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You. Cript industry, still at odds over JPM. Coin weeks. After the announcement of, the JPM, coin the, crypto industry, is still confused, about whether, to embrace or reject it now, vine ins put out a study on March 1st 2019. Claiming. That the coin will not be in competition with ripples, XRP, what. To do in February, 20, 19, km. Organ broke the news that, they would be launching, the JPM, coin a dollar, backed coin that would be used for cross-border, transactions. Among their customers the. News is already weeks, old but, discussions. Surrounding it, if not slowed down in the least, there, has been commentary. Calling, the move hypocritical. Due to the management, of JP, Morgan previously. Bashing, Bitcoin and also, discussion, about what place the new coin will have in the market, and more. Specifically. Who they would be competing, with the, most obvious, candidate, is ripples, XRP, token which is the go-to for cross-border, transactions. In the industry, the, initial, verdict was that the JPM, would definitely, be competing with XRP, because. They would be targeting, the same class of users who want quick, and affordable cross-border. Transfers. Finances. Take now. It would seem that opposing, views are forming, within the crypto industry, regarding, the matter and one, firm that has chimed in his finance who released her report on March 1st 2019. Addressing. The issue they. Argue, that when the JPM, coin takes off they, will make use of a private permission. Quorum blockchain Network to conduct, inter institutional. Transfers, and value settlements, in the, case of XRP the, focus, is to promote interbank, transfer in, settlements, and also, to serve as a mediator, between Fiat, and crypto, services, this, is in contrast, to the closed network, system, that JPM will be making use of ripple. Has seen partnerships. With the number of banks around the world because, they trust their platform, this, will not be the case with JPM, because, banks will be reluctant to make use of another Bank settlement, token it, is more feasible that. Other banks will create their own coins this, means according, to the study that both, coins are targeting, different markets, and thus will, not compete, with each other mixed. Reviews, the by Nantz report is just another example of the conflicting opinions. Being given in the industry, about the coin a fiat. Backed stable, coin is in essence of central, bank digital, currency, but with the credits risk of the depository. Bank eg, JPM. Coin a free-floating. Digital, asset, like X R P has credits risk against, its largest holding, party that. Party is in essence its central, bank Simon.

Taylor At C Taylor March, 3rd, 2019. Other, commentators. Speculated, bloody, crypto, war fight, between dollar, J p.m. and dollar X RP, is, coming G like the dud I hope both of them will kill by each other finally dot Pokemon, G at pokemon. G March, 3rd, 2019. Thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price, articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis, soon. You. You. Nice. You. You. Tether, is being ported, to the Tron blockchain, tether. The leading stab lacoya has, announced that it will soon be available on the Tron blockchain, tether. Revealed the news on Monday morning, and Tron, confirmed, the announcement, minutes later what. Will happen next is not entirely clear the official, statement suggests. An imminent release while other sources are suggesting, a cue to launch today. We take the next step in our journey towards stab like owing mass adoption though the introduction, of USD, T on the at Tron foundation, blockchain, read, more about how Tron has become the latest blockchain, to deploy tether here, HTTP. Colon slash slash t, KO / u r VL. D x MP, s6. Tether, at tether to march 4th 2019. Y, tether is being ported tether, is a cryptocurrency, that is tied to the value of the US dollar and, it's token USD. T derives, its value from a reserve of the currency, this, means that tethers value, is based on real assets, even though it is tracked on a blockchain the. Company explains, that the stab lakorn is blockchain, agnostic, in fact tether was originally, created for Bitcoin but, was added to ethereum, last year tether, also notes that porting, the stab lakorn, to various block chains will help achieve mass, adoption, meanwhile. Tron notes the tethers integration, will help attract investors, and partners as. For actual use cases Tron. Suggests, that the token will become an important, part of DAPs and decentralized.

Exchanges. A controversial. Stab lacoya despite. Its high standing, tether, has gained notoriety over, the past year during, that time tether, has endured a bit for next deposit, crisis, been called an instrumental, part of market manipulation and most. Controversially. Has had its United States dollars reserves called into question however. It is not clear how much of this criticism is actually, valid even, though new studies, are showing that tether, does have adequate reserves, the, controversy. Has endured, assuming. That tethers numbers are indeed accurate USD. T has a market, cap of two billion dollars making it the largest stab, lacoya Tron. Which, has a market, cap of 1.5. Billion dollars. Plenty of wealth to contribute, a big, addition, for Tron from. Another angle, the partnership, may be more important, for Tron than it is for tether Tron's. Token landscape, is fairly barren, despite, its best efforts to compete with ethereum, by, contrast, if areum, has been used as the basis of multiple, high ranking altcoins, including, by Nan's coin zaleka. And AMA say go Tron, has had one big success, though the platform's, BitTorrent, okand has garnered plenty, of attention over the past two months it. Is hard to say whether, other Tron based tokens, will gain ground but in the meantime tether, will give Tron one more partnership, to pin on its lapel thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio Bitcoin, comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. Becoming. A little bit wealthy, how to save for your retirement the. Bad news is that almost half of Americans approaching. Retirement have, nothing saved in a 401k. Or, other individual. Account the, good news is that Doug Lynam offers sound doable, financial, advice so, that anyone can live comfortably and enjoy, their golden years Doug. Was a Benedictine, monk for 20 years and is now director, of educator, retirement. Services, for an asset management, firm in Santa Fe New Mexico, doug is also a self-proclaimed.

