*SEX EDUCATION* IS MY FAVORITE SHOW (and it's not cause of the sex)

*SEX EDUCATION* IS MY FAVORITE SHOW (and it's not cause of the sex)

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does anyone else love the smell of their own thoughts today we're going to be talking about one of  my favorite shows ever we wanted to talk about   sex education the third season of sex education  just came out on netflix i watched in like two   days and i'm rewatching the first and second  season at the moment this is one of my favorite   shows ever it is so good and i've been dying  to talk about it with you guys so whenever   you guys started asking me to do it i was like  okay let's do this freaking video this will not be   a movie commentary as you know sex education is  actually very graphic and it talks about a lot of   stuff that involves sex and very mature topics so  wouldn't be a very good commentary because i would   basically be commenting on very very small bits  from the show i would have censor a lot so please   go watch the show it's amazing come back and  watch this after you've watched all three seasons   there's only eight episodes at each season so it's  only 24 episodes you could watch really fast watch   it come back um this is not gonna be commentary  this is going to be just talking through the show   i have a couple points i want to talk about in  this video i want to talk about the characters   so there's gonna be a whole character section of  this video where i'm gonna be talking about the   main characters from all three seasons i'm going  to be touching on the other scenes as well but   this is gonna be mainly focused on season three  because i feel like if i talk about season three   a lot of stuff that happened season one season  two will kind of get wrapped up into it so we're   mainly gonna be talking about season three and  the characters in season three let's get started   we're gonna be talking about all your freaking  favorites we're gonna be talking about ships we're   gonna be talking about characters we're gonna be  talking about plot lines we're gonna be talking   about everything so let's get started also i  have bangs do you like them do you not don't   tell me if i had to rank all the seasons i would  rank season three season one and then season two   maybe i'm just saying season three because i just  watched it but i really did like season three   like i really enjoyed this season i did have a few  issues but we'll talk about that we'll talk about   my issues with some of the plot but i really like  this season i personally like that kind of like   union of the students going against the teacher  and kind of taking back their school i very much   like that season one season one i watched it when  it came out i really did like it i watched it   pretty quickly all i can say when i revisit season  one i [ __ ] hate otis i'm so sorry asa i love asa   aza i think his name is aza aza he's such a he's  such a brilliant actor he's so cute he's just so   he's such a likable guy if you see if you watch  his interviews you know he's just like a likeable   person like his persona in his interviews is very  likable but otis is a little [ __ ] and especially   if you watch the very first season he is just  unbearable like he's the worst person i ever knew   literally and it still kind of stands today  that he's the worst like i just cannot stand   him he's so rude to everyone in season two  they talk about they're like you're trying   so hard to be a good guy that you're not even  realizing that you what you're doing is actually   being a dick to everyone that's probably one of  the good things about season two is he finally   had to like look at himself and be like what the  hell is my issue because he was awful like the   way he treats his mom really infuriates me i know  she kind of crosses the boundary sometimes he's   so mean to her and in season one that's all i can  think about when watching it like if it wasn't for   eric i probably would have turned the show off it  was just on otis like if i didn't if there wasn't   enough eric scenes i would have turned the show  off you know it was just so annoying to have otis   be so obsessed with maeve like it was honestly  so annoying like it was nice guy syndrome it was   um manic pixie dream girl it was nothing of the  sort that we wanted and also maeve she was like   kind of annoying in season one like i don't know  like she just wasn't my favorite in season one i   definitely she's definitely grown on me a lot  more than in season one because i feel like   she was like girl boss but she was like uh i'll  get more into the specific characters later but   her in season one to her now is very different  and i think perhaps i like it perhaps i like   it a bit more season two was very forgettable  to me um i just did not remember like anything   that happened in season two it just didn't  stick with me as much as everything else did   like season one really stuck with me and this past  season was really good but season two i basically   forgot like majority of the stuff that happened  it's a good it's a fine season and compared to any   other show it's like a great season but comparing  it to