Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #30

Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #30

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welcome this is bitcoin day trading the best at  wave analysis episode number 30.   today we are going to take a look at the charts   i'll give you an overlook and tell you if  i'm i'm bullish as uh or bearish as always   um and this service as always is for free but i'm  always also offering services for private clients   and as i told you you must be careful that you  don't get scammed so that you're not paying an   imposter or a scammer will sell you fake  things under my name so you must be careful   of that um i have a private telegram code so we  today we're going to take a look at the charts and   at my private telegram group i have a private  tag uh no i'm i'm in my public telegram group   of a public telecom group there are not too  many people's in it for now so you're more   than welcome to join and they're interesting topic  we talk about trading all day long and you should   join you should take a look i'm going to take a  look at my telegram because i want to show you   a tweet i made yesterday in my telegram and  that being said we take a look at my disclaimer   as always to start then i'm going to take a look  at my telegram and lastly we look at the charts but first my disclaimer so please  read the disclaimer that you are   worried about the risk above evolved  in trade trading and under my services   i'm offering one-on-one coaching if you want  to improve your coaching if you want to become   an and um profitable trader if you want to  be part of the one percent of people who take   money out of the market content consistently  you should get some help it will be much easier   if you get some help you will do the same you  will do the pockets that you make in 10 years   in maybe six months or one year so if you if you  get some help that's why i'm offering a mentorship   so you can reach out to me to that and um i have  a couple of other stuff i'm i'm talking about but   there's a new service that i offered that i  launched um two days ago i talked about it   on my video yesterday and i  and i talked um about it in my   public telegram group and the new service is  right now only for 10 members because i only can   take care of 10 members right now and it's their  administrative tasks involved in that i have to   check every month if every member pays the fee  the fee for that group is 20 a month and i have   to check every month that everybody pays the fee  so there's risk there there's administrative um administration um involved in that private group  so it's only for 10 people right now and it's full   i already have 10 people so  there's no spot available anymore   because it's not the same thing  to check that if 10 people   paid the fee every month then to check if 100  people pay the fee every month if i get 100 fee it   it will get much more complicated for me to manage  100 clients than one edge to manage 10 clients   so to start in the group i wanted to keep  it small so i only admit 10 people and   the last people the last guy joined this  morning so right now it's full if you still want   to my rules is that i limited to 10 peoples for  now but in the future i might um increase the   uh the number of parts if i don't have too much  work administrative work to do around that group   i might increase the number of participants  to 15 or 20. so five more spots will be   available or 10 more spots so if you  are interested just tell me on the   on my public telegram group that you're interested  in joining the group and i will put you on a list   on people that are interested and as soon  as i increase the number i'll give it to   the persons who ask first for it so if you are  the first person to tell me that you're interested   to join right now i won't admit you into the  group but i will put you on a list of people   who are interested and as soon as i increase the  number of participants you will be the first one   to know about it and you will the first one to  get a spot into my private telegram group the   private telecom coupe will cost you 20 usd a month  so that's extremely cheap it's really not much and   you get a lot um so i'm going to show you what my  private clients get in that telegram group and why   it i think it can be useful if you're a trader  and you want that kind of analysis to be   in my uh private life elite waves analysis  group a channel it would be a channel   so i'll show you an an example because  yesterday i i showed my my participants in the   public group and what it will look like so i'll  show that to you on screen right now let me share   my telegram so this is what you  will get one to three times a day so   you get a chart like this one  and the important stuff i'll um   i point it out with um with my highlighting tool  okay and it gives you even the direction and   the stop loss level but you don't have  to guess that stuff i i add a text to it   and the text yesterday was and as you  can see i did it i did it live so i did   it when we when we reached wave five down i  thought i told the people about that analysis   i did it live so you get it straight away i only  make one intervention on youtube but this um   live eight wave updates i will put  them out one to three times a day   more during the weekdays a little less during  the weekends because i will take a little off   during the weekend i will do more less work  but you so you get that cha a chart like this   and under the chart like this you then  you get a description and yesterday my   description was the following one and  that what that's what my private clients in the in the private telegram channel  will get one to three times a day my my   my description yesterday of the chart was my  outlook is bullish main count gives me a stop loss   at 58 550 usd where wave 4 would overlap wave one  alternate count is also bullish stop loss is at   58 783 65 west where wave 2 would  retrace 100 of wave one the alternate   count is a series of a series of one and  two's is tracing out within wave three   both counts are bullish the alternate count is  more than the main count i'm expecting higher   prices unless the stock level gets hit and a  smiley face so that's in the analysis and that's   the level of analysis people will get and why is  that useful because you get it live you get it   just when you shouldn't