so hello everybody hello Nicole this is part record for the fine liquids community and today is our very first live stream in 2023 and I like to welcome everybody um today is a very sad day for Germany we woke up this morning with a um a state of emergency we had in Hamburg bloodbath and I just want to say to everybody in the north of Germany our thoughts and our hearts are with you but at the end today we we had a hostage taking in karlsruhe also so this is a [ __ ] day for Germany I think but we had um it's over and nobody died there was no blood in Karl school so um but you know when you live in that country that's that's tricky because you you you you all all of your thoughts are in that you know so but that's how it is okay boom this is the fine liquids community and today we are talking about the future of water and you know if you joined our last Community live streams you know we are the people always drinking fine Waters and stuff like that talking about different water bottles and Brands but you know I think it's time to go out of the box thinking outside the box and the reason is because what I see is that more and more people are getting aware of issues that we have with water troubles that we have with water and so I thought we thought why not talking about that it's really interesting because there are so many people which are even not aware of that you know especially in Germany you know there is a tap and you you open it and water comes out all is good so but nobody's talking about the future and is this normal for the future because we grew up with this normality of tap water it's always there you can take a shower for 15 minutes you can take a bath for each day if you want to but is that normal I don't know and this is the reason why we want to talk about that and today in our live stream we do have Mr Takashi Justin Takashi Glasgow from Los Angeles and I'm very happy that you are here hello Justin hey everyone from L.A Justin Watterson way nice meeting you yeah fine I'm really excited that you are here tonight and um hello Mike um just my neighbor he's just a few kilometers away from me hello Mike what are some of you and Pearson here from Mecca sign how are you yes I'm fine um I had um I'm feelings or I felt sick the last two weeks and tomorrow I will start to work again um everything is okay my wife is okay my uh child children is okay and she's sleeping now and yes I'm fine again and I'm happy to see you all yeah nice to hear that you are no longer sick and um yeah this is a great good to have health you know um hello Mark runs to the Netherlands how are you ah yes I'm fine I'm fine thank you thank you thank you for uh inviting me again so um yeah happy to join tonight looking forward to the interesting uh talks and uh it's a very broad subject so moving forward to it yeah you're welcome nice to have you here it's a pleasure yeah hey Millen I'm really excited to see you here in the live stream so it was not really sure if you can join tonight or not so yeah you're here and that's really good Mr Mill and Patel of water technologist water consultant and water simulator from London the UK how are you oh you made it melon I don't hear you what's wrong with your what's wrong with your audio are you muted sorry oh he's back again it's been a little it's been a long day it's been a long day hello all um let me recap what I said yeah please it's nice to see you all again to our audience out there everyone that's tuned in thank you for tuning in um yeah it's good to see you all we're going to be discussing some pretty cool subjects today um so yeah I'm looking forward to it so let's do it yeah let's do it and when you say let's do it you know when I when I get into the category of fine water it was just for me a journey to um to explore sources all across Europe and then I found out there are so many more and then I step stepped into this world of fine water and when you are going this journey so you cannot close your eyes in front of the um in front of how environment is developing in this time so everybody's talking about climate change but um especially here in Germany I think um most of the people are not aware that sources are getting smaller and smaller or expire so this is a fact nobody's talking about or just a few people yeah so when when people are talking about climate change they are talking about um so many other aspects but not about how water and the the circle of water is um depending on that and um this was one of the main reasons why I thought talk about it because it's all about awareness all about being conscious about how things are going and when you're looking into the media you see over Europe some special things um France did not have rain over the last 100 days so it's the this is the driest winter in France for decades so the dryness which they have right now will persist so this will um influence everything what is happening this year people are still prohibited to use water for maybe their Garden right now in winter so and I'm not talking about that to make people afraid I'm talking about that to give you the awareness and um same problems we do have in the Alp region when you're looking to Austria when you're looking to Switzerland the Glaciers are going back going back getting smaller and smaller but what does that mean all in all nobody's really talking about that it's just a few people so Mike what do you think what do you see all across Germany are people aware of what is happening to the water cycle at all no I don't think so that the people in Germany think about water so everything is clear you can open your your cap at home water is coming out everybody says