$5,500 in 15 Minute with 3 New Simple Indicators - Binary Options Trading 2021

$5,500 in 15 Minute with 3 New Simple Indicators - Binary Options Trading 2021

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hello guys welcome back to another video in  today's video i'll be trading again with pocket   option and i'll be using a very uh what's  it called core strategy so this directory   i've been trying it for over a week now and it  was very powerful and was according decided to   show you guys today so over here we're using  three indicators so the first indicator we're   using is called our moving average and these are  the second all right the period is 28 where the   moving average is emma ema so the second indicator  that we use is called cci so and the period over   here is 18 that's all you have to change just  click that and the last indicator we're using is   called momentum and the period over here so it's  that same all right so to put this indicator up   just come over here as you can see it is the first  ingrow we use moving average the second one is ci   and the momentum the third um indicator right so  that's just it so this indicator works with 30   seconds i'm counting time frame and the one minute  um trade time all right so let me explain really   quick how this works i do indicator work in terms  of um what's it called direction so over here when   our blow moving average line is above the candle  and it's coming down and on this cci you said that   the line is an oversold level this line is on  a down part here all right and you see that the   line is almost is almost down and you're getting  your signal of a momentum to be a red signal then   your heart you have to put in a trade to be for um  what's it called put option for one minute don't   forget that one minute and ten minutes kind of i  mean that's a minute can do um time frame another   thing you need to take and notice that always  make sure that you're taking the trade on a fresh   generated candle i'm going to show you that on a  moment i'm going to show you i want to take the   trade so all i mean is that make sure that you're  taking the trade on a fresh candle so if you're   having this kind of generated make sure you're  with that make sure you wait to take the trade   on next new kind of generated i mean to show i'm  a watercolor generated and take the trade on it   right but i'm going to explain real quick when i  take a trade the same thing happened when there   was a call there's something happen when they  can do like over here something happen when the   moving average is below the can do all right  going up you're on what's it called ssi line   is an overbought level the line is on at the top  and you're having a green signal so when you're   having something like that you need to give it a  trade off on what's it called call option for one   minute don't forget that was the most important  thing make sure you're taking that trade on a   fresh new candy all right now i'm going to analyze  so when i get the best moment i'm com i'm coming   over to take a trade then i'll explain what i mean  i'm taking the trade on the first candle right   okay guys i'm actually going having a very good  time here as you can see but i'm actually waiting   for another kind of generated before i place in  my trade all right so that's what i'm actually   waiting for so i want to have a new kind of  generator and i'm still having a good moment like   this say okay i get a good candy i'm gonna play  the trade so v4 was a call call option so as you   can understand what i explained the earlier  on is that the um the moving average must be   um below the candle you must have your um ssi line  at the overbought level at the top line here and   of course you must have your signal showing grain  right if you are taking a trade to be on a call   option right so guys let's wait and see if we're  going to be in the money in the next one minute okay guys so when the money  on that is a very good one   so i hope you understand how this work right  so over now i'll be analyzing again when i   find another great moment i'll come over  and take a trade doing this for 200 okay okay guys so i find another great  moment over here as you can see that   our um our cci was um on our  what's it called over what level   we're having a great signal with the momentum  on our moving averages below the candle all   right so this is another great moment that i  see and i actually played in the trade so guys   let's wait and see if we're gonna be in the  money in the next um um few seconds all right okay guys and it's not sure we  get back on 200 it dropped um   over in the next few seconds but over would  get back or 200 so let me keep analyzing so   when i have another great moment i'll come over  and take a trade and i'll explain better right okay guys over here i find another great  momentum as you can see our um cci is   very strong on an overbought level we have a  signal right from here our moving average is   below the candle so in this case this are one  of the good moment that i'm always looking at   so guys let's wait and see if we're gonna be and  the money in the next armed few seconds right okay guys a very good one with  the money on that all right   so right now let me actually take a  trade off let me take a trade of 500. all right so guys i'll be analyzing again when i  find another great moment i'll come over and i'll   take another trade right okay guys i'm finding an  underground moment here but i'm actually waiting   for the next country to come up so these are  one of the good moment our cci was an overbought   level but it's way out but never mind we still  have our sakai and what's the car our moving   average above i'm the candy okay we're having  a good time i'm going to put in a trade of 500.   or at least another great moment i know  that i've been trying i've been trading this   testing days um what's the call at the end back  end for over a week now so i know when i said   a great moment right so this is one of the great  moments so guys let's wait and see if we're gonna   be in the money and the next um how was the car in  the next few minutes right give me a few seconds guys when the money on that it's a very good  one okay think let me do something of 700 700 so guys i'll be checking again   i want to find another good one i'll come  over and i'll place on the trade all right okay guys i'm finding another great moment  over here but i'm actually waiting for the   next country to come up as you can see the answer  cci is always okay i'm putting in a trade of 700.