need to get it uh i just  afterwards i i posted that tweet i went long okay   and uh i've even showed my position and uh very  fast afterwards my position was fifty three point   forty six and one one hour or two afterwards  about fifty point by forty six percent uh percent   uh profitable and this morning i checked again  and it the same position was seventy seven percent   uh thirty two 32 profitable and that in  less in less than in less than 12 hours   and that and i did this only by looking at my   ta and i published that pata live so that's uh the  that's the thing that's what my uh this kind of ta my private client will pay for  they pay 20 bucks a month for that   but now but right now i'm eliminating the group to er to 10 people i might increase or not depends on  how much administrative work it it it gives me i   i don't mind about publishing my chart and even  writing uh an explanation below them because i   knew any way i have to do the work to trade myself  so so i so why not share my thoughts with you   um the thing i don't like is being scammed and  there's always a risk of being scammed when you   do stuff like this and the second thing i  don't like is the administrative stuff so   if the administrative stuff stays quite  low then i might admit more people also   right now it's it's closed but you can tell me  that you are interested in on the one condition   you are interested if you tell me for example that  you will pay the 20 um 12 months in advance that   you will pay for one year instead of paying  every month that would give me less work to   do because i don't have to check on you every  month if you did pay or not the fee okay and then   maybe i would give you an eleventh uh place you  you can make a proposition on on telegram to me   and if i find it uh interesting and uh and i  think why not i'm nice guys so normally um i   would but i have a rule no more than 10 people so  now we have reached that and that's one way of you   you might get in if you make that proposition  you also can just be on the waiting list   and i'll tell you as soon as i admit more people  and the third third the third possibility would be   that you want me to break my wood so my rule is  only 10 participants and now the group is full   unless one of the parts spent is not unsubscribes  but unless that happens the group is full   but another thing you could do i'm just giving you  some examples you can try i'm not telling you that   it will work but i will think about it another  thing that you will do is that you can tell me   that you are extremely interested in coming into  the group and that you are willing to pay more   so if instead of paying 20 you're willing to pay  50 bucks a month maybe i changed my opinion or   instead of paying 50 you are willing to pay 100  bucks a month maybe i changed my opening and it   depends on you depends on how how good of a trader  you are maybe hundred bucks that's nothing for you   uh for uh for a good edit wave analysis  that's that might be nothing for for you so   so you would you might be more than willing to  put 100 on the table every month for my ta so   if you if you put make me a proposition for 100  then i say well for 100 why not do the extra work   so so by that i mean you can talk with me you can  talk maybe on my telecom group the only thing i   don't like is being scammed so if i if i find out  that i'm being scammed i might seize totally my   activity or i might just ban you but i don't like  being scammed so it's always very unpleasant to   scam people i won't scam you now people will pay  for the first month of ta analysis and i would   write to them one two three chart a day during  the week a little less during the week and the   weekend but if i don't do that okay i'll pay  the money back to them i mean i don't like i   i i don't care about the uh it only makes 200  usd i do it mod as an exercise then for the   money only 200 usc that's not much for the work  i put in into it um i don't do it for the work i   do it as an exercise it's it's um it's technical  and analytical for me to to do that kind of chat   and be and try to be as clear as possible on  my analysis so it's an exercise that i will do   at least for now maybe i see this in one two five  six months or one year i don't know i'll see how   it goes it depends i think it depends a lot not  on the work that i have to do but on how much   um stress and administrative work uh i'll have to  put into it and how hard it is to manage 10 people   uh in a ten per people in a in a private uh  telegram channel i don't know how many how   hard it is to munch them so it really depends um  on how it goes but for now it is full you can get   on a waiting list and if you really want me to  break my rules and i and admit it's an arbitrary   rule and i meet 11 person and you want to  be the 11th person then you have to have   some convincing argument and the only way for  you to get that right now straightaway is by showing you that you're willing to pay more than  20 bucks then maybe i think about it and i'll make   an exception for you okay and that's it um anyways  even if you won't get uh right away into the private channel private telecom shaman um you  can get on the waiting list but that might be   long because i might only admit people in  one two or six months i don't know or never   um but but you can talk to me um and even if you  don't get into my private telegram channel you can   join for free my in the chat group and in the chat  group there are a lot of traders talking about   trading all day long i have seen no scammers for  now on every of my youtube videos uh once i will   show you all the scammers i get and they are very  uh there are a lot and i also show you how you can   easily quickly find out that this has come because  if you get scammed by somebody else um who is not   me then i mean it's your mistake you there's um  it's an intelligence test if you get scammed by   those kind of people maybe trading is not for you  and you should do something else with your life okay that's it for my telegram group so please  join the free telegram group and the public   telegram group and if you're interested in the  private uh let me know and don't know what the   condition you are interested in then i'll think  about it or i'll put you at least on the waiting   list and as soon as you tell me as soon as you get  in the way this is if you're the first person to   tell me that you