[LIVE] Day Trading | 3 Trades in 30 Minutes (Did I Make Money?)

[LIVE] Day Trading | 3 Trades in 30 Minutes (Did I Make Money?)

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Good morning it is clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades, as they play out live, market opens up here in about five minutes quick little context builder if you're maybe new these are live in the sense of you're getting my raw thoughts my raw emotions. As you see the data play out right before my very eyes so this is not a situation, where, everything's, recorded. And then i come back and talk about it and i have a chance to think about it with some sort of voice over a post commentary. Nothing like that you are seeing what happens. Play out, in real time so this may not be the most professional, video i'll probably be stumbling over my words, but that's because i'm trying to talk to you, think for myself, make alerts in my private community. So yeah but if you're looking for a real life raw. Nitty gritty detail into what you know day trading looks like it can be like, uh then i'm sure you're you'll enjoy this video so that's the context sarah going in i think i'm going to watch tesla out of the opening gates again i say i think because that's always subject to change i have no idea what's actually going to happen but that is a plan as of, now. Now tesla, all of a sudden just went crazy. Right there you can see the pre-market, chart on it was getting ready to alert 451. As a key breakout point. But, as i was getting ready to hit get the thing recording. It just went bonkers, like this all of a sudden, so. At this point i suppose it no longer makes sense to even. Mention 451. I mean i'm going to just in case it drops back down below it. Uh but i'm not going to actually submit it to the chat room. Key upside. Break point. Going, into, open. Our break point because it'll already be open. On the start. But like you said right now i'm i have not submitted it to the chat room yet just because. If it ultimately. Stays up above it then there's really no point in it but um.

I Mean i mean. I don't even have to really convince you of anything all i have to do is just point you can see right there, nothing nothing nothing and oh wait you're not even. Let me bring this back to the screen there we go like they're saying there is, nothing going on nothing going on nothing going on and then kaboom. Right there. Volume just came pouring in. Um and market opens up here in less than one minute so at this point. Never mind that alert's not going to play out it looks like so i'm just going to delete that out of there. And not even worry about submitting it to the chat room, uh but. Oh well i guess kind of back to the drawing board there on tesla but like i said market now opens up here in less than one minute. All right well i've changed things up for a little bit in just that minute's time and i'm now watching, i l. M n, big gap down here. Only using 50 shares because this is a very fast. Mover. And it's a pricier, stock. So just, want to see what it does during the. Opening minute. Here. And tesla's, actually pulling back right now. Actually tesla's pulling back. A very big way. I almost wonder if it just wants to close that gap. Overall markets, are. Rough. What is that 448. I'm going to get that alerted as a flush point here. Tesla. 448. Flush, point one minute. So if this looks like it wants to break down through 448, i'm gonna hop on in. But as right now given given some, green. But if this green goes to red. Then that could be a nice little symbol of some. Potential. Let's see what it wants to do. Here. Definitely very volatile, this morning. Okay it's working its way down kind of. I'm back up it goes. Just looking around the market at it. There we go. If 454. Breaks. I'd be interested, at 450. As a short but i want to get up over highs. There we go. 450. New flush, point one minute. So we got 450, updated here now. Let's see what it wants to do look and see if trying to see if that was maybe a fake break to the. Upside. Or you know that very well could have been a legitimate. Breakout. Looking like right now maybe it was. And up it. Goes. All right well i will go ahead and pause for the time being. Watching, 158. Here on boeing, i don't want to take it on this candle though so this candle has got to stay up above it. But i would be willing to take it on the next can no. You dirty dog, well never mind. Didn't want to take it on that candle it's now broken down below. There. Well, i actually it got back up above it so maybe another chance here. Yeah all right, looks like 158, is back in play here see if it wants to fail. Again. And at 158. Looking for a little scalp here. And see if it can push down to potentially, test those lows, there we go. Nice, so 137. Dollar scalp there, and. Uh let's see what was that, i don't know about 30 seconds i'll take it let's see what else i can find. I do know a lot of people are always asking hey how does your chat room work well here's an example you can see right there that was totally alerted to members, 158. Flush point, uh and it's currently gone down right there you can see as low as, 157.. So basically a dollar move there for me like i said it was just a scalp but, if members had a different uh trade approach to it then they could have done much better than. Uh, on it than i did like i said mine was just i just wanted to scalp it. Let's but there's an example there, of. Okay no shares too short of this one. But yeah 26, 15-ish, that would look like an interesting, area to short. But yeah no shares to shore whatever happened to ilmn. I totally lost track of that one did that. Really do anything, oh interesting. Okay. What is this. 260. Yeah 269.. When i get that alerted. I lmn. 369. Flush, point, one minute, not really close right now but. It's still kind of choppy. I mean it's tradable definitely have to do smaller share size on it i mean no doubt about that. Let's see. All right well i'll go ahead and pause. All right well 269. Is now coming into play here potentially. Would like to see this, oh. Well that happened way. Too fast. As i was talking, just went right down through it. Let me, even if i wasn't talking i would have probably still missed that so i'm not trying to play, played off is oh if i wasn't talk no i would have still missed it that happened way too. Fast. I'll still keep an eye on it but i don't know this thing seems a bit too choppy. Although, tesla, that. First point that i was talking about way back when it's coming into play again right here at 448.. Yeah i do like 448, now if it can come back down to that area. I'm going to watch for a 448. 50 break on it actually i'm going to get this alerted here tesla.