Suffering, Prevention, specialist, he, will be the first to, let you know that prayer may help your soul but, not your savings account get. The full Seth Klarman series, in PDF, get. The entire 10 part series on Seth Klarman in PDF, save. It to your desktop read, it on your tablet or email, to your colleagues, q, for hedge fund letters conference, scoops, etc, doug, has the following advice for older people who have nothing saved build a workable budget, to reduce expenses, clear. Up debt increase. Their savings rate select. Better retirement, investments, or start investing, now try. To buy a modest, home so, that living costs go down as they age consider. Relocating, to a less expensive city if possible, stop. Supporting adult, children if possible, put your own oxygen mask on first before you assist others and for. Younger people who'd like to avoid this situation remember. That the Holy Trinity of finances, 1 earning to, saving. 3, investing. Ethically you must, win at all 3 to build a sustainable retirement. Doug, points, out too many people only focus on earning money even. If you have a high income if you don't save and invest, you'll always be broke which will increase your suffering, and your family's, suffering Doug. Offers, advice about saving, for retirement or, how anyone can get on the road to becoming a little bit wealthy, his, book from monk to money manager, a former, monks financial, guide to becoming a little bit wealthy, and why that's ok Thomas, Nelson March, 26th, 2019. Was, just released, Doug's, goal is to help as many people as possible manage. Their money effectively, according, to their highest values money. Management done correctly, is a spiritual, practice. You. 60%. Of. Crypto users, are still scared to make a Bitcoin, payment, the, foundation, for inter wallet operability, is built on a key principle for, Bitcoin or other crypto, assets, to succeed they must be as easy to use as possible the. Protocol, presents, some intriguing possibilities. Particularly. For merchants and new users. CCN. Previously. Spoke to founder David Gould and we interviewed, him again about their recent survey on crypto, usability. The findings. Only compelled gold to work harder, on his mission for even those who have spent a significant. Amount of time in the crypto space find its usability, far, from perfect, most, crypto, users, feel uncomfortable. After sending a transaction. Most, crypto, users, feel their heart skip a beat when they press send on that Bitcoin, payment, source.

Shutterstock. In, fact. 60%. Of newer users failed, to answer very, comfortable, when asked how they felt immediately. After, sending a crypto payment, the, number of experienced. Users who feel very comfortable is, just shy of the number who answered, cautiously, optimistic. It's, about, 79%. For users who have held crypto, for less than three years fear, divided, data into, two groups people who have held crypto, for over, three years and people who haven't primarily. The, study focused, on people who held crypto, at some point in 2018. When, Bitcoin was nearly 10 years old almost. Three-quarters. Of respondents. 73, percent sent, at least a few transactions. Throughout, 2018. Most. Crypto, users, are cautiously, optimistic, after. Sending a payment, but only one quarter are very comfortable, source. Foundation. For inter Wallet operability, over. 200, people were polled they, were found via targeted, advertising, and other marketing, techniques, the, data gives a lot to unpack and, a lot to think about, Gould, told CC and over the weekend, there are a lot of usability, issues, that have to be dramatically, improved if crypto, ever is going to achieve its potential of enabling, the seamless movement of decentralized. Value and doing, for the movement, a value what the World Wide Web has done for the movement, of information, over, half of people who send crypto, last year experienced. Problems most. Crypto, users, said they experienced. Problems when, sending, Bitcoin there are another asset, to someone else source, Shutterstock. Nearly. One in five people polled had a problem that prevented, the actual, successful, transaction, of cryptocurrency. Around. 6% reported. That they had been victimized, by a fishing, or man-in-the-middle. Attack. Man-in-the-middle. Clipboard, attacks are a common, way to steal crypto, these days an attacker. Infects, a machine and manipulates, the clipboard, to send to an address often. The address appears, similar Pheo, specifically. Prevents such an attack vector users. Can generate payment. Requests, based on the wallet software. Instead, of the blockchain itself. So, the sender is confident. That the funds are properly, routed, attackers. May still figure, out ways to gain such a situation. But it will be far more difficult especially, in. Merchants to person transactions. Which, are at crucial focus, for usability, almost. Twice the number of people who were victimized, worried, that they might have been this, reporter, can attest, that anytime he doesn't see an immediate notification. By a wallet, service, he fears that he has finally fallen, victim to one of these attacks, notably. A manual, trick for the current ages to verify, the beginning, middle, and end, of a typical address, it, gets more difficult with, longer, addresses, such, as those issued, by Manero and other kryptonite, protocols. Bed, coin and crypto competitors. Must be easier, than fiat to succeed, just, 11% of crypto users, made a transaction, at least once a week during 2018. Source. Foundation. For inter wallet operability, for. Some the, most damning, result of the study will, be the fact that only 11 percent of people who used crypto, in 2018.

Did So, more than once a week the, majority, rarely used it at all for any alternative. System, to succeed, it should, easier than existing. Payment options. After. All it's, easier, to send a PayPal transaction. Than to conduct a bank wire all, you need is someone's email address would. People be as successful if it were just as inconvenient, as gathering, bank details, and processing. Them manually gould, said if these, things don't get changed, people, are not going to be buying coffee with crypto, it's, got to be actually, better than sending fiat, it's, got to be easier, safer. And more, comfortable, than sending fiat because. These are immutable, transactions. Right, you. Can't call a bank and say hey. Put, a stop payment on, that or, I didn't, charge that fee. Oh one, protocol, to help them all fortunately. Gold doesn't believe it's necessarily. Up to the blockchain developers. To create usability. Solutions, for, one thing a true, maximalist. Vision, would need to come true for that, even to matter if only. Bitcoin, ethereum, achieve full ease of use for, example it, doesn't mean much for the non crypto, world coming, in to crypto even. Solutions, like lightning, Network used complex, algorithmic. Payment, information, to process transactions. Feel, works to provide plain English addressing, instead, feel. Works identically on every, single block Shane I've, talked, to lightning people and they absolutely love, Pheo because. Lightning doesn't, have a way to solve the complicated. Address problem. That's, where Pheo protocol, shines it doesn't, depend on changes, by any particular, blockchain. As opposed, to solutions, like ends which has some similar, features, instead. Pheo solves, the problems, itself, at a wallet, level Pheo, strives, to make transactions. More secure, and put. Simply easier, the, foundation. For inter wallet operability, counts, several major wallets, as members finances. Trust wallet, konami an edged wallet, as well, as services, like shape-shift, all of whom are founding, members of the Pheo foundation. We, discussed, the protocol, in much greater detail in our interview, with David Gould. Backed, parent, company. Ice expands, its crypto data feed ice, the company behind backed, has announced a new list of coins that will be added to its cryptocurrency data, feed backed. Is a long-awaited and often, delayed Bitcoin, futures, trading, platform, and in the absence of any new information, news, about Isis data feed has attracted, plenty of attention over 60. Cryptocurrencies, ice, says that its data feed will now include over 60 cryptocurrencies, many. Of which are top-ranking coins such as Bitcoin ethereum. Lit a coin and ripple, several. Other alt coins have also been added to the feed as well as stab liqueurs and exchange related, tokens the, full list of cryptocurrencies, can. Be seen on Isis website, our on Twitter it, is not clear, if the listed cryptocurrencies, will. Be integrated, with backed backed. Is specifically, a trading, platform that, will offer Bitcoin, settled, crypto future, contracts, Isis. Data feed simply provides, market, information and can, be used separately the. Two could be used together though as the feed does include, information on crypto, futures, who, can access the data Isis, data feed allows investors, to access, very comprehensive. Information about the crypto, market, however, the, company's, data feed is targeted, at institutions, not at the general public that, means that ice provides, very extensive, data at least compared, to freely, available market, aggregators. Such as can market gap according. To a video from ice its, crypto, data feed can be used by hedge fund managers, index providers. And portfolio. Managers, among, others these, customers, will benefit from greater efficiency, more insight and better, transparency. Presumably. Individual. Clients, of these institutional. Users will also benefit, just not in a direct way no. News on fact, although, Isis, data feed is thriving backed, itself is still in limbo ice, has announced delays multiple, times and backed, is now long overdue by any measure originally. Backed, was set to launch on December 12th 2018. But it was soon rescheduled, for January, 24th, 2019. Back. Then suffered another delay in January, which, put off its release indefinitely. Recent reports from coin discs suggest, that regulatory backlogs. Stemming, from the government, shutdown are to blame for the most recent delays the, site notes that backs novel, trading model is not helping matters either nevertheless. News. About Isis data feed has made many people hopeful that backed is drawing nearer thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin calm Bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational.

