21 Ways AI Can Grow Your Online Business, Fast!

21 Ways AI Can Grow Your Online Business, Fast!

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hey miles here milesbeckler.com in this video you are going to learn 21 ways that ai can grow your online business for you now we're going to jump on my computer and i'm going to show you the exact tools and templates you need to leverage all 21 of these different ways for the ai to actually do the work of helping you publish more content publish more valuable content more engaging content faster for your audience and to keep us on track here i've got a cheat sheet here that we're going to go through so i'm going to keep super organized and this is going to be as efficient as humanly possible now first and foremost if you aren't using the tool yet um you can get access to it at milesbechler.comai as of today they are offering a free five-day trial if you're not using it so just again the links in the description milesbechter.com forward slash ai get a trial jump in and once you're on the inside this is the main dashboard okay this is where we're working with the new tool and keep in mind it's a tool right when a contractor buys a new tool for their job there's a learning curve with that tool so be patient with yourself but i'm going to show you which templates to use for all of the different occurrences and let's jump right in number one you know solving writer's block is often the best fastest way to get massive value from this kind of a tool because it's like okay i know i need to publish more content for my business i know i need to create more blog posts more videos more podcast episodes more social marketing pieces what do i write about what do i do so let's jump in first to the actual topic ideas for blog posts youtube videos etc now on this uh top area you notice this top bar so we can just click on blog and right here you notice that blog post topic ideas shows up so you're going to understand how to work with the tool as we're going through and i show you each individual one so literally this blog post topic ideas and then obviously the blog post outline that's where you would go to get inspiration to get help to come up with these ideas then there's videos okay if you're on youtube and you're looking for more video ideas and you're only using that buddy based keyword research tool and you're like man these are not really the ideas i'm looking for click on video go to the video topic ideas and this is where you can just get a huge array of ideas that are going to be compelling and they're going to interest your audience and then boom you're into motion okay this kicks you into motion by canceling writer's block immediately so i'm going to click dashboard up top that's how we get back to the main excuse me i'm not i'm going to click on all on the bubbles here that's how we get back to maine the second one i want to talk about is this long form assistant okay now this is for pro members only now pro was a limited time launch it has closed but if you upgraded you're going to have that here um in the future i assume they're gonna be offering this again i think it's just a beta test so we're the beta test users on this um and if you didn't get my emails announcing that this pro option was available you're probably not on my list and you should just go to milesbeckler.com forward slash emails and then you could subscribe to my emails because i notified my list my email list when this was available but what you do on the long form assistant whether you're wanting to write long form books kindle books or blog posts you click in and then you open this long form assistant okay this is a content creator so what it's doing is it's walking you through a process you're no longer staring at google documents or a word document or open office or whatever you're writing in and you're just staring at that blank screen and that cursor flashing at you which is that's the enemy right this is going to literally just get you into motion so you start creating about it and it's ultimately going to walk you through these first steps and then it goes into the editor and on and on now i'm not going to go through that right now i want you to know that if you want help getting kind of like how to use this at a deeper level the learn button up top so you click on learn they've got a step-by-step guide to get you into motion they have a lot of huge videos if you look at the videos that they've got they literally show you how to write a book with it how to optimize your linkedin profile and then down here this is the whole long form content that google's going to love that's literally the tool that we're using but back to the dashboard itself again that was the learn button up top so now we're going to go more quickly through these the the third one is hook ideas okay so what is a hook a hook is like a big idea of your post it's the big idea of your video it's like what makes that interesting right people don't want to waste their time reading generic bubble gum content or watching videos that are regurgitating the exact same ideas so you need a unique problem and solution you need an interesting hook to capture their interest where do you find that this is under the marketing frameworks bubbles now all these first two a i d a and pas are super powerful frameworks and you want to go through these and the hook is embedded in the output of these you might use a bunch of it you might use a little bit of it but ultimately what those two frameworks are going to do and i would even say this before and after bridge framework is one that i would test it's going to help you come up with a unique idea a unique angle so you got your keyword you know what you want to seo around but what's your hook this is where you find a hook that'll be like man i could write a post it could take that direction none of the other bloggers are talking about it bingo you're on to something that has the chance of getting clicked getting linked to and getting shared which is ultimately where i think more marketers need to get to number four is email subject lines so i'm gonna be honest with you you should email your list more