Best Crypto Scalping Trading Strategy 15 Minute Timeframe tested 100 times

Best Crypto Scalping Trading Strategy 15 Minute Timeframe tested 100 times

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bitcoin strategy just got better  so let's get straight to it   hey trader devs i hope you're going extremely  well welcome back to my channel where i go   through youtube and the web to find the  best trading strategies which i then   code to debunk the bad ones and find the good  ones okay today we're going to be looking back   at a strategy that i developed a long time ago  well not a lot long ago a couple of weeks ago   uh which was based on a strategy that i found by  joelle on crypto you can find his channel here   the strategy was for scalping bitcoin mainly  and other cryptos using emas and the macd   so for those of you are part of the discord group  you know that i'm currently updating all of my   uh strategies to be part of pine script five and  also to add more functionality to them whilst i   was doing that i actually come across a couple  of settings that help to improve this strategy   which i'm going to be sharing with you today i've  also had a number of requests to show you how to   connect the trading strategies to wonderbit or to  buy a bit uh and so that they can be used as bots   so we're going to be also looking at that today  so i guess the best thing to do is get straight   over to my computer and get on with it if i could  just ask for two seconds of your time before i go   to my computer if you can give me a big thumbs up  for the video i would it would be much appreciated   it helps to get my video out to people that don't  know about uh these trading strategies you can   also join me on uh our patreon page where you can  get access to all of my indicators but i also give   as much as i possibly can away for free which you  can find on trading view just type davidtech okay   let's get over to my computer now okay here i  am on my computer as always giving credit to   where credit is due this is uh the original  strategy owner which is joelle on crypto   joelle is a fantastic youtuber has some great  videos if you're interested in crypto and scalping   strategies i seriously suggest going to uh  subscribe to his channel as well right okay first   things first we're going to go over to our trading  view here so we have our trading view platform   where i'm going to explain the strategy i'm going  to show you the strategy i've actually coded which   i coded in the video before i'm going to show  you what i've improved on it and the win rate   and also how to connect it to bots i know that  seems a lot but we're going to do it as quick   as we possibly can so and as clear as possible  so it's easy to understand right drel's strategy   uh was configured with 2m emas which are ema  50 and 200. if you don't know how to add them   you literally press the f button up here and  you try ema's you scroll down and it will say   a moving averages exponential here you add that  twice and then we're gonna also add a mac d now the macd was set on a different settings it's  on a lower time frame i'm going to be using it on   the five minute as i'm on the 15 minute frame  on btc also one other thing is i'm going to   be removing the macd and the signal lines because  all i'm interested in is in the histogram right so   joelle's strategy is pretty simple all we're  doing is looking for pullbacks in the macd when   we're in a trend so the trend is identified by  the green line which is the 50 uh above the 200   which means we're in an uptrend so when we're in  an uptrend we're taking longs so we're waiting for   the mxd to go into the red and we're looking for  the higher candles above average candles here   uh for instance if we were getting in at this  point we were over the green would be over the   red and we're waiting for this red area to start  to either start coming back down or looking for a   a higher candle than average so this  would have been a great entry i would   have he would have come along here and entered  about here so and then he would have put a 0.7 uh take profit and a 0.7 stop loss okay now that  is the only difference between me and his strategy  

i actually prefer a this wouldn't actually would  have actually been a winner but i actually prefer   uh more of a one percent 1.5 percent uh take  profit and stop loss because of by bits fees   when we're limiting and as i'm using uh bots i'm  actually market ordering so the fees are slightly   higher okay so i'm going to remove that then for  a short position it's absolutely and totally in   the opposite direction we're looking for the green  line which is the 50 to be under the 200 red line   and we're waiting for the macd to come up  in the green so it'd go in here somewhere   over here we're looking for the top of the macd  here which we obviously can't predict but we're   looking for a higher than average candle we'll  get in here oh that's so long i need to put a   short in sorry about that right short position  and it would be around there and we'll put a 0.7 to a 0.7

