BTC USD $4750

BTC USD $4750

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My. People my people it's about that time live. From the USA helping you get paid every day, this the boasts, of Bitcoin. The crystal of creeks dough is your boy BK and if you don't like me you must not like money thank, you for joining me everybody, April. 2nd. And, as you already know BTC. Didn't hit them over the head with. It but. $5,000. What. I'm gonna be doing today is jumping, into the charts doing a little sentiment analysis, see what's going on in the macro and the micro part. Of. The. Cycle, so, if this is your first time tuning in, congratulations. Baby you are now writing with the best my name is became known as a crypto trader and I'm them both of these charts, as you will soon find out, what. We got when. We type in Bitcoin. Price and the big brother Young's, in see. What Big Brother got to say. 47. Honey. BAM. It's, beautiful, thing man. Not, too long ago we was down you know I'm saying around 36, 38 39, just clinging on trying to make it work trying, to make a doll out of diamond a nickel you, know and now it's looking a lot better a lot stronger, especially, over the last month look at that 3700. You, know to a, 4,700. That's, significant. Crease right significant. Round right there okay, Business, Insider just, posted, a. Article. Sometimes. I just like to type in a big brother you know. Generally. Search terms to see you, know what the CJ B's and their corporate. Corporate, back acoustic rita journalist. Accounts. Are speaking, about. So. Let's. See more than 23%, surge, past. $5,000, yes it is and this. Is what they're doing because this is now the second. Article, that i've seen. To. Where. You. Know they, want you to be the April Fool that. Believes. This. Big, 23%. Increase, was. Fueled, by a. Reddit thread. That. Was a April, Fool's joke so. In other words someone. Spent, close. To 20, what. Is it. 20,000. Bitcoin 200, million dollars and, that, was fueled by an, April, Fool's Day joke don't don't don't, believe the hype guys it, was just an April Fool's Day joke someone, didn't get the memo and now bitcoins, about to hit his head on five thousand, dollars. This. This type of stuff sitting even be legal but I showed you to one article you, know a couple, months ago. We're propaganda. Is actually, legal they, can they can say anything they won't and it, doesn't even have to be legitimate. Because. They've legalized, propaganda. For corporatize, caki stockbridge, journalists. Right. You. Know so don't be the clown that believes, everything you read, you. Know one of these logos on it right I told, you about the ethos pathos, logos you, know if they got a logo you should be very wary of the, message that they're delivering you, and the, message that you're receiving. Right. A. Lot. Of a lot of money was lost on that short - a lot of people thought Bitcoin was going down going down going down and. A lot of people bet on the, down do. Not short, do not gamble, do not play with margin. Bitcoin. Was made to outdo. All of that and and, and when you do it the only thing you get is more dollars, say, you short Bitcoin, and you, win. What. Did you win you went you won more fake stuff fake digital, losing a wealth you. Gnomes in so. It's. It's really. Not the point of the blockchain and so a lot of people lost a lot of money good for them hopefully, they learn a lesson I'm. Never short ever ever ever ever ever, ever short, I've, worked, for a bank I've I, got, my education. I. Learned, how to trade. Options, back, in oleh donut you know I've been in this game for a long time. And so I know about the Greek the Delta that I'm gonna roll you know. The. Bottle spread you. Know in the money out of the money puts cause all that but no no, no no we don't we don't do that here we use the boss method, you, know and it has absolutely nothing, to do with the CJ B's and their willingness, to take, your, money that's the point of this video everybody's. Talking, about what's, going on with Bitcoin, oh my, god, mystery. Buyer who. Did it I don't, know April, Fool's no. No, no no no. No. No. The. Reason, Bitcoin. Went up is because. The. People with, money, wanted.

It To go up and it's. Just that, simple. Just. The same as when, Bitcoin, went. Down from. 6,000. After. Being there for about three months, it. Didn't go down because, oh my god, the. Commission. Didn't, approve the Bitcoin Bitcoin. ETF. And now all the rich guys are so disappointed, they're just gonna go buy some Apple stock instead go buy some 20-year government, bonds at, the negative yield interest, rate you, know the real money capital gains lost we're gonna write it off and depreciate it over five years gonna go put put some money down in Bolivia, and, build out the emerging, economies, up no. No. It. Went down. Cuz. They took their money out it goes up when they put their money back in it right. That's. It so we just followed the money let's, jump on the charts, BTC. To the USD on the 343, see what's going on no, i'll joette. Hey. They make all his money and these steel Chinese store Chu on advertising. Mislead. You with with the information, and extort you wanna advertiser. BTC. To the USD. Alright, so, for my. Premium, Group the boss, alert messages, I actually said April. 2nd. Was. The day to look forward to. And. I, said that as long as we were above 44, we would be going higher. And. We held above 40 for that, whole time I made. This video like a week ago so we was like up here somewhere, and I said as long as we stay above you. Know this line right here 42. Will. Be long higher and we just broke out I didn't, realize we was going all the way up hell, but. That's. What happened so. Let's jump down in the charts. Like. I said this this if, if, you want to believe that some. April, Fool with two, hundred million dollars to blow is follow it and read it for financial advice, and that's, how he decided, to you, know liquidate. Two hundred millions of dollars inside, of a couple, hours well by all means you know go. Go go believe it you know I'm saying I got a bridge in Brooklyn I'm trying to tell you to let me know let me know you, know let, me know let me know you you want to do that work, is.