these other two seasons i do say personally   season two is not as great as the other seasons  but you might disagree and that's okay that's okay   season three the season everyone's talking about  this season was amazing i loved the plot lines   they chose um but i do have some issues with the  ending of course we have issues with the ending   of course we do like why wouldn't we have issues  with the ending because what was going on what was   going on in their minds to do a lot of the things  they chose to do first of all the whole concept of   the new school principle really just made me think  of the pink lady from harry potter in the order of   phoenix it really just gave off that energy like  it was very much of like putting up the new rules   and you know being almost like not almost  very abusive to these children like in like   very hateful towards these literal like teenagers  like it just gave off professor umbridge professor   umbridge i think that's what her name is professor  umbridge it just gave off the same exact vibe i   don't know maybe that's like a british thing maybe  i'm just saying that they're the same because   they're british i like the story lines  that it brought out and i like a good   antagonist that i can hate i think she  was a really good antagonist just because   i [ __ ] hated her guts and that's what  they wanted and i think that was perfect   um sex education it's been adam's dad  but we kind of had that adam's dad um redemption like what i say a redemption i  don't know because what he did with jean's   book i just like cannot forgive like i just cannot   forgive that because i was really messed up  like i will defend gene with my entire life like   why did he do that so he's not on my good side yet  but i was like kind of feeling for him low-key in   this season but it is i think the antagonist was  better for this season maybe it's just because she   was like i don't know she kind of tricked us she  did kind of trick us she was like oh like i'm the   cool like alumni from the school i went to mordell  too and then she was like take down the coke wall   take down the penis wall cover up everything and  i was just like come on you're ruining the party   and i don't really know how the story is gonna go  now that like their school is shutting down like   i don't know why they set it up like that  it's it's it's feeling like glee when the   glee club literally got disbanded like 11 times  like i'm feeling a certain way about it and i   don't like it um i don't like it when like i don't  like it when the like the school is like disbanded   i think that's just like an icky feeling i don't  like it it makes me anxious um maybe that's what   they want me to feel but i just didn't really like  it i feel like it's kind of a silly little plot   that a lot of people do i think it would have been  more fun to put a new person in charge instead   perhaps another stranger i really hope they  don't end up going to different schools if they   end up having to go to different schools in the  next season i'm going to like throw myself a   bridge if there is a fourth season and they go to  separate schools like i can't handle that i really   cannot handle that because i need them to stay  in the same school so whatever you're dreaming of   enjoy dreaming about it really i'm going to talk  about two actually i'm going to talk about three   couples right now um i'll probably get into  more about ships and all that once i go to   the characters but i really wanted to talk  about the relationships in season three the   relationships that i'm really talking about i'm  gonna be talking about ruby and otis i'm gonna   be talking about isaac and maeve and i'm going  to be talking about adam and eric starting off   with the literal best thing that's ever happened  to me ruby and otis i freaking love this pairing do you want to smooth them  out for me particularly no well i think you maybe stay over  tonight watch a movie maybe uh you know i wasn't really expecting to like it as much  when i saw people tweeting about it and people   really loving it you know especially after the  trailer dropped and they were like seeing hints   of it like everyone really loved them and i didn't  quite understand it until i started watching like   literally even though it's the first episode i  was like okay i get it i do get it i really do   get it like i really just fell in love with  ruby this season i thought she was like   so funny she was she reminded me of emma roberts  and that emma roberts mean girl character   like that mean girl but it's just like you  can't help but love her because she is so   goddamn funny like it's kind of giving you  know santana lopez it's giving you know   madison montgomery it's giving chanel it's  that's the mean girl like the mean girl that   is just so mean but also just so goddamn funny you  can't help but love her what are you looking at   your eyebrows look bad today and she makes points  too like she actually does make several points   when she is dissing someone i love ruby she's the  best this was the only time i liked otis i feel   like i really liked him a lot more when he's with  ruby i think his pairing with maeve and