448. 50. Flush point, combing, back, into, play, one minute. So i said if i see 448.50. Fail. I'm gonna. How did i wow. All right well got in on the back. Test. Well that first move was crazy. Didn't chase it though glad i didn't chase it. I am in at 4. 48.. So let's see if this thing does actually want to. Pick up some more bearish pressure to the. Downside. I suppose i did kind of chase it down a little bit. I wanted 448.50. But, i was willing to get it down to 448, so i took the very bottom. Of what i was willing to take. So it's getting the push down. Kind of. Oh wait what. How do i only have 50 shares. Oh i forgot to change it back. That's why i was looking at il, mn. Well then it's starting to go, now. Well, in all honestly, i was, i was going to just pretty much try to get out small loss break even because it wasn't behaving like it wanted to break down. So that was a pleasant surprise that i was able to get out where i did but then i was thinking all right i scored actually bigger than and then the 17, 17. Threw me off but. That should have been 100 shares that i had not 50.. Uh but again i forgot to change that back after looking at i almond. Ah but. Beggars can't be choosers like i said if i'm being totally, honest and transparent, i was just pretty much getting, waving the white flag on that but as i was getting ready to wave the white flag get out for either break even. Or a small loss, it plunged in my favor and actually gave me 17. On the trade, now of course it's going bigger but, at the time. It just didn't really seem like it wanted to go but again as far as. Alerts. I'm on the struggle bus right now but members right there 448. Flush point coming back into play so anybody, any of you members that watch these videos congratulations. You did fantastic, on that one. Oh wow boeing. Boeing's got another. Dkng. Too just getting destroyed. Here. Points got quite the that 157. Mark. Oh so stubborn look at that thing. Can it break down through. Let's see if i'm wrong. I'll risk 100, on it i'll still be green on the day. Missed it. Let's see if i can get kind of a back test here. Nope. Yeah that was a nice little break right there. Now tesla's, actually bouncing up a little bit, all over a market's, doing.

Oh Yeah i gotta get that alerted. Short. Missions. Roku, somebody alerted that in the chat room earlier and yeah it is once again going. Oh wow. Okay what i'm curious here was maybe this was a fake, breakout. So. 173.50. I'm very curious about. Although, as of right now looking like it was a totally legit. Breakout. If this thing can get over, up over 176. I'd be interested, in a potential short position. What is that low, uh 175. Okay. So what i'm curious now is can this break, up over 176. And then come down and test 175. If so. I think that's a potentially, nice trade there. But step one got to get up over. 176.. It's gone up as high as. 175.88. Just want to see a little bit more strength. Nope, not gonna behave it looks. Like. Come on get up over 176.. There we and did it get up over. Not really, just a temporary, little blip, i'd like more than a. Blip. 175. Sure is looking nice now let's see it go up and test 176. Again if it comes down i'm taking 175. Short. Gotta go up there and test 176. Though first. Come on close. I want those longs to be. Discouraged. I want the longs to be discouraged at a tested 176. Again and failed. No don't break 175. Now don't do that now. Yes i'm talking to the. Stock. Come on get up there to. 176.. This is definitely either some sort of top forming here or it's uh just a miniature consolidation. Oh that 7 175, is getting prettier and prettier but it's got to go up there and test. 176. And then i'll be more convinced that this is actually. More than just a consolidation. Come on. Getting close. I want the long to be discouraged, and there would be nothing more discouraging, than to see this get up over 176. And then fail again. Come on come on so close. No. How high did it get. Yeah close enough it did get no, high of, a 176. 12 all right there we go we are comfortably, above 126. Now or excuse me 176.. All right 175. Now i'm taking that if it comes back down. But like i said you gotta you gotta give the trend respect you gotta have the bull's respect, maybe this is actually just another breakout to the upside. So maybe those longs will have nothing to be discouraged, about because they're gonna be like hey look i got the breakup this is. Fantastic. Now i can't take the break of 175. If it happens on this candle. Can't do it on this candle, but on the next candle i'd be willing to take it but can't do it on this one. All right well i will go ahead and wow we're at 17 minutes all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause.

