talking about on the solutioning, you know spitting up and terminating these services. And minutes when they're not needed I, think that's you know part of the value not just from a cost reduction play. But, really, talking, about the play to. Talk, about how you provide that more rapid business innovation. You, know are you really going to see the benefits of this new technology, and the older waterfall, approach you know the idea was you'd approve the, spend from the business level and it, was a hope strategy, a year or two years down the road you'd, see value out of this right now we're talking about agile innovation. Very low cost right fail fast do, a lot more innovation, to see if you're really going to gain value and understand where your gaps are early, it's, a much better effective. Spend on the business side and much, more agile around understanding what you can and can't do from, these investments si P and non-si P you. Know I think this is perception, from some customers I talked to you that we still don't have to scale in the cloud that we need. And you know this is another area where I'm just really happy to talk about you, know azor is really differentiated, in this space you know you see announcements from other vendors when. We announced, our you know bare metal capability, for sa B Hana you know this is an area from our leadership where we talk about our engineer by design as opposed to an afterthought, you, know we were thinking years, before you saw mainstream, adoption of Hana how are you going to support these larger, customer, scenarios, where you're talking you, know above what you can do in traditional virtual machines and you, know we purpose-built. Solutions. Right that are Azure based solutions, we. Call them our large instances, for sa B Hana and we go as large as Hana can go today right 20 terabyte you know single node and. Then the ability to scale out or 60 terabytes today. You know and we're committed to skilled wherever customers need us to be you. Know the hardware we have in place today you know goes significantly, higher than what we've announced it's. Just a matter of you know as si P evolves, their their, product set and you, know as customers, need more and more space on it we'll have those offerings, for you and all the way down to the smallest customers, we're using our automated, tools like, ASR, to just you know failover, from their internal environment, to the cloud in some cases 4dr in some cases then they move production over, and you know the full environments, and azure in some cases they still wanted to keep dr on from then and they, can have that you know mixed environment, very easy you, know the migration, there is literally using Azure services, which was another question we had in the QA and so from that perspective you, know built-in services. You, know an aspect that I hear quite a bit on this is what if I want to you know have a fully managed, environment. That that's, migrated, over and the costs are provided for you you, know this is an area where we have a lot of options for you we have a whole partner ecosystem I'm. Going to talk about in a bit that is a really experts, at this and they've, done this very, effectively for quite some time and you know what they're doing now is taking advantage of that economy of scale and compliancy, and security of the, azure cloud and, being able to leverage that to run these si P systems, you, know another offering, that you probably saw we came to market on which we're really excited about is really, to bring sa P Hana enterprise cloud or hack into our, hyper scale cloud, to provide a new level of compliancy scale and efficiencies. For customers, that, want that and also integrate to their other Azure assets. And you, know I think there's a great offering, there from sa P and and one that we do and jointly, engineer and jointly engage on to. Really provide a differentiator. For our customers, and once, again this isn't something that's just a marketing announcement, but we have years of effort around talking, about how do we do this best-in-class.