Purposes Only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, bitcoin calm, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. The, six biggest, misconceptions. About Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency, from. Scaling to securities, the environment, in the SEC here's what you need to know so. Much has been said about Bitcoin, if there ium cryptocurrency, and blockchain, over, the course of the past few years that, it's almost impossible to, keep up with what's fact opinion. Or a mixture, of both, the, blockchain industry. Moves fast is always, in flux there's so much at stake and we're, still building a collective, understanding between, the vast and global spectrum, of players involved further. In the digital media landscape. In general and specifically. In the realm of cryptocurrency and, blockchain media, there's a trend towards sensationalism. That makes gaining a nuanced, understanding of, important, issues something of a challenge as the, team's building, out the infrastructure, of a blockchain future, work towards number crypto, spring and the next phase if blockchain, development, comes into view a few fallacies, linger on from blockchain, salad, days that are worth addressing some. Views are held by the general, public while, others are more commonly, uttered in the crypto, sphere but here are the six biggest misconceptions. About blockchain, and cryptocurrency, right, now and what's, being done that proves them wrong, cryptocurrency. Mining is, bad for the environment by, now you're, familiar with a popular, narrative that, often arises when discussing blockchain. Or cryptocurrency that, mining, Bitcoin via proof-of-work, algorithms. Consumes, more energy than insert, emerging, economy, nation and is contributing to the environmental. Downfall, of the earth there's. Just one problem with these gleefully, apocalyptic, appraisals, all of the data upon which the entirety of this alarmist, coverage is based was, whittled up by an ethically suspect, loan blogger who estimated his numbers flubbed, his methodology, and completely. Overlooked, fundamental, aspects, of the issue at hand a deep, dive in hacker noon by Robert, Sherrod lays, out just how badly your most trusted, news sources got this in an excellent takedown the reports of Bitcoin environmental. Damage are garbage it's, a must read a 20-18. Report, by the World Economic Forum, even identified, 65, use cases for blockchain, technology. That will help the planet and the fight for environmentalism. Projects. Like the bounty for basura are creating, new models for sustainable. With blockchain, and as, ethereum, development, continues, towards a proof of stake model that is far more energy, efficient, and environmentally, friendly, than the proof-of-work models, that dominate, blockchain, technologies. Today we are moving towards, a future where this issue will diminish, bitcoin. Is cryptocurrencies, blockchain. If you're, reading this the likelihood, is that you've explained, your interest in blockchain, tech to someone only to receive a blank stare in return until you drop the other b-word Bitcoin. Although. Trends in this regard are moving fast in the right direction many, people, still equate blockchain, with cryptocurrency, and cryptocurrency, with, Bitcoin, however. Bitcoins. Market, dominance in regards, to other tokens near, 100% for, most of the currencies, existence, sits at 50% down, from 85 percent less than two years ago and up from a recent low of 33 percent, although, the crypto craze of 2017.

Has Clearly diminished, it has laid the foundation, for a global ecosystem. Of tokens that proves that there's a lot more to cryptocurrency than, just Bitcoin it's. Also become evidently, clear that Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency, are, just phase one in the long arc of blockchain, and technologies. Like f areum's programmable. Smart contracts. And decentralized. Apps are the future recent. Reports have indicated that, if areum's global, developer, base the Bua dealers working on the infrastructure, solutions. Daps and protocols. Of the network is more than twice that of Bitcoin, and that's a conservative, estimation check. The speeches of any of tech's greatest figures and they'll echo the same the projects, and industries, with the most developers, get the best results, that's, why sectors, like decentralized. Finance, Enterprise, Solutions gaming, and media integrated. With blockchain, tech are flourishing already, Bitcoin. Market dominance, since 2013, notice. A trend all cryptocurrencies. Are, securities, some. Tokens, and cryptocurrencies that. Launched through the ICO process, are indeed unregistered, securities, for. Example, tokens, or cryptocurrencies, that, provide dividends, meet the holy test or share the same qualities as typical, stock will result in the classification. As a security, however. The emerging, reality, is that not all cryptic, or our securities, the, US Securities and Exchange Commission has previously, stated that ether is not a security, more. Recently, senior, members of the second cluding chairman Jake Leighton and director of corporate finance bill Hinman have been playing ping-pong with public statements, echoing positive, sentiment, most, recently, in March clayton stated, a digital, asset may be offered, and sold initially, as a security, because, it meets the definition of an investment, contract but, that designation. May change over time if the digital asset, later is offered and sold, in such a way that it will no longer meet, the definition. Regulations. Are notably slow to change, and while necessary, to protect individuals. From scams and malicious, actors it's worth noting, that regulations. From 1933, should, be approached with a modern, viewpoint, new, regulations, will need to take into account the various types of token models if there, am can't scale scaling. A decentralized. Networks, ability, to handle transactional. Volume without sacrificing. Security, or speed is undoubtedly, a difficult, problem to solve however. Some, of the smartest, minds in the world are currently working on solving scalability. Through layer one eg, sharding, and layer, 2 eg, state channels, plasma. Solutions, many. Of those solutions will, launch into reality, this year and Consensus, founder, Joe Lubin stated at his SXSW. Interactive keynote. This year that the ethereum network with layered solutions, in play will, be able to handle millions of transactions, per second within two years all, new, technologies. Take time to mature and develop if. Their iam has made significant, strides towards, becoming, the base layer protocol, of web 3.0. The overall. Ethereum, ecosystem, continues, to show remarkable signs, of growth and it is now evident, that the roadmap, towards scalability. Is clearly, laid out and achievable, cryptocurrency. Is, only used for nefarious ends, as a, private, secure, and global, network for transactions. Cryptocurrencies, have, provided, incredible utility. For transferring, value in, conflict, zones for, remittances, retail, payments and yes, also for dark web transactions. For illegal goods, however. Chain, analysis. A leading blockchain, research, firm has shown that bitcoin is no longer the predominant, currency, for darknet transactions.

