[LIVE] Day Trading | Uh Oh. Did I Enter the Stock Too Soon?

[LIVE] Day Trading | Uh Oh. Did I Enter the Stock Too Soon?

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live watch 653 here i want to get that documented here uh when i say live this is not a voiceover or anything like that where i'm trying to uh you know do a where everything's already been recorded now i'm coming back and talking about it this is live in the sense of i'm recording myself at this very moment seeing the information reacting to the information and trying to talk and stumble over my words because i'm trying to you know hurry up and get out the introduction here but 653 is that level that i was watching but as you can see here now i'm not really in play so it gives me a little breathing room to again set up the video here uh but that is what i'm still watching curious to see if the price does want to come back down to 6.53 uh actually let me get that edited real quick because this is why things are so hectic over here i have my chat room community that i'm trying to make alerts to so 660 650 350 is the flush point although now looking at tesla it doesn't seem like that's gonna be uh coming into play uh but yes this is all live and um i don't know what's happening next so i don't know if i mentioned this or not but if you want i like a nicely edited video a nicely scripted video you're not going to get that here as i'm sure you've already already witnessed but like i said i thought i had the recording software set up in the last second i realized wait a second what's going on i it wasn't actually recording um so that's why i had to just reboot it get it started again which made for a very non-professional start but yeah like i said this is not these videos are not going to be for those that seek out like hollywood quality videos skt here 2250 actually looks interesting upside break point and tesla just still going as i watch it off screen i was curious about this one s d g r but i was a little sketchy on the volume situation yeah volume seems respectable sdgr 72 flush point one minute so yeah 72 down there that does look like an interesting area but as right now it doesn't look like it's going to necessarily be coming into play and tesla has an update on that one just uh continues to go i mean i'm still super fascinated by 650 350 but i at this point doesn't seem very relevant at all and may never come back in a play but uh the day is young it's the market's been open for three minutes and io [Music] somebody just alerted in the chat room aes e let's see what's going on with this one oh this is a smaller one yeah not really my cup of tea but well skt what is this level right there 2175 skt 2175 new upside break point well i can't type break point one minute so do i want to try to take that from the long side choices choices choices 21.75 if it gets up to there man i mean i could take a quick scalp with it okay well i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now and if i see something that uh that i like that i might think about be taking a trade on then i'll get the video rolling again i am really liking skt here if it can recover back upwards but again i don't know i mean it moves fast don't get me wrong but it's not like super super fast well there's a 2175 break i'm actually gonna potentially go short here at 21.50 wondering was that just a fake move to the upside there what was that that was goofy no it didn't really come down fast enough all right well never mind then all right 73.50 looks very interesting