even ola   i don't feel like it brought the best out of  him he was so unlikable with every other person   especially maeve especially maeve i just have to  point that out especially maybe he is so unlikable   i'm so sorry he's so unbearable with maeve i love  the pairing of him and ruby i think it gives i   think it's a wonderful pairing a wonderful dynamic  of clueless boy clueless like nerdy kind of like   awkward boy with popular mean girl i think that  is so wonderful i think it is a match made in   heaven i think they're soul mates i love that we  got to see more into ruby's character this season   you know last season we got a little bit into her  dad and then this season we got to even see her   dad and we got to see a lot more emotion from her  which i was really really excited for and i really   really loved it that worked i love you she ended  up sharing those feelings with otis and ended in   the worst way possible i kind of hate this i  hate the reason that they broke up was because   he doesn't say i love you back being as i think  it would have been a wonderful opportunity in the   show to really um flesh out the conversations  around i love you and the conversations that   if you don't say i love you back right away  it doesn't mean you don't love them and it   doesn't make that statement any less valuable if  said later than one person but you don't love me i just have to say that in my own time and  i don't feel that way right now i think that   is a very important conversation to have  especially to younger people getting into   relationships and they don't really understand  love and it's such a hard thing to understand   and you just kind of say it because they're  saying it you don't want to feel bad and   you know you don't want to hurt them but you also  don't want to lie and then we get into this you   know awful endless cycle of people saying that  they love someone and they don't really mean it   and they say it out of fear of hurting the other  person i think that would have been a wonderful   point in the story to fully flesh that concept out  and that discussion that should be talked about   personally i think it is because i've been  in that situation i say i love you too fast   and i didn't even mean it i just said it because  they said it and it feels horrible because you're   not being honest but you also didn't want to hurt  their feelings never said that to anyone notice   i'm sorry so it's such a hard place to be in i  think they missed out on that point by just making   her go oh my god i hate you let's break up him  just being like okay whatever then like not really   getting to talk that out and really get to an  understanding of it i hated that he doesn't say i   love you not because he doesn't love her not that  he doesn't think he can love her is because he   loves maeve i think that is so disappointing i was  so disappointed by that that was one of the worst   parts you know first of all that they broke up  second of all that they kind of fumbled the ball   on a really really um interesting discussion in my  opinion i think it could have been a really good   discussion for this show specifically since they  do that with most of their plots isaac and maeve   i don't really have an issue with isaac and maeve  i don't really think it's that bad of a couple i   don't personally like isaac that much i feel like  he was kind of like a little too obsessed with   maeve in the same way that otis was but we already  know that i absolutely hate otis so we cannot   talk about that but i feel like he was almost  like borderline obsessed with her he was very   into her personal life and he kind of just like  crossed some boundaries and it was just like not   what i really wanted from him and we don't really  know him we don't really know him outside of the   connection he has to mave and i think that's so  devastating because one of the things i love about   sex education is that a lot of the characters  the many main characters that they have are   fully fleshed out but then we have isaac and we  have a few others where i don't really know their   personality i don't really know their character  other than the small interactions that they have   with other characters where they're almost an  extension of their love interest which i think   is really sad i also think it's really sad for  isaac because without maeve he is not in the plot   anymore without her living at the park he is not  in the story anymore and i think that is a really   poorly written character to introduce him and to  only have his connection be to maeve so maeve's   going to america maeve's not living there anymore  he is not a part of the story anymore and i think   that's really sad maybe he still will be in the  story but not in the same way he was which i was   hoping that we would get to see a lot more from  him this season it seems like isaac and mabel   was a throwaway plot it didn't seem very thought  out and it was kind of like they had that one love   scene and i did really like the inclusion of that  to include them talking about how to have sex and   how it works for him personally i think that was  a very important discussion to normalize and to   