The, Global drug survey GDS, similarly. Found that cash is still king when it comes to purchasing, drugs or exchanging, value for illegal services, and you'll probably find that those decrying, cryptocurrency. Have, little issues with cash the murky, techno underbelly, of darknet transactions. And cryptocurrencies, being, used for illegal purposes certainly. Make for great news stories, but by now with many of the world's leading institutions. Like Facebook, and JPMorgan, on the verge of launching their own digital currencies, it's clear that the shady reputation, of bitcoins earlier days was a factor, of the technology's, status, on the fringes and that we have now moved on to a more mainstream era, tokens. Are useless, Heiko mania resulted, in thousands, of crypto and blockchain projects. You. Bitman. BTC. Transaction. Volume nears all-time, highs despite, gloomy, market conditions, following. An extended, period of sideways trading, the cryptocurrency markets. Dropped today as Bitcoin failed, to hold above its recently established support, level at. $3,800. BTC. Dropped below this level has led many cryptocurrencies, to, plunge 5%. Or more signaling. That greater volatility, is likely to come as the wheat continues, on despite. The current state of the markets analysts, are quick to point out that the number of transactions. Per block for Bitcoin are nearing their previously, established all-time. Highs that, were set during the height of the bull run in December, of 2017. Bitcoin. BTC. Transaction. Volume continues surging, clearly. At the moment price action is not at all linked to transaction. Volume as Bitcoin is presently trading, down 2% at its current price of. 3,770. Dollars while its transaction. Volume continues to surge mahdi, Greenspan, the senior, market analyst, at Itoro recently. Spoke to Bloomberg about the growing number of transactions. Noting, that it gives the Kryptos bulls a reason to be optimistic, what. I've been watching lately are the number of transactions. On the Bitcoin blockchain and, the total volumes across crypto exchanges, both of which are holding at their highest levels, in more than a year even, though we're still officially, in a bear market there is plenty of cause for optimism, he explained, earlier, today, Greenspan, doubled down on his comments, regarding the importance, of transaction. Volume explaining. In an email that Bitcoin, is now processing, an average of 4.05. Transactions. Per second which is up significantly from, where that number was this time last year volumes. Have subsided, somewhat, from the late February, excitement, and volatility, remains, subdued. Transactions. On the world's favorite blockchain, however, have seen yet another significant. Uptick as Bitcoin now processes, an average of 4.05. Transactions. Per second he wrote while referencing. The below chart will bitcoins, price ultimately, be affected, by the surging, transaction, volume although BT, sees price action has continued, to be.we in recent times the, surging, transaction. Volume as greenspan. Noted may leave room for some excitement among embattled, BTC, investors, moon. Overlord, a popular. Cryptocurrency, analyst. On twitter recently. Spoke about the surging, Bitcoin, transaction.

Volume And questioned. When the price will reflect the surge in adoption number. Of transactions, per block for number Bitcoin, now nearing the high reached in December of 2017, dollar. BTC. Usage near an all-time high when's, the price going to catch up number, of transactions, per block for number Bitcoin now nearing the high reached in December of 2017, dollar. BTC. Usage, near an all-time high when's, the price going to catch up pick FP. TM moon. Over Lord at moon over Lord March 3rd 2019. Historically. There, has been a loose correlation, between price, and transaction, volumes, but clearly, in this situation, correlation. Does not equal causation and. BTC. Transactions. May simply, have risen during bull runs due to the influx of new investors, using the cryptocurrency. Despite. The current number of transactions. Not being reflected in bead t sees price it does signal, that the cryptocurrency is, garnering greater, adoption and used despite the gloomy market, conditions, and bulls are hopeful, that this increased adoption will ultimately be reflected, in the digital assets, price of speculators, exit, the markets thanks, for watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com, Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered, as trading advice. Neither, Ohio Bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see, you with more Bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. The, New York Times is, planning, to experiment. With blockchain, publishing, the, New York Times the second largest newspaper, in the u.s. by circulation, and a storied institution, and American journalism, is getting ready to experiment with blockchain, technology, for publishing according. To a new job posting, the media organization. Is looking for someone to help design a blockchain based, proof-of-concept, for, news publishers, to, start the project net, is looking for a forward-looking, leader who would be working on the proof of concepts, outlined for 12 months within the company's research, and development, division the. New hire will codify, the vision, for the research project, and share that vision with potential, stakeholders, at other media organizations and, help brand and create, a public, identity and, assets for the project, another. Goal will be to form a pool of the project, stakeholders. And find, advisors from news organizations, academia. And social, media companies, skills. Set the, candidates, should have previous, experience innovating. In media organizations. And leading, a combination, of engineers, designers. Journalists. For more than eight years according. To the MIT job posting, strong. Skills, in communication writing. And presentation, partnerships. And collaborations. Are necessary, the, new blockchain, leaders should also have an established, track record in real world application. Of new technologies and, a mixed skill set with some experience in at least three of journalism.