although i'm not very familiar with this stock at all in fact i'm just going to go down to 100 shares on it because i don't really know yeah no that's not even worth the time so i'm gonna pass on that one just volume is sketchy i don't maybe i've traded it sometime and i've been trading for over a decade so sometimes i lose track of what stocks i have and haven't traded especially when they're not exactly the most uh of well-known so sdgr have i tried it maybe but i i just don't quite know the personality of it per se although there we go on skt that's what i was looking for with that first move broke up and then came down very quick but too quick tesla yeah see that's exactly what i was wanting to see that other candle start to do and it never did but 21-15 is this going to be a bigger pull pullback if this comes up and hits 21.50 nope never mind it's just gonna do it without me okay i'll go ahead and pause well i'm glad i did what i did there on sdgr by just not taking the trade because now you can see that thing bounce back upwards so yeah just a situation where i didn't quite feel familiar with it enough therefore didn't feel comfortable with it so i'm glad i passed on it so just quick little update on that watching tesla at 661 here for a potential short in at 661 there's the break let's see if we can get this down below 660 though there we go how did i not get any out there we go let's see if we can get some more push through but this 660 area is a little problem some right now all right i'm just gonna go with 50 shares now because i don't know if this thing truly wants to get going down or if this thing's just gonna bounce on me so i'll hang on for some as an insurance policy in the event that i'm wrong and this thing wants to keep on pulling back but i will be out over six out over 662 for a loss with my final 50 shares okay got to get out there so only 166 dollars on the trade um and yeah i realized i should have just taken off 50 down where i was taking off these other 50 ones and not that could have been more but you know there's always a possibility that the thing continue to go back down and i want to at least still have 50 shares in that event but uh it didn't it bounced so i did take a loss on those final 50 shares uh which put a dent in the gain there but at least i'm on the board now uh with the 166 dollar move so let's see it all so i can find well i got tesla i don't want to say wrong because it did start to bounce and it could have kept on going but now check it out 650 350 is back in play the problem is i just can't take it right now as much as i like that level i want the price needs to go sideways here a little bit that may mean that that requirement i put on it leaves me in its dust then so be it but it's just i don't like it right now and there it goes there it goes i still think it could bounce though potentially maybe off these lows right here well crazy to think that earlier on the video out but i don't think 653 50's got a chance and good old tesla here it is so now do i want to trach yeah see here's and then continue with the momentum down here i would assume that there's going to be a whole lot of buyers at 650. so yeah it's just too overextended just this move is too much too far can't be shortened right here i feel like that's too much of a chase i wish it had gone sideways a little bit up above that 650 350 mark but it didn't and as much as the voices are telling me to just short it right now and even if it does work out that's the tricky part about the market is bad habits are rewarded and shorting right now is just totally chasing and yeah it could work out it very well could work out but like i said that's why the markets are tricky because you can do bad things and actually still make money from it but eventually those will come back to bite you and just a a shout out here i don't want to say a tesla was actually from another member they called out that 661 mark i checked the chart now i didn't just blindly follow that person uh but shout out to matt they brought my attention at 660 look at this look at that oh my goodness all you can sometimes humor comedy is is the best medicine for just keeping your emotions under control because there's no doubt about it right now i am quite frustrated it just didn't it did not it didn't give me my setup it didn't give me my setup at 6 53. and i'm well aware no need to put in the comment section clay i i should have you're right but the problem is these really are live videos and i didn't know at the time that it was going to get that nuts but wow crazy crazy move so really for me my little trick i'd encourage you to use it sometimes all you can do is just laugh the situation just have this situation like wow that's just that's just how it goes sometimes and um yeah that is definitely how it goes what's going on with fubo though another just big move down s p is just rolling over right now too so that the sdgr still just kind of hanging around i don't know sdgr just yeah the volume's not quite there i'd like to do 500 shares on it and it's just not really giving me that opportunity i'm gonna watch tesla see if i can get any sort of bounce at all and then maybe look to uh to play that but um as of right now looks like tesla just might want to keep on dropping and dropping and dropping and there it goes yeah i know i should have just chased i should have chased up at what 6 51 or whatever when i was like ah 650 will probably have a lot of buyers i should have chased why didn't why didn't i look at the s p though s p is not helping anything out just completely dropping back down that's the five minute chart there and seeing that the markets are that overextended uh you know you got to think the markets will will bounce even if it's just a little dead cat bounce which should hopefully give a little bit better entry points on some of these stocks such as tesla but yeah well uh a morning of lots of good educational lessons i would argue she got to see a winning trade um got to see a situation where bad habits would have been rewarded the bad habit again being chasing fub or i mean a lot of stuff right now is just going straight down because again as i just showed you the markets but at this point you just can't go short anything because the markets are way too overextended this would be chasing but yeah shout out to matt to the people that maybe played it differently than i did i mean they could be up huge right now huge matt with a 661 flush point well done well done sir absolutely crushed it yeah i suppose again it with hindsight i should have given a little bit more wiggle room um on my stop loss there uh and i you know could still have you know 50 shares 25 sure something like that but once again that is our good friend known as hindsight so really right now it's just a matter of you got to let the market bounce you got to let some of these stocks bounce because you just can't short right here that's way way way too overextended in chasing so until these things at least start to bounce a little bit and there's not much out there i can do i mean i could probably maybe try to find some longs thinking if this market wants to bounce but it could just be a all right there we go okay so notice how the markets are starting to bounce right now and tesla's also bouncing almost mirror images of one another that's why i always like to have the s or sby five minute up just to kind of keep an eye i've done many videos on on that so we'll let this bounce here a little bit see if it wants to uh then signal some signs of weakness but i will go ahead and pause and i got to be very careful right now with my mental state i don't want to go in for something because i'm frustrated about look at this it bounced but not very much and that's just i don't feel comfortable at all history probabilities tell me if you do if you're if you're shorting at this exact moment right now over time you will lose it's not going to work out for you not that doesn't mean again that it won't work out for you at times it absolutely will but shorting what i just talked about you know and many times we'll bite you and we'll see if it's one of these times where it's like nope it's just going to keep on going basically straight down but i am going to go ahead and pause so now look at it i mean it's bouncing here and that could have been you know when i was saying i want a short i could show it right there you know that that would become in a painful situation but even now still need to see this thing go sideways at least a little bit if it's going to come straight down again i'm just going to get left behind because that's just not my comfort level i don't believe that it is wise to be shorting right now so uh we'll see what happens though with it i like 641 here if it comes back into play for a short but as right now looking like it's gonna bounce back up we'll see we'll see what this candle wants to do see now things that have taken a breath a little bit they've chilled out okay 641 still watching would love to see this thing in fact yeah i want to see this thing bonds up a little bit get up to i'm getting being too picky get in at 641 clay this thing's gonna go let's see this thing come down here well that's what i get for not listening huh i gotta sit through this pullback now i still like the setup but gotta sit through a bit of annoyance here and let's see if this thing if it gets down through 641 i mean it should at least go down to 640 minimum there we go wow how's it not filling me down there at 6 40. okay going with 25 again just because you want to break down or don't you you got that break it looked like a fantastic break and now you're struggling there we go i want to see it down below 638 though too i believe it should at least be able to now get through there now if i'm wrong so be it but i will lock out locking my necks down below 638 well look at this thing i am i'm just not quite getting tesla here a whole i still have 25 shares just in case it can done it can't actually get down below 638. there we go fantastic there we go and i'll lock out my final bit there because that puts me right over 500 and 500 a day keeps a day job away and when you know that it's literally right now 10 a.m exactly and i