spread information about and i don't know if it's  correct information and i know this goes into a   far longer discussion and personally it's not my  place to talk about it because i don't know much   about it so please feel free if you had an issue  with that scene if you loved it if you hated it   if you thought it was well um portrayed or if you  thought it was a bad representation i thought it   was a cute love scene nonetheless whether like it  was cute i thought it was cute let's talk about   dumb adam and eric adam and eric we have gone  through a journey with them it has been a long   journey to get to this point adam has had the most  character development in this damn show probably   because he started off at rock bottom i think  you know they really put a lot they put a lot   into adam in hopes that this character arc would  pay off i personally think it did i think that   they got me they got me i'm starting to like  adam i'm starting to like adam because they   kind of just made him very likable he's  still messed up he's still [ __ ] up but   you know they're they're making him actually  grow and i'm really liking it and i'm really   liking i love seeing development like that and i  love seeing people change even in shows i think   it's very important don't you think it's weird  how the last surrogate was never in the show i watched the kardashians with my mum well well  well i personally like seeing a character changing   girl and i also love seeing a character that is  very lost finally finding something i think it's   so satisfying and so comforting anyways him and  eric this season kind of loved them i kind of   didn't have an issue with them i thought they were  pretty cute um i hated the way they broke up i   absolutely hated it why i say this is because it  is the worst way the reasoning for why they broke   up is so upsetting honestly i don't have an issue  if they break up like if they break up that is   fine i'm not an adam and eric like i'm not an adam  and eric warrior i'm not begging for them to stay   together i don't think they're that amazing but  if they're gonna break up make it a better reason   because eric's reasoning for breaking up  with adam is really odd to me and it's   the worst like trope i guess if you could call it  a show when breaking up and it is the idea that   you're just starting to be gay i'm i'm level  five gay you're level one gay i wanna do   all this gay things i'm gonna i'm ready to explore  and you're just starting to walk i think it is   such a shitty way to break up a couple why  i say that is because it is only done with   gay couples they only choose to do it  with gay couples and i think that is so   frustrating i think that is so frustrating i've  seen it in like a thousand shows not a thousand   shows but i've seen it in a ton of shows where  they use that logic and that that weird reasoning   for breaking up and it does not make sense it's  so frustrating i wish they incorporated something   more to eric's reasoning him traveling him doing  more things and building up that reasoning for   why they broke up because i feel like they had  one scene where adam was like i'm not ready to   go to a club or a bar or a gay place yet i'm  just not comfortable eric got a little down   and then it was kind of seen as that was the  reasoning that they broke up was because adam said   he wasn't comfortable going to a club or even they  could have just made adam break up with eric they   literally could have just made adam break up with  eric for cheating on him for kissing someone else   it would have been that simple they didn't need  to use this rhetoric of you are baby gay i am um   professional gay don't have an issue if they  break up not begging for them to stay together   just wish it was written better because i hate  that specific breakup reasoning i hate it it   makes me itch it makes me itch i'm itchy i'm  itchy this whole season was just um a little   bit of a mess in the last episode i think the last  episode the endings were not wrapped up so well i   think they should have added a few more episodes  to the season i wish they got renewed for like   a 10 episode season or something to kind of flesh  out those story lines that they were trying to tie   up for the season because it kind of just seemed  rushed like you're not giving me a lot to build   up on for whatever ending i have to accept now  if you're going to end me on a cliffhanger end   me on a cliff hanger emmy on a cliffhanger  don't start an ending in the second to last   episode and finish it and this in the last  episode and expect me to be like that's good we're going to talk about characters but before i  get into all the lists of characters i'm going to   be talking about how the show kind of deals with  serious topics because i personally have a lot   to say about that um if you don't want to watch  it you don't have to but i'm going to talk about   it after watching this show for three seasons i  kind of have a feel of how they dive into serious   topics and by serious topics i'm talking abortion  i'm talking about sexual assault i'm talking about   racism homophobia teen shows nowadays really love  including these topics i feel