okay i got place on as you can see the cci is at  the top of the what's the call so the top of the   band here is actually moving up we are having a  very strong this signal has been for very long   time going up and of course our moving average  is below the candle and very strong on its way   up so these i know that this is definitely going  to be another great moment so that was the reason   why i actually placed on the trade all right guys  we have less than a few more seconds let's wait   and see if we're gonna be in the money in the  nest um about 50 minutes i'm in 50 seconds right okay guys so a very good one there we're in a  profit okay it is about two thousand so right   now okay i'll still be doing 700. so guys  i'll be analyzing again another great moment   i'll come over and take a trade as you  can see it is a very very cool strategy   all right so just follow the instruction i gave  on this video make sure that you're having a good   movement with all the three indicators and then  most importantly make sure that you're taking a   trade on the new generated condo right so in this  situation i want to advise you to take a trade as   you can see um there's a cliche up on the momentum  here the green actually popped up at the middle   um which means that they are not really strong  so but when you're having something like this   all the full grain signal is up on the  momentum and then just what's it call your cci   um line is an overbought lever all right  and then of course you're having your   what's it called your um blue moving average  below the line then it's definitely going to be   a great moment for you to play in a trade right   so guys i'll be analyzing again another  great moment i'll come over and take a try   okay guys so i'm finding another great moment  over here okay we're getting the drop down on   the market but still let's get another one  generated okay i'm gonna put in a trade okay i got place i'm the reason why i actually  place this trade and the fact that it actually   drops fine we are having a very great moment  with the indicators but the new indicator i mean   the new um candy generator was getting weaker  which gives me that kind of assurance that's   definitely going to be pulling up and not only  that our moving average is really strong at the   bottom of the candy our um cci was very powerful  on our bot level and then of course our momentum   giving us a very good signal so that's the reason  why i actually placed in that trade all right   so but as you can see there's a drop down very  heavy here that generated this can do but over   here actually realize that the candle is actually  struggling to go down so which i know that it's   definitely going to go up in the moment so that  is why i actually put in this particular track all   right so guys let's wait and see if this will be  another great moment in the next few seconds right okay guys a nice one there  we and the money on that   it's a very cool one so okay let me do another 700   but i'll be finding another moments when i get  there then i'll come over and take a trade right okay guys i found another great moment over  here i'm actually checking this out but i'm   waiting for the other candy to generate it like  it is a very good one i'm putting in the trade then put into a trade okay all right another  two trade on that okay this is a very good one   the reason why i'm so confident that i'll be  in this trade is that okay our moving average   was really strong at the top i'm sorry guys  sorry guys so over here our what's it called um over here i'm so strong i'm so was called  very very very very certain that um it's   definitely going to be a great trade because  our moving average is very powerful at the top   of the what's the call this is the airline here  and not only that our moving average here our cci   i want to reach here is below and see that it's  having um what's called a very powerful pull up   when i place the trade here so guys we in the  money and not only that our um and what's it   called our momentum is very very strong over  here sugar so that's just um what i say that   make me support in that trade all right so right  now i'll be analyzing again um we've made a very   good number of money so i wanted to say if i can  actually on this trade on what's it called this   um particular strategy work when the market is  i'm very strong very very okay so i'm doing this   on the morning all right so if you're in new york  make sure that you're doing this in the morning   if you're on the london time just make sure  that you're doing this when the market is open   all right so when the market is open make sure  that you're done days so that is the best time   actually um what's the car recommend for you  guys right so another great moment over here   but in a scenario like this as you can see we  have a pull-up on the market and no indicator   can actually detect if the market is strong or  not all right so in this case i won't advise   you guys to actually take a trade because the  reason why is that um the market just pulled up   unnecessarily and the indicator wasn't even giving  us the signal right there might be a pull down   at the same time so if you're having a pull  up in the market i would advise you to take a   trade right so right now i'm analyzing when i get  the moment again i'll come over and take a trade okay guys i'm actually checking this out as  well all right it's a very good setting so   i'm actually putting in the trade when i'll  see another candle up okay it's a good one   i'll put the new to trade so guys a very good  moment the reason why i actually play this trade   is very simple they can what they call the um our  cci was very strong on the um was a call on the   um overbought level we are having a very strong  signal with our momentum and of course our our   moving average is very powerful on the other  line all right on the other side at the under   at the bottom of the candle all right i know that  this is definitely going to