All Right this is now what i'm looking at. 176. As the flush point here. Unless this thing wants to keep on. Grinding. Which it very well may. Now i can't take the break on this kennel. So because of that i'm going to go check out fsly. Somebody alerted this thing is getting pretty. Crazy. Yeah this thing is getting pretty wild. Can i get up over 92. Maybe. So. I haven't ordered our, order out there to go short at, 92.45. Here. What's roku, doing. Still just grinding, away. Okay well. When i go back to. Roku, now for the time being. Wow. Pretty crazy, low. 177.50. I'm gonna watch 177.50. Here. And this movement right now is getting pretty crazy. In at 177. 51.. Let's see if we can get some movement to the downside. Here. Yeah this break right here. If it can get down through 177. 25-ish. Should go nice. You got to think this thing wants a has to consolidate. Here. In fact i might look to add some more if it pulls back because that's quite the uh. Yeah look at this candle forming, this is going to be beautiful, if this thing can. Pull back again. That's a great looking. Candle. Now when i say pull back i don't mean i'm looking for this thing to crash down to, 170. Or anything crazy like that but. I mean the pullback will still work out very nicely. Here. Yeah that's a great looking candle there. Look at this beautiful looking candle. There we go took out 200. At. 177. Take another 200, out there, so have 100 shares left now gonna let this work for me. Now i could still take a loss on, these final. 100, shares. So it might still just be a, break let's see what is that yeah. I know shouldn't be a break even trade because it's only 100, shares. Would like to see this get down below the 176.50. Mark i think i'm being realistic, in that. 176. 75, being very stubborn, right now. Again these final shares may end up costing me money. But you got to give the chance you got to give the position a chance to work more in your favor. And that's what i'm doing here so yeah i these last 100, shares. I might take a loss on. But again, that's just. You know how things. Work. So if. Excuse me if this goes up over 179. I will uh bow. Out. So we'll see what happens with it but yeah at this point. Um just some it's not a matter of if i make money i'm definitely making money on this it's just, how much money am i going to make. So am i going to get a bigger breakdown. Is this thing going to roll down more, or is this bounce right now going to ultimately you know bounce up and be a new breakout. We'll have to wait and see what happens with it. But. But i i still think it's got a chance uh again i'm not looking for some sort of massive. Crash. And that was such a beautiful setup i'd. A shame it didn't get more follow-through than what it did i mean it got follow-through, don't get me wrong but. If i'm being totally honest i thought it it pulled back at least the 176's. Well. Wow we're at 23 minutes, i'm gonna go ahead and pause for the time being and i won't, i'm not going to make it sit here through all this chopping back and forth. Like i said this thing's either going to continue to break out and continue on the trend or it's going to pull back, and give me some more. Um, but again as of now i get it you could be saying clay your profits are disappearing. Just get rid of those hundred shares they're costing you money right now and yeah you're right they are costing me money but what happens if this goes in my favor, then they're going to be making me money. And that's the thing is i want to give these final shares, the chance to give me and help me make more money. Again that comes at the risk of maybe they're gonna ultimately. Cause me to lose money and not make as much money but i'll still be making money on the trade and that's what you know you got to keep in mind as a trader. Is. If the. Worst case that happens is some of your shares lose you money.