there we go i think that would have been actually  a loss yes it would have actually been stopped out   that one uh was i in the right area no i'm not  where i should be i should be there and that   should be a 0.7 so that actually would have been a  win okay only just though right anyway so that is   joelle's strategy he also mixes in a bit of  rsi and sometimes all of the trade order books   to see if we're in a uh in a bullish  trend or a bearish trend he also   limits the number of trades to around five  between each crossover so here we would have   had a crossover and there wouldn't be more  than five trades until the next crossover   okay so i actually took this strategy and i coded  it in one of the videos that you saw before called   the ultimate scalper you can find the link above  in the cards or down in the description and uh now   i've actually improved on that and that's what i'm  going to be sharing with you today so if i go over   here and activate i'm going to remove all of these  lines here and activate the ultimate scalpel 1.2 and it's going to add the emas as you can see and  the automatically adding your tank profits and   stop losses etc now the only difference that  you can see on here is that my uh stop loss is   slightly bigger and my take profit is slightly  bigger if we get into the settings over here   you can go over and you can see that my stop  loss is at 1.6 and my take profit is at 1.4   uh i've also added uh some more information  down here for things like atr stop losses but   when i'm connecting these strategies to bots and  not using them manually i actually prefer myself   to use uh a percentage of stop loss or take profit  the reason is is that you can actually see in the   future how much you would lose and look uh or win  problem with 80 atr's is that they if the market   is dumping there's a lot of market movement the  atr stop loss could be absolutely huge or the take   profit could be huge as well and stopping into  future trades or even losing a bigger percentage   of money also when you're in leverage trading you  don't want too big a stop loss because the problem   is is that uh you'd have to take your leverage  down so this is uh just uh just over one percent   which is absolutely perfect for about 20 20 x  leverage so i'm going to go back to my computer   i'm going to explain to you all of the settings  inside the settings panel very very quickly and   then i'll show you how to set up uh with buy a bit  uh the box okay let's go over to my computer right   here we are back at the computer right i'm just  going to very very quickly go through the settings   uh i do have a couple of videos on my patreon  page about this settings uh there's also something   called an optimizer box which help you to find  the perfect stop loss and take profit which will   be launched friday this week okay so for me what  i've done is i've actually put a 1.6 and a 1.4 uh  

percentage now that has actually given me a two  eight 72.28 profitable percentage profitable   and also giving me a 59 percent net profit now i'm  going to be using that on leverage so it will not   be the same as that but we'll look at another  tools other tools for leverage in a minute   okay so i'm going to go down uh you could actually  do a 1.5 and a 1.5 here and 1.5 there as well   but that would give you a 66 i believe or 67 win  rate if i remember rightly 67 so that still works   on uh joelle's uh jewel's actual settings because  he's looking for a 66 win rate so if you prefer to   have a rr of one one that is the correct settings  right i'm going to put this back to the settings i   had earlier 25 okay now right okay what i'm going  to do is i'm going to go all the way down here   and then i'm going to be looking at i'm  going to ignore all of this this is just your   atr if you prefer to use an atr stop  loss or the reduces as the price goes up   you have a trading stop or you can maximize your  risk drawback all of that just so that you are   minimizing the amount of risk  you can also add multiple take   profits but as it's a very small profit of 1.5  i haven't activated that i have this activated   repainting which is quite important you're  allowed you have things like reversal trade so if   everything reverses you can get out of the trade  we're going to be using the moving averages today   i'm going to be using 50 and 200 but i suggest  that you explore the other moving averages because   some of them work out quite well for instance  the double ema can give you a good results on   different numbers here um it currently is  at 60 but it's also giving you more trades   so if you actually play around with the settings  you might come up with a better number right i'm   going gonna go back to the ema's myself right this  is where the back macd is configured now the macd   uh is obviously looking for pullbacks in the  macd so we're gonna be on the five minute instead   of the 15 minute everything is default you can  actually play with the settings here and it will   show you different configurations here if you  take this up i know that it will give you better   win rates and less trades okay so if i keep  going down here right here we're using the mac   dema now this wasn't explained in the last video  because it's new uh the idea is is that uh joel   actually has a sort of a overbought and oversold  line the he uh imagined he draws on the mac d   that is -15 and 15 for for this one but what  i've actually done here is used a dynamic ema   that checks on the last 400 candles and draws that  line for us now if you want to do it manually that   would actually does give better results you can  but i like the autobot because you can actually   convert this across over to things like ethereum  sushi xrp and bnb etc so that is the ema for the   macd if you go down you can maximize your number  of trades in each product uh in each direction and   then the last thing that i've actually added even  though you can add things like the rsi and the mfi   there's loads of extra settings here but i'm just  going to go back up here and i'm going to show you   the enable adx then we're going to go here and  go admix we don't have to do this but i'm just   showing you the how it works uh the average  directional index we click here and that's going   to give us this uh red line indicator here now the  idea is is we have a adx of 30 so anything below   the 30 we consider as a flat market where nothing  is happening and we're just getting just above the   30 here just as bitcoin pumps so it's a great way  of not getting into a trade when the market is in   consolidation okay if it won't tell you when  to sell or to buy it just tells you that the   market is in trend okay so i'm going to remove  that and my settings for that would be oops   very quickly back to the cog here right in my  settings for the adx would be above the line 30   12 for smoothing and 14 for the di length so  that's the number of length back okay that's   fantastic so we have a 74 win rate almost 100  trades 63 67 now of net profit and we have a 2.2   profit uh profit factor if i go over here we can  see that when maximum wins in a row was 14 and   maximum losses was three and our equality curve  here is quite good at going in right direction   our pullback isn't hardly even uh seeable  which is quite small eight percent maximum   so that's great that's exactly what i wanted now  for a little bit more confluence i always check   my strategies on which is another  website which is created by jerel this isn't  