You. Know this is an area where you look at you know the customers, running on Azure in, in. This case you know we have the Rio Tinto example, you can read through but, si P themselves. Run their s4 on Azure you know testament. Of our relationship. And really, the ability to provide the compliancy, security, and scale that is necessary, at, a cost-effective, point to run you. Know s ap in the, hyper gaile cloud as you, know Microsoft is well we eat our own dog food here, and have been running on Azure now, for all of our si P assets, whether, that's the newer success, factors for HR whether, that's the s4 or traditional, netweaver environments. All, up and running in an. Area where I talk to our internal IT is. One where they really talk about Microsoft. You know being best-in-class, around, running data centers and this, is an area where you. Know we thought that we did it you know so well we wouldn't see a lot of advantage, and now when I talk to my colleagues like Hans and I T you, know we really see that you know they're getting a new enlightenment about the ability for us to use our automated capabilities. To, not only be more compliant but, to remove that liability off, from, internal over to our Azure cloud and, to. Make sure that the automation, provides, faster, compliancy, moving forward you, know one of the big differences between a traditional private hosting, environment. Or an on-premise, environment is you're, really planning for what you know you, know in the cloud you really get to plan for what you don't know you don't build the capacity, where, you're going to be at three years out like you would in a traditional environment. You built a pretty close to where you're at in capacity, with a little head room and then as you move you just resize these environments. And we provide that ability, so even on our largest systems, you, know if you started today at 4 terabytes, we. Have the ability to go ahead and, move you up to higher, size systems, right we go to a tour all the way up to 20 terabytes and, the scale up on those environments, piranhas and so. This is a great capability again, that we can talk about you leveraging, and not eating divide that in capacity. The. Second thing I think that's really important, is this you know space is evolving, so fast the cost continue to go down in the cloud world so if you're buying for three years out or you think of five year contracts going to give you the best cost, the reality, is prices, continue to go down so I think it's really critical to. Understand how you leverage that and how you take advantage of that cloud. Hyper scale cloud to. Move forward on on the cost models around that, you. Know now it brings me into the third block and in the pillar that I was talking about of the third chain which. Really is you know how do you move your business processes, more efficiently, you, know today there's a lot of human intervention sa p is best-in-class, we. Believe as, an ERP offering, and as a business process platform. Again, we bet our business on a lot of that and. In. This case if you think about it it's. Really around you know how do you continue, to evolve. Your thinking, you know in Microsoft's, case we, had a scenario where we had production planners, and in. This case there was a lot of human interaction, with the production planners, the suppliers and others that, we've been able to provide automation. We're able to repurpose those existing. Heads that we were using and decrease. The time to, value around. Our supply chain and, around our production, schedules, you know our availability to promise more, accurate, and more. Efficient, by using some of the automation we have in our environment that. Extension, for these pre-built services. Is really, critical, here right, you, know doing, things like credit checks that I mentioned earlier right, being able to plug in a model for AI we're. Being able to take. Your, plant. Floor and being able to take the automation, that's there and provide. Things like predictive, maintenance on top of it as a pre-built solution, for IOT tying. Into those sa P systems, and then, tying into your cost models, and your spare parts that are in SA P you, know whether you're using sa PMI, I or, traditional. Manufacturing. System, right we can tie into either of those two ties they get the data together you.
Know Another aspect, people talk about is you know how do you manage the environmental, systems on that we have solutions, for that for remote monitoring, right and this. Is where together with things like si P you, know even on the new environment with Leonardo, where we really play so well together around, taking the best assets. Microsoft, has our, global, capacity are over two million miles of dark fiber right and being able to leverage that in a way where. We can provide access to over 140, countries of, information, so whether, you're spreading that data out to the users, are talking about your your facilities, in those locations we, have great assets, for you to take advantage of and leverage and so this. Is an area I really would say we've done a lot of evolution, when, I started at Microsoft, we work more on the technology. And product. Side quite frankly and. As we've evolved to the cloud it's really more around the solutioning, side that we focused, you, know so heavily on and so we're, taking that feedback from customers we're finding out how we use our investments, and we leverage those to provide better solutions, for you and so. From. That perspective. You. See an example here from Coates we, talk about you know doing the same day factory, planning versus overnight batch jobs, and. The ability to get more agile, around rush orders, and real-time reporting, you, know this pulls into the first ten and I had as well which, is really talking about that bi aspect. And talking. About the ability to leverage that as well as this agility, with, the. Business. Process side you, know when you talk about automation, whether it's from a webpage internal. Use supplier use also, being able to leverage things like the bot framework, that. We have ditalion. 2's ap systems, so if you're looking for an availability of promise versus telling your you, know customers, that they have to log into an S AP interface, imagine. Being able to come up or they could just ask questions and even verbally, whether. Or not it's on an iPhone, or an Android phone being. Able to go through that and. Going. Ahead and. Managing, that and I think hopefully we were on the coach slide. I just realized my slide might not have been advancing. So, this is a slide that I was actually talking, to I apologize. If that didn't advance on your screen at the same time, and. So you should see it up on the screen right now, and. So from the perspective of tying, that environment together again this is an example where we have both s ap and non, s AP environments, of information, that. We're tying together and and. The ability to do that to really have an impact on the business this. Transformation, on the business is really an answer, that I talk to, many executives, whether, it's the chief, executive, officer, sales, officer, marketing, it's. The ability to go in and really say how do I make sure I'm getting control, of my transformation, because. Either you're controlling that transformation, of your company or someone's controlling it from either a competitive, offering, or. From a offering. From the outside right that's really talking about impacting. In a way that's not controlled so, with Microsoft, we're putting you back in control of your own transformation, you, know you can be the change agent versus that change agent being applied to you and that. Simplicity of being able to leverage those services is great at, sapphire, for sa P sapphire event you'll see another example where we talk about rich, integration, for instance with our bot framework and you know how in a day or two customers. Have set up a POC to, tie this together you, know we also have another great asset our technology, centers where we run through these sessions, where. You get hands-on experience both. With the SA P side as well as the Microsoft side of the house, so. Now to make sure that we're keeping kind of on track from a time perspective I, really want to talk through a couple of aspects around the cost savings, that people aren't thinking through traditionally. When, they're thinking about private, cloud versus, the hyper scale cloud and Azure, and you, know the first of which is you, know you really pay for the demand you generate, you know in the case of services, you, know Microsoft, we saw significant, savings, from.