get in the mailing list you  will be the first person that i admit once i   increase my number and the number of persons that  i will admit into my private channel group so so   if you're interested let me know as soon as as you  made up your mind by going into my public telegram   group and just telling me okay i then confirm  you that i put you on the on the waiting list and to be to be sure that you don't get scammed  i already told you but i'm sure that people don't   pay attention so i will tell you again i'm oh  the only way you can pay for my fees okay is by sending money to my bitcoin address  okay and this is my bitcoin address okay   and that's for now the only bitcoin  address i use it is on my website okay and   you see it here okay and you you always must  be you must make sure that you don't send on   any other address because you won't lose your  money you will get the service you pay for or   i'll send you the money back but if you send  it on any other address you are being scammed   and you will lose your money and there are  scammers on every single one of my youtube   interventions so be careful and if you want to  scan the qr code you can scan this time it will   give you the same the same bitcoin address and you  can send money uh you can also use that uh advice   for donation if you like i would appreciate that  too if you want to give me a donation for my work and yesterday i did a mistake i told you that um that the transaction fees on beacon are 30  bucks but i was tired i told you i only slept   i only slept two hours tonight and this this time  i slept five hours so i feel much better and i   made a mistake i told you that the transaction fee  on bitcoin and 30 bucks of course i wanted to say   uh 30 cents right now so sending me money will  cook you 30 cents and if i have to send it back   to you it would cost me also 30 cents you have  to put down the contract in the transaction fees   correctly uh i told you this i gave you a site  last time but you just type into google search   and tx street it's for transaction street and  you will get an animation telling you how much   uh you have to pay to get into the next block  and it says something like one sat per byte or   two sets five sites per byte and if it says three  sets per byte you'd simply pay two cents per byte   and you get into the next club if it says one size  but buy it you pay two cents for bytes and that's   uh around nothing's like 10 cents and most of the  time that's how cheap it is right now on bitcoin   so do that when you want to pay me money  so you don't pay too much on transaction   fees and always make sure always check  that you are sending money on the correct   bitcoin address if you send money on on any other  address you get scammed and there are scammers on   every single one of my youtube interventions  so be extremely careful don't fall for it okay that was it i did just show  you how you pay me a donation   and what my public diagram group  looks like and even what my private telegram channel will look like i showed you those   three things and now the last thing  we'll do is take a look at the chart so um let me first start with um with the three-hour chart so on the three-hour  chart i made a couple of changes but not much   and i'll talk about them but just to remember to  refresh your ideas we did button here at wave c of   two and then uh i i put in an impulsive wave one  two we did put in the third wave the fourth wave   correction and now we are accomplishing wave five  okay and i've checked on the higher time frames   you have time frames if you want to see them by  that i mean the one hour chart the one week chart   and the one month chart which gives you the  higher outlook for investors for example   uh i'm reserving that kind and that information  for my uh private client who take the mentorship   or just one consultation one on one consultation  i'm reserving it if i give anything for free   i wouldn't have any private clients and i like  having contact with people and also having people   that i know with who i talk directly directly and  privately and who i might keep if i get banned on   youtube which is always a possibility so if i get  banned on youtube because some people get jealous   of me having uh a little success but there might  be some people who get jealous of that and trying   to ban me so if that's the case and i'm cannot be  on youtube anymore then i have um a way of staying   in contact with my private clients that and that's  also why you should follow me on telegram because   in the public group because at least you  have a certain way of communicating with you   youtube can seize from one day to a next so  so this it's always good to be also in my   uh public telegram group so that if i change  and have to go to bitshoot or any other platform   i can tell you and you can follow me there  because there's always a risk above i hope   that everything goes fine and that i can keep  posting videos on youtube but you never know what happens um since i only talk about  chart there's a chance that i won't get   a ban but if i talk about anything else  the chance that i get banned is quite high   so and now we we are accomplishing as i told you  wave five so i'm i have two alternatives i have   the first count which would make it offer  f3 and the second count would be even more   um the alternate count would be even more bullish  it would make it only wave one so the second count   would say that this entire up move is only wave  one uh of an alternate count and we go higher   instead of being wave three already wave three  so the item account would be more bullish i'm   not sure where where we are going to top i have a  couple of levels on my higher time frame but the   the most probably right now is 280k that's my most  probably outlook once we did top i will see it in   the charts i will see it and and then i'll tell  you that we we entered a bear market and that from   now on i'm expecting lower prices but i'm only  sure once we did talk until we did not talk i   only have targets and there are different targets  and i'm not sure if it will be 100k uh or 100 um or 280k so i'm not sure which of the targets  i i won't show them because that's private uh   that's a paying materiality for me i cannot give  everything for you but i keep everything for free   nobody i wouldn't have one single paying client  and i put a lot of work into it it is normal that   i get