tap water is the best water in the world this is the most controlled um [Music] um a thing for food and so on but not uh right here so in Germany you can use a 96 chemical things to to clear the water the groundwater for for doing a drink water drinking water at home and tap water and it's only clear till your house when the water is coming into your house so it's your own thing if you have the right things at home uh without um but now I need your help I apply uh it's it's all about very old infrastructure in in in the environment you got at home so this could be not really good for the water which comes out of the tap yeah yeah and uh in regards to this point milin when we met the people from aquaporin in Copenhagen they told us about pfas and this is another thing so we have chemicals which are getting more and more into the ground and touching the groundwater and when it comes back into the circle this is one of the chemicals we don't get out of the environment it's here and it's not good for the health you you also see it with a celters or Gerald Steiner uh that was the main problem in the last years so they were talking about um midrid you know what I mean yeah so so it was a great thing in the in the in the public that the water is not good enough uh because they are uh have two high minerals inside uh from the wrong Vineyards yeah yeah so and and when you are when this is just what is happening inside the the um the the waters which are bottled so all the water which is coming per tap in your house but when you are opening the perspective you also see that um there are everywhere issues all across the planet if you look at the Arctic if you look at the oceans so um milin what do you think as a water technologist which are the real big uh challenges that we have to face and um you are still connected to Paul o'callaghan from um Blue Tech and I know this is a guy or this is a company which you're really looking for Solutions and so most of the people are not aware of the problems but these guys are aware that we have to use uh um good solutions for the future yeah so I think we've definitely solved water that won't make you sick today or tomorrow okay that's a given in most areas of the world you may have that there are areas of the world where you don't but with the treatment methods that we have you know tomorrow if we drink from our Taps especially where we live in the world you're not going to get sick would you agree yeah but I think the challenge is now identifying the potential of waterborne microorganisms or pollution that we create that may make us sick in 5 10 15 years and what are these challenges in regards to water technology compliance law policy making what are the levels what's an upper limit what's a lower limit for pfas you know so there are going to be definitely some challenges and there's a lot of water Technologies out there but is it scalable will governments actually actively invest in this and you know they set targets you know we've got the UN next week about in 50 years um who's pushing the water Technologies because there's so many startup water technology companies but it's all about bringing that to Market financing it and the policies around it so if governments are not being strict with their upper and lower limits of these new chemicals that we're finding and not really bringing something to the table of okay we know it's a problem it's they just continue it just continues um so I think more investment is required personally I think more education from a school age in regards to all of the elements that make the water industry up or activism policy makers lawyers um Technologies Engineers you name it I think a good example would be how they look at water in Israel in regards to that sort of drink a water culture looking after water making it a positive country which is in a very arid region of the world so there's a lot more behind sort of bare access to water but I think it needs to start with education because not to my knowledge that there is a school that actually actively teaches water conservation in a big way they may touch on the subject or kids maybe shown something very simple but where you are including water into mats into science into the English you know the history of everything um I think it will create more cohesion with education and understanding of the importance so the Next Generation that do come through they get it it's like in their DNA from a young age oh yeah yes real interesting words you just said um yeah when when I when I look at [Music] um another topic this is just the last thing I really want to add here is that we are losing water now I just said we're losing our glaciers in the Alps and with this losing our uh rivers are getting down so the ships cannot really uh do their job and um we can't keep the water so today it's raining without ending don't stop Non-Stop yeah but what you can see is that the water is just flowing away it goes to the rivers and then it goes to the ocean and our our um our grounds are too dry they cannot keep the water because there is no snow because when snow is there and it's melting over months till April yes um it gets slowly into the ground but there is no snow and without snow the the ground is still to drive for all over the months and so it cannot keep the water and so I think this is another challenge for the future for whole countries where we have to work together to keep the water for everybody and for everything for the country itself so um Mark when when I look at the Netherlands I really like to drive through the Netherlands there is so many green and so many um water and it's flat yeah it's very