Our Non production environments. Where in the past you know we used to use the argument we're a global company you, know we need to keep those dev environments, up 7 by 24 well. We have a lot of automation and we have a lot of monitoring built in Azure what, we found from the Azure monitoring, that, really most of those systems were used over a 12 hour period in as high from when we were releasing new business cycles they were used five days a week not seven and, so from this perspective it, gave us great capability. To really see that on those we could shrink that usage, cycle down from the average 744. Hours a month down to about 240, hours a month in, significant. Cost savings in line with what you see from this solution. On the right here from the case study from a global audit, and tax firm we, were closer to that 75% high and that 70% of savings for those environments, inside of Microsoft, you. Know if you think about the ability to manage, a lot of the complexity. And our old si P environment, you, know when we were on Prem or even with private cloud you, know a lot of customers struggle with you know what happens if I spike, on performance, or have seasonality, how do I provide that extra capacity like, do I have enough that I purchased for that is there a lead time of six months you know or six weeks to get it you, know in the cloud world we just talked about adding, in capacity, on demand and for, those newer services we talked about like AI you, know power bi you. Know the really scale on demand and so the beautiful part about that is as these solutions become, more successful you. Know you just scale up and pay the cost based on your usage from the business as the prize to having a fit cost model that you're paying at the top and whether you need it or not and so, that agility I think is really really important. You. Know if you think about the overhead. You know a lot of the built-in services, you, know I still think in the cloud we we tell people you still have to think about some of the traditional things around performance, how, your users connect what that experience is like but. A lot of the backend services. That are there like you know hardware failure you, know talking about you know how do you destroy data and a compliant fashion, you, know all those things are really handled for you or the majority of that from the backend services, and Azure and once again if you combine that traditional, infrastructure, of SA P and you put, that onto some of the newer services our SAS and pass offerings. There's, less and less of that that's end user or customer, responsibility. And that's just provided, to you with service level agreements, and and. Financially, back service level agreements, you. Know we'll talk in a bit about you, know part of that differentiator, and in the single men is machine, SLA, but, that's another differentiator. You know in some of the cloud environments, people are concerned that the, service level agreement, is, talking. About you know the data center like Microsoft, data center or Microsoft's, regions and availability you, know our side it's very customer, focused so, when we think about our availability, we, think about it you know down to a single machine that might be running s AP and, providing an SLA that's financially, backed on that single machine that. Is a differentiator. Because we're thinking about it from your side of the house and all you're going to want to get these services not just looking at it as an operator, of a cloud from. From, the side of the Microsoft, side of the house, you. Hear that and you see that also from the past services, the hyper scale run on those really. We're talking about these and that's the example I gave you from IDC earlier, just, the big data and hadoop services. Significantly. Cheaper you know talking. Orders of magnitude, in many cases cheaper to use those services that we have around. There we. Also allow you to archive, directly, to our services, so you know Microsoft in our netweaver environment, for instance we archive directly, to blob storage and so, this gives, us the ability not to use a lot of third party software the, complexity, and management, licensing, of all that but, just using those native services that we built an engineer together to. Really not only streamline, the efficient GMR archiving, but to get that really at a very low commodity cost, model for the archiving, of the systems so. If, you think about our enterprise security it's an area that Microsoft is absolutely. Hyper focused, on from, the top all the way down to every individual employee this, is something you hear quite, a bit on from Microsoft, from, Satya, talking.