some kind of a little compensation and  compensation and that people show me that they   that they appreciate my service by at least paying  20 bucks for a month for for a live uh idiot wave   updates at least that i mean yeah i'm really not  excited i'm really not putting the price uh high   so but i wouldn't have any uh paying client  if i give if i give away everything for free   and then also people wouldn't appreciate it  because it's just free stuff you can find on   the internet so there must be some stuff i i keep  for my private clients and as i told you the one   um week and the one month charts are  charts that i keep to my private lines yeah i think that's all i want to say about  um this one so the question here is uh   which attack exchange level will hit and the  most probably one for me right now is the two   6 1 8 of f1 so that's the most probably uh that's  that's my favorite target and there i'll see   i see a top for wave 5 here and then i see a  retracement to wait for the fourth fourth wave and it's either a retracement of wave   three or a retracement of the  alternate count but in both cases if it's a retracement of the alternate count okay let's say we reach our alternate count  here okay if it's a retracement of the   alternate counts in only wave one then we could  re-test up to and then our stop loss would be   at 39 574 and that would be our stop  loss but i don't but of course there   are different targets and it's not  sure but that would be our stop loss   if it would be the start of the up wave if  it's the alternate counter if it's the third   count if it's wave 3 only of a 5 that's my  main count then we would retrace only to 52 956 so that would would be that no i'm  i mean i'm even mistaken here excuse me   let me change that you will retrace to the span  of the fourth wave the span of the first wave is   here so the low of the span of the fourth rate  was 53 848 so if we go um up for the fifth wave   to here we would retreat uh our target would be  uh would be here for wave four it would be 53   848 that would be our target for wave four if it's  wave five uh breathe three if it's wave three or   five okay um and that's my main count for now  so uh so there was um one participant in mine in my public telegram group who asked me that  question and i think i did answer it right now   if i did not uh then just write me a message and x  and tell me why i did not answer the question i'll   try to answer your question because he wanted to  know how much we we retrace once we talked on wave   five and i and the most particular  in my in my main account it would be   53 84 48 and for my alternate count the  worst case scenario but that's not my target   but the worst case corner scenario would be  39 573 but i find that extremely unlikely   if it's an alternate count that  i would put a field retracement   level but right now i'm not talking too much  about that retracement because right now what   counts to me is where we will top for wave five  that's right now once we dip top i will talk about   the retracement levels but only once we did uh  top but right now that's what you can expect   so i hope i did answer that question  if not get back to me and on the on on the five-minute chart um i have a main account  and i came up with an alternate account yesterday   i already gave that information to my private clients who are joined in my private well  you know what i mean on telegram i already gave   that information that i have came up with an  alternate count and the alternate count is uh   some subtitling wave tools so instead of uh  putting the the bottom here i put the button   here okay and i then see wave  one two and now subdividing wave uh accepting biting wave one two so there are a  couple of subdividing waves a series of uh of uh   one and twos so here's the first one and two on  the alternate count and i chose the same color   for the second alternate count one two and um  that meant yesterday that the stop loss for my   alternate count was this level and i told  that in in my tweet this level was 58 783 that was for my alternate account and for my main count i i told them that my stop-loss  level would be 58 550. so here it is because it  

would retrace into the territory of wave one and  that is not possible and on the alternate count   it would uh retrace the entire wave one  because this is a wave one as you see   and if we reach that level and we went very  close to it then we would retrace the entire   wave one and that's not possible so that would  that was my stop loss on the alternate count   and right now we had an impulse wave  and now it looks like we're making an   abc correction and the abc correction should  stay above uh 58 933 and that's my stop loss   for the um in the current count because uh wave  two cannot go below the start of wave one so that   that's my stop-loss level right now and once wave  2 has buttons we are expecting as you can see wave   wave 3 4 and 5 up and my favorite target on  the five-minute chart for f1 would be here uh   when we five equals one point six one eight  times uh wave one and that would be at 68   322 so that's my target on the five  minute chart okay that's it for today and i'm i'm looking uh forward to do some updates as  soon as i find the time and as soon as people   uh into my private channel um to do some  live updates for them and for the people who   who don't want to go to  telegram and i are not into my   private channel you you you will have to  wait uh um up to tomorrow for an update okay that's it for today i hope  you found it interesting and join my uh public telegram group it's free   don't spam or you will get uh banned uh let peop  i let the scammers scam the hell out of youtube   because i don't bother about youtube i i don't  care but i won't admit um people messaging   um putting scamming message on my telegram group  because that's very annoying to see so i will ban   you really fast on telegram if you if the scammers  migrate to my telegram group for now they did not   so we'll see what happens but i won't admit  scammers into my telegram group because that's   just annoying for everybody and also like  and subscribe and hit the bell notification   because you stand some cheap information  and you should get it as soon as it's out   thanks for watching and see you tomorrow  for one more update have a nice day bye

2021-10-20 23:11

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