if you don't have a list yet you're not growing your list you need to be growing an email list because that's where you will make all of your money it's the most valuable asset so the email bubble right here on top you can see email subject lines are right there just click on it you get in and going so you know you want to write an email you know you want to promote something what is that subject line that's going to get opened because if your subject line sucks if it's not interesting they're not going to open your email if they don't open email there's no way they can click on your link it all hinges on your subject line number five we're gonna talk about intro paragraphs okay so once they open your email what's that intro that's gonna actually hook them in from there or when they click on your blog post from google what's the intro or maybe even your video what is that so um what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use a search bar up here and i'm going to type in intro and you notice right here blog post intro paragraph pops up but there's also the video script hook so if you're a youtuber obviously there's the youtube one and then there's the blog post intro paragraph you can also use that for your email stuff and as i list out 21 you're going to see there's probably 50 to 100 ideas that i'm going over i didn't want to sensationalize this video with some over the top number so i'm keeping it to the actual 21. number six is the headlines and the sub headlines so i'm going to now delete this from here and i can just type in headlines oops excuse me if i spell it right so you can see the perfect headline right here is one of the options and then they also have the sub headlines these headlines are the big promise of your piece the headlines can go on your sales letters the headlines can go on your opt-in pages on your pop-ups where you're trying to grow your list and obviously they can go on your blog posts themselves you can even test those for your facebook ads etc etc the next one i'll talk about are bullet points so bullet points are absolutely huge these are the ones that are really going to get people to see what the value is and i simply clicked on website here and you've got the persuasive bullet points here this is going to generate those hard-hitting bullet points if you've ever seen a sales letter which i'm sure you have for a digital marketing product which i'm sure you have you're going to notice the bullet points are what really make us kind of engage like ooh i need to see what's inside of that product i need to get inside of that product it's often because of the bullet points and there's many copywriters who will write a gigantic list of bullet points first before the headline before the intro story before the hook they just write all of the bullet points and then i want to talk about features to benefit so a lot of people when they write bullet points they talk about features and i'm sure you've heard the story of nobody wants to buy a drill they want the hole in the wall okay so the drill is a half horsepower and blah blah blah it's handheld it's lightweight those are features but nobody actually cares about features and it's difficult for new marketers especially to shift from feature to benefit so they have this feature to benefit down here and that right there is number eight so then let's talk about your unique selling proposition or your unique value proposition that's also down here under website so when you're like what makes me unique in the marketplace too many affiliate marketers are forgetting this point why why is your content interesting why is your brand worthy of paying attention to what makes you different the ideas for coming up with your unique value proposition which is also like a usp are right there so that was number nine we are on the number 10 creative stories for your sales copy now sales copy story sell okay that's the truth and rookies at sales copy do not understand this and they do not leverage stories well enough and you need to do stories so you can see right here creative story is right there on the front page if they change this around because they are you can always type in story here and you're going to see creative story there and it's going to help you craft these stories these stories can go in your instagram posts they can go on facebook these stories can go in your emails these stories can go on your blogs your sales letters and on and on these are the truth of marketing is those who are the best storytellers and who can relate values and benefits and and the the transformation their audience is going to get those who use stories to do that are the ones winning in this game in this day and age number 11 answers on quora or youtube so one of the ways i've promoted my youtube channel quite aggressively is to go answer people's questions on quora it's a question and answer website or you are yahoo answers it's another question and answer website but here's the problem you have to go write 100 unique content so i can go write 500 words on quora and then get a link back to my website or i can get a link to my video or i can embed my video and a lot of my viewers actually found me from quora through this quora marketing if you go to quora.com you can search miles