flat yeah it's funny that you say that you know you know you talk about countries but um and especially you know you're from Germany so you can't look it at the at the country's perspective I mean you see that you know the rivers that go from Germany from the Alps go through the Netherlands and what we see is that in the summer yes there are no uh vessels going through anymore because the water is too low and then yeah other periods there's too much water so what we do now is we make flood ways and stuff like that and give um more room to water and what you see is that there's more irregularity in when you so you have to preserve it in times that you have too much and and that that's something we never did as in the Netherlands we have a long history of course with water but mainly just to get the water out of the country and now we have this infrastructure that and and we think oh okay but maybe we should give some more room uh to water again and also store water so we can um yeah we can use it for so many things also for energy these kind of things you know so um yeah that's very interesting and to come back to minutes um and yeah also you you you talked about the pfas and what scares me um is that uh yeah institutions make kind of limitations but um when it doesn't suit them they change the they changed the limit yeah that as a you know okay what's gonna do that to my health in like 15 20 yeah 30 years yeah yeah that's scary you know yeah but I think also just in regards to the pfas subject um just to be aware and the audience it's not just related to water water is a universal so it's yeah it's everywhere it's everywhere from clothing through packaging around your food Etc um so I there's a lot of association with water and as you're aware water is a great solvent it you know absorbs everything so yeah so pharmaceutical course we haven't touched that yet but same thing it's water it it will absorb you know so I think um the whole pfas discussion really it's also with what you purchase you know um and how you dispose of things as well is very important yeah um when I now um go over the big ocean to Los Angeles let's um do it across the um universe or maybe in the um space let me be an astronaut in the ISS or in another spaceship what are they doing there they found out what osmosis filtration can do so they recycle their urine to drink it once and once and once more again and again and again so I I found out in in one of these um American TV shows that Martin reason just um get in contact with these story but this is one of the solutions they brought from space back to to Earth and now when I when I listen to the um to the media for California uh I heard so much about missing water supply and getting more and more flat of the Seas where the water does come from um and the the big opposite is Las Vegas which has a a huge um a huge amount of water that they need to um to to to to work with the city at all so Justin what is your perspective on the future of water at all yeah so let me just add in what we just mentioned about California so since last year we've been uh suffering from a pretty bad at uh you know you know kind of drownish and uh uh you know so you know we're learning pretty critical situation uh in California but however um since the beginning of December we've been getting a lot of rain it's actually raining today as well actually last week [Music] you'll be surprised to hear this but La was snowing yeah how crazy is that it's crazy and actually it was my first time ever seeing in my life seeing hail in Anaheim near Disneyland so it was pretty shocking to see you know hail you know on my or I'll say ice on my car and that wasn't the Disney Magic was it that was Mother Nature actually it was fun watching it yeah too much rain definitely hurts but yeah I mean it's good it's good for us um um and actually let me talk into my subject here um this is actually um this is my perspective of what might be happening so so in my perspective future water so as you may know water is probably the most uh abundant Source on Earth but uh as you as we've been talking uh there's a shortage of water and uh think about as kind of global scale um it's going to affect a social political you know economical impact right so um and of course there's a climate change in pollutions from uh you know drought so so here's my worry is so um so the water it used to be a scarcity but now it's to start kind of moving into commodity so so therefore there's a lot of banks that's accepting uh or it's start accepting that you know water as a some sort of a asset now so therefore he's starting from I'll say beginning of 2000's uh uh you'll see a lot of indexes uh on the stocks the in Bonza with the water related and that's an increasing value over time yeah I totally agree yeah so that's one of the things that I want to bring up attention yeah on the other hand I think this is another aspect where people are not aware of so um yeah you know I think on the one hand it's so normal water we are so used to it we are made of it and everything as you just mentioned Mullen is made of it or made with it and with a huge amount of it but on the other hand we are not aware which problems could we could face in the future if we are not uh if we do not react in time so um in Germany we are talking in Germany we are talking about the problems in a very small way but nobody really is talking about Solutions so we got solar panels on our roof yeah we're talking about um electricity in all kinds of way we try to um lower our carbon footprint in every way but water is outside of the discussion and so um the troubles we will see in the future are not in