What is Blockchain Technology and Web 3? #blockchain #crypto #learncrypto 3investing

What is Blockchain Technology and Web 3? #blockchain #crypto #learncrypto 3investing

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welcome it is time to grab a seat buckle up  and take a ride with me through the wild wild   west of the web 3 universe where we will  learn all about coins and tokens nfts   and contracts digital real estate and the  metaverse and so much more there will be   a lot to get through on the block but i'm  here to help you pave the way and avoid those   nasty pitfalls and rug pulls so you don't  get hurt i will introduce you to interesting   characters and concepts as we go about this  journey welcome aboard your ride starts now   hey hey dr brooke aka the crypto proctor here  with you today thank you so much for being here   hope you are buckled up and ready to take that  ride because we are in for a fun one for this   first ever episode of dr brooke on the block and  today i want to actually help you understand what   is blockchain what is the blockchain why is  there a lot of buzz around the word blockchain   how does that relate to crypto how does that  relate to nfts jpegs all of that right there's   so much going on so we're going to talk about what  is blockchain and the history of blockchain today   and i also want to share with you my  story the story the origin story of how dr   brook got on the block how dr brooks started  her endeavor down the wild wild west of this   web 3 universe because let's be honest if you're  listening to this episode today a you know me   and you are supporting my projects and what  i'm doing but b you're also intrigued or   you know want to know more curious about the space  maybe you know a little bit about the space and   you don't know how things tie together i'm going  to be giving you an opportunity at the end of this   to learn more and to go deeper uh with me and  understanding blockchain technology and why   i'm extremely passionate excited and  you know just really all in on this so   uh story first i got into crypto uh in 2021  uh so just a little bit ago actually not too   long ago what makes me think that i am you know  qualified to be teaching or talking about this   the fact that i've gone through tons and tons  of research and i've put in hundreds of hours   in understanding and connecting dots and going  through the motions uh listening to the people   uh growing and developing my own understanding of  it and so i'm learning along with you and we are   going to be taking this journey together but  i'm really just excited overall to be here so   in you know early 2021 i had a patient of mine  come into the office working on him no big deal   uh tells me hey brooke brooke broke brook you got  to buy this coin you got to buy this coin and now   for pretext of the story or just to  kind of add a little bit more to that   i've known this guy for over 10 years  like we've known each other from church   uh probably even longer than 10 years  because i think i was like 18 years old   when we went to that church together so i've  known him a really long time and i have a lot   of respect for him and he was really promoting  this coin and telling me to get in now i have   had other friends in the past when i was in  chiropractic school talking to me about crypto   but they weren't talking to me about crypto  they were doing exactly what this guy just did   in terms of hey you got to buy this you got to  buy this you got to buy this you got to get it   now i'm a student i'm on a student loan  budget i'm you know not at all understanding   uh crypto you know by ethereum by bitcoin i  didn't understand any of that back in early 2017   and so i didn't get in but i had a basis or an  understanding to some extent or i recognized the   words right so i knew the words because there were  people who had like challenged me or were asking   me to get in and i didn't so here i am you know  fast forward about five years four or five years   and my patient comes in mike and um shout out to  mike bennett for the um introduction into this   space because you've really created a monster in  a good way and so i just really appreciate you and   thank you so i you know see mike in the office and  he tells me to buy this coin i'm like oh my god   like not mike like not another person from  the street corner bye crypto buy crypto buy   crypto right like for those of you who've had  friends like that you might be laughing right now   going oh my god i know that feeling because  it's just like lord have mercy right so   i checked the box i did as mike said i had 100  extra bucks it was like no you know skin off   my back it wasn't gonna like make or break me  and i was like all right mike bought the coin   so coin you know right now is trading at less  than a penny so i was able to get like millions   of coins for my hundred box and i it just sat  there like i literally just let it sit there   and i was just like all right like okay  cool officially in crypto like whatever   and it wasn't until a couple months later and mind  you i hadn't really looked at it like i would go   into the app maybe once every couple weeks just  to kind of see if my hundred bucks is still there   and you know it'd be down and be up it'd be  down it'd be up it's like whatever and so   i you know a couple months after the initial  purchase i'm walking around in the grocery   store my boyfriend's in town and