Really, No technical, analysis, before this, yeah oops, it's. It's, literally, that simple. We had a buy signal over. Here so. If you if you're using the balls method, eunos william bitcoin for dollars, you, know congratulations. You you would have got in right around four grand and just, been riding the wave. But. We, still might be able to pull something out of this, so. Let's see. Let's. See first thing i want to try to do is figure out how they got up there it looks like that's how they did it. 42. That's. A big one. Look. At that. Okay. So this look like it's like two little quick cycles. This. Thing is pulling too and keep in mind even, though you, know the CJ peas have the capability, and the willingness to just dump absurd, obscene. Obstructs. Amounts of money into, the market at any given time it, still follows is, still a chaos, theory, right, that. Because. Anything. In the world can happen that at any, given time you. Know it, still has like some order. Within, the, pre assumed randomness. And so, that's what I'm trying to do now is is like break. Down well, what does that order. Look, like you, know, where, do the. Patterns. Start, stop, and. Continue. Right. And so with the Fibonacci, sometimes you can just start to play with it. To. Get different. Invoke. Different, cycles. And. So without. Talking. Too much that's kind of what I'm looking at now I think I'm going to just gonna focus on this last quick cycle I'm sure I was trying to pull something from Mike over. Here but. Don't. Look like I'm gonna be able to do it nothing, concrete. So. I'm just gonna focus on this part notice I'm only 33 it's a quicker chart you, know like I said it's not much we can do but I think it's a little, bit of information we can pull out of here if, we look at this. Bomb. Down that. Up right, there we, can draw a Fibonacci from. That. Which. Caps us out exactly. Where we're at right now, right, and. This is literally just the same as any other chart we would do break out to break down but, instead of doing it from the intersections. Because it's a quicker chart, a quicker turnaround a quicker breakout, we do it from the bottom of the, seven you know where that intersection happened, at and the, top of the seventh before it came back now is you know. And, once we do that you. Know we do have this right here I do think. That. If. We don't pop, above. This, top, then. We, will be falling down. To. Catch and confirm, at 45, and that's fine that's actually, really good. 45, anything, above 44. Is good, and that's what I told the group I'm like if we, once we get above 44, you, know then, we're, like backing, the money.

And. So, we have this right, here, I can. Also try to do sideways, one with, the same, duration. Right. Boom. Boom. Start. To get that. Yeah. And. That's looking. Better this. Is a quicker chart. Bear. In mind and. Then. Also. Something. Else I could do something else I could do sometimes. You think alike backwards, with it. And on this one. So, this is our. Ceiling. For, now. This, is our floor. Right. Five. Grands at the ceiling, somebody. Had a nice limit, sale right. There limit, sales y'all could cash out if y'all know how to do living sales man somebody sold that five thousand, you, know just waiting you know, to jump back in and, this. Is our floor. Right. Now. I think what's it gonna end up happening is we, may take a break here we may keep, poppin. If. We take a break if we say like this is the cap the peak right, then. We'll. Still be coming back with. Positive, energy, inside. Of a week, see. That right, weirdness thing pops. Out and that's how I said to my group April 2nd, was the data whites granted. It happened and the, wee wee, wee wee hours, of. April. 2nd but it was still April, 2nd this, is how I do it I look at look at the waves you know. And. Then you have another little quick one. Up. In there. Right. And. So. Yeah. April, 8th. April. 7th. We. Should get another wave we may consolidate. Down if. We break through this 5 grand, then, we're going much much higher and this thing is like you, know going up to like 54. 5600. Right, because then it'll be like somewhere. Like right that you. Know 52. Yeah. 56, somewhere. Down there. Right. There. Right, so if we do break through, five. Grand and we're going up to that 56, but for now we'll play this lower bandwidth. Right. And. That's. Kind of what we're looking like. This. Is the cap right here five grand is a cap so we play it down, over. To the next a, couple. Of you. Know quick, fragments, at a cycle we know we have a strong floor, right, there at forty five we. Let you know the sideways, energy, fill, out and then, we know April, 7th. We. Should be retesting. 47. Right. And this, is if we, sell off if we hold right here then. Like all bets are off and we'll probably just bang bang bang boom you, know and. We'll just treat this as kind of a quick ceiling and when we pop through that we'll go up to that for it another, quick ceiling and we pop through that and then we go up to be a 56. Just like before right and, all that will happen inside. This same window. Of time so it's like two options, either we consolidate. Quick to, go up quick or we, consolidate, long to, go up long right. But, because we had you, know such, a positive. Shock. To the ecosystem. I think, it's it's a very very, very. Very very good, time to. Start looking at learning how to swing, trade, taking. Less. Putting. Less, emphasis. And. Notoriety. Into. The cactus. Tactic. Capitalists. Out there, that. Control, the corporate, Bop media, and they, intentionally, want to disinformation.