the public discussion sometimes we're talking about it but it's not that we are thinking about okay there is a problem how can we solve that and um when I saw Brave Blue World this was the very first time when I realized that there is a problem and um they did not really talk about the problem they talked about how could you solve that problem as a person with your with your own home with your family with your house but they opened it for complete cities and societies and you know what we just talked about is just one thing on the other hand we have countries just like India which lost such big amounts of groundwater that they will face a groundwater problem in the future next thing is we have melting icebergs from the Arctic which are such as big that we will um have problems in the cities which are directly next to the oceans and you know when it's getting critical just like this topic there we are talking about but we're talking about the problems and I I really don't see where we talk about Solutions so and this is another thing where I think how could how could we change that not as as what are some it is but as people which are really facing that troubles what what do you think I think yeah I think um I'd say we are changing that it's like small increments of anything but as what Somalia is I would disagree with that as what song is yeah we do change people's mindsets people's cultures people's lifestyles of how they relate to water when you break it down to the fun element to where you're communicating about it pat of course we do 100 you know everybody's looking for The Big Bang the big change the big investment the big but if your mindset if you're not educating people very simply um yeah I I think we do 100 percent I think the the main problem yeah oh sorry no no sorry sorry Mike so I think the main problem in Germany is so you can get water everywhere so you have there's no place you have to wait for water yeah you can go to the supermarket you can go to the toilets you can on the on the motorway on the highway everywhere you will get water in your home in the wood also and um I think that the main problem will be uh when the groundwater is uh coming in solution with chemicals from the from the farmers yeah so it need years and years and years 20 30 40 years till the chemicals on the groundwater then the source for the groundwater is dead yeah our groundwater here in magazheim is uh more than 200 kilometers away in the islands from the boat and say yeah I think would you say then like one fundamental issue right and I don't know if it's the same in Germany but like if you're building a new town a new city adding on to a old city because majority of our towns are very old but would you say that you flush your toilets with say an NVR installed quality of water yeah it's the drinking water yeah so the way I see it is that especially like for example in the UK where the water utilities the tap water utility companies went private so they've been running it for 30 years you know I think there's a what 14 different companies and um why are we still flushing the toilets with clean wholesome drinking water yep yep and you see new developments being built new apartments being built I work all across the city from commercial buildings to Industrial to you name it I see it all I was in the Canary Wharf the financial house three five Millions eight million 20 million pound Apartments I'm walking into and seeing the infrastructure of the building and they're using drinking water for flushing toilets but but for for politics this will be uh a hot theme I think so um and if you if you say something against the farmers don't use pested seeds and so on yeah it's it's getting uh much more expensive in in foods and so on yep so they were talking about about uh foods of Bio biologic or foods with um wait I just small things like um grasshoppers it's grasshopper yes Mike oh Grosso because yeah okay so so that's the new thing and um no political uh person will discuss with farmers and with a with a with the people outside so yeah they are here for four years for eight years for for 10 years 12 years they will get their money for your for your rest of your life of their lives so why why I will take this um theme with farmers and with all people who have to pay more than and so nobody's talking about in the end everybody's paying for it I mean and that's also where the solution comes in I think looking at farming I think organic farming is the solution also if you look at groundwater and and and and the ground the soil at itself um if you I've worked in um in organic fruit and veg so I know a little bit about it and um also the the soil itself keeps more water so um I believe also in South Africa organic farmers are are selling their rights to to use water to non-organic Farmers just because they don't need that much water so in that perspective that's really the solution but if you and and the main thing here is costs if you talk about costs then people will start thinking in Solutions so if you have to uh if if the groundwater is gone or you have to go deeper it costs more money so then and and then in the end people have to pay their bills and think oh okay I have to pay more and they become aware of it and they will use water more sustainable but the thing is now at the moment is she's still so cheap and if water is still everywhere but the problem is is huge and you don't see the problem yet because you're not confronted with it yet I think that much you know the norm you know I mean we're more uh into it into the subject but you know like the the normal we've no experience there no exactly so like for example if you