Product, Design, software. Development, hardware, engineering, user, research, no. Less important, the job requires, a real passion for the New York Times mission, the, knit project wouldn't, be the first blockchain, media experiment, the, most prominent, of these is civil a token, driven startup backed by the ethereum, development, studio consensus. In its, editorial operations. The New York Times has been covering the blockchain and cryptocurrency, agenda. For several years now including. The special project, demystifying. The blockchain last, June the newspapers. Led reporter, in blockchain, and crypto, nathaniel. Popper is also the author of the bestseller digital, gold Bitcoin. And the inside story of the misfits and millionaires, trying to reinvent money thanks. For watching this has been the Bitcoin crypto, currency, market top ten report today sponsored, by Ohio Bitcoin comm, we, appreciate, you spending a bit of your valuable, time with us we broadcast numerous. Times throughout the day so stay tuned, disclaimer, price articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, Bitcoin comm nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with the next up to the nanosecond edition, of the Bitcoin crypto, currency, market top ten crypto, report. You. UK. Bitcoin. Trading volume, hits, $65. Million average is, London, all in for Bitcoin the, last three months in the United Kingdom's but coin market has been no less than amazing indicate. His SKU the, london-based, data, analytics. Portal revealed that, the region developed a strong Bitcoin, trading traffic, in the last 120. Days, it. Shared a graph across its social media channels, reflecting. Upon the growing presence of traders, in the UK's crypto. Climate, per the chart traders.

On Pit mix we're, contributing, approximately. 65, million dollars worth, of xbt. /, United States dollar trading, volume every day over the past three months the. Trading rate was higher between, 1000. G mt to, 1600. GMT. Reaching. Up to 100 million, dollars ahead of the mainstream, markets, closing hours apparently. You can't build a crypto, trading, business in the UK because, all the traders are in the US, and Asia G, average volume, in MLM. Dollar, on bit max dust per hour of the day UK, time last. 120. Deep hard. To disrupt the geographical, location, of London pic Slash, appears. Sink -, SKU, at SKU underscore. Markets, February. The 28th, 2019. Trading. Volume indicates, the number of trades taking, place across in exchange, pit, mix which, lists, both spot, and derivative, Bitcoin instruments, became, a central, point for skew to, understand, the market wide Bitcoin trading sentiment. London. A crucial, geographical. Location, skill. Noted that London was a crucial geographical. Location, to learn about the Bitcoin volume, trend the, late Asian, trading hours easily melts, into the GMT early. Session, and the late GMT. Trading, hours also touches, upon the US market. Open school. Sarcastically. Pointed, out that, that US and Asia had more traders, than that UK but. It did not entirely. That the region was not an attractive place to, build a crypto, trading, business it, very much explains, why, average trading, volume around, 1600. GMT, was. Always, higher than the rest of the day, that's, 11:00 a.m. in New York the global financial hub, sniffing its second, round of coffee that's. Also, 9:30, a.m. in Mumbai, home to one of Asia's leading, stock, markets, hard, to disrupt the geographical. Location, of London skew commented, big, crypto, firms entering, the UK the. Location, could be one of the many reasons why. Some of the world's leading crypto, service, firms have entered that UK recently, in. March the 2018. Us-based. Coinbase, opened, an office in London to, penetrate, the local and European, crypto, market, violence. The, world's largest crypto. Exchange, by volume and revenue also. Expanded, into the UK by launching, violence, Jersey, violence. CEO, Chang, Qing Xiao later said that they were registering, more customers, than ever from the region by. Non-stop, je is overwhelmed. With registrations. There. Is a backlog, of kik know your customer, verifications. Already, more. Resources, are allocated to, reduce it in the, meantime we, appreciate, your understanding and. Patience, just. Crazy one. Thing we do wow is under estimating, ourselves, and the market. HTTP. T, co / th. X FD, d 3 rd, - is overwhelmed. With registrations. There. Is a backlog, of kik verifications. Already, more. Resources, are allocated to, reduce it in the, meantime we, appreciate, your understanding and. Patience, the, registration, prize is FIFO, based no, worries just crazy. C's, and violence, at C's, and underscore, by Nance January. The 17th, 2019. 2019. Also brought news of more expansions. Us. Crypto. Exchange, krey-kin acquired crypto. Facilities, a london-based, crypto. Futures, platform, for, 9 figure, sum over. All the. With, its lighthouse, view of the world's emerging, crypto, markets, is giving, entrepreneurs a, strategical. Advantage, SCU's. Trading, volume analysis, reflects, an opportunity. For expansion, especially when the growth of crypto, markets, have been extinguished, by the patchwork regulatory. Climate of the US market. Thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin dot-com bitcoin news channel, today we, appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. A ohio, bitcoin, calm, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoyed this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. You. You. Gibraltar. Stock, Exchange deploys, digital, exchange prototype, on new blockchain, the, Gibraltar stock exchange gsx, group, announced, today it has successfully deployed a gsx, digital stock exchange, prototype, and a demo bond issuance, on the securities, trading asset classification.

Settlement, Stacks networks, global, test net using. Distributed, ledger technology. DLT. The, stacks network, is designed for capital, markets it, is a new generation scalable. Ledger network, layer that seamlessly, stacks on top of existing financial. Institutions, and enables, the tokenization, of, the financial, services industry hash. Stacks, which, develop, the stacks network is a joint venture between the GS X group Chong Tseng FinTech, Holdings Limited and prima, link technology Company. Limited, through. This demonstration of, the stacks global, test net and gsx, prototype, hash stacks incorporated. As embarked on its pilot deployment, phase the. GS X prototype, has the capacity to, launch the bond on stacks track, selling, reports, in for, selling, and eligibility, restrictions and, distribute. Repayments using, smart contracts. The, demo bond issuance, bring GS X a step closer to its ambition, of enabling, the issuance, trading, and clearing, of digital securities, on the blockchain over. The coming weeks more features and different classes of digital assets, will be developed, within the GS X prototype, our, vision, of GS X has been to revolutionize, the current capital markets model by enabling the listing and trading of digital securities, this. Is the next significant, step in a new paradigm, for global, finance opening, up new liquidity, pools and products, the, successful, demo bond issuance, on Stax brings us closer to achieving our, goal as one, of the first movers, in this nasan technology, the, GS X will continue, to push the boundaries and advocate, for greater adoption, so together we can direct the future of capital markets neck. Count CEO. Of the GS X and founder of the GS X group the. Stax network, is built specifically, to meet the unique requirements, of financial, institutions, the, distributed, ledger technology supports. Both unspent, transaction. Output luxo, and the double entry accounting method. Used in fine. Unique, customizable. Consensus, logic and innovative, node design allow full customization, according. To each financial, institutions. Requirements. Stacks, natively, supports, KML, requirements. And the use of smart contracts, on both JavaScript, and solidity the, network has achieved more than 10,000 transactions. Per second during testing, we, are extremely, excited about the achievement, today the. Successful, deployment of the Stax global, test net and gsx prototype, on the Stax network is an important, milestone in, the finance industry's, journey toward a digital asset era we. Are proud to be spearheading this evolution, with the Stax network alongside, many, top-tier, forward-looking. Institutions. We. Are excited, to broaden our partnership, base and encourage, companies and institutions to. Use the global test net and join, us on this journey JM, managing. Director at hash Stax in November. 2018, gsx. Group faced in their new utility, token stacks, it is to be used to pay sponsor, fees listing, fees and trading, fees thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin comm bitcoin news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price, articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice, neither. Ohio, bitcoin, calm, nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views thanks.