like teen shows from   the beginning of time like doing this you know  degrassi and you know my secret life of a teenager   these have always been done they like bringing up  serious topics um but it's very important how you   portray them because sadly a lot of teenagers  information about serious topics like this   come a lot from things that they watch and media  that they consume it's very it's we're in a weird   place of media we don't know how these shows are  affecting the people that are watching it there's   no real study about it and you know i know people  aren't just getting their information from these   tv shows now especially with the internet you have  a lot of access to more information but i still do   believe i still believe that media teenagers  are watching young adult minds are watching   is very important how you portray serious topics  and how you handle them like you have to handle   them with care while watching sex education and  seeing the serious topics portrayed that i have   personally experienced i can't speak for all of  them but you know for the ones that i saw that i   personally you know related to and you know have  experienced i thought it was really well done i   thought i didn't feel like [ __ ] after watching  it that is what i want from like a teen show like   i expect when i watch american horror story  or black mirror to feel like [ __ ] after   i watch the episodes because they're  kind of more in that horror adult genre   sex education is a show for teenagers or for young  adults it's supposed to be a comedy drama coming   of age sort of show i don't want to feel like [ __  ] whenever they start bringing up serious topics   you know i go to euphoria for that i'm so sorry i  also really like that in sex education they don't   show a lot of graphic stuff and  i know you're probably thinking   tren like we have seen full nudity that is  not traumatizing to me um i think nudity   should be normalized i don't think we should  sexualize nude bodies so much especially   women especially female bodies i think we need  to take a step back and realize that there is   something very wrong with sexualizing every  single boob you see you know not all boobs are   you know sex objects actually no boobs are sex  objects i'm so sorry you know even shows like 13   reasons why our gossip girl and i know everyone's  like gossip girl so problematic why are you   bringing it up as an example well like 13 reasons  why it's really problematic so i'm bringing that   up as an example because of this specific reason  it's very graphic they show a lot of disturbing   imagery that i don't feel like is necessary for  first first of all i never think it's necessary   in any type of media that we see i especially  don't think it's necessary while watching   a young adult tv show every a lot of shows do  that just to seem raw just to seem like they're   showing the reality of it to show the truth of it  and i'm just like i don't need to see hannah baker   death scene so awful one of the most awful things  i've witnessed now this doesn't mean that i think   sex education is shying away from the topics i  still fully believe that with the events that i   experienced that were shown in the show that i  related to it didn't feel watered down or vague   sometimes i watch shows and it feels  very vague and you know they're using   um allegories and they're trying to do like you  know symbolism and they're trying to just be like   kind of like coy about it because they don't want  to say the actual words when i'm watching a show   i want you to speak to i want to actually hear  you say it sometimes i don't want just to be like   flower allegories it's very comforting to me even  though these topics are triggering and they can be   very sensitive to me what i've seen i can't  speak for every sensitive topic that is you   know shown on the show feel free to leave your  comments and tell me what you guys thought on   this you know talking point that i'm talking  about because i would love to know what you   guys think about that for me personally  i find comfort in this show in you know   even the hard things that i have experienced and  the triggering things that you know i don't like   really seeing in other media that is one  of the things i have to praise the show for   is how they talk about sensitive topics feel  free like i said let me know your thoughts   in the comments down below next little topic is  characters you guys are so ready for me to dive   into every single character i know you are otis  little [ __ ] i don't need to say anything more   um he's got some q and quirky moments he's a  little [ __ ] the way he treats his mom oh die   i would have killed him off at this point if i  was a writer because he's insufferable sometimes   the way he treated eric in season one when he left  him at the bus station that was enough for me to   kill him off the show i'm so sorry maeve she's all  right i think she's an alright character i think   i had a hard time warming up to her because i feel  like she fell under the i'm not like other girls   trope in a lot of different scenes especially how  they introduce her she kind of falls under manic   pixie dream