my daughter  and we're you know they're looking for ice cream   in the frozen food section we're pushing the  cart and all of a sudden i get this massive hit   like like this hit to my chest like for those of  you who've ever experienced this intuitive guide   whatever you want to call it you know um sign  from the universe god god speaking to you   however you define that feeling where you  get that strong feeling either a to talk to   a certain person or to go a certain way home and  it like leads to these amazing opportunities or   whatever i know throughout life if you really  truly think about it there have been moments in   time that you have experienced those this was not  the first time um i've experienced those strong   intuitive feelings but it's one of the first  times that i've really actually tuned in and   listened so as a certified dsa or as a certified  dynamic system analysis practitioner dsa for short   you know part of my work is to have knowledge of  the human body and how the human body works but   also operate from that intuitive like higher  energy higher spiritual center to be able to   communicate with the human body in a way that  helps people heal and you know get better and so   that's what i do as a practitioner as a crypto  investor or as a blockchain enthusiast or   like i like to say now a blockchain  officiant or you know like official   i can't even pronounce the word guys geez  but a blockchain aficionado there it is   um and you're gonna you're gonna experience a  little bloopers in here and this is gonna be   real and raw and we're not gonna edit and we're  just gonna like go with the flow and you're going   to see me learn and grow and in the hopes like  i or in return i hope that you learn and grow   and understand you don't have to be perfect to  put yourself out there like i've struggled with   feeling feelings of having to think that i had  to be perfect and everything be you know prim and   prop and the reality is is people want real and  rawness and they if they connect with you based on   what you're teaching or what you're sharing then  that's great and they're connecting authentically   to you and not to this like you know brushed up  version of yourself so i digress now in the frozen   food section get this huge intuitive hit like an  intuitive hit that i couldn't ignore it was like   you need to buy more of that coin now i'm like  this is so bizarre like this is so crazy bizarre   because i'm like why am i getting this out  of nowhere but i'm also learning to actually   trust those moments more and more in my life and  as i trust them more and more more and more of   them happen so my daughter is now in custody of  the shopping cart as i'm fumbling my way through   the app platform that i use to trade my crypto  because i i literally did not get into it   very much at all over those you know couple months  prior so i didn't know how to transact i bought   the first purchase with mike's help so now i'm  here by myself funnel fumbling my way through   in the grocery store stores my daughter and my  boyfriend are you know trying to get the groceries   doing what they're doing and i'm so preoccupied  face down head down trying to get this taken care   of we approach a cashier guarantee she is looking  at me like what is this woman doing like you can't   even focus i'm handing my daughter the card to  pay and i'm processing the transaction get the   transaction process feel okay got that off my back  right well next morning i wake up that coin shot   up 40 and then 20 and then up up up up up up and  it drops to zero and it it just i'm watching it   climb climb climb and i'm like holy crap holy crap  like i i cannot make this stuff up like i cannot   and so from then on i said you know what just  like as a certified dynamic system analysis   practitioner i have the knowledge of the human  body coupled with the intuition and that's where   the magic happens i cannot utilize or trade  crypto or do anything on the blockchain until i   actually understand this because i'm not going to  invest solely intuitively and wait for that next   intuitive hit i need to know how this functions  so i can make good calculated decisions right   and so from that point on it it just like led me  to learning learning learning learning more more   more listening to all kinds of hype people and  then all kinds of real people and then all kinds   of different things people promoting different  coins or talking about different things and i   was like i don't understand how this all works and  so as i was pulling from all the pieces and these   people that you know i have a lot of respect for  in the industry teaching very high level things   hey what is bitcoin okay bitcoin and this this  this we're really not getting down to the fun to   fundamentals and having people understand  how do all of the pieces connect together   so a weird random fact about me is in my brain i  can make all of these connections where i go oh   sally is related to john who's john's grandmother  you know went to school with you know your best   friend and boom boom i i make all these random  you know people connections in my brain or i   know how different influence our influences are  influencers are connected to each other right like   how this person gets involved with this program  and blah blah blah and so on right so i never   understood how i would ever utilize that skill um  in life ever until now until now where i'm