Business Ideas, Law Of Attraction + Balancing Romance & Working Together for Couples: LIVE Q & A

Business Ideas, Law Of Attraction + Balancing Romance & Working Together for Couples: LIVE Q & A

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Hello. Couples, coming to you live with the question, and answer, the Q&A, portion hello. Oh. Thank. You I'd like to have this conversation as, well so. One of the things that we're really loving. About social media it's great for post it's great for videos, but. What is it best for for, us it's about conversation. And yes you, get in conversations. From posting. And making comments but, about life and that's what we want to do we want to actually get in here, with, couples, get, into, the relationship. Get into the experience, and, let's do this together let's do this live and that's what our question and answer sessions. Are all about relationship. Topics, like, today we're going to be talking about business. Ideas, that couples have started. Practicing. The law of attraction and manifesting together, and balancing. Romance, and business, come on like, those three topics I was so excited to get these questions. Because, these are some of my favorite, topics, seriously. Right you'd love these all, right you want to start here with business, ideas, that couples have started, together well. As we get into this make, comments, we got our devices. We got computers, we got iPads we got phones we want to hear from everyone, we want to start to answer some of these questions live, let's get into this together and if. You're thinking to yourself well, as a couple, what, can we do what can we start to create as a business, as an, income, for the freedom, for, the travel, for the experience, for whatever money is gonna bring for you what, are some ideas well, a number a number, of couples that we have coached and just been aligned with have started things like adventure. Retreats I want, to talk about the retreat thing here really quick because this is awesome you know so many times we're thinking, about what, new job can, I create or how can I create a consulting, business so that I can kind of go back to the being paid per our model. But the retreat thing is so fun because this couple, one, in particular, wanted, to travel, right they wanted, to, have the kind of life where they could go to, India for a month and then go, to Europe, and travel around they. Really, wanted, of that life so they were trying to brainstorm and, something they're really passionate about is. Hosting. People and leading people through workshops and transformation, so they're blending, those together and it's absolutely, amazing to see that some. Other ideas, might be starting. A winery together. You might then move to Northern California or, you could do it here we know I've got a couple that have started a winery here, they grow their grapes a little bit up north or how, about a digital, marketing, agency or, how, about a coaching business and, that coaching could be around health, and wellness it could be around writing, it could be around publishing.

It Could be around. Your. Mindset, it could be really anything and I think the point here that we want to drive home is it's, about your, zone of genius it's about, not, just coming up with something that's going to replace. A job, have. You do the same amount of hours and just, trade one job for another job but it's about having, something that you're passionate about something. That you're really good at a zone of genius and something that you really feel Purpose Driven in doing yeah, I think it's really exciting to, sit, down together and, brainstorm, in a lot of times you know we've said this I think in another Q&A, as well but we can't hit it home enough, so. Many times people will create the business. First. Before. Saying what do we want life to look like and what you. Want life to look like might actually change, what kind, of a business you start so, for example if you're thinking well let's start a coffee shop. You know you love coffee and, you. Want, to start a business you don't want to be employed anymore by someone else but. If you don't check in okay what that's gonna have life look like in the beginning to be honest unless you're a pro at outsourcing. And creating, a team it'll. Look like you being in the shop a good. Majority, of time right I know a few people who've started restaurants, cafes and the, first year two three years they're in that shop a lot. Okay, and they, say, it limits, their travel, here's. The thing if your vision is that coffee shop you want to be there you want community, you want to have you, want to have events they're like that excites, you to be there then go all in, but check in because if you sit down before you create that coffee shop or restaurant and, you check in that actually, if you, didn't get to travel, every other month you would be in panic then. You got to reevaluate maybe. It's something else could you take that concept, of, trout or of coffee.

