3 Secrets Coaches Can Use To Grow Their Coaching Business Beyond $51,000

3 Secrets Coaches Can Use To Grow Their Coaching Business Beyond $51,000

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Hello and welcome Leon Street here and I wanted to talk to you about this number fifty, one thousand, dollars a year yeah. It's, actually the average annual, income for a specific group, of business, owners and those business owners I want to share with you this, is the average, coaches, annual, income and this was discovered in, the. 2016. ICF. Global. Coaching study after, they surveyed, fifteen thousand, three hundred and eighty. Valid. Responses, from one hundred and thirty seven different, countries are, you probably thinking well what does that mean well. If, you're a coach if you're a consultant you probably fit into this bracket and, if. You're like me you, want to earn more than fifty one thousand, dollars and if this is the average there. Are actually people who earn less than the average and, the ones that earn more a generally, are in a smaller minority. So, what does that mean for you well. It means a number of things first. Of all I want to show you a graph off the back of this survey just so we can put these numbers into context. And then, give you a reason, as to why things. Need to change especially, if you fit into this average. And if, you want to grow out of the average you see the majority, of people who are earning this fifty-one, thousand dollars average annual, income fit. Into the thirty-one. To, the sixty year, age range. Now. What does that mean well generally, if you like me from, the age of 31 onwards, you've probably been a parent, you, probably have, owned a house or you rented a house you have commitments. You have bills you have expectations, of, family you probably want to go on holidays, you, probably want to eat out every, now and again that. $51,000. Doesn't really stretch that far so. If you're a coach and as I said and you're looking to grow your business or you're actually looking to get more back out of your business, and go, beyond the $51,000. Obviously. Something, needs to change because. $51,000. Is not going to serve you in the type of life i imagine. Which. Is the reason why you went into business to change things because, here's one thing that i realized about business we. Don't just go into business because we've got this amazing, you. Know kind of epiphany, moment or lightbulb moment, we, go into business because actually what we're seeking is the freedom, to explore, our, purpose. We're. Seeking, the freedom to explore where our skills can take us because we believe we can help somebody else we can give back in some way providing. A service and helping somebody else with, what you do I'm sure that's why you're a culture right now, but. With all of these challenges and, with. The, average annual, income at fifty one thousand, dollars, really. How, far is your message, going to reach how far are, you really going to help people beyond, maybe, you're near circle, the near actions. The near places that you can actually spread, your message might, be networking, a bit of social media here and there not very far so what can you do to change that well, I want to introduce you to a famous guy Napoleon. Hill and you may have heard of him as the author of Think and Grow Rich, but. There's a special concept that he came up with in the concept, is the, mastermind, principle see. Napoleon Hill said this no. Mind is complete, by itself it. Needs, contact. And association. With other minds to grow and expand, with, other minds to grow and expand the proper use of a mastermind, group is the cornerstone to all great, achievement.