About Over a billion dollars a year that we're spending on cloud security and. It's really an. Enabler, now to move, to the cloud we have many industries. Already that, are moving to the cloud to improve, improve, their security, you, know all of us have to worry about this in a different light than before you, know if I look at a traditional environment, and you know I'm going to pick out Microsoft, as a customer. Of sa P you, know if you think about when we architected our data centers it was a different world right even, though we had encryption, at the you know database layer and not every customer did that you know the level of compliance he just didn't change so fast and the level of security, wasn't, something we were needing. To worry about at the level we do today you, know the older thought process, is why, would I be a target I'm not a Microsoft, I'm not a major software, provider or, government, agency in some cases why, would I be a target and the. Answer is no further than looking at any browser, engine, whether, you're on being or whether you're going to go to Google and search you'll, see a lot of interesting. Information there, around customers. Who didn't think they needed to worry right and whether they're right now about you know the ransomware or people just having. Insider information that you now have to worry about compliancy, issues the, traditional, sa P environment, has to be thought of in this light you know when you look at your governance risk and control are you really thinking through our using the single sign-on we provide an azure for, sa P have. You secured, the data where you're using things like transparent. Data encryption so. Even the administrators, can't see compliant, data right that would needs access differently, or recorded. Access, and so, the database administrators. Or the system administrators, can still do all the tasks they need but, they're masked, off from the data they shouldn't see access, to these. Are the types of things that you get built-in we're. Also talking, about when you look at things like penetration. And you. Know the pin testing, that might go on that. Allow us to protect you from attacks. For things like deny, of service, or from, even people penetrating, you know this is a lot of our mobility, and security story, right that we tie right in, whether, it's enterprise mobility securing, it all the way down to end devices or whether it's azure natively right notifying, you when we start to see these attempts a breach, of your environment, and being able to take action on behalf of you right with our security, graph and our built-in components, around security, again. This is all the way through the SA P as well we're, all the way down to those s AP environments, for their traditional netweaver or the newer Hana environments. How do we really provide that in a secure fashion and, go through that we, have more Civic ations than any other public cloud provider, here, and I. Think this is really critical in the conversation. When, we talk through our, ability to. Maintain a secure, environment for you that. We really stand behind that you know if, you think about it we not, only have the compliance here putting the information where, you need it so in this case we have the ability to support, any one of our 50 regions, more than any other provider out there but. Then we're supporting that to up to 150. I'm sorry 140, countries of access and. In most cases aside from where we can't do it for compliance reasons or government. Regulations, and most, of those cases were riding around the largest dark fiber network in the world with. Over two million miles of dark fiber and our azure clouded, and we've been putting, together over decades to run these services, and so, this infrastructure, is really unique from this perspective right, not only does it provide much lower latency, than having, to go through traditional, providers like most of the market, or industry does but. It gives you a number, of peering points to. Connect into our network, as well so that you can ride that that, secure private backbone, we have to, improve your capabilities. To, access machines like SA P or other services, that might be in Azure so, you, know we really have you covered when you think about your ability. To run whether it's in a single country or whether it's in a geographically, dispersed environment. And being able to manage that for you we, do provide a high availability around. These environments, and, we also provide, the ability for, disaster, recovery and, you know I see this getting, a little more confusing for some customers now where they're thinking that you, know because we're Microsoft, we're protected, and, you know as, you look at we're rolling out in availability.