girl she's they're kind of setting  me up for that now that i'm in season three i   gotta say i'm starting to like her more i liked  her best with jackson i'm so sorry i do like her   best when she's either with jackson or with amy  i think that's where her character shines but i   think we kind of moved on from that i'm not like  other girls trope in season three even in season   two i think it was a lot better than season one  so go maeve um did not like her hair no next up is   amy amy is one of my favorite characters she's the  one i find the most comfort in um i find a comfort   in a lot a lot of the characters but she is the  one that i relate to through and through i feel   like she is that innocent forgiving part of myself  that sensitive part of myself and i relate to that   so fully i'm a cancer i'm emotional and  i i tend to get overwhelmed really easily   and i just relate to her through and through i  think she's a wonderful character she is funny   she's hilarious first of all and she has just  been through a very big journey from season one   if you go back and watch season one and you see  where his character is in season three you can   actually see that she's had a lot of development  you wouldn't really think that because she's not   really shown to have that much development like  you know say adam or something where he's like   a complete [ __ ] in the first season and now he's  like you know literally like a dog trainer amy has   had a more subtle one that kind of falls back but  if you do go watch the first season you'll be like   holy [ __ ] she's changed so much what she  goes through on the bus and how we're still   dealing with it in season three is really  meaningful to me and seeing them talk about   that on screen is very important to me and i'm  sure it's important for a lot of different people   you know maybe you watch and you think it's cheesy  or something personally i find a lot of comfort in   it and i was really i was really touched i'm  so sorry i was really touched when i when she   starts talking to gene about what happened and how  she's having trouble with physical intimacy with   people she likes i think that is so real i have  a lot of physical intimacy issues i don't like it   when people touch me and that stems from people  crossing boundaries when i was younger and felt   a lot of comfort in seeing got portrayed in a tv  show and i know that's kind of silly but to me i   think tv and media and movies and art in general  can be so moving in many different ways and   seeing things that you have been through portrayed  in an art form can be really healing eric eric is   such a good character he is literally my love  like ever since day once the very freaking first   episode i have loved him and even though he's  seriously like one of the funniest characters on   the show even though they're all funny eric's like  literally one of the top three funniest characters   i think he's so freaking funny even though he is  really funny he is not reduced to being just funny   fun to sometimes have a comedic relief but  when they're one of the main characters   i don't want them to be reduced to that and i  think this goes hand in hand with his sexuality   and also his race he's black and gay he is  never reduced to just being black or gay this   is important and they show that they can write  these characters and still show that big part   of themselves um that impacts their day-to-day  life without reducing their story to just that   i love seeing the characters personality and  you know other parts about themselves that   isn't just their sexuality or their race  or even the good stuff like their comedy or   their tragedy you know i like seeing people i like  seeing people i like seeing well-rounded people   and well-rounded characters in season three where  he goes to nigeria with his family has got to be   one of my favorite additions to the show i think  it was i think it was one of my favorite scenes i   really liked that they incorporated that  and they showed a lot of him in nigeria um   i would have liked to see even more we've  kind of had little hints at eric's culture   and background a little bit throughout the first  two seasons but this time i really liked going to   nigeria in the show i think it was a really good  addition and i hope we continue to incorporate   eric's culture in to a storyline if there is a  season four now that we talked about eric we can   talk about adam um we've already kind of talked  about adam he's had the most character development   on the show um each season he has changed so  drastically he went from like the big bad bully to   the clueless little dum-dum boy it was great and  i really liked it um i'm not a fan of homophobic   guy turned gay but i think at least for what we  went through of that homophobic guy turned gay   turned gay homophobic guy like found out gay i  think it was it paid off that kind of brutal start   that they gave him to his drastic change now um  i like that i got a lot of time to actually hate   adam before they tried to make a redemption arc  i think if they tried to do the redemption arc   in season two it would have been a bit too quick i  liked it that