And Being. Passionate about that and create somehow, a traveling, coffee, van, right. And. Like how can you blend the concept, of what kind of business you're passionate about and what you want life to look like I just. Made that up traveling, off eShop that's, someone's, gonna take that you run with well may I have some more, write some comments we want to hear from you what are some of the ideas that you've been thinking about as crazy. As, it may seem that point, is there's, probably gonna be something that you're called to probably. Something, that you feel like you're really good at you're drawn to and you might say to yourself well you know Jocelyn, I just don't see any example, of it out there great. That's. Because it came to you it came to you to create that just because doesn't exist doesn't mean you shouldn't continue maybe, you're the one to, be called forth hey iPhone didn't exist at some point and, we. Throw. In something maybe, you didn't know that I'm sorry I've, got scared, you yes iPhones, have not always existed. But, Steve. Jobs, he. Had whoever it was that really had the idea someone, had to have the idea of this, phone in your hand obviously, it's developed, but also, don't let that stop you, take the first step you have to see the whole path right Jocelyn I mean did you see the whole path happen, the time starting, and retiring, your job well I know I did not see what we have now at. The beginning yeah absolutely, not but really, creating that vision and what we wanted life to look like and starting the business it's been absolutely so much fun and don't let the rumors, that you couldn't do business with your partner get, in your head you can absolutely do that well, keep writing comments we're, looking, over here to field, any questions you have, into conversation, as that, leads us into the second, point is really, Law, of Attraction now, you may have heard this term a lot and for us it's really more about. Manifestation. Is it for us it's about manifesting. Taking. Something that non-physical. Your desires, like. Having, a business and how, do you actually have that. Take form how do you take that habit. Matter, how do you bring it into matter into the physical, world for you to experience, and that. Is the. First place you start. About. What is your zone of genius now we start on this path of intention, and alignment, so you want to lead us through what. Is this if I was gonna start my day I have, this idea about a business, something I want to try out with my partner. The. First thing manifestation. Is intention, an alignment what is that well, and I want to answer this first, by saying what it's not and a lot of people think, they're manifesting when, they're really hustling, they're, like I'm manifesting. This but they're actually, overcompensating. And getting to a stress state so I just want to first thing what it's not okay but, the intention in alignment as you're just asking what that is is really clarifying, your desire how. Do you desire to feel, right. And how you desire to feel and how that might look for, you so. When you set that intention, it's. Also about being unattached, to. Exactly. What it looks like or when it comes and actually it comes, in really, exciting, surprising. Ways and oftentimes, when it gets, attracted into your life sometimes you can be like no, it can't be this easy and I want to give you a quick example actually. A couple weeks ago I was really, envisioning. And then pending that someone, was going to come into our life who, would want to learn some of the behind the scenes of our business, and. Offer. To, do some of our online. Making. Videos, writing. Doing. Some of the things that for us are powerful to learn both repetitious. For us so, I just put that out there I'm not strangling. It I got to manifest this, I'm, not now searching. A ton and posting, a ton about I'm putting, that out there and setting the intention, and I'm, visualizing. How it will feel and. Today. No, joke get a voice. Message on Facebook, hey, I really, want to learn some of the behind the scenes of your business. I need, to learn this this and this for my business can I do an apprenticeship. I'll work. X number of hours for you each week and I'm going he'll. And. I literally almost was like no it can't be this easy and then, I remember like this is what manifesting. Really is is launching, a rocket of something, you desire right. And and that's what you intend to feel and create, and for. Me there's this sense of just releasing. It and being. Delighted, by watching it unfold. So. That's where you may want to start in the morning cuz, hold, that desire, feel. It as if it already is and now how. To actually, take that into, form how someone, reaches out to you like like a different Jocelyn and say calling.