bring that up just because for those of you that are maybe new to the channel did i hit record okay i am recording i was nervous for a second uh but for those that are new to the channel um i do what is called the be done in 30 approach meaning my goal is to on average on average be done 30 minutes every day so sometimes i'll go 30 minutes like exactly today 30 minutes um sometimes i'll go way under 5 10 minutes sometimes sometimes i'll go over an hour 45 minutes you know just different time frames but on average i want to be done and there goes tesla but like i said uh wasn't quite sure and i liked the setup i got in uh but it wasn't i i really thought what i got wrong was i thought when this thing now not that i thought it was gonna make a a 20 move but when that break happened there i thought this thing was gonna i mean boom like i and i maybe i was just greedy but i was thinking like a five dollar-ish move in basically a minute like in one candle i thought that thing could have gone very very quickly and it just wasn't behaving no i didn't panic out or anything i still you know made what like 400-ish dollars on her 350ish dollars on or whatever um but yeah i thought it would go a little bit more but like i was saying back to the point can you see these i mean surely you can see these are live i mean what kind of scripted video would this be when i'm jumping all around with conversation topics but like i said i i want to be done in 30 minutes on average so be done in 30 and the reason for that is i do day trading as a side hustle not because i want a private yacht or a you know a private jet now if you want a jet if you want a ferrari or a porsche or whatever cool go for it whatever your motivation is for trading go for it i want you to get it for me as a father of four kids i just want time i want freedom of time in my opinion in my opinion time is the most valuable commodity out there and i just want freedom of it so that's why i like to be done every day after right around 30 minutes if possible and that's why i had to kind of chuckle that literally when i got out of that trade you can see right there on the time stamps i guess i lied it wasn't quite 10 o'clock it was 10 o'clock and 31 seconds so sorry i lied by 31 seconds it was 10 o'clock in 31 seconds but close enough for me so there we go 500 in 30 minutes and another philosophy i like to do just to keep perspective 500 a day keeps the day job away because it's very easy to cruise around social media see a bunch of you know results and trades and be like wow i didn't do that good it's like what are you talking about you just made in my case i just made 500 in 30 minutes sitting here in my bathrobe clicking buttons now let's keep perspective here let's not let others you know influence your perspective and make it seem like you're not doing something right or anything like that i will say though take note though that i i i i and listen closely i did break a rule kind of and i say kind of because if you listen back he's like i want to get in 641 i'd actually like to see this candle go up to what did i say 644. like ah no never mind and i got in and look what happened then the candle went up actually got above 644 like i originally said i wanted again scroll back and you'll hear me map out exactly what i wanted to see happen but then i did break my rule because i like the setup so much and i just said no i don't want to miss this one got in at 6 41 and again that that was the result of me missing those other ones of me my chasing but this situation it was different and i say kind of broke rule because that was not chasing at that point it was still a great setup it was just a question of clay are you being too nitpicky are you not being too nitpicky because it was a good setup either way but technically speaking there was a little rule break and i mean i'm not patting myself on the back obviously i i'm trying to reveal the flaws here but you can see that the price actually did bounce up just like i said i preferred to do 644 came back down and then at that point is where i would have wanted a short and you can see i would not have had to sit through any uh oh oh great okay now it's going against me nope it would have been a much cleaner trade but all in all very happy with it so like i said 500 a day keeps the day job away the be done and 30 approach i will take 500 in 30 minutes i'm gonna go uh enjoy my day uh for those of you though that do enjoy these videos one final request on my part uh if you do enjoy these please let me know because these are not the easiest videos to make i have to talk to you i have to think about what i'm gonna say to you i have to think about my own trade plans i think about what i want to learn in the chat room i have to type those alerts to the chat room uh and all of that so these videos are totally possible but they they're kind of a hassle they they take a lot of effort and i will keep doing them as long as i know that you enjoy them because i'm not going to be going through this hassle if people don't even enjoy it but if i know you enjoy it then let me know and the easiest way to do that hit the like button leave a simple comment it could be a thumbs up emoji it could be the diamond hands emoji the rocket ship emoji it could be any emoji but hitting the like button and leaving a simple basic comment now of course if you want to leave a more in-depth comment cool great i would appreciate that but hitting the like button simple simple comment goes a very long way and telling me clay yeah i enjoy these videos please keep making them as long as i know that i'm not wasting my time doing these then i will continue to do them so thank you for watching everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-03-22 13:34

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