they waited until like the very end   i personally liked his character in season three  i thought it was funny i thought you know his kind   of like aloofness was was very it was a very good  touch to his character and i i really liked it   hola um i don't really have that many opinions  on ola i think she was fine i like her dynamic   as kind of otis sister figure and even kind of  like adam's sister figure i think she's really   good in that role i i like her in those scenes  i don't really have that much to say about ola i   i don't dislike her i just don't have that much  to say about her raheem i think it was kind of   sad what happened to raheem i think in season  two what happens to him is actually like kind   of so [ __ ] up it's hard because they write him  in as someone who's only connection to the story   is to a love interest the same thing with isaac  his connection to the story is eric now he's   not in a relationship with eric where does his  character fall now it's so unfortunate when they   make extensions of characters through their love  interests and then they don't really know what to   do with them after they've moved on from that love  interest so i was very sad that they didn't really   know what to do with him this season and they only  found a character within him by interacting with   adam so but i did love his little poop scene  i thought it was so funny don't you love a   little poop scene i think we need to have more  poop scenes in shows like i like a poop joke   i like a fart joke lily is my little alien girl  i have loved her since she was introduced i   think she's so funny and so just magnificent i  she is what jk rowling thinks luna lovegood is   like i like it that lily is weird and actually  like like she's actually weird like she's actually   like so in love with aliens i love that i love  that i think that is wonderful i love it that   she got introduced as like sex obsessed she  wants to have sex with someone she wants to   she wants to lose her virginity but she  also loves aliens and she loves penis hands   ruby i'm obsessed with her i am just  obsessed with ruby i think she's so   wonderful um she's just built different  she's just built in a better different way   sometimes i was relating to her i was like i  want to just boss people around i want to just   stick my bag into my boyfriend's hand and just say  take it and you know just waltz around my day and   tell him what to wear i think that's very nice i  don't see the issue the show tried to paint her as   controlling or mean or whatever they were trying  to paint her eyes and i was just like okay and she's pretty she's right what do you  want me to say i can't argue with   someone that's correct she's amazing i love her  there's nothing else to say i hope she gets a   freaking banger storyline if there's a season four  jackson let's freaking talk about jackson let's   freaking talk about him because he is so amazing  and i know i've said that about every single   character i'm like this character is amazing this  kind of means but no for real jackson is amazing   period point blank like he is what we needed  i didn't know we needed him until we got him   he is the jock dumb jock that we all wanted and  he just oh my god he just fits the role so well   you know i think a lot of people talk  about like golden retriever energy   i feel like jackson kind of gives that like  golden retriever energy he's just so freaking   he makes me feel like safe like like nearly cried  seeing him through the seasons because he went   through such a big journey you know he struggles  with like heavy anxiety and panic attacks and i   relate to that heavily i think he is just such a  good character i love seeing his journey i loved   seeing him go from very obsessed athlete and you  know doing it because his parents wanted him to   to you know going into arts and go trying to  be an actor and finding things that he liked   outside of um swimming he just makes everything  better like everyone that has a scene with him   i'm like oh my god i love them but i'm like do  i just love jackson like do i actually like this   character or do i just like jackson now we're  moving on to vivian i am a very big vivian and   jackson shipper i have been since they start first  started interacting in season two i very much so   love them together i think they just have a really  good dynamic um you know they're kind of playing   off this best friend's vibe but i know i see right  through you i see a little bit more in our future   um maybe i'm a psychic maybe you know maybe  you're calling me crazy maybe you don't think   this is a possibility at all i am seeing it  so clearly my vision of vivian and jackson   should come true in maybe a year i'm thinking when  the next season comes out i think maybe that's   what i'm getting i loved vivian in season two i  was so excited when her character got introduced   i love it that she's super smart and i love the  dynamic they had of vivian jackson dumb jock   super smart girl you know i love that i love a  himbo and a nerdy nerdy person nerdy girl her   character in season three was um not the best  like did not really like her for like majority   of the