You And this, inform, you and disallow. You of, your sovereign, rights to be free they want you to be a slave to a machine that, is broken. You have three, men that are worth more than half. Of. All. People, living. On. This, nation. Notice. I said on this, nation. Do you research know your history, NOAA. Maritime, Admiralty law if you have, puppets. Granite. They're very animated, puppets, and they've, been on TV a long time they know how to read the teleprompter real, nice you, know just like that last guy did. But. It's all divide and, conquer. Understand. That BTC, is a network of value understand, that it is. It. Is, the answer, the solution. It, is unbreakable. Right. And so, you don't need all these presumed, labels, to. Self-identify. With, all you, need to do is understand, that the blockchain is the largest, decentralized. Value. Of network. Network of value in the world and. That. As you, convert. Your. Worthless fiat, dollars. Over. You. Will be highly. Rewarded. In the. Long term how do we make money in the quick term learn how to chart like a boss type, it in the Big Brother go over to boss a Bitcoin, comm youngs and see the products and resources we got but. In the long term BTC. Is. The. Best vehicle. Financial. Vehicle in the world. Put. Something on four wheels and go price it out you can buy a Bugatti, for like two three million, dollars, and bitcoin. Is sitting down at four grand. That, doesn't even make any sense. New. Mercedes-benz, s-class. $85,000. Bitcoin. $4,700. Change. Your values, change. Your worth like. My man nipsey said if you ain't appreciate. You depreciation. Yums, in and even though I don't jato. You. Know I. Trade. Like a boss I can't be mad at those that. Do, do. What you do do, what you do you. Know and I mean, we will make it work so. With that being said everybody, I, wanted. This to be kind. Of more of a open, source. Pull from different aspects at an Internet. To. See what the CJ bees are talking, about but you damn sure know they ain't in business, to make you money to in business to take your money and, let Bitcoin. BTC. Be. Yo selfish. We. Don't need no like legislation. We don't need no regulation. All. We need to do is believe that BTC, is the, salvage. Can. I get a witness, that. Being said everybody is that time of day signing out votes, boy. BK no matter where you stay Brazil debate telephone, are you all. The way back up to jerk. Money. Good. Night good more than any good day Before we jump up out of here thank you to. Everybody, that has supported, me on patreon, as you, know I told, you I left my job with the CJ B's listen they was flying me all over the country, I have free Jarek, one of them nice 401, k's I wasn't gonna never cash how I do this stuff for the people I live off of the donations, and the support and, the revenue, that I received from the products, on this. Page, right here so if you want to support me jump, on over to Boss a Bitcoin, pick yourself up a profit package top ten coins in a month I'm coming out with this new list tomorrow the first of every month you, get the top ten coins delivered, you and if, you actually want, to make some real deal money I'm building this stuff out right here you. Know we gonna be doing webinars we, don't be doing conferences, we don't be doing a lot of stuff over. The next couple months but, the boss alert messages, is where it's at like my people knew that April, 2nd, was highlighted, right, and they knew that like last week when. I want to get my weekly updates crypto, reviews right. So. Thank you to everybody that supported me thank you for everybody that's held me down you, know I'm saying there's been a cold winner but like I said as a new cycle and new season, a new reason to be believing, and together. We will all be achieve and thank you for listening, stay. Empowered, stay, in profit, most, importantly. Stay, cryptic y'all please.

2019-04-04 07:24

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Thanks for watching everyone! Please click this link to help with video SEO: And make sure to leave your city/country in the comments to win Free Bitcoin!!! Like


Yes BK!!! It's time!!! Let's make money!!!

I don’t know about you, I earn 0.5% of the bitcoins I’ve invested with these guys every day and don’t know grief. Sorry for my english

Can you PLEASE start using Brave man, whats this AD nonsense!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insight Boss !

Fk the Slave Masters, I'm a boss because of BK I will be a Free Man!

The Boss!!

Riding the bull in Tampa, FL like a BOSS!

Finally a moon shot

Smash that like!!!

Like this brother!!

Maritime what law?

BK man I watched your TA video back in December I think you where spot on thanks for all that you do for the crypto space.


Yes Sir!

FL Stand up!


Thanks BK been watching you since July 2017. Portland OR!

Bk technically this has to test around 6k area before a pullback to test the bottom. expecting that but still buying any pullbacks.

Hey brandon i have a good idea how we can earn some passive crypto.i help help me.are you interested?

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