able to   actually take every single piece of a puzzle that  people are like talking about this side or that   side or you know this piece of it or that piece  of it and i'm able to take those and go okay guys   this is how it all fits together this is how we're  going to navigate the wild wild west of the web 3   universe because let's be real this space is so  crazy it's shifting and changing all the time   there's new coins coming out onto the marketplace  all the flipping time there is currently now   over 6 800 alternative coins alternative coin  is defined as anything other than bitcoin   now some people will group together bitcoin and  ethereum into the main two coins which is a valid   thing to do but then anything beyond bitcoin and  ethereum being a alternative coin there is over 6   800 coins at the time of this  recording in the marketplace   now that's exciting and scary at the same time  because when you have that many coin choices   and you're like well where do i invest my money  and i don't know how to do all this and i don't   know what all this means and my friends telling  me to invest and you know yelling from the street   corner get get in this coin get in this coin  or i hear this youtube guy talking what do i do   the way that you figure out what to do is by  having conviction in a project and doing your   own research d-y-o-r d-y-o-r now i understand it  may be very difficult to dyor do your own research   in a field in a space that you have no idea  where to start because i kind of felt like   that i was kind of coming into this going okay  well you know i respect tom bill you like he's   talking a lot about blockchain he's interviewing  a lot of people on crypto on on uh bitcoin he's   interviewing people about nfts he's talking about  it but i'm like how does this all connect together   and why is this important and so it was in that  space and in in this discovery that i'm like oh   my gosh this is where this skill about connecting  all these people or you know different uh things   together in my mind this is where this is going  to come in handy because i can confidently   teach you the fundamentals of understanding  why this is important and i want to tell you   because we're going to talk about this more in  further episodes but i want to share with you   that a lot of people coming on the space come  into this whole space um especially brand new   at the crypto step right that's where i entered  i entered at that crypto step but really crypto   is secondary to blockchain crypto is a part of  the blockchain nfts are a part of the blockchain   so if you're going into crypto and then you figure  out crypto and you've got your wallets all set up   and you're doing that and now you're purchasing  nfts or figuring out a wrapped coin versus   a non-wrapped coin and how to do auctions  and all of these things it's like   it's so overwhelming so let's take it back let's  take it back down to the blockchain i am going to   put a shameless plug here for my course i teach  a course getting started in crypto i'm going to   put a link as a as a gift and for the pre-launch  or the launch of this new uh podcast i'm going to   gift anybody who signs up with the link down  below a free like free access to this course   right now it's dirt cheap i teach it dirt cheap  and i've put so much time and effort and um   taking all the knowledge that i've gained over the  past year over a year or i guess a year right and   um putting time and energy into learning this  and and putting all the pieces together so you   can confidently go okay that makes sense  to me so then when you hear somebody use a   definition or a term or talk about a different  coin you know exactly where to go to research   you know exactly what those terms mean and you  know exactly how to vet those projects right   so shameless plug for that class will be in the  link below you can sign up for that and register   for your free ticket in it is a 50 value as of  now that is the level um the price point for   now uh that price point is not going to stay the  same and the free access will not be the same it   is only for this next upcoming class so hopefully  for those of you who have been on listening for   this long are going to grab your seat for  that so very excited to be teaching that um   and we're going to go way more in depth than  we are on this podcast today so entry point in   crypto most people get into crypto then they  get into nfts and then they come back down the   ladder and recognize oh wait there's something  supporting all of this which is the blockchain   when you understand the blockchain this is where  things start to get clearer not as muddy not   as crazy feeling overwhelming right so what is  the blockchain essentially in symbolized terms   blockchain technology is a series of computers  spread out in all different parts of the world   or spread out in different parts of a county or  community or you know in in any case what makes   blockchain different than traditional databases  is that blockchain because it's spread out   it doesn't have centralization so you hear the  word defy or decentralization or d whatever right   because it's it's something that's not centralized  now if we take this back down to like think about   the federal reserve for instance for all of my u.s  listeners and international people may understand   this as well but federal reserve is the currency  in which the united states runs on the