Again See. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon, good, morning. You. If, areum. Co-founder, joseph Lubin highlights, the diverse uses of blockchain. Although, blockchain, got its start with cryptocurrencies, in, 2019. At singing, applications. In nearly every sector according. To joseph Lubin the co-founder. Of ethereum in a March 12th, 2018. Video, a quick, sit down while. Blockchain, has been steadily taking. Over the world there are those who still do not understand, or have, an interest in what the technology can do for our organizations. Fortunately. Joseph. Lubin the founder, of consensus, was able to take some time between ethereum. Recent, hard fork and the consideration. Of gas fees to make a March 12th, 2019. Video with consensus, media in which he explained, some of the non-financial. Applications. Of distributed. Ledger technology. DLT. Question-and-answer. Luban opened with examples, from a wide variety of industries, and explained, their interest in blockchain, technology. According. To him the financial, sector was the first to get involved, in the space because, they sought to remove expensive. Intermediaries. And also, because they saw the uprising. In the tokenization, of, assets, since. Then a number of, banks are making use of it for a wider array of purposes, including, decentralized. Infrastructure. Systems, to manage securities. Another. Sector, beyond the world of finance, are content, creators who with, blockchain, technology. Will, have easier, access to their audiences. Lubin. Cited yujo music, a consensus. Project, as a prime, example as. The platform currently. Helps to over a thousand, artists, upload their content, Lubin. Stated, that artists, are looking to move away from traditional. Business models, to have access, to a larger, share of revenue, by. Making, use of a platform that. Uses smart, contracts, artists. Can enjoy more income, while, intermediaries. Like promoters, and record companies are excluded. From the business model, Dada's, for the journalism, industry. Lubin, says that blockchain, could help reverse the decades-old, trend, of large corporations, buying, up media, outlets, and pumping information. Through them with no regard for journalistic, integrity, he. Then spoke about the therians partnership. With Sybil to pursue this exact, objective. It's, all happening, uro, Sybil, is life euros. Become, a civil, member so, you can play a direct, role in building, a global network, for creating, finding. Sharing. And supporting. Quality journalism, learn. More here. HTTP. Colon slash slash Tito, slash. A nine eight c and 2g. FRP, Sybil. At civil, March, 6th, 2019. Thanks. For watching the ohio bitcoin, comm, bitcoin, news channel, today we, appreciate you. Spending some of your valuable, time with us disclaimer. Price, of articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered, as trading advice. Neither, ohio. Bitcoin, calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or, gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons. Below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon. You. You. Bitcoin. BTC. To reach. $137,000. By october 2023. If historical. Trend is followed analysts, the. $137,000. Bitcoin, call although. The crypto market has yet to break out to the upside investors. Have continued, to speculate, where bitcoin, BTC. Will pick next one, analyst notes that, it will be far above $20,000. Which BTC. First reached in late 2017. Market. Psychology specialist. Philip swift recently, took to twitter to explain, his call citing, indicators, from Willy whoo in the Bitcoin network momentum. Here, is your Bitcoin date and price forecast, for the next dollar BTC, cycle, price top done, by combining Bitcoin, network momentum. And at WA Nam Ixtapa cap you, can now book in that Lambo test drive for autumn 2023. I pick,, KN.

0 6 q 8 t 5f, d Phillip, Swift at positive. Crypto March 4th 2019. Swift. Notes that is per top cap and the momentum indicator, which, gauges, transactional. Throughput, BTC. Is most likely to have a market, capitalization. Of 1.7. Trillion dollars, to two point six trillion dollars, by October, 2023. Meaning, a per calling price of around 92, thousand dollars to 137. Thousand, dollars he, adds that more likely than not transactional. Volume, on the blockchain has, likely reached a low setting, a positive precedent. For medium term price action, Swift's. Analysis, elicited, a response from Wu who created the model he used to call the top the, Australian, researcher, noted that making such an estimate forecasts so early in the game is, like trying to catch a pop fly with your eyes closed. Regardless. Lulu, noted that this is still fun to do hence, why people, make such analysis. Decisions, regardless. In the past the industry, commentator, has claimed that it is only a matter of time before BTC. Meanders, back to its $20,000. High in a, number of comments on Twitter the trader stated, that he believes that fundamentals. Are stronger, than ever the, popular, analyst, even remarked, that eventually bitcoin. Will recover just like the past touching, on the fact that institutions. Mainstream. Media and representatives. Of the traditional, realm of finance bashing, the cryptocurrency is amazing, not, the craziest crypto, prediction, although. 137, thousand dollars for a single unit of the flagship, cryptocurrency, is preposterous, by, current standards Swift's, prediction, is far from the most optimistic, /. Previous, reports, from ethereum, World News dollar, carface, Scarface. A popular, trader on Twitter first noted, that it would be AI rational, to claim that, BTC. Won't undergo another parabolic. Cycle he, added that if the cryptocurrency, follows. Its historical, habit of rallying, to five point one to sixteen, point eight nine times above its previous peak Bitcoin, could move to three hundred thirty-seven thousand, dollars in the next market cycle this, of course is well above Swift's, call but is still in the sextuple, digits, range the. Aforementioned survivalism. Has noted that while, the last cycle returns, 16x, as BTC. Ran from. $1,200. To $20,000. The next cycle could post even greater returns, the, analyst attributing. The hopeful forecasts, to adoption and bitcoins, resiliency. On a global stage thus, concluded, that a pump to. $750,000. Wouldn't be illogical yet. Some have claimed that eventually the, leading digital asset, will break out of being sub 1 million dollars especially. As the legacy economy. Could begin to buckle, under heavy debts Jesse, London the vice-president, of IBM's, blockchain, and digital, asset branch recently. Took to an interview with finder dot-com to explain, why, 1 million dollars is possible, he, explained, that while BTC, is only likely to end 2019. 5,000, dollars over time 1, million dollars could be in the cards especially as institutions. And the public siphon capital into this space creating. A positive feedback, loop that pushes, prices higher with time tidal. Image courtesy of descriptive, dot-com, via unsplash. Crypto. Startup token, pay buyers equity stake in hide, a clown lingerie maker. Cryptocurrency. Startup. Token, pay is getting into the lingerie business, revealed. In a filing Wednesday, with that US, Securities, and Exchange Commission, the, Switzerland, based startup, has spent 1.3. Million, dollars for a 6%, equity stake, in The Naked Brand Group n/a. Ke, D the, Australian, laundry, company best known for supermodel, Heidi Klum's, signature. Fashion lines, token. Pay CEO, Derek, capo told Coyne desk the move as part of the startups, broader diversification. Strategy. Following a December 2017. Token, sale that, netted 2,000, Bitcoin or roughly, 20 million dollars, spending.