So. And it. Is one of the steps that people most often overlook, so, I want to take that you know just one step further so what does what do we mean by that what is Napoleon, Hill mean by that well, it's simple, on. Our own we. Can only ever have as it says a limited, amount of experience, and a mastermind, group allows, us to draw freely from that experience, with. Which it includes training skills, and knowledge of others who align with that definite, major purpose and, this is a big thing because. When we're in business and, when things aren't going well and let's say we are earning the average 51 thousand dollars a year we. Try and put on the S on our chest whether you're a male or female we become superwoman, or Superman we, try and do it alone go it alone figure, it out and actually, what happens is we, don't have all the answers because. We're, skilled at a specific, area, in our business we're, not all accountants, we're not all, solicitors. We're not all the. People who create the product or service or the deliverer yeah, we have our key skill areas, and if. Your average annual, income as a coach is only fifty one thousand dollars what are you going to do to change that because, there's, only a specific. Key area, that is going to influence your business and that, will come in the shape of, marketing. But there's a step before we get into marketing how. Can we collapse time how, can we save. You time so. That you can actually make those changes you can move from the fifty one thousand, dollars a year because if that's the average income, the. Average annual income and if that's where, you are right now obviously, something needs to change and I'm sure you're not in business just to win that you actually want to go for one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, and wherever you, know your your aspirations. And commitments, and actions will take you whether that's seven figures and beyond like some of my clients that's, definitely something that is possible, so. Collapsing. Time Y, mean by collapsing time is how can you learn the necessary skills, to accelerate. Your journey and move, you closer towards, the results of getting beyond the fifty one thousand, yeah. Here's, how these guys do it so a number of famous people on the screen right now Oprah, Winfrey with Maya Angelou, we. Have here Bill Gates with Warren Buffett we've. Got a favorite, of mine athlete, Anthony, Joshua with, his trainer Rob, McCracken, we've also got, Steve, Jobs who was the mentor of famous. Guy who runs, Facebook, yeah, but. There is a commonality, with all of these people Michael Jordan, and his coach Phil. Jackson you. See every one of these people is. Either the students, or the coach and, the. Reason why Mark. Zuckerberg chose to have Steve, job as his mentor and coach the reason, why we've. Got here Usain, Bolt with Glen Mills chose, to have Glen, Mills as his coach and the reason why Serena Williams, chose, Anthony. Robbins is because, they wanted to collapse time and, what I mean by that is they wanted, the necessary, skills from somebody who had the experience in. The, area, where they wanted to improve in their life for business in order to grow you, see these people recognize, that actually. If you're going to grow you're going to more, than your own mind yeah, which is where the mastermind, principle comes, into place but, it gets or it's even more accelerated, when you have a coach and that's what all of these famous people have done you. See they're recognized, actually they need help because. We can't all put the s on our chest but what we can do is put it on when we have the right team or support, around us and so, for me one, of the biggest things in growing, your business is understanding, that when you add the, mastermind, principle which, Napoleon, Hill spoke about with coaching. That's. How you move, yourself forward so. How does that change the. 51 thousand, a year. As an, average income how, can that move you forward well it's simple. You. Have to get the information you. Need from, a marketing, coach who. Can show you the way you see all of those famous people they got a culture you could help them in specific areas whether it was life whether, it was business leadership. Transformation. Whatever, they needed yeah. So if you want to change where you are in terms of 50 1,000, as your average annual income and go beyond it smash it to multi six-figure, to seven-figure. You're, gonna need somebody who can help you get those results and, that's what I want to show you see, the thing is the biggest thing that is going to help you get the results is marketing. Because. The first step in any business is for people to come across your marketing, message, so that you have the opportunity.