Forth Is, there something I can help I can do to help you with like literally she called that forth well that, doesn't just happen that comes from the second piece of manifesting, that staying in alignment and alignment has, to do with two, things your state and then also the actions, that are, directly. Correlated to the state you find yourself in so what does this really mean, your. Internal, state or your way of being you know how you show up you can show up in life as calm as. Peaceful. As angry. As determined, as forceful, as joyous as in. Flow right so those are all different ways of being and that, correlate to an internal state I mean you can feel that difference, if when you're in a peaceful state in a calm state and then excited in a joyful and I'm motivated in a fired up state well, that state is a vibration, it made just is that's an energy vibration. That all matter, is made up of so we want to stay in alignment we want to follow that path of how. That feels how does that intention. Feel to you and as you go out in your day you, stay in alignment with the opportunities, the people the resources that come your way they're, gonna ask you to do a lot of different things a lot of opportunities. Are going to come your way for you to take action on but, we can't just take any old action and, we, can't just take action hustle. We can't just take action for the sake of action, it's about staying in alignment with your desire, what, you intend, and that's your state and that state will leave you to the effective, actions for, people to just reach out to seemingly, out of nowhere and say how, can I be a service so I have a question Erin to put this into practice right so here these couples, they're clarifying, what they desire, what, they want to attract into, their life and so. There's stuff of intention, okay so that's, where you're at and how. Can people tell. So. Let's say they're presented, with an opportunity and, it may or may not be, the. Match for that intention. What you're desiring to attract how can you check-in so you say pause and, then, what.

Do You focus on or how do you tell by your feeling, it's. Gonna be the answer that only you can answer really and that's about checking with that experience. You know you set, out you probably created a vision statement if you've been following anything that we've been doing and your vision statement may have or, will have. Experiences. Attached to it right the main thing is what do you want to experience in lanten so for Jocelyn its massive, contribution, financial, freedom and joy and so, you follow that feeling, you follow that experience, so if someone comes across your path with. An opportunity or they want to join with you first. Of all does that seem. In that, moment to lead to. Join. Do you feel joy in, partnering. With them do you feel massive. Contribution. In the path they're asking you to go down youth and, it's. A feeling you have to it's, an intuition, you have to follow that and maybe you're. Not quite used to following. Intuition. Or following your your. Inner guidance as far as I feeling in our experience, so you may just pause and say oh man thank you so much for that opportunity, let. Me get back to you so that's good I just gotta underscore, that go ahead yes, we got to underline, that because, you, said, let, me get back to you where. I think eat what I even just got for myself was I lived so much of my life like, I need to give an answer now and it's either I'll jump to a no or a yes and, then, sometimes I'd regret the no or I'd regret the yes so, that's just powerful, to be able to say, check, let me take some time to see what's in alignment, that's. Great what, one thing off her out there and I actually had this conversation earlier today. If. It's not a particularly, someone. Were they asking you to be a yes or a no now it's it's an opportunity that you could say yes or no to if. You just leave it go and we've actually found this a number of times and, it, comes back around if the opportunity, comes back, again that's. Been a way for us that we've been allowing the alignment, to reveal, itself is, by you, know I'm not I'm not sure I checked, in on my experience, I think it could go either way I paused, and, I, still am not exactly clear I'm not sure about the feeling moving forward will, release it like joseline said in the beginning and if it comes back probably. A signal, if it comes back a third time for us we're finding that's almost the validation, that you need right and that's when you high-five and you go we manifested. That about, a big none of them moving forward all. Right well that if, you have more questions about manifesting. Please write. Those that is something, we're passionate about because really one, element we didn't talk about and we could bring up on another one, and I'll just plant this seed here is you, can really manifest, so much through your language, together, and how. You speak, about it constantly rather, than describing. Past stories, together or, just. Talking about what currently is when, you're making dinner, manifesting. And sharing, like what's coming and creating. That with your language together. Now. Jocelyn where's the best place to manifest the. Best place where creation happens the. Intimacy, space at, first so about that just don't -, Sara beach. Cruisers, at, very second best a. Topic. For another time but, yes. The space of intimacy no, that's the energy of creation so, you really want to manifest, just. Check that out put the in your awareness, and we'll be back to that well we. Want to see what comments you have out there one again, logging conversation. As we move into the third topic which is really about how, to balance romance, and business, when you're in a relationship and, so I'll just throw this over to you what. Are some struggles that you have found for us between, us in basically. We're together literally. All the time and, we. Have a business, we have a mission and a purpose we. Also have our romance and our personal a ship so I guess let, me scratch that first question do you see a difference in our. Personal life in our business huh you know I think that's been the switch for us is really not seeing, a separation. Right so we have. Our life is about something, our life is our mission so it isn't it's not even a business, like oh man, that business thing, that, business, is our purpose, and so, for us it's not like, we clock out at 5:00 or. It's the weekend we're not supposed to be talking about business, and. That's been something funny is will we have in the past sometimes been like alright let's go to dinner tonight and let's not talk about, empowered. Couples right and then, what's funny is takes a little bit actually well because, also we'll, be wanting to talk about it you, know like it'll be like oh man I had this idea but we said we weren't gonna talk about that and that's when it becomes like constricting.