season maybe like 80 of the season in  the last two episodes she was like okay i'm back   she was like i'm back you know what i was tricking  you i'm back she was just frustrating for some of   the scenes some of the majority of the show  she was frustrating but then she pulled back   because i knew she would i knew she was gonna  pull back i knew she was gonna come back to us   and she did the next character is a new character  which was introduced this season their name is cal   cal um kind of got introduced more to follow  in jackson's league they were kind of like um   got fed in that way i don't have that much to say  about cal i don't really have an opinion um why i   say that is because it's not that i don't like  them it's that i don't know them like through   this show through the season i had no idea  like anything about cal other than that they   were non-binary their whole story kind of focuses  around being non-binary although i do think that   is a very important story to tell i think that  they kind of fumble the ball on just kind of   introducing a character that was non-binary  and that's it you know i think for a lot of   other characters they do a very good job at not  reducing characters to one thing about themselves   and i'm sad to say that they did that with cal all  i knew about cal was that they were non-binary and   that they liked to smoke weed it kind of just felt  like they were there just to play like a new inch   love interest for jackson which is okay i just  felt like they were there to develop jackson's   plot and jackson's i didn't like jackson's  own personal plot i'm hoping in season four   if they do get one that they can develop their  own plot that can stand alone without jackson   i was a little bit excited when they didn't get  together at the end of season three not because i   don't like them together but because i do want to  see this character on their own i do want to see   them have a story that's not attached to jackson  before i talk about the last character i do want   to throw in um you know olivia anwar um jacob oh  kyle and steve um i don't really have much to say   about them they're not very forefront characters  they don't really they're definitely more side   characters in the grand scheme of things i hope we  get to see a little bit more of olivia and anwar   in the next season they had a more prominent role  in season one which i wish they would bring that   back because i feel like they've kind of fallen  in the background kyle i don't really care about   he's kind of like the comedic relief fun for  him steve don't know a single thing about steve   really don't know steve i can't make a statement  about that man um jacob i think jakob is fine i   think it's whatever i don't really have an opinion  on jakob i feel like he's i don't really have an   opinion on adult characters in teen shows i'm so  sorry but you know who i do have an opinion on   i definitely have an opinion on gene i love  gene with all my heart let's talk about gene   let's talk about gene we need to talk about  gene don't say anything about gene to me if   there's any jean slander in the comments you're  getting blocked your comment is getting deleted   i really don't care because jean is the best  person i know i know she's made some mistakes   like she's done some things she everyone makes  mistakes don't you just think she's amazing like   i just think she's amazing i feel like  she's just trying to live her life   and be happy and everyone is gaining up on her  like why is everyone gaining up on her her son   her partner her ex lover her baby like why is  everyone ganging up on jean the freaking school   is getting up on jean in season two what the [ __  ] was that oh i hated it literally jean is one of   my favorite characters ever she's so wonderful  amazing beautiful i can't i'm shaking shaking   with anger and if i missed any characters um i'm  so sorry they just didn't stick out to me and if   i missed any characters i'm so so so so sorry or  if i missed out on talking about anything i know i   didn't go too in-depth on any season but this was  kind of more of an overview of things that stood   out to me and you know in season three i kind  of went into more overviews of stuff rather than   going into very fine details i love sex education  i really wanted to do a video on it and i really   hope you guys like this video and i really want  to hear all your thoughts about sex education in   the comment section down below you know where  your opinions differ from mine you know where   you agreed i want to know it all i want to know  your thoughts on the characters you know even the   characters that i don't like i know this wasn't  a commentary and it's a little bit different but   i'm planning on doing more videos like this in  this format because i can't do commentaries on   every single every single thing ever it's just  not plausible so i hope you guys like this format   and i hope it satisfies your needs just as a  commentary would make sure you guys subscribe   and share this video with your friends if you  enjoyed it i will see you guys next time bye

2021-10-03 04:46

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