To, Sell to them so that they can buy your coaching, services, or your courses, without, marketing, you have your message really stuck, and it's not being spread and put out there in front, of the right people so what can you do well. What, I've done I've put together some training, that I would love to invite you to experience the training is called more leads more clients and I want to dig a bit deeper just to show you about that training first of all if you want to go and access the training right now and get stuck into it you're welcome to do so I've got three key things I am going to show you in a moment on the flip chart so I'm actually gonna take you through those points but if you want to go on register for the webinar more, leads more clients go to Leon, Street comm forward. Slash invites and when you go to that URL pop, your name and email in choose, the, the options, you'd like if you'd like to watch the, training in advance or a date that is more convenient to you or you can choose to watch it immediate, so, Leon Street comm forward slash invite now what I'd like to do is take you through the. Three key areas that, you will experience and, find in this training and one thing to bear in mind is that when you are on the training make sure you've got a pen and paper because there are actionable, items, that, you will need to do so, that you focus, on growing your business even though I'm giving you the training there are points and takeaways. For you to, action right now immediately, in your business so let's. Get into it the. First secret that I share with you in the training is the, new method, of marketing, and it's. The new method of marketing and selling coaching services, that doesn't, require you, to have genius, level marketing, knowledge a huge, social media, following or having. To build a huge email list so let's get into it what, is secret one so, secret one revolves. Around the, methodology, that I created after writing my number one best-selling international. Book and the. Book was called more, leads more clients which is why I've called the train in that so I came up with this 7 step method and the 7 step method, starts. Off with step, number one and step number one is all about plan, which. Is what we've got here and, plan. In, simple. Terms is strategy, and, strategy. Focuses. On if. You can find a particular group, of people with. A problem that you can help them to solve then. That. Point is where, you will find the. People who come by or in a position to potentially, buy what you have for sale and that. Group of people is generally, referred to as a niche if you're in America it's called a niche in the UK we call it a niche and the. Niche is important, because the niche focuses. On a small segment, of a group of people so, you might go into a market, but what you've got to do is understand, what is the niche what is the small group of people that you can target you, see a lot of the time when you're targeting your marketing, message people get stuck, and hung, upon oh I need to make sure go for as many people as possible because they want to make sure their reach is big which is great but. Actually what happens, is when you cast. Your net wide you, don't focus, your attention on grabbing, the core people who are going to be the best fit for you so with the niche what you need to is focus on two key areas which I'm going to share with you the, niche you can split into things called, number one the demographics. So. I'll come to demographics, first demographics. Are things like age so. Pick an age range between five. To ten years so you might choose 30 to 35 it could be 20 to 25 it could be 50, to 60, choose, an age range never go beyond 10 years just because you want to keep it as tight as possible so. With demographics, go. Into, the attributes. Of what make up your. Particular niche it could be gender are you targeting women are you targeting men is it. Location. Dependent, are you targeting people in your city in your region, in your country. You. Might then focus, on different, things like what is their personal, and your income yeah. So what level of income do you want to target with the kind of people you want to be your client what. Is the revenue that their business, generates so if you're offering business, to business services maybe. One. Of the demographics, that you really need to have in there is what. Is the revenue that that company generates in order to be in a position to actually work with you as a business-to-business, service.

Provider Like a business coach and then, there are going to be other things that you can really dig into what are their interests, what kind of books have the red eye showed your mom are going Napoleon, Hill Think and Grow Rich and so, the more you get into understanding, what are the demographics, what are the kind, of logical, attributes, to your, target, audience the more you're going to really get to understand, them but that's step one step, two is then. We. Have here the. Psychographics. And. The. Psychographics. Are. This. They. Are. The. Reasons. Why. Somebody. Will buy from you so when we get into the reasons why reasons, why are the emotions, so. You, can start off with the psychographics. What. Is it that this. Particular niche fear, the most what is it that keeps them up at night with, the problem, that you can help them solve, what. Is it that are the, symptoms, of that main problem, so identifying. So, as an example if if, you had it if you had the flu some, of the symptoms would be a sore, throat runny, nose achy, joints a, cough, temperature. So, what are the symptoms - the main problem, that you help that, particular initial, can help that particularly solve, but, you have to list all of these things in the psychographics. Yeah, so, what, is it that they fear, yeah. So what is it that they fear around, not, having that problem fixed, and the, more you dig into the reasons, why a person will, eventually, buy from you you complete, the true understanding, of what anisha's, now obviously, I've only gone into the, kind of the. Surface, layer but when you go on to the training, which I showed you the link for we're, going to dig into this even deeper, with the actual, demographics, and psychographics that, you can list and work, on your business immediately so. That's, secret one that we'll cover in the, training, secret, number two which. I'll get into now. So. Secret number two is all about how to make your competition, irrelevant, and never, worry about generating, leads even if you don't consider yourself a, marketing, expert so. Secret, number two is very simple, so when you get onto the training you'll see it's simple but it's really powerful what, you're looking for is how do you grab the attention of, that niche that you've identified so. You know the niche you know the people you want to market to but, how do you now grab the attention you, do that using this special formula, here and this formula. Here. EBM. It's. Very simple but a lot of people don't do it it's called education based. Marketing so. Rather than trying to promote your, services and products what, you do is educate. That niche around, the. Topic, that you can help them to solve so if they've got a problem with as an example marketing, or sales, or business, strategy, then, you would educate that, niche around, those key areas if you're a life coach and you help people who, are experiencing, challenges, in their life right now around mindset. Or just you, know getting by in life or even you know trying, to accelerate, where they are in their career or life you, would then educate. Them see the thing is people don't, like, to be sold to but they like to buy and the way that you help people to buy is to provide education. Based marketing something. That adds value even, just like this video on right now so if you're learning something I'm educating. You by providing. Education. Based marketing to give value first this is a really important step that you need to look at the, next thing is once you're providing, education. Based marketing you. Need to create something called a client getting system yet, you may have heard of things like funnels, that's, what a client getting system is once, you are providing, great content, you need to funnel, people and let's put this on here so, that you can get them to convert and the conversions. Will, come by having a clearly, defined funnel. Which. Will, allow somebody to gain access to some of this education. Based marketing that you're promoting it, might be through, a PDF guide, it might be through a webinar a video sales letter these are the types of funnels that are usually put in place by. Coaches, but, this is where you really start to focus on getting clients and converting. Them from a lead to, a client, this is so important, and this is what we dig into in secret. Number two on the, webinar so what I want to discuss with you is the final, step in what you'll learn when, you go, onto this webinar training.