sponsored by joelle it's just that he has some  great tools so i'm going to be using that to   see what kind of leverage that i should be using  for my bots okay so let's have a very quick look   at that and then we'll start connecting our bots  to uh by bit right let's go right here we are back   at my computer okay the idea is is we're going  to be looking at this website called winrate.i   uh we're going to be using the b by bit as  the exchanger and i'm just going to fill   out all of these very quickly to test the  strategy okay so we have a 1.6 and a 1.4   stop loss to profit okay let's go  have a look okay so profit is 1.4   and stop loss is 1.6 we have a 74  win rate if i had a thousand dollars   a thousand dollars starting balance and we  did a hundred trades roughly and we put it on   20 x leverage i also need to change this to  market order here and i click run strategy as   you can see with a hundred trades we would have  earned one forty eight thousand five hundred   dollars now if you click a couple of times just  to make sure it never ends up again in the red   then we have a consistent sort of pattern in  the uh numbers so that we can work out how   much roughly we could have made and this  is all effective and not in the slightest   real you just need to test this with as much  confluence as possible to give us an idea   now press that a couple of times to make sure i  will also take up the leverage to see if it makes   any difference higher or lower as you can see  as i take it up to 25 it could be 50 000 or it   could be 36 which was the lowest i just saw but  i'm going to very quickly go through all of my   stop losses change them about and  i'll come back to you in a second okay here i am back right the i've decided to  use the current settings which is 73 win rate   as you can see here 73.2 win rate i'm going to be  using a take profit of 1.5 and a stop loss of 1.7   we're going to be using 25 uh 25 x of leverage  100 trades one by bit with limit uh with market   orders okay so the next step that i'm going to  be doing is connecting this bot to uh wonderbit   i wonderbit is very much like uh three  commas if you know it is an api that connects   your trading view strategies to uh to your  exchange now i use one a bit because you   can use your usdt on leverage using one a bit  which you can't do on three commas at the moment   so if you'd like to buy it if you'd like  to subscribe to wonderbit please use the   links down in the description it'll give a  kickback to the channel for you and for me   so fantastic well let's get over to the  computer and we'll see how we connect that   okay so the idea is is that we're going to need an  account like i said on wonderbit trading which is uh i already have an account so  i'm going to show you how to sign up it's pretty  

