How to Build a Free WordPress Website for Small Business

 How to Build a Free WordPress Website for Small Business

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good afternoon builders today  we're talking about how to   build a wordpress website if you want to learn  how to build a business website like this one   and you're curious about how to build a business  website with wordpress you're in the right place   today i'm going to show you how to build a  free wordpress website for small business   working in i'm going to show you the  basics using my faux account copernicus cameras   i'm going to demonstrate how to build a homepage  replace your hero image and refine your top menu   navigation i'll be adding bonus material including  how to modify the blog posts and make them shine   on the home page lastly link your first lead  magnet if you don't know what a lead magnet is   and the magic it can bring for your business make  sure to subscribe to my channel and join me friday   where i share ideas on the best lead magnet  for your small business if you're in the chat   say hello if you're catching this on replay type  hashtag team builder in the comment section okay   if you're here let me know where  you're from so let's start the show hi i'm lisa stewart founder of build your own  small business and build your own money message   i help steam entrepreneurs like you build  products that sell connect with your audience   and build your business from your workbench  where in the world are you watching from let   me know in the chat me i'm coming to you from  snowy slash sunny seattle let me know in the   chat how far along you are on your website  meanwhile i'm gonna take a sip of water here okay i've got a tip please chat  and leave comments hey andrew   because if you've heard me say it once you'll  hear me say it multiple times leaving comments   creates a breadcrumb trail back to your youtube  channel even if you're not making videos you   want to build a community of your own and you can  start by participating with meaningful comments   if you want to know more about that check out my  earlier video called how to set up your youtube   channel account watch all the juicy details there  meanwhile i've been designing and coding business   websites since 1997. as a designer i like to  say i learned on the board learning print first   like logos and layouts for magazines and books  when the interwebs was new i then learned how   to wield the power of immediate gratification  you know communicating by code like this guy   but building a website is no small feat just  like designing a book designing a website   involves a lot of interconnected tasks developing  a professional grade website is a big undertaking   it can be maddening with so many moving parts  and steps much like wrangling feral kittens   this is why i've got a process to wrangle  those feral kittens i mean moving parts okay   there are five steps to the web development  process phase one definition phase two design   phase three development phase four deployment  and phase five maintenance so let's talk about   definition definition includes understanding your  site goals gathering your business requirements   and building a project plan phase two design  includes creating a site map developing wireframes   user testing putting together content plan  establishing the look and feel and getting   input from your stakeholders phase three is your  development phase this includes producing comps   content development media development and  building the website with code and style   phase four is your deployment this includes  quality assurance meaning we have to review   and test all the parts and pieces with a  fine-tooth comb spelling grammar calls to   actions and links that are working properly and  phase 5 maintenance making sure that your website   is being updated with the updates provided by your  isp your web host and then maintaining any plugins   content and other changes necessary for the life  of your business and your website today it's   my objective to show you how to build your  own website on it's going to   be a high level overview just enough just enough  to get you up and running later in another video   i'll do a deep dive on things that you'll want  to manage on the back end and in your dashboard so lucky for you you don't need to know html  or other high-tech programming languages   working in wordpress using their ready-made  templates will help you build your website   like these the reason i currently use wordpress to  build my websites is because i want to concentrate   on selling my products not coding and managing my  site for me managing my wordpress sites comes easy   but i think that's because i've had the luxury of  history and experience of coding websites by hand   and managing large projects like intranets  for large companies depending on how tech   savvy you're feeling just know that sneaky  landmines may get you into trouble as you follow   me along on this journey you may determine that's  too much for you and there's no shame in that   if you need further help let me know i help  entrepreneurs build their websites today i want   to show you how to build a free website using first i have a question for you   what do you want your website to do  for you as a small business owner   what's the primary function of your website do you  want it to show sell educate inform or entertain   this will help define your website layout i like  to ask these questions to my clients because i   like to build in longevity you may not want to  sell today but you may consider it next month   if you're working with a word web designer for  your small business website your focus should   be on what should be done on your website  not diving into how things should be done   how things are done are fully dependent on design  and coding principles that your web designer has   experience with the layouts are different based on  the outcome that you want your customer to achieve   as they're cruising through your site  for instance if you want to inform your   customers is your website a new site  like the bbc or national geographic   or you might want to entertain your customers  as a comedian or a band so the layout would   look fundamentally different as a product  developer your layout will look different still   your website may showcase a custom product  or contain a shopping cart option another design and development principle is creating  layouts using flowcharts the wireframes and   sitemap to help your customer navigate to the  pages they need these layouts help the customer   efficiently navigate to your product page  to learn more if you're just getting started   on basic site you shouldn't have  to worry about flowcharts for just a few pages now this next section is about what platform you  want to develop your website easy for us we've   already made that choice with wordpress otherwise  why are you here wouldn't you rather be somewhere   else okay let's sort the difference between versus wordpress open source first  