Token Sale proceeds on equity investments, has been a hedge against, crypto, market volatility, Capo. Said still. It may take until 2020. Or beyond, for shoppers, to buy Klum's lingerie, with pay tokens, we've. Reached out to n/a, k/d. For comment and we'll update if we hear back speaking. Of the startups, investment, in this lingerie company Capo. Ended they, n a ke d also mentioned, they are interested, in working with a blockchain company. For logistics, we're. Interested, in them accepting, token paise merchant, services, platform so that they can accept crypto, across all of their brands those. Merchant, services, would allow private purchases. Of negligee, using, token paise native, token, T P a why, because. The coin utilizes. The Tor network to hide users, IP addresses. Unlike. Most assets, used in 2017. Token, sales TP. A Y is not aetherium based capo. Said, 32,000. People participated. In the 2017. Sale by purchasing, TP, a Y with Bitcoin equity. Deals in the, interview, capo. Further detailed, how token, pay has spent it's a learnings so far including. Nearly four million dollars, spent buying equity, in Germany's, Wagg Bank AG in mid 2018. In, an arrangement initially. Brokered, over Twitter a nine point nine, percent equity, stake in the bank was, donated, to the litter corn foundation. While token, pay kept the same amount of equity for itself, although, there is no formal, commitment to, integrate, TP, a y or token, payment. Services, capo, hopes investing, in company like naked brand group and wag bank egg will eventually. Facilitate, both TP, a why, use, cases and the infrastructure, for that tokens, adoption, we're, trying to get every single angle possible because we realize there are many opportunities in, this industry Capo, said once, you start using it T P a Y then, we'll be able to offer you the opportunity to work with the German bank open, up a bank account there, and convert, your Fiat if you choose other purchases. With token sale burnings, included, a 10%, stake in the privacy coin oriented, mute he will fund token, sussy a portfolio. Of crypto, related, domain names and an undisclosed, amount of equity in the latin-american blockchain.

Company, Block size which, is currently working on a decentralized. Exchange, plus. Capo. Set token pay also paid more than 50 thousand, dollars for traditional, exchange listings. And donated. 2.5. Million, dollars, worth of crypto, to the verge xvg. Community. To incentivize. The adult entertainment site. Porn up to accept xvg, for, porn subscriptions. Much. Like the bank equity, donation, to the little coin foundation. This marketing, strategy leverages. Outreach, through crypto, adjacent, communities, that, could promote TP. A y in return, in sum. Over, the past 15, months the, startup, has spent more than half of the fiat value, of its token sale according. To capo, the startup retains, roughly, 10% of, its Bitcoin in a long-term Treasury, and has spent, 1.5. Million. Dollars on operating, costs such as salaries, we've, built a lot of infrastructure. And also, a lot of deals capo, said releasing. The development, of technology, stuff takes time so. Now you'll start to see some of the products benefiting, from the deals that, we did earlier thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin comp Bitcoin news channel today we sincerely appreciate, you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer, price. Articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice. Neither, Ohio. Bitcoin dot-com, nor the author is responsible. For any losses, or gains as, the ultimate decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader dot this is not trading, or investment. Advice this. Presentation, is for entertainment and, education, purposes, only please. Do your own research before, purchasing. Or investing, into any cryptocurrency. Always. Remember, that only those in possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own Bitcoin. If you, enjoy this type of content, please. Smash the like and subscribe buttons, below it helps us to get more views and continues. To spread the word about Bitcoin, BTC. Thanks. Again see. You with more Bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon. You. You. You. You. You. You. Bit, mixed CEO predicts, stronger, gains in q4, 2019. On bit, mixed crypto trader digest, bit Mex CEO Arthur Hayes reaffirmed. His prediction, for Bitcoin for, seeing the dominant, cryptocurrency, achieving.

$10,000. In price by the end of 2019. Previously. In mid, 2018. When, the sentiment, around Bitcoin, was, still generally optimistic, Hayes, said that the asset, had not found its bottom, and is likely to fall below, $5000, now. A newsletter, sent from the desk of Hayes read join CC, and for. $9.99. Per month and get, an ad-free version of, CC, and including, discounts, for future events and services, support. Our journalists. Today click. Here to sign up green. Shoots will begin to appear in early q4. Free. Money and collective, amnesia are, powerful, drugs also. After, two years of web king, punters should have a few shekels to rub together the. 2019. Chop will be intense but, the markets, will claw back to ten thousand, dollars that. Is a very significant. Psychological, barrier it's, a nice round sexy, number. $20,000. Is the ultimate, recovery, however. It took 11 months, from $1,000. To $10,000. But less than one month from, $10,000. To $20,000. Back to, $10,000. Melissa. Lee peep this. $10,000. Is my number and I'm sticking, to it at the, time of writing the, Bitcoin price just remains, above, $4,000. White, $10,000. Bitcoin, by 2019. Even, before Bitcoin, reached its all-time high, at, $20,000. In late 2017, the. $10,000. Level, was considered, a psychological, barrier by many cryptocurrency, analysts. As soon. As Bitcoin broke, the $10,000. Level, for the first time it experienced. An exponential. Increase in price to an all-time high at. $20,000. Considering. The 15 month correction. The cryptocurrency market. Has gone through analysts. And indus three executives, including Hayes, do not expect, Bitcoin, to complete, the ultimate recovery, to. $20,000. By the year's end, hey, synthesized, that no asset, goes up or down in a straight line and that the level of volatility, of cryptocurrencies, could, remain low throughout the upcoming months, but, hey, said that the asset, could begin to recover by the year's end as it approaches, the two-year, mark since the beginning, of its correction, in early 2018 all, is.