simple sign up with your email etc first thing  you need to do is add your exchange i'm going   to be using buy a bit so you go here and add  your exchange and then we're going to be adding   a bot i'm not going to show you how to add the  exchange there is some videos already on there   to show you how to add your exchange it's pretty  simple i'm just going to show you how to connect   your bot so what we're going to be doing is we're  going to be adding and our alert system from here   which is the settings of ultimate scalper now  this works on all of the trading strategies   by david tech so we're going to go down here  and we're going to use the strategy alerts   we're going to check check the check button here  and it's going to give us the options to add our   apis here now to make the apis we have to go  to the dots section here and press add nude bot   we're going to fill out the information so we're  going to give it a name this is going to be a btc   bot we're going to give the description  that i don't actually need so that's fine   by a bit uh it's gonna be my api we need to put  the time frame we're gonna be on a 15 minute   time frame we need our pair which is bt c usd make  sure you do usdt and not usd if you're using usdt   we're going to be a market order  portfolio side i'm going to put   a fixed amount of 100 remember you'll be losing  one plus one point five percent times the x in   leverage uh of that one hundred dollars uh we're  going to be using i believe it was a 25 x leverage   let me come back here and have a very quick  look leverage was 25 x uh multiple entries no   swing trade nope take profit one yes okay so we're  going to be taking a hundred percent at one point   five percent now the bot will actually the bot  from trading view will actually take care of this   as well but it's just a safe white safe way to do  it as well we're going to add a stop loss of 1.7 so that means that not only will trading if  you take care of your stock loss and your   take profit but wonder bit will as well so it's  a bit safer okay we're going to press create this   strategy here but first thing we need to scroll  up here and get all of this information here   now this is our apis for the wonder  bit first thing we need to do is the   interlock so we click on this nice blue  icon here which is going to copy it for   us and we're going to paste it  into the api enter long here and we're going to do the same for the exit  long which we actually don't really need   because wonderbit will be looking after it but  it's safer too we're going to enter short here and we're going to go and enter exit short okay fantastic and then we're going  to go over to the webhook url which is   the url we're going to copy that  for later okay right now we press   ok now that means that the alerts configuration  is done now what we need to do is add alerts to   training view now to do this we literally  go across over to the right hand side of   the screen and you'll see a little clock in the  corner with an alert put out we go up to the top   it says a number of alerts that we've had and we  click the alerts clog with the plus sign up here   all right first thing we need to do is go from  the conditions now it's going to be our ultimate   scraper 1.0 go back and we're going to go here  and we're going to go to ultimate scope up   and that's going to give us the current options  now you uh i leave it on this sometimes some   people say that it actually alerts twice it  doesn't matter on one the bit but if you don't   want that you can either choose alerts here so  order fields and alerts function call now we   go to the webhook url here and we check that  button and we add the url that we just copied   from wonderbit now make sure it's complete we  give it a name so this is a btc ultimate super   scrapper that'll do and we just literally empty  this message here we press color rate and that's   all done once that well you'll see up here in a  in white your superscalper alert ready if you want   to turn it off you just press the pause button  there and we go back to wonderbit and we save create bot as you can see the bot is now ready to  run on by bit you might want to check that your   uh position of the 25x is set as default that way  if there's any problems with one bit setting the   uh the leverage you you're covered on by  bit side as well that's the only problem   i've actually ever had with uh wonder bit right  OK so now what will happen is that will run in   the background and eventually you end up with  an alert that pops up on your screen which will   automatically activate the bots for buying it will  also uh take profit at 1.5 and stop loss at 1.7   so that is how i connect all of my trading  strategies to buy bit i hope you enjoyed the   video i hope it's answered many questions because  i know that it's quite hard to understand things   uh as we go along and build new strategies if you  enjoyed the video please don't forget to give a   big thumbs up and subscribe for future videos  i'm going to be doing a video on three commas   at the end of this week uh i've also got new  trading strategies coming out all the time so   don't forget to subscribe and i wish you a happy  tuesday wednesday wednesday i wish you a happy   wednesday and i'll see you on friday have a good  day goodbye keep coding and keep safe guys goodbye you

2021-10-15 09:16

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