be another good one   so that is what i actually put in the  trade all right guys let's wait and see   if we're gonna be on the  money and this one all right all right guys we are perfectly on a profit so  that's five thousand over there it's okay i'll was   actually taking a lesser trade right now  um the market is a little bit getting out   so i'll be taking a 200 trade and i'll be taking  atlan maybe like a few more trade and i'll call   it for today so guys you need to worry this  is something i wanted to actually explain at   the end of this video okay this is a very good  moment i'm actually checking this out as well   right next to me so certain because the  other kind of generators that just take   some weight i mean statics and i'm  waiting for the other one to get out   right now this is a great moment this is really a  great moment so let's hope we get another good one okay all right this is a good moment  i'm putting into trade in the   opponent to trade i went 200 dollar trade  to trade on that because a good uh trade   the reason why is that the kind of ads i was  called the um the count is actually starting   the market is actually getting but on days but i  know that i'm still going to have a pull up with   the setting i have here right so that's the reason  why i'm actually placing the trade so hope i guess   right but with the it was a call with the um was  the car with the three indicator over there then   this is another great moment so let's see if the  bottom marker won't affect this particular trade watermelon is a very good moment honestly  i'm actually increase the balance okay so guys um all right we'll get pulled  up by the end of the minute i'm at the   end of the second icons and we in the  money on that that's a very good one   so guys i think let me take  a 500 trade as my last trade and let's see but this time i'll make  sure to actually analyze a very good time   and of course i'll put in the  trade what is a good time over here   this is another great time  over here because the board um   okay this is a good time but though i'm okay okay  okay i find something i'm over here on the ssid   actually dropped so bad when the order um kind of  generated so um the market is actually getting out   of hand like i said make sure they are doing  this in the morning right when the market is   nearly opened make sure that then this is the time  i do it in every state you are just make sure or   any country you are just make sure you're doing it  when the market is open right so that was jesuit so guys i'll be analyzing again when i  find another good moment i'll come over   and i'll play the 500 dollar tread which  is definitely gonna be my last ride right   okay guys it's a good moment i want to check  this out at the end of the day but our um   cci is still very okay i'm  putting in a tread over here okay i got a place so guys the reason why i  actually played this trade though our um since   the eyes actually dropping but still very strong  and there was a call in the um overbought level   the reason why i actually played this trade  our momentum is really strong which means that   the market um was even though if the   even though if the put option is gonna come down  it will definitely gonna go above because this is   really strong and the momentum wasn't really  giving us a good signal but here the moving   average is giving us a very strong signal because  it's go up straight so i'm so confident that this   is going to be another good one another  reason why i should have pleasant to trade   so guys let's wait and see if we're gonna be in  the morning internet i'm about 35 seconds or not oh guys we lost that okay actually allow  my what's a call to take over i shall   actually make sure that every indicator is in  a good position but okay let me actually take   a very good trade here for about a thousand dollar okay one thousand dollar there but this trade  we're definitely gonna be the last i'm so   certain about that because i'll be taking  my time to get a very good moment before i   place in the money so that we can  actually recover the leaves right all right guys i'm checking this moment out   um but i'm actually waiting to take the trade  on the next country that's a very good moment   as you can see our aim was of course this i have  actually bridged out of the bottom line here okay all right i'm putting in a thousand dollar  trade on that this is a very good moment the   reason why is that our um we have a very strong  um what's the call position over here on the cci   our moving average is at the top of the candy  and then of course our momentum is very good one   so i'm so certain this is definitely gonna be  another good one all right so guys let's wait   and see if there's gonna be another great  moment in the next um few seconds all right all right guys we're writing the money on that but  god is a very powerful tool from about um thousand   and seventy dollars to about um five thousand  seven hundred this is over five thousand in profit   all right guys this is where i'm gonna  stop on today's video i hope you love   the video so guys make sure that you're  putting all the instruction and position   if you're using the structure all right so very  very very very structured you guys and it is very   newbie friendly the saturn is very simple the moon  average is 28 i'm using ema while the cci is 18   the period and the momentum period starts  saying it's very simple just put all this   on what's the call um from the instruction into  consideration while taking the trade and don't   forget take a trade only when the new candy  generated and then make sure that you're taking   this trade when the market is nearly open and the  day all right i hope you loved the video if you   liked the video give me a thumbs up subscribe to  the channel and turn on the notification so that   you won't miss my next um um upload right thank  you so much and i'll see you on another video

2021-09-17 09:05

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