they are two different platforms when you choose  to work with wordpress you know that you're in   great company many large brands use wordpress  like the new york times nbc and even ted talks knowing which is which will help you choose  the right platform for your business needs is hosted by wordpress  so what are some of the advantages   it's great for hobby bloggers and those just  getting their feet wet with blogging you get up to   three gigabytes of free space for your media after  that you have to upgrade to a paid plan but that's   just pennies personal plans start at 48 dollars  a year granting you six gigabytes of storage the   advantage to starting on is that you  don't have to worry about hosting security backups   or software updates ever they ca they take care of  all of that for you hosting service   has five plans from free to vip and an assortment  in between if you're not sure what's right for you   you can always bump up to a paid plan in the  future building a base website on   will be important if you want to build a  larger site using the wordpress open source   software this will allow you to connect with  plugins and other assorted components to build out   your web presence so even if you're not planning  on building a website here on   at least you've established your web  presence okay what are some of the disadvantages  

using it as a free blogging website you'll have   ads placed on it and you don't make any money from  it upgrading to a paid plan will eliminate that   you're not allowed to sell ads on your website  you can't upload plugins you can't upload   custom themes you're restricted to their stats  meaning you can't add google analytics to track   you can't run a membership site and  it comes with a branded domain name much like this one for instance and this   is fine if you're just using it as a home base  to launch your larger professional website lastly   you can't integrate any kind of payment gateways  unless you switch to the wordpress ecommerce plan   and that doesn't include that doesn't preclude you  from linking it with your square up account okay having said that you can use all of those things  if you upgrade to a paid program depending on   the features that you want to unlock some of  the more advanced features you have to be on the   business plan now the advantages to the wordpress  open source is that it wordpress requires you to   host your own website personally i use siteground  to host all of my websites and by the way if you   want to use my link in the description you get  a discount and a free trial on your hosting   how awesome is that you're free to do anything you  want in your own hosted website from customizing   it with third-party themes selling your products  directly from your website and so much more   you own your own website and all its data  which is different from other platforms like   shopify or squarespace should one of those go  down tomorrow you've lost all of your content   this is why i'm a firm believer  to own your own home domain oh getting dry here so if you're just joining  us let me know in the chat where in the world   you're watching from i would love to know i'm  lisa stewart founder of build your own small   business and found your and um founder of build  your own money message i help steam entrepreneurs   connect with their customers build products that  sell and build their business from their workbench   now let's get into the disadvantages  of hosting your own website there are very few actually to hosting your  own website with a free open source framework   like wordpress it starts to get a bit pricey  when you start adding the bells and whistles   and you have to be responsible for updates  and backups but it's worth it in the end   again if you need help building your website and  as your personal wordpress expert i can help you   build a website of your dreams meanwhile  let's get started on   are you ready let's get started  okay for transparency purposes i   have recorded this next section because i  can't count on the interwebs being stable   and i don't want to forget anything important i  will be here in the chat with all of you so don't   forget to chat and if you're watching this during  the replay type team builder in the comments okay okay let's set up your account mouse over  to your in your browser   choose your email address username and  password as you can see the username   is a unique address i've  chosen   next choose your extension wordpress asks us to  choose an extension to our preferred domain name   it's smart and it sees camera in our name and  evidently there's an extension called dot camera   along with dot com dot net dot org dot blog and  dot club for now i prefer to just go with the   free account next pick a plan in step three  wordpress is asking me to pick a plan as i   mentioned before there are at least four plans to  choose from personal that starts at four dollars a   month premium business and e-commerce i'm going  to head to the top and start with a free stype we've arrived at the dashboard for copernicus  cameras immediately you can see to the left where   you can make all kinds of customizations you can  make plan updates design customizations get into   your tools manage other properties in your free  blog another thing i like about   is that it shows you how long each task is  going to take so if you want to name your site   it will take less than one minute on the right  side you can see all the steps to set up your site   it also indicates what you've accomplished you can  see i've already confirmed my email address here   i'm going to visit the site to see what the front  side of my new blog looks like it's the default   theme and you can choose from plenty of themes  that you think might align well with your business   model show sell educate inform or entertain if  you want to explore the new themes you can do that   under the design tab our current theme is hover  and for this demonstration that's where we'll stay   let's visit the site when you first arrive pop-ups  will appear and act as guides showing you around   the homepage is laid out nice and fresh with what  we call the hero shot a background image with   title and call to action blog articles are found  at the bottom and the top menu that includes home   blog about and contact click the menu items  at the top to see the subsequent pages look   within your new theme regarding the about page i  would very much like to see you share who you are   what you do and who you do it  for please don't hide like many   entrepreneurs this is the first level of  trust you can provide with your customer   if your customer doesn't know who's running  the blog or website they will hesitate to   do business with you this is an invisible wall  that many entrepreneurs create for themselves   i don't want that for you site title and tagline  i'm adding the title and tagline to my website   you can see that wordpress is thinking about it  as it goes white to help make changes on the fly   don't stress about it just make sure that in  the end you save your changes after each task   navigation menu a long-standing usability feature  in website design is clicking on the logo that   takes you back to your home page for whatever  reason many themes top navigation the menu   also includes the word home to get you back home  this is redundant visitors rarely click this   and it just clutters up your top navigation  menu bar so i would recommend removing that because we're product developers i'm going  to add a new menu item called products at   this point your new menu name is going to pop  up at the end and you can move it to the head   of the list although i found this quite  fussy so just hang with it until you can   get your menu items in the arrangement you want  finally okay save your changes always be saving   okay homepage hero photo let's replace the hero  image i've already uploaded my preferred photo   that has a camera