went seven days without running water from your tap and you had to walk even one mile there and then carry back say 20 liters 30 liters back yeah yeah yeah exactly or millions of people around the world do that on a daily basis yeah the first the first area or the the next area in in Germany without a good groundwater will be between Heidelberg and uh Frankfurt um that's a a great area and that's the the the pollution and the uh from Farmers and chemicals inside the bottom is so high that that will be the first and the next area without clear groundwater yeah and when the rivers are low so so like marked told yeah when the the Rhine is going to to the Netherlands so I think it's uh Dusseldorf who will take their groundwater from the from the river so with the with the uh great um um ozone treatment yep yeah so they take the water from the river make it clear for drinking water and give it to the people so when the rivers are low it's also dead I think so yeah um I would just have to um add something from Darren mcmenam from from Australia um he's a colleague of us he's also water similar yeah I think he's yeah he was invited Mister yeah he was invited he said he will join next time but he he wrote now he wrote something in the chat and he said biodynamic farming is becoming very popular in Brazil coffee plantations fertilizers have increased up to 300 percent in the last 12 months so it seems to be working so when you want to change something maybe it's up to us to buy the right products I think Yeah Yeah well yeah the thing is that uh well you know I I work in in the food business and uh uh so it went up with three to four hundred percent fertilizers so what you see now in South America is that people stop using fertilizers or you know at least you know sometimes they do it but just the minimum the bare minimum yeah you see that back in in the fruit prices now and everybody's thinking about the inflation but no that like the broad public doesn't hear that it's you know also main main one of the main factors is is fertilizers also that there's a scarcity because the at the moment because uh those fertilizers also of course um have a you know they bring a a good yield at the moment I mean before you can grow organic it it there's a certain period of time that you you will have a an organic farm that that produces same amount of yield so what you see now is lower yields and which price which drives the prices up from fruit but you don't see if you don't hear that it's also about fertilizers and what it does with water and then everything you know so that's yeah it's um yeah it would be better if if if if if these kind of things are also linked for for for for more people that they that they know that it's also water is also a very big important thing about this you know yeah totally agree uh trusted I I read some days ago some weeks ago that uh Las Vegas the water in Las Vegas is taken from rivers and from Lakes uh 100 kilometer away is that right so Las Vegas has no own source yeah exactly yeah I mean as you may know Las Vegas is the middle of the nowhere I mean it's kind of in you know it's in the Logan the desert so yeah so it needs to be pulled from uh you know or it's kind of in the you know dependent uh so you know so it needs to be used you know other source like outside of a Las Vegas yeah so like for example I remember when I was living L.A and this was when I was like 12. so like 92 93 I'm not giving away my age but I remember back then I remember clearly like coming from London wars were abundant you know um but it was like every other day you could water your lawn a lot of people had green lawns and um is there is it true now that like the um the local County will say right if you're building a new house you can't have oh yeah they need to be sort of what drought resistant plants that will help retain water and yeah artificial uh you know like uh plastic the plastic stuff right or not no not astrative but like traditionally people have like green lawn so that's yeah yeah huge amounts of water to keep green especially that's not allowed anymore right yeah yeah um so since like I mentioned the end of last year or I'll say starting from last summer you know we suffered on you know heavy droughtage so yeah um you know the government really told us to you know cut down at the usage water especially you know you know like you know like for the grass uh by the lawn um also even cleaning your car we use a lot of water too you know that's kind of an American thing you know gauntering on a Sunday in the morning that we you know by our garage uh we water our cars uh to have a nice little car cleaning but uh that's also been limited as well limited so um which which days can you wash your car Monday to Monday Thursdays and Sundays oh I've been really really conservative about water so and fortunately it's been raining a lot so I'm just having my you know drain to do all the work yeah but men and men you were joking about that um last year I saw a documentary from a real investigative journalist which made a real brilliant um movie about stuff like that and I saw in California and some cities there is a water petrol uh just a water police and they're driving really through the streets and it's really like that you only can do it in a few days and not in every day and I was really I was really excited when I saw that because I never thought that this could happen but it's happening in Germany too so we have some some regions where you actually just right now in Winter you cannot use the water for your garden this summer hose pipe band yeah and then the neighbors call up the authorities hey they're usually there