back there you can see all of my answers there but it takes a lot of time to write that kind of content so what can you do um honestly i think the content improver and the sentence expander so i'm going to go under blog and you can see right here the content improver and you're going to see this one pop up a lot because if you've got a weak intro if you've got anything weak in your marketing you're like yeah i wrote that blog post it ain't very good use the content improver but what i can do now is i can take parts of my video a description that i wrote i can take parts of my blog posts that actually answer their question run it through the content improver and now i have some unique content that i can publish on quora because you never want to duplicate your content you want to use 100 unique and then the other one is the sentence expander so let me go back to all now i'm going to type in sentence here and you can see the sentence expander it's on that list i'm just using the search bar to make it really quick to find them if you scroll down the list of all you would see it there as well um so that is the way and there you can start building backlinks which is what i got for my channel and what i got for my blog from quora but i also got actual access to real people who were truly searching for answers on quora and i answered them and they found me and now they're subscribers they've got on my email list and they may actually be customers of the different products that i promote um the next one is on instagram uh for instagram marketing personally i don't do instagram marketing but they do have this photo captions right here and as you see you can just scroll down and there's a lot of ones that we're not talking about but if you are trying to do the instagram thing you know you need to be on instagram because everybody cares about instagram right now but you don't want to spend much time writing up those descriptions bingo put in the the photo what it's about what happened and it'll craft a content for your actual instagram post right there let's get into facebook ads so we have had great success testing jarvis's copy for our facebook ads now i went to the top i'm just going to click on ads and you can see right here that not only do we have the facebook ad headline and the facebook primary ad text but we also have the google ads as well so this is actually number 13 and number 14 right here on one screen if you're running google ads if you have an organic post that is already generating leads and sales and you know that post is working run some google ads to it right pour some fuel on the fire and you obviously know uh for my channel you probably know i've talked a lot about facebook ads on this channel i teach my entire strategy my my facebook ads marketing strategy here we're doing wonderful things with facebook ads it is bringing in uh hundreds and hundreds of customers per week if not thousands of customers per week using facebook ads and you always have to keep coming up with new creative we got to refresh creative so we're we're able to actually put in our old content that we're using use the content improver and it's actually coming up with new headlines based on our ads that worked and we're also generating new ideas not based on ads at work just completely new ideas to get new tests because often as ad writers or as marketers we kind of get into a lane we get into a groove and we don't like look outside of our little box very often and this tool is going to give you unique ideas kind of out of the box ideas wonderful for testing because that's one of the keys to that game is to constantly be testing um so that was 13 and 14. number 15 is product descriptions for shopify e-commerce or amazon fba folks i know you are out there i know there's a lot of you doing physical products and writing these types of product description pages is annoying at the best so you can see right here they have amazon specific bullets so this is going to be seeded from a different data set so you can get bullets and and features for your products but you can also get the kind of a product description paragraph right here for the actual amazon product itself obviously those would be worthy of testing for shopify at a bare minimum but you have this product description one over here that is also perfect for shopify as well um i'm finding that i'm often plugging in my same ideas into multiple of these tools to find the ones that work best for me um it's not that the output is quote unquote better it's just the workflow works better for me again it's that idea that it's a tool right so um i was a machinist at one point in my career which i manufactured aluminum parts that went into the robots that actually built uh silicone chips in in silicon valley and microprocessors and stuff and they have this tool called the lathe and a lay that spins and you're able to make these really unique dowel shaped things think of a baseball bat right how baseball bats are turned in the old days my boss he was a good old boy who did it all by hand and he hated the fact that now we programmed it all and i learned how to program those things so i was able to take a different approach there was a skill required that he was like no no the art of writing everything it on its own i don't like the thought of ai because i like the pure thought of writing every single bit and piece by myself that's great but i was able to come into that world using a new tool using a new kind of technology which is what this ai is for you if you're catching my drift here and i was able to create more parts more effectively that had better tolerances than they could by hand period and it was just better it took a learning curve it took me years of schooling and testing and theorizing and figuring this stuff out to learn how to do it but once i learned how to use that tool my output went up the quality of my output went up and that business became much more profitable and that's what you're getting access to here back to the list number 16 is review responses so if you have ever had the experience i just had so when you leave a comment on a on a website when you leave a comment for a product you're like wow this was so great thank you and they don't respond you're kind of like man this business owner doesn't actually care about my money they didn't like that i just spent 350 on that snowboard with them type thing but when they reply and they say great thank you it means a lot so they actually have a review responses for you so i'm going to type in review here and you can see right here review responder you or a virtual assistant can go in and craft responses to all of the reviews that you get and it's a touch point right your customer list those are the best people in your world those are the people you want to make feel great about themselves and about their purchasing decision and that little touch point of responding to all of your your reviews goes an absolute very long way let's get into titles for your blog posts and your videos so i'm going to go back to dashboard