Well Then you know what, some money some money relative to what well an overall, winning trade. So here we go does this thing want to actually break. Down. Well one seventy seven fifty that area once again. Being the stubborn, point. But if one 177.50. Can fail i like the chances, of it getting down to 177. There we go. Can this finally get down to. 176.50. All right i took out 50 there just because. I'm not quite sure anymore, that was the second time where it's gotten down in this area and failed to continue to break down, um so i think this may be some sort of bottom, i could very well be wrong, that's why i still have 50 shares right, this could be my you know, and as traders we have i mean we have to have confidence, but we don't have we don't have too big of an ego, so this is me acknowledging, the the fact that hey, i could very well be wrong. But that was me acknowledging, the fact of hey you got to have confidence, that as a trader, something doesn't quite seem right here so let me lock in some more gains, so that represents, my confidence, as a trader, this represents, the fact that, my you know realization, that yeah traders were not perfect we can be wrong so if i'm wrong well then good i still have those 50 shares. That can make me more money in it. I don't even know what you would call that the hedging between, ego and confidence, right you got to be confident, as a trader, but you don't want to be too confident you'd want to be cocky. And don't think you can ever be wrong because that could definitely present some situation, so i i've covered both bases. But yeah that 176. Uh. Pretty much yeah 176. 50ish, that seems to be the level. Or if that thing can fail. Then this thing should get going but at this point i am going to go ahead and pause and i will keep you updated on whether or not it's looking like it's going to stop me out. Or, let's see what are these. Yeah at this point i'm just going to do 178.52. As my stop. So oh wow dkng, just getting destroyed. There's it where you go at 176.50. Can it break. Can it. Break. Maybe i was wrong maybe i should have held. Once again, holding, so strong, here 176, and for those of you that knew this is the number i'm watching right here. I'm looking at that number right there i want to see that number drop below 176.50. If that can happen, i think this has got a great chance of going down to at least 176.. But as of now that number that i was just pointing out, it ain't breaking. It's holding up very very. Strong. Like i said 178.50. I will stop out of the remainder, of the shares. If it gets up to that area but at this point i will pause. Oh my goodness it happened so fast i apologize. It did disappear. Wow. You, this little thing's a little bugger. It disappeared, you saw that number, if not scroll back but that number had dropped below, 176.50. And look at that that fast and boop up it went, so what a totally sucker move there. All right well i'll go back to pausing, it and if it gets looks like it wants to work its way down there. I'll get the video rolling again. All right i'm going to go ahead and get out right there, my final shares, um main reason because it's uh 9 58, a.m. So. 30 minutes in i want to move on with my day, and i'll gladly, take 433. Dollars, for less than 30 minutes of my time. Not very familiar with many other place in the world where you can make. 433. Dollars, in 30 minutes, and was, with this just with quote unquote just 50 shares, i i don't want to come across as ungrateful or greedy because yes you can still make money with that amount. But at this point, i i do day trading i love day trading, not because you can have yachts, and lamborghinis.

But Because freedom of time, that's the main reason they're go there at one anyways but totally hadn't. So i was ultimately, right, i mean. At the end of the day my confidence, my chart vision what i was seeing, proved to be right it did ultimately, bounce, uh but again i could have been wrong and that's why i had those 50 shares, and, you know those last 50 shares i hung on to i did i took a loss on them because remember i got in at 177. 51. So it took. Excuse me technically took a 35, cent loss per share on those shares, so not very much but. Like i said in hindsight. Yeah i should have just gotten out down there. But you know you got to acknowledge, the fact that you know you you could be wrong right, so that's why you want to keep yourself in trades there but um overall like i said i didn't know it was going to bounce that much it just happened to be a timing thing where hey, 10 o'clock. I want to be done i want to move on with my day because like i was saying that is that is why i love trading, is, the freedom, of time the freedom to say hey you know what i just made 433. Dollars in 30 minutes. I'm happy with that i'm not a greedy savage i'm gonna move on with my day. And then real quick before i go because i know i'll get some questions hey clay you were showing those alerts that you made to this community or this chat room that you had what exactly is that where do i sign up or learn more well just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and the way the pricing works and i would walk through it like this we'll just use the 99. And that is for three months so not, i repeat not per month but for three months, go breaks down to 8.25. Cents per week so really the question just becomes if i invest in 99. To join the subscription. Do i believe it can give me at least, eight dollars and 25, cents not per day but per week, of value if you think you can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment, so check that out and then as far as this video is concerned if you enjoy these live trade videos if you want me to keep making them, like i said i know they're not always, that professional. They can be choppy but they are truly, raw, and live but if you like these and want me to keep making them a very time efficient way to do that and communicate, that to me just hit that like button, also comments questions suggestions, please leave those down below, and then finally. Hit that subscribe button if you if i'd, say check out the channel first, lots of other videos lots of other live trade videos hope you like what you see and if you do like what you see enough, i'd love to have you as you subscribe to the channel but yeah if you want to trade alongside, me and some other quality traders, get those alerts that you saw play out here and claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and i'd love to have you as a member of the community but everybody take care thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall, for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-09-30 15:40

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