Zones And, the capability, around those the, reality is a lot of outages are outside of the control of a, hyper scale provider like Microsoft, you know if your network for a country, is down in a good part of the country, you, know are you thinking about you know are you away from geo faults, or natural disasters. You know statistically, speaking that means you need to be over 400 miles apart when, we think about a recovery. Region. For you within a country, we're talking about in most cases being in the same country right for compliancy, but being able to fail you over across, that 400 mile span on that, private network so we get very low latency and you're not at larger risk by just relying on a smaller, spread, around. There but if you want to use availability, zones you see we're rolling those out in each, data center itself is designed with. Multiple availabilities. Built inside the data center so, once again you know some great capability, for. You around our general architecture to. Support your environments, I know there were a number of questions talking, about our customers, running this there just isn't enough space on the screen to, talk to all the customers and references, that we have here it's, really an area where we've seen tremendous acceleration. Where. We have thousands, of customers now asking, you know not, a matter of if they move but when they move to Azure and further. S AP assets, and, really. Great capability, again around your traditional, netweaver and your newer Hana environments. And, so we've, got you covered there and even from a managed service provider, that's. The perspective that you know again we have a very, very rich partner ecosystem, whether. It's s ap themselves, you want to partner with with Microsoft, using, things like how to enterprise cloud or, one of our traditional. Partners that we've had a long term relationship around, that's run systems very, effectively. Managing. Risk and managing all of your s AP assets, on Azure and. The beautiful thing about the partners that you see listed here is we work with them to make sure they're taking the unique advantages, of Azure and the cost reductions, we provide and reflecting that back in the offering to you so you know in, these cases that I talk to customers that have done the move they, appreciate, the fact that their overall cost, model has gone down well, their feeling of security and compliance, has gone up right around being, more secure more, compliant, and doing that faster, and. Taking that together and so from. The aspect of pulling, that information together again a number of partners out there Naga, will share a link at the end or I'll share a link for you just. On the on the side of azure where you can see the latest around, what we're offering and. Right before we get there I really want to recap you know why we believe as you're is the right place for you, this, is about you being in control of your environment and us, being making sure that we're partnering with you on this move for as your to provide it in the way that you want to see it you know whether, it's you know getting better insights and information that you have for. Faster decisions, and innovation, whether. You're worried about your compliancy, and security, you know a lot of people are talking about things like GDP are we, have a very unique relationship once, again and what we provide there we're. Talking about shared liability and responsibility something. You don't hear from a lot of other, sources and that's not just unique to GDP are but, you know this is unique to a lot of our compliance ease where we're sharing the risk with you and providing, a lot of those core services and, if it's something on our side that's breached that's you know something. That we talk about you, know taking, on that responsibility for. You. Know when you talk about our, partners support an echo system support, this is something that Microsoft, is known for you, know we have an incredibly, which rich partner ecosystem whether. It's one-stop shopping where, you're going to a large si to provide everything or whether you're going on a more of a boutique approach for specific solutions, we've got you covered with Microsoft, and so some. Great relationships there, you, know the partnership, I've talked about, intensely. I'm. With sa P I was in Waldorf. Germany, at the headquarters last, week I'm back up in the US location. And headquarters next week and, I'm just one of thousands, of people at Microsoft that are interacting, with s AP on a daily basis it, really is an innovation mindset.
It's, About providing. Customer solutions, and it's really unique this. Is one where I think people need to understand we don't just run s AP and, on. Azure on our side s ap runs on Azure but, this is an area where I think it's important to understand that this relationship wasn't born because of Azure we've. Been working with s AP for decades, and we built that muscle. Memory inside, of Microsoft to. Understand, how, AP runs how our customers want to see that and we've just transposed, that over into the Azure environment. So, again very important, to understand from, the reliability. And high availability for, business continuity we, are in, a category, of one in this space I truly believe that we. Are providing single machine SLA. S at mission-critical. Levels, to support sa B systems, and you'll, see us continually talk about that and it's a continual, differentiator, for customers, in, this space from the, smaller environments. Up to the largest we, have specific, machines Ella gated with, SLA, s that fit in line with what our customers need R to run sa P so. Critical to talk about that for that environment you know here's where I promise you the web link you know my favorite place for one-stop, shopping if, you think about where we're at here it's going to azure comm, for. Additional information. You. Know we, talked about a lot of assets out there that you can leverage and. So from this perspective you really can go, ahead and get started not. Only talking about picking the right partners and right, systems as you go with but, in this case really talking about you know scheduling, a POC or going to one of our workshops to, get you started whether, that's pulling insights, from, your on-prem environment, you, know into things, like power bi or whether that's leveraging a hybrid environment I didn't spend a lot of time today based on time around this but, we really are a leader when we think about hybrid, you know even when Microsoft migrated, ashore we didn't do it overnight we, strategically picked, individual, systems that we were able to leverage and so we're able to pull from that on-premise. Environment, for. Customers and be able to move that over into. You. Know one at a time and, at Microsoft, that's exactly, what we did we looked at moving things like our BW assets, governing risk in compliance, we moved all of ECC, ECC, in the, ancillary components. That go along with that as many, of you know you'll have a bunch of interfaces, for things like tax moved, all that over when, we moved it you, can also separate a lot from dev test and production so once again some really great capabilities. Of being, able to get you covered no matter how you want to move it's a prescriptive guidance in reference architectures, for you on best, practices, on how to do that.