Not Lost. Nothing, goes up or down in a straight line, 2019. Will be boring but, green shoots will appear towards year-end the, mighty central, bank printing, presses paused for a while but, economics Sophists could not resist the siren call of free money Hayes wrote an optimistic. Long term forecast, of Bitcoin by Hayes could, be considered, a positive indicator, of recovery, because, as Hayes noted, in the past bit Mex does not necessarily. Need the price a Bitcoin, to sustain, its revenues, as a crypto. Currency, trading, platform with. Margin trading options, bit Mex benefits, from any kind of volatility, and it was of less importance, whether, Bitcoin, drops her rises, in price in the short term various. Fundamental, catalysts. In recent. Months as reported. By CCN. The, daily volume of Bitcoin in the rest of the cryptocurrency, market. Has increased substantially. Suggesting. An overall, increase in trading, activity, in the cryptocurrency, market. One, year Bitcoin, price chart, with volume, source can mark at capcom, Bitcoin. Focused, businesses, in the likes of back to have been able to either expand. Their ventures, rapidly, or secure, large valuations. Amidst arguably. The worst bear market, in the history of the cryptocurrency, market. On paper on Thursday. According, to a report by the block, Isis backed which is set to launch a Bitcoin futures, market, by mid 2019. Secured. A 740. Million dollar valuation, backed. Securing. A 740, million dollar valuation without. Having opened a Bitcoin, futures market, shows that investors, are confident, the volumes, of backed, when launched, would be able to generate sufficient revenues. The, Bitcoin, network is, also approaching a blocked reward having in 2020, and historically, Bitcoin. Has tended, to see an increase, in price of year before a having occurred a decline. In the blocked reward, leads to an increase, in the price of Bitcoin because. It reduces, the rate in which new Bitcoin is generated, declining, the available, supply in the exchange, market thanks. For watching the Ohio Bitcoin, calm Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of your valuable time with us disclaimer. Price, of articles, and markets updates, are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not to be considered, as trading advice, neither. Ohio. Bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains as the, ultimate, decision, to conduct a trade is made by the reader, always. Remember, that only those. In possession of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash, the like and subscribe buttons, below.

It Helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin, headline, news and analysis, soon. You. You. You. You. Bitcoin, BTC. And Etheria meth have different niches states Andreya Santana, Paulo's, Andreas. Antonopoulos a. Bitcoin expert, and author of Internet of money discuss, the contrasting, use cases and goals of Bitcoin, and if Aryan blockchains in a recent interview he said, that the two blockchains use cases cannot be performed by the other essentially. The two systems eff and BTC evolved, in divergent directions. And they can occupy different, niches but, they can't actually occupy. The same niches, at the same time even. Though maximalists. From both sides urge that the use cases have one can be performed, by the other blockchain. Anton, Apollo's, claimed that it was meaningless he. Admitted that any blockchain, with a different, use case can only achieve this partially, and not outperform, the original, blockchain, Bitcoin. Which, strives to become global money is vastly, different from that of Vitalik beuter and ethereum, Anton Apollo said he, asserted that the latter's core was different, from that of the former not in terms of application, but in terms of design choices and engineering. Of the two block chains he, said it's in its DNA the two systems, have been evolved, not in the random mutation, but a direct evolution, perspective, the, author further suggested. That the initial design decisions, and trade-offs made, for Bitcoin facilitated. The blockchain to, become a very robust, secure, nation-state. Resistant, a censorship, resistant. Form of global money dot Anton apollo's further added, that this subsequently, attracted, a particular, set of individuals, to come forward with the same vision strengthening. The existing design, trade-offs in, that direction talking. About the design trade-offs in F areum, he said that the ëthe blockchain, was built with an unconstrained, software engineering mentality, according. To him the developers, were looking to address a broader set of problems to solve the. Design trade-offs for this attracted, a different set of people in comparison, to Bitcoin the. Author also said that building a trade-off in F areum required, its own blockchain, for it to be meaningful he. Also suggested. That issues such as scaling, in the F blockchain, were much harder, than that for BTC, thanks. For watching The Ohio Bitcoin, com Bitcoin, news channel, today we appreciate you, spending some of you valuable, time with us, disclaimer, price articles, and markets updates are intended, for informational. Purposes only, and should not, to be considered as trading advice neither. Ohio, bitcoin calm nor the author is responsible. For any losses or gains has, the ultimate decision. To conduct a trade is made by the reader, always.

Remember, That only those, in possession, of their own private, keys are in control of their own money if you, enjoy this type of content, please smash the like and subscribe buttons below. It helps us to get more views thanks. Again see. You with more bitcoin headline, news and analysis soon. You. If, they're EMF vests vitalik view turin many products, like noose tablet, coins and brave browser, are positives. For ecosystem. The, progress, in the world of cryptocurrencies. According. To many users has. Been measured by the charts, and the prices, of individual. Coins in, the recently, concluded token. 20:49 conference, many, proponents, of this space gave, their perspectives. On where the crypto sphere will go in the future and about the latest updates, from the crypto space the. Roster, of speakers, at the conference included. Vigilic butyrin, the co-founder, of ethereum at charles, Hoskinson. The co-founder, of Cardno, a da as well as bil bar hid the chief executive, officer, CEO of, abre a popular, cryptocurrency, wallet. Vitalik. Butan stated, that aside from the technicalities. Of the field of cryptocurrencies, there, were a lot of things happening, in the ecosystem. Which were really positive and encouraging the. Ethereum, co-founder. Pointed, out that many crypto, currency, exchanges. Emerging. Stab LaPointe's, and cryptocurrency. Related. Browsers, were paving the way for a faster, and more reliable. Crypto, sphere butyrin. Also mentioned, the brave browser, as well as operas, decision, to integrate, ethereu

2019-04-02 10:30

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