are also some some areas that was not allowed to give water for garden and so on in the summer yeah yeah so it was too too less water we had we had uh an article in our regional uh newspaper where a guy was um a guy was at the cemetery and stole his his steel he stole he stole over 3 000 liters of water at the cemetery all over the summer and now he's in big trouble because of that yeah just wow I hope it was not your guy no I don't know but that really happened that really happened so the authorities said you cannot use your water for garden okay so he went to the cemetery and took the water he needs yeah that's amazing yeah it's also amazing we are talking about water and there are only three things H2O for all the water in the world in the sky in the clouds in the bottom yep and everybody says water is not water but it's only three things H2O yeah and you know we we just talked a little bit about what there is all happening it's just we just stepped into it not more but sometimes I think the real big solution for the entire planet for for Humanity could be free energy think about that think about we all could have free energy we do not have to pay for energy we don't have problems with energy if this could be we could solve everything we could we really could solve everything maybe this is just Visionary but you know we got people like Elon Musk you can think of him whatever you want to but there is not only one Elon Musk there are so many Elon musks out there and they are unstoppable and I really believe I really believe that more people like him will come out of the shadows and do their thing and um you can see that entrepreneurs that Engineers everywhere yeah but they don't do not have the media attention just like an someone like Elon Musk has so and then at the end everybody's talking about how Elon Musk is behaving but not what he's doing and um yeah so I think if we can create more media attention for people which are looking for Solutions if we can create more media attention for all kinds of societies from the children to the elders to be aware of what is really happening I think we can go a big step into a future with water which is save and which is accessible for for yeah for societies for people everywhere because at the end this is the key when when everybody has access to water to clean water this is the the base you need for health and everything else is based on health you cannot you cannot go to school without help and you cannot work without Health you cannot plant you cannot be a farmer without health so yeah this is my this is my vision for the future I what I see is it's scary all in all it's scary but it was scary when I was a child too you know so why should I think yeah I think you need to flip the scare side of water yeah onto the there is solution side yeah that's what I mean that's the mindset you know because I think the media definitely pushes a lot but then the media doesn't talk about the positives of what are happening and what individuals can do or scale and it could be just habits yeah but it's a lot of negativity with not a lot of solution but to turn that around people see positiveness as well of people creating Technologies like the Elon musks of the world or even taking a step back and looking at history of how water was managed how traditional methods of filtration have been used using the landscape to absorb and retain water recharging aquifers in a smart way I think they do a fantastic job in La where they take the water treat it and then pump it back in Orange County do that so I think if there was more discussion about that as well give everyone a sort of a little bit of a boost that you know it's not all doom and gloom about water there are solutions there yeah I mean it's something more mil mentioned earlier but I think it's all about uh educating yeah yeah I think we're all taking for granted and I think uh since we're all slim liaise I think our mission is to focus on how we can educate the Next Generation yeah you're absolutely right and and it's very simple when you're talking about water just smile and talk about it and so that's what we that's what we did and what we always do and at the end we we don't talk about the issues we talk about the pleasure we have with water and um so um just before we wrap up yeah like I know we're talking about serious subjects um I've just got home and I hadn't eaten right so I've got a quick bottle of pillage room temperature and I had Sriracha almonds so they're just almonds or Sriracha which animals do take a lot of water to grow but then I had um a date yeah you've got to try this right maybe we'll put a large or something with these fine bubbles the sweetness and the softness and the molassiness of the dates with the small fine bubbles of pillage it worked really well like really really well I think the two textures of this gooeyness the sweetness and the um bubbles of palash and that sort of nice calcium well higher magnesium taste was pretty good give it a go yeah and there it is back with Millen we got the pleasure back on the table and um so because uh the time is running out we have to run out of time okay yeah that's it that's it um thank you so much for joining these um actual very first 2023 live stream and hopefully we will join us again uh soon and um I hope you had a nice time with us and we could give you some thoughts to think about how you manage water with your family at home or how you look at it and um so if you are interested in some special um topics just let us know we are here okay so all right have a nice time and stay healthy and stay lucky and stay tuned peace bye have a nice time
2023-03-20 09:22