So. With that I'm going to turn it back over to Naga Thank, You Marc so. As. Eloquently. Covered, we have a great set of capabilities, in the most complete platform, for. Us AP applications, on Azure. And. As I mentioned earlier this, is the first three-part. Webinar series, there are two more coming please. Go to a sip insider and look for our webinar, to that's coming from, an IT leaders perspective and, we will have a great customer, the, Accenture, CIO leadership, team coming. To share their experiences. In moving one. Of their larger recipe landscapes, to. Azure and. As Mark mentioned you can go to Azure comm, slash is AP for. More information, and with, that I will switch. Over and take. Some questions and, back to you Steve, okay. Very good thank you gentlemen excellent, presentation, I just want to push out a link. To register, for, the upcoming event, and any others in our series so, feel free to do that and hopefully we'll see you see, you next week on our next our, next webinar we're. Now going to head, to our audience. Q&A, session, we've got a number of great questions thank, you very much for that before. We do that I'm also going to push out another link to a feedback, form survey, that we appreciate, if you could just give, us a little bit of feedback on what you thought of today's event, and and, that, will help us for future events so, now on to the question-and-answer portion of our event as a reminder. To participate, in the Q&A just type your question into the text box located. On the bottom left the console, and click the submit question, button and we've. Got a number of great questions already, so let's take one first. From Katie here, what. Monitoring, is available, or standardly. Provided. EG, predictive, like. Control, and chart trends, or diagnostic. Alerts, etc. We'd. Like to take that yeah we see so, in Azure we have a full environment. For really talking about monitoring, of the systems that are in inside, of azure and. We do that from two, levels really from the system's monitoring, and performance perspective as, well, as from a security perspective around, the systems and so. From. This perspective I, think it's something that we've continually, demonstrated, if, you look at the session from last, summer at ignite we did one specific, to s AP and also, at Accenture, talk on stage how they're using that monitoring, as well it's, specific dashboards, that can be created for your s AP solutions, in. Works again outside of s ap as well but, in this case you know the idea around it is everything, that we've done inside, of azure is instrumented, meaning, that we built instrumentation, around every single service and that's exposed to you and the same room a security perspective from, security, center you can go into Azure and, see your assets and don't, just see the risks that are there today when you log in but when you log in tomorrow for instance see, any new risks that are then exposed, based on either changes, to your environment or new, information that's provided from our cybersecurity side to. Add to what Mark said this. Is Naga here we. Also provide. You cost control, and management. Capabilities, with the recent acquisition, of cloud and what. We do is we proactively look, at your usage, and if there are idle machines we, alert you to that so, you're able to better control cost and your environment. As well from an infrastructure, perspective and, lastly, as Mark, mentioned we have deep instrumentation. Across every, layer of azure that's, the principle so, you can monitor your network proactively, and get alerts and same. Way you can look at even application insights, if you want to instrument those so, just great set of capabilities from a monitoring perspective and, look, for as your monitor and you will find that on our website as well, great. Very good we, have a couple minutes so let's get to another question here from Rajesh. Does, the Microsoft provide tools to migrate large si P ERP, systems, from on-prem, to, Azure. We. Do and so we've migrated, customers, again the 15 20 30 terabyte. Single. Environment landscapes. Over, a. Couple, weeks ago I was migrating, a customer already that was 20 terabytes on Hana on. A single. Solution VW, in that case and we migrated, it over and we're doing that in a very short time cycle, meaning you know the actual migration completion. Process is six six hours of downtime you know we can shrink that even further of course for smaller environments, or ones that may not have the same complexity, in, this case I think it's really important just to say that all of our processes RSA, be certified, processes, meaning, we don't create something special that we'd have to worry about s ap supporting, so, in, that case you know you're leveraging a lot of the same tools and what we we optimize, those, really.