So. Secret. Three, secret. Three is all about the exact traffic, strategy, we use to create multi, six-figure, months in sales, plus. I'll even, show, you the. Current ads that, are working so when you go on to the training I show you behind the scenes but what I'm gonna do right now is just focus on what, is it about the exact traffic strategy, that we use it's pretty simple you need. To understand, what are the traffic sources that you know where you'll find your niche and in particular where. Does your niche hang out so, are, your niche on Facebook. Are they on LinkedIn, are they on Google or YouTube this. Is one of the key things that you need to understand, when, you go onto the training I break down the different areas, of how you can generate leads right now as a coach because. Once, you've done that niche research you should understand, where do they hang out because it might even be that you're targeting people, that do hang out at networking, events or even, specific. Specified. Kind, of niche events, yeah because that's possible, it doesn't mean that everybody, has to be online but, with online you do have, the opportunity to leverage your reach and actually reach and impact more people so. What is it about these traffic, strategies, well once, you understand, where people hang out this is where you can then start to use story. Angles, because, you've identified your, niche you understand, exactly, what. It is either. That they have a symptoms, to the main problem that you can help them fix as a coach now. What you can do is start to use different angles and the different angles can be things like. The. Symptoms, leading, up to the problem, and. So if I can spell that right let's go again. So, symptoms, and then after the symptoms what, you can start to do is look at what are the different interests. That people may have around. That, problem that they're experiencing, that you can help them to fix it, might be statistics. As an angle. It. Might be a story. It. Could be a case. Study. So. Some of these are ways, that you can use story angles, once, you understand, where, you can attract, people from in, terms of your traffic sources in order, to pique their interest and, this is really important, because people don't, just respond, just to one angle or one-one. Message, what you've got to understand, and get, to is when you run traffic. To these audiences, whether, you're marketing online, is. Really understanding. What, do they respond, to because, everybody's, so different they won't respond to just one thing and that's obviously your job to test and that's what you'll get on the training so. Guys if, you found this useful and you believe this is something that can actually help you grow your coaching. Business and move from that $51,000. Average annual income per year then I'd loved for you to join me on my training just, go to Lyon Street comm, forward, slash invite on the training we break down those three areas there. Is actionable, content that you will need a pen and paper and so that way you can watch the training and then implement, immediately. Afterwards, I look, forward to training you on this. Training, more, leads more clients, i'm leon street the lead generation coach helping. You to go to the next level thank you for watching.

2019-05-05 16:36

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