federal   reserve no the federal reserve is a centralized  building that is basically a huge database a huge   ledger of ones and zeroes you know where they  print money for those of you who can't see me   i'm air quoting print um it's not actually  printing currency i think it's about three percent   of our actual currency is in paper or coin form  the other point or the other part 97 percent is in   uh like you know digital electronic forms  like think of venmo think paypal think using   your credit card think all of those that's all  electronic so the central reserve or the federal   reserve is a central database everything is housed  together things in the cloud right like apple or   those they have like centralized databases and  that information is put into um like just like a   uh just stacks of data on top of each other  essentially what blockchain is what makes   blockchain different is it's a linking of chains  so once one block is full then another block gets   you know built and then they link together and  they link together and then link together and   the information on my computer if i'm  a computer node n-o-d-e or if i'm a   minor of a particular cryptocurrency or project  like that information is on my computer and it's   also on somebody's computer in seattle and it's  you know in texas and pennsylvania and india   and switzerland and norway all these different  places right that information is also on those   so if any data in that chain or in  that block gets messed with or changed   it's going to mess up and break the chain all  across all across those computers so this is   where blockchain technology becomes this almost  immutable like software or this immutable system   now of course for those of you who are saying  dr brooke are you kidding me or hey miss krypto   proctor are you kidding me there are you know  people who are using this for bad and they're   you know blah blah blah of course of course there  are bad actors in everything that we do there are   bad actors in everything think about all of the  technology that we've had in advancements in   are you kidding me most of the time  all of those advancements in technology   happened as a result of a bad actor using  them first because it's bad actors who tend to   adopt early technology because they're  trying to you know circumvent the system   so there's been a lot of of stuff going on with  blockchain technology for the last 12 years   okay blockchain technology has been around first  introduced in 1991 and you know has then you know   made its way through in 2009 or 2008 i should say  the first white paper was ever or like the first   let me get get these facts to you straight  2008 uh shatok satoshi nakamoto the founder of   bitcoin published or like talked about you know  blockchain technology for peer-to-peer currency   in 2009 so the beginning of 2009 in january he  published the first white paper on bitcoin okay   uh he is to be like we don't know where he is he  made me not even like alive who knows you know   he's hiding maybe that's his alias name who knows  but he saw a world where people and communities   would have peer-to-peer access to currency right  this wasn't a um centralized system and the bank's   telling you this is what you can get if you can  play the game or play in in the bitcoin world   then you can play with the spirit of pure space so  there were the all of these blockchain computers   right that the history 1991 satoshi nakamoto  2009 publishing the first bitcoin paper and then   now other companies coming out and building  out blockchain technology um ethereum which   is the other coin the other big coin that you  may have heard about ethereum was born um out   of the frustration that bitcoin was only like  allowing currency transactions to happen again   these are very simple um terminology or simple  explanations you can go into this a lot further   um but ethereum was frustrated that bitcoin would  not allow other things to be built on top of that   chain and it was only like there was only currency  it was only that and so ethereum was born out of   this idea that hey we need to have decentralized  apps we need to have all of these different things   happen and create an entire ecosystem so  ethereum is a blockchain bitcoin is a blockchain   tazos is a blockchain solana is a blockchain  teraluna is a blockchain there's so many   different blockchains and so if you get confused  on why is there so many different blockchains   think apple and google so you have your iphone and  you have your google pixel or you know whatever it   is like samsung like anything and not app store  apple eye store is google you know play store   and that's where you download your apps so those  are two different things and there's apps that are   only on iphone and there's apps that are only  on google play and you know you can't interact   with one like if you don't have the other um so  this is the blockchain this is the apps built in   coolest thing though guys is there is a way  there's now called you know chain links or the   company link um and there's other chains across um  the space that are allowing you to have you know   hold assets in one one blockchain and hold assets  on another blockchain but have them linking and   speaking together so um blockchain is  so innovative and something of the time   currently because yes cryptocurrency yes nfts  yes there's a lot of money to be made yes do i   believe this is the