To Run on Azure and, so, there's more details on the migration services, out there as well, as we have the ability through partners, to provide that service for you. Okay. Thank you a little, bit about security, expert, control personal. Identifiable. Etc. Any support, and guidance is provided for, Escher, and. Pass. Yeah. There's really two things here one is you'll. Hear Microsoft, talk even more on our, move to Azure because we get those requests all the time so. We, have a group inside of Microsoft, that, talks about how we moved, to, maintain, our export. Control the. PII, the personally, identifiable information. GDP. Are all of our compliance, and control we, do have guidance on that we have a service level agreement we have a, contract, that you basically have for talking about compliance around that I, do want to say this is a shared responsibility so. We support from the infrastructure, side more compliant ease and security around that and the controls that are around that support, and guidance but, we also are very clear around what you owned as a customer, so for instance if you're, not submitting the request to remove persons, information we, can't trigger that or if you don't have process controls on your side for, those systems we. Can't control that right we can give you guidance on where to go for that we have partners we have entire teams at Microsoft, that are just dedicated, to this guidance, so. My guidance to you is I'm not an expert on security and Alliance I know the high level and I work with those teams but. Both, on our website, under, trust. Center as your trust center as. Well as looking. At for. Those customers that know their Microsoft contact, you. Know get one of our compliance. Of folks. In that's. Focus, on that many. Of our partners specialize, in this as well but I would argue that we have the richest echo system here, and that's been shown over time that, we really thought it through from the customer side to, making sure that we give you those controls, in the clear guidance on what we own and what we don't and then financially, backing, that the areas that we're, compliant for or we're signing up for the compliance on the, last thing I'll tell you in that guidance is you have to tell us which compliance, is you need on each system so, certain compliancy, our built-in just all of a sure everything. Is built essentially. To be in the compliance echo system and the standards from our operations, in, an infrastructure, but. In cases where you're doing specific compliance it sees like PCI, or. PII. Or hi-tech, for health care HIPAA high-tech you need to tell us on that and then once you flag those then everyone that runs those systems from an operation, side is also compliant. And more marking those systems. Okay. Thanks let's squeeze in one last question, here Dennis, says, he's not, ready to move to Hana can, I run my netweaver on Asher. Absolutely. So the example I gave you on Rio Tinto was a perfect example of that as. You saw from the QA that the majority of our customers today they're, looking at doing a move from the traditional netweaver environment. Until they're ready for s4 so, as, you see would expect then most of the experience. We had, originally. Was all around those netweaver environments, and it's in an area we continue to be very strong on so, we absolutely support, that and, for those customers that are worried about not being able have license portability on, their current database we also have some great options for you to run on sequel, server 2 you're ready to make that move Donna. Ok. Thank you very much unfortunately that is all the time we're going to have for this session so, if we didn't get to your question, during our live broadcast, I will follow up with you over the next few business days again, for more information, you see that information. Here before you we hope to see you on our next webinar next week and thank, you for attending today's webinar a, business, leaders perspective on digital, transformation. With, si P applications. In the cloud hosted. By ASAP insider, and presented, by Microsoft. Shortly, after this live event we'll send you an email reminder so, you can access this presentation, on demand and on behalf of our guest nagisa, Rendon director. Of product marketing si, P on Azure with Microsoft, and Marc's whoo what, worldwide, director. Of Si P with Microsoft, we want to thank you for your time and have, a great day.
2018-06-06 16:48