Right Is when you you, can't have, it just be life and, so. I think it's really been. For us about, that integration, that it is really just all life, and. That. Really bringing more inspiration. But also being, clear on our boundaries, together so we, do have an agreement for example on Sundays, that that's our day to, connect, we, do ever we want so we don't schedule, anything unless it's in a like something we've agreed upon and it's an exception, so it's time. For us to just go on beach cruisers, and that is when we intend. To not be working. Or creating, that's when we're more refilling. Our cup we talk at that time a lot about manifesting, so. The time boundaries. Being. In communication, can, really bubble that's what I'll circle back around with. Is to. Really get it's not a romance. Business. Bad it's integration. So we're. Your. Business our business and working is not just limited to, connecting. Or going to networking events meeting. New people sending. Emails, creating. Content, recording, audio and video, literally. Riding, our bikes is, just as much a part of our business if any of those things those things and. As, much, as intimacy, is something. That is part of the personal life that's a part of our work, life also it doesn't, become these two separate entities because going, back to your intention, and alignment, it's about your state it's about your vibration, it's about the, future that you're creating and you're living in two and then how what activities, are you being guided to every, day that. Keep that intention, and keep that vibration, alive because that's how you actually manifest, so you, have to start looking if I've been smashing, away at the keyboard and hammering away at emails. Go. Outside go. Hiking go, circulate. New, energy, go, get something to eat just pull. Your partner into the bedroom men and, become.

A Intimate. Space you know all of that that, you feel guided, to it's about that. Space that, energy, that vibration, and that's where you really create, fun because let. Me just say I could talk about this for hours, all. This stuff, physically, comes. From. An. Energetic. Vibration it, just does if I had an hour I would tell you the quantum, physics behind it about string theory but, we all need to wake up to the fact that what, we see in our physical, existence does, not just come from that which is seen it comes from that which is unseen, and how do we tap into that everything. We've been talking about yeah. I think it's also just checking, in if there is if you're starting. A business together or you're in business together and there's tension, checking. Out is there, some need not, being met so for, example or, do, you have a craving, for travel, and you haven't made travel a priority, or, making. A feeling, significance. Right and you haven't been able to feel significance. Looking. At it. Might not be actually about the business, that you're feeling tension, something, that, is a deeper. Down desire, in need that you have that. You haven't been making a priority and I would just check those kind of things out because that's been for us if I'm not experiencing. Maybe. Just some, play, right. Like and it's been really created, and I love it but maybe I just want to go be silly right, and go to a tea house and dress, up that's. When I can start to feel tension and, then it could get into our romantic. Life but, we find romance, in our business, so that's where it's really not the separation of romance or business, it's weaving. It in to. Our lives and taking those mini breaks throughout the day and, all. Right so we invite you to comment. As you're watching maybe the recording of the replay let. Us know where you're at in, creating. A business how, to create a business as a couple, what, does it actually mean to law, of attract or to manifest, that business into reality together as a couple and lastly as you're, doing that how do you keep romance, and how do you keep business, alive, and integrated, to, stay, in a place of play and, have your purpose, be something you can also monetize. Because when you find a way to get paid for what you love you never work a day in your life well that's, what we're about and getting. Into these conversations what we love the, one hear from you anything, last words be just I love you all and excited, to hear what questions, and comments you have talk, to you soon. Headed. Back out. It's. Frozen.

2018-03-24 15:41

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