that i've blurred blurring helps  to add more contrast for the visually impaired   it only takes a millisecond for the brain to  decide whether or not it wants to stay on the page   let's encourage your customers to stay a while in  this hero section let's create a call to action   you can easily replace the type modify  the color and block section i'm going to   remove this particular block section let's  change the text and color on the button make sure to check the background color as  well as the text color in both the styles   section and the color settings and background  color section they coordinate and allow you   to have a white outline around your button that  matches your text color now let me show you how   i change my default colors to my copernicus  camera's brand colors colors and background   inside colors and background you can see they have  three default color ways for you to choose from   feel free to scroll through these palettes  to see how they interact with the web page   i would recommend that you go with a lighter  colorway so that your customers can read dark text   on a light background that's best for  usability and people with low contrast   sight challenges because i've created a style tile  for the copernicus cameras i've pulled my colors   from that my hex codes are all included so it will  be pretty easy to adopt wordpress allows me to   transfer my hex codes into the little box beneath  the gradient color palette presto okay home page   let's go back to the homepage a moment and take  a look at the rest of the components here you   can see i've got example blog posts in three  columns i've been able to adapt my brand colors   into the headers of each there are some advanced  settings here that i'm not going to get into today   you can see where i can include borders if that's  what i want but there's enough gutters between the   text blocks that will provide the framing around  each block if you want that's completely up to you   let's add categories and tags categories and  tags are going to help your customers find you   and the specific topics they're looking for so  what's the difference between categories and   tags you ask good question think of categories as  broad topics and tags as narrow and specific i'm   heading into my main dashboard over to the left  side you'll see a section called manage inside   manage you'll find the subcategory called settings  click that you'll find four different settings   head to the one labeled writing under writing you  will find subcategories called categories and tags   sorry for the interruption i need to make a very  important announcement do you see this specific   element called uncategorized it often goes  unnoticed by many small business owners and does   absolutely nothing for your seo when you begin to  fill out your categories rewrite this one as i'm   doing here it makes you look more professional now  where was i that's where we're going to add hours   for instance categories would include names  like equipment and classes tags would include   more specific topics inside those categories think  of the first category equipment examples include   camera bodies lenses flash and lighting for the  second category classes our quick examples would   include mountain and ocean you get the idea now  these will be available to us when we create posts   what's the difference between pages versus post  you ask yet another great question think of pages   being static one-off pages like your products or  about page or privacy policy posts are what bring   life to your website posts are where you  add updates about where your customers can   find you at shows if and when you're  adding classes any scheduling updates   any specials that you're running these can  be found in chronological order and also   show google that your website is still active  the interesting point about posts is that they   also encourage conversation they have a built-in  comment tool along with tracking and ping backs blog posts as tempting as it is we can't change  the title of our blog post up here we have to   scroll all the way to the bottom to find the word  edit okay i'm adding my title and i'm now going to   add my feature image update in this section called  permalink i pasted the title of the blog post so   that it would be seo friendly it no longer says  example post three it's replaced with meaningful   words that my customers will find because who  is going to look for example post three right   the categories i added show up here the  default was to check equipment instead i am   checking the classes box that only makes sense  if you need it you can also add a new category   i'm also adding tags and an excerpt that will show  up on the home page for show and tell purposes i   also copied and pasted this information inside  the blog post just to demonstrate how easy it is   okay blog page on the blog page let's replace  the hero image with something a little more   meaningful like this spider silhouette i'm  also going to add another title inside it for   seo purposes we can reformat this title to  our hearts content with alignment and linking now how do we get our blog images to appear on  the home page you've probably noticed we don't   have any gorgeous photos here representing  our blog posts they're the featured photos   we add inside each blog post but we still need  to allow them to be present on the home page   and we can add them one of two ways as i edit this  block the editor bar reveals itself on the right   notice how i'm turning the display feature  image to reveal the spider photo above   the blog title i can choose how big the featured  item is going to be as i scroll from thumbnail   size to medium and then to large i can also decide  if i want to display the post content author name   and date as you can see i've modified the last  two blog posts i've changed the title and added   photos i kept the text but what is showing are  the excerpts from the blog posts included earlier   social media accounts if you were establishing  any social media accounts this is where you can   include your links they auto magically show  up at the bottom of your page in the footer   colloquially it's called the kitchen junk drawer   the key is to match your social media accounts  with your business name as closely as possible you   don't want to make it difficult for your customers  to find you if you do have to change the name make   it easy for them i've had to do that on a couple  of my accounts just because the length of my name   wouldn't fit the character count so just keep that  in mind customizing your blog footer with widgets   there is so much opportunity to make your  new web presence flexible and interactive   i'm adding categories as a widget so that  it supports findability via seo a calendar   and location that includes the local market where  you can regularly find me with a phone number   and dates of course this is all hypothetical so  don't try finding me at the local farmers market okay let's link your lead magnet you  can link your lead magnet in at least   three different ways using different methods  from free to paid the bootstrappers way is   set up your button to send an email to you and you  reply to that email with your lead magnet attached   another way is to set up your email  account with a new signature so that   all you have to do is respond  with one click to your recipient and lastly you can send it instantly  from your email provider like convertkit   i have a discount link in  the description box below   if you're curious about lead magnets  and which one is the best for you   be sure to subscribe and whack that bell like a  kitten why to get notified when i go live decoding   the magic of lead magnets this friday during my  live at five okay now we are ready to publish   click the link that reads launch your site  wordpress wants me to purchase an extension   either or  they even offer me a chance to link a domain  