remove review here so we can go into the blog side so we've got the blog titles are on here let me see here right there at the bottom so these are seo optimized titles and descriptions right here and then if you want to go look under the videos they have the video titles as well um that'll help you get the video going and obviously you can use the video description as well because you know one one step is obviously to write all of the content and then the other step is to ultimately um write the title for the content and it takes more effort and more time and i just clicked on the seo bubble this is going into number 18 and you can see we have seo product page services page homepage and also for the blog post so again seo is your title and your meta description those are the two things the two of the really big components in seo that a lot of people they'll write their posts and they don't have enough energy to write a great seo optimized title and description which is the only thing users see when they're looking on the youtube search engine or the google search engine so here you go here's four ways depending on if you're selling services if you have a physical product if you're working on your homepage or obviously if you're working on blog posts and videos number 19 is the descriptions for your videos or your podcast episodes i think i accidentally snuck this one in early that's the video description and i personally do believe you can use this exact tool for all of your podcast episodes as well i think that there's a lot of and that's what i'm saying you could probably take my list of 21 and it could be a list of 75 or something because it works for blogs it works for podcasts it works for videos as well then the video scripts themselves right here is the video script outline this is the way you can actually kind of build out what's in a video and then obviously there's the hook and introduction so the outline helps you build out the main points the main things to talk about inside of the video and then you can use that script hook as a way to connect with your viewer because if you don't capture their attention within five seconds 15 seconds and help them really and really hook them in to know that there's something valuable in it for them they're going to click back and they're going to go watch another video so that was number 20 and then number 21 is on the company bio and your personal bio let's go back here to website um so on the website this is where your company bio is so for your about us page for your footer wherever that is um in the age of eat which is expertise authority and trust these are new algorithm requirements from google um we need to have bios for everything for all of our authors for all of our companies we need to make sure that google knows who we are and that we're a real business um those websites that don't have those eat factors are not ranking as well so here's how you can build out some of those eat factors super quick and again that is honestly just for the website let's go to all here and i'm going to type in bio up here and this is where you can find the personal bio so personal bios are useful obviously on things like linkedin or twitter or your instagram profile but as someone who's a guest on a lot of podcasts they always ask me for a bio miles send us your bio we want to include it with the podcast they don't write that they don't use that to introduce me and it's a pain in the neck to write that stuff especially if you want to customize it for each podcast that you're on bingo right here you can go into the tool and jarvis can help you out from there 21. we made it through the entire list that was pretty impressive i'm proud of you you made it now again i want to reiterate this is a tool okay and a tool is simply that it is as good as the operator is who uses it pens are tools if you don't know how to write with a pen if you don't know how to make it work it's just a pen it's just gonna sit there so i encourage you to really step up and take time to learn how to master this tool so it can help you double your pro productivity so it can help you triple your productivity and the last note if you're like miles i don't like ai i don't like the thought of ai i want you to know that it's here and the car that you drive whatever vehicle you bought and if you don't have a car whatever that last car you were in as an uber that was built by robots in a factory and there was a time when cars were built by hand obviously there are certain brands at hundreds of thousands of dollars per car that are still hand built the vast majority of vehicles are built by robots and there was a time when people were frustrated well i don't like that robots are building cars anymore the technology is here don't fight it this is what your competitors are using this is the current age of marketing now there is always important room for quality assurance there's always important room for your unique take your unique twist for your brain to be engaged with the tool because again the tool is nothing the tool is just a static piece of software it's about how you use the tool it's about the workflow you use with the tool it's about your comfort level and your ability to go back to the tool and to get it to create the output that you want just like when i was programming those pieces for the robots that built um microprocessors in silicon valley as a machinist the the actual program that ran if i misprogrammed it if i did it wrong it broke the part and it was less effective than the manual way but when i learned the right way to do it my productivity took that whole shop everything went up through the roof because i was able to program them with perfect tolerances every time it was a better product it was a better output it came out faster and it increased productivity because i leveraged technology and that's what you have the opportunity to do here if you're not signed up yet milesbecker.comai i hope this has been helpful if you liked it give me a thumbs up thank you i appreciate you and i will see you on the next video until then be well

2021-04-06 22:28

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