greatest transfer of wealth  in like human history absolutely because this   is the time that us as retail investors you  and i are able to get in on the space not   being an accredited investor or not giving given  these same opportunities that other people with   with a lot of money have already been given right  we are now been are given these opportunities   that's both a great thing and a curse because  if we don't know what we're doing we can look   be looking at losing thousands of dollars if we  know what we're doing we make safe bets and we   make safe moves and we move and we take calculated  risks and we have massive gains from that and so   this is what we're going to be talking about like  the characters and the concepts that i'm going to   be introducing you to over the course of as  the show evolves are going to be discussing   this this concept of doing your own research  understanding different things but knowing   good and bad apples when you see them being  able to tell right away oh this is a scam i'm   not a part of that so you don't get hurt but  the the to go back to my latter point about   how incredible blockchain technology is especially  like it's bursting at its seam right now it is in   its infancy state there isn't right now a lot  of regulation around it and so 2022 is supposed   to be the year that that cryptocurrencies that  blockchain technology becomes regulated by some   regulatory boards to help protect but again both  good and bad um we don't necessarily want a ton of   regulation to where we get our hands tied in some  senses but we also want some regulation to where   you know some bad actor can't just come in and put  out a white paper saying what they're going to do   raise all this money and then pull the rug  out from underneath you right you want to be   protected against that by these regulatory  boards and so there's there's goods and bad   to that and we're going to look at the positives  of the regulation and how it's going to have   you know full market adoption there are already  huge huge huge institutional investors coming   in the space and starting to you know take some  of the portfolios that they're um working with and   investing in crypto so this is not one of those  things that's a fad this is not something that you   know is just going to go away tomorrow technology  never moves backwards i want to say that again   technology never moves backwards this is a forward  motion a forward moving freight train it's moving   quickly um you know we you're we're still very  early on so if you feel like you missed the boat   don't feel like that this is a time for you  to really dive deep to get involved to take   my course if you haven't taken it and to really  learn and evolve and grow because what blockchain   technology is going to disrupt it's going to  disrupt the home buying uh perch or the home   buying process it's gonna disrupt certain you know  legal things we're gonna have a need for attorneys   we're gonna have a need for different things but  with the smart contract aspect of the blockchain   the fact that you and i can go into contract with  each other i don't need a title company to come in   and process the title for me and take their couple  thousand dollars hundred dollars whatever it is   i don't need that it's like you purchased my home  the money hit my account the title automatically   gets sent to you on the blockchain it's a public  ledger this can all be seen every step of the way   right you know nfts yes there's a lot of nfts for  gaming and different game pieces and those kind of   things but nfts there's a lot of nfts with utility  and i've had a lot of people get you know i can   come at me and say i can't believe people are  spending this much money on a picture and can you   but the understanding about nfts and creators is  that nfts are going to have utility for the person   who purchases that or holds that and they're going  to either get money back for holding it the value   of it could go higher you know um there's things  that like i know uc berkeley just sold two patents   as an nft and raised money for their research  foundation utilizing blockchain technology so   while we might experience a bubble and there  is an nft winter coming according to garyvee   there is a lot of potential in this space  and so on that note smart contracts legal   things like this is something you can be on the  offense of right now or years from now be on the   defense and go dang i wish i listened to that  crypto proctor i wish i listened to dr brooke   when she was talking about dr brook on the  block and putting out this podcast because   the reality is is this is such an incredible  time and i am so thankful to be a part of it   and until next time guys thank you so much for  listening we are going to take another ride the   ride that you're on right now is ending and we  will see you on the next one thank you so much   congratulations you made it through another round  on the block with dr brooke i hope you laughed   and learned a bit more about this crazy web 3  universe but how simple and fun it can really be   would you be so kind as to leave us a  review and share it with your friends   it would mean so much to get this out to more  people as we embark on the greatest transfer   of wealth that has ever happened in history hope  you enjoyed yourself we'll see you on the next one

2022-03-05 08:02

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