i already own but at this time i want to scroll  right down to the bottom to skip purchase   wordpress is also showing me the four paid plans  to choose from but head up to the top near the   header that reads getting ready to launch a  website and you will find a link that says   choose a plan or start with a free site  i'm going to click start with a free site   for now another upsell by wordpress on the  congrats page is to register more extensions   skip down to the bottom where it  reads no thanks i'll stick with hooray my site is  now published isn't this gorgeous and it didn't   take much time at all and i'm guessing you could  accomplish this in less than 30 minutes provided   you have all of your content ready to upload this  includes text copy photographs and lead magnet   congratulations you've learned how  to set up your own site   you've replaced your hero image you've  refined your top menu to add product   page you've modified your blog post and added  their feature image to shine on the home page   you've added widgets and finally you've  connected a lead magnet at least three   different ways i hope this inspires you  to build your own small business website welcome back what did you all think do you  have any questions let me know in the chat   i know that was a lot of information but i just  want to make sure that you can get up and running   with your vital information as well as your  lead magnet which is very important when it   comes to pull marketing so if you have  any questions in the chat let me know   meanwhile if you're starting a new business or  you've been established a while grab your copy   of the small business brand toolkit to get  started this is a free small business brand   toolkit that i start out with all of my clients  as a system that contains everything they need   to know to get up and running so make sure to  grab that link in the description box below   anyhow i want to thank you so much for hanging  out with me today to learn how